The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 23, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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CJ; J t .Uiv irX HlJ- M M ; UUUi-JUM LJ U iJLLJU Utiu
Unsettled pTobatW occas
That's what , makes things grow in Oregon
Plenty of sunshine this summer. Take time cor'
to glance at the Classified Columns of this paper
there are things there of interest to you.
r . . . .. -i ..
ional rains; no change In temperature; moderate
southwest winds. Max. 55. Min
42.! River, 8
part cloudy,
falling, Rainfall, .01, Atmosphere
Wind. west. ill
'J : ' - , : . i
! -i
r I
I i
i !
i 1
Fist Fighting Breaks Up
Meeting of French Cham
ber ; of Deputies When
Hernot is Elected
Studied Affront is O
ffered to
Former Premie?
PARIS. April 22. (I3y The As
sociated Press ) . Edouard Her-
riot, former premier, wjas eleeted
to the coveted presidency of the
chamber of deputies today in one
of the stormiest sessions ever
staged here. He suffered a jstud
ied : affront from the Opposition,
however, as M. Herriotjt was the
only candidate who failed of! elec
tion on the first ballot, bis sup--porters
lacking 13 of constituting
a majority of the chamber mem
bership, necessary for a quorum
On the second ballot heptood 267
to 1, the negative rote'frhtch was
cast by Herriott hlmselE.
Fist fighting is no Novelty in
the French lower house, but oday
the presiding officer expressed the
greatest indignation tb4t the de
puties should carry their rioting
into the rostrum itself,! even up
setting the chair of the president.
who Immediately donned hip silk
hat as a signal that tie session
was suspended. I
This bad happened during the
second balloting . whe Deputy
Balanant charged ten deputies had
roted twice. Two socialist depu
ties attacked him and I the j fight
became general.. . ! :
The cabinet triumvirate, jPain
leve, Caillauz and Briahd, face
the senate tomorrow anil will ask
for a vote of confidence on the
ministerial declaration (presented
yesterday. j
M. Caillaux will app ar before
a body, half of - the members of
which sat in Judgment "upon him
when he "was sentenced :o Impris
onment and exile and s ripped of
his civil rights. Though it is ex
pected the senators will be! rea
sonably peaceful, there is naj con
cealment that a strong hostility to
Caillaux exists in the upe? house.
The senate is credited! with the
Intention of following j tradition
and allowing the new ministry to
show definite plans anl spjeclfic
acts before It passes judgment.
Reduction of $2 Per Thou-
sand uuotea imponance
is Manifest
TACOMA, April 22. Iogs icame
down $2 per thousand: feet on
Puget Sound today in the qjuota
tions of practically all companies,
according to reports cjirrjent
among Tacoma lumber tnen j dur
ing the day. The reduction ih the
price of logs was regarded as of
great importance to the lumber in
dustry on Sound points as a ielief
of the industry under the present
dull market conditions
placing Sound mills on a
those of Gray's Harbor
Columbia river.
and as
and the
The new prices on logs
are now $12, $18 and $24, for' the
three grades In the current basic
quotations. It is reported.
For the first time in about; two
months the yellow pine cut jwent
below the orders and shipments
during last week, according; to the
bermen's Club Wednesday by, the
West Coast Lumbermen's associa
The fir cut of the northwest was
also favorable. "The yellow
report was 76,000,000 feet
78,000,000 ordered and 79,000,-
000 feet shipped. - - !
TACOMA, April 22.-4-A t365
acre tract has been added to the
82 acres occupied by th federal
penitentiary on -McNeil Island, In
Puget sound, about eight miles
from .Tacoma It was ; ainonnced
today by federal authorities here
-.i!'. ' 1 ''.
