t ii: n t i- i : : T I :' ! hi si 1 i! a! ?1 - i ))! i i ! it1' -1 i ! I ft if ; I - -- Iual DuIt Ke-pt Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COUP AST - 315 South Cotamereiil St, Salm, Oregon R. J. Haadrieki Vamrnr r tki j. Toot. C. K. Lofaa ..If anating Editor .. Cit Kditar Italia Hmith -Telafrapft. Kditor . And red Bunch. ...feueict? Kditr 2CBMBEB OT) THE ASSOCIATES PKZbS Tka Aaaoelatad Preaa la axeluaivaly niitled to the ai for publication of all aawa 'fapatcaea erodiul to it or mot etkerwiaa erodited Im thia paper and alao tha locl Bw publiahed herl-. - ) v bciness orricE: j : ; - Thomaa T. CUr Co, Naw York, Ui -143 Weat SBth 8t, Cnfea. Itarquatta Baild- , - Inc. f. S. (irctLwahl, Mgr. Fort land OffU-a, 38 Woreeatar BWf., Pbona 6637 BRoadway, Albert Byera. lift. Bnainaaa Offira . Kawa Drpartmaat 23 f 583 JS 106 Job Department g j ii I ' Entered at tha Poatoffica fu Sairna, Orefoa, a aeeead elaaa matter USE IT Salem must use or lose her primacy as a flax growing and possible linen manufacturing center; her chance to become the Belfast of North Americai I ! Having gained the first largely through the operations of the state flax plant at the jpenitentiary, and being on the way towards attainment jof the last through the construction of the Miles Linen company lant and the proposed second linen mill here sponsored by he largest and most successful : group of linen manufacturers We can grow here as fine be produced in the world but part of the Willamette vjalleyl Washington 1 And we have the ideal , 'i here; but these apply also to numerous points in western So our people must act promptly and lose no single op portunity in further centralizing the industry here, if we'are to' be sure 'of becoming the outstanding 'flax and linen center. To him that hath shall b4 givm. The more we get, the more we will attract.. If we will me our advantages, we will gain others. Industries are gijegarious. I I Let's go; and keep right on going to the limit of our re sources, f 'it h T' 1 FREE TRADE !N When the bill for the present tariff lawj was under dis cussion, the protectionist forpes in this country, backed by the American Protective Tariff League, advocated an ade quate tariff on potash, with a! view to building up the indus try in this country - But the farm bloc, undr the mistaken idea that the farmer would be benefitted, insisted upon having it on the free list. So it was put on the free list! 1 In the past few weeks, after many months of negotia tions, the German and the French potash interests have come to an agreement; have assign sd territories to be supplied by each, and fixed the prices!-- ; j ) j And the authorities ht Washington have, been trying to find out what, may be dope about it. They find that nothing can be done. Herbert Hpovei' has suggested a buying' com bine in this country, to fight :he selling combine of the Ger mans and French. But this would take a law of Congress, and might be of no avail. j ; j- In the mean time o ir farmers are being squeezed, and will be squeezed more, byf the Serman-French potash trust. That trust has the benefit of ourj free trade in potash, and it can make the price as iigh as the tariff will bear or higher. If we had a protective du under our flexible tariff provisions, to give better protection, and thus fight the trusti But nothing. There are a number pf schedules that ought to be raised, for the benefit of ihe linls they would affect in this country, to say nothing of taking la few -the free list -Among them being he the growers of Washington; ? a it ? x . ii lii vitally interested. Also the farmers of the old Northwest ,J? pecially concerned. If the 'macaroni makers of the United States do not get relief, they will be forced out of business by the Italian manufactu: ers cf this product. The same thing ; , . applies to our earthenwai e manufacturers of several different 1 t lines. Also to our manufacturers of cotton goods, straw hats, ; ( and a number of other articles. j f . ' - The revision of the administrative law, on modern lines, upon which our Congressmah Hawleyj is working, will help j ! a lot, in numerous ways-tgivipg a great deal more of revenue ; to our country, and a great deal better protection to extensive groups of our manufacturers producers' and wage earners ! , But it will not help jthe farmers who must have potash ; i and this applies, to a considerable list besides, including our . cherry growers. The tlastjc tariff j cannot be stretched 1 . . enough to help our cherty grjowers much. The