The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    B ' : "
How little we know about
In this little old world of
We whisper and judge.and
In this little old world of
In this little old world of
Who would rather heal a
In this little Old world of
There are some who rejoice
In this little old world of
There are some who would rather give than take
Ana tne broken bonds reunite as? one
In this little old world of ours.
There is never a matter who is to blame
In this little old w:orld of ours.
We will keep on singing just the same
: In this little old world of ours. I
the Salem Woman's club
il of
was an interesting calendar event
of yesterday afternoon. Mrs.
C. K. Spaulding, the club presi
dent, presided. 'After the singing
of "American the Beautiful" re
ports of the county convention
were heard. Mrs. Harry J. Weld
mer reported . on "Education;"
Mrs. W. F. Fargo on "Federation
Extension;" and IMrs. W. I.
Staley on "Legislation." Earl
Kennell gave three pleasing vocal
numbers which were well-enhanced
by the piano accompaniment of
Miss Mildred Jaeger and the violin
obbligato of Mrs. P. II. Brown.
- Mr. Kennell was so heartily en
cored after singing "I Love the
Mdon" that he was forced-to re
spond not once, but twice, first
with: "I've Been Wondering" and
.''The Barefoot Trail."
""'Laler in the afternoon the club
women heard a popularly given
talk on "American Mysticism", by
Rev. Martin Fereshetian who gave
many appropriate examples.
, Mr. Fereshetlan's talk was fol
lowed with "Hearts and Flowers'
and . "Love ; and- Dreams, : two
numbers by an .instrumental ,tr?o
- composed of Miss .Margaret Kas-.
ter and Peter Foelkel, violins, and
Robert Alexander, piano.':.
9 The, tea table for the afternoon
waone of the most attractive of
the year. A French bouquet of
flowers in pastel shades, arranged
iiV;a lavender-pink pottery bowl
eewtered the table. Pink candles
. In,' crystal holders" repeated the
lutip shades In the bouquet. Mrs.
.Joseph Baumgartner and Mrs.
- 1
Ycung Tactna singer who,' at sixteen is possessed With phe-
1 norncnal soprano Tolce. Bllsi Kf ser, who holds a con
tract with the Portland Rcsa Festival this year, wi3 ap-
' ; pear in concert in Salern cn-Wcdncsday evening, June 10,
. at the Arnorr. ;
- w - . . : 1--.,- 1 - - . . ,
I - ' 1 ' !
5 - -
i !'
Phone: 106
hearts pf men
sing without ken,
- - t IB-.- 1
ours. .
heart than break
i is
in jugtice dona
C. K
Spaulding presided at
urns. I j . j
The afternoon's social commit
tee, with Mjrs. Walter J. Kirk as
chairman, included :: Mrs. Herbert
L. Stiff, Mrs. Walter Kirk. Mrs.
Wilson! Darby. Mrs.jG. W. Shand,
Mrs. Wi. B. Mott, Mrs. Bliss Darby.
Mrs. Lewis p. Griffith, Mrs. Frank
Meyers; Mris. C. BJ Webb, i Mrs.
George White. Mrs.! A. F. Marcus
and Mrs. V G. Boyer.
; i i : ;r:'"-iv ;
A splendid concert is anticipat
ed for .Wednesday evening when
the Willamette University Ladies'
Glee-club jwill appear "in varied
and Interesting numbers at f Wal
ler haljL : j.'
The jperdonnel of the club, of
which professor E.i W. Hobson Is
director, includes the following
group of co-ed under-graduates:
First sopranos. Miss. Faye' Sparks.