Navy Maneuvers Are
! f
WASHINGTON, April 22. The
cruise of a section of the United
States fleet to Apstralia this sum
mer (will be conducted, Secretary
Wilbur said today, notwithstand
ing a fewj scattering1 forotests re
ceived from American citizens and
organizations, j - : j ;
jj Mr. Wilbur declined to comment
on a letter received! today from
Frederick J. Libby of the National
Council for Prevention of War,
urging sharper: curtailment of
abondonment of the cruise. Eigh-
or 20 protests from indlvid
and 'organizations in : differ
ent parts of the country had been
received previously, and Mr. Wil
bur said all had been answered in
a Iform letter." J!::: !'' : f-; ','.:'
! A copy of one of these letters
declared that if all the infroma
tion ion the subject was available,'
speakers and Writers would not
attempt to hamper their govern
ment in its efforts ! to promote
friendship abroad and! to make cer
tain j of our ability to maintain
peace for j our own lands," i and
I .; ! ; M! N I; : 1,
' ! ! i . 1 , r :: : i
Cave Explorer Who Perished
in iTunnei. rteieasea i-rom
Rock Prison
CAVE CITY; Ky., April 22.
The ibody of Floyd Collins, cave
expldrer, who died from hunger
and i exposure when i trapped in
Sand Cave! late; in January, today
was freed from its natural under
ground prison and moved from the
rock I that pinned it to the ground
at the bottom of the 70-foot shaft
W.f; H. Hunt, Central -City; N. T.T
engineer, said early tonight.
The tocry was in good condition'
considering the: time lit had been
exposed to! the underground ele
ments, Mr. Hunt said. He also an
nounced that the corpse will be
raised from the shaft to the sur
face at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing. ; ;v -:j ; j: ::!; j p;
;l Examination of the rock that
fell on Collins and pinned him in
the death trap : showed that it
weighed only 75 pounds, Mr: Hunt
said. ' j, ., ;j; ji :n.i:';.
Just arter i two workmen had
succeeded in ; removing the body
from unden the small rock, the"
portion of the tunnel and lateral
In Mrhich the body was found,:' col
lapsed and fell! from! 60 to lo6
feet into a pit directly behind the
position where the body had re
clined. Collins! had -told rescuers
who J had crawled I to him in the
first days of his! entrapment that
there; was a deep pit behind him.
The two miners, E, S. Hayes and
J. S., Smith of Central City, were
the only ones who ventured into
the death trap I today. They re
ported that they found chicken
bones . and scraps of food by the
side; of the cavei explorer, 1 which
disproved early ; rumors that no
had been ; taken! within Col-
reach.; i l
Questions i Asked . Murdock Are Fillip I
1 Answered; Salem People' Are Pleased
.Thrill of the Mysterious Demonstrated by .Eminent Exponent of
! j Psychic Phenomena; Special Program for Women Today
The lure! of the unknown, the
thrill: that the mysterious has for
young and bid alike. Is the power
back ! of the tremendous success
that lias been achieved by Mur
dock,! "The Eminent White Ma
hatma," who Is playing a most
successful j engagement at the
Bligh theater.
Murdock's production Is qnite
elaborate, 4 j containing beautiful
scenic investiture and, costuming
of a consistent Oriental nature and
special lighting, effects, with an
appropriate atmospheric opening.
Murdock proceeds directly to bus
iness; and ; manages to keep His
auditors highly mystified and en
tertained daring the course of the
45 minutes; to one hour that he
occupies the stage.
Murdock's engagement will ter
minate with the performance to
night. This afternoon, starting
promptly at 2 . o'clock, .there will
be a special souvenir performance
for ladies only"; men 'will abso
lutely be taboo as will girls under
16 years of age. this Will permit
the seer to ; respond to queries of
ah intimate nature whllh he could
not do with a mixed audience pres
ent, J. . . i ,: :.rr,
The questions and answers for
by Wilbur; i
Is Shown
gave assurance that no alarm was
caused by such maneuvers, while
on the contrary they developed in
ternational friendship.
"Every nation that maintains a
navy, the letter continued J'wants
it to be efficient. Its ships must
be in good' running orderr its men
must be able to operate the ships.
