lassiffied. at Market w edtion' aiem-s.. ur J i 2 IK BUSIXESS OPPOHTUNITIES 61 MANlTPACTt RER WANTS CAPABLE man open office and manage sales men lor tugh ri,st specialty, Cot, mans fii..o. fcvery merchant prospect, ( merchants thousands yearly, sens on sight. ig money mak ing possibilities for right part v. Oba- lag in every city. 300 will finance exi-Iasive agency. Writ PKKSIDKNT. Suite 677, 411 So. Main St., Loe An gelee, Calif. 61al9 HUNDREDS OF POULTRY MKM HAVE made fortunes with purebred chickens, bred to lay from 2oo to aoo m a . - year. 30 pcoi and trioa of purebred chickens (some with world champion ricoruj ana valued at over f 1.200 will be given away to ambitiooa man, wom en, boya, and girla for full infonna- tion cut out thia advertisement and aend your name and addreaa to North- . e Poultry Journal, Salem, Oregon. l-iti7tf REAL ESTATE 6.1 Own Own Your 50 DOWN AND 2 PER MONTH. 5 new bouses to choose from. 63-al9 TWO FIXE LOTS IN KAY ADDITION Easy terms. 1470 N. 17th. 63-a2'J Special - 5 room bungalow, east front, furnace, fireplace, paved street. A teat home, $3750.- terms. 11. K. BROWN or MELVIN JOHNSON 109 S. CbmmeiNfel St. 63 a 19 TAKE TIME TO READ OVER THE i t FOLLOWING 5 : room modern double constructed new bungalow, garage, woodshed SU300, ftr.o cash, good location-, north. 5 room modern new bungalow. base meat, srarage. fruit, on pavement, :!. 500, $500 cash, good location, north. 6 room bungalow, modern, basement, garage, $3100, term, 6 room modern bnngalow, fireplace, small basement, garage, $3750. will take vacant lot, 18th street south. 4$ room well constructed modern bun galow, basement, corner lot, pared on both aides, close in, south Liberty, $3650. $500 cash. . 8 room modern bungalow, basement, 1 acre lot, frnit, want smaller bouae In Salem. 4aOO, north Salem. 2 grocery stores for sale or trade. See me today. SOCOLOFSKY 311 State - U3 alStf SPECIAL I 43 acres of river bottom land -about i? in crop, fair house, family orchard. A bargain for $2000. Good 5 room plastered house with 1 lot for $1500 terms. 320 acres near Bend, Oregon tnr trmde. What have you f Nice mod ern home, will trade for improved tract. rrtrvrSON 33 1 V. State St. 63 al9tf $4500 a room house, 1 & blocks, from .State street, pavement, furnace. large lot, shade trees, tasy terms. 4 room house and two lots; east -front, garage, fruit, $150 $1800 down, easy terms. Price $l,- ' ' 800. J Fine tract equipped for chicken raia- I t Ing, close to town. T OERTRl'DE J. if. PAGE 492 -North Cottage. Phone 118 63-al7tf TWO LARGE LOTS $450. TERMS. Sew er, lights and' water available. Best garden ground. Near car. Build small ' home. Becke 4c Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. 63-16tt inAr"r3 one salem btsiness- JT,iftS' I 3 jiaN Invested $50O with me less than a year ago and has just sh- ed In for J20OO. Anotner $-i0O at the same time and received S15U0 some time ago. A third invested $300 a few days ago and I resold the property in two days at a profit to the investor of $135 net. These, are Just a few recent ones. If yon are skepti-.-i t will introduce vou to these and many more. "Salem real estate offers the best -investments to bf found. fca-l.-m rates the very highest in business outlook. I hsve one or two splendid i !n,tniAiiti in hand now. If you have . money to Invest and mean business see me. J . : DDflCIT A BEAUTIFUL 5-ACRE Jr'JKW' 1 TRA'TT can be bought for the price of the house it contains if tnken at once. This is an eirer gncy deal to settle an estate and somebody is certain to profit from it. ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE Four-room cottage; carpets on the floor; springs, mattresses, sne. blanket. quilU. pillows in clean sham on the beds: dishes In the cupboard, flour in the bin: chairs, dressers, couch, phonograph and lots of J?' .l'W.,T't mschine; in short, furnished to the last detail; everything neat, clean and in the best of taste: hot and cold "I", bst-h. toilet, electricity rfine lot 66 by 120: east front; half block Grant school. Unequaled for the price. h 7 ROOM. 2-STORY. Full Bsse- Salem: close in: fine corner; goea con . d'ion: ni lawn. Rent for 30. Buy - - on easy terms. Splendid value. ST.VMT! A FINE LOT 79xl46 on OWpd Mwt within the area bounded by Chemeketa State. High and Thirteenth. North front. Formerly A quoted at $3000 1 . . .lnaa which I ISO Uir-ue . - w - . be not merely good but exceptionally! rood. I have never misieo. or uip pointea a amsi'- "'-- f..onie Temple Phones 795, 1942J nisnilV!) Tn farms nl property cn bo bad at our offi. . , 77 acres of very good land. Will arrow good flax. Well improved. Worth more. Priced at $7700 ,. , A new modern bungalow closo In nt 3'$1900 buys a good 5 room honse all fnrnished with good furniture. Let us tvhow you this ow. m ,' ... 