Pages One to'Fouf I I ... - . . ,- 'A 1 . 1 ; -1 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 - - ' i i t - - ,j SEVENTY-FICTH -YEAR :"Tv:-'.:- ? Al'MiVtV l " ' " - : SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 19r 1925 -- . j. , vv. .. . , , - " - - . , ' ..... . . - . 1 ', . . . ' ' . : .V 1 r !: r-sli :,;iia riiii:;:;;'; . h ':.:....,,. .,n ; vl . i ' l Ew j. . 11 " 11 - ' " 1 " ' - i i nivir , -i,- , - i ; ; ;il i j ; ; '-."ft,-;- ; - t , ' " 7 . T . i , , . -. , . . ' i , ' , 1 11 ' " . " ". ' . 111 11 1 ' m i i i i ' i i ii ii i i i ovm SIXES TOBESIBI HERE This Week Set As Date For Salem Demonstration By Vick Brothers j Thia week" of April has beeti set aside by Willys-Overland ;as- Over land Six National Demonstration Week throughout its entire dealer organization. ' ; - ' " For. the first time since produc tion of this. new model was begun three months ago the factory feels that its dealers have" been amply Bupplied with these cars to permit the carrying out of a program on such an extensive scale, "We hope to be able to ' show the merit and quality of .these new cars, to a large percentage of the motorists inthis territory .dur ing the coming, week,-" is the comment -of Vick Bres., local Willys-Overland dealer . when ap prised of the factory's plans for the coming week. "We Take this opportunity of extending an invi tation to -every motorist to come in and drive an Overland Six, get ting the feel of the remarkable pick-up, power and stamina of the motor and seeing at close range the splendid lines and construc tion of the new six-cylinder Over land, without incurring the slight est obligation of any type." . According to reports from To ledo, production of this model has now mounted to 250 standard and, deluxe sedans daily and has not yet satisfied .tbef remenddus demands which are making them selves felt every wliere. "Despite the act that this an nouncement at the national motor car shows came as a total sur prise to the motor car industry, the Overland Six is by no means a hasty experiment 6n the part ot WilIy-Overland engineers, but Is the result of sereral years of de vetopment and testing, not In the A LY-ERJ -, Aiiy fellow, is who .. . says : THERE'S AS GOOD A TIRE For he's just plain Lazy Too Lazy to come in here and lose a de bate. - - t i ZOSEL'S TIRE SHOP v 1P8 South Commercial PHONE 471 i laboratories by research experts but on the streets pnd highways in the hapds of average drivers. A xfumber f these, cars! were constructed and turned oyer to disinterested persons of motor car experience ; with instructions to 'break! them down." As the re sult cjf j these experiences Willys- Overland J .engineers t have J ' been able o design a car of unusual sturdlpess and ruggedness 'In ' ev ery detail,: with, a imach higher factor, off safety than , Is enstom- ar ' :'r:-- :i';-i r':i '-;l DECLARED TO STUDY Mia Shrewdness in' Purchasing Cars Developed by Pub- lie in Later Years i . , HDJUSlEflT OF m iPOR Hishest spring Wi(h . weather, see to it epectons made, on e ration efficiency!. It is well to remember that the. average motor car has been oper ated during the winter ; under conditions diametrically opposed to the warm weather which spring ushers in. Adjustments and re pairs made at this time will add materially to the ! uninterrupte4 joy 4' motoring through spring. summer j and fall the period whenj the greatest mileage is run up on-the car. The! following six Items should have special attention: cooling system!; electrical system, lubri- calioh, engine, brakes and tires. To make sure the cooling sys tem jwillj function properly, flush out he radiator with hose -and refill with clean! water. This riot onlyf takes away the accumulated particles! of dust sediment and rust, hvi also removes the alcohol whici would make the radiator boil fn warm weather. The hose connections should be examined, and fcha'nged if they show signs of rotting. It is also well to blow put the radiior j core with ' compressed air if possible as all dust collected i heref militates against the proper eooltnr of the engine. The fan belt should be Inspected and re- The automobile buyer of today ;is a different . sort of a person from the buyer of yesterday. lie is different in that he has a dif ferent motive for buying. lxokittg on the motor car as a necessity j instead of( a luxury, he enters the market with the same attitude he ; has' in buying' othr economic j necessities.' His idea Is to select a car that gives him the reckless sort of element In. buy-1 ing. ' The prospect saw in t&e streets or in the show room; a type J of car that appealed to his fancy, and he bought, regardless ' of its economic or utiity value. Today' the buyer is shrewd. jBe cause he knows more about cars, he asks sensible questionsj makes