present duty f ef 2 cents a pound cannot be brought up to more than 3 cents '. a pound under the elastsc tariff. ' I THE SELLING PROBLEM I pends in most cases indirectly agriculture. - One way for the farmer ing to advantage his products. dom negotiate with the eggs, fruit and others, handle marketing. i Cooperative association What farmers wanti after all is not resolutions nor even government paternalism!. Business generally wants them to prosper for added to the benefits of good will business de producers thaft hetcan obtain for himself from his products. Cboperativejmarketing ps still the greatest single necessity for successful farm operation! ! The city with the finest streets, attractive lawns and pro gressive people Salem, (Oregon. m ; W. H. Haaderaan...Circa1atMia Manager Ralph H. KlcttiD(....AdertisiB( ataaafor Frank Jaskoaki..MaiaraT Job Ipt. E. A. KhoUi L,iatoek Editor W. C. Conaer Poultry Kdltor -ELXFHOMES j Cirrnlatio i Office . Society Editor . 1 . :" i i . ' SsS SS3 106 OR LOSE IT in North America. a quality of fiber flax as can this advantage extends to every and likely to most of -western conditions for; manufacturing nearly all of our valley and to Washington. POTASH A MISTAKE y, the rate might be increased, having free trade, we can do articles, such as potash, from cine affecting cherries, in which Oregon, Idaho and California are ' I U ' ' ' ; s i i ? -i a. l one on macaroni, in .which the raising! durum wheat are es- at least upon the success of Ito obtain more money is by sell An art individual he can sel consumers of iis products wheat, He should haVe representatives to can obtairi more money for the HEALTH FIRST That American industry leads the world in protecting the health of its workers is shown in the results of a survey of workers' health service made recently by the .National In dustrial Conference Board. ; p i 1 Out of over four hundred establishments covered by this survey, more than one half furnish physical examination to applicants and in many instances the results of these exami nations are used as a guide in selecting proper work for the future employes. In many of the plants executives as well as employes are re-examined at regular intervals So valuable are these examinations to both the industry and; individuals connected therewith. j; ; 1 i j ; ;';!,;! :; illrh': 1 1 -j :' Industry values the health of its workers both from a business and from humanitarian standpoints. An the more humanitarian,; if good business principles and methods in the administration are employed, the larger will be the returns in service. Health is a prime requisite for maximum produc tion and care is taken in every! up-to-date j institution that ventilation, illumination and other sanitary features are scien tifically correct in order that mav be done without waste health.;. . -:H Not all applicants for,' work minor ailments are corrected following the applicant's exam ination. Thus the loss otherwise sustained to man power and to the individual is saved. J Impaired eyesighj, defective hear ing or heart trouble, for instance, among anyj of the employes is a menace not only to those affected but to their fellow workmen also, where the work requires accurate functioning of these physical organs. :; i j ".i iiiii';; ;ii .' -fil Objections to this health plan in industrial plants are seldom heard. In Oregon in many manufactories first-aid nurses are employed with the result that the sick or injured workers return to their work earlier than they can do where less prompt attention is received, j ;; i ! ' In commercial establishments, in public institutions and even in the home, increased efforts or conservation of health are put forth. In this forward movement is the touhty health unit, the Red Cross organization and individuals! whose vision of good health is the' community's and the nation's first con sideration. !i Governor Pierce in his address at the Salem Chamber of Commerce this week declared against raising any more taxes from real or personal property. The home owner, merchant and farmer should endorse the ideaj ! , ii ir marriage PROBLEMS dele Oarrisoo New Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WD7E Copyright by Newspaper Festore; Service .. .jfj CHAPTER 438 HOW CLAlRB FOSTER J'i STRANGELY ENDED HER ODD VISIT WITH MADGE j Dicky bad been, gone but a few minutes when Claire appeared in the kitchen, where I was washing the breakfast dishes. r f ! j Her hair waa still In the j kid curlers butcher soiled neglee was pinned up around her, and her face held an expression xt alert capa bility far different from the lazy indifference' which' had been her role ever since she came to the Bliss apartment. " j ; i "I won't bother you about the dish washing!.. she said. "I'd only break another. one. of the sacred heirlooms but I'm here to tell the world that. I'm 'the niftiest char woman going whent I want to be, and I'm feeling the urge just now What do yon want done with the oeas, v . ..