SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1925 S':; '' I' r A:-' A.tA :Vf-'-v,;y ;nr':vjim Art 'vAT:n' , i THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON - - -t - ..... ...J . "' - 1' f- 11'! 1 H i ; IP I SPRING EE That Win Instant Admiration G. W. JOHN SON & CO. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF AT TILE THEATERS TODAY ' ' . ' .Oregon "Sally" with Colleen ; ' - Moore and Leon Errol. -.Liberty Florence; "Christine or the Hungry . Heart." . ';'',v ) GrandHoot Gibaoa in "Let : er Buck" ; Bligh 5 acta Vaudeville and f Pictures.- . . - ; Mayor Proclaims Week In a proclamation Mayor J. Tlj Giese sets aside the week of April 27 to May 3 as American Forest'; "Week. The proclamation is in line! with others Issued by President! CCoColidge and Governor Pierce.j "The perpetuation of the forests; is necessary to insure a continued; supply of pure water for domestic purposes, recreational facilities? 'and . uninterupted industrial: de-4 veiopment," the edict reaas. 1 Fried Spring Chicke Today at the Gray Belle.. Seej menu on Society page. " jtl9 No Work on Sunday j Bring the family to the Salem! Restaurant. Special Sunday din-; ner. 75c. al9 WOODRY Buys Furniturp Phone 511 DR. B. H. WHITE Osteopatay-SiurgUT Baetronle ZHacbmU and CDt. Ataam'a method) f Onto raoaa 3 r 4a-J; ; 8M V. 8. Bank Blag. l ; ' ; LADD & BUSH, Bankers rabllsshed i When You Readv? To Move General Baiildng Business Office Hoars front 10 . m. to 3 p. nr. Call on us, for we have pketfed Vans and Fleece-lined covers for your furniture jmd piano. and furniture movers. We also handle Brooder Stoves, Furnace ; Coals arid Diamond Briquettes Larmer Transfer & Storage Co. PHcnq Specialty Shop, 453 CourtV al9 Ashland Seeks Water Application has been; made of the state engineer by the city of Uehland to appropriate water from CowCreek and jits tributaries for domestic purposes in' Jackson county , to supply ! Ashland. The estimated cost is $500,000. Special on Loud Speaki New Western Electric, $25. Halik & Eoff, 337 Court. al9 I - . - - ; ', Kitchen Unit J , j While they lastj $3.50 set. See ourj window. Salem Electric Co.. Mafonic Temple, i i al9 f -f ." Tulip Bulb Farm; See Luther J. Chapin's beds, 9 miles north of Salem on South Prairie. . 2& .acres, of tulips in bloom now. Cut flowers for sale. al9 Have Sunday Dinner at the Spa A clean place to, dine You will enjoy the best, to be had. al9 Seek Doctor's Degree ' Edwin P, Cox and Margery Gil bert, both of Salem, are two of the! 11 graduate students at the Dancing! Dancing! CHSTSTArl, QAIDES9 , . Xdl rrM ThomM Bro. Jus Bind Orehtitra, raU of Ufa and Pap SATCTBDAT NIGHT l Skating, Skating, Skating AT DREAMLAND - --- - L Thursday, Friday, Saturday -1 1868 i First class piano 030 I 'it, ' i T ,M - . I la II I Ml ' MMT v "a ' a -m ill I I RTS 469 State Street University of Oregon; working this year for the doctor of philosophy degree. These students have al ready received bachelors and mass ters' degrees. 1; 4:! I J m '" St? Cyllijdrr Coupe, 102O Mode-i. A-l condition. Cheap cash sale, Barrett Bros.! Garage 1999 N. Capitol.; . ; . ; a23 Offer Pantoiuiue "The Holy City" in pantonine will feature the program at the evenings service at the First Chris tian church . today. Mrs Frank Brown will give the pantomine and Miss Whlsler will sing the solo. !..- -1 : j ''f n f-1 I i ! h Is Oaks Addition Homes I "We have four fine homes for sale in Oaks at 6400 to $6900. All modern, 5 to S rooms. Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bk Bldg. al6tf '":h ' : I' S i!: Jl Chronic Cases Taken ; " j1 : -By the 'case for a guaranteed j price. For information write Dr. Scofleld, 328 Oregon bldg. , al9 .I-':.: I :. .J-; jj;jl I j. ! : Legion Meets In Armory iljtiHjjl In order to provide i everyone wjtth-a sea and an opportunity to see -moving pictures depicting wild life in Oregon and methods of propogation and! conservation. Capital; Post No. 9 j will meet in the: Armory Monday night. Coniplet BuhUp -Court Three months' Intensive i train ing. 428 Oregon bldg. ' al9 Ret urns To Salem ; , Fred A. Williams, local attor ney has returned to Salem after a 10 day'stay in Grants Pass, where he was called on several law cases While there his family joined aim and they motored to Salem on Sat urday. ; -' - Odd Fellows Attention! : , ' Funeral j services for Brother AL A. Wade will be held af Rig don's' Chapel Monday, April 20th", 10:00 a. m. : ; - W, P.,Brietjket;Noble Grand. Dr. Marshall I, Osteopathic '.. Physician and ' Surgeon. al9 FOR INFORMATION' i ABOUT ILILHOAD TRIPS JPhone 727 OREGON ELECTRIC Fountain Pens "MAke ' Valuable Oif t for Birthday or Wedding Gifts ;.vv , : -1--. ; : Soe Our Selection of " lIllghGrade -v j Waterman Pens ; Before Vou Hay ; COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE " 103 'orth Commercial ; REDUCKD SODIER RATES TO CALIFORNIA BY PICKWICK STAGES I aL. wia a i ! ' . i I n .. s- . Round Trip, f3O0)O Lo Anrb, one way, f27.S5 Round Trip, SO.OO Special Rates to Parties of Eight or Mors - j Tor Information and Reserva- Hons phone 69 1, or call st CTLNTTJUj 6TAG3 fJalem, Ore "on - : JJOOK. THE SB OVXR AT TOX7B ? rcasT oppobtxthitt : 191 OldtmobUa tonrtef tn flna aiackaaieai con dition, ar ptint .j. $350 ' IMS Bnick, new paint 350 1920 Dodge la flna cen dikien, (ood tire 363 1924 Blackbird OvazUad ditlon, good Uraa, naw paint . ; ! S65 1925 Xdcana Tetth Sack FREE! Ogden. Get. Prize- Owen F. Ogden, E. F. Smith and H. C. P,ugh were guests at the i dinner of the employ es, of the New York; Life insurance Company . in Portland! last night. At j that time , it wasj announced that Mr. .Ogden was ; accredited with being the prize wlinner in the number of applications of life! in surance which he had secured. The record was made some time past in a 'state wide contest established by the company. '. ' I i li'j;! v Fairmount Hill Corner .' pin s $1300 this morning; j reduced front $1500. View, Becke ' &. Hendricks; Bldg. - I j trees, etc. U. S. ' Bk. al6tf Boxing Salem Armorj '. Frankie Lewis vs.i Billy Gar deau, 10 three minute rounds. Bill Hunt vs. Speed jMurphy, 6 three minute rounds. Two snap py pdeliminaries. Friday, April 2. Ladies free with gentlemen on the lower floor, i ' al9 Three Months Course Shorthand 'Letters taken ; from dictation after first week. 428 Oregon bldg. Business College. S i l a--eaU Plumbers Take Holiday The plumbers of Salem are tak ing a half holiday on Saturday af ternoon at the present time, as in dicated by .cards on the various of fices' ! of ' the j plumbing firms. "Closed for the afternoon" is the sign posted on most of the offices of the master plumbers of the city. Speak for Yours i Four modern 5 to! 7 room homes are under construction.! Wi;: sell finished for $3500 to $4,000. Basements and fireplaces, finished to suit. Reasonable terms. Come nowi Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bk. Bldg. j i! ili al6tf Projrram Postponed Due to the death of George Sar dam, father of Frank J. Sardam, member of the Hoot Owl degree team, the concert fori the coming week will be postponed, it was re ported here. The program, how ever will be given the following week at the regular time. ! E. Cooke Patton, grand I screech for the Hoot' Owls in Salem; reports that the stickers of the organiza tion are going fast and the second edition of' the oval papers will have! been used up. ' , Marinello Beauty Parlors ; . -i Expert Marcelling, 245 North High. i ! al9 Fop.. Sale Nearly New 1921 i ord coupe. Xewton Chevrolet Co. 3 ' . -j: I,..- - . i al8tf Best Grade of Wood 1 Is. 16-inch mill tlock for fur nace and heater, t Three large loads for $15. Prompt delivery Phone 1542. Fred EJ Wells, al 9 Gardner Touring Car Driven only 1200 miles, at the Certified Public Motor Car Mar ket for half the new price. Car has been in careful hands and will give some one the same good service that a new would. 