1 TIE? OPGONSTATES? TANf-SALr!" lOFGO:T : SUNOAY-J.IORNINGAPRILk 2W 02 " - y- J I, uSTlCKERS TELL OF nmm era Loclf Manager of Western Autcr Supply Company Looks for Big Year That 1925 la a prosperity year Is the big thought which the "West era Auto Snpply company has un dertaken to put over in the mlnda of the citizens o Salem ns well as other cities of the west, in which the company has establish ed a store. -i As t nart of the nniTiim. tb u .'.' t mpanr nag naa printed a quan- V 'Jty.of the slogans in the form of j fa inflow l stickers which read 1 9 1 5 - Prosperity . -Year.'? . ... neaa lacards are furnished free to all persons wno wish to conrey the idea t'uat the ensuing year will be one of prosperity, and so that all who obserte ..the "poster may i, be guided psychologically to see the opportunities for better business. In speaking of this campaign, W. F. Watson,.-loeal .manager of the Western Auto Supply company says: . .. .1 - . ''General Indications point to ward a healthyfc;,prosperous year. This wave ot prosperity has al ready started- in -the-safe t and Is gradually -,moring westward be cause of the-few "minor-setbacks which we in the west have bad in 1924, he getieraT public has per-' mittedttself 'to lapse into a.jes slmistlj state of mlnd'Adverse trivial; conditions loom up- like mountains, so -while In this frarme of miid. the buying public Is blind to th-'faTorable conditions 'which appear on the business horizon. "It is high time that the-pessi-misUv"Jay aside their blue goggles C ena aamu . prosperity u at heir very door steps. If we look fprward to prosperity, believe in y roserity, we will, in proportion prosperity. On the other hand, however, if we anticipate It busi ness" standstill and inrlte "depres sion, it la certain that " we ca bring about just those conditions. "Ik-Is jbur contention that while in this state of mind, the general REPAIRING : Done by -Hour or by Job STORAGE By Day or Week BARRETT BROS; r GARAGE 1999 N. Capitol. Phone Formerly. Texas Garage 3 ii R member Thlat n as- sure you Ea'y Starting. Clean Comburtion, frlax J imnm Power Full K&lo ; age I : w. r; sPEa: ! ' - . .... i v ri- - ; " ' ) I izc '! ; : -:- '.:.:.:.:.'.:. ":s ..--:! I fO- ' ' . I I 11 , ' Distributor t Salem; Ore. Phone 21C2 - 4-1 I ' TH! 1 With the thought in mind that 1 ? I Supply Company is distributing to auto owners, a sticker bearing the slogan 1925 Prosr I one of the placards oh the rear public? will lose sight of -the op- portu'nities whlchwTTI ""pre3ent themsflYes In the very near' f u ttfrerThe buying-Dubliir-win-not appreciate the .coming uaf good tiioes, I because ; they - will snot be prepared ; for it and will ; not be ready to make .the most of the favorable' conditions "which are oni- our very threshold. ' i - 'Thi3 is not a 'one man, or one organization undertaking. In or der to have the desired effect In the . community, the 'campaign of prosperity must receive the; sup port ; and concentrated j efforts of every iclvic -body, -of every ' com pany 4nd individual." The prosperity, stickers may be obtained at the local branch of the Testefn Ahto Supply "company, and aj quantity win be i mailed to any company or; Individual re questing them. it MA'Y TOrKlSTS t T Johh- Williamson, owner of the Lbhe IStar Service Station and Auto, c amp grounds reports that there are many, t .tourist " passing through ., Salem now. ., He ; States that there is an average of abont eight 'stopping at the SLbne j. Star camping ; grounds each ight. Most , fill of this? number , are ac comodated in the cottages oo the grounds. : ' ' : ' ' v- :-i ' . Ton Caii Depend Upoxi 'GENERAL ! ; : 'TjEST- recorHs 8how that as between" thb quality of the first shipment of GENERAL! Gasoline for motor car use, which arrived here more than U year ago, -and. the shipment which is- being dis triblited by our Independent Dealers today, there is no HiOferencef : . ':v ? ' ':;; 1 . In !oUer worday . GENERAL remaina tincfaanged. . It is tne "ame "peppy, clean-burning, power-giving, 1 old " fashioned gas that ' first 'sold itself, ' on its merits alone, . t6 thousands of motorists in this territory. Most drivers appreciate this great dependability f . GEERAli fiey Kke to teovv-thaf ttie GENERAL that kocs into .their tank: today! will bfe the same su perior fuel tney got six months ago. Spring, Summer cuiy: season you can .depend -upon GENERAL. 