758 acre alock ranch. 2 sets of build ings. Own electrie plant. 125 acre. In cultivation. Plenty of running wa ter all the year. A fine stock ranch. $24,000 or will trade for smaller acre age eloser in.'- , - w and garage on North Capitol at a a AOO. Very easy terms. A good service station in - . v. ;m ml S 1 1 00- a fine lo- cation. u-'-" i,!, a . 5 room honse, (rsrage block lo car. lot 113x132. rnce 15 acres, 11 in cultivation- A 6- ---. -a Vaou. A choice farm I .A miM nut. Some stock. Come in and get the terma. ...... 5 room house, garage, lot 50x140. Will tbike in piano or car. j jf ULRICH F- E. ROBERTS ' 127 N. Com'l Phone 1354 "rIu IAL. BARGAIN FOR QUICK TT-RV! Nice five room home, good tot " Tpaved street, cement w'ik."d ?X L.ui.n in ten days. Price $1700, with $500 cash, the balance to .suit Trfhs er. Tor informstion rail f,o'30,-' Oregon Building or Phone 254. 63al9 WHEN YOTT ARE READY 'TO BUY OR V'trnAVOR FOR A NICE CITY OR i ?.CI?i 'VrK VOTT SHOULD NOT VilL TO INVESTIGATE OUR EX TEVSIVELIST OF EXCELLENT OK FKRlNOa We also have several good Propositions: tor exchange where owrt Jre of good farms will accept Salem residence, aa part rons.d er.tmn for email suburban farms, also resi dence owner, who will exchange for .. . c.Tm and nay dif- ferenee. We have several new. well located Salem boraea for sale with amall pavment down, balance liko TtnU Far best homes at eeonomie P?e a4 terms. See WELLS TA1.UMA" S:N, 21 Masonic Temple. Phone 618. We write iasuraa. 03-ni 63 HR SALE $300 i DOWN' (AND BAL ance easy frmi will handle 43 acre tract, all cultivated and 10 acre of young orchard. Price $4400. interest 6 per cent. W. H. GKABE.NHOKST It CO., realtor. 276 State atreet. 63 al9 For Sale or Trade 15 .acres, close to Salem. seven jroora honse, Rood barn, chicken bonne, jgarage, all stork and machinery to run arm; win goes wild the place. ImbiM iiays line, most all in fruit except two Vi of pasture and timber.; All fenced with good wire fence. Want rood city properly. Price $6u00. lots for sale mi North i Salem, near carline and busline. Price for all, !. . - , t j , j Five room home, good well, chicken house, one acre of good land, three blocks from carline. Price SB50 term. ; A food Nebraska farm.1 near Sioax City.g and only three miles from small town. On railroad. No better land exists than this. Two sets of build ings. Will raise 75 bushel of corn per acre.) Plenty of land in close connec tion jfor stock. ' Will trade for Willam ette Valley land or city property. Price $140; an acre, t i Sixteen room apartment house to trade for a good 5 room modern home. See me for trades. I have many of them. '!.; I .j j O. y. LAFLAR 410 Oregon Bid;. ":. ill 63-a21 F0R S iV LE GOOD SEVEN ROOM house. J.-oJ. will take vacant lots up to !.- mm jor smalt tionm. ice4 room bun galow, with built in kitchen, breakfast nooki for $2000. Six room bungalow, new.f Monday only $2100.1 Easy terms. Pivef acres close in all in strawberries to exehans-e for home in Salem. One and half acres close la on main highway with; new building, enlyj $750. Easy termjt. Lot 82 foot front, paved street. six jbloeks out, good apartment site. I30UO. L. WOOD 341 State St. 03-alStf LINENl WEEK RESIDENCE SPECIALS 6 room bungalow with 1.1 acre land $4,000.00 5 room Yew Park.... $2,250.00 7 room south Salem L $4,250.00 6 room Dutch Colonial L $6,000.00 room Yew Iark.j.. J 93.OOO.QO Splendid residence lot near i'arrUh aeIdrol... j $1,500.00 ! A. C. B0HRN8TEDT Realtor, Loans and Insurance 147 ! No. Com'l St.. Salem. Oreron. 11 : .1-S I ZII Ordered Sold Owner writes us to sell bis new modern bungalow for $40JO. only one thousand down. It cost ewner f 50O0. haa 5 rooms, built-ins, fireplace, fur nace, A real sp to date, paved street. ! Idea! location. ! Immediate postession One chance in a life time jto get a real modern bungalow for flOOO less than it cost owner, i See Childs ft Bechtel, Keillors. 540 ' State St With two new i linen mills, , watch Salem rrow. 63-al9tf FLAX MILLS WILL INSURE PROSPER ity for Salem. I Buy lined stock. .Small grocery i and confectionery, stock, fixtures, new building, neat 4 room residence, fine corner lot 65x165 on creek, $a000. ; This is a good in' vestment. - i : ' i i 8 (room house, down town district, paved alley, 4 garages, house suitable for two apartments, $500(1 HirJi class duplex house.! strictly mod ern. iCourt street. !10.O0''. WINNIE PKTTVJOHN, Realtor 216 lOregon Bldg. 3 al7tf VERY! CLOSE IN --MODERN HOME, I Semi-bosiness ) location right down town. Fine aonie with furnace and garage, paving paid. sell right nowi for total: price of f4OU. Any reasonable terma. i Immediate possess ion. Becke is i Hendricks, U. S. ttank BldgL ; i I I 25-al6tf FOR SALE Here' is your chance to buy at PRICES THAT ARK RIGHT AND ON terms you can meet. $10 down and $10 per month will handle 5 acres of fine dark prairie soil located east near Swegle school. Price $1500. interest 6 per centi. $1000 will buy a fine 10 acres all in fruit and buildings, reck road. A realjbiiy. Let us show ybu. : $500 down and i balance easy terms will! handle 12 acres, nearly all fruit 5 irres 16 year old prunes, some goose berries and young prune orchard. Price $4540. I , . . ! - i $$500 will buy a heaujtiful 10 acre tract located en the main ramie nign wsyj south. 