8 FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1925 Sim ibis s FLAX DISCUSSED Open Meeting Attradts Many .People to Learn More About Industry! SILVEnTO.N. April ifi.-U(Spe-rial to The Statesman. )-4-The flax industry is taking a definite hold onJhe interest of Silverton people. One hundred turned out at the open, meeting of the j Silverton Chamber of Commerce held Mou da jr. night Jn the interest of the llax .industry. ' j. A delegation of Salem ifollc were present to1 explain the! methods of: growing, what the linen mills mean. to the country and to the Elite, '.and what the flai will net the grower per acre. l the lat ter instance It was figured that after, ta?s, interest, cosit of pre paring ground. cost Qf production and harvesting were paid that the grower woujtl have a net! profit of $30 to $33 per acre. E.lGi Craw ford,' superintendent of j the. flax mills, at the slate penitentiary, ex plained the growing of ! the- flat. Others present from Sajem ; were 'fheo flicks. C. J3. Wilson.; Lieut. Col. A. B. Dartram, (Theodore Rottr, Charles Mulkey. Jll 0. iSnel Hng and Charles Archerd.j The Coolidge & Mc.Clainje bank Iraa; eecured some flax f,ipl . from trlfcutjng if. to those interesffd In making an experiment." The bank la handling the seed aa an accom modation and charging the. grow er just what it coat the bank. SI. Cf Gunderaon, of the Cool idge &' McClalne bank will go to Portland Thuraday'a's a 'Silverton representative at ' the flax lunch eon to be held there- Another meeting In the interests of the in dustry will be held at Silverton Friday night, Paulhamus Funeral to be Held Sunday at Sumner TACOMA. Washa April ir. r The funeral of W. H. Paulhamus. who died at his home at Sumner last night, will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Presbyterian church in Sum ner. Burial will be in Woodbine cemetery, at the crest of the south hilt, overlooking the Puyallup val ley such a site as Paulhamus de sired for his grave. GOLFERS HW FOB BOM Oregon City Salmon Are t " j Calling Silvertonians SfLVERTON, April 16.- (Spe, ciai to t'ne statesman.) Oregon i Local Savings and Loan Association is Growing Thursday was the fifteenth an nivesray of the establishment in Salem of the Mutual Savings & Loan association. This organization has enjoyed rapid growth and prosperity. By its ) current report it is shown loans in force at the beginning of the year 1911 amounted to $9600 while on April 16 this year they liatl increased to $333,700. Num ber, of shares on corresponding dates were 792 and 10,492. Tournament lo be Staged at lllihee Country Club Course Sunday ! Interest is growing among golf ers concerning the Intercity; tourn ament that is being staged here. Sunday the Vancouver club of; Vancouver, Wash;, is sending their team to Salem to play the first match with the lllihee Country club. Thig is the first tournament I with the Washington club and the lllihee members are planning in turning out en masse to welcome the visitors. : ' I ' j Members of the Salem " teams are reporting to Fred A." Williams, in order to inform him the plays they are making in the tourna ment, i i'''"'-"ij ;..lt 11 7; Tji The AI Krause Cup gamester be played as follows: t i i ' Gus Hixon vs. It. I. McLaugh lin, and Tom . Woods vs. It ex Sanford. : The first flight semi finals for the Al Krause golf bag are as follows: , ; j :. ; ' - ;. j ; Dr. II. II. Olinged vs.:Ercel Kay and I Ci Farmer vs.