Miss Gladys Mclntyre,. Miss Beu
lah Fanning, Miss Elizabeth Silver
Miss tenaj.Gilberti Miss Aldeane
SmithJ Mls Helen May Lockwood.
and tyiss pay Spaulding;1 second
sopraiios: MIss Lucia Card, Miss
Beryl :Marsters,sMiss Virginia Van
Horn. Miss Gladys Morton. Miss
Margaret Arnold, and Miss Gladys
Gilbert; f jrt aUs?: Miss Rutr
RosV, Misif Volena Jenks, Miss
Elois jlleineck; second altos: Miss
Marian AVyatt. Miss Tlairie Chap
in. Miss Frances Hodge, and Miss
Miss Mildred Grand is accom
panist fori the club.
I j
A jargej group of Salem women
attended the county convention
of the Federation of Woman's
1 :
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clubs on Thursday in Aurora.
: Among those .from the Salem
Woman's 'club la attendance
were: Mrs. wj E. Kirk, Mrs. C.
K. Spaulding, jMrs. Harry Weid
ner. Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. W.
F. Fargo. MisajHattle Beatty, Mrs.
W.' I. Staley.Mrs. Seymour. Jones,
Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mrs. W. C.
Dibble, and Mjrs. Elmo S.t White.
The following officers were
nominated for the new year, the
report receiving acceptance as
read. President, Mrs. W. W. Allen
of Mill City: tlce-Pres., Mrs. Ida
Moshberger of! Woodburn; secre
tary, Mrs. E. H. Brewer of Star
ton; treasurer,! Mrs. Waldo Brown
of Hubbard; auditor," Mrs. E. H.
Looney of Jefferson; and direc
tors. Mrs. Frank Merritt of Aur
ora and Mrs. G. H. Thompson of
Mrs. P. H. Raymond arrived
last week from San Francisco for
a protracted jlsit with relatives
and friends in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex San ford are
entertaining a their house guests
r-or th wek-jend Miae Helen La
Mond and Mrj Alexander Page of
Portland. Mils La Mond and
Mrs. Sanford iare sisters. -
The Young People's class of
the Central Congregational church
gave a delightful surprise party
last night at the home of Miss
Grace Welbbrn complimenting
Rer. and Mrs. Harry ' Johnson.
Games and music were the di
versions of a happy evening. A
lovely gift was presented by Wil
bur MoCune to the honor guests,
in behalf of the class.
The invited group for the even
ing included: 1
Myra Gleeson. Jessie McCune.
Vera McCune; Veda Korb, Lena
Cox, Jessie Mason. Anna Butte,
Laura Tantis,
Mrs. Frances
Mable Van Patten.
Karn. Mrs. Nellie
Skewls. Pearls Eyre, Jessie EyTe,
Mrs. Everett Craven, Wilbur Mc
Cune, Gordon Barker. Herbert
Miller, Carl lehafer, Walter Mc
Cune; Mr. and Mrs'. Paul Hand.
Mr. and Mrs Lloyd La Due, Mr.
snd " Mr. C. C. Harris, Mr. .and
Mrs. Roy Bates. Mrs. Elizabeth
Welborn, Edith Welborn and the
honor guest, Rev. and Mrs. Harry
Johnson. . . . I .' ' i .
.The membership committee of
the YMCA will meet on Tuesday
afternoon at j 2:30 o'clock In the
YMCA roomi. The personnel of
the committe! of which Mrs. Frank
Zian is chairman includes.: Mrs.
J. C. Nelson Mrs. W. H. Steus-
ioff, Mrs. CI V. McKelvey. Mrs
F. M. Erickson, Mrs. W. D. Clarke
Mrs. H. V. Compton, Mrs. George
H. Allen, Mrs. E. E. Ling. Mrs
Frank Myers.. Mrs. A. C Perry,
and Mrs.' Geprge Hug. ' '
Mrs. J. E. Allison of Eugene
Is. visiting in the city and is the
guest tf her sisters, Mrs. -Frank
E. Brown and Mrs. David H. Cra
ven. She will return to her hobe
Miss Nell Thielsen was hostess
at a charmingly appointed supper
party following the successful
Episcopal dance on Friday even
ing. Solomon's Seal in a silver
basket centered the table, while
green candles were effective in
silver holders. .
