The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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lit W I
Pbone:S 108
n i.
i -. ill i
it.,, -
My cherry tree's m blossom;
It bloomed -ou ; over night
You ought to cpm$ and see it,
: It's clad inlbridal whiter ;
It isn t even blushjnfr.
As apples bf tin do ;
It stands there jquite serenely
As innocent as you. I
My cherry tree's in blossom,
7 It is a pretty
You ought to comd
It bloomed ou
TWO PROMINENT families will
become united with the mar
riage In Jane of Miss Lucile A.
Elrod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Elrod. of Portland, and Mr.
Ralph Dickinson Moores, the eld
est son of MK' and Mrs. A.- N.
Moores, of Salem. ,
The formal announcement of
the engagement was I made : to
Portland, society on Wednesday,
April 15, at a large and attractive
tea at the Elrod home on Willam
ette Heights. Receiving with Mrs.
Elrod was Miss Maurine Elrod,
sight, :
and see it,
over night.
Sister of the bride-elect. Mrs. A. N.
Moores, mother of the groom-to
be jeft for Portland on Tuesday
to be in attendance at the affair
" Misses Barbara Welles and Sally
Reed presented tne announcement
cards as the guests entered the
doo. . j
Assisting in - the dining room,
which was lovely with spring blos
soms and tapers in pastel shades
were: Mrs. E. I W. Lazell. Mrs.
Daniel H. Madden, Mrs. I. R.
Welles, Mrs. W, F. Wiggins, Mrs.
. A. Belcher, Mrs. L. K. Moore,
Sunday, April 19
Table d'Hote Dinner
'Fresh Orange and? Peach Cocktail
Chicken aumboCreoIe. er Consomme' Kursley
Kresn c:ran isaiaa enaiayonnaise
Fruit Salad, Whipped Cream -l"
Fried Half Squab Chicken on Toast
Gray Belle Special Steak, Mexicaine
Chicken Fricassee, a I'Lavaliere.
Roast Leg of 1925 Lamb, Mint Sauce .
Roast Chicken, Celery Dressing
. . Prime Ribs Eastern Steer.' att Jus " '
Cream Fresh' Asparagus
Escalloped Potatoes, Whipped Cream
' ' : " : ' ; DeSSeTtS! 1 - V" : ' ."I '' '
. Fresh Strawberry' Sundae" ':)
Cray Belle Freuch Pastry f Pe Home Made
- r run jeuo
Ice iCream .Sherbet
.Tea Coffee
Complete a 1a
Carlo S
I !
i . t.
Cake -
Downstairs Store
Is Offering Splendid Values
Odd Lot of
$1 yard
In this collection are some; mints and strings rnnrl
plain colors, also shirting. These silks are iuit-
aoie lor-dresses, blouses, shirts and underwfT.r.
They're 36 and 40 inches wide. -They truly are a
. 7 I v- .sv-vf
Very Latest Colors j in
. Artificial Silk Hosiery
49e .
This is a wonderful hose for service axid wear at
this price. The colors are ibrotight out in lustrous
effect due to the fineness of the fabric. Colors are :
Bunny, Racquet, Rosewood, English, Grey, Skyn,.
Brown and Black. Keintorced heels, 'toes and
. , soles. , -,. - -
Soft weave, dainty print pat
' terns in the new stylish col-'
( ors. They're the season's
smartest designs for frocks.
36' inch "Cotton
Prints, yard
Mail Order
carefully filled.. Wei par
postage or express within
radius of a hundred miles
'. - "CAN AND PO" !
Street .
I 383 Alder Street
Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur,-and Mrs.
E. C. Griffin, Mrs. Wayne Loder,
Miss Frances Page, Miss Frances
Anne Montgomery and Miss Mary
GUI. ; A t ;
Miss Elrod, a charming-and pop
ular members of the younger set,
is a graduate of the University of
Oregon where she was a member
of the Alpha' Phi national sorority.