4 acres bearing prunes about 14 miles from car line. Terms, $t2.00(J will buy the most beautiful view tract south, overlooking the city about 800 feet west off ommereiu street on Hansen " avenue.! Terms $50" down and balance $10 per month willS buy a fine acre suburban hom site! on Market atreet. city water and liehU. Price $600, interest 6 per cent S10 down and $10 per month will handle a fine Vi acre lotiat the end o the i south Commercial street car line all in bearing fruit. Price $6j0, in' teres t a per cent $4750 will buy a beautiful one acre subrban home, all in bearing fruit and 7 rom bungalow, overlooking tne en and' close to carline and i pavement. $10 down and balance $10 per month will; buy two fine lots, one on. pavement and; pavement paid, wt us aoow you Price 5O0. . ! If, you are looking for a cood buy in lots or small acreajte, see us ireivto buying. ... .L . W. il. UKAur:nunsi; ac vv Realtors I State St. i 63 al9tf VALtlABLE IX)T ON STATE STREET OWNER BAYS SELL IT FOR $1050 This is worth; more money y. e will ! be pleased to I show this and first to I. I aee lit will be interested. No. 305 Ore gonl Bldg, or Phone 254- 63-al MODERN 7 ROOM HOME: NICELY LO i eated. larse lot 65x165. i Owner 1051 i Chemeketa St. - 63 a26 FOR SALF TWO VERY I FINE VIEW lots; . Only aiooo apiece. xou wit li. 1 a m rt niiirlitv i Fine corner lot on North Capitol street, near Parnsh school. . Only $1 250. . i i 20 acre farm in Haselgreen distric Excellent soil. . A bancain. Easy terms. 48 acre farm near Monmouth, seat of Normal school. New buildings. Very rood soil. Price is riKht. FOR RENT 5 room flat. Will leais for a year or longer. I men Kuxi Realtor v Phone 1013 46J State St. D Arcy Hldgj C3 RKAL. ESTATE 1 1 . : : : : : : : r . . , ; , , ;. , J " - , ;h-i ;.; M-'. i !,;::! I'M -r ' .I : -:17 77A . r..! ' r ( ' i. . m n . ' ' ii ' - i'. ;-' : 00 YOU KHOW WHY---Soma Parents Raise IJM This Vai? . i I J atotett wift ndar-. ! I JkVrnt4ATiOHAJ, Cartoon Co,k t. ?4 ' ' L" iftWct- . - ' ' v- - i '. -. : . , " ! ' I " ,.; ; i- : . 1 . : ! I , . ) . :- ' ' . -- ' - . . ' ; " ' , . : - . - - - I-:'- - 'j ' . ;!'." ' ' ; ' ' l - - " f - " ! , " ., ! I !" !i " t - .-. : I ; ' " T . " ' : - - . " ' - . . - .' ' . 63 SPECIAL LOW PRICE ? on the following properties for Mon day and Tuesday and Wednesday. $5000 New modern bungalow for $4,r 0O0. only $1000 down. $3500 $20OO New modern bungalow, 6R, ; 5 lots, $2250, terms. House tK. 4 lots. $1600. House 2 lots, $550 rash. $ !mo With two new linen mills, watch Sa. lem and the Willamette valley grow. Childs k Bechtel. 540 State street. 63-altf THESE ARE GOOD Nice 15 acre suburban home, 1 H miles from carline, all new buildinga, 8 acres prnnes, cherries and berries. Exchange fur residence property. Snap, & acre auburban, near Salem, all ia bearinr Drones and cherries, new bnn galow, prune dryer, $4000, take good bungalow. Good 25 acre farm, 9 acres bearing nrii qm. cherries and berries. 6 room house, barn, henhouse, outbuildings, good well, fine location, paved road, near school, store and church. Sacrifice for quick sale or exchange for residence property. F For ret. I buys or exchanges see.' us. : PERRINE MARSTFRS- 212 Commercial Club Bldg. 63-a9tf SALEM COCRSE CHARTED IS Voura. There will be poor people in Salem in 1945 but they won't be the people who invested in good Salem Real Es tate in 1925. Today we have homes and investments ranging from $100 lota and $80O little new 2 room homes up to valuable business property. Let us show you our best buys in the class that interest. And now, Beck c Hen dricks, U, S. Bank Bid. ; 63-alett GOOD VALUES $1000 buya 2 acre tract, cloe in. en i Silverton road. Would exchange for cheap house in Salem and pay cash dif ference. ' r $5500 buys an 8 room modern houre near State house' and university. Strictly modern 5 room bungalow en paved street, east Salem. Price $4500. Terms. . - i1 KRUEOER. Realtor 147 ?.. Com'L SL Phone 217 63-al8 PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BT TH' wording "For Sale. Enquire At." Prteo 10- eents each. Statesman Buslnecs Office. Gronnd floor. REAL ESTATE TRADES 63 10 ACRES GOOD BUILDINGS Prunes and berries for modern home. Pay difference. 