The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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    1 1 ' ' - " It-lf Til I I "H , " -'-r ir" - - , 1
Edison Suggests Change in
The Wedding Anniversaries
Paper, yood, tin, crystal, sHrer,
gold and diamond wedding annl-
rersarles have long held honored
places as mils stones In the Urea
of happy married couples.
An addition to them has been
suggested, to be called the "Elec
tric 'Wedding," signalizing : four
years of married life. . Then, pre,
sumably, most of the -wedding gifts
have been worn ont and the irldeone, that Is, an opportunity for
will hare acquired a knowledge of
the value bf labor saving devices.
, Thomas : Edison himself, the fa
ther of the electric 'service that,
has notably improved modern liv
ing conditions, has gon on record
In .f avo- of the proposed , addition
to the Met of anniversaries. He
says: j . ' .:; ' .
"There seems to be some good
sound; sense in making the
t wedding Anniversary an tlectric
making electrical gifts. The young
folks have by that time gotten over
their early experiments In house
keeping and would undoubtedly ap
preciate the comfort and conven
ience afforded by the use of elec
trical devices in the household."
! , , - ; , , . ,
i ' , - -
Read the classified ads In The
Statesman. Something of every
thing la either wanted or is for
sale. ' : ; ; --j---
.'JOT 'i A . .: !
1 l. rsa . I fX'EtwiJ&rp jwrI- I
TlATTERJvED after, the New En
1 land type, every detail in this cJo'T
- home Is colonial. ,
The wide siding, the large; brick
chimney, the quaint dormers and: In
viting terrace and entrance all go to
make this home attractive.
a:w no
TDe large living room, wnicn really l
Is living and dining rooms combined, 1
is large ana. spacious; an artistic
fireplace occupies one end of this ;
room. A breakfast nook is provided: just off the kitchen. The rear porch or basement
la accessible . from the kitchen entry.! A small broom closet Is also placed in ' the- entry.
One bedroom' and a bath -: with handy linen case is built in 6n the first floor. , .
The kitchen, has numerous 'built-in features, among which' is an ironing hoard. The
sink and cupboards occupy the outer! wall space, where there is plenty of light and Ten
tllation. . . ; t - , 1 1) ( - . 5. ' I . - ; - : I ''' ,'"
The second floor Is arranged for two good: bedrooms; a sewing room or dressing room;
good closet space and storage. .There is a full basement, with furnace, fuel, laundry and
storage space- an Ideal arrangement for a modern home on a 50-foot lot.
Let Us FiffiirelVith You on Your New Home
and Oulldor
1070; N. Twentieth..
Watch this space for new plans each week
. .t.
-' f W PoWder and Supply Co,
Headquarters for Building Materials
Rabrold Cartala-tMd Sooflags
Asphalt SbMtiac
Bolldlsf Ttpmn '
Perfection FlMtr Board I
Pabc Plnt Olla
Fabec Vamiaha St Stain a ;
PMrltn BnUt-tas
Mail Mail Boxa
Cedar SbinglM ' : t
Standard Oypaua Plaatar
WaUrproofin tot . CiBat
Moti Brick f .
Metal Zth. Coraet Bead
Maxaball 8teran Wan Bed
I Bicketaon'a Moriax Colors
Cabot's Quilt heat and . sound
Duplex Joist Hangers sad Bean
Caps. , ' v '
Concrete Hardsners ;. ,
Cabot's Shinds Stain '
Bnbereid .Shin si es ;'
Oertsia-tsod 8UIm ' ' - I
Bsaejaaoat Ssss " . i -J
Everylhihijlfpr Blasting
Glean ..Up. and Faint UpPay
On the Farm as Well as in theCity
Alnost every farnter and house holder pays his biggest bill to'a collector
. he creets .daily and yet often he doesn't realize it.
This Collector assesses the home, the barns, garages and all other "buildings,
. including automobiles, at their highest value. This Collector's name
is Deterioration j j ; r V t
Night and Day. winter and summer, he is
part of every hard earned; dollar that you make.