Following her college course Mws
Elrod enjoyed travel abroad.
Mr. Moores, a member of one of
Salem's leading tamilies, is 'asso
ciated in the bonding business in
PorUand with Clarke-Kendall Co..
of which he is vice-president. A
graduate of the University of Ore
gon. Mr. Moores is affiliated with
the Kappa Sigma fraternity, f
The American Legion Auxiliary
will meet at 8 o'clock Monday eve
ning In McCornack hall for the
regular meeting. All those elig
ible for membership are invited
to attend, j - - f - t
' . " r . r i
Sirs. Will May entertained in
a very delightful manner on Fri
day afternoon for 1 twenty mem
bers and guests of the Willing
Workers class of the First Chris
tian church. The beautiful Eas
ter lily which was the gift ot the
class to Mrs. May, the teacher, on
Easter Sunday featured In he
floral scheme with white lilacs
combining attractively about the
room. The afternoon was devoted
to needlework and class plans.
Dainty refreshments were served
at the tea hour. r
' v. ' i -
Barbara Frietchie club- will
will meet on Tuesday afternoon,
April 22, at 2 o'clock, at f the
home of Mrs. F. G. Stearns,! 180
South 19th street. An Invitation
to attend is extended to all Daugh
ters of Veterans.
The membere of the Junior and
Senior King's Herald organiza
tions of the First Methodist
church, together with their moth
ers, will be the guests on Wed
nesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock,
of the -Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society who will serve I the
refreshments while the guests will
srlve the program. Plays, music,
and recitations will make the eve
ning a happy one. This will also
be the occasion of the mite-box
The committee from the mis
sionary society who will be In
charge of the hostess details of
the evening includes (Mrs. D, W
M os her, Mrs. E. T. Dames, fand
Mrs. U. G. Boyer.
4C-; ;
The program at the April socia
meeting of the Salem; Woman's
club will, be given by Rev. Martin
Fereshetian, who will talk - on
VAmerican Mysticism." '
v.. At the last meeting of the club
which was the business meeting
of -the month, the following dele
gates were named to represent the
Salem group at 'the county con
ference at Aurora: ' :,
. ; Mrs. W, I. StaJey. Mrs. W. E.
Anderson, Mrs. W. C, Dibble, Mr
C. K. Spaulding and Mrs. C. S
fSpaulding and Mrs. C. S. Hamil
ton. Alternates named were Mrs
F. B. Southwick. Mrs. H. J. Wied
mer, Mrs. Charles E. Roblin. Mrs.
W.' F. Fargo and. Mrs. Frank M.
Erickson. . -
, New members voted Into mem
bership at this time included:
Mrs. E. Tw Barnes, Mrs. . Florian
Von Eschen; Mrs. :H. T. French
and Martha J. Bowerman.
During this meeting the mem
bers decided to send delegates
to the public health institute iv
Portland, April 29, 30, and May 1,
Those who will represent Jthe
Salem club are: Mrs. La Moine
R. Clark, Mrs. W. E. Anderson,
and Mrs. G. C. Bellinger.
"Fifteen members of Hal Ilib
bard Auxiliary met for an enjoy
able social afternoon on Friday
at the home of Mrs. John Sey
mour. , Mrs. McCreighrof Ontario.
Oregon, and Miss Etta McCreight
of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege, were special guests of the
occasion- ; The living room of the
Seymour home was attractively
decorated with baskets of laven
der lilacs while narcissi and bleed
ing hearts were used in the dining
room. Plans were made during
the afternoon for a chicken pie
dinner on Monday, April 20, at
6:30 o'clock , at the i Armory i tor
the members of Hal IUbbard
Lizzie Smith, Florence E. Shipp
and Mrs. Clarence.' Lewis, were
joint hostesses on Thursday after
noon at Ihe Lewis ' home. 1786
ltalak'street for the members of
the Song of Veterans Auxiliary
club. Twenty-two members were
present and the following special
guests: Mrs. Rodney LIttlefleld.
