THE piliiGON fa l A i.iANrbALi.i; Uiii.uUr M i J f i h t H .1 - HHL FEATUI1G-SI1 M x O I . 1 r ( nuxi aunaay s Business Section. Will Illustrate! ... important Buildings ine Portland Orerron .Touernnl "Will feature Salem on the .brat! i - r i !ge or the business seclioii of est Sunday's paper. j The photographer was. In f the fitjr last week and it is under stood that -nearly the- entire page will be devoted to alem. There wlfl "be pictures of" many resi dences and school buildings; also the capitol. Hayesville school, a croup of residences, on North Summer, TJ. S. National bank St. Joseph's new auditorium, a group vt houses on North Fifth, includ ng the home of Harry Scott, resi dence of A. S. Benson, the resi dence of F. G Myers, the Klks temple, residence of Nj Kafoury, Parrfsh junior high the Unitarian church! REAIl Bed, Mattress and 'V if.v i -On This is ypur chance td co room at an extremely low MO JOll rl "COMING . - - j ; .. : r Xh - AC : ' :- . i ; A: n'':o s;; -, .; . . yi J i - -' . I " p. ' - - TT- r . . : i i i maul white enameLbeds, coihfortable and resilient link fabric springs and a quality roll edge mattress the entire outfit of three pjeces in the Q Of 'sale at the sensationally! low price! .Li. . vl 00 Shop Oiir COUflfON WEBSTER'S m j II-.. I t I! : S CONTAINS COMPLETE RADIO SECTIOl! MORE THAN A DICTIONARY THE OREGON . f . ; . ' t . - , . - .. ' ' ' ' " " , ' - ' 00 YOU KNOW WHYg--v.Tl;8 Peer Old Ti3 Is Always To Elanss V :" 'l: ' - 0, to ris tw By Fisfier , L . . I xScLTTl I i.r-.o, ) la SHOW) I V ? W I . jenU wdc6 ) I" "- "l ,,,,;,); -yy.y: A: A-.'-A" v;V' '-'''iiK ri; c: ''.r rAl' " : , ' . ' . AA:A . A : '- 1 -t , ' ; f: ;.: : V : : -; t ; K A t 1.'' ' ' . ' : ; ; r jit - , -1 ; - - - . . ' ' - .. i,,- .. - . lf. .... ., . -. ... Z i 'I ,- ' ' ' National League Results St. Louis 1; Red .1 ST. LOUIS. April 22. Piling op 11 runs in the first inning the St. Louis Cardinals easily defeated the Cincinnati Reds today 12 to 3 in the first National league game here this season. Fifteen Rickey men batted in the opening inning and every player made at least one hit. ' : -?' :-v ; Score: j ; , f . R. H. E. Cincinnati ..... .310 2 St. Louts , . . . . , L . . . . . . 12 14 1 Donohue. Sheejhan, Dibut. llrady and Hargrave: Kheni, Biemillcr and Gonzales. lMrat- x PITTSBURGH Chicago 1 -April 22. The Pittsburgh! iratfs celebrated the opening of the b6me season today by swamping Chicago, 6 to 1, while more thn 30,000 fans looked on. Morrison held the Cubs to j ffve hits. Twice Kauf mann passed Smith to get at Mor rison, but the Pijrate burler each time made a three base hit. . Score:' Chicago j R. H. E. .-... . 15 0 . : . . . 6 11 1 Hartnett; Mor Pittsburgh Kaufmann and! rison and Smith. Phillh-H 8; tlrookljn 7 PHILADELPHIA. April 22. The Phillies opelied their home season today by defeating Brook lyn 8 to T. The odgers hit four Philadelphia pitchers for a total of 17 safeties, bn,t four errors by the visitors proved costly. Score: j i It. H. E. Brooklyn i . .... V 7 17 .4 Philadelphia '.'.::. V 8 12 1 Grimes and Taylor: Carlson, Knight, llubbell nd Henline. New York ! Uoston 5 NEW YORK. April. 22. The New Yorki Giants opened their BARGAIN $19.85 Spring Complete mplctelyi furnish a bed- price. Continuous post Windows DICTIONARY, . ', : I- . 