Covers were placed for: Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Sanford, Mr. and Mrs
Allan Carson, Mr. and Mrs. James
Humphrey, Mr. Cook, and the
hostess. Miss Nell Thielsen.
' - :
The Home Economics commit
tee of the Oak Grove grange will
be in charge of a cooked food 6ale
which will be. held on Saturday,
May 2, at the SP office on North
Liberty street. . f
Miss Annabelle Lawrence and
Miss Dorothy Smart, assisted by
George Johnson, entertained for
the Entra Nous club on Wednes
day at the " club house. Baskets
of lilacs and lavender potted tu
lips were .'effective decorations.
Each - lady in the group came
dressed in pastel crepe paper to
represent some flower. Cards di
verted the guests during the early
part of the evening after which
little. Mls Rachel Hal .delighted
with a butterfly dance... After the
luncheon, dancing was enjoyed.
Mrs. W. C. Conner and' son,
Clare, motored to Eugene and Cot
tags Grove on Friday where they
will be guests' over the week-end
of relatives and friends. ' ,
The Highland Study' class met
on Friday at the home, of ' Mrs.
Stapleton on Hall street for the
lesson la the "Know Your Town"
ncctlvetl This -Wck' at. the
'Atlas ? Dook A Stationery Co.
5The 8hadow of the Oloomy.
East -. . . . . Osslndowskf
.Stranger Stories From . : , - ,
; t- Chinese Studio.1". . . v.j
' My Name Is Le)?lon.,j. . . Morgan
1 Weber andFlalds!.:..'.. .It man
O'Malloy of Ehasganagh. ...
. Donn Cyne
- ' ! !
. ! Bloudajr
Knowles chapter of the Eastern
Star hostesees for Chad wick chap
ter.i McMinnville. 8 o'clock.
YMCA membership committee;
YMCA. 2:30 o'clock. -
Llncoln-McKinley Parent-Teach
ers' Association. Lincoln school
7:30 o'clock.-' .' " " " :
General meeting. Salem Arts'
League. Public library. S o'clock,
o'clock. ' j" ", j j
High school mtnicale by contest
winners. High school auditorium
8 o'clock. ' .. j !
Spring Get-together. St. Paul'
church.- 6:30 o'clock. ' I i
Wednesday : ' j .v''
Ladies' Glee club of Willamet
te UnlverHity. ; Concert. Waller
hall. 8:15 o'clock.
.' iSatnrttay
Chemeketa chapter ' Daughters
of the American Revolution. Elecj
tion of officers. f I
Cooked food sale. Ladies of
the Oak Grove grange. S. P. ot
fice. 18 N. Liberty stret.- I
-, . ---v.
series on f Homes and Living
A numbet of new membeH were
present Including: Mr. Mavme
Cooper. Mris. George Wenderofb,
Mrs. Maude Schutt. Mrs. fcthel
Chapman and Mrs. F. E. Newton.
A special guest of the occasion
was Mrs. Evans of Portland, the
mother of the hostess.
home were ; attractive with arpl-
blossoms and narcissi with ja de
lightful luncheon served during
the social hour. j
Knowles chapter of the Eastern
Star of McMInnvi'Ie has Invited
the members of Chadwick I chap
ter to meet with them on Monday,
April 27, for the regular stated
communication and the official
visit of the Grand Matron.) The
hour at which the members are
asked to come la 8 o'clock j The
urana .matron, aiary Alice iiur
dette, is a resident of McMinnville
A large - number from Salem
plan to motor over for the even
ing, i ;' j
" I !
An exceptional treat Is In store
for all . friends and members of
the Salem Arts lague when at a
special meeting at 8 o'clock Tues
day evening at the public library
Robert C. IPaulus will interest a
group with auto-chromes, studies
from a field of work very much
his own.' ! ' -..
