THE OREGON STATESilAN, SALEM; OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1925 . ."-raw- II ' t This world's aWondroiia i place "to i - C lire,.-. . . ' i And what Is better thaa to glre V smile -to-all the friends we. meet. And watch that good old smile re- - peat' Extremes y. j Flora: "All the boyg' have prom ised to be in the Easter parade.". Ethel: "Why shouldn't, they? There will be something - more ;han hats to see this year," flare Relief. Mrs. .Askin: "Does-the Moth er's club help you any in bring ing np your babyt"- Mrs. Stern: Oh' yps. It gives anexcuse to leave the baby with John fcocasrtonelly." " Rudie Is. Inquisitive . . Little Lena, aged slit, was help ing her mother by stirring the salad dressing. Finding It hard to reach so high, she got up on a chair and was learning over the 'ftove .when her mother ' bailed t j"Oh, Lena deary don't' Jean evef 'the stdre, you might slip and fall and get so badly Bfirh"edtnat" we : wouldn't have anyjittle Lena.",' Lena stopped and thought a moment, as though seeing the re sults to the "very end; ana then asked: ."Well, what would you But on the door?" -M. G. Tdyiof." EASTER POLLIES- - ' J r Polly, 'cleverttre kid. Built herseiran" Easter lid. Steeply crownfd and broadly brim- - med. . :' V " v ' "" Which the little darling trimmed With some maraschino cherries, Saying, "There, ain't that the ber- rles!" Sylvia Weil. ' During church, on Easter morn. MM HAIL Turns Right Out Itself "A few drops of "Outgro" In the Tevice of the ingrowing nail re juces inflammation and, pain and so toughens the tender,' sensitive skin underneath the toe nail, that it can cot penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward "Outgro" is a harmless antisep tic manufactured for chiropodists However, anyone can buy from the drug store a tiny bottle containing directions. Adv, Foreign Students Find - Christianity LacRing ' NEW YORK; April 18 Amer ica has the largest enrollment' of foreign students in the world and many of these youths, composing the greatest student migration In history. - are struggling against heavy odds of iahospitality and! race prejudice while carrying on their studies, according to , the findings of a committee of Investi gators. An expansion of the Friendly Relations committees of the Young Men's Christian and the Young Women's Christian as sociations, the Investigation group is, composed of 24 representatives of many welfare and denomina tional bodies. It 1 called the Commissionon ..Survey of For eign students In the Jnited States atid Its labors in this, field have taken three years, j The need for self-support has been no small factor In the lives of theseyoung students from dis tant lands, the commission found, and many have taken back a sense of disillusionment -as t -America's ideals and practices. ' Some .find that ,.tbV Christianity -acquired from-American inlssipnaries- -was not Confirmed by the Christianity theytlcaet Infthe 'land which sent the missionaries forthr ! There are-more than ,000 of these students In colleges and' uni versities of .the JLTnited States and 6,00 'if more In secondary schools, the ?eDort - sets forti. ' 'Fifteen hundred are, women. The condi tion bf these young people, the Tsroblima t involved. aAd sugges- tioniias to their 'treatment are set forth in the report. American life and the Chris tian church never have met a more severe and searching test," says Drl Robert ,E., fepeer, . seCre tartr nf th board 'of foreign mis- ion of the 'Presbyterian cburch. "thaa In the presence or these foreign students. "They wilt" not r.arrv back what they do not get, and they will not get what we cannot or do not gire. : - - ' Dr. Speer points cut that not all these students have been dis appointed and that thousands liave eone home with strength and faith. In general the. "results VP? ?tudy abroad are more Tjeneucial ; fi Polly, looking most forlorn. Said to Mother, with a pout, Jdome oh. Ma. let's bealit out, For the fner of Easter lilies, j ves me the willies." Jack Krebs. -j III i 4 I h Honest, jt g Polly -sail, -Is a'easlpm This Easter calling most appalling. So I simply Hag. the bell. Leave .a fcardj and run like well. Why delay?4 because, you see. Everyonel is lout like me." -fclizibeth R.: WinslettJ THK MUSIC DEPARTMENT ,' : ... ; ,.''1. jtne Good -Turn i - "Joe gave-his neck a bad wrench last nighj." : "So! How did It happen?' ' '"He tried to read the name on a phonogram record -while it was playing."' ; - V j. . r- ; i . .. ' -i - j .'