Mrs. Deal in e Eberhart, Mrs. Cros
san, and May. Cochrane, of Wood-burn.-
. ;
The next meeting of the organi
zation will be inthe , form of a
silver tea at the home of Mrs.
Norma TerwilHger, 770 ; Cheme
keta street on Thursday, April 30.
-. f-. -t
Chadwick chapter of the" East
em Star will celebrate the birth
day anniversary of the organiza
tion on Tuesday with a 6 o'clock
dinner. All the older members
are especially invited to come for
this occasion. The members are
each asked to . bring r a covered
dish. " A - eandle-covered birthday
cake will be a feature of the eve
ning. ... . -
Mrs, Alice Coolidge and Mrs.
Amos.Vass are In charge.
" ' -"Ice-Doand," comedy-drama
In three arU by Owen Davis, the
Pulitzer Prize Play of 1 9 23,;
r: o
" )i '--' c
1 Th Men's ami Women's Glw clubs and the orchestra of the University of
j Oregon will irve a joint concert at , Salem Thursday nlftht. IIosidt tho Saloni
concert only one other will ! given atvaj from home, tluit at the Heilijt tlienter
In Port Unci IrMa) iUrM. I , j j ;
Tliis will be the firt combined concert of the. orchestra 'and the alee clubs,
in all oiher concerts each club and he oichextra have been , f eaturetl In separate
Irogrms. . , ; j ! ': ;; j' -.
p S 'i The home ronceirt of the combined,, glee clubs was heldj Thursday night at
the woman's building;, and it was received with such enthusiasm tliat John Stark
Kvanx, director of the kU clubs, lias decided to Kle the same program at Haleiti,
onlyl to condense It the orchestra also will have its full share. " Ix Underwood
U dcbS1hThestra will give dividual selections. Then the three
willieombine in the finale. nrfi,-,i c-!l knotra
Only two solos will be civen, one by Frank Jne 'l weir know
Cldnese tenor, the other by Roy Uryson of Eugene. Mr. Joe has otn PP
In Salem under the name of Jue Fong, and has , many friends here. lie sang
several weeks at the Columbia theater in Portland. u-W!nI, Vrnxt-"
Among the features will be Coleridge-Taylor's "Hia watha s fJ1K(e,;
a rendition of Ixngfellow's famous poem, in which Sir. Jue rill sing the solo
entitled, "Onaway, Awake, BeloveI." - - - - '
; 'iiiilr? '' . Today i
Sacred Musicale. j
Easter and Good Friday
First Presbylerlan cliul-ch, 7:30
o'clock. ' ; .-j r
- , Special music, by vested choirj
St. (Paul's Episcopal church, -. 11
; Box social, Salem,
lodge. In halls.
Senior Standard Bearers. F?rst
Methodist church. Alrji. J. O. Gol
tra, , 725 Court street, hostess.
.7:30 o'clock. . : ';: '
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary hostesses
at chicken pie dinner forj members
of Hal Hibbard camp. Armory.
6:30 o'clock. i !
American Legion Auxiiiary. Mc
Cornack hall 8 o'clock
Writers club. Mrs.
og,; 1085 N. .Church
less. . . : .. ;
I Yj K. K. class of
Methodist church. ;
;! Chadwick chapter of
Stsr. Anniversary
: j Bridge benefit. Sponsorship of
the ; Daughters of the jAmerican
Mrs. Ru$sell Catlin,
Vf. F. Far-
ptreet, hos-
le Eastern
dinner 6
jrlab. Mrs.
J9th street.