1 r T- - ow to Get It or the mere nominal cost of Manufacture and Distribution I Secures this NEW, authentic Webster's Dictionary, bound in genuine seal grain Fabrikoid, illustrated in full color and black halftone- i s. y ' Do It Today! MAIL !, "".'".r". J In this city and ORDERS j uptol50 mL 7e WILL BE Up to 300 mi. 10c DC" rtr ditM filled r i.rsr STATESMAN I i ironic AB6 E ffimn Teachers Will Play Today bweetland Field it Wea- f ther Permits The Willamette University-Ore gon Aggie baseball game scheduled to he played at Corvallis yesterday was called off on account of ra'n. The Bearcats will cross bats with the Oregon Normal school, of Mon mouth, on the Willamette diamond at 4 o'clock this afternoon if the weather is favorable, f j The Bearcats have been having an exceptional run of bard 4uck these last few days in trying to find some day in' which they could crowd in a game without getting wet. - . ; The game this afternoon will be the first home contest of the sea son for Willamette." 4 J LAUREL FOR DIM EAT GLACIER PARK. Mont.. April 22. Middle Rideran Indian, woni the blue ribbon award fori he flfl-j est wheat raised on" the Glacier national park! reservation in!' 192.' The award was made at the mW-j winter fair of -the BlackTeet . na tion held at- the, agency' tow?i of Browning, MbnkJ-jecentlyv V ' - Superintendent-CampbeU's .tire- year educational program among the Indians of the Glacier park reservation resulted in so much wheat being raised by the Indians that the government erected a second flour mill to take care -of their grist. ': " - " CHECK MAX CONVICTED YAKIMA. April 22. On a plea of guilty, W. W. Dumm was today sentenced by Superior Judge V. O. Nichoson to serve one to 15 years in the state penitentiary at Walla Walla, for passing bad checks. Dumm asked for leniency on the grounds that he had written the checks as a joke. This excuse fail ing, he declared he was tubercular. home season today, with a 6 to f victory over Boston, before 30.000 fans. The game was preceded by raising the National league pen nant won by New York last year, and the golden jubiree flag, emble matic of the nenior circuit's i fit tieth anniversary.' I- t . - Score: ' . R. H." E. Boston T .. 5 9 r 2 New York : G 1 2i 2 Cooney and Gibson; Nehf, Scott anl Snyder, Hartley. : , Sent By Hi Own Doctor I ffnl -4raJfaBr wttk PfXm fr lO : BMfwilMtiiliowtadlnlnl. ! t mrtirficimm wqbw tmd that I first ' 4ry Dr. Cliu. J. Dmmm't iwii mri ml trim.. , t. 4 Uxiy I wU mmd kmm khy. t If" you, too, are suffering with Piles or other Rectal or Coloni disorders, you must sooner or later stop experimenting with your health, nd be cured as I have cured thousands of cases, many of the most severe and of as long standing ss 40 years. My non-surgi cal treatment is GUARAN TEED to cure your Piles, or 'our fee will be refunded. Ia IcxUr f 4r Br T 'EE. Illustrated i DAN. M.D..Inc im.5. SEATTLE OfTICCS.' dn SO '-SJI Shaltr ewMrflM IN TM AND PINE fiOSf J Oregon! Pulp AS M 6 IR niRTLWD OF! Or Ohmn Bul B1ANUFACTURERS Sulphite, and Manila Wrapping, also Butcners Wrap pings, Adding Machine Taper, Greaseproof, Classlnt, Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Special! Pacific Coast League Results Roarer Game Is Off PORTLAND, April 22. Oakland-Portland, game postponed, wet grounds; today's game will be played Monday. J Seattle 13; Vt-rton 4 SEATTLE, Apri 22. Seattle, chanip'ons of the j Pacific Coast baseball league, j opened Us , 1925 home season llere today by slug ging three Vernon pitchers for two home runs, t vei doubles and 11 In the singles, winning 1$ to 4. third, fourth and fifth innings, the Indians were the most trouble some to the Tl gefs, garnering four runs in each, ing before i: allowed eight Scdre Vernon . . . . . .Seattle . . . . . Sutherland, pitch ,oo nowiing fans. hits. R. H. E. . . . 4 8 2 . 4- .! 