700 N. High. 65-al9 WE HAVE A GOOD 4 ROOM HOUSE with garage and wood bouse on paved atreet in good location and worth $3. OOO to trade for larrer house and will go to $5000 if terms can be arranged for balance: Large house only two block, from capitol north worth $8500 clear and will trade for farm; 30 clear acres on the highway north and will trade for house in Salem; 23 improved prune and cherry acres with an acre of big firs high and mighty and worth $12,000 to trade for house in Salem; 65 improved acres clear and near the highway for residence, , 10 clear acres' for a city lot. ' MeGILCHRlST & PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bide Phone 140 65-al4tf REAL ESTATE Farms 67 FOR SALE 42 H ACRE FARM, ONE mile south of Daytoa, 26 acre in field. remainder in timber, plenty of water. inquire of , Chas. Thumberg, Dayton, Ore. i. 67a21 PRACTICALLY FOR THE LIENS A 5 room bungalow. Mortgagee will make easy terms to any good party Tmonthly.) See Wm. Fleming, 341 State SL 67-al2tf ALFALFA AND FLAX will pay for a choice 140 acre tract of river bottom laad, six miles out. half mile from electric ststion, 100 acres cultivated. 25 in clover; . Price $125 per acre, terms. Wm. M. Meier, Box 231. K3, Salem. 67-a25 LINEN WEEK FLAX FARM SPECIALS TCRXER-AUMSVILLE DISTRICT 141 acres. Good buildings. 100 acres under cultivation .... $14,100.00 175 acres, 100 acres under culftva- tion . - $14,000:00 305 acres, rsir buildings. 105 acres under cultivation $18,300.00 40 on paved market rosd. New . cot tage. Running water..- 33 acre, under cultivation . $4,250. 00 25.08 acres C.. $2,125.00 24 aerea . $2,150.00 j Easy terma of payment with on all these properties. 1 A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor, Loan and - Insurance 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem. Oregon 7 al2tf FOR SALE G5 PER ACRE WILL BUY a 320 acre farm located 10 south. 80 acre, farm land, balance timber. Here is your chance to pay for this place with the timber. At lease fifteen thousand cords of standing fir. ' Will make good terms. W. II .Grabenhortt & Co., realtors, 275 State street. 67 al9 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! $2500 .Buy s fine 5 a re tract with some timber, fruit and berries. located . mile from fair grounds, old house, barn and machine shed on the place. Jon Think, f JjO down will handle. See thia tract before you buy. W. 11. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. 275 State St. Phone 515 .HELP TO MAKE SAI.EM 100 FOR THE NEW LINEN MILL. 7-al9 A BARGAIN AND TERMS A 5 room house and half acre good land near car for $760. Terms. A very good buy for a. poor man with family, cum have free outrange for cow etc. See - Win. Flerainr, 841 State to morrow, r: 67-al2tf "On Edge of Lake ; . Labish" - 66 acres of fertile North "Howell prairie land, fine set of buildings, wrll Sun iniflf irr. 'J " 1 m m i , i ration. 16 acres pssice and timber, Price $8500, with $2500, balance at 6 per cent. The best 15 acres for the money near Salem $300O, half cash. Ask about this. . Commercial 1'" business property. Salem homes and view lots. . OREGON j INCORPORATED Real Estate and Insurance Phone 1013 Victor Schneider. Sec'y. 4-5-6 D'Arcy Bldg. 67-a7tf REAL ESTATE REATj ESTATE farms 67 ; VIEW SITE I I 2 acres with some good fruit, close to ' ear. $20OO. A bargain4 See m. Fleming. 341 Stale St. ; oi-ai-n i Ai STOCK RANCH 1 Mast be disposed of. 205. acres nesr the roast. Will take a Portland or Sa lem house. See Wro. t lemiug. J- i State St. f I o-i-tt REAL ESTATE Suburban 69 JUST' OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. ONE acre. 8 room modern house, garage and barn, water piped to irrigate whole tract. Prico $5,000 clear, want city j iraiuricf irvicii;, w,n vwn.M. . .m. er deal. ! . n Wanted Large stock ranch fori Salem t property win mvuiur, jv u. proved, clone to Salem,! want Maieui residence. For bargains and exchanges See s Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. ' 69 altf USEI CARS FOR SALE . CHEVROLET CO I PE INQU1KK Of II. Pohle Son. 240 S. Liberty St. ' i i ' 79-al!) Rebuilt Used Cars Low prices and easy terms. We can save you money. i NEWTON CHEVROLET CO, i9-al8tf CHEVROLET CIXXSED DELIVERY Car suitable for delivering groceries, milk, lamndry. Ideal for delivering berriea and fruit. A anap at $110. :t47 Cen te.i ; 7!-a21' li ; Eiker's i Ford touring .... ord touriaic . Ford delivery Ford coupe iEiker Auto 65 260 Co. Oar usual guarantee behind all cars Liberty Street at Ferry : i Phone 121 !