The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    lii 4- ,
TWENTY-ONE tables of bridge
were In play yesterday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Russell
Catln. marking one jof the largest
bentlt affairs planned for jthe
season by Chemeketa chapteif of
the Daughters of the American
Revolution. Purple and white
lilacs were osed fa profusion about
tVe rooms. " The,' high 'scores were
won by Mrs. "Phil Newmyer and
Mrs.' E. E. UraggC" Tea was served
to the guests at the small tables.
Those who made reservations
for the afternoon, inviting guests
from 'Albany." Dallas and Jeffer
son, as well as many local women,
were: Mrs. John' Eakin, airs.
George A. White, Mrs. Isaac Lee
Pattetson, 1 Mrs. Seymour Jones,
Mrs. Homer Goulejr, Mrs. JJ.f G.
Shipley. Miss Esther Morris, Sjfrs.
Alton Hurley. Mrs. H. T. Ldye
Mrs; Elmo S. White, Mrs. , Harry
M. Styles, Mrs. E. M. Hof fnjfell,
Miss E,Ita Looney, Mrs. Romeo
Goqley and Mrs. James HeltzeL
- , ' . i
Always, in the years past. tne
of the most gala events of the ?n
tire social year has been the dance
cponsored by the members of fhe
-4 Jnnior Guild of St. Paul'a Episco
pal church." And this year's dance
op-FrWay evening at the Crystal
gardens, bids fair to maintain he
same standard. ' ' t
A laJie number of Salem people
are actively promoting the success
of this itfalr. the group, including
tiose who have been interested in
flprery stellar dance that; has ben
d high-light In the city's gayety.
Aside from raising funds for the
church, the committee is intention
giving to every guest who comes
the utmost In enjoyment. Ar
rangements have already been
made for splendid music for the
. evening. j
In the grotfp . of those actively
sponsoring one ot the leading &r
falrs ,ln a full . week are: Mrs.
William Beli; Mrs. E. E. Bragg,
Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner, Mrs.
i.- ,
Each cne of the famous
Is made for, the relief Of
. some, specific ailment.
Each is guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money rfe-
funded., J
" When you buy Rex a 11
Remedies you save by lar-j
I ger sizes, better, quality or
lower prices. - j-i'
You are sa:, because onjy
" highest quality Is g o o d
enough for RexalL
Perry Drug Store
: ',t;;w;;-')"Ti-f ?" S5- - r
11 Hovtli OonuoereUl .
;t . ?-. Balem, Oregon '
Phone? I OR ) '
Edwin L.j leaker, Mrs. H. D. Cham
bers. Mrs. 'Chester Cox. Mrs. Cur
tfs Cross. Mrs. J.'D. Caughilf; Mrs.
Allan Carsbn; Mrs. Russell Catlin.
Miss Maryl Cbadwlck, Mrs. H. A.
Pornoyer Mrs. B. Ii. Darby, Mrs.
Frederick peckebaeb, Mrs. Frank
Durbin, Mrs. Homer Egan. Mrs.
Clifford j Farmer."" Miss Mildred M." Gregory, Mrs. LI
S. Geer, 'Mrs. Alton Hurley, Mrs.
Clifton Irwin. Mrs. Walter J.
Kirk. Mra.f E. H. Kennedy, Mrs.
V. E, Kuhnr Mrs. W: It. Lytle,
Mrs. Louis; Lachmnnd; Mrs. J. R.
Luper. Mrs. J, E. La u. Miss Sarah
Lansinr.'lMrs. Victor MacKenzte,
Mr3. PhU j Newmyer, Mrs. A." C.
Perry, Mrs F.' WL Poorman, Mrs.
Hal Patton, Mrs. D. C. Roberts,
Mrs. F. J, Rupert, Mrs. J. J. Rot
tie, Mrs. Amos Strong, Mrs. U. G.
Shipley, Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mrs.
)Homer Smith, "Mrs. E. F. Slade,
Mrs. Rei jSanford, Mrs. Prank
Spears, the; Gray Belle. Mrs. G. E.
Terwilligeri Mrs, Frederick Thiel
sen. Miss Ellen Thielsen. Mrs." Will
lam S. Walton. Mrs. W. L. West,
Mrs. G. L. j Williams. Mrs. George
Al White 'and' Miss Maim! Victor.