For this reason the maritime na
tions of the world require certain
drills, exercises and maneuvers of
their ships and all maritime na
tions exercise their men and ships
annually.'' ' .' :- '. : j
""It caused no alarm anywhere
in the world this year when Eng
land's fleet and the French 1 fleet
held their annual maneuvers. It
Causes no alarm in this country
when the Japanese hold their an
nual maneuvers. In the 'recent
cruise of a Japanese squadron to
the coast' of California and the
Panama canal, much good feeling
was created and many-friendships
made between the visiting Japan
ese squadron and the Americans
on the west coast; ; 3 I -
Sentence of Six Months in
Jail and. $500 Fine Im-
posed on Two Men
Lawrence Montgomery and Jas.
Williams received sentences of six
months in the county jail and
fines of $500 each yesterday when
they were found guilty of operat
ing a still.' ; ; The case wag tried
before a Jury in justice court.
The defendants, together with'
another manf Wells, were arrest
ed on February 14 by William S
Levens, state prohibition com mis
sioher, Roy Bremmer, deputy
sheriff, and George Hurlburt, fed
eral agent. Wells entered a plea
of guilty In justice court immedi
ately and was given a sentence of
six months and $500 fine.
In the trial yesterday Wells at
tempted, in some measure, to re
lieve his cdmpanlons of the bur
den of the consequences, and to
share the responsibility of owning
the still. According to the evi
dence, however, ,it was shown that
Montgomery and Williams were
equally to blame for th$ liquor
operations. , 5
All three of the men have been
convicted before on similar charges
according to the district attorney's
office, while Wells admitted on
the stand. that he 'has been : con
victed three times. ;
With the ronading up of this
gang officials believe that moon
shine operations in., this section
will be curtailedto-some extent,
as the plant Is known :to have
been furnishing ; liquor in ;- large
quantities. j ;
WASHINGTON, April j 22.
President Coolldge has selected
William S. Culbertson oi Kansas
to succeed Peter A. Jay , as min
ister to' Roumania. . i i i
today follow and although Mur
dock will have left for his next en
gagement .there win be further
questions' and his answers publish
ed in Friday's edition 6f The Ore
gon Statesman:' ::
RT I have a daughter who is
causing me considerable trouble
and worry by keeping late hours
with Undesirable ' company. : Tell
me how I can overcome thlsJ
Ans. Explain to your daughter
your true feelings in the matter.
ermit Her to have the proper
company at home and she will be
weaned away from bad compan
ions. :: ,L :.v
. f CBA What Is the best for me
to do thig fall? Jl
Ans. Take the ''position that
has been offered jrou in Britten
Columbia as I see a future for
you. ' : -- .t T
VN How- soon jwill my little
difficulties he settled?
Ans. It depends entirely' upon
you. Forget the brunette and pay
more attention to your wife and
everything will be okeh.
MCR Will my son do well in
his new position in Seattle?
Ans. Your son is- ambitious
( Com t lane a pga 2)
Senator! Burton K. Wheeler
Take Stand in Own De
fense; Talking Over Oil
Land Permits Admitted
Government Counsel Draws
Fortt Statement During
Cross Examination
GREAT: FALLS, Mont., Apru
22. (By The Associated Press.)
Putting the entire story of his con
nection -iwith Gordon Campbell,
Montana! oil operator, m
of the jury5 thkt will decide wheth
er or noit he wrongfully used his
influence before a government de-
nartment. I Senator Burton K.
Wheeler on the witness stand In
his own behalf. ' admitted today
that he had discussed one oil land
permit with the department of the
iuterior officials. ,
Admission Drawn Ont '
The .admission came while he
was being cross exminea oy ma-
trict Attorney John L. Slattery,
his nrosecutor. Senator wneeier
was Indicted for accepting a fee
for prosecuting oil land permits
for his client before the Interior
department. In admitting that he
took up one matter Involving- an
oil permltj with Edwin S. Booth,
then , department solicitor he tes
tified that his action did not con
stitute an appearance and that it
was something he would have done
for any
Montana citizen on ye-
; : . -i
I .-. - , . ,
Qui! Is Lengthy: , "
The accused senator was on the
stand nearly four hours and the
district attorney had not complet
ed his Cress! examination when
court adjourned overnight.