Barbara Frietchie
F. C. Stearns, 180 S.
2 o'clock. "
;:'.'h! j : 1' ; ' Wediiesdayl
AAUW concert. Waller halL S
o'clock. ,
Count-On-Me class of jthe First
Methodist church. : Guests of the
WFMS. Program and
opening. -
TTniversity of Oregon Glee clubs
and orchestra. Concertl
theatre. i
fir ! v I Friday
Dance. Junior Gui
Paul's Episcopal churjem
Gardens. -
Salem Woman's clab.
house. 2:30 o'clock.
O. A. C. orchestra, assisted by
Byron D. Arnold, pianist. Waller
hall. 8:15 o'clock.
will be presented ait R o'clock
Tuesday evening njrder the direc
tion of Professor Horace G. Rahs-
kof at Waller hall. 'ic-bound."
which had a notable run in New
of St.
t. o'
York City, has to do
tvrsonalities rather
"with cold
than with
frigid climates," the reviews take
pains to say.
As a play strongly adapted " to
college groups, the following cast
promises to make it one of Sa
lem's outstanding . dramatic
events: Walter Wilboirn. Marian
Wyatt, Dorothy Owen, Ella Pfeif
fer. Willis Hawley. Jr., Zelda Mul
key, James McClintocJc, l Wendell
Balsiger. Sadie Jo Reed. Gene-
Tieve Thompson, Henry Hartley,
and Winston Wade . taking the
partf. Ml
I Mrs. J. M. Clifford was in the
audience when the same play was
very successfully j preaftn ied this
month by the American!! Assoca
tion of University women in Cor-
vallis. and reports It ah putstand
Ingly delightful drama
, The Merrle Thymers club was
entertained during theL past week
at the home of Mr. jand JVIra.
Krank Haberman. Vivid spring
flowers were used about the
rooms. Mrs. Allan Cleveland and
Mrsi C. W. Elgin woiji jthe high
scores of the afternoon, the con
solation award going to Mrs. S. B;
Gillette. At the, refreshment hoar
the hostess was assisted! by Mrs.
Mason Bishop and Mrs. ' C. W.
Elgin.' hi ili M i::X:-
An interesting i meeting of the
Highland study i dub was held
during the past week at the home
of Mrs. William E. MeCarrol on
Maple avenue, j The women m
tip on of numerous Salem groups
interested in the "Know Your
Town,'" study sponsored , by the'
National league ot women voters.
Prominent among : the i social
events of the closing week was
the post-Easter dance last: evening
at the Illihee Country club. One
hundred persons were In the group
for the affair. - In charge were:
Dr.- W. II. I,ytler F. D. Thielsen,
Breyman Boise, and Carl Webb.
'I j 1 ' :
A group of .piano! pupils ot
Miss Dorothy Pearce and of By
ron D. Arnold were presented in
a 3 o'clock musicale yesterday af
ternoon by Mr. Arnold at the Wil
lamette University, school ot mu
sic. The parents of the pupils
were the invited guests of the occasion-
which was preparatory to
a'public recital which will be giv
en' ih June. ! -' ,
j,; Those ; participating j yesterday
afternoon were: Virginia Dorcas,
Pauline Johnson, Cora Mae Feh
ler, Edith May Jenks, Margaret
Heltiel, Grace Elizabeth Holman,
Kathryn Sheldon, Mildred Drager,
Elizabeth Bonell, Marie Bones,
Ann Reed Burns, Esther Elliott,
poris Barnett, Audrey Fehler, Ho
mer Gouley, Jr., Reynolds Allen,
Wayne Fehler and Winstahley
Jenks. i
i i ?U !!:: "I :' :
I Plans are well underi way for a
most successful ; alternoon l of
bridge on Tuesday, April 21, at
the home of Mrs. Russell Catlin.
Many reservations for tables have
already been Imade.
i Mr. ana Mrs. J. E. sorenson
and -Mrs. Ola Coe ofj Silverton,
spent yesterday afternoon at: the
Old People's Home as the guest of
S. M. Olsen. the occasion being his
79th birthday.
r h: :---iii-if!i'T: i -1 . '
t '" !.! i -I I i . . 'i .- f. i: .