. Ac c-ompIislkPc - Beth: j'Wiy does Lester Insist on 'talking about, music?" Melford: ''He ha iuatJ how to tfrlhoance Rachiflalnln6fr." Mrs.lA.-R. Zimmerman' I l ;."! - r--,-: Characteristic, ; ' Do, re. L fi, sol la, si. do, -L fiaefi "day! I lear him bellow so, And I'm jrensinded as he f wails That fishes, too, are fall of scales. N.:m. Levy. I - ,- 5 j Hard Lines i ! Bobby: "I'jpn going to be a great musician wh0n I grow up." I , Freddii: "frot for me. A feller would naive to take lessons after school hours ' -j James G. Peple. , An ope-a differs from a musical show in hav ng the spectacle ; in the boxes instead of on the stage. (CopyrighS 1925.' Reproduc tions Forjbidden.) 1 than detpmr international the church. . The oiher plat to.t,he cause of friendship: and of side of .the picture Is. snggbted in detailed state- statements by students of nainful experiences, knd their complaints of political . and commercial dis honesty fa America, moral laxity, craze to organization, and "im- periali3ni," -fcrhich they compare with what tpey have , seen .-and heard o , American 1 ideals S and achievements. "Much of this criticism j" says the j report, "is unquestionably sincere. Some of ifr conie4 frfro Intolerance f and from lack of energy in appropria ting wha Is offered I A JapajneBe observer writes: "1 can readily name 20 young Jap anese wo intended (to ; become ministers; and entered American theological seminaries, but later changed jthefir minds and entered education, or business or official service."! Eljner Yelton, executive secretary of j the commission; asserts- that "the fact; eannot be ignored that there is among for eign students! in the United States a rising itida of criticism of the whole Christian movement." tViUTE. WtlSON 1XKA1X IS StTOCESSOB TO VOTAW, HAUDNG junOTHER-tX-LI W r v A I . . . . , i l- ji-:-:-; -:: " yy. :. y : i::::'r. . .': r:.--:: r.:.:.r :.:.:.v--:T"? Kutherj C. White of Massacb usetts. his been appointed Super intendent oT l?"ederal Prisons,: suc ceeding IL II. votaw.' brotier-ln law of te laie Iresident Hardin, who reslgnedl This photograph of White w4 made at the Department oi justic You Cannot 11 "Hide Your Fat OTerfataipss the 4ne nisfortuno which you I cni't hide from yourself or from those! arourd you. If too thia. your dressmatce or; tailor ran sapply the defi ciencies, btat tits overfat arry a burden they cannot conceal. There is one suro way to reduce j your weight quickly and plea sanly-t the famous Jarmola Prescrip tioa. This Jrescrtption changes the fatty tissues anAc fat; producing foods to solid flesh and (energy. It helps the. feneral health artel digestion. It permits you to eat substantial food. Jt leaves the, skin clear and jimoofb. This famous prescrip tion is bow condensed., Into tablet form. Each tablet contains an . exact dose of the same ingredients that made the origin al urescrrhtion-i eapablo of reducin the orerfat body steadily and easily withont the alightt. iUj effects. Take one tables ; after each) meat and at bedtime until theV' normal weight Is reached and the bodily health completely restored.; i Ask . yonr druggist fr M srmola Preacriptioa Tahleli or sand oaa dollar to the Martcols Com-' pany. General ilotors , Baildiog. Detroit, Mk and tou will receifa enough to start yon. well on the road to alendemess and tappinesa-i Don't put off .getting slender thia iaj Tour opportunity to ake yourself attractive o et-s box and 'tart W6)'. Ar. , ; - jr.. .: y . M , . :;:r'..j.';:..