The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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That Win Instant Admiration
. ... ; ; .. ,; ,.y.
State Street
Another Pod touring with
license at 9365. Looks Uk
; . - j : i ; i 1 'j ., -'- "
OTerl&nd Blackbird 1924.
Xak new. f 670 witk UceaM.
i i
Tint Con First Served
The program Is a mystery to the
male population of the campus,
although! it jis reported to consist
of a number of interesting stunts
and features. Light refreshments
were served after the get-together
and program. - The carnival, this
year was! especially , unique, as all
attending were In masquerade cos
tume, and that,1 of course, made
the stuntjs much more interesting.
Former SalemU Di
Clayton FV Young, former resi
dent of this city and member of
the Elks lodge and Modern Wood
men, dropped dead at Toledo, Or.,
at 9 o'clock Friday night. . Heart
failure is the attributed reason for
his deaths He was a contractor
and . carpenter," ; which: was the
same business of his father, J. W.
Young of Salem, who lives near
the high school, k Young was 45
years old.) He is; survived by his
widow, Mrs. Bessie Young, and
three children,. Edith, Donald and
Harvey. . - . .. '
duct charges. They were attempt
ing to entice young women into
their automobile. Each paid a fine
of $10 when they appeared be
fore Police Judge Poulsen. Emit
Schindler paid a fine of $1 ifter
being arrested for being drunk.-
Iangf Citrate llMg. for
9,000 sq. feet, cement floors;
quick possession. Becke & Hen
drlcks, U. S. Bk. Bide. a21tf
: : : ! L
.Oregon-- "Sally" wih Colleen
Moore and Leonl Errpl
,; "Christin of the! Hungry
j :earuT
Dejrrocs Confirmed
V.'E. Bunn of Keizier bottoms
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dencer,
of Liberty, were given1 the! third
and fourth degrees as I new mem
bers in the Salem grange Satur-
v day. Five applications were re-
ion. which
later time.
- discussed
the grange
ceived by the organiza
will be acted upon at a
Business' affairs were
during the session of
Card Party
By' St. Monica's
Wednesday night, &
hall. Prizes, refreshments
mission, 35c.
Altar society.
before several of the schools here
on forest topics, explaining vari
ous j phases of the fire fighting
situations. He was here last year.
Senator Tooze Speaks
? Senator F. J. Tooze, editor of
the Oregon Statesman, addressed
the associated student body and
faculty of the Salem high school
yesterday in celebration of "Pa
triots day," commemorating the
150th anniversary of the battle
of ! Lexington and Concord. The
speaker briefly outlined the - con
ditions existing before the Lexington-Concord
epoch and stressed
the fundementals that could be ap
plied to this day. l'.
Phone 727 I
; I'm !'"'! ill;
fic law violation's were1" Claud bv-
erholser, George" Hanson
Lloyd Hughes. : L ' 1" f i! i !
High Grade Auction Sale
Don't miss the . modern f urni
turej auction on Thursday at 702
N- 14th St. 1:30 p. m. Woodry
says its a good eale. See adv. a22
Albert "Weisendanger C miing
A prominent forest ranger, Al
bert Weisendanger, who has
charge of the Eagle reekj camp
v grounds on the Columbia! River
highway, will be in Salem next
Monday in the Interest of Ameri-
can Forest week. He j will
Buys Furnituro
Phone 511
dr. bL li. white!
BtctroBle VUnU wU Tretax
(Dr. Abm'i metaod)
Offie Thon 59 oft 9-J
. 608 IT. 8. Bank Bid.
Fines Imposed i
Pj G. Emler, L. Simpkins, Harry
Beckett and H. E. Feller paid a
total of $22.50 when they ap-
peared in police court to answer
to the charges of speeding. M.
Pittman, E. W. Morgan, H. Tich
ens ! forfeited bail., of 1 10 each
when they failed to appear on
a charge of speeding. Others to
appear In court in answer' to traf-
Bu tiding Permits
Conrad Dillman is to erect
dwelling, at 2054 North Church
at an estimated cost of $1,000.
