The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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Five Years in Salem
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epe iVeiiise!
Grepe Vemse is the sensation of the season it looks
like silk, feels like silk, wears like silk,' yet it is priced as
as cotton construction. I i
This silk mixecl fabric comes in all the glorious prints
that are enjoying the crest of popularityt Fanciful pat
terns! New Stripes! Blazers, etc. Just what you want
for spring: nd summer wear and at this special price, make
your wardrobe, replete with all the frocks you need. i
Our Anniversary Sale
. -i -A' - i: ,
-Sport Blouses
(Main Floor)
Money Savers
Anniversary Sale of
Anderson's Tissue Ginghams
Here is the genuine Anderson s 3pTmch tissue ginghams
that vou buv recrularlv at 50c vd. dnd often mur.K morel I
" j K - m ; j f. r ; . -----
priced a a startlingly low figure. AU the desired pat
terns in this lovely 'soft gingham with hundreds of yards
from which to choose. : ; ;
Your wash frocks if selected among these will cost vou
only slightly more than ordinary' cbarse gingham See
u i smJ m.' i i r . . 1. i .
laicsci v.ioose 10 your neart s conienc--it s our Dig
Anniversary Special. I 1 't ; (Main Floor)
Regularly 5 0c Yard
This Sale
'Beginning ';M(
Gingham Aprons
course you know what "Margy
Dean" gingham aprons are. They
come stamped, made-up, ready to em
broider In a variety of patterns and
colons. By a manufacturer's agree
ment we wil sell this f 1.00 -article at
59c during our 5th Anniversary Sale.
! Main Floor ;
Five vears in Salem and now we celebrate! The Miller spirit from th
link added to the lengtnening cnam or puDiic conriaencc ,1 nat is the sp:
determination to serve to the utmost to foster friendship to bu!
Through close, cooperation with many manufacturers we are enabled
values of which we take particular pride in presenting during our "Fifth
watchword from the beginning. "If it comes from Miller's it must be p
that the successful stores of the country always feature quality merchana
Quality Creates satisfaction. Quality Ident he store with t'
Quality Forms business friendships. Quality Is all .the cheapest in
- The merchandise shall be seasonable. The mercLdise shall be C :
standard quality. ITiat quantities be sufficient to supply every reasona
-Come! It's going to be a gala event.
Thb Basement floor will
shar4 in . Anniversary Sales'
with (fresh stocks of desirable
merchandise at notable sav
ings.! One often hears the ex-
pression, "Try Miller's Base
ment, you'll find it there."
And you'll find it underpriced,
too, jas a tour of inspection
will prove.
Princess Slips
Fiber Silk I
Add an extra bit of style to
yourj summer frock by wearing-
a fiber silk slip. These
comes in -green, red, rust, tan,
black and blue. (Basement
; ! .;;"
' j ' i '. - ' " -' ' -1
Fine Cotton Princess ! -
I: SlipS
Zephyr stripe costume slips,
well made of splendid tub fab
rics. ! in wmte ana pastel
shades. Li. ' . :. t ; j-;
"if . ?.?-
(Basement Store)
Women's Collars and
: Cuffs ,
39c to $1.29
-A; collection of spring col
lar and cuff sets at 1-3 less
regular prices. A splendid ad
dition to any-wardrobe.
r (Basement Store)
,-,;-V ' . .. '. . : ;,;' j ' ;
Spring and Summer
An assortment of women's
and children's fibre silk and
wool sweaters in a large vari
ety of colors, styles, etc. It's
sweater season, t Now is the
time; to buy.
1 (Basement Store)
Men's Dress Shirts
;98cEach P
-New shirts made of fine
shirting percales In fast
colors comprise this show- .
ing and to say that they
are bargains would be
Btatfng the fact mildly.
Pencil and pin stripes,
small checks and hair line
blocks, "etc. The neatest;
array of ; shirts we show
and your choice at only
98c. All sites 14 to 17.
(Neck band style.) ,
Imported weaves of this good looking, good wearing ma
terial, in the best shades: white, grey, blue and tan, plain
colors, all sizes, neckband styles. : v ' -
Infants Sweaters
-Ascher 100 per cent wool sweaters are "to be found In
this collection among them button fronts and sadues in
all wool or wool with silk trims, . 8aea in
One Lot ....
One Lot ....
Main Floor
.. $1.69
$ 1 .95
' Mens and Boys' Shoes and Oxfords
', , Priced 20 off! '
L . (Main Floor) .1'
1 ' " " - . -: ' i " -
i , " " ; i ,
If ONE LOT : - '.
I yfneP3 New Spring Pumps and Ox
i fords, broken sizQS. Values to $8.00
! Now . ..r.:....-;..;..L....I...$4.95
j V ' Main Floor
- . ONE LOT . . -
Women's Pumps and Oxfords. Broken
! sizes. Values to $9.00. ; Now...... $5.95
! . ; ' : Main Floor
April 20th to 25th
r V (Inclusive) -
vr (if a
Full Fashionc
We've rertered a genuine hit I t
ing with reiforced lisle sole, extra v,
shades that are in demand this sea -
"Pure "full fashioned," a v;
will sell rf ' in pairs but half C.
It will p. (jou to shop early for
long at'tfc4price--$1.00 per pair.
Tan Beige. French Nude, Bombay,
. . ' 7' Main Floor 0
300 P.
ThJs off'-r fas granted to us v.iih f
95c whifh believe will interc-t c :
and e!vct--rThelr fine rich tc-tur.'
It Is in this-Ction that you will f " ! .
here early. Embroidered cuff styles in i
I i'"M H i -- nil .ttr- i: i 1 1 If I W ii I Mti, II. fi,! ! - "V V. ' "X. ; n i n ' ' 1 ' - , , ., - - i
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