The Kensington dub will meet
on Thursday afternoon at thn
home of Mrs. Charles S. Pratt,
340 N. Liberty street.
f"r:; ?
I The Past Matrons'. association
will meet' on Friday evening at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. God
frey. The ostess of the evening
rwiu be Mrs. Tasa.'Mrs; Cillette,
and Mrs. Ida Babcock.
I :-
j Mrs. Russell Catlin is entertain
ing as her: house guest, Mrs. Char
les Fearl of Springfield, Mo.
At the meeting on Monday eve
ning of Hal Hihbard ' camp and
auxiliary plans "were made for a
jjoint meeting the first Monday' in
May with the Veterans in Wood
burnJ 1 ' . "";
! A reception will be held Friday
evening, April 24, at 7:30" o'clock,
at the First Methodist church,
honoring Rev. and Mrs. Fred C.
Taylor with members of the
Ladies' Aid society of the church
as hostesses. A general Invitation
lis extended ito all those interested
'J.o meet Rev." and Mrs. Taylor at
!thls time. ' -
I The public Is cordially invited
o hear Ex-Senator Isaac Lee Pat
lerson on Friday 1 evening at the
Eola schoolhonse when he will
italk on Community thrift, under
- i . j t - r-
Perfect home
iyeing' and tint
ing is guaranteed
with Diamond
Dyes. Just dip In
told water to tint
6t, dell c ate
thades, or boll to
Jye rich, 'perman
ent colors. Each
15-ceht ' package
tontalna dlrec
tions bo simple
any woman can dye or tint lin
gerie,' silks,; ribbons, skirts, waists.
dresses, coats, stockings, sweaters,
draperies. ' coverings, , hangings,
everything new. !
Buy "Diamond Dyes' no other
kind and tell your druggist whether-
the ! material you wish 'to
color is wool of silk, or whether
It Is linen; cotton.
or mixed goods.
AOV. j
16 Charge to the Ex-Servxce M?5
Tere ia no need, Mr. Ex-Service Man, in tucking away
: jour adjusted Compensation Certificate in forgotten
i corners or other nooks around your home. We will place
itthin the safekeeping of our great vaults here at
1 the United States National without charge to you.
B-iftg it in now' before loss by fire or other agent oc
cux4 . Your Certificate represents actual money andlt
i should be safe until it is redeemed.
United States
National Bank
the auspices of the Eola Com
munity club., ' ,
i ' - t
The fact, itself that - Superia
tendent J. A. Churchill is to be
the' speaker assures a splendid at
tendance for the meeting of the
Salem branch of the National
League 'of " Women Voters' a"tS
o'clock this afternoon at the city
library. ' Mf. Churchill, a most
agreeable 'speakery will center'hls
talk, on "The School -Systemi of
Oregon." "; - ' i
" Mrs. John W. Roland Is enter
tainlng . as her house guest Mrs.
Horace D. Ramsdel of Portland. I
The Faculty Women's club of
Willamette university ; will meet
on Thursday afternoon at Lau
sanne hall as the guests of Miss
Frances M. Richards and Mrs; G.
L.' Rathbun. . ' 7 .
The regular business meeting
of the American Legion auxiliary
was held on-Monday evening in
MxCprnack hall. Plan3 were made
for a supper to be held in the near
future for the raising of funds to
send delegates to Prineville Ito
the convention there. After, the
business meeting ,the members
went to the Armory to view the
educational picture being shown
under the auspices of the game
commission, coming back to ' Mc
Cornack hall for ai banquet given
by the legion. ; ' i. A
At the next meeting, on May
11, the social committee will In
clude Mrs. Miles McKee, Mrs. Wil
lis Vinson, Mrs. Llbby,: Mrs. Bra
zier Small and Mrs. J. R. George.
W " t :
' r Today !
AAUW concert; Waller hall, 8
o'clock.- --t- :
First MethodI$t Church King's
Heralds. Guests' of the WFMS.
Program,' supper, and mite-box
opening.' " ' ' -
Men's Bible class dinner. First i
Presbyterian church 6:30 o'clock.
Barbara Frietchie tent No. 2,
Daughters of Veterans. Armory.
8 o'clock. '
Woman's Foreign Missionary
society ot the Jason Lee Methodist
church. Mrs. Dies, hoetess. Quar
terly tea. '
Count-On-Me class of the First
Baptist church. Mrs. Raf fety hos
tess 2 o'clock. ; ? U
Salem j branch ; ot the National
League or Women Voters, city
library, 3 o'clock. " J. A. Church
ill speaker. f
St. Monica's Altar society. Card
party. St. Joseph's auditorium.