When Senator Wheeler leaves
the stand, the question of adjourn
ing court pending the arrival of
other witnesses from the east will
be decided; The other witnesses
were called by the defense in an
attempt jtq controvert the test!
mony of: George P. Hayes, New
York attorney who declared that
he met Wheeler in New York In
March, 1923; and was asked to ap
pear before the interior depart
ment in his place and in behalf of
Campbell, With the promise of a
large feel i '
' I ! i
Testimony Denied
The accused senator directly de
nied Hayes' testimony when he
was called to the sand by his chief
counsel. Senator Thomas J. Walsh.
, I i ! - .
"I never met George P. Hayes
In New York," he said emphatical
ly. "I never heard of him until
he appeared before the Daugherty
investigating committee in Wash
ington' inj March, 1924V
' Senator Wheeler declared that
he was introduced to Hayes in
Washington by A. B. Meliner, an
attorney, attached to the Daugh
erty investigating committee.
Melzner previously testified to the
meeting jof the two and said at
the time neither Hayes nor Sen
ator wheeler! showed an indica
tion of ever' having met before.
ford) Made defend ant
DETRpIT, April 22. Damages
tct the amount of $1,000,000 was
asked in I a suit filed in United
States' district court here today
against Henry r ora ana tne dear
born Publishing compar.,' which
he owns. - -Action Is brought by
Aaron Sapiro, attorney.
Do you know of any annual crop on the land! that is capa
ble of being made into as high values as flax
Running as high as $24,000 an acre and more?. ....
Considering bumper yields and. the j finest linens, like
handkerchiefs. Cut this in two, and still do you know of a
crop to match it? Cut it in two again, and still do you know
6f one? i "And cut it in two again, and m4ke it, $3000 to the
adre, and hdw many crops do you know to match the showing?
I Flax and linen mean cash all the way; up the line; from
the matt oh the land to the retting and scutching people, and
theii to the spinners, the weavers, bleachers, dyers, damaskers
and all the rest. Many of them highly paid people; artists,
people of genius and ability. A ; ; i .j ;1 i, ' ,
This is what it means when you help to get the second
iineti mill for Salem. It means finally $100,000,000 a year
brought! here from long distances; it means a million people
empioyea airectiy aiiu ijuuh ei-ijf , n. "x".-y-most
uniformly prosperous city in the world; it means mak
ing down town-property in Salem worth four to forty times
present prices. ' , . .. , . j :
i ii .
Jurist is Assigned to Try
William Shepherd for Al
leged i j Staying of Ward
With Typhoid Germs
Bondsmen Continue to Hold
"Dottorf in Custody After
i Placing Iiail
CHICAGO, April 22. Chief
Justice Jacob Hopkins of the crlm-
today assigned Judge
Thomas J.' Lynch to hear themur-I
der trial ofj William D. Shepherd. !
killing his ward, Wil
liam N. McClintock, millionaire
orphan, byj inoculating him with
typhoid germs. s ,
The case was i Bet : on Judge
Lynch's calfendar tor next Monday
when! preliminary motions will be
heard. Meanwhile the coroners
inquest into the death of young
McClintock, his J mother, ; Mrs.
Emma Nelson McClintock, and Dr.
Oscar Olson, the McClintock fam
ily physician,, was again continued
indefinitely U
; Robert El Crowe; the state's at
torney, spra'ng a coup today which
in effect nullified the petition for
a writ of mandamus asking that
Charles C! jFaiman indicted With
Shepherd, be committed to Jail.
Faiman, I who confessed that
Shepherd offered j him $100,000
for typhoid germs to administer
to young McClintock, has been
held in the! custody of detectives
from the state's attorney's office.