- .v..i.'.:;. - r? I' '. '( f Si ill j xtt.J m i U pi 4. ....... SSrons Healthy at75 . There U no reason why .tfce great Ma jority o( ppl ataonld "fall to pieces" in the twilight of life. It is possible to be ti-one n4 hIthT even at 75. v i - - Io you feel tired and worn, exhanateI. depreiwedf Are yon aohje-t tn '' ' nerrea ' f Do jea aaffer from aebea and paiaa that yon cannot explain I lo you feel old f The reason, in an enormous Bomber of eases, is that b blood ia ainrply atarvia for iron. Feed your blood! this iron, and often in a few. short weekt new strength aad vitality will conrs j through ' your reins, years will drop from your should ers and you will feel wonderful! strength ened. Physicians recommend Xuxated Iron as the best form in wbirh to take' this life bnilding element, because i it is 'like tho iron in your own blood. Millions of men and women take Nuxated Iron for strength, endurance and -vitality. If yon take ,two tablets after evjery suesl, you hould feel like a new person in an amai ingly short time. At reliable drug, store eierywhere. Adr. j j. - I for Red Blood. Strength and Ew?iirwcel Resenting Higher Prices Britons Boycott Whiskey LONDON, April 18.4 A whiskey rebellion is brewing iri His Majes ty's -domains. The fact that one pays more for the legal purchase qf a- bottle of whiskey in British than for an illegally obtained in merjca, is tod" much" for f the Scotch distillers arid the English consumers. Several visits to the chancellor of the exchequer rand a boycott-', on spirits: have been undertaken. 4 j i; i This dual effort has been! un productive. Chancellor Churchill is making no provision for k re duction of the excise tax in. his coming budget and, although, the borne consumption of spirits has dropped 50 per cent, from 24. 064,000 gallons in 1314 to 12, 583,000 in 1924. the I foreign de-, mand has kept the vats filled and the distilleries wide open; About 29,000,000 gallons were distilled last yeay, against 1,000,000 gal lons less than that amount i 1914.' r- : .." -!. l ' : vj.i The distiller and the consumer, who thus have been brought to gether, have organized a society with the object of telling their less Interested countrymen ; of their grievances. The society is contemplating a nation-wide cam paign for the reduction of the domestic r revenue tax on spirits. DOXtr GO TO RACES OX K SUNDAY, CO TO CllVUVni 'FOlivfER JOCKEY'S PLEA' Jack Jennings, once prominent as a jockey on the British turf, in pictured above as he preached the "Turf Sunday" sermon at the British-American . church at Maisoa I-Affitte. near Pari. t Holding his Bible in his left hand.Qthe ex jockey addressed a Ja.rg congre gation, imploring them not to at tend the 'races on Sunday but to attend church instead. - Sunday Is one of the big racing days In France. Cascade Poimdv Paper Exceptionally good quality, vhite linen finish- stock, 96 folded sheets to each pound. Special Price This Week 33q lb. Perry Drug Store Ill Eontii Comaierclal '' Salem, Oregon if iLMI' i"1 " "'"'"s isssMUasflsf ' ft'.' f- ' New Twine Box ' 1 11 1 ' ' I . I J I MAKE IT YOURSELF This twine ) box is as convenient as It Is pretty-i-a really very r.sjni ple and pleasing thing to make. All you need Is a tin can. the kind you throw away every day with out a thought, some attractive pa per or a bright scrap of cretonne and a tube of the best, quality liquid glue. Punch a hole in the center of the cover of your box for the twine to pass through. .Then glue ' the covering around the can by glufng the two ends together. It "Is not necessary to glae It all round the can.