.An auto-chrome Is a photograph
which reproduces the exact colors
of the subject at the instant it is
taken. It Is with pleasure that
many, are anticipating - the , oppor
tunity of viewing this interesting
type of photographic art. The
special meeting has been arranged
by Mrs. J.i M. Clifford, art director
of tht league.
;r", . s "' . ;' '- .;.;
'One of the attractive cluh affairs
of the week was the bjJdge lunch
eon . on Thursday at wnicn Mrs.
Paul Hendricks waa hostess for
the members of her club. - Mrs.
Karl Beck, was a - special guest
of the afternoon. Mrs. John ' H.
Carson won the high playing score
of the afternoon. , ,
! In thej-group were t. Mrs. Karl
Becke, Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs,
Allan - Carson, Mrs. Homer Egan,
Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Mrs. Orris
F. Fry, Mrs. Clifton Irwin, Mrs
Donald Young and the hostess
Mrs. Paul Hendricks. j
' Two hundred and f itf y persons
will take part in one of the larg
est musical programs ever put on
In Salem on Tuesday 'evening. May
6, ' at the armory under the aus
pices of the Salem branch of the
Oregon State Music Teachers'! as
sociation! in celebration of Nation
al Music! week, j
t U - , -'.- , . -j
! One of the most beautifully ap
pointed of campus banquets was
that at the Gray Belle on Friday
evening when the Adelante and
Websterian literary societies: of
Willamette university met togeth
er for the first joint affair of this
nature, j :
' Covers for seventy-five guests
were arranged at small tables cen
tered with pink tulips. . The mu
sic . of the evening was provided
by an orchestra that Included in
its personnel: Miss Katharine
Madame X .
-'Step Ja end'CXac? Front
- Rubber Reducers for every : '
.,v. type of figure J
Sllse Swart
423 Court
',4 I
The Willamette university re
cently assembled on the steps of
Eaton Hall to have a group pho
tograph taken. Reading from left
to r'ght, front row:
Professor Hobson, head of the
department of music; Dean Frank
lin, librarian; Dean George H. Al
den, acting president of the uni
versity; Professor Peck, natural
sciences; Miss Gill, English in
structor; Miss Virginia Melton,
music instructor.
Second row Prof. -kson,
Kirk, Fredrick Arpke. Quentin
Cox and Charles Swan, and by the
college songs .of the group.
Cornelius Bateson . acted as
toastmaster of the evening with
responses given by: Miss Mary
Gilbert, Miss Jenelle Vandevort,
Harold Eakin, and Ellis Von Es
chen. .
Miss Grace Jasper, bride-elect,
waa pleasantly surprised on Wed
nesday evening when a group of
her friends gathered to give a
miscellaneous shower. Excitement
and enthusiasm ; reigned during
the making of Miss Jasper's and
Mr. Patty's life history. This was
followed by a mock wedding cere
mony in which Miss Marguerite
Gilbert was the bride and Master
Leonard Gilbert, the groom. Helen
Jane - Acheson and Esther ; Mae
De Vo re acted as ring bearer and
flower, girl. The costumes and
flowers featured rural life. The
bride's bouquet was thrown td
Miss Jasper In which she found a
note directing her to a large bas
ket containing many lovely gifts
for future use. t ; ;
Miss Jasper Is a senior at Wil
lamette university.' member of the
Beta Chi sorority, and a member
of the Chrestomathean Literary
society. Her marriage to Mr. Wil
liam Patty will take place during
the early summer..'
, , Theresa Smith added . another,
surprise to the evening when she
announced. ; her engagement to
Carl" J. O'Neiley of Marshfield,
Oregon. Their wedding will also
be an event of the early summer.
I The .' guests were: Mrs. ; F. M.
Jasjer, Miss Grace Jasper, Miss
Clara Jasper, Miss Theresa Smith,
Miss Helen Miles, Miss Percie
Miles, Miss Pauline Miller. Miss
Beulah Fanning, Miss Mildred
1 f
You caiVt siee
inside a pillow--
and sometimes out of sigh: is out of
. mind. But of course you want tho
feathers in your pillows just las immac
ulate as the sheets and bed-spreads.