13 18 1 Penner. Ludolph, Byran and Marphy; Sutherland and Baldwin, Tobin. Salt Iuk ; .nrH 3 LOS ANGELKS, April 22. Salt Lake evened the series with Lo- Angeles here todayj winning A to 2, when Singleton held the Angels to five scattered hits the contest was slowed down -somewhat by in termittent ; showers of rain. Wright, pitching for Los Angeles was replaced b' Rain say when ho allowed the ionr Salt Lake tallies in the f'rst five innings. Score R. H. E. 4 9 3 2 5 2 Salt Lake . . Los Angeles Singleton Cook; Wright, Ramsay and Sdndberg Seals 4;! Senators 2 SAN FRANCISCO. April 22. The Seals made it two straight from Sacramento today, taking the second game of tlie series 4 to 2. Speed Martin, who previously had Pitched two tw-hjt games for the visitors, had oily! been found for five bingles whert he was taken out for a pinjehj hitter in the seventh. I'll ! i bcore; j ft. Sacramento . . ....!.. . 2 San Francisco 4 II. 7 6 E. Martin, Thorn1 psOn and Koehler; Gri.fin and Ycllc Early Opening McKenzie . Pass is Obiect of Legion Ef.orts are being made by local members of thoj American legion post to have MrKejnzie Pass open ed up in t:mp for tKe Oregon state convention of the organization, to be held at Prineville A big caravan is planned by the posts of Southern Oregon., who are to gather at the Summit for a barbecue feed put on by the Eu gene post. Great times are to be held at the convention, according to the plans befog made by all posts. ' -. . j I : Efforts are to be made by the state highway department In get ting the pass onen as several de partments of th ""i re anxious to; ge tne way clear for early nhountain work; LINEN TOTAL STILL RISING IN CAMPAIGN (Continued from pag 1) ' feel that they hate reached-the crest oi the hill ahd ! the interest shown will makle the last bit of the objective appear jvery small. " T. M. Hicks, j president of the chamber of commerce has been out of the' city on .business Tues day and Wednesday, but has nlan- ned to be pre3eni today to preside at the noon meetinsi Each worker Is to make a per sonal report today 'of j the amount secured, and it is expected that the showing will be jgreat -. Silverton Minister s Attendinq Tacoma Meet SILVEUTON. Or.. April 22. (Special to The Statesman) Rev. O. jlorrevik is aitenling a minis- terial conference! ai Tacoma, Wn. Ife expects to be! gone about one week, cepted Rev. ilr. lidrrevik has ac a call at Bella Cola. Can- ada,- and June.' will leave for there in and Paper Co. I ra girls Gin t RED CROSS TESTS Examinations Staged At YMCA Swimming Tank Wednesday! Afternoon Eloise Wright and J : Margaret the junior Red Moorehouse took Cross I'fe saving test yesterday at the Saleni YMjCA, making the last or the laige flass enrolled- to pass ; the examination for merit certificates. The examinations were given under j the direction of Miss Mary Erickson. student at Willamette university.; A new member has been secur ed, however, and the ftaal exam ination will .be g ven sobn. The new member is Mss Julia Creech. In , addition several jUrls and young women are taking swim ming lesson at the YMC tank, with several showing much pro- Liciency in tue aniiuiuin-g QUESTIONS ASKED OF , MURD0CK ANSWERED (Continued frflm page 1) and I see rapid promotion for him EET 1st my general health as it should be. or twpuld you advise me to consult a physician. Ans Your trouble is mental to a great degree. 5 Exercise in the open air a ;great deal, drink 101s of . water. I do not see anything of. ,4 serious nature. TjRK Where Is my oldest sis ter and how can I reach her? Ans. She is In Norfolk, Virgin ia, and may be i reached care of ELB, 1900 Colonial avenue. JRL Our house and lot is for sale. Do you think we will sell it? Aiis. You will jhave a chance but I . advise holding same until next fall 'as you j will receive a much better offer for same. NFE Will I succeed in the musical field? I Ans. Yea but Jyou must spe cialize on the voice and study as siduously.. EVE Should my husband change h's position AhsJ No, he Should ' remain here i ; . - OCL My; mother objects to me marrying as I desire. What would you advise 'hie to dp? j Ans. Follow your mother's advice as she has obly your Inter est at heart. You are far too young' to think of narrylng, anyhow.