;")' ; Thnrsday ;T""V t .1 ;
University of Oregon Glee clubs
and orchestra.. Concert. Grand
theatre. . '" :
Faculty J&o men's club. ; Miss
Frances M. . Richards and Mrs. G.
L. .Rathbun, hostesses.' -Lausanne
hall. 2:30 o'clock.
Kensington club. Mrs. Charles
S. Pratt, 340 N. Liberty street,
hostess. ' ,
Dance. Junior Guild of St.
Paul's Episcopal church. Crystal
Gardens. '
Adelante and Websterian liter
ary' societies. Joint banquet. Gray
Belle. I
First Presbyterian church. La
dies' Aid society. 2:30 o'clock-
Past Matrons' association . at
Mrs. Godfrey's. '8 o'clock. 4
Eola Community club, i Eola
school house, 8 o'clock.
Reception for Rev., and Mrs.
Fred C. Taylor, First Methodist;
church. 7:30 o'clock.
Saturday ' V
Salem Woman's club. Club
house! 2:30 o'clock. ' '
O. A. C.1-orchestra, assisted by
Byron D. Arnold, planlst. Waller
hall. 8:15 o'clock.
j Sunday :
Special musicale. First Con
gregational church. 7:3 o'clock.
Professor Clifford: Kantner, Jean
Kantner, and Nathan Stewart, all
of Seattle,, participants.: ; :
fit .)j l( J'
k f V
Simple services arranged by the
Society, ot Virginia Women la New
Tork were held at the Hall of
Fame of New York I University on
the anniversary of Thomas Jeffer-
The Adelante1 literary society of
Willamette university will hold
... .M t
tneir annual aiumnae program on
Friday afternoon at 4:15 -o'clock
J n Waller hall J j
. " I!
Much Interest is attending the
large, card pary which St. Moni
ca's Altar society- la sponsoring
this evening Id St. Joseph's audi
torium. 'j i '
Among those; who have already
made reservations are Mrs. O'
Brien, Mrs. Karst, Mrs. Heenan,
Mrs., Weiss. Mfd. Meiering. Mrs.
Petzels Mrs. B4rr, Mrs. Mlckel,
Mrs. Gould, Mrpi Amort, Mrs. Su
ing; Mrs. Brians, Mrs. Lebold,
Mrs. Killian, Mrs. Nadstanck, Mrs.
Compton, Mrs.
Gentzkow, Mrs.
Bach, Mrs. Alley, -Mrs. Dibb, Mrs.
Shields, Airs. Nathman, Mrs. Lane,
Mrs. Jaskoski, iWrs. Rocque. Mrs.
Rand, Mrs. Healy, Mrs.Schotne
man, Mrs. Nadon, Mrs. English.
Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Eckerline,
Sr. '"- It "
The quarterly meeting of the
Willamette Valley Typographical
conference in portland Saturday
niglit wag featured . by a -dance
given by Multnmahi local No. 58.
Among those making the trip
from Salem wore Ir, and Mrs.
Austin S. Tweed, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy S. Blodgett, Mr. and Mrs.
n Ct Van Slvkie. MrL and Mrs. J
- - I
A. Blackwood. Arthur Brock and
H. H. Hill. The association meets
every three months. )
The Count-Ott-Me
class of the
First Baptist church will meet this
afternoon at the home of Mrs
The.Ti W. Davies home was the
scene on Monday evening of a de
lightful social affair for a group
of young people.) Cards and danc
ing' were the diversions of the oc
casion. In the five hundred the
crizes went to Othoe ' white and
Garnet Harra. At the refreshment
hour the hostess, Mrs. T. W. Da
vies, was assisted by Mrs. C. E.
Barbour and Mrs. John Spong.
The guests the evening in
cluded: Miss Bernice Kirkwood,
Miss Mildred Spong; Miss Gladys
Rafferty, Miss ) Dorothy Hihes,
Miss Genevieve parbour, Mrs. G
H.; Taylor of Kjelso, Wash., Othoe
White, Paul Davies, Floyd Kinzer,
Garnet Harra,
Loyal White an4
La'Doyt Davies!,
i Worth Smith
few weeks ago
who left Stayton a
'fori St: Helens,
where he embarked In business,
was here over
ing with horn
his friends call
the week-nd vlslt
folks. Beau" as
him.! is apparently
well pleased with his new location.