. Immaculate they will be if vou let U3
clean them.
, We wash your pillows without re
moving the ticks, cleanse them in quan
: tities of pure, soft water and' mild soap.
Then dry them in warm, fresh air unul
every feather is soft and fluffy. And
you will find our charges moderate
Let us call for your pillows this week
-and show you how well we can
; freshen them u. ' : ; '
- . . -'. . PHONE 163 i
: V T. A. & R. TT. Wlndishar
' Downtown Agency Rex Shining rarlors
. . - i
t ' ,'
social science;
Prof. Harding, po
and history; Prof.
litical science
Eb8on, modern languages; Prof.
Delting. French instructor; Prof.
Williston, literature; Dean Rich
ards, dean of iromen; Mrs. Wood
worth, English and Latin instruc
tor. ' .. . !
i Third row iProfessor Richards,
head of the department of Eng
lish; Coach ;Guy L.S Rathbun;
Professor Kiri. head of the clas
sical language) department; Prof.
Clark, chemistry instructor; Mlsa
Drake, Miss Bessie Taylor, Miss
Rhea McCoy, jMiss I Alene Ritchie,
Miss Gladys Gilbert, Miss Avis
Hicks, Mrs. De Vore, Miss Luella
Keighan. Missj Lois Hockett, Miss
Neva WalkerJ Miss Clara Smith,
and the hostesses. Miss Grace Ty
ler and Miss Inez Tyler.
The young;
married people's
Jason Lee church
class , of the
held! a very friendly get-together
on Friday eveailng. The program
began with . 4 sumptuous dinner
In the basement of the church,
after which several well planned
games were Enjoyed. -?
The fourteen couples and their
respective children all agreed tlfat
this first of aj series of social even
Ings was successful in deepening
the local spirit and friendly feed
ing amonj the members of the
class. J i '
v "' ;:" I. '"J
The wardrfbe of "Janice Mere
dith" represents an expenditure
of more thaf $200,000. Marion
Da vies, in the title role, wears
twenty costumes. . , These gowns
designed by jGretl Urban, cost
more than $525,000. . They -range
from the simple frock of the
daughter of a Colonial country
gentleman to the elaborate cos
tumes of satins and velvets worn
by the ladles of fashion of the
period. The designs were copied
from old p-ints, paintings and
mod sis fount: in various museums
in New York, New England and
New Jersey.
;The dressworn by Miss Davles
when she appears at the ball given
in honor of jLcrd Howe at Phila
delphia, is unusually elaborate.
Tf la A aval riroA In taffota ao t ? T
and velvet, tnd its bouffant lines
are cleA'rljt enhanccil "by bead
--mir mrrti Si itirrr i iinr w i m
Oregon Journal photo
t Denise, German instructor; Prof.
Mathews, head of the mathematics
department. i j
Back row Professor Sherman,
psychology instructor; Professor
Laughlin, economics and sociology
instructor; Professor Rahscopf, j
nead or tne department of public
speaking; Prof. Brown, j physics
Instructor; Professor Von Eschen,
head of the department of natur
al sciences; Prof. McCormick,
theology and Bible study lustre-tor.--
and floss embroidery of flowers.
Borders of Jewel-encrusted flow
ers add color to the pale pink,
with pearls and lacy ruffles soft
ening the necklines and sleeves.
In addition. Miss Davles wears
numerous hats and headdresses,
most of which are of an elabor
ate character. 3
Gorgeous costumes and gowns
of the richest sliss, satins ; and
brocades were worn by the thous
and or more persons who portray
French nobility and courtiers . of
the period in the scene depicting
the court of Louis XVI and Marie
Antoinette, at Versailles.