1 ; automobile a25 Popcorn District Pppudar The Popcorn district will enter tain with ta chicken pie dinner Tuesday night and Will feature the Moore's Music j House Enter tainers. ? The Popcorn district is one of the most enterprising sec tions of Polk county, and a large attendance is counted on for the chicken pie dinner The Enter tainers, have a specialty number to surprise the meeting on that night, -which will be announced ater. .The Moore'gj iiuiic House entertainers were with the CCro ville Parent-teacher meeting Fri Wi TV RIGDON !& SON ! j - Established 1831 ! ! "New Alortuary j -Chemekeia Streei at Cottage .!! M: . - - , i ' 1 j . : : t I day evening and featured Euwine MeCrosky on a magic carpenter saw, r wnicn perrormed .miracles with songs and duet numbers. , No Work on Suuday '"-;. Bring t&e ramily to the Salem Restanrant.. Special Sunday din ner, 75c. Fried Spring llitcken : Today at the Gray Belle. See menu pn Society page. . al9 CiK -Flow rw, Floral liereu Adanis Florist, 453 Court. al9 Names Are Confusing Mr. nd Mrs, Clyde Harris, of Brooks, have been caused; some embarrassment over the similar ity of the name of their 14 year old :son, George, ; and a George Harris who Is mixed up in some justice court proceedings. The one In :onrl is not the son of the Brooks" resident. iS 1 ' j Tesa fjarttge, i99 JN, Capitol Will operate under the name of Barret tf Bros. Fee ua for your work. ;j We '.know you will be pleased- Towing and repairing-. Phone 32p. - al9 Soanii Iing; Made i Efforts are being made in Salem to locate Alexander Grant, a missing 'policy holder of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance company according to the I state ment oif A. C. Borhnstedtj local ;; j y- DIED . ' i . I HOUGHTON At 622 North High, ? April 18.. Mrs. i Louesa Esther Houghton, age 96 years, mother of Mrs. Annie M. Wheaton. of !' Caliedonia, Minn.; Mrs. Maudie . Sargeant, of Newberg, and Mrs. Louesa Clark and N. L. Hough ton, of Salem. '" Rdmalns are at ' the Rigdon mortuary. Funeral i ; arrangements will be announced i . later Final services will prob- ; ably be bld at Newberg. t1 WAPE At the home, 1792 Broad way. April 45th. Alonzo! Allen Wade age 66 years, husband of Mrs. Ella Wade, rather of J. B. Wade of Soaplake, Wash., Ben S. Wade of Portland and Hal L. Wade of Sawtelle, Cal-. broth er of Sherman Wade of Long i Beach, Cal. Also one grand M child. Member of the IOOF of Richland. low, and the Modern Woodmeri fraternities. m Funeral services will be - held ii Monday, April 20 at 10 a. m. ! ! from 4.he Rigdon & Son mortu !l ary. under the auspices of the i : IOOF cemetery at the j IOOF ( i cemetery, i . j i J . . lln 'vpM T J : 1 : BROWK John Brown died at a local hospital at the age! of 61 year on April 18th. Funeral annotiQcements later, j Webb i h Funejral"-Parlors In charge of IN arrangements.1- 1' - . REKD At a local hospital April 1 18. M. Jean Reed, age 38. The Terwilliger home funeral par lors forwarded the remains to l ! hiftband.", Funeral services and ' i i interment will be held today. - Your Eyes YOUR EYES are your most important possession. Nearly all! information comes through 5 the eyes. Your pleasures, your I i i i . . i Button in scnuui, in your cuus- en profession in life, and your earning: capacity are ail de pendent on eooL? ; s t r 6 n z. S healthy eyes. Any thing that is worth having is worth caring fpr Your eyes are entitled to conscientious, careful ; thought. Such care implies an accurate eye examination periodically, j lenses fitted carefully to correct Sight where it is defective; and eye health habits that will; pro long keen vision. jWe are 'al ways glad to advise you. j . Morris Optical 1147$ .Company- 01-.'K4 OREGON j BUILDING : a i ' , - j ' 1 i'r - !'