- " j ;, -. . j ' ' MS Will , my -sin regain his health? Shduld hd change treat ment? i . I ; j 1 Ans. Continue with ; present tVemtment and I see complete re- cmrryby mM-sumpaer. uiT-ncre wiii 1 una my ring? . r ! Ans. iou will find your ring under the wash basin in the up- stai.3 bathroom. SHD Will I gain1 financial suc cess if I coatinud my present .plans? Ans. Youi will nK but will find yourself doing1 pehal servitude. you are suspected already so bet ter discontinue novt. WH Will! eve get anything out 01 tne estate left by my uncle? Ans. Have nojvf orry as I see you getting your money this year. . if. MA Can you tell me what became of the box containing hat ana dress which was lost while motoring? ' ; Ans. Same was lost Just be fore you crossed th.ej line into Ore gon but I do:not see you recover ing same ajj party j who found it has left the west. EJS Will my husband succeed in business In Portland in the face of so much opposition? Ans. He will bu it will be es sential that he pUt forth every atom of effort and ambition he possesses. ' j !.'"' ' GP Will my friend marry? Ans. This shouljl not interest you. Better pay nkore attention to your own affairs! and not med dle in your neighbor's. KF Will t receive any returns from the stocks and bonds I held when the eastern firm went Into bankruptcy? j Ans. Eventually but. not for two years. 1 1 ova Shall we 6uild or rent? Will we be successful here? Ans. Close the property you have build. I see success deal for the in mind and for you. . DKC I am navmg: some irouDic over a piece of land. Will I settle the matter without a law suit? - ; . , j . : Ans. Vcs. as I sec a very fav orable compromise being made. American League ; Results Senators 10; New York 1 WASHINGTON, April 22. President Coolidge tossed out the first ball to open th Washington season today and Was rewarded by a home club victory, the Sena tors defeating New York 10 to 1. Walter Johnson, the Washington ace, distributed seven hit? among the Yankees whiJe his mates were collecting 14 from Shocker, Fran cis and II. Johnson. gcore R. II. E. New York 17 2 Washington .10 14 2 Shocker, Johnson and O'Neill, Bengough; Johnson nd Ruel. Chicago 3; IWroit 1 CHICAGO. April 22. Close to 30,000 fans saw Eddie Collins maks his Chicago debut as man ager of the White Sox today when they defeated Detroit 3 to 1 In the opening game of the Ameri can league season here. Score . R. H. E. Detroit .1 ........ 1 S 2 Chicaco . ." ; . . 3 6 0 Collins, Stoper and Woodall; hurstoa and Schalk. St. louis J; Cleveland 2 CLEVELAND, April 22. St. Louis defeated Cleveland before a crowd of 22.000 in the local in augural game today, 3 to 2, in 10 innings. Joe Bush finished his first game in three starts, not allowing a score after the first in ning. Score Jl. IT. E St. Louis 3 6 1 Cleveland 2 6 0 Bush and Dixon: Smith and Myatt. , ; ,, : . : Athletics O; Boston ." BOSTON. April 22. Rube Wal-berg-did.twell as a relief pitcher for the Athletics In the American league opener today, and Phila delphia defeated Boston 6 to 5 in 11 innings. What proved the winning run came in when Sale walked and Simmon doubled off Wlncfield in the 11th. Score- j R. II. E. Philadelphia . ., . 