a thorough study of the vehicle, launches a ' systematic ; j survey among his -friends. He takes i the stand that here is a product that, like his store fixtures or his I of fice equipment or his factory pia rbine, :Wlll enable him to hold his own against competition. He treats it as a regular business and eco nomic factof, and he buys fn! the manner of the expert purchasing agent. : . Because - he demands he must have a car "that has pie room and rides easily Point Of Efficiency raost' satisfactory service for ev- Only Obtainable by Thor- ottsn insoecnon the coming of the careful motorist wilt that certain routine ln and adjustments are his ear to' Insure its op- at the highest point of ery dollar expended. In other words he seeks the best value. - In days gone j j-bjr there was sion should be checked. Valves should be re-seated and new rings. Installed wherever needed.! ; The air in 'the tires should be kept up to the specified inflation for: the car more regularly fn summer than in winter, because the heat of the pavement com bined with the heat generated in an under-inflated tire softens up the layers of fabric as they rub against each other. ' , The nuts, bolts and screws! on the entire car should be tightened. During the winter the material used as cushioning between: the various parts of. the car! gathers moisture and swells up. In dry weather it shrinks. Just j as soon as this shrinking takes place the car hould b& tightened up to pre vent the formation of 1 av hard. glazed surface. If these glazed surfaces are allowed to form, it is very difficult to eliminate the squeaks from the car. ! j , : , irenas : Mi must have a. car which be ly upon to respond to any of his needs at any time. 1 Ecowomy of maintenance is necessary. The cost of running the car must be low; it must re quire a minimum Of serviie atten tion. Then, it must look well so a ort. ara-He can re- to "reflect credit on the owner, his family, his business house. The reason for tb increasing popularity of Maxwell and Chrys ler cars is the fact that we have kept these- factors upmost in mind. We have realized the Im portance of the motor car as a business and economic factor, and have built our cars accordingly. The new i buying s trend Is a healthy sign. It means that with more cars, more intelligence be ing applied'' to the purchasing process, the manufacturer of the product that continue to give the public the best motor car lvalue will continue to survive' and pros per, r Gains in production of Cars Shown in Reports Steady" gains in production of motor vehicles were continued in the March output which is estim ated at 362,305 cars and trucks by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. This fig ure, based . on shipping reports, is 29 per cent over February.! A New Top Will Make Your Car i liook Like New j I Have it j Fixed Before Vacation Time McALVIN &4& NORTH CHURCH : . ' i STREET ' x' placed f found badly worn or too loose. The electrical system i should also! be checked over carefully. See that all connections are tight ened In the ignition system, and the breaker points and spark plug gaps: aujusxeu. ; j ; 1 1 Iff thd charging rate of the gen- erator Mas been inewwasea ior mo winter months, it? should ibe low ered! aekin for the sunmer driv ing. Oil course the battery should .1 J. . j, . De lpspcjciea every iwu weem u distilled water added as neeaea. The carburetor; should likewise ;. i . - - lit 1 be adjustea tor warm weaiuer, It la; obvious that yon do not neea ! . . . i . . : i 1 n as ,ricn a mixture as id muwi. If considerable driving is done in hot weather, proper" adjustment of the manifold heater should be made. I . 1 i " I The oil in that transmission should be changed regularly after each i succeeding 3,00 miles of drliiag. If the owner lubricates the! car himself,' he should use! heavier! oil in the gun. The light oil I that was plated In fcbe rear axH fof winter driving should be changed and a heavier oil, such; as 4 00 !W. substituted. All he operating parts of the brakes should be Hoaked with: pen-j etritmit oil ot tomfe anti-rast soiu-i tioi to) remove the effects of fhej sluih, baud and wiater ftf winter driving. i The whole engine as well as the exposed bearings and other parts of jthej chassis should be washed ani cleaned with; kerosene to preJven dust from finding its way e moving pans, vwmprea- Is Real News We have just completed arrangements making it possible for us td sell Bicycles on exceptionally easy terms. You lntj the Stromberg CarliUretbr 1 FOR SMOOTH RTJXNIJfG MOTOR ASV LONG GASOLINE 4 Jim' A Carburetor for; MILEAGE i Every Car 2 l .ii A I M :l! j H. ' ! !i : : : ' : ' . " ! 