Mr. CroWe : went before ; Judge
Lynch and asked that Ijail be fixed
for Faimani whose bonds were set
at $100,00, after which two de
tective sergeants went his secur
ity. Under! the Illinois law, tne
hnnrlamen mav have charge of
on whose bond they
! I
Annthni QuriHinn 'Pnn7l'
! Fails to Do His Stuff
A man arrived in the city re
cently and attempted to put across
a fake relief scheme among coi
lava rrarinatps. rlaimine to be a
member of their fraternal organi
zation. The man had a story to
the" effect tha he had been robbed
of am $8,800 cashier's check by a
hobo iwhomj he had picked np en
route to Salem.
After an Investigation by bank
officials it was disclosed that the
man had told the same stories at
the different places he had stop
ped eh route to this city. In ad
dition it was established that the
bank he had named had never
issued such fa check to the ..indi
Th min endeavored to "work
among professional men, with .fhe
story that he was a member a
noted engineer's fraternity
Prisoner Admits1 Looting
80 Portland Residences
PORTLAND, Or., April 22.
Alex Gerlach, who was wounded in
a pistol tight with police last Sun
day night and, captured today ad
mitted having robbed about 80
nomes in Portland within the last
year, the police announced. As a
result of Gerlach's statements, the
police today iarrested John H. Nel
son, a. Jewelier and Fred Gerlach,
a brother of the prisoner, and held
them on charges of receiving and
concealing letolen property.
Details Are Given of
Disaster to Japanese
Ship; Aid Im
! NEW YORK. April 22 The
White Star liner Homeric docked
here tonight with a passenger list
divided in regard to the possibili
ties that at least some of the 38
members of the crew of the Jap
anese freighter Raifuku Maru,
which sank yesterday, might have
been saved.- Many passengers re
ported that they had seen Japan
ese seamen either swimming or
Leing;:: swept toward the Homeric
after the freighter foundered and
'.hat they believed they might have
been saved had life boats been
lowered from the' liner. At least
an equal number declared that
everything possible had been done.
: Captain Roberts made the fol
lowing statement to reporters who
gathered in his cabin while the
liner was anchored off quarantine
lonifchtV "
"At 5:47 a. nr. (New York
time) April 21, in answer to dis
tress messages from Chatham,
Mass. regarding the Raifuku Ma
ru. our course was altered toward
the position, given in ; the message
three: miles distant.' Speed was
increased to the maxlmnm possi
ble In the prevailing weather, the
wind was north northwest with a
strong gale and high sea.
Over Two Million Bushels of
Corn and Oats Lost in
Chicago Blaze
CHICAGO, April 22. Fire to
night destroyed . two wooden ele
vators of tne Rosenbaum. Grain
corporation with an estimated loss
of 2,000.00(r including, upwards
of 2,000,000 bushels of corn and
oats belonging' to the grain mar
keting corporation.
' The elevators were the oldest
wooden ones in Chicago, accord
ing to Emmanuel F. Kosenbaum,
president of the company. He es
tlmated the loss of,the grain at
$1,500,000 and the structures at
$600,000, all of the loss being cov
ered by insurance.
The fire, which started In the
Keith elevator, the largest. Quick
ly spread to the adjoining smaller
structure and for a time threat
ened adjoining packing plants and
lumber yards. Intense heat ham
pered the efforts of firemen' who
were unable to get within 150
feet of the burning building.
Sparks,- carried by the Wind,
several times set fire to the Omaha
Packing company plant, nearby
and also to a large lumber yard)
across the south branch ; of the
Chicago river. ; More than two
score fire companies and two fire
tugs were - summoned in general
, CHICACO, April-22. The pro
posed finish -wrestlLng match be
tween Ed "Strangler" Lewis and
Wayne Munn at the open air arena
In Michigan City, Ind., May 30,
will be closed here tomorrow.