8 1 Boston " 16 1 Rommell. Harris. Walbersr and Cochrane; Quinn, Wingfield and Picinich. BILLY GHAU ARRIVES 1 TODAY Frankie Lewis and Portland er Will Hold Light Work out At Armory . Billy Gardcau of Portland win arrive In the city this afternoor and will hold a light workout at the Armory at 8 o'clock. Gar deau meets Frankie Lewis.. Salem, In the main event of a 10-round fight at the Armory Friday night. Lewis will work cut a half hour, earlier than Gardeau. Fans are welcome to give the favorites the final once-over before the big bat tle. ! "This will be theibest fight of- PERFECT PLUMBING'S WHAT WE DO- AND OUR. PRICE IS HONEST TOO .k Perfect Plumbing- NELSON BROS. S33 Chemeketa Phone lOOC "N. St. -T"V . ' QIESE YOUR CAR NEEDS NEW PARTS v ! ! ; see us : t JUlv Smith & Rings i'fotons Wiling Gears - Gaskets Cringing fered this season by Matchmaker Harry Plant. Both of the' head- liners are well known to local fistic fans and their ability and willingness to mix things has been demonstrated time and' again to the satisfaction of everyone. , -; Big Bill Hunt will meet I'Speed" Murphy in the semi-finals. Hunt is In excellent condition and will give the fans a ; fight for their money. f Famous Salt Lake Resort Is Destroyed by Fire SALT LAKE CITY. April 22. The nationally famous Saltair re sort on the Great Salt lake, 20 miles west of here, was 'gutted by fire late today and damage is esti mated at upwards of $600,000. Theflames were fanned by a 23 mile wind and spread rapidly. S BEATEK by men SCHOOL The Salem high school nine took a bundle of surprises to the Che mawa Indians yesterday afternoon ind trimmed them by a score of 7 to 4. ' ! 'I The Indiana made three runs in the last half of the ninth inning, when they took three hits.' Never theless, the Salem players had the advantage of the whole game. In every branch they took them to task and brought out the merit of their own playing. Fabry did fine work in th - pit- Ml Critics As the Greatest of Photoplays! Story by Paul Leicester Ford STARTS J SATURDAY 01 w-w 1 r s I ricuiea 1 fa ELEeTRIC "WASHER The Voss is made by Mr. Voss the man who designed and built the first washing machine that was manufac tured. . 'T .;' . " ' : ' ' ' ' I Surely a man who has put all of his efforts and experi ence for so long .a time in the building of washing machines must have a superior washer to offer. . I '- - . : Wood Tub S85 Eaax Terms No Interest - 'KILL" Watkins Compound Bolts Bushings Brake Lining cher's box, with Kelley in the Ik The Indians used George at the pitcher's box and Atkins at the home plate. The all around team work of the Salem players was responsible for the victory, a complete surprise to the Indians, who hold two de feats over the local nine, durins the past twC "-rs. The two teams are tomeet again on May 2. Tf) AT TRIP WHENfcyou crow Ihe Pacific on magnif.ccnt Empress lintr you travel on. the Urert ships oa the Pecific bolder of record time to J rn, China Dd the Philippines. Cana dian Pacific mantge mer.t assures , the finest service, cour tesy and comfort. Your load agent ? gladly give informa tion and literature. Ask about the at- ' tractive eco- i cab in rates. FRANK JUE J Tenor Frank Jue is the Tenor Soloist in the concert of the combined University of Oregon Glee Clubs and Orchestra here Thursday, April 23, at the Grand theater. He has appeared here before in. Glee Clnb concerts and this winter before the Evans Men's Bible club.! r- . - ; Ths is the first season the three, cluba hare been combined in one concert. The effect gained Is sur prising. The .program is Taried. Seats will be on sale at the "Grand, theater Wednesday and Thursday, Copper Tub $93.50 k CaneidianRaafic Air j T TfDcrxm -xeniAvd- Parity J . ,: ' If ? 1 - yw &AmmA - 9 er V: J e o to fe r V i)