- 4j i ;'. '
H. J.' Itowe,) manager for the
Mountain . Statdsl Power company
plant at this plaice was out of town
Monday looking after outside bus
iness, driving td Albany and re
turn. i'j
George ; Davie and daughter,
Miss Viva Davie &nd Mrs. Cora
Barrett, drove over to Lyons Sun
day where they
iting with Mrs.
spent the day vis-
Barrett's relatives.
: Through the
aeencv of Mrs. O.
VV.WJilte, maijiyl Stayton people
contributed to j the sinking fund
for the' Old Peoples home In Sa
lem during the drive which was on
the past week, j-
Mrs. Dennis Brickner left last
week for Long-View, Wash., where
she -was summoned by telegram
announcing the! serious Illness of
her sister. Mrs. Fred Bopp; and
other members ! of the Bopp fam
ily, all of whom are suffering of
pneumonia. j
Fisher &, Sons' store room In
the Roy building Is In the hands
of an interior decorator this week
undergoing a complete renovation,
the walls are being reflnished and
other improvements made. W. O.
Cooper is doing the work.
Mrs. W. W. Crabtree made a
trip 'to Salem Saturday where she
Lspent the day with. relatives.' Her
small nephew, Billy Powell, re
turned with her for a fortnight's
stay. -:... - I j ; - -
, Mrs. "Peter Barkmeyer was an
Incoming passehgjer on the evening
stage from Salem Saturday, hav
ing spent the day in the capital
city on a shopping expedition.
. Tha J. M. ' Mielkl family :who
spent the. week: end In , Portland,
son's birthday. . Mrs. James Polk
Martin placed a wreath ' on Jeffer
son's! bast , Shown in the above
photograph (left to tight) are
Manly Price Boone, a descendant
home of their Son. George E.
Mlelkt, returned home Sunday af
ternoon.' j r.
Ivan McDonald was absent from
business at the Pasttime pool hall
several days last jweek.j while at
tending to outside business in the
vicinity of Tillamook.
B. A. Schaefer, proprietor of the
Stayton Variety store on Third
street, has been Confined to his
home for a number of days with
an aggravated caie of flu.- Miss
Mary Kaser, a high school student
has been looking after the store
during his Illness, i -4
Mrs. A. J. Richards is entertain
ing her sister, Mrs. Ella Bargefeldt
of Spokane, at her home here.
Mrs. Bargefeldt arrived during the
week- for an extended stay at the
Richards home. i
Regardless of fb ?,drizzling rain
and a wet field, Stayton' played
good ball Frlday i fternoon when
the local high school team defeat
ed the Lebanon nine 13 to a goose
egg. J The game was played on
the home diamond, and is the sec
ond 'game of the season.!
Francis Hoereth of McMinnyille
was here during tlie week visiting
old friends about town. ' A few
years ago Mr. Hoereth j was em
ployed at the elect ric plant here;
and had many friends among the
younger set. !
Quite a number of istayton's
,1 .i
-7' i "r lu ?uu"
"mu n " J
evening where
they attended the dancing party
held In the COF hill. A very en
joyable time was had by those In
Frank Rauscher
of Sublimity
making ar-
was here Saturday
rangments for thfe wiring of the
new, service station which he is
rushing to complet
ton in the neigh
boring town
Halfway Mark
s Reached
Fn Kimball Financial Drive
. The financial campaign put on
by the Kimball Collegel of Theo
logy passed the lalf iway mark
Tuesday and th total reports
were around $120). The drive is
put on to secure $2 000 to apply on
the current budget for nie year.
The teams report that they have
met with, favorable response In
most places and that conditions
are favorable for Securing the en
tire amount in a Short time.
Hundreds of Queries
j Received by Murdock
(Continued frpm pag 1)
foolish as I see yqu receiving sub
stantial dividends,
h K. N. A. Will
new home?
we ' build our
' Ans. -Yes. buti
quite as
soon as you desire.
( T. M. G. What study would
you advise for my son.: born in
Ans. Electrical engineering,
O. J. Will I
crease in salary?
receive an In-
. Ans. The increase will go with
your promotion'
given June 1.
whlch will i be
E. McL. Will G's operation be
successful? If so when will he be
able to return home?