1 .' . . ' i ' " . Here III I p can now buy one ot our high grade HI j you can afford to pay i ! : . i ! III! 1 ! s; - . . . ill :; . v ; ,- aw w mm I I I i: - " i - : fl . . - 1 ! : -i III III It til - Mil. i '. i!,' I -:: I - "The Cycle Man" I ! i 47 South Commercial Street I wheels on terms that U A WOOti You will find our prices no higher than you are asked to pay .at cash stores and we guarantee' our service to be the best, i i Corrie in, pick out the wheel you want.( Pay down a Five j Dollar Bill the balance at $I.!U a week. . TT -TT "The Cycle Man' i 47 South Commercial Street Scott Phone 68 The manufacture'- of motor. vehicles during (he winter feat been on a conservative basis in respohse to orders from the field. - i Accordingly, stocks" in dealers hands are light and the industry looks for very active production during the' next few months. " SETT AUTO MAX JFIERE Mr. "R. N. McDoiMihf. the Mr nom dealer, has secured the ser vices of Mr. Jo Goodfellow to be his representative in the territory aa : far south as Klamath. - FallH for the sale of Marmbn cata. Mr. OoodfeTlnw hat" rnanv i years experience in handling bgh1 grade car, having been Wilh tm Packard agency In Portland pre vIohs to his late work in handling; Rickenbacker in Salemv j '- He worked for . considerabl period of tirae for the Chandler company of Kansas City befora that, and has wide experience la the automobile industry. - This IS -1!fll!v fe lt,. -,...- it T- s T?A T- .3 V rtN. L WOOL ' I ' - 4 Many motorists will vlcortie thii opportunity to btiy GtiarahteeaV Standard Qnalrty, Accessories at the unusu-. ally low price of $1.00. AH of -these' articles are taken from our regular stock and ordinarily sell at a much higher price. i , ; Db appearing Luggage Carrier $1.00 t j. -r Special Combination Offer $1.00 What a baj-rain! ' Our special introdoctory-lsf- fr e na.ble you to yvrcbse a lUSS carrier tbLt-elia' rcgviarlY tor HAS at the extremeHr low price ot (1.09. FoMtf flat on edge of rimnln board jwhea not In- use., Ita lenrth ocmn.i 42 iaetMSti height 10 iacbs. It is strong and substantial. Finished in bUttk nsifxL Thla week"......'.......... $1.00 - i- . ; I : Simonii Cleaner Polish I '. An offer every motorist ehould : grab. nattoualiy famous SUnonis Poilah and I C!eanef. These two and a 4-yard roil or cwtesecwii. air rot r. - 1 - J I . "KlaasylSte Plates r i" Frame 1 and' kick tlate on rer are made ( solid aiomlmrm WltH hearr barred rubber mat tnaert. Keruiarly TrVd.; ecia 1 1X0. This weeJc. each... $1.00 Interior Mirror Bore is a barjraixi. .. A 7 -Inch mirror with neat '.beveled edces : and : attraetiv. nickel plated bracket.: Regularly e sj " . Of tyecial lnierc to Ford Owners In our Ford department we" carry at all times a cotaplet stock ot accessories and sup plies for Porda. Every aftic'. . of ' this For fnercbandise ts ruaiunteed. Tor the' benefit of the Ford1 owner" we list the folio wins merchandise' atnbnf onr Dollar Week Specials. Gray Tufee 4 i Wedge Cushions &toins, Wheel Net the savtnff on this one. Hag", qoaiity elastic . ' rubber that cives a poswve irlp-. oa tu tewug X 'aisea rerularly prteed at S1.4 and ti.45. special Uais $1.00 5-Minute Vntcanizer The wen-known -Blue Rib bon" fcray twbe site ftOx S ot J0xJ?i. It' is : extra .uJIty tlirouehout and' sells retruJarty for It. Ji and l.ekcir oi caa buy One, or five. this week each . . Foot Acceieralor A rear v'alde at the price we qvote-lt regularly for tl.ti. A wedge cushion rests -the- back 6r long drives in- valutrble to persons Of smarl stature. Speciat price . . . riTea id - . $1.00 Flowef .Vase Mr ThLi standard flower vase ha k beautiful cat Sas body is removable from the bracket it is reyuiarly priced at ll.j;. This week ......... 9 MJJkJ 1 bracket sf.oo The well known "BU1 Dor" foot acCe!erater ts easy ant) positive in action, it works independently ; of the hafrid throttle. Fteirular price with foot-reet rnciuded in LhS otl ? fit Is $1.3. Tula weeU the price ia ... eveTbV, Transmission -Lining rtce witn l,00 Flare Reflector Flashlight Heat is produced by burning a non-fiamrtig chemical j trait. 12 'patch' units furnished iwitu- ach ; outfit. Factory price, Jl.5. You can jk-et a ' eomplete' set this week for. . . . . . SliOO everburn" trnsmlS8k)h lin ing ts dependable. 3 pieces to a set wttn nvexs mciuaen The Tegular prtew la fl.36:' Sjjeclal price this week mciuaen. $1.00 Think of It! A blffb quality fiare reflector," 2 -cell flash light, size iHxlH Inches, with 2-in. reflector. Com plete with battery.' Our res;, price is $1.35 ,,S $1.00 Mocking Bird -Siren Have You - Tout ; Prosperity SUcUer?- More Tliart tQO StSrdiAtl Over the An exhaust siren, with 8 dls If net tones a airnal always heeded. - Made - strong an 4 durable. Our regu lar price Ji 35: -r. During: this week West . - I ong man $1.0(1 Salem Store Corner Court and High Have You Your Prosperity Sticker? J. ... . i Taw' -- I i mi