THE OREGON STATESMAN SALEM.OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1925 J Years in Salem 1920-1925 In This ? ! 7 Vf" J forOmeWek to make each year lenj vhe store with the stamp of charkcter and good valued '. ! Is ah thd cheapest in the end. ' ' '-. ;j v: j mercfiVidisej shall be desirable. The merchandise shall be of ht tO SUDDlv everv reasonable demanrl.'iinWJ rrrifrwi rri fibril m r 4 I S J -mumm mm -www "W wm V AWW f- W wW a new, 1 The Nailer spirit from the beerinnincr was hnnhrfonL Tkr -I J r i C i. 1 i All JL.' . 11 . i aaana cue opiiit ut loaavi nu actuaiea oy tne ivmier . SP W - 5 t o roster friendship to build upon the granite rock 'of confidence. If . ' I -. - -i - t i ... . . ., n ruv,"""B hmsi i urn -vimivcrsciry oai& v-uaniy nas oeen tne from Mller sit must be erood value." and voti will invariable finrl s ieamre quauty mercnanaise. INDIAN HEAD j LUNCHEON SETS $1.00 44-Inch Indian Head Luncheon Sets. One lunch cloth ana four nap kins, stamped in several different pat terns, ready to embroider.1 A regular $1.50 set. This spring's newest de signs. This specfal should appeal to every exponent of art needlework.! ' If ? Main Floor M 1 500 i 1 Pair; ANNIVERSARY SALE OE MO Full Fashioned Pure SilK 1. r . In ins with' reilforced lisle sole, extra wear lisle tops in all.t shades that&re in --"Pure! "M will sell rT yj iWanted Shades We've registered a genuine hit here! The new sandal fqot stock pe tone down It will L i , i tr long at thw Tan, Beige, ou demand this season. J 1 i '- V - .. . . .. fashioned," a value way under the inarket price - ? t - pairs tit half dozen pairs to some customers. ! not last o shop early for these for 500 pairs! will price4-$1.00 pe4- pair. Colors: Sahara, IJariat, Kussia XT.. J 1m.Ua TViVaf Pflavoi" and Main Floor Center Aisle ! Basement Floor Bath Towels (Seconds) v 300 PAIRS IN. THIS Suede sAle Thl: 0f fCr pas granted to us wlta tne reqoesi iu wo maw ""'"j ue -ui:u vv SFOC t . . nn.orono. .Ivh thorn tna lssnanhln In tna fflnn lln and It is in wn,::..LTh.i.rin Ti,- tATtnr and smart appearance give them the leadership in the glove line. VclVf lj f . ... HnMtA-mw vnln nk 4arfl1 ana w vsn Affnrfa In votflis this fection iftat you wm una u uu o. j v, w . 7 VT . -..V. a here early. Embroidered cuff styles in mode, grey, beaver, and covert sizes 6 .to 8.-Perfect ttinS REGULAR VALUES TO $2.00 SPECIAL Each Seconds of regular 50c fan cy Turkish Bath Towels,! 18x 38. Jacquard designs, jcolored borders, gold, blue and1 rose. At this price one can; afford them for utility use. Remem ber these are SECONDS! But excellent values j Thcl slight irregularities in most pf them are barely noticeaoiei ; , Basement - ' ii i i i: i V . . - Bargain j Square! i Special j MONDAY AND TUESDAY Flock Dot : Voiles Yard Flock dot Voiles in; 15 of the season's best colorp go on sale on Jay and Tuesday at 35c per; j-.trdTor 3 yards for $1.00; 40 ind: Midth3.j(Irreg- ulars.) . ' : Sale ''r I Nothing But Merchandise! New I j lintp 1:;! : 1 Y, 1 oil)) 1 1 bPQ-fM Anniversary Sale of IE All Sizes SPECIAL Dozens of printed silk frocks arrived for this sale that ordinarily would sell at $25.00 to $29.75. We believe them to be the best values we've offered yet, notwithstanding the many manufacturer's special offerings hitherto advertised by this store. Printed silk Crepe de Chines and radiums with all the trifles in the way of pleats, godets, flounces, etc., that go to make the present mode will be found here and what a welcome change for the balmy days 0iat bring us into summer. You'll like these for their newness, their attractiveness, their richness of design. We suggest an early visit to this section. .(Main Floor) I : 66 I Anniversary Sale of Dove" Quality Nightgowns Crepe, Voiles and Batiste Special Every woman who reads the Good Housekeeping." "Woman's Home Companion," etc., -knows the import ance of "Dove" quality nnderthinss. this sale we offer a large collec tion of nightgowns in crepe, voile : and batiste in the very latest versions pf, sleep wear. .. Round or -square - nerk styles with cap or no sleeve hemstitched, embroidered,1: etc. Your 'choice of pastel shades and white. ' (Main floor Corset Section) THESE NEW HATS The smartest "Gloria" pokes and cloches are offered here In the newest versions of the millinery mode at nearly half what you could . i t VAffscb iu vJ r.Dutu valuta: isur tuiui . The right shape, the wanted trim is here. You'll find jast the right hat among these.. They are new! See them Monday. Main Floor : PR. BASEMENT (Mab Floor,