- - 1 ' i ' 4" " representative. Records disclose that Grant was Insured in the company in 1888, in this city. No payment on his policy were made, however, after the maturity of the Instrument, H is declared. Over 100Q missing policy-holders are being sought by the company for persons in all parts of . the world. Piano Jazz in 12 Le.ons Beginners or advanced. Water man Piano School, McCornack bldg. al9 Small Apartment Hoawe . ', Reduced; $6,000 now takes small apt. building bringing in $100 month. Will make home and investment. -Becke ft Hen dricks, U.S. Bk. Bldg. . al6tf Dr. Stone - ' ' Perry's Drug Store. al9 Bad Ughts Arrest For driving with improper lights C.. Overholscr, Hollis Smith. George filbert, Loyd Hughes and John Sweeney were haled into the police court last night. During the day L. B. Laughlin. NichoU Brinkley.iJ. W. Suver, J. Bolland er and B B. Robb appeared before Martin Poulsen, police Judge. Are You. a Typist ? Why not take. up shorthand dur ing the evening and '' prepare yourself for a better position. Three months' course from 7 to 9. 428 Oregon bldg. al9 Bpeeders Are Caught E. W. Morgan of Eugene placed $10 withj police officers yesterday as bail money after he had been arrested for speeding. . Harry Beckett. 1690 North Cottage, is to Work Men heavy weight, white, black, blue denim, union-made, full cut, reinforced at all points of strain, seams triple-sewed, every pair guaranteed; much less than ordinarily, sold for. Extra Sizes 44 and over $1.75; Boys $1.00 to $1.35 Shoes Scout style and other . comfortable styles, med ium and heavy soles, fine quality leathers. I $4.50 up Sox Men's black, brown cot ton box, good weights, fine yarns. 8 pairs for $1 - . a 1 : p I v - r IX-, r -wrr-'-in- -a -n - -w steaB' mi iljh , , .- . 1 - .m . , ... ,., r . ... - mm . w -r.'r- - n x. appear in court Monday as Is 11. E. Fellor of 159 South High. Wayne Montaneon paid a fine of $5 for speeding when he appeared before Police Judge Martin Poul sen.1 Some Investment 1 SO acres, mostly walnuts $8,000 today; 7 miles from Salem on paving. $1,000 to handle bang! Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bk. Bldg. al6tf Jung Sing Pays) Fin For selling cigarettes to a minor Jung Sing paid $5 to the police court yesterday. Dan Cole McElroy Orchestra. Wed nesday, April 22, Crystal Gardens. ' a21 ! Itotariann Help Boy . Tho Rotary Boys work commit tee are supplementing the enter tainment of the Boys' Training school -with magic music and and GOOD WOOD Specials on Wood 4 ft. Large Second Growth Fir, 2 cords for $13.00 3 large loads 16" Mill Wood for $15.00 4 ft. old Fir, no large knots nor punky, 2 cords for $15.00 j; ' -May and June Delivery , FRED E. WELLS PHONE 1312 Clothes at SAVING PRICES! $1.50 Unionalls Easy fitting, roomy cut. khaki twill material, re inforced. ; j M $3.50 Work Shirts Heavy weight blue cham bray shirts, both coat and closed front style, roomy. We specialize upon slim and extra size shirts. , ; : : j ' t ' 85c to $2 Work Suspenders President and other Quality makes. I 50c to $1 Work Pants Heary weight, olivo drab khaki. At : r : ; ii - 52.50 v v ; I CLOTH UiQ VO CICN MlLiiO GTGUJZ story. ' E. Cooke Tatton will en tertain with the magic, and Floyd Waltz with a reading. Earl Keu- nell Rotarian will give solo num bers. I He will be accompanied vr Katherine Kirk at the violin anil Mildred Jaeger" at the piatfb. Erery Monday evening the boys are entertained with moving pic ure and the Rotary club members are planning to supplement thU with vaudeville and other fea tures, . r PERSONALS . ! C. M. Chase, a veteran of tho World War who is undergoing treatment at the Veteran hos pital in Portland, is visiting with relatives in this city, j Judy Currie is visiting Willi friends and relatives in Dalia4 lover the week end. . , j J. 31. Houghton and family aro ;here j from Portland during tha week-end., C. B. Rnedsger of Cloverdale if visiting here for a few days. Ha arrived in Salem Saturday. PROMPT DELIVERY 280 SOUTH CIU'RCIC L Gloves Leather gauntlet and wrist lpyes. Good qual ity sofi heavy weight horsehide material us u ally sell for moret I 01.50 Heaviest Corduroy Pants Drab and tan, fine quality. j 55, 55.50 Bandana i Handkerchiefs Attractive colors, largo size, good quality. 20c; 2 for 35c A