- Let the glue- get al most dry before "you apply it j to fabric. Then it 'will bold smoothly add permanently. ' - " j Guards To Chase BartfJits r ;n Their Own Speed Boats t 'WASHINGTON, April -18 The specially designed" speed . boat which have (become common i' in the illegdl. delivery traffic between Rum Rdw'ahd the coast, are' to be pressed into service, whenever captured, jin ; the war to enforce the blockade under ; regnlationa nowj being prepared' in the treasj ury department. ' I' : Acting ' under authority of j a statute enacted in the , closing days of the 68th Congress, the de partment Is preparing to " utilize the authority: therein conferred tcj use vessels and vehicles seized iri the process of enforcing the Volj stead act. ' f ...-' The new regulations are to be promulgated play 1. In the mean time the government will continue to offer at auction the carriers caught in4 the coastal: and highj way nets, but with stricter applir cation of safeguards designed td prevent their purchase by former owners.. :.. ' j.;'! I While recent figures .are not available. . the prohibition unit during the year ended June " 30, 1924, seized! over the country 5,214 automobiles having1 an esti mntpH total valup nf $3. 226. 339: and 236 boats and launches val ued approximately at $2 "'5.198 The coast guard, during the. calen: dar year 1924, seized 251 vessels ! : Cross Word- ' i .I 1 .:. I .. I ffi :if I . "7 I T I r M m r i a 'M W' ?4i ' ' 7,. ; I ; i i iX: ; 1 1 , .1 'y 2 T , . 41 ,12-.' it i i , ' i j , . : i ry y" 33 5t . . 55-56. i : il Z '.--.- i-i 10 . - j ' :' Li n, .,PnVr m UU. ''Wj' ' : " j- "; Mi' i ' ' 5 at $Z S3 TT' i T ; i '"' -rtp. i ' : 7A :vv" LssmmsBs-l Bsmss-si ssBaWBsss. I- aw.slas assamsMsa iss lias aassawaa-. U t sa mmtmmm tUtHmmit bbbbbbW-S asamsPasaW IfMBfaJM-ttMai asaaasai bsbbbbsj mattfti ' a3 i v : S5" T " TW, rm!T Cot , T" " rmm7 T" ; .L j. ; l- -, " rT. b ' " """""" - Mi . " TTi- " " " "T" : Answer . E No. 350 ACROSS ,1 Satiety -: 6 Anything wrapped 10 Inspirit 1 3 Chart IS Encomium ' ' IS Units i measurement in printing Z( Matcn in contest ? Hold on property; 22 Fissure ii - 23 Permit 54 City in Cornwall, England" St Periodically ebbing and flowing 28 .Ally . 80 Man'a name 81 Measure of weight 32 Petition S3 Shepherd's pipe 85 Prairie wolves S3 Coarse husk of cereal 41-rWhiIo - 2 College dignitary 3 Mimic ' ' IS Bachelor of Science (ah) 46 King of Bashan 7 Promote tha health of 4 Mongoloid 49 Pronoun : 60 Any powerful deity S2 Open , ., fc4 Go astray morally 65 Civil Service tab) 66 Plagiariae . .. ... . . 55 False step j I Ignoble I -63 Choke np f 63 Remaia prone ' tt MaseuEna (ah) 67 Greek Bhilosonher " 5 69 A flower .- " 1 Concerning' , V' i" t3 Purpose ' ' " I- f 4 Short sleeveless Jacket 76 Found on golf links t S Moroceo T9 Insect .. -. $0 Possessing distinguished merit 62 Period of years 63 Encircled 64 Quenched ' 65 State in Mexico J ""SKOWJT 1 Pack animal - " 2 Ecstasies : 6 Make ase of i4 Doctrine ; ; S Hend downward . ft Jeopardy ' - IT Prickly plant 8 Studios ', B Orianul ' . . " : ,' New Artie Ice-Breaker Will Honor Famous Name WASHING TON, April 18 tn the construction of Its new $925. 000 ' ice-breaker Bear, the coast guard is drawing perience of its own upon: the ex officers versed in Polar conditions,1 and asking foreign countries for Information that may prove useful'. '.'!" v Lieutenant Commander Stephen O. S. Yean'die, aide to Rear Ad miral Frederick C. Blllard. coast guard commandantj, hopes to hate incorporated in the new craft provisions ' for carrying : two air planes, equipped to land on the ice. : ': 'f-'-M ::": ? ":' ' , ' The veteran cutter Bear,' for which the new craft will be named has been doing "duty in Alaskan waters since 1885 and probably will make Its last trip In the froz en north i this season. Coast guard headquarters nave written to some 50 officers who have serv ed on the Bear and other ships in the ice regions, i to obtain their views on just whit features the new Ice-breaker should embody. A communication j recently was dispatched to Sweden ; for data ion a new Ice-breakerj . being built there, and officers have in mind gleaning information oyer the world from those experienced in vessels called upon to do ice duty. . ;;H n:;ii;! ; ;,- r - -f M i The old ' Bear will remain j In service, if possible,) until its name sake is commissioned. I The new T Cold Spring Rains Results in Coughs and Colds ' ' . -: I i 1 : 1 -:. 