TIIE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 19. 1925 4 - t L..-r -i' ' ! K it-ih.;-j-'t it -ttf r --"t-rrnnirr "-T n 'rV inn "wn V-i"--Tinf "l--r-rn - uhmiwiwihimm Wttff1Hn . V ' ' . s - ., -.;,! . -t i ' s i . t r : - . - - i III Dii CCA ColdiaMlillSoiise , HE Gamble Roof is sometime?, I though not" always, a "detail of the Dutch: colonial house. This type of honje is constantly growing more popular. One of the reasons for this no doubt lis the fact that It is adapted to any climate and is as applicable in the west as well jas in the east. The Germantown hood or cornice just oter the first story windows is a typical e apparent height of the home- an effect so live good rooms In addition to a hath. The detail -of this style and helps to lower th much desired In a cottagei t Although small, the home contains first floor contains a liv- - ,t: ing, room,, dining j room and kitchen. On the sec ond floor are two bed rooms and bath. ! A I full basement pro- ides ample space for. laundry, 'fuel, furnace and storage space. j , The main building is ; 31 ft. by 18 ft. . Let Us Figure With frou on Your New Home CHESTER El LEE- SgSSBK- I 1070 . Twentieth. ; Watch this space for new Ians each week 1 T na North, Satero. Alexander Daue, sold to Elmer A. Daue, i lot $ 1, brock 1, Owens addition to iSalem. i j T. Al Garbade. ! sold to Leo Kinch,' 50 ; Sacres of land in Jos. Matfe CI. ii.1 ri -1 Theodore Robens, executor of the estate tf (Eliard Dupuis, de ceased, sold to R. L. Freeburc, 52.t5 & 5.?70s acres in State 17, H. VVehrnmi 17, F. Malvoin Cl. Benjamire Jelderks, sold to Bank of Woodburn 64.56 acres of reproof Houses Are Now From: Gypsum Concrete i "Houses made fireproof by gjy)- sum concrete walls," are described iu the ' current issue of Popular Science Monthly. The magazine says: ' ... ' -y ( & Gypsum,, -commonly called 'jlaster of 'Paris." whlch has been used for centuries fpr ' jlai- j compares with that of a wooden While - it taker' ordinary ' con crete several ' days to ' harden, tering walls, is the essential Anart of a new ireprdof building mat erial. Mfxed with cfnders gravel crushed stone or furnace slag, and poured in jforihs, it can be used to construct miln walls and parti tions of jonej: and two story buildings. It is possible now to erect an ehtiro house of-this In-. combustible mineral at a cost that gypsum- concrete; will harden within 36 minutes. This speeds up construction work, lessening labor, costs. Also, since the ma erfal sets so rapidly, a compara tively small number of forms can be used over and over as the Arrive : . -H7 .. : M3SWU Pacts V - Be Preparedly Having GOOD SCREENS FOR! DOORS AND WINDOWS of your home. tTood screens Will? give you a peaceful: niffhfs sleep, a-undisturbed home, and help to keep your children healthy. I I ! i We Have a Large Stbck Rust-proof Screens Ready f for the windows and "doors of your home ORDER YOUR'S TODAY ... - . ! ikW; Copelaridl Yards j .Yarcb in West Salem, Albany, Lcntz, Ilubbari, Ysrnhill, Hills- walls go Up. Another adrantage 1s that' gypsum is considerably lighter: than other concrete. i All corners; and openings are reinforced by steel rods or welded steel fabric, j In one-story con struction, utside walls are made at least six Inches thick; in two story bulldfngs eight inches, wh?le partitions heed be onlv thrpn hr four inches ' thick. MM . . . 7 . . In a,i laborajtory ii test made re cently by the .department of civil engineering at Colombia -university; awal ibf gypsum concrete was expose to fir and kept'un- der temperature of 1700 degrees iur an iiyur. ; Aiier. ine tesi-ine exterior sufface of 'the 'wall show ed 'no signs "of the heat. When the side of the wall exposed to the flames ivas washed with water from al fire-hose, it showed only a little of the cement washed away leaving ; a $lightly pitted surface. realty Transfers J. C. Xadon. sold to "Edgar T. PfeJ-ce, i part of tlock 4 9. North Salem. . . HOMES 'BETTER WEEK. BUTE SI May 10 to 17 to Be Observed Through AmQnca Says Mrs. Pettyjohn . ' Better Homes in' America week will be observed from May 10 tp 1.7,; it as announced by Winnie