A congenial group of prominent
Salem matrons met on Thursday
at the home of Mrs. E. C. Cross,
when ' Mrs. H. B. Thielsen and
Mrs.rRussell Oatlin, with Mrs.
Cross entertained the! "members
of the Thursday club. Invited to
meet with the members for the af
ternoon were: Mrs. C. IX Gabriel
son, Mrs. John H. Scott Mrs. Wil
liam Steusloff, Mrs. W. H. Byrd,
Mrs. Rex Sanford, Mrs. N. C. Ka
foury, Mrs. C. W. .Waller, Mrs.
Ada Strong, Mrs. Frank; Snedecor,
Mrs. L. Si Robe, Mrs. P. A. Eiker,
and MrsjR.l K. I,ee Stelner. j
i Club members present for a' de
lightful afternoon were: Mrs.
Charles A. j Park, ! Mrs. a-N.
Moores, Mrs. H. J; Bean. Mrs.
R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. R, B. Flem
ing, Mrs. R.I P. Boise, Mrs. Wi E.
Kirk, Mrs.! John H. Albert, , Mrs.
B. C. Miles, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding,
Mrs, C. P. Bishop, , Mrs. M. N.
Chapman, Mrs. F. A. Elliott,. Mrs.
Richard Cartwright. and the host
epes.i Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Catlin and
Mrs. Thielsen.
! fMrsi. T. Ai LIvesley was a charm
ing hostess! of yesterday when she
entertained at a 1 2-cover luncheon
complimenting her mother, Mrs.
G. WJ De Beck of Vancouver, B. C.
: ! Covers were arranged at a. ta
ble attractive with seasonal flow
ers for: Mrs. G. W. DeBeck, Mrs".
W. H. Eldridge of Portland; Mrs.
Frank Snedecor,: Mrs. A. N. Gil
bert, Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Mrs.
R. P. Boise, Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr.,
Mrs. Kitty Graver, Mrs. Clifford
Brown, Mrs. John J. Roberts,- Mrs.
Chester Cox and the hostess, Mrs.
LIvesley. ; I j
i !
a week already renlete
with many musical attractions, the
concert on Wednesday evening in
Waller hall under the auspices of
the American Association of Uni
versity Women, continues out
Standing among these. I :-
j At this time three artists of dis
tinct' j standing and power, who,
were it necessary ; to bring them
from a distance, would vie with
any artists Salem has heard will
appear. It is only because they
have directed their magnificent
talents to the classroom) Instead
of to the concert stage that posters
and profuse press notices are not
heralding7 the concert! at 8:15
o'clock Wednesday In Waller . Hall
of Prof. William Wallace Graham.
Frances irginia Melton iand Prof.
Emory W. Hobson. I , i
In Professor Hobson Salem has
a graduate of the Cincinnati Col
lege of Music, a student for four
years of Sig. Lul MattioII, and the
winner of the Springer Gold Medal
offered for excellence of work,- as
well as a director of vocal music
of fourteen years standing. He has
built , up at the First Methodist
church one ot the outstanding
T, A.
choirs on the Pacific coast. .-.It is
his own remarkable voice that is
the least known about him.
As a violinist of repute. Profes
sor Graham has ten years of in
tensive study under the most emi
nent masters of Europe as a back
ground. For over six years he had
the privilege of instruction under
Joseph Joachim, the "King of Vio
linists." He also served as assist
ant instructor in Berlin, teaching
and coaching under Henri Marteau
who highly endorses Mr. Graham.
Professor Graham is the possessor
of a wide repertoire, and plays
with' superb tone.
Miss Frances Virginie Melton,
a 'pianist of rich attainments, has
also had the advantage of study
with Europe's greatest masters',
with teaching experience that has
extended into the Orient. All
through her musical advancement
she has found her press notices
most encouraging and delightful,
and whole-heartedly true. Mme.