More than 1,000 magnificlent
costumes of the finest silks, sat
ins and velvets were used in the
filming -of the grand ball given
in the honor of Lord Howe at
Philadelphia. Nothing (but the
very best of materials was1 used in
the execution of these - elaborate
costumes, for the pitiless eye of
the camera will not tolerate shams
or make-believes. j
Museums and private collections
were placed, at the disposal pf the
Cosmopolitan Corporation in sup
plying the thousands of uniforms
worn by the British, Hfesslan,
French and Continental soldiers
who appear in the battle Scenes.
The colorful uniforms of the of
ficers with their real gold braid;
and lace trimmings were especial
ly made for the occasion and con
tributed no small item to the cost
of Jbe wardrobe of the production.
- From the simplest homespun
frocks of the villagers to the
of Washable Mopac
A Value of Most Unusual Character
A fascinating style made of ex
cellent quality mopac cloth
Have the Appearance of -Silk
For general Rummer service the
woman of good taste could not
.select a more suitable tub frock '
than one of these soft, silky, cool
looking novelty stripes. -
Colors are green, orange."
rose in contrasting ! effects. They're ideally1 suited to
sport or general street wear. Simple, straight, stylish
lines. Sizes 18, 38, 40, 42.
It is Easy to Economize At This ;
Kcliable Store, by Paying Cash
For Everything: You Buy j
Your Mail Orders j
carefully filled. We pay postage or express within &
radius of a
406 State Street
... i it;
elaborate ball-room and court
gowns, nothing- has been left un
done to reproduce -accuracy both
in design and material. " j
j ..-. . ;, ! .
One .of the largest receptions
held In Salem In many months
was that on the evening of Friday,
April 24, from 7:30 to 10:30
o'clock at the First MethciiFt
Episcopal church formally Xrel
coming to their new pastorate,
Reverend and Mrs. Fred C Tay
lor, who have come from Sioux
City, Iowa to take the place of
Dr. and Mrs. j Blaine E. Kirkpat
rlck. The successful affair1 was
sponsored "by the Ladies Aid so
ciety of the church of which Mrs.
H. H. Vandevort is the president.
Assisting Mrs. Vandervort in'
the formal reception of the guests
at the door was Mrs. F. A. Legge
and Mrs. Mary E. Findley. I In
were Reverend and Mrs. Fred C.
Taylor, Dean and Mrs. George II.
Alden, and Dr. and Mrs. Leach.
Mrs. Alden presented the visitors
to the honoh guests. !
During the formal program. Dr.
Leacii, district superintendent,
presided, acknowledging the in
troduction given him by Dr. M.
C. Findley, chairman of the . of
ficial board. Since, on acount of
the Illness of Mrs. Shepard, Bishop
Shepard was unable to be in at
tendance, Dr. Leach extended the
welcome of the entire Oregon con
ference as well as of the Salem
district.- Mr. A. Aj Lee greeted
the Inew pastor and his wife In
behalf of the official board of the
local church," and Miss Grace Eliz
abeth Smith in behalf of the Sun
dav school and young people. In
nls spienaia responses, nev. wr.;
0m I - ll.f.
tlon with the west to which he
has come. - j
A vocal solo by Jack Vinson fol
lowed. Miss Louise Findley ac
companing at the piano.
Following Mr. Wilson's num-
(Oontlnaed -en pm S)
Beautiful home
dyeing and tinting
is guaranteed with
Diamond Dyes.
Just dip in cold
water to tint soft,
delicate shades, orj
boil to dye rich,
permanent colors.
Each 15-cent pack
tge contains direc
tions so simple any
woman can dye or
tint- lingerie, silks.
ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses,
coats, stockings, sweaters, draper
ies, coverings, hangings, every
thing new. . f
Buy "Diamond Dyes " no othet
kind and tell your druggist whe.
iher the material you wish to eolol
Is wool or silk, or whether it if
linen, cotton., or mixed goods.
A.dv. .i
rosewood, blue, orchid and
hundred miles
ES3 Alder Street
j . ' .
. YllLCV FCIl. t - "'