-.' ! , 79-al5tf GOOD USED PART? FOR" HALF OR less. Why pay more? I Money back guarhBtc. . Scheelar Auto : Wrecking Cavj Look for the oralge front. Day pheae 819. Night phone 503. 1085 N.' Commerei: HL ",911 save money." 1 i 79 jlStf ,1924 Buick Master Six....$1200 '; 1923 Star tonring j. 350 121 Ford sedan v 3O0 1923 Dodge roadster.. 600 ; 1923 Dodge roadster, ! i i balloon tires 4 710 ;i21 Dodge touring 475 ;191 Dode-e touring...... 275 ; i 1922 Dodge touring.... 50O ,1924 Ford delivery 875 11923 Chevrolet touring i 425 F"ds with starter $100 and up.: ! BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. ! i ; Visit our used car lot LOOK AT A CERTIFIED IAUTOMOBILE BEFORE YOU BUY!, 1924 Star sport touring with 4 wheel brakes i , $625 1924 Buick touring withj . 4 wheel brakes j... 1 $775 1923 Ford panel delivery.,.... $295 1923 Ford 4-door sedan. i j $550 1922 Overland -4 sedan. j 1... ,$4S0 , i " - I CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR 1 i CAR MARKET i ' block north of postoffice 1 73-a'Jj We Are 1 : Headquarters FOR Used Ford Cars j ! Satiafactioa Guranteed " : We have 82 car. foe you: to choose from ears under $100. Will gladly demonstrate. i These car. are all good buys. For example: - t " I J319 Touring, $90 - ' - Valley Motor Co. . l Aathorised Ford 1 Dealer ': I Phono 1995 i ! !. I ' 79-alltf i t (SPRING IS HERE)i In order to give you a better oppor tunity to examine our used cars we have again opened up our lot at the back of our present location 219 N. Commercial St. We have forty ears on display and we invite you to com pare them in price and quality with any thing on the market. ! Fords $ 50.OO to $ 4O0.00 Chevrolet s 50.00 to 350.00 Overlands 75.00 -to 400.00 Oldsmobiles 150.00-4to 1OO0.O0 Gardners. 400.0O i-to 850.00, We also have Studebskers Buicks ; Dodges Elgin Jurdsn- Velie and in fact almost any thing i that you could desire at the price that you want to pay. A small deposit will hold any car that yon may aelect. ! t "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVE" I j . . Distributors jfor J 'j :i : OLDSMOBILES AND RICKENB ACKERS . I F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. ! ! 1 I 219 N. Commercial St. 1 ; .-.-.! 79-a3tf Our Prices Are Right t' " : ' i -j 1 , -t-On the following used cars , 1 it h 24 Chevrolet coupe ! ! I :: 22 Durant Sport (new piant) 24 Essex coach 19 Ford touring 20 Ford touring : 24 Ford coupe, (new paint) : 2 1 Ford aedan j 24 Ford truck 1 23 Hudson speedster: - 23 Hudson sedan j i, 24 Hnpmobile touring . 20 tlld.smobile roadster 'I I Packard twin-six : sedan 23 Packard six touring- (winter top) 23 Packard six touring j if ; 34 Packard six tourine Seeing ia believing -ott Nothing; to i look them over 1 FRED M. POWELLS-MOTOR CARS Corner Cottage an Kerry iStreeta i- 79-aI8tf CLASSIFIED !; Of Reliable Business '; jrlr : l - -I ; AJ1BULAHCB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 and 83 R. i Day or night service. f-14f AUCTIONEEE8 - I : ' ; I P. Jf. WOODRY ;K Iipert Lirastock,: furniture, real estate i AUCTIONEER 1 Res. 1610 N. Bummer Phcne 611 for aales dates. . : i i G. SATTERLEB !! r Auctioneering Rooms 25-26. Brevmaa i Block " Phone 430 or 1211-J. - I ine lltf Ml ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 331 K State. Phone 209K. si' 26 BATTERY ASS ELECTRICIANS R. DJ BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial, i ! Phono 19$ COURT 8T. joe Williams' BicTCixa ajstd expairxng LLOYD K. SllfBDEN DAYTON 3ICY- cles ana repairing. 387 Court. BRAKE RELXNXN0 RAYBE8T0S BRAKE STATION 275 South Comraerciai St, Phone 102. j8tf CHXHE8B BEHEST Ml i L. L. DICK L. M. HUM I -Chines Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State it " s-30tt CHIROPRACTOR DR. 0. I. SCOTT, PSC CHIROPRACTOR Nevrocatomater service. ' 416-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 8.7. Res.. 828 R. H. Bj SCOFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC tur, 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING CORSETS MADE TO YOU it MEASURE Dressmskinar. Mrs. Carrie: Fisher. Me- Cornack building. , : j-lltf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY T4" wording, f Dressmaking" ; i pr ie o 10 cents each.! Statesman Business Office, round ! floor.' asassBBssaaaam 1 ! ;l : eixctbjcxaxs SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O N I C bvilding. Phone 1200. , I ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone, 1924. 222 N. Liberty, i F L E E N E R ELECTRIC CO. ! House wiring by hour or contract. Es timatea furnished. Phono 980471 : Court 8L : ' 1 EYE EAR HOSE THROAT 0rl ; Harold M. Brown EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. 820 I1. 