Adam Engel Is to erect two dwell
ings, one at 2120 Virginia, to cost
$5200, and another at 1755 North
Summer to cost $3200, according
to permits issued from the city
recorder's office yesterday, j
i ll ':!:a: ! Ji
Contract Awarded i.f.; :
The contract for installing; the
sewer in the new YMCA building
. was awarded to W. E. Dixon; who
will have the work done within
a few flays. The tile line goes up
the alley and connects with I the
Chemeketa strtet sewer, i Various
ways of laying the line were dis
cussed, but this one seemed to be
the best. - : ' 6 : m ,1! li J:M: II n !
Dancing! Dancing!
- i ' ZJidlea rr r
TkomM Bre. Jus Bad Orckettra,
; TaU of life aaa TP
Skating, Skating, Skating
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Birth Reported .
Barbara Jean llaiers is the
name given to the baby daughter
born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddlt Maiers
at a local maternity home on April
18, according to the report! filed
with the city health officer i yes
Three Get Pensions .
i Pensions have been granted to
two. Salem residents and one at
Falls City. These are William
Laing, $12, and Calvin F. Patton.
$15, both of Salem, and Kenneth
Clark, 18L Falls City.
For Rent Eight
Two flats,! $22.50 to $45. Becke
& Hendricks, U. S. Bk. bldg. a21tf
Make Bed In Road ,.
i!C. Jackson, and J. F. Dancer
were found in the middle of the
road last j night by police officers,
suffering ifrom the effects of "can-
" . which they had con
Residents had reported
the actions of the two men -and
they were haled into the police
court to sober up. . . ,
ned heat
OAC Symphony Orchestra
Sat, eve, April ;25, Waller hall.
.. : i ; . a 25
Practical Work Dslrel
'V Aierritt : Davis, head of the com
mercial department of the Salem
high school, desires to get in
touch with business men of the
city to place seniors in their of
fice for practical jwork. Any bus
iness man who wants an appren
tice, either in the morning or the
afternoon,- should communicate
with the
commerce department
OAC Symphony Orchestra
Sat, eve, April 25, Waller hall.
Faces Liquor Charge I
William Riley put up $150 as
bail .money, when ; he was arrested
on a legal search; warrant after a
pint .of liquor had beenl found in
his feed barn. He was charged
with possession of liquor. Offi
cers Olsdn, Davis. Smart and
James made the arrest. I
Dr. Prime Return
After an absence xf two months
in the south. Dr. G. E. Prime1 has
returned to Salem and was in his
office again Moiay. . Dr. Prime
took special work o subjects
while away. The post-graduate
work included study with the
Stanford university, medical de
partment and hospital, and other
work at the College of Physicians
and Surgery in San FranciscoJ
OAO Symphony Orchestra
;Sat.eve, April 25, Waller
Iowa .Tonrist Here
An automobile bearing a 11925
Iowa license was reported seen
here yesterday. It Is rather un
usual to see a car from sol far
east here! in April.
Gardner ;Tourinjr Car '
S i Driven only 1200 miles, at the
Certified Public Motor Car ; Mar
ket for halt the new price.- Car
has been! in careful hands and
will give pome one the same good
that a new automobile
Dillon Resigns- -. .
W. W. Dillon, prominent work
er in YMCA circles, has offered
his resignation to the Portland
organization! to , take charge of
the Spokane organization as gen
eral secretary. Mr. Dillon was
active in! securing funds for A he
new building here last fall. J ;
Six Cylinder
i A-l condition.
sale, Barrett Bros.
In. Capitol
Coupe, 1020 Mode!
Cheap- cash
Garage 1999
' a23
, 1-1" : I-'-
i I I --
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Iablished 1868 , ,
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. in. to 3 p, m.
When You
Are Ready
To Move
Call on us, for We hive padded Vans and Fleece-lined
covers for your furniture and pianoi First class piano
and furniture movers
. i -
' : ' "!. r
We also, handle
- - Coals and
i : ; - ' j- ' i T f! i ; f'-i; ;!
Brooder Sioves, i Furnace
Diamond Briquettes
Larnier Transfer
Storage Co.
For Sate Nearly New 1024
Ford coupe. Newton Chevrolet
Co. k i N !!. i:ii: ialStf
Kafoury Klub to Meet ' I '
Employes of the Kafoury stores
are to meet tonight for their1 reg
ular monthly meeting. Following
the business session the club will
be addressed by C. A. Kells, sec
retary of the Salem : YMCA. ! The
purpose of the organization is to
bring" about a better j understand
ing between the employes of ' the
store and the management. .Much
enthusiasm and interest is shown
in the meetingsJ!:'i j! :;M;U I.! iiUi:
Card Party
By St. Monica' Altar society,
Wednesday night, i St. Joseph's
hall. Prizes, refreshments, i Ad
mission, 35c. iujV! ; jilt's:! ;!;! I,;! ; a22
PlitrnnmrtiM foo ! !