Carola Loss-Tooker, director of the
Loss Tucker School of Vocal Art
at Chicago, says of MlssMelton:
"She possesses exceptional musical
talent which she has trained care
fully and well under artist teach
ers, she herself being an' artist
performer upon her chosen instru
ment! - ; vS-
: Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Eldridge are
domiciled for a few days at their
summer home at Gearhart.
. i .
Mrs. J. O. Goltra will entertain
the Senior Standard Bearers of the
First Methodist church at 7:30
o'clock1 Monday evening at her
home, 725 Court street. In
cfiarge of the program will bo:
Doris Phenlcie. Maxine Bolanger,
and Fern Warner. Miss Eugenia
Savage will play a piano solo. A
part of the evening will be devoted
to ah ivory soap shower j the soap
to be sent to Shanghai, China.
; A program combining the Good
Friday and the Easter musicales
of the First Presbyterian church
will be presented at 7:30 o'clock
this evening at the request of
many friends.
The numbers will be as follows:
Organ Prelude.
Scripture and Trayer. i
Hymn 157.
Chorus: '"God So Loved the
World." Sainer.
Baritone Solo "God My Fath
er," (Dubois) Leon Jennison.
Chorus: "O for a Closer Walk
with God", (incidental solos by
Mrs. Robertson.
Offertory: "Harp of St. Cecelia,"
(Weigand) organ and piano.
Hymn 163.- :
Ladies chorus: "Sanetus." (Gou
nod) incidental solos by Ronald
Violin solo: Meditation" (from
Thais; Massenet) Leonard Chad
wick. v . .
Men's Chorus: "Christ Is Risen"
meats were served during the eve-
Madame X
V'-'i ;
Step In and Clasp Front
Rubber Reducers for every
type of figure
Specialty Shop
Miss Swart 453 Court
Soprano solo: "Fear Not Ye, O
Israel," (Nuck) Mrs. Phil New
meyer. Chorus: "Lo, the Tomb Is Emp
ty," (Broome) Solos by Mrs. Rose
crans and" Mrs." Robertson.
Organ jPostlude.
' i
Lovers of orchestra music are
anticipating with pleasure the
coming to Salem on Saturday,
April 25, instead of Frjday evep
ing as was previously announced,
of the Oregon Agricultural CoCl
lege thirty-five piece full symh
ony orchestra. The concert, with
Mrs. Marguerite MacManus the
director, witt-be given at Waller
hall at 8:15 o'clock.
Of particular interest to Salem
folk will be- the fact that Byron
D. Arnold, ptanist, wll be the sol
oist of the evening, playing the
Mendelssohn" Concerto in Q Min
or with orchestra acompanlment.
Tickets for the affair are available
at both music stores.
The members of the Salem Writ
er's club wll met on Tuesday even
Ing at the nome of Mrs. W. F.
Fargo,- 1035 N. Church street.
And the cat came bach
,1 JEyer try to getrid of cat? Every time you think
"it is gone for good you find it on the doorstep next
morning. Isn't that pretty much like your weekly
7ashing? Every time you think it is finished it
comes back the next week to be done all over again.
You can't get rid of the weekly bundle - but
you can rid yourself of the bother of doing it by
taking, advantage of our Rough Dry service.
Everything will be carefully washed and the flat ;
work ironed. All other articles will be returned
dry, for finishing at your leisure. And the price is
surprisingly low. Send this week's bundle.
T. A. & 11. 11. Windishar -Downtown
Agency Rex Shining Parlors
Double IB
The Excellent Quality and Workmanship in
these garments make their moderate price most
"MJ"-JJJ"rin iuijLnri-nii
Fibre Silk Jersey Bloomers and
In Peach, Flesh or Orchid,. ....... $1.4 g-
Vests:.. ' . -7Q
Bloomer and Vest Seta . . 2 19
. 1? ,
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A A ' A .y V x, ,