1 1 . : - ! i Schaefer's Herbal Cough Cure to prevent serious sickness : l!. ir; Vf::i' :.::ff It Will Break Up I ,1 Your Cough QJCHAEFER'Cl lJ DRUG STORK "The Tellow Front" 135 North Commercial Phone 197 ' ' The ' Penslar - Store Puzzle Tuesday 11 Forbears nee' 12 Despot : i i i " 14 Mien .' ! I ! "' ' . i.: ! . 16 Three loed sloth : 17 On condition that 19 Cams np to i 2r, Wand 1 : ' -7 Irrevocable destiny ; 29 Knot - j : 34 Keen J 35 Body of persons acting together 36 -Assault i i , i 'y. . ; 37 Folding frame f i ' 38 Pinnacle i . 40 Primal chaos 42 Duet . i . 44 Auricle ' I ' : ' 61 Band of fibrous tissna : - 53 iv vent to i' 55 Window ii i If 66 Efficient 57 Chiroptexous mammal 59 Long overcoat 1 !'-. 'i.;.' t 60 Inset t fil Interdict ' r.2 put aboard train I 64 Controlled by authority I C6 Adhesive; .. " 68 F abrieation ' M 69 Noted English ye courae '0- Having a thia sharp ton 72 Likewise i not : . i i 75 Out of (prefix) . . 77 J'refix, into i i . ' . 1 Pounds (ah) i I (Answer to yesterday, puzzle) " ! i i 1 . !'-' ' .:.' f ' - ! ...I n c !Jd yelr MhTo QNi lltp)oLl3 N Em V tTQ Ej TTIaHa tJIOr S H at e:1 h Tfp, v; The die rtcon tattsaimn PiUsae4 nrary morninf (exrspt !( day at Salem, tha capiUI t Urecua 1 Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Saaday . 3 cents per word S rents per word Ob time ; Tbrae tiuies. Six tiiae.l L. o reats par ward Urn Month, daily aal Sunday 20 rest par word in order to earn the mora' than ona time rate, adrertisaoiant most rua la coSserutire issues.: - Ko ad taken for lesa than 35 eeata. Ads ran Sunday only efcarjed at ont-kime rata.- j :: Adrertisempnta (axeept "Peraion aU" and Situations Wanted") will be takes orer tka ,tlepbon it tka advertiser ia a aubsTiber t phone. The Statesman rai receiva adver tisementa at any tima of (be day or Ditbt. To insura proper classtfiea tiona ada should La i a before T p. an. 1 TELEFHOHS 83 oc 683 Money to Loan On Real Estai ' " T. K. FORD : - " (OTer Lsdd aV Bosk Bank) BEFORE TOTJ LtAVE TOUR HOME j OR CAH HAVE IT ( Insured Properly Phone 161. Becke ft Hendricks. U. 6. , Bank Bldr. ' - - 28tf The Lutheran Settle ment Bureau will help both HDMESEEKEK AND HOMESELLEB . I-..- with " Oregon incorporated L Kcal Estate ft Insnrance, rhona 1013 Victor Schneider, See'y. , . I Boom -5-, ji'Arcy.Bldj c , -3 T AUTOMOBILES WE WRECK .'EM . ParU for nil cara. Wa sell for lesa. Get oar prices on trailers. Balem Auto Wreeking Co., 403 8. ' Church street. Phono 2159. Ia3tf. SCHEE.T.ER AUTO WRECKING CO. will buy your old ear. Highest cash price paid, 1085 X. Commercial St. I jl3tf AUTO TOPS SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. (. J. Hall Anto Top A Paint Shop. Rear fire department. ' " " 5-al6tf ! HE1J .WANTED Male 11 MAN WITH AUTOMOBILE TO E3TAB lish a profitable and permanent bus iness in Salem and Ticlnity. Exper ience unnecessary. Exclusive territory with no competition to right man. Some raptal required. For appointment with factory representative Tuesday, address Box 640, Oregon Statesman. Il-al9 shit still is in the blueprint stage, but officers expect it to be In service by next season or certain ly in 1927. Haying In mind the recent Nome epidemic. Lieutenant, Com mander Yeandle wants the new ice-ibreaker to; be equipped with airplanes as a measure of ecbn oniy.' The aircraft not only cOuld scibut ahead for clear water, say ing: the vessel from bucking heavy ice packs, but In an emergency could rush aid Inland, ; . I I GENERAL MARKETS Portland Hay ! PORTLAND, Or., April IS. Buying prices valley timothy $20 21; do. eastern Oregon $21 $24.50; alfalfa $20.50 $21; clo Veri $17.50; oat hay nominal; cheat $17.50; oat and vetch $20 $21; straw $8.50 per ton. Sell ing Jprlces $ 2 a ton moreJ " r Portland Grain Pntures PORTLAND, Or., ApTll 1 8. Hard whitej .bluestem, baart, April May and June, $1.55; 'soft white April $1.51; May $1.52; June $1.52; western white April, May and June $1.51; hard winter April $1.46; May and June $1.48; nor thern spring April $1.47; May and June $1.48; "western red April $1.47; May and June $1.48; EBB hard white, Aprll $ 1.85; May $1.80; June $1.75. . . Corn- No.' 3 eastern yellow shipment April, May and Jnne $44. Millrun standard April, May and June $31. : , . r i i Portland Dairy Exchange PORTLAND, Or., April 18. Butter, extras 41: standards 41c; prime firats 40 ; firsts 40c. Eggs, extras 30c; firsts 29c; jul lets 28c; current receipts 26c- 1111' Afe ctuiddy mded - , Learn what countless people know that pimples, blotches and all j skin eruptions may 'be easily and quickly ended. ; , ! Modern science has spent de cades in developing: the; methods. Now the best we know, or hope to know, is placed aVyour command: r Sulphur ' remains the supreme help. It combats the , parasites. But other factors give it multi plied effects. ' - i-, r - The new-day treatment is railed Mehtho-Sulphar. It brings la staat relief, starts neaUng at once. Often Jn two or three days, you seei the end of all that anntrys or disfigures. .- : 'i-'v vv. ' So many people, have proved tikis that such' 'trpufefes are now Inexcusable. . A remedy quick and complete Is at 'veyerynody call. J ust ask yonr - dTnggtstfor a Jar 6f Howies TMentno-Sulphtir.l Then watch' the akin trouble go. " vv For Free Sample Address Whitehall Pharmacol Cte Inc. 'V 508 Madis6n'Ave. .New York, N.Y . (Adv.) I' Dies HHP WAXTKDi Female 13 Himi (iRAI)C SALFSfADT TO JtAXr c Sate m territory for eosmetie 54 Morran Bid., Portland, Orsron, HAH ' flO WEF.KLY, APDRESSIKO. msilmjC eireHlarsv rsend atampea enr lop, for p.nrtiralars. Palae Mail. Oo. Toledo, Ohio. ' 13-al9 I.VtIES Gl'ARAXTEED' PAT WORK inr for me if yon ran ns ntedle. Erery-thin- fnrnislied.- ParlU-nlara Ire. Write today, lioyal Art Co.; lek 20A Lcipsic. Ohio." i 13-al9f LADIES PLEASANT SEWIXO AT borne, on yoor maehine. KerythinsT furnished, birhest prices. Write, for Particulars. Home Sewing- Co.,. 311 ifth Are, N. Y. C. 13-al9 WASTED WOMKH Tt MAKE MOM Elf at home. Plain home Sewing. So eart ' tasslnc. To prevent mriosity seekera send tea cent t coin) 'for sontplea and particulars. Success Sewins Byslent, box 207, Long Branch, K. J. 13-al WOMEN TEACHERS WANTED TO Trat- el 'during' summer facation." ! Interest ing work, congenial - taehe eompan ions. and at least 0 per week. Salary to atart and railroad fare paid. ,Ui age. -education and details of experience , in first Mter. , Addresa X. T. WMITH. 131-68 K. Washington St.. Chicae. HI . . .. ..- t .. 13-al SALESMAN' 15 RKPRKSEXTATIVES WANTED - TO . liandle the Wlfl'M .Cooker. aive territory. Write R, fV Rwihart, 20. Eitznatrick Bldg., Portland. Ore - gon- ' ' 15-alO AGENTS WAXTED AOEXTS SELL GUARANTEED. SHOES for men, women , and children below store prices. 70 weekly easy. We de liver, collect. K-W SHOE COMPAXV. 41)4 Harrison. Chicago. 17-al9 - WAXTEll KmYrtoymcnt ; 1 9 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work, pbone 1E3 FOIt IlfcXT , 21 OSE , ROOM- UXFURX ISHED" APART - ment near cannery,; very reasonable. Phone ld6(l. -M 21-al HOUSE AND APARTMENTS PHONE ' S036-J. j ' ai-nl5tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY wording "Far Bent." price. 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, on Gronnd floor.- !'- -r - j PQR ItEXT Apartments 23 MODERN 5 ROOM FLAT PARTLY FTJR niiAied. 965 N. 5th. Phone 428W t 23-a22 1TN FURNISH ED 3 ROOM APARTMENT downtown, private . bath. 490 Marion, ! ' - 23-422 CLEAN 2 ROOM. AND KITCHENETTE f22.50. 2 room apartment 618, 555 Marion. Phone 1524. - 93-a20 3 ROOM APARTMENT, PARTLY FUR irishcd, with garage and garden. Iown stairs, 412 N. 21sL ; 23-al FURNISHED MODERN FIVE ROOM flat, fireplace, piano, nice yard. In quire 9-.0 Mill. i . .23-al6tf FOB RENT APARTMENTS 8t W - Commercial. i t v S-tf APARTMENT FCR REST LIGHT; nd airy. Thane, bath free, very desirable. (Adnlts) Phone 580M. 466 Union, i - i - - 23-al2tf APARTMENTS 263 Cottage. 