-; j; s "It isn'rt U mec'sarT.for yon to do anything."" I bega4ii trifle bewildered by this suddenchange of tactics Viupoa the parVof my bizarre guestl ., . ' ' ' ' "We'll take all that for. grant ed." she retorted. ."Youve said it. and I'll consider it said, but you don't really;, think I'm going to welsh on this cleanlng-up stunt?" I, I could hot repress "the mental query aa to her reason for not an nouncing her . intension before Dicky's departure. She not only had permitted him to think that she meant to acquiesce in my de termination to do all the clearing up myself, but she had sneered at my energy. Her sincerity was so patent f now, however, that I couldn't refuse her offer without Snt By His Own Doctor -I mttmfi ArmmAMlr with rtka a lO , ' run tii mi mil iiiDinfT. . Bat anr phraicUa raajaaataj OuA I fast: try Dr. Oiaa, J.Dwa t i a4arlaawU If you, too, arc suffering with Piles or other Rectal or Colon disorders, you muat sooner or later stop experimenting with your health, and be cured as I have cured thousands of cases, many of the most severe and of as long standing as 40 years. My non-aurgi- cairTeatmentisiriJVKJVN TEED to cure your Plica, or our fee will be refunded. bm4 te4r tar aar ta4 d: .2 UAUMLUnc Dr in Bw c ., T . it o-- - ' -ntf' i i- J n ss 4 TPut -AY i CONSIDERATION the best, largest amount of work of i energy or impairment of are in good health. Many being distinctly! rude. "I was goingio make a laundry package of the bed linen and table linen.", ' I 6a4d. j "Mrs. Bliss's here the , other laundryman was fch! day to tind out en she was com ing back, so I know; just where to take the things ; I'll help you turn and then you can the mattresBes. put' on clean linen, so-things will look the way they did when we came in." !l ! j ; ij Claire Helps Madge. It ! I -I ' :i!i- .; "Of course I'nr pretty much of a physical1 weakling' she drawf?d,' but I think 1 may be able to turn, those single mattresses without any assistance. Just you keep on with the dishes!, bid dear, and the kitchen for making the proverb fit the facts. I'd be a eure enough cow in the china shop. But I'm a whiz of a cleaner," : . : That she had spoken but the simple truth, ' I found out later. when, having restored the kitchen to the immaculate chatelaine's reigri.1 neatness of its Iwent into ,tne other rooiAs, where Claire was put ting the finishing; touches to the polishing of the furniture. 'No matter ; how i particular a house keeper i Mrs. Bliss might be, I felt that she could find no fault with the condition of any corner of her home.hnM:::j;; . ;i j I " f; if 'Will, you write me a recom mend i for my i lext place ? " ; Claire asked with a f 1c urish of her polish ing cloth as I came into the living room, j f -j j -'J : ,- 1 ; I ,j"A J glowing! oner; I returned smiling, for her unexpected will ingness to help, and the insouciant charm of her manner , were uncon sciously. sotteniingl my resentment against her"", for I her; outrageous behavior since she had come with us to the Bliss apartment. ' I 1 :: ii fOh! Wfaaty tbel b8e !i.l!;;:::'!!:!'-::'': I:- She stared a ;d at me curiously for a second. : "I believe you, at that," she re torted, 'and spoke no more until She was dressed! for departure, and came ou. I of the bedroom, laden' with her; luggage, which she oiled in the hall. I T ! I lit ' ; ; "Do ; you remember that taxi number Dicky's been calling since we've been here?? she asked Yes; ril get 1 for you. Do yon want it right away? Don't you think you'd tea first?' tter have a cup of "And disturb i that Immaculate kitchen again?"; she gibed laugh ingly; i "Not In a million-years! Plenty of time for tea when i get home. So if you want to dally with the telephone." i "I'll call them at once." I said, and when t had given the order,' I tried vainly to think of something aside from the banal which I could say to the girl; ; That she faced a dilemma, I guessed, as I saw. her cross to the window and stand looking but, while nervously playing with the curtain cord. The ring of the doorbell announcing the taxi waa a relief, and I swung wide the door. pressed the button releasing the hall door below and called to the taxi-man to come up, with a feel ing that I was being extricated from a situation which threatened to become Intolerable. . We heard the footsteps of the taxi-driver upon the stairs, then with a sudden movement. Claire dashed to the door, and -I-heard kUTGD . THAT ' . ' " ""- am i ' . . ..