1 : is rilanned for tKe purpose for which it is sold. ! Soldi Only by Authorized Independent Dealara "Fill tip Your tank and Let Your ENGINE DecldtH the year 1925 will be a big prosperity year, the Western Auto Balloon ISres Genuine (Not Semi) Balloon Tires Big j ; ' y - ' --.t . "Much to Increase Popularity f ' . r ... - - - t i t By far the most- important development in he tire industry haa been the balloos, or low pressure casing. Practically every ear manufacturer has adopted the balloon as standard . equipment, and there are whispers that the largest producer of light cars la the world is likely to adopt -Its use, - - -; ' '.' ' - - The first experimental tire con structions which ran be classified with balloon tires were made in October, 1922. Thus in two years there has been almost a complete change over to low pressure cas ings, f Better than twenty per cent of our vsales are. balloon tires, In dicating that the balloon, casing has met with wide acceptance by motorists, j . ' i I The basic prmciple pr the bal loon tire is a larger air volume, which makes , possible a u thinner side-wall construction, and lbwer air pressure. Riding on low air pressure insures a riding comfort Y,. lift A Jk.. u. Popularity Feature of the Year to Fit the Regular Rims Had Done that flie motorist has been quick to appreciate, and-it is! this factor that has been responsible ready acceptance of ,the for the balloon I A . motorist can now. purchase genuine balloon tires for his car still using the original jwheels and rims, at no additional cost over the' price of the old high pressure type of "tire. V '! ' : UPHbLSTERY ?In ( the stress of competition among motor car . manufacturers, cheapness of materials j which' are depended upon to give I both dur- ? ) 4 i -. h I able wear nd ; luxurious I. appear a ace unfortunately has (come "into the: automobile industry. ! Because of " this," "wiser buyers now look .beyOnd the pries, .to See what Quality of material has been used to provide those things which? standout m the finish and durabil ity of; the car, . , , ; Genuine mohair, is expensive. Yet: is is the best material made which, in closed cars, j will give unending wear, will not mat down, aid will continue to hold! its rich asoearance. Silky mohair in Studebaker cars, on cushions. doors and head-lining, has helped that tar materially to gain i ' i ". Its reputation. yALTnn p.1 chrysuer's PLANT, TREES ALONG HIGHWAYS The oerson , who goes ! to t France for the first time .and in fad to other European countries -4-HoIland is a good- example-43 aiways impressed with I the way "" iri which all highways are lined with '( trees. It is a .. beautiful sight! .v And it is also an object -lasion for America, t Various' Cif orts. have been made r ia America t line1 our highways with tri. A real inatioarwide ; 1 effort should oe made to-beautify these roada .Motorisg, erganiz. ationi in every state should take the lead in taking step to .have; , ttees planted 'along the main highways of their respective states., i : . ; - Each state -should select the -best trees for the highways, Washington, the Evergreen State, will of course, use fir trees. In' ' Rainier National Park -near Se- ' attic and Tacoma, for example, ' SPECK GIVES SOME FAGTS ABOUT OAS .4 Locai General Gasoline Deal er Gives Some Interest ing Facts About i Gas 'Very -lew gasoline users realize the time and energy us4d by the large oil companies in placing "quality"; first In tneir products states WgiiL Speck, dlstfirutVr of General Gasoline, Salem', "in the case of General GasoUn, which is becoming so popular In this territory,' they . worked for years to place the quality in their pro duct, and now nothing is left un dona to . insure - that . this same quality' Ts malhtalne'd. . ! 