23-nt FOR RTiNT? Rooms 2 BOARD, HEATED ROOM, REASONABLE Close in. 391 N. Cottage. Younir men. PRINTED GARDS, 8127 14" BY 7M wording", "Rooms to Rent," price -10 eenta each. Statesman Business office, Ground floor. . - ij . I BOARDERS GOOD CLEAN ROOMS. All home cooking-. - Under naw management. 677 8. Cora'!. ' 25-m9 FOR RENT Houses 27 10 ROOM HOUSE ALSO 4 ROOMED house. 700 K. High. 27-al9 CLOSE IN 7 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. Kitchen furnished. Phone 536J. : 27-a23 FOR RENT FOUR ROOM HOUSE, mod ern conveniences, garden spot on North Front Call 1526-M 27-al9 5 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE Modern, big .garden, to. .Will lease for 6 roontha or long-er. 45 N. loth. - - 87-alB 3 1SOOM COTTAGE, BASEMENT, FUR ce, attic and garage Phono 434 W. Kot for sale. Mr.; and Mrs. A. J. Ba- : sey.-' . ! ! 7-al FOR RENT DWELLING AT 1052 Sag inaw; 20 a month. Call at States man buainess office, or Becke Hen dricks. i . 27-a8tf RENTERS SAVE THIS.: HERE" ARE vacant places for rent and worth the money asked. 1703 Broadway $20; 1096 N. 21st S22.50; 625 N. 16th S36; 664 Ferry 35; 76tf Marion $40; 540 Mill 45. Also, many homes from 2 rooms on np that a down payment and rent will buy. Becke M Hendricks - Phone , 161, t.t?. Bank Br1g." 2T-algt WANTED MWM-rllaneoiis 35 FRESH GRADE GUERNSEY COW. Writ 8151. Statesman. . " 35-a24 WANTED ABOUT 50 GOATS. 8TATE price. Route 2, Box 1,7 4. Phone 46F14. T. T. Croier. ' 35-a32 HIGHEST PRICES "PAID FOR U8ED . atovea, tools, fornitura. Stiff's Used Goods Dept, opposite eoort house.' .. S5-m22tf WANTED PRIVATB MONET , FOH t -farm loans. Wo va several applica tions on hand. Hawkins 4s Roberts, Inc.. 205 Oregon Building-. - &5-dl4tf CASH PAID TOR FALSI! TEETH dental gold, ' platinaa and discarded iewelry. Eoke Stealtinr and Refininr Co.. Otseeo, Michigan. - 85-j27ti WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER BUTs used furniture for cash. Phone 611. ' - - - 1 . s - 35-atf I'" SALEM MARKETS ' f'rieen emoted ar Vholeaale ant are prieeo ..received by farmara. No retail prieaa ore ri'en : ' " QBAXaT ASTJ SAT: No. 1 soft white wheat $1.38 No. 1 soft red wheat. , tl.80 Oats Cheat hay , . , - , S14 Oat hay . . , ... ,.. . - ..13 Clover hay, baled . t Oat and vetch y-'-' ' , fT POWT, MTTTT01I AJTD Hogs, 160-200 rwt.. ....f..-.....r.--.;13.25 fioti 200-250 ewt....:.....S13.00 Hoas, 250-300 cwt.. 812.75 Light sows ... fill. 2 5 Dressed vaal - Tl - t .-, - t Cowa ; , 5c Dressed pork -18ai8A , 12e . 12e Spring lamhe . VA-Totrx.Trr; tteary Ben -51C23e Light hen ,l7Q18e - EOOS, BUTTER, BTJTTXXXAT Creamery butter , 4445e Batterfat, delivered j. 41c Milk, per ewt S2.05 Frrs, - standards ; , - ? PniUta . . . SO R;ead the Classified d$t it 4 ...-c i-n4ir. 37-m 17 fiRUV. Hwnn , r rent less tUan cost. tni' 37 al Cottage- : - For Sale disc, grain jr PJ cott. enitine. Cheap. ; p 37 al Orea-oa lildjt. ' 1 . FOR SALE A FRIEND . 4i SVt DjXj had factory at Aberdeen, yao.. hroke, ua dryinff rka blf PrVf i 054 Front or call at 2,uV,d a7-Sl St.. Salem. Oregon WT-TRACOiV; French and ltU" rr?hone 1140 M. rattle, hay and! oaM. Fhone 11 12tf l- 1 JK fit. I FOR SALB OLD NEWSPAPERS TEN .TKtl., CirenUtion depn'n, 4 Histesmas. v, dWH ' FOR SALE-SEED POTATOES A in p. : eWctrle motor ..t. ar XrX? 7o!8's. Il2th. r. Trespass Notices For Sale t Inches, printed o geU f rsnvaia bearing the words. otiet is Hereby Given That Trespaaslng I( Str"tiy Forbidden On Tbes. Premises Under Penalty Of trtoiMtmtlt 15e each or two for 25. et"""' libUahing Company, Balem, "j SELL US TOUR USED JURNrrCRE--H. Xi. Stiff Furniture Co. Used Good. Dept. Opposite eonrt house. 37-m At RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 8" BY 8 1 - 50 receipt fonnav In book, 15 eEnta pet book or two hooka for 25 eenta. Statea tnsn office, 215 South Commercial St. ': Salem.,-- - i - - .