Paint and Varnish are trie effective foes of Deterioration, of Rot, Rust and
: Decay. f- 1 :,V:i - - -
We are agents for SherwinAYilliams Paint and Varnishes, the best on earth.
We ha?e h full stock of Upson Board and Tile, the best Wall Board made.
i 1 We also handle Columbia Plaster Board, made-in Oregon, and while
i nqt so extensively advertised, equal to any made. Patronize Oregon
made goods.
taking care of your profits, a.
Headqiiarters'for Kalsomine ; ;
f IBest and Cheapest' f
- - A. B. KELSEY, Manager s
SID South Twelfth SU near Thos. Kay Woolen Ilill
-1 11213 it Falls City and Valzets
- U.:. ; :-,,r!.vf
Industry Held Making Steady
Advance Toward Sound- -it
fer Conditions' .
Steady! advance1
- r
and sounder conditions in -j in
dustry and business generally la
revealed 'by the monthly report
on' wages, hours and employment
for February, compiled by the Na
tional industrial Conference board,
247 Park avenue, New : York.
Encouraging and significant. It
is, pointed out, is the fact that
while employment continues to In
crease, even though very gradual
ly, if has done so simultaneously
with a noticeable decrease in the
cost of living, Indicative of great
er efficiency and the more stable,
even' course which has become a
growing characteristic of business
during the past year. j
, Average employment ' during
February; Increased from 77.6 to
78.9 as compared to 100 in June
1920, equivalent to an 1.8 j per
cent increase oyer , the , preceding
month. ! With ' the "purchasing
power of the dollar "climbing, as
reflected In the "1.1 per cent drop
in' living costs during February,
together, with a slight Increase of
average weekly earning of jS ncents.
from $27.09 to $27.12, the j net
result to' the wage earner was an
average , increase in "real" earn
ings of about 1 per cent for) the
month. , The . Conference Board's
cost of living index number!, for
March shows nor change from that
of February, remaining at 165.5.
I . Improirement in the farmer's
outlook' Is reflected fn an Increase
In employment and average week
ly' earnings and working houjfs In
the agricultural implement indus
try, employment In that j idustry
rose from 59.4 in January; tp 61.4
In February, equivalent to a 'gain
of about 3.4 per, cent; iaverage
weekly .earnings from $26.05 to
$28.44, and average working hours
to 49.7 hours, per employee.
, - "' " ' "
Portion of Lincoln Street
f Is Improved by Residents
That portion of Lincoln street
recently' vacated by the city? coun
cil to it .A.. I4vesly. is being Im
proved and beautified. The ex
treme west portion " of the street
was "vacated and It is this! part,
which U being Improved. I " '
Shrubbery is being planted, and
the road into Mr. Livesly's place,'
enabling residents. in that part of
the city to have - a. much fetter
road than otherwise would , be
their fortune. - I I
The beautiful homes of George
Putnam, E. J. Lansing andj Wil
liam Hamilton are in this part of
the city. : v i i ;-
labor a -fine modern home 30x35
feet, practically completed, .The
only assistance Lieuallen has used
In the building of his home was
in the plumbing, plastering, fire
place and , "electrical - workU All
other; labor- has been performed
during off hours and while regu
larly employed at the department
store. . Comrade Lieuallen I states
that he will put bis house up
against any In Salem constructed
by a regular contractor,. s his
construction work throughout has
been first class. The house is lo
cated at 1050 Hoyt street. With
out the aid of a financial loan;
but with a large supply of real
grit,' this comrade has succeeded
in- providing his tamily with a
home. - We . commend this spirit
to all members -of the post.
Legioriaire Builds Home;
Starts With Small, Capital
; Uow jmany members of Capitol
Post Nj 9, American Legiotti have
the nerve and "git-up'to under
take and accomplish so worthy a
feat as Comrade Byron O. Lieual
len? About a year ago Comrade
i Lieuallen, : who is employed as
window trimmer with the Miller
Mercantile Co., decided that he
would. like to have a home of his
own. Although he fwas without
sufficient funds to carry out his
desire, Jh Is determination to build
a home: would not down.! In June
1924, with a total capital of $22,
this comrade started the construc
tion of -the house, . Working at
odd -times, buying material ; as he
could pay for it out of his: wages,
with, no - previous building experi
ence, he has as the result of. his
. . . it 1
Lane Star
" Service Station
"and Camp Ground
United States Bureau of Com
merce to Establish
Branch May 15th
Northwestern exporters
are to
have a new "service station"
through which valuable and time
ly . trade information can be re
layed to them directly from Wash
ington and the overseas markets.