('.. i CtttHB tRT FLAHERTY Ar40 kMO AffKt THE AfTIfiKOON MlOOt-C Of THE ROADVY 2TfJRi INCH OT TMEVRfUJRlHCP rtortt ! - . "I. 1 - t r hef give a muttered instruction to the man to wait outside a minute. Then she crossed to me and took me by the shoulders with a queer sort of fierce tenderness. ' ' ' "You can't help but' hate and despise me," she said. ''I've given you enough cause to this week- I never thought I'd say this to you, but I can't bear some way to go away Oh! what's the use? but maybe some time you'll under stand a little. . Good-by. Please don't speak to me." Ti She gave me a little push away from her, opened the dbbr and! in dicated her luggage to j the taxi driver. And then she tad gone, and I was left alone in jthe apart ment, wondering at this odd cli max to her week of queer be- havior. (To be continued STUDENTS FIND E EXPE Average Family of Five i Needs Arr Income of .$1845 For Necessities i The chamber ot commerce bul letin i considers living costs this week; and carries a story on "How Much Does It Cost a Year to Iive?'f ) The basis for the figures.! are taken from the Reed College Sur vey made In Portland about a year ago and figured that for a family of five persons, living expenses for one year averaged as follows; I Pood, $561.73; all j clothing, 1414.33; furniture and bouse fur nishings $96.98; housing $330; heat and light' $85; and miscel laneous to include everything else $371.94; thus making a total of $1,859.98. I ' Figures on the amount of mon ey spent on clothes were given as follows: For the husband, $103.- 31; for the wife, $126. d7; for the 12 year old boy $82.21; for the six year old girl $62.12; and for the two year old boy $39.72. i The survey made by Reed Col lege does not include gasoline, cost of license for the auto or upkeep of the same, nor life Insurance or savings' account. ' ; -: k - .. English Unitariarf Minister j j Speaks! on Wednesday j Rev. Lawrence Red fern, who is to appear in the United States in behalf of the ; Unitarian churches of the world, will speak in the First Unitarian church on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. His subject will be "The Liberal Church and j the International Mind." The public is cordially in cited to attend.' . The year 1925 marks the 100th anniversary of both the American Unitarian association a n d t h e British and foreign ! Unitarian as sociation. As part of the observ ance of these important occasions four ministers from England are visiting .the United' States and Canada while Rev. Frederick R. Griffin of - Philadelphia, Rev. George R. Dodton of St. Louis, Rev. Sydney B. Snow of Montreal and Rev. Frederick M. Elioti of St Paul are visiting the Unitarian churches of England and the Brit ish Isles. ; 3 ; t Silverton Couple Quietly t J Married at Parsonage J SILVERTOMj Ore., April 20- ( Special to The Statesman). II B. Jorgenson and Idan N. Johnson were Quietly married at the St. John's parsonage - early Friday morning. Seima Jorgenson and Emma Johnson acted as witnesses. Rev. S. Lindseth read: the cere mony. I : Z:.: -.1'- : . :, : ,. - . Mr. and Mrs. Jorgenson left at once for Portland where they will visit for a short time before re turning to Silverton to make their home on the Jorgenson. farnv 1 NSVE HEVEIl HAPP2N BROTHCR IM THfc Prune Crop May Be Hard Hit If Cold Rains Are Continued The farmers "find the rain a source ot joy, while the, fruit men bewail the lot' that is theirs and predict dire results to the fruit if the rain continues to fall. Due to the rains .being raw and cold, fear is felt, for, the safety of the fruits in blossom, if the rain con tinues for some time. . Prune men state that another week of such weather will prob ably cut the prune crop down to a half, or even more, which might prove a blessing in getting a bet ter quality of fruit for the mar ket. Indications have been for a bumper crop this year and the gloomy talk has been going around about cheap prices ' and an over production and a consequent glut ting of the market. Reports from various sections of the valley show that the fruit Is being affected differently by the weather conditions. Charge of Graft is On