-T-f35tl Beautiful pregon Rosei And elevea other Ore ton eonfe t tether with a fine collection of patriotU . nones, aacred songa and many old tim K'fiU-ALL FOR 250- ' ' (Special price in quantity lots) Especially adaptable for fcbool, eont inanity or bom singing. Send fcr Western Sortgster 70 pasea now ln Ui third edition ! Published By 0REO05T TEACHERS MONTItLY SIS H. Commercial St. Salem. Or. 87-tf FOR SAIJ? livestock 30 VETERINARIAN DR; PATTERSOJt Phone - 2028-W. i 39-d30tf FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 430 S. CommerciaL Phone 1191 Res. phone 1666. 39-m2:Mi WOOD FOH SALE 43. 16 INCH BLOCK WOOD, $3.75 PER loa4 4 loads. 814; also dry fir, oak ash. Phone 1879W. . 43-ml7' GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HiLLMAN FCEIV CO. PHONE 1855 v 4i-i29tt BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft., and IS Inch, ' . .- Dry mill wood. Green i mill wood. Dry second growth fir. Dry bad old fir. Dry 4 ft., ash, maple and oak. FRED E. WELLS ' Prompt delivaryi and reasonable price. 280 Both Church. Phone 1542. 43-m0tf 18-INCH OLD FIH SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Phono 18 F3. U. D. May fleld. , . , - H . " . 4S-flHtf POULTRY AND EGGS 43 - FOR SALE LEGHORN COCKERELS - -S weeks old, 10 cents. Phone 83F14. ... 1 , - - . . 4ft-al9 1 Salem Chickeries --:-' 'j' " - ' ' Headquarters for Baby Chicks 7 VARIETIES 164 N. Cottage Salem Phone 400 i . 45-fl4tf BLACK MINORCA BABY CHICKS Flake's Petland, 273 Stale. 45-m25tt BABY CHICK8 CUSTOM HATCHING . Hatching egga puUeta, eockarela. Phono - 88F4-- - LEES HATCHERY ' 1 ' -45-f6tf ' , NURSERY riTOCK 40 CUTHBERT RED RASPBERRY Planta Phone 8F5. f 4 a21 PERSONAL '05 NOTICE $50,000 GOES WITH PRETTY pirl wishing marriage. (E-B-M) B-1022, Wichita. Kane. . 55-al9 GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. CORRESPONDENT, Toledo. Ohio. j . . -. - 55-mS CATHOLICS WISHINO COKRESPOND--ence, .Booklet Free. HOME CLUB B-23 Grand Rapid s, Mich. - 65-altt .. HIZZ TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS "IMs-Wonderful.V Free Id forma "titm. Address ID is Co Portland, Ore gon. r 1 55-816-1926 MARRY IF LONELY JOIN "THE Roc essfal Correspondence Club." Reliable. descriptions free. Box 556, Oakland, ..California. ' - i ? 45-alt LEADING CLUBr-i-LARGEST, MOST RE liable for lonely people, confidential ' descriptions free tn plain aealed enve lope. . Thousands wealthy membere: If sincere write, f Established 20 years. Mrs.- Matthews, 'Box. 26, Oakland. . Cal ifornia, i K.S-alQ r BIONEY iTO LOAN -1 57 20 YEAR FARM LOAN On raral credit plan with privilege of paying oft any amount at any tima; low interest, easy payments, bo exam ination fee, or commission en loan. PERR1NE MARSTERS 212 Commercial Bldfr. 57-a4tl MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROP erty, either bailding and loan plan or private money, i Farm loan wiu in aurance company money at 5H with oommission added. Ralph IL MeCordy, Nee, ft sad 6, Steevea-Moore Bide, Sa i 57-fl4(f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CI FOR SALE Wo I have . some downtown business blocks for sale at prices that are right,. paying good income, also have come close ia property which is sure to increase In value. If yon are looking for an investment in down town prop erty it will pay you to talk with us. . W. H. Grabenhorst Co., realtors, 273 State street. j 61-al A LOCAL MANUFACTURING PLANT Desiring to increase ita production for ;' which there ia a splendid demand, of fers an opportunity for a few men who ...desire aoiae thing better than working for other parties to become interested ' by purchasing, certain new machinery , and equipment needed and become the operators of said machinery as a part of the corporation. Not a cent of the money ao invested will be used but for increasing production of plant. - No . oents to oe paid, or other nse of funds Made. For information call 805 Oregon 21df. . i. 61 a!9 FOR -8AVR t V i fi- ' 1 ('