Three Willamette Artist-Instnictors
Presehf Excellent Concert Last Night
Waller Hall Well Filled to Hear Bplendld Frogram; Diversity ; Is
; Feature of Musical Of ferfngs -
' A good-sired audience heard a
musical program of merit last eve
ning at Waller Hall when three
artist-instructors, Frances Virgin
le Melton, pianist; William Wal
lace Graham, violinist; and Emory
W. Hobson, barHtone, were pre
sented under, the auspices of the
American Association of Uniyer
sity Women. ; .
A program as diverse in its num
bers as is the training of the ar
tists who presented it,4 otienp'
with Handel's pompous "Thus
Saith the Nations,'.' sung by Prof.
Hobson, and closed with a spright
ly Gavottee in E Minor played by
Prof. : Graham. : Numbers; light,
lanquid, martial and brilliant In
the groups between made a pro
gram compact with delight.
Miss Melton's - earlier group
opened with two numbers from
MacDowell "The Eagle'' and
"Improvisation" the Bauer ar
rangement of a ' Beethoven "Ga
.vdtte, and " Campbell-Tipton's
brilliant study In ctaves Each
wa3 played with consummate
beauty and a true pianist's fault
less still.
Professor Tfobson sang with
splendid power and feeling Ham
- - -! :.- .
"At 10:55 a. m. we sighted the
Raifuku Maru ahead, distant about
two miles, visibility being low with
sleet and driving spray. Speed
was" reduced! and oil pumped over
board while approaching the Rai
fuku Maru close to windward. The
fehlp apparentlv had'a liat to star
board of about 60 .degrees. Men
were seen clinging to the rail.
"As the Homeric got abreast of
he Raifuku Maru's stern efforts
were made to turn- so as to ap
proach the Raifuku Maru's lee
side. These failed - and the ship
wad backed toward"' .the Raifuku
Maru's stern. Whesf close to wind
ward of wreck, her keel could be
seen when she lurched and when
nearing the lee quarter much small
wreckage but no life or boat was
seen. .
"The Homeric again closed on
the floating wreckage but no life
or anything to suport life in that
terrific sea, remained. The gale
increased in force and the Homeric
secured boats and proceeded on" '
AH passengers were eager to
tell of the disaster. Some showed
anger, while others spoke highly
of the manner in which Captain
Roberts handled the situation.
Four Year Old Child Declar
ed to Have Had Over 100
Welts on Body
TILLAMOOK, Or., April 22.
Sylvia Louise Descamps, 4-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Cora M. Des
camps, Portland, and Peter - C.
Descamps of Washougal, W'ash
came to her j death as a result of
a beating administered yesterday
by her grandmother, Mrs. M. C.
Paton, according to a statement
by Dr. R. T. Boals, who performed
an autopsy on the child's body to
day. ; ' .
Dr. ; Boals declared that- the
child had 'suffered considerable
Injuries. More than 100 welts
and bruises were found on the
child's body. I
' Dr. J. E. Shearer examined the
grandmother, who was held In
the city jail here, to determine
her physical , and mental condi
tion. After the tests he declined
to say whether the woman was
sane or not. j V
ne said further test3, and prob
ably the Advice" of mental special
ists would be necessary. ;
. 'j- - :
Potatoes Sell For $38.
A Ton; pthers Offered
YAKIMA. 5 April 22. Growers
in the Wapato district, near here,
received $38a ton for potatoes,
and it was reported that $40 a ton
had beenj offered Jn the Sunny
side district,! These prices were
for United . States No.- 1 grade'.
Several lots were reported sold In
the Suhnyslde district , yesterday
for $33 for first" grade.
mond's The Pipes of, Gordon's
Men," but volumes of applause
failed to bring him to the foot
lights for a single extra until a
third excelling artist on the Pa
cific coast,r William .Wallace Grar
ham, had been cordially' received.
Professor Graham played - Beeth
oven's' "Romance . ,in ' P Major,
Opus 50" -with a tone piercingly
clear and uncloyed,' putting a mas
ter's power In his bowing." Fran-coeur-Kreisler's
"Sicilienne and
Rigaudon" was equally satisfying,
equally full of great tonal grace.