5 J know Tor 'a. certalnty,T Mr. Peck states,. !that the quality , of General received the last; ship ment to .the Portland distributing stations was the same as j that received 1 in the first , several m'onth ago.' 1 : 'Nor-dov they use a;ny gliess work in '.proving . the quality of their gasoline, , but keep a (com plete record by means of a series of distillation tests.. . J J t ' , "These tests are madt not only during' the refining process, but before s'hlps'arid' also during stor age. ' ; . ; " ! ' ' ' ' ; ; ?; ; "As an example, every ship ment of gasoline is tested before It is pumped aboard the tanker and again after reaching Portland storage station!. ; their 'Still another ..test is , jmade of each lot before . it goes to the principal distributing stationsthe refining, process of General Gaso line is acurate and dependable, so much so,! that "the' test has shown that -there is" not the slightest variation between their first ship ment to ; Portland and the last It 3 beeausa c! Ms upusual re fining process tha t their product is sufficient dependable to jallow us to tell the motorist1 confidently to 'fill up and let the, engine decide.' i : "A good gasoline requires many peculiar qualities it; should start easy, so it.! is . necessary! for! itto have sufficient, of the vary light factors to vaporize easily and ignite quickly In a cold: motor. It needs to have an evn range of boiling points, so ' t that it will ignite and burn evenly and give a steady power push. Because the heavier factors in : the gasoline contain, the greater number of heat units, and one " t h'e'refofe the greatest ' power factor, it should have as higher end pbint as is practical. s,"After a period of years of care ful investigation and experiment irig .the General Petroleum corpor ation has been able to place on the niarket ra gasoline wjilch has the necessary . requirements.. , The motorist Is now able to secure a dollars worth of gasoline for every dollar spent. v ;. j t'frheTdislrifiutlcm.of their! gaso line to backhelr. product to the limits, because they really; believe in it. - ,Theknights of Jthe green anil white.iigns not only deliver gasbline, but they add that extra touch of service and j attention, wth a .pleasing smile, that ap peals so strongly-to the . motorist ot foday.-1' ' . f ' 4 ' Chevrolet Is "Producing j ' IRecbrdt fiumber of Cars "I DE?TROITi'Mich r. AprU ..2 5 -The Chevrolet JMotorcompany Is producing this month'an April re cord of 55,299 - motor j'cars and trucks, or more than 1 2,0 00 -for each working "day. " ' 4 This monthly schedule, planned also for May and June, has been exceeded only twice In the com pany's history. - ' 1 v, ' At the present- rate Chevrolet will produce Its "two millionth" caV early this f alL It will' he the there are some ef the finest high ways in the world and;ther are made beautiful because of the 'marvelous, stately fir trees which line fltem... j! . .. v.. ;There is real merit tO)thisJdea and I would like to seel It furth ered ' by " every community and organization interested in a more beautiful America. We have a wonderful country. LrVs sake if more beautiful. . i - i i . -". ; - - The "motor . car ; has, greatly c implicated modern civilization and Uoas 1eea responsible for making all - the more necessary the" every-diy "use " of common, - Tgardenr variety of rourtesy. The courteous motorist u -a.tnonghtr fnl motorist.-always respectful "of the rights of the pedestrian. And J tne .courteous peaesirian , is al ways thoughtful of the rights of the motorist. Both have rights and both should be respected. - first three-speed gear 'shift type of car to reach that total. Of th cars being mad this month, 43,556 are -destined for domestic sale,, 5,234 iare to' be ex ported and 3,500 are to be built at the Chevrolet plant In Canada. Acceleration by the demand for the Improved new series with re finements previously obtainable only in cars of much higher price, the Chevrolet ' production has mounted rapidly since January 1. The capacity programme re quires approximately :17,545 work ers at the twelve Chewolet factory and assembly .plants throughout this country. ' I ;.? The popularity of the new Chev rolet models i-has developed a unique situation In j which ' sales and production figures practically ar identical. Unfilled orders oh hand indicate that production for the next three 'months, even at the high pace set, will fee absorbed at once. AUTO PARK FIGTJRXS Registration oZ cars at th Salem municipal auto park, were: 1923 .... 