8. Bank Bldg. fhone V 1 34. J-14U ill ; i FXEM paper! IF M YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15c to the fscitic Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three moa'ha' trial subscnpUou. Mention thia ad. : P0ULTRYM EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for spools! three months' : trial for the best and oldest journal in , the west. 4 The articles and advertise menta ere of special Interest to the poultry breeder, of the Northwest. Northwest rouitry journal, sit. una mercial street, Salem. Oreron. FZNASCIAX. FOR SALE -FIRST AND SECOND Mort : gages. Tnst Deeds, Contracts on house : , .1 : 111 nei o-p 10 ovo ' : BECKE HENDRICKS U. 8. Kat'l Bank lilh H: ! ii-tf .M M FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to , kian on arood farm security. ! I CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro dential Insurance Company money on : city residences and business property, at 5Vi, plus a commission. Hawkins ' A: Roberta. Inc. SOS Oregon Building. !! 1 i -. s ii. - i - 1 ! -d-14tf FARM LXJANS LESS INTEREST, lonrer time, no commission. Protects asrainst adversity. City loans, lowest : rates, monthly installments, pre-pay meat privileges. J. C. Siegmnnd. room 1, over Ltadd.e) uusn nana. LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty at low rate on the easy payment plan, so at end of year you are all ' paid op. Farm loans 01 large or amall 1 tracts; private money. See first d you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar, : 410 Oregon Bldg; i 1 Farm Loans ANDERSON k RUPERT 406 Oregon Building j FXORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, ,-, funeral w r e a t n a, decorations, u. r, BreithauptL florist, 123 N. Liberty Ph n nu. FRUIT BUYER WARD K. RICHARDSON, Salem. Oregon 233 X. Front St. Phone 218. -- m WARD K, RICHARDSON, Salem, Oregon 2385 N. Front St. 1'hone 2184, straw berries, blackcaps, currants, cherries. eoosebernes. etc i m I FUVZ&AI. DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC- ors. S10 Center: Phone 1 IWaO. : I FURNITURE STORES GIEKE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture or leas money., $73 Court. - Phone 464. BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING, C AND 8c. 1531 8. High mW HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT- ing. The Petite bboy, nooia 6, over Buaickev n2tf SALEM ELITE H EM STITCHING pleating, buttons, atamping and needle work: S28 Oregon bldg. fhone 879 INSURANCE Insure Your homo or ear sow Phone 161 BTCKE HENDRICKS U. 8. Bsnk Bldg LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHEIt TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165, Set vice with a smile, utiality work. 1264 Broadway. j-14tf TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171, 1356 B street. J-lftf SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 316 8 Liberty street. Phone 25, oldest, larg est and iet. Estabiisna lfie. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED B THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 Norfh Capitol. Called for an delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. flVtf MEDIC AL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Paone 517-W. MUSIO STORES SHERMAN CLAY CO.. PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art aud others. Mooro s Music House, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs aad sewing machines. 432 State atreet, Salem. 1 . TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. U. L. Stiff I urni ture Co.. Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronie diseases. : 415 Oregon Building, Phone 110. NURSERY STOCKS ' FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES fesrev Hros.. Z37 State PACKUro AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping, eall Stiff's Furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPESHANGING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc, Kelianle workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music 8tore. - PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Bros., 141 Liberty Phone 5SO. ! . f-19t mum ii 1 1 mill Eseaca RADIO SPLITDORF RADIO, SALES AND SERVICE i No better radio made at any piiea. Owaurv eaa High Trade flStf RADIO DOCTOR8 SALEM ELECT 1UO CO. F. 8. BARTON, Prop. Masonic Temple Phono 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Pars St AH SUndard Sisea f Radio Tnbea BAL1K A EOF? SLETRI0 SHOP 83T Oonrt St. Phone 418 REPAIRING I ' ALVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. 