For his third appearance, 'Pro
fessor Hobson sang in a more
plaintive strain than hitherto two
Coleridge ; Taylor numbers", ."She
Rested by the Broken Brook," and
"Thou Art Risen, My Beloved,"
responding with that pearl among
love" lyrics, JDrink to Me Only
With Thy Eyes," as the long-called
for encore. , ,
Miss Melton devoted her second
group to Chopin, a composer of
whom she is obviously fond. One
of the most evanescent of the pre
ludes was follewed. with the Pol
onaise, Opua 53. , As her encore
Miss Melton gave a spring song,
lyrical of theme, by the late Emfl
(Continued on paga
Wednesday Proves to b2
Dull Day Yet More Then
$11000jn Subscriptions
Are Reported
Employes Are Grouped cr.l
Industry Explained; All
Workers Report Today
As usual in the affairs of all
great enterprises there comes a
time when there Is a lag such a
day was yesterday in the quest
for subscriptions, Salem's quota cf
$300,000 to apply on the erection
of a $640,000 linen mill here.
Before the day was over, how
ever, the workers had brought In
over $11,000 for the day's activi
ties and the . lag in. affairs was.
brought to an end.
Several of the good boosters ca
the linen project were out of the
city on business and consequently
were unable to report. They are
to report today at the regular
meeting of the committee. As
there is no regular service club
meeting today noon and a larg
gathering of boosters are expect
ed at the chamber of commerce..
Good Finish Indicated
More teams are working in the
field and indications are that 4
good finish is to be. put to the
biggest proposition ever brought
to Salem. As an example of tta
great interest shown by the reta.l
firms of the city, special arrange
ments have been made by which
employees of . the different Xlrr:
may be Introduced to the plat?.
Employees of the J. C. Pence jr
store, and the Stiff Furniture com
pany were called together and thB
proposition explained to them,
i The retail interests are awara ;
of what the new linen mill will
mean to this vicinity and they af a
acting accordingly.
; At the luncheon Wednesday
noon. Lieutenant Colonel W. 13.
Bartram. who Is associated with
D. M. Sanson, promoter of the lin
en mill project stated :'"I feel con
fident now that the propositioi
will go through. Portland is look-,
lag to the Willamette valley to
take the lnitative in the project.''
Visitors Attend Lunch
Winnie Braden, secretary of the
Dallas Chamber of Commerce wai
in the city with five leading busi
ness men and capitalists of that
city who are interested in the pro
ject. .Thejr were here to arrange
for a meeting la Dallas' to be heli
soo nv Keen Interest i Is being
sholrn jn that district. I
! T. P. Ristelgen, cashaitr of the
First v National bank and M. G.
Gunderson, cashier of the Cool
ldge & McClaine bank were pres
ent from Silverton to attend tha
meeting. They too, are anxiou3
to hear about the proposltloa 1.
that city.
Contributions Received
, ', A number of persons have call
ed at the chamber of commerce,
and delivered subscriptions rang
ing from 1400 to $1000. As a re
sult, efforts are being made ty
the workers to reach the 20 0,
000 mark by the end of this week.
When. this is" reached, the workers
i President Coolldge-opened tfc-a
Washington baseball season.
' William H. Culbertson of Ksn
sas was selected as minister to
The state department announc
ed withdrawal of -American pro
tective forces from Honduras.
; The time for filing an appeal
on the. Pacific , Mail lnjucctirit
salt of the sale of five shlppir j
board ' vessels was extended c;.a
day. '
; The Daughters of the Amer!;:n
Revolution refused to Increa;3 t'2
initiation fees and accepted nom
inations: for seven Vice presidents:
- 'The tariff commission co-ti-t-ne'd
hearings' on , the conyarstfrn
cost of butter producticn t
United States and com;,ttI.-
e!ga countries.