Ana. The. operation will be
fully successful and I see him
back with you before another 20
T. H. Am i goCng to California
next fall? Will I return to Sa
Ana. -You will make the trip
irritatitig acid
perspiration from
the i foot pores
produce and ag
gravatee cracked
tbes, ! itching be
tween toes, raw-
neas ana lenaer,
ajching, swollen
feet,. .-v
The moment you apply "Phil
lips Milk of Magnesia," all this
soreness, itching and tiredness dis
appears. Just paf It on. it dries
instantly. Nothing else stops foot
odors. ' relieves f ot soreness and
foot weariness so promptly as this
harmless antacid, j . , . , .
Insist upon - genuine "Phillips
Milk of Magnesia."" All drug
stores sell 23-cent bottles. adv.
r Cracked Toes!
ii H ii -- ,i
of Daniel Boone; Chancellor Elmer
Ellsworth j Brown ot New Tork
tTniverslty, Dr. Robert IT." Johnson;
director of the Hall t Fame, and
Mrs. James Wilson.
In September and I do not see you
returning; as things will be very
successful for you In San Diego.
M. "B. Should' I continue the
profession of teaching? ,
Ans: I do not see you teaching
for very'long as most of your
time In the near future w'lll be
taken np with domestic science.
J. J. A. -Is there any mineral
on the land we have in northern
Ans. No.
H. ' T. -Is the gfrl I ant going
with' true to me?
Ans. he is as true, to you as
you are to her. However, it does
not matter. as she fully intends
marrying the man In "Portland.
E. R. C. When will my hus-
Lband be able to 'd is pose of his
patent? '
Ans. He. will come to a settle
ment with the parties with whom
he is now negotiating.
L. R. W. Can you locate my
sister? !
Ans. You haven't any. Why
try to fool me?
M. C. Will I get my wish?
Ans. Yes, when you conjure
up sufficient courage to ask her.
A. B. N. My boy Is out of
work. Will he get a Job soon?
Ans. Your son is not1 too am
bitious. If you persuade him to
return to his old job it will be to
his advantage. ;
, E. S. My daughter left Tacoma
about a year ago with a man. Can
you locate her for us?
Ans. She is married and happy
but afraid you have not forgiven
her. Write her care of 1311 Third
avenue, Keno, Nevada.
F. M. Please tell me the name
of the woman my " husband has
been neglecting me for?
Ans. I cannot tell you this in
. An
The beauty and
sheerness of chiffon
and durability of
silk are successfully
combined in these
Hose. In all of the
lovely spring shades
Sport Hose
We have a large selection in
ribbed and printed Sport Hose j
in plain and combination;
plaids j " I
49c, 85cf 95c, $1.65 J
the paper as she Is too prominent.
However, come to the ladies only
matinee Thursday afternoon and I
will give you her name and full
particulars from the stage. -
C. S. Will I make a success If
I go to college?. .
Ans'. I earnestly advise you to
accept the opportunity as it will
mean much to you in later years.
H. F. Please let me know If I
will make a success in life?
Ans. Yes, if you will work
haTd. . - : " - v i
OSgC !
The Quality
That Satisfies
New Spring and
now on display
The Best Only in Hose and Shoes
Moderately Priced ;
:j - -. " I V i' -
pQspA v far
A :. .. f
Full Fashioned, also Seamless Silk Hose, Odd Sizes, Good AO
Assortment of Colors- Special Value .. .'... UC
Quality Merchandise Popular Prices
- E. J. W, What- has become ol
my safety razor outfit?
Ans. You will find it in-th
upper left-hand drawer of your
wife's sewing machine, j &he wa
using one of the blades to do sonu .
ripping and forgot to. put the out
fit back In -Its proper place. ,
- I '
E. T. T. Will I realize a good
profit on' my real eslate Invest
ment near Seattle? '
Ans. Yes. if you will hold ih
property until the spring of nf-u
year. ; ; j ; j " ; i :
Summer Shades
you'll like them
1.50, 1.75, S1.95, $2.50
$1.50, $1.75, $1.C5
All Sillc Seamless C3c
. Kiddies' Son
in hlf and three-quarter -lengths.
Plain, an d combina
tion cplprs with colorful roll
r tops '.25c, 35e, 40c
Fibre SUk .........JL......173c
Thread Silk . SSc
! r .
! H
c, .