1 Umbrellas, Cutlery and Keys Lawnmowers, rasor-blades, scissors knives and tools sharpened SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER 8ERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all k!nds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and dead animals, re moved. Phones: Office 35 or 979, Res 2058. ' ' SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange, 843 Worth uommereia Fhone 1868-w. STOVES AND ST0VB REPAIRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fenee, sixes 26 to 58 in. high. Paiata, oils and varaiahes. etc locanberry and bop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Conrt street. Phone 12s '- 8TORAOB WE STORE YOUR HOU8EHOLD Good or anything you have, by jthe- week month or year. ) P. A. Eiker, corner Liberty and Ferry. Phone 121. d-14tf MRS. 0. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, atamping. buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler s store, roost 111. '-etf ml t.: TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND UA0LING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F8. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Go, our rales. WE MOVE.: STORE AND SHIP HOC8E- hold goods. 1 Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. Wo also make coun try trips. : Wo handle the best coal and wood. Call on aa for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good servico. t. armor Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES I, W. Parker. General Manager. Central Stage Terminal SALEM. OREGON Principle One-Way and Honed Trip One Round Way Trip $1.00 fl.70 . .75 XXI . .so .0 . 1.00 , 1.80 . .7 . 1.18 . .66 1.00 . .7 1.40 . 4.00 T.4C . t.tS 8.70 1 85 t -OO . 1.60 S.60 . s.oo . l.aO .o Station i MeMinaviUo Monmouth Dallaa Falls City Silverton Independence Amity Tillamook Eebo WUlamina Sheridan Dayton Mswberg Parker Stan lines make big redue srk tlon ia Ezpresa Rotes, from $0 to (0 cents oi the hundred posnas. ttcsson able rates aa ODD. collecting. Send your express by Stage aad get quicker service. Call 696 for Information WATER KA,.r.M WATER. LIGHT POWER CO, Office, 801 South Commercial Bt. Ten oar cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cause unless water Is shot off Tour frn", Reindeer To Give New i 1 Kind of Meat for Menus NEW YORK, April 18 Alaska has its eye on the gradual falling off In American beef production and aspires to develop an equival ent of the once famous Texas steer in its own Arctic reindeer. Charles DeWitt Brower, a New Yorker who has lived 41 years in Alaska, told a "gathering at the City club recently that New York City was ! already taking 150,000 pounds of reindeer , beef a year, and predicted by the end of 1925 it would fconsume 375.000. pounds. .What Itfr. Brower called 'a defin itely established beef industry in the north rested, he said, upon herds of 300,000 beef-bred rein deer whih fatten in a e'-eat grass triangle as laree as lexas wnose apex is foint" Barrow, 200 miles north ofK the Arctic Circle. By 1940 he jexpected 4,000.000 head.! Nome j was the packing hoav centre, and so far the meat ou' put was only about large enough to meetvthe domestic demand ac cording (6 Mr. Brower. However, the nucleus of a" future export business was provided In the growing (New York trade, and re frigerator boats wre bringing beeves direct to the Hudson river, by way of Seattle and the Panama Canal. ' The reindeer, Santa Clans ; to the contrary, had become syn onymous with steaks and chops in the north country rather than sleigh bells,, said Mr. Brower. Sledgingjhere was now done ex-clusiveljr-by dogs, which could traverse' stretches reindeer could not. ' . Beef possibilities of the Tcin deer were first discovered when Dr. Sheldon Lewis, a missionary, imported them from (Siberia to :ifcor the Esquimaux who were threatened with starvation by ex tinction I of game animals. The present herds have beenbred up from the 1,280 original animals brought over Bering sea between 1892 and 1902. Reindeer calfskin furnishes what Mr. Brower said was the warmest fur for its weight in the world, specially favored for cloth ing by Esquimaux and Chukchees inhabitants and explorers. Alas kan calves, however, were too val uable as beef, and Alaska is ar ranging to buy skins from the Russian Soviet in Siberia, where there is at present an oversupply of reindeer meat. I First Impressions Decide Opinion of Any Village . ' I'. . T j ' ." How does our towri impress the man who swings off a train at the depot and takes his first glance up the street? There?: are two kinds of first Im pressions on towns. One neema to say "What a burs! I'll never do any business In this place!" And the other pipes right up with. "Well, this looks like a live busi ness town. Ought to be a good place to live, too: 1 The difference in first impres sions is often created by street ' lighting! The town that nods in the glooni of a few dim lights sel dom attracts any big industrial enterprise or gees any boom In population. Put the town that wel comes j you with bright, wide awake streets, ornamented with up-to-date and good looking light ing equipment, attracts outside in terests and keeps' everyone within the town more contented, and prosperous. A neii system of street lighting ha. helped many a town double Its population and better its trade. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE iOr SALE OT G0VERNMEN1 i TIMBER General Land Office Washington. t. C, March 17, 19C5. ' Notice is herebv given that subject t the conditions and limitations of the sett of Juno 9, 1918 (39 8tst, 218), asd Juno 4. 1920 (41 Stat.. 758), and depart- . mental regulations of April 14, 1924 (54 L.D.. 37), the timber on the fo)lowla lands will be aold May 5, li:5. at 10 a. m., at public auction at the United State land off ire at Portland, Oregon, to th highest bidder at not lens than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of th Secretary of tne Interior. The pnrchasa price, with an additional. aum of one-fiftk of one per cent thereof being comroisaioni allowed, must bo deposited st time ol sale, money to be returned if ssle is not approved, otherwise patent a ill issue f "1 the timber which must be removed withti ten years. Bida will be received froit citisens of the United States, association! of such citizens, and corporations organ? -ized under the laws of the United States, or any State, territory, or district there of. only. I' Don annlication nf a nuslifiei purchaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be offered separately be fori being included in any offer of a largei nnit. Ti 6 8., R. 2 E., Fee. S, SK4 NEW. fir 920 M NEV4 SE'4. fir 3M M., Kec. !7. SW4 NE. fir 600 M., frl NW4 SW4. fir 900 M., T. 3 X., R. W., Sec.j21. Nr,4 eW. fir 475 M., T. 2 S., R. 5 E., Sec'. 19, 8W 4 SKI4, fit 980 M.i 'cedar S35 M., hemlock 400 Mn none of the timber on these sections to be sold for less than $1.50 per M fof the fir and $0.50 per M. for the cedar and hemlock. T. 1 8., R. 5 E., Sec. 11, NW NE4. fir 14o M . hemlock 0O M., cedar 50 M., NKV4 NWVi. fir 24 10 M., hemlock 5fi0 M., cedar 80 M.. XW'i NW4, fir 21H0 M.. henvtbek 8:10 M.. of the timber oh the tracts to be sold for lessithsn $2.10..per M. for the fir and $1.30 per M. for the hemlock and cedar. T. 8 R. B W . 17, NE'4 NWV4. fir 1480 NWJNW, fir 70 M., none of the timber on these tract to bo sold for less than $2.00 per M, T. 7 8.. R. I.E., Sec. 27. RW'i -NE14 stand- ing fir 765 M., down fir CO M. heraleclt W M., seized logson this tract not, in cluded herein snd no ssle to be ru'k-vfor less thsa 2.00 per M. for the stand, nf fir and 1.00 per M. for the down fir and hemlock, WILLIAM SPRV, bfeh. 28-Mv 1 Tne Xoticojof Intention to lmprov North Seventeenth Street FVon Chemeketa Street to Ccntel " Street. ' Notice Is hereby given that tha Common Council of the City of Saiem.j Oregon, deems it neceB.sary and expedient and hereby declare. its purpose and intention to im prove .North Seventeenth stret t from the north line of Chemeketa street o the south line of Center street, jat the expense of the abut ting , apd adjacent property, ex cepting the street and alley inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem.) by bringing said portion of said street to tka established grade, J constructing cement con crete curbs, and paving said por tion of said street with a six-Inch cement concrete pavement thirty feet wide in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council April C, 1925, now on file in the office of the City Recorder and which said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby referred to and mada a part of this notice. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Inten tion to make the above, described Improvement by and through the Street j Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Written .remonstrances may- te filed with the City Recorder of said city against the above pro posed j Improvement within ten days from date of final publica tion hereof. By order of the Common Coun cil April 6, 1925, M. P0ULSEN. City Recorder, Data of first publication hereof April 9. 1925. 21 Bi-i'HUMPnnnvc Robust Mother of Five Healtliy, Happy Children Keeps Fit with Beecham'. Pills "When I Ctel a drnrv fceedacbe cominc eav I take one oc two Beecbam's Pills. 1 am 53 a healthy, roboet mother wtth fi napTV children, thanks to Bcecham's. I doail a? own housework, besides srwtnc. waamnav Irooing. and caring for the children." Mrs, AVtxn Ormerod. FsU River, bfsaa. Poe FREE SAMPLE -Wrlre B. F. ADest Co, 419 Caaal Stroat, New TotJc Bv froea TOW dxugs k 2S aoJ SOO boxcav For tensnpanVm. lummm, rick hnuUchit, mmj j etStfTiotauanu ti Dl ' m m 11 1 -s. WW V 1 j ivy j