In other words, a district office
of the United States bureau of
foreign and domestic commerce
will be opened at Portland May
15, according to an announcement
by Director Julius Klein, making
three such offices on the j Pacific
coast, the other, two being in Se
attle and San JFTancisco. !
. Thei strategic location Jot the
city of Portland as an entrepot for
the Columbia , river j basin, com
prising parts of the state of Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana
and Wyoming, and its position as
one of the, leading. Pacific ports,
makes it an ideal center from
which , sales ; data and overseas
market opportunities can be an
nounced to manufacturers!, ship
pers; bankers, . and farm coopera-j
tive organizations in that territory i
without loss of time an invaluablel
factor; in the handling-of j such a
highly; ,,fperishable''i . commodity
as trade Information. . j
. There is a large concentration
of trading and manufacturing in-,
terest in 4 Portland, "whose! annual
Powers Concern .to Erect
Large Warehouse and
Factory in Portland
The . Powers Furniture . com
pany will erect a f ive-fetory - fac
tory -and warehouse building cost
ing $250,000 on a 1 100x200-foot
site on the west side of East Third
street between Couch and Davis
street In Portland. j 1
: Ira, F, Powers, head of the
Powers Furniture company, an
nounced the plans toi the new
warehouse land, ' factory bulldfng
for that concern. The - modern
concrete structure which is to rise
on a commanding site on the .east
side, has been designed by Claus
sen & Claussen along attractive
lines. S '
The contract for: the. building
will be let and construction started
as soon as possible. It will require
about four and - a half or five
months to complete It. j
! Will E. Claussen of ihe firm of
Claussen & Claussen anil Mr. Pow
ers recently made, a trip through
California to obtain modern ideas
to be worked into -the jnew build
ing. The building, although' a
five-story structure, wll rise to a
height of but three stories above
Third street owing t td the slope
of the ground. ' On th west side
will be trackage between the build
ing and the" river. ---
About one-third of the building
will be used for the company's fac
tory, where furniture and mat
tresses will be stuffed, furniture
finished and stoves assembled. The
remainder J will be ' devoted to a
warehouse' and retail delivery de
partment ol the company. An in
side garage, which will permit
loading of trucks inside, will be a
feature.. 1. .
v The. warehouse will no: only
handle local delivery but will also
supply needs of the branch stores
nf th rnmnanv at Marshfield. Eu
gene, Salem and The Dalles. jCfr.
Powers said that the other branch
stores would-be opened following
completion of the building.
Duildii of Dricb a
Ann Til
Qfjjl Cart ,lL iindf," ,.; Oralum k Aitktn, li'J
Sy"".v- : Architect. ' Coateetor I
Hi i
T 1 C
The new Sovereign Hotel, recently con
structed at Broadway and Madison,r
Portland, costing $325,000; is a beauti
ful example of brick and hollow tile fire
proof construction.
Faced with rough-texture red brick with
terra cotta trim, the walls are backed,
with hollow tile filler. Partitions are of
hollow tile (sound proof) and the floors
are combination concrete and hollow
tile. . -I.-
This Bplendid building, containing seventy-two
suites," is practically one-hundred
per cent clay products construction.
- . - -
For Information on the advantages of conitroct
'ing hotels, apartment houses, commercial bulid
ingi, schools and homes of brick and hollow '.
tile, address the undersigned.