-Oltver Locke. During Blossom ; days then golf rourtte was crowded, with i many out of town visitors, j i I 1- ' ' '' I 1 1 Tfiil .. Anyhow, the pWtiires of boobs bathing In icy streams have: din-, appeared from the newspapers. - City is drawing a number of 'Sil verton salmon flshffs each. week. However,! perhaps the best report given in so: far by a Silverton fish erman is that of Lawrence Lar son, whoj returned- Monday with a salmon j weighing 4 2 pounds. Mr. Larson reports that he had anoth er one hooked but it parted his line and (was caught by a neigh boring fishermanj This one proved to weigh 32 pounds. The two fish which Mr. Larson caught were on display at j his place of business on Oak street for a short time Monday afternoon. M. Stooresti accompanied Mr. Larson but ap- pears to the storyj. I have nothing to add to If e.veri Christian nations adopt Christianity they can cut expenses about SO! per cent. Bridgeport Star. f: ji 1 ' .I--- , ' ! ALLY wUi be in ALEM next ATURDAY r;-T. I ! . . r SALEM CORVALLIS n man- s cr. STANDARDIZED CASH STORES hi i m I i 11' .'i1' 'i " :' ' ALBANY WOODBUJRN Year by Year Dee Knowledge and itiatred Judgment are forged from the crucible of experience. An insti tution builds for itself a certain stability of character through a permanent fixity of purpose, j Fifteen years have written a record of stability -zealously won and jealously guarded having as its foundation the idea of giving the best yahie$ in foods obtainable week in,1 week out-every day. in the year. BUY :f l 1 Package Kellogg's Corn Flakes ::.;.). - i- 1 Package Kellogg's Kriimblies : . v " ' ! 1 Package Kellogg's AH Bran AT Ol!jR REGULAR RETAIL PRICE and we will give ONkl5cPKG. KELLOGG'S Pep Free 6 Lbs. Oregon ,Javy ; Beans h. 49c i : ' i i 10 Cans Borden's Milk j 87c 10 Cans Bari Gol4 Milk 87c I i ; ' i Crown Flour $2.49 Gold Medal Flojdr $249 Vim Hour Fisher's Blend Flour $249 i Harge Size ; Wedding Breakfast Syrup !:III79c;;:f i ; Large Size i j Log Cabin ! Syrup ; 99c 1 Gallon Liberty Bell Cane and Maple Syrup $1.59 Fresh Sugar Cured Picnics lb. 21c 3 Lbs. Gem Nut .it arine 65c 6 Bars Crystal White Marg Soap 25c No. 5 Box Liberty Soda Crackers , 49c 5 Lbs. Rhubarb 23c A full car load of ' : r Netted Gem Potatoes to sell at $1.89 per 100 We believe these potatoes are the best value! offered this season. T government inspected meat cut and displayed continuously in modern, sani tary refrigerator counters. ! I '" tVXl ff iU )J & . -f- 1 i . - , t- t . " - 1 1 , ' ' W-l.'-h - . - ..... I It Is Your Gujjurantee of Service Plus Quality WOT it I La Hi very Jair iiil 12..11 j ' IBoys i ; 1 TOT A number of different styles to kick from in both canvas and elk leather, sizes for every boy. Crape soles and cord soles-the best wear ing shoes for boys that have ever beien produced. J8I Wpl are giving a high grade base ba.ll absolutely free, no extra charge made. Ypu pay a lower price than you pay for other shoes of this quality and get the base ball as a special inducement to increase the sale of these wonder ful shoes. !l " - "t- ' '! ' " " :. - ' : I i j- - c . ; . i i . ' -' '"'.Li' " krkrkfiiced I $.3i5, "$2.659 $2.95" mid $3.95 7m 00 CO PCX r XX XX 'Repair Department Our shop is equipped with all new machinery. We use nothing but the rery best grade of leather that money! will buy. jy JU Mr. Jacobson, in charge 4liW , ' Do not suffer. I will give Cfv-'SfcA I (W of tnis department, is an flauifcou -V Ar fraa Boots you 1116 best 111211 8cien8 fov T 1 n W expert in his line has SttorSlxxt WiiSaCoeb can Produce in scientific vv 1 llv? 8pent years ,n factories Fo'Pwsp' ,'-. BdBddMf chiropody. Consult VUWI UaU'f f and repair shops and will PixBax Oil FootAfflaazi Ato tWYLU'F,St tXlpW Do Y6ur Teet Hurt? Corns and callouses re t moved I without pain or ' soreness. Ingrown nails removed and treated. Pains In feet, weak-foot, flat foot, foot strain and fallen "; arches adjusted. Do not suffer. I will give you the best that science can produce in scientific chiropody. Consult DR. WILLIAMS About Your 'Feet Hours 9 to 6:20