Against Senator (Coatinoaa from paga 1) of the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York. ; "Wheeler told me he was leav ing for Europe and that there wa3 a matter of unusual importance af fecting his client Which was due to come up before the interior de partment shortly," said - Hayes. He asked me if I would handle it and said I could discuss the matter freely with Booth. I think it was characterized as the Lincoln oil well or the Lincoln property. sa id I did not particularly care to take. the matter up." Hayes 1 declared j the meeting was in the lobby of the hotel. He said Wheeler mentioned his re tainer fee and agreed 'to split it for whatever services Hayes would render. On cross . examination Hayes said he did not recall that the amount of the retainer had been mentioned, but that Wheeler left the impression that it was a large one. As Hayes unfolded his story which the government counsel contends is the strongest point In his case. Senator . Wheeler leaned back in his chair . and sat with eye9 closed. . ; He yawned occa sionally. On cross examination the senator smiled broadly when the voices of the witness and Sena tor Walsh rose to an excited pitch. "I told Senator Wheeler," con tinued Hayes, "that I thought it would be foolish to retain me; that it would be better to get some one who knew something about the nature of the business. In some way or other he told me he could be of great assistance when he came back from Europe. He said he was a senator and I un- aerstood that he meant a state senator. , Then he said he was a United States . senator and I re plied that I did not think I wanted to go into the matter at all. I was rather undecided about it, but he asked me to see Booth again and said any arrangement Booth would make with me or had made with me was with, his sanction." - t Bits For Breakfast I . Over half over ;! V The second linen mill-: H ' That is, Salem's quota is over half over.. S If Its finish can be broadcasted! this week It will be a great vic tory. ' . ' ' 'i A V Then, very soon,.' Instead of building more than a house a day, including Sundays, Salem .will be building more than two houses a day, including Sundays; and from that on up. . The Slogan editor is anxious to get In touch with all our grape growers ; today and tomorrow. ........... ., ay ..a- m. . "j A new kind! of collar buttonj which serves to slacken a shrink- , i . T, ' 1st? mm MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre-. pred to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, : Flatulency, Wind jColic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the Absolutely Harmless - No Opiate. ing shirt collar, has been patent ed. As this button removes the pressure on one's! Adam's apple, caused by repeated launderings ot the same old shirt, it will be wel comed by all who do not happen to have a wart in the right spot. Mrs. Ferguson, as governor of Texas, has signed the measure which will restore citizenship and political rights These were cut to her husband, from him at the time of his trial and impeachment, plow Jim Ferguson may tonce more run for office. It turns out io be a handy thing to have a governor in the family, and Jim may. run again ' when the wife's term expires. i - f- V People who think that 40 acres inake quite a patch of land should be turned loose on the King ranch in Texas, The owner of this was a woman who died the other day. She held soveriegnty over a landed expanse of 1,280,000 acres, which formed the biggest ranch in the country. Texas alone can accom modate comfortably a farm like this one. It might not fit so well in some of the dinkier states. President Lauds at Darin Address (Coatinnad from pt( 1) ier citizens, to resist evil influenc es, to cast out corruption un short, to lift up the average of American life to the full level of Its highest aspirations," the presi dent declared; i "It is my belief that in the pur suit of these. purposes and the tak ing of these action you are putting jthe ideals of the revolutionary period into practical effect. It Is Knportant to note that the efforts hich you are making, the duties which you are performing, are not being sought through the interpo sition of organized government. They are the voluntary acts of our citizens taken through their own initiative. In adopting this course pf action you are in the best sense of the term; ministering' to the ideal of self government. "We have heard in the past, and are likely to hear in the future, very much discussion about the in