Pacific Northwest
Brick Manufacturers9
OOO Lewis Building, Portland
Salem Brick & Tile Co., Salem
A Modern Example of the
export shipments average
$55,000,000 and imports
$10,000,000. v j ' ,
Portland is the largest
shipping center in the world, and
one of the leading export wheat
shipping ports . in I the j. United
States. . It ranks as . the! second
largest apple shipper:, in the coun
try and fourth as a flout export
center. Overseas trade in prunes
and canned goods also occupies
a prominent position in the com
merce of Portland, j Export sales
of these six leading commodities
from Portland for the year . 19 2 4
totaled more than 40 million dol
lars, accordifig to Dr. Kletn. The
many firms ? participating! la this
large; business will particularly
welcome, the establishment .of the
office at this time because of the
increasingly attractive possibilities
of foreign trade, and : also as a
helpful preliminary to the coming
annual meeting of the National
Foreign Trade Council at" Seattle
June 24-26 Inclusive. i
Hillsboro Men Come to
Salem for Building Plans
Freeman & Struble, local Archi
tects are to prepare plans for a
reenforced concrete! garage build
ing at. Hillsboro for E. J. McAlear
and Albert Hartrampf, of the Ford
Agency there. The actual con
struction is to start ' as soon as
the plans are prepared by the local
firm, The cost Is $g,000..- They
are also preparing plans for an
$8000 residence to be erected
there f-r M. P. Cady. !
you telling; your friends
about the Slogan section1 of The
Statesman?; This paper's! policy Is
for the upbuilding of the city and
the surrounding farming
1998 N. Capitol Street
John Williamron
: ' ; ; :;- Prop.
,.':.""r -Also "-:;.j
Builder of Hcirics :
for sale on easy terms. 5
If you are looking for '
home call on n3. i i
evw sWMa, sa a. mmm
, IN
Gambrel Roof Dutch Golonial
y2yjrMl ttjjqfe,
Six. Room House No. 633
IHIS house gets its homey and COTO-
lortabie atmosphere from tne Dutcn
Colonial style on which the archi
tect dejended for his inspiration.
He has,i however, not followed the
C35 Cheme&eta "
Dutch Cobnial style slavishly, but has shown
an originality in his design that is most refresh- ,
ing. t ). j. . . t'- ' a ! v
- The features that; will immediately strike the
reader iri this design: aj?e the charming octagonal
bay. the recessed entrance and the pleasing roof,
lines. The fine proportions of the gambrels are
also worthy of note.
Attention should also be called to the fact
that no small part iof the effectiveness of this
house is due to the fact that it is built low to the
ground- j Put this house on stilts' two or three
feet high; and you wouldn't recognize it. When
American home-bxiilders learn that a house
should nestle on the ground and not be pushed
up out of the ground, we shall have better look
ing houses in this country, r
s (-. ' . ; - i i. i
ThepIamofthisou(foraIowerc .
line on the two sides not shown in the illustra
tion above, to allow for full basement windows
above the ground, so in this particular instance
there isn't any excuse for not keeping the house
low.-. ; v -:- - ; j k i i n - :
4 This bouse will look well with either the front
or bay elevation to! the street. If the
- included Ihe lot Rhntilcr hp at Ipstf ctTfvfivA
- Thvtm 5
I Designed for American Face Brick Association
feet wide if the front elevation faces the street.
The side elevation would prove attractive on a
much smaller lot. ' . .
The layout of thi3 house 13 unusually com
plete ana convenient and has many novel fea
tures. ;. v::: - rv
l Adjacent to the vestibule are a coat closet
and lavatory. From the hall a good view i3 had
of the living room and sun parlor but not of th
dining room. !The octagonal shape of the living
room is unusual, while the open porch and sun
parlor at the sides add to its spaciousness.
- The kitchen is well lighted by a triple window
over the sink and has cabinets at one side and
over the ice box. An entry with a broom closet
and a pantry are provided. Note the desirable
location of the breakfast nook, close to the rear
door, and front hall. The windows in the nock
give cross ventilation to the kitchen and a vr v
of the street. Note the direct connection be
tween the front hall .and the semi-attached
garage.. v , . . :.
I: On the second floor are three fine bcdrocn-.3,
the. two front ones interconnected, a feature
that appeals to the mother when left alone at
night with her children. There is a good aecc 1
sible attic .
The ceiling heights are 8 feet 6 indicx The !
content of the house is 27,000 cubic feet; cf the
Esraga 2,700 cubic feet. .