Pettyjohn, chairman i of the Mai-ion-Polk Realtors. The moves is better described as an attempt to help all American" families, bujt particularly those of modest in come, to make 'their, homes morb convenient, attractive and wholes borne. Educational publications, better home demonstrations, and research methods are used in puti- tfhg' the idea across. The move is a national one, an i3 controled from a central officfe Ulr ,na HX rw'rIin Washington,1D.: C. and, the Maierart of lot 5 btock 17, UemonatMona .,n! thfi vaHOBk jetties are staged' byVoluteer chair hien, and a committee of their pwn choosing. : ' j j President Coolldge, In accepting the post of chairman of the Ad visory Council of Better Homes in America , wrote Mr. Hoover: , j "The American nome Is this foundation of national and indi vidual well-being. ,Ita steady ; im provement, is, at the same time & test of our civiliztation and out Ideals.'- The Better Homes in Am erica "movement provides a chanj hel through which men and wom en in 'each community can encourj- jage the 'bunding, ornamenting and owning of private homes hy the people at Jarge. We need attracj tive, worthy, permanent homes that lighten ther burden of housek eeping. We need homes in which borne' life can reach its finest level and in which can be reared happy children and upright citizens. ''I commend, participation In Better. Homes demonstrations and in other, work of the movement to the American people." i land in-A. Bonenfau claim: R. J. Becker. sold to' ; Jacob Becker, W pilots 1 and 2 block. 1 Pratta addition to Salem.' Ore. George Allen Metxker, sold to Madge; E. Jloofe. lot 7 block a Salen Height addition to Salem. Christopher Johnson,- sold to Bessie Cowles, "correction deed land in E. CoColey claim. i Jas. G,! Heltzel, sold to Peter Zerr. lots 20-21 subdivision Of block 28 and 33 Yew Park an nex No. 2. Salem. : !' -Richard Carlson, sold to Daniff Evans part of J6t 3 3 Capital Home addition to, Salem. Miner M- Gray eold to Alice B. Gray, his wife.part of block 15 Capital Park addition to Sa lem. ! j : '.' R. A. Blevins, sold to L. A. Thomas, lot 1, block 3 Queen Ann addition to Salem. William Cordier. sold to W. F. Eiszele, lot 2 (block 11, Riverside Park addition to Salem. L Mabel Settlemier, sold to Cath erine B. Sanderson, lots 3 and 4. block 3 Park addition to Wood burn. t -.. i : ... )' James ,Mj Mishler et al by O. I. Bower sheriff, sold to August Will, land In E. Purvine claim. G. H. HansonJ R. CJ Hanson; G, H. Dedrick, sold to Theo. A. land -Jin J. Barger cla.im. Madsen, sold to Teo. A. land in J. Barger claim. Dedrick, sod to R. C Madsen, land in J. Barger claim. Harriet; Lj Scobee, sold to C.' C. Vogt, ; 10 i acres of land in A. Nixon claim. : : i , Elizabeth i R. Fletcher sold to W. W. Ratherford, land in I. Headrick claim." I - Carl A. t.eglum. sold to W. IJ. Vearrier, 1115.79 acres in B. Smith claim'.M '11 ' .jliit; !;'.;; , '- U Carl i A. Leglum, sold W. H. Vearrier, 1 4-81 and 7.10 acres In J. Smith claim. . ! W. J. Savage, sold to Joseph T. Cole, land in I. N. Gilbert claim. B. F. poughty, sold to -W. M. acres of land in N. ft .... .; - ",. 1 ! Robersoni 40 Coffey claims Herman iNUttman, sold to John T. Caldwell, j land in P. Bilyen claim. ::iHi ij 'i ------- :- r One Home Each Day Is Record For Week Building permits issued during the last week amounted to $22,4 150 and average one each day fThe six permits" ranged from 2,4 ijOOO to $5750 and all were for new dwellings. '. j J e Permits issued for the first 18 days of April, including those is-t sued Saturday, amount to $165,4 375. M LIE N CITY IS' GOING : STRONG Saleqi Tent & Awning Com-( pany Getting Opwn to- Bu siness, With Much Work I FIRST &1WBE FflS ISE P1DE Bend Has Distinction -of Makng First Annourtce ment ForAnntialShow To Bend Oregon, goes the dis tinction pt making the first entry in Portland's 1925 Rose .Festival parade. The. Shelvin-Hixon com any lot Bend will send ifs 30-piece band, according "to a ; letter -from Frank It. Prince'bf that company, and j it is possible they also will enter a float.:. This year's festival will be be yond comparisDAvy itb! ahy previ ous one, according to.O. W.Mielke who again heads the, Portland Rose Festival, Inc. If such a thing is possible, this year's floral parade will be more beautiful thanj any ever seen, he says,, and roses will abound - every where to remind " visitors thit "."For you "a rosei In Portland grows."