trusion of the government through legislation into the business and private affairs of the people. In so far as .this is a reflection of an ideal, requiring and demanding a higher standard of conduct, we ought to repoice at it and support it, but when we see that it is not wholly successful, we ought to re member that it is at best but a temporary make-shift., an effort to make things better, and that we can not expect through - these methods to attain perfection." EOGEWE : GflS WEli IS Million Cubic Foot Floor De clared by Drillers; Oil Prospects Good EUGENE, Or.,v April 20. That the gas flow reported , struck by the Guaranty ) Oil company in its hole just south xt this city Sunday morning is of one million cubic foot daily, was the announcement tonight of C.'A. Olson, secretary treasurer of the company. . Eugene, which has listened to rumors concerning the oil drilling operations for the last year, and had become slightly calloused to ward them, was considerably, ex cited this evening over the latest report. ,-'. : ... - . When the gas came inj at 3 a. m. Sunday morning it became known today, it shot water, and mud 40 feet higher than the 103 foot' derrick! ; Drillers shut it off by pouring water Into the casing, putting a 2200-foot cushion over the gas flow, i This obstruction is. in addition to a 23-foot layer of mud that is said to choke the In take. The mud, according to Ol son, was sucked up by the liber ate gas, which is said to be of great oil content. operations rare at a standstill awaiting the return of Rev. David Eugene Olson, company president, who was on his way east and turned back at - Custer,' Mont.. when he learned by wire of the KMC E Viv signature of Physicians everywhere recommend . WOODMEN SEEK EMM Drive Launched Last Week; Big Convention P-anned Late in June - j j: .. A big membership drive wa3 opened by' the Woodmen of the World at their regular meetins held last week to which friends and members were present. ; A vaudeville show by the .Portland post entertained the well-filled house. Comedians, ventriloquists, dancers and pianists-performed. Thirty applications ito member ship were received after Et P. Mar tin of Portland made a short ad dress, on the merits of Woodcraft. "During the latter-part! of June the Woodcraft people are to have a convention to be staged at the state fairgrounds. Special trains will bring the delegates to the city. It is expected oyer 100 camps will join in the celebration of games, sports, which will be directed towards the increasing of membership of the organization. Twenty uniform teamsi will be present from the Neighbors of Woodcraft and the Woodmen ot the World. j At that time it is expected t initiate a class of 1000 in," the sta dium, which will be appropriatelj decorated for the occasion. Th local organization baa a '.member ship of over 700 and with a list of applications on file exceeding 3, 000, who are to be initiated soon. Motorcycle Rider is tfurt In Accident at Silverton r ' ! . SILVERTON, Or.. April 20. (Special to The Statesman.)- George Mikleson and; Tom Schiv eley who were riding on a motorcycle,- were run into Saturday night by a car just as the motor cycle was coming onto the Sllver-ton-Salem highway from Mount Angel. Mr. Mikleson sustained a broken leg and a twisted ankle. Died . HOUGHTON In this' city, 622 N. High street, April 18th, Mrs. Loue'sa Esther Houghton age 96 years. The remains were sent from the Rigdon mortuary to Newberg, Ore., for funeral services and interment. WEISSER In this city. Patton apartments, April U9th, Mrs. Cora "Welsser, age 49 years, mother of Miss Frances Weteser. Funeral services will I be field Wednesday from the ;; Rigdon Mortuary at 3 p. m. Interment will be in the IOOF cemetery. 1 YOUNG At Toledo, Ore., April 17th. Clayton F. Young age. 4 4 years, husband of Bessie Park er Young, and father of three children, son ot Mr. J. W. ' Young of Salem, i brother of . Will Young of San Francisco. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, April 21-at 3 p. m. from the Rigdon mortuary un der the auspices of Salem ladb No. 336 B. P. O. Elks, inter-r ment IOOF cemetery. ' PRATT At the residence, 730 N'. Winter street, April 19th, Dor ward C Pratt, age 28 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Parke C. ' Pratt, brother of William L. and Mildred M. Pratt grandson of Rev. W. H. Dorward. Private services will be held Tuesday, April 21, at 10:30 a. m. from the Rigdon mortuary, jntcrraent' City View cemetery. Starts Tomorrow EtCJt3 Mi BEOS is I 1 : i f