4,535 I . 1924 5,896 This shows an Increase fn 1924 of 30 per cent. over 1923. ) How About This Year? If there Is the same Increase In 19 25. oyer ...the year j 1924, there will register at the auto park ths year, 7,664 cars. . - Other Auto Camps With the auto camps : In and near Salem, it Is a good estimate to say that the people traveling In 9 ,0 0 0 cars will stay over night - In Salem - - ' 3Iaybe 40,000 Visitors " It Is estimated that i"0 per cent of those who tour in autos, are looking for a new location. . The Oregon Statesman., First with International, national, state and city news. Subscribe for it, then renew your subscription. Ford to Have Assembly ' Plant at French Capitol DETROIT, jMichJ April 25. Edsel B.' Fordi"" president of the Ford Motor; company, today con firmed reports" from "Paris an nouncing that the company has acquired-property and - buildings for the establishment of an assem bly plant at the French capital. "Negotiations ior; the. acquisi tion of the Paris property, which have been under -way for some time, have just been 'concluded, Mr. Ford said. We will at once begin making additions and necessary- alterations jto meet our assembly requirements. ; . , , ? "Production at the new plant probably will start . jiabout August 1 and will provide for the assem bly of 150 cars and trucks a day according to our present plans." ;The Paris property,, which has an area of approximately 16 acres. Is known as Ozylithe, a plant for merly devoted to the manufacture pi ozymnic products, , located ,on the ban- of the Seine river and about five miles out from . ftie heart of the city. . . , ; While the present f actory build ings, with, a floor space of 100, .000 square feet, differ somewhat from the type standard with ..the F6rd Motor company, they "" are welt constructed and will need but few alterations. Plans include the construction of an addition which will add 85,000 square- feet of floor space in order to permit in stallation of equipment necessary to carry-out the Ford system of progressive assembly.. This equip ment will Include an: assembly line mbre than 400 feet Jong. iiocatlon of the plant on the Seine at the French capital will permit all . -water - shipments of manufactured..' automobile parts 'far J & Plenty ol them right in - , . --)' , . town enough. bad spots to wreck any tire's tem-. ' . per, but Cheerio! -The Seiber- ling All-Tread will pull you Into 'em, through 'em and out of em' and heTeri lose " a smile. ZOSEL'S TIRE i;'SH0P4 " ICS ontii Commercial PIIOXE 471 ) r , t r rr Li A tm.M i--J VON-rC i. it .j th Sliding Gear Tra7i$missicii ' - . , ! ' : - " AllSteel i Body ee.Big Ppwer.oDiso Type Clutch Extreme Economy Great Reliability I Easy Terms See Your Local Willys-Overland Dealer i ! from this country in which Ford ships . will participate vjrhen . the company- enters trans-Atlantic shipping, a new departure expect ed jdnrlng the coming summer. If,!"!, wi'HM'' ' - - 1 CL A Body for Eery! Business vVheri yol buy a GntoH1 brothers Truck yoii Have yoif choice of tKc largest line of standard bodies in the . - industry.! Wnateveryour require ; ' iJments may be,; Gram -Brothers can supply you at .minimum cost. 1 Ton Chassis, $1360; i Delivered "; V ' '.. . Bonesteele 474 S. Commercial. J . v. Leads TFh Held The enormous: demand and increased production i enables PHILCO fnahufa'c tiirefs to again lower the price of PMLADELrHIA DIAMOND GRID ''.., BATTEIUE You can now, get a PHILCO at prices lower than just an ordinary Battery. r 00 Arnrier Hoiir Batterica ' ' AS LOW AS f) E: H. BURRELI ii . -Battery and Electrical service ' J Ships carrying automobile parts will dock . t' .-k Havr,. , where the cargo ' will he. vtrans-shipped - to barges tr delivery, to the plant at Paris. - f i . .a Ton, i 9150S Phone 423 Motor i i MMffiHERS SOLD BYDODQE PHOTHZXS DEALERS EVERYWHERE .95 .7