The Salem local of the Oregon
Chiropractic association met last
week at Woodburn for their regu
lar meeting, with ; representatives
present from various cities- of the
Willamette valley. Dr. J. E. Long
spoke on the importance of spinal
diagnosis by X-ray, following a
brief business session. The or
ganization: will meet May: 11 in
Silverton j! Those j present ati the
meeting were Dr.1 Beal of Inde
pendence i Dr. I i Goffrier, Dr. L.
Ivie of Salem. Dr. A. K. Smith of
Woodburn and Dr. Warrensford
of Silverton. l ;
Channel Work Progresses i
Work on the channel of . the
Willamette river between here and
the Oregon j City locks .: ha been
going onj during the past week.
The Sale a. !a river, tug, was sent
up the river! with a crew of men
and started operations at Mission
landing, blasting snags and logs
in preparation for the coming of
the Montiecella for dredging pur
Klrnls Keller for ( onsns - i
! Mrs. Nancy! Mather, Boxi 8,
Richwood, Ohio, writes: "Foley's
Honey &Tar Compound is a fine,
medicine Iforj coughs and colds, as
it helped! mie when nothing else
would." j Mothers everywhere de
mand a reliable cough remedy free
from injurious narcotics. Supply
ing this demand for fifty years
made Foley's Honey & Tar Com
pound one 6f the largest , selling
cough medicines in the .world.
Refuse substitutes. Insist upon
Foley's. Adv. j.
Police Court Record ; ? " -1 '
E.' J. Brackenbrough and ,Chas.
Stokes, visitors here from out of
the city, were apprehended by the
Ealem police and booked at the
police station on disorderly ' con-
T I LLSON A t a local hospital on
April 19. 1925,' Andrew Tillson,
a resident nf Alsea, Or., age 66
years, i Survived by his widow
and three children. Mrs. Lucile
George. Lindsay, Cal., Grace V.
' and Andrew T., at home. Fun
eral services will be from the
Terwilliger funeral home Tues
day at 10:30, a; m. Rev. Margin
J Fereshteian officiating. Com
mittal IOOF cemetery. . ;
Plans Are Definite . r
For the first time in the history
of the new YMCA building. Offic
ials have "made a definite
nouncement concerning the plans
and specifications. By Wednesday
the plans will be completed and
contractors interested will be able
to secure plans from either Ken
neth Legge, Salem architect, or
Paul Wallace, chairman of the
board at directors. .' Bids forj the
construction of the nw building
are to be in by Wednesday, May
C. The successful bidder, will be
announced on that date.
Relieves .Cough Iike Magic
COMPOUND is the only cugh
medicine that ever gave me relief.
It works on a cough or cold like
magic." writes Mr. George Fbrse,
3766 Bigelow Blvd.,; Chicago
Contains no opiates. Good
old and young. FOLEY'S HOtNEY
& TAR COMPOUND is one o
largest selling congh medicines in
the world. In demand over fifty
years. Insist upon; FOLEY'S.
Refuse substitutes. Adv.
High Grade Modern Furniture
702 Nortli Fourteenth Street
Oak cabinet; Cheney phonograph and records, like pet-; nfr
stuffed tapestry davenport and chair, extra good; j mahogany
davenport; table and 4 mahogany chairs, the kind! you lf':e:
mahogany day bed Upholstered in blue" velour;: niahogbny dining
room suite consisting of Queen Anne extension tabl?. 4 ! blue
leather' seated diners and very fine buffet long styfc; mahog
any rockers; oak rockers; oak library table; drop head Sin;rr
sewing machine: 2 large all leather chairs; Wilton and Axmin
iJter rugs; brown Reed-chair upholstered in tapestry; Oliver
typewriter; white chair, green-velour lounge; very jold clock;
Universal. 6-hole range; 2 good heatersr-f itchen treasure; round
oak stand table; beds, springs and mattresses: roll sfated rock
er; sewing rocker; a. lot of good.books; square oak extension
table and chairs; fruit jars, boiler, tubs, dishes, axej hoe. lawn
mower stair carpet ash dresser, chest, drawers, coninioile. pic
tures and lots of other articles. Be ou time-t-l : 30 pi. in. Kharp.