? Besides the parade are to be many other features. Present plans indicate a four-nnit show, as follows: line,; and to build up their busi ness; on service and quality. They make anything in their line! to order. " , 1. "Rosaria." a , beantuui, nu man' interest pageajt romance of the rose, with " 2,000 'dan.cer, 2,000 singers and' 1.000 actors'; to im nrpspntpd niehtlv 'June 15 to 20. , has accepted the offer of the Shev- lin-Hixon J company to sena .. band and his enebnragehe entry, ; Of a'float.' P." B. McCord is direc- . , tor of this1 musfcal organIzati6n. ; I which has been playing, for seven. , - t - --- -- . 2. The Rose Festival floral parade, loveliest., spectacle of thd West. , . ; . ! . 3. Regatta Day. with the lar4 gest fleet of racing hydroplane boats in the country. - i 4. The. grotesque parade . and carnival, to which every organ izar tton in the Northwest is invited to contribute a comic stunt.; ,j Information about participation in, the festival affairs is' being given in person and by mail from Rose Festival Headquarters, 605 Oregon building. :.- j General Manager J. R. Raley years. .Wanted; ; Two good dogs: must; be hotrads.' box 191, Kelso varmint Addfess Iongview News. V . Lone Sdrvicb Station ' aiid Cfahip Ground WE ACCOMPLISH I WITH , BA S E ! NELSON BROS. 355 Chemekota Phone lOOfl ' ' 1998 N. Capitol 'Street John iWillidmson I Also Prop. Builder of Homes " for sale on easy terms. , If you are looking for ' a home call on us,i , : The Salem Tent and . Awning company, manttfacturing tentsi awnings and canvas goods- of ' all descriptions, a new line in Salem is getting started In ' fine shape with much work. ; 1 Frank Mohner, i the manager; and several members of the Mon ner family help' in the work. Their shop and', home are a 729 North Liberty street, and the are already getting ; orders from outside towns. ,s They expect Cover the vaieyvfor work in their Cozy Homes That Last They are beirf built every year. . . m , ; . Cozy modest homes that will maintain their value for years to come. ! - . It is a matter in which our crnpSiny jts roud that we have furnished material for many' of fnese homes. I ' 't. As a matter of good busiAr pnman like to be able to point to such! sulDstantial '.nomesjyam-'tjie knowledge that the owner will never regret "having choser 'depend-' able lumber from 'our yard. ! Knlsbmihe Now is the time to Kalsomine. We have the largest and best stock in Salem. Our prices are the lowest. T j Come and see us .i ' ' COBBS & MITCHELL COMPANY A. B.-KELSEY, Manager 349 South Twelfth SU near Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Mills at Falls City and Valzets f in . " . . f eYaurHome I'i4 -: , : Beautiful and Comfortable With Awnings; : t : i i For Samples and Prices Call . Salem Tent & Awrtik Co. Manufacturers of Teiitc Awnings and Canvas Goods of All j Descriptions 723. N; Liberty t. f F ;-.j "Ih'-' '.: ;f :;""' ' "Salam, Oregon , Phone 616 micsjys 'U'.-U13J - r - 11 If youare going to Build, it will pay you to see us foe. -.1 Baberoid h Crtala-ted Boofiai 0mdninc Feha , Asphslt Sbectlnf - , SnilOIng Papers Perfection Fluter Board ' Pabco Paint ft Oils Pabco VamiskM ft- Stains Peerless Ballt-lEs ' - MaUo IfaU Boxes V Cedar Shingles : Standard Oypsnm Plaster Waterproofing s for Cement Mantle Brick i Mantle Tile K . Metal rati,-Corner Bead Marshall ft Steraa Wall Beds Bleketsos'sr-Vomr tTolon - -Cabot's. QmIlt--hrt, and sonnd aeadeners Duplex Joist ttancers and Beam Caps Concrete, Hardeners t Cabot's Bhlnle Stain Baberoid Shingles- ' Certain-teed Salnfles , Basement Sua , Lven 1 Livcruu 1 . .- 1 . i. I -'""-' hg for Blaslmg" Ibsives Phone 728 Povdcr end Supply Co. , ..... v- - . ... 175 " South CommerciaV ft. t A A . (. c i i u i ii i t iii u ( i i u i 4 i m i i m k i i i i 4 ( u i n n ( i m i i h h i i u i i ( n n i I I i a i i ' 4. ,