'- - - 'I ! . .. " T I
-1 1
cash. ., i i - '
Goods on inspection on day of sale on!-.
Owner, 702 N. Fourteenth St.
Auctioneer, I'lione- 311
"Woodry Buys Furniture for Cash or Sells on Commission".
Is Fastest Typist ;
Writing 6 6.27 words a minute,
Evelyn Churchill of Salem won
the gold medal in the senior di
vision of the state high school
typing contest under the auspices
of OAC last Saturday, becoming
state champion: Geneva Sundln,
in the junior division, was dis
qualified because the marginal
stop on her machine, was faulty.
Moody nremmer,' also of Salem,
won $10 in the contest. The
team championship was won by
Ashland, the four members aver
aging 27.8 words a minute.
Lost Glasses
Hal D. Patton bemoans the fact
that he lost, his eye glassesand is
hampered in his work. The mis
fortune befell him ,1 ist Krturdrir
on State street and, ihe desires (
find them. A' reward I. offered
for their return. i; , -(Continued
n pa; 6)
VX harmful, and a cause -of
much worriment and ill
health. - a real dangrer to
elderly people who cr.n npt
easily resist its rxnaonoua
effect, is yet; readily over-'
come by t I
Chamberlain Tablets
Prompt and pleasant?"" One wl:o has
used them says: "They keep my sto-.
mach and liver in good order, Dut I
use them more especially for con
stipation Especially would I com
mend it to elderly people." Only 25c.
! Starts,:
Dance : f ;
Cole McElroy Orchestra., Wed
nesday, April 22, Crystal Gardens.
i !:;u;rii;"!.- .-jir-li a21
Co-Ed Carnival Hold :
The annual Willamette univers
ity i Co-ed carnival was heia in
Waller hall Saturday night. The
carnival jis the one time during
the school year that the Willam
ette women may get together
where the ; men are not Invited.
rrr riTTVOnKTA 1
San Irudw, 000 way, f 15JS0
Rouid Trip, fMK
Lofl Angelea, one way, 27.23
Round Trip. 50.00 1
B pec 11 Rates to Partial of
Eight orHor 1
For Information and Reaerva--tlona
phona 698, or can at
Ealem, Oregon : i
II i
I Starts -Wednesday
Let Us Help Yon
j I .. . .
Just giye us your name and
address j and we will have our
salesman'call and go over your
heating problem with yon with
out any obligation on your part
$79.60 and up.
Installed Complete
(Formerly Silverton Blow,
I Pipe Co.)
EUverton, Oregon ". ' )
: ' J '- . ' ' "111- : 1 . M 1 :
t ir D n a
Set of
this fine
Pay Only $1 Down
for Your Hoosier
This one-week offer, introducino; the new
1925 Hoosier "Highboy, brings you at no
extra cost the beautiful set of china and the
seta of glassware and cutlery shown here.
You pay only one dollar down, the rest "in
easy weekly installments. , " ,
; If you ever expect to own a Hoosier nowis
" the timej to get it while this remarkable
offer is on. You must hurry. We have.only.
a limited number of cabinets for this special
occasion. When this allotment gives out the
offer ends. Come in today make sure of
getting yours! .
We have, also, a limited number of other
' Hoosier Cabinets on which the same liberal
' offer applies as long as they last. -
You will be delighted with the charming decoration and
Colonial pattern of this high-grade, semi-porcelain dinner
?et. You must see the set to really appreciate it. It is at
tractive enough to grace any table a pet you will be proud
to own. If you buy your Hoosier this week you get it with
out any added Charge. ; ! I
- - - h
Dexter Domestic
I . Science Set
You get with your Hoosier,
.also, this genuine Dexter
Domestic Science Set, in
cluding a carving set of
knife and fork, two special
ly designed spatulas, a va
riety of knives ten pieces
in all.
Crystal Glassware Set
This glassware set includes
seven spice jars, five con
tainers for dry staples, one
smaller jar for tea or cocoa
and an open salt dish. Each
piece is designed to keep in
gredients 'in perfect condi
S 1-
dE is
Li- j ssv to jrr couw mr Cw
. --J- - I, '
- 1 .! . .'.-1... I ' . . .-,
- )',-