FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1925 LEWIS AND i GARDEAU ARE HE ADLINERS ON BOXING CARD HERE APRIL 24 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SIEi BOXER i; I IE GOING STR Workouts Hp6 Nightly at Ar, mory; Fans to Decide in Season Shall End V: Frankle'.Lfe'wia,, of Saleiu, is working out at the Armory every iilght at' 7:30 s "clock in prepara tion for his I meetinp with jRilly Cafdeau.iof Portland, in thm tnain Vi-nt of a 2 4 -round smoker to be t tagrd at the Armory April 24 by Matchmaker Harry Plant. Iewis .vorked out with PhlLUaye!: last Juight and fs going. strong;: Lewis and Gardeau have met once before, at Reedsport, the encounter ! ter minating : in a dlaw. Lewi? de feated Charlie Dawson, j scrappy jlJusene flphter. at the lat card. Big Bill Hunt, lu-pouiii Salem heavyweight fireman, is going strong and is Jn excellent condi tion. He has been lin?d npto meet "Speed" - Murphy, j of Port land, in the semi-windup. Hunt Is matched for a fight in Portland the following week. I f "It is up to the fans themselves if they want more fights W sea son." Matchmaker Plant mud last night."' "I am. going to have t." R. Smith, announcer, put the matter up to the crowd at the fight on April 24.f If the fans want more fights, more fights it will be and I will run them all summer if the attendance warrants:"' i I BEARCATS MEET : TEACHERS TODAY Normat Team School Baseball Will Cross Bats if Weather Permits If weather conditions permit the Willamette; university baseball squad will I meetT tfaf Oregon Nor mal school of Monmouth on the Willamette diamond- at 4 o'clock this afternoon.) This will be the second game of the season for the Bearcat squad and , the first home game of this year. The Willamette men will be in good condition j for the game de spite the! fact that rain has inter ferred with the Ipractise this week. The tenative lineup will be as fol lows: Towner, j catcher; Herman, first base; Poling, second; Isham, third; Fasnacht, short; Nacona, right field; Kalahan, left field; and Chapman, center field. Ellis or Robertson - will probably strat the game on the mound. ? WRESTLERS ARE READY FOR MEET Robin Reed, 11 Olympic Champ Tangles ; With i Maurus at Albany; Tonight Wrestling fans' ?Ht iee a classic bone-twisting match, tonight at Albany when Robin Reed, world title holder j of the Olympics and present; coach ! j oil wrestling at OAC. tangles with Joh'nnie Maurus of !San j Kranciscbj!1 j . i t j- :M ,1 Hoth men are in the pink of condition and eager to go at each other. ; Both are evenly matched and one of the best wrestling ex hibitions ever will be billed Fix Up the Old Car We Have the Parts 1: Rings -Pistons "Jim" Gears Gaskets I "Bill" SMITH & WATKINS Snappy Service. Phone 41 presented, in Albany Reed has not appeared in many professional; bouts here, due to the shortage of men able to meet him. He so far outlcasbe.s the average bone-twister in ability that it is extremely difficult to secure a match. Maurus, how ever, is an ablej opponent for him, and has been wrestling 15 years and has few defeats credited ' to him. -. : -J : It ij said of Maurus that he caught a burglar who had entered hi apartments: and before the in truder could jose hi weaiwin. Maurus had rendered him he'p less in a bear hug, and before the police arrived the man bud died from the effects of his predica ment. - ,1 BABE RUTH WILL OPERATl Baseball King Declared By I r-.i 1 1 , n rnysician inoi 10 oe in i Serious Condition .' 3 Grand SATURDAY sr.MJAY 3IOXDAV 1 ;.-t NEW YORK. April 16. Iiabe Ruth will undergo an operation here tomorrow for relief front a fa cesses which have developed since his removal to the hospital upon the return of the New York Yan kees from theif southern training trlP-. ' I . ': ' 1 ' Announcement to this effect was made by Dhysicians whojhave been attending! the home run king since his .collapse on a !train bound for New York and his re ,moval on a stretcher from the Pennsylvania statjon to the hos pital where he has been suffering from indigestion and influenza. J Although tomorrow's operation is described by his doctors as of a minor nature, they said that re covery, would, be slow and that he might not be able! to play for an other anonth. He had hoped to return to the lineup this week end. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE RESULTS Salt Lake 18; Portland j t SALT LAKE CITY, April 16--An old fashioned slugging match in which side was credited with an even twenty! hits, went to the Bees 18 to 9. in j the third game, of the Salt Lake-Portland ': scries to day. Tony Lazes hit two homers, one with the bases full, and knock ed in ix runs. Score: I '-" ' ' -I Portland - . . . Salt Lake . . . Winters, Eckert, Rowland;: McCabe, Poters. i ; ii. ii. e. . . I 20 .2 . . 118 20 1 Martin and Hulvey 5 ( i and f Wriion 4 i Aiis'1s O LOS ANC ELKS. April 16 Ver non broke the winning streak of the Los Angeles club here today when Ken Penher held the An- jfels to live cattered hits and won, Boston 14 1 Scott and Snyder; Cooney, Mc Namara, Benton and Gibson. Phillies 8; Brooklyn 1 BROOKLYN, April 16. Clar ence Mitchell, only left bander moist ball pitcher in the major leagues, held Brooklyn to six hits today and the Philadelphia Na tionals won easily. 8 to K Holke, Phillie's f'rst baseman, hit a home run in the first inning with two" on. Score It. H. E. Philadelphia 8 12 1 Brooklyn 1 61 Mitchell and Henline; Rush. Roberts. Thormahlen, Osborne and Taylor. 4 to 0. Wayne Wright who pitch- ; "in the city sight of dirt." ing for Los Angeles made his first appearance cm the mound iu a year, was wild and let in two tal lies on walks. Store: Los Angeles . Vernon Wright. Meyers, Spencer, Sandberg; Murphy. Seals 3; ) R. H. E. . . i 0 5 r 0 . . i 4 9 O Phillips and Pender and Cliirajn 8; Pittsburgh 3 CHICAGO, April 16. Two home runs by Charles Hartlett featured .nica?0 8 to 3 victory over Pittsburfth today. Glenn Wright led the attack for the visitors with three hits, including a homer and a double. bcore 11. H. E P-ttsburgh 3 7 ChicaRo 8 7 . Kremer, Adams and Smith; Liake and Hartnett. CALIFORNIA MUItUEIi Jl ILT CHAIUiKI) Oakland 4 OAKLAND, April 16 The Seals and Oaks-battled in their usual nip and tuck ; fashion today the visitors winning a close game, 5 to 4.? Oakland maae two in the veryTUst inning only to haveSan Francisco retaliate with four in the tecond. ' Score: I hungered for the Well, there ' were flip irnKazine stands. Canton Re pository, j i , Tfl ejcperienced judge 9? gsof valuesgets ms imoneys-worai aitmyj, because he buys gasoline lor its performance on me ike the wide- spread preference for Keo uown- Trie oesiwj in Town San Francisco Oakland SEATTLE. April 1C. James IJ Bates was convicted here today of murdering Helen Smith in Seattle June 14, 191!. Th jury deliber ated one hour and recommended life imprisonment. R. H. E. !. 5 6 1 !. 4 11 1 Mitchell. McWe rney and Agnew; Kaiser and Baker. ; ! ; ! : i American League Results ! STANDARD OIL COMPANY CCAX4VO&KXA) Buy it anywhere you sec the red, white and Hue pump or the"Red Crown" sign at Standard Oil Ser vice Stations and at dealers. 'Phillies 7; Boston 3 i i PHILADELPHIA. April 16!. The Boston Red Sox again failed to break into the win column to- Jt'bjgnlheyj bowed! to Phita- eiphia in. , their third straight defeat, 7 to 3. . t Score ' R. H.' E. Bohton J. . . 3 8! 1 Philadelphia ..!.. 7 13 1 1 I Kailio, Ross and Piemen: Rom- men ana cranei i Washington NEW YORK oessive home Uoslin and Joe Shocker in the a red batting i Washington its the season over kees today 7 to Score Washington New York f Covelskie, Russell and Ruel; Hoyt, (JINeill. : r 7; New i York 5 April I 16. Suc- runs by Goose Judge off Urban ninth inning feat- rally which gave second ; victory of New York Yan- f R. H.i E. ,. 7 15 2 . . . i 5 12 0 Kelly. Gregg Shocker and Cleveland 'J; St. Louis 1 ! ST. . LOUIS. ! April j 16i The Cleveland Indians made two straight by defeating the Stt Louij Browns today 2 to 1. It was a hurling battle i between : Uhle 'and Vangilder. ?! P I Score 1 i R. H. E. Cleveland ....J - 2 4! 0 St. Louis . . . ,. . .... 1 5i 1 Uhle and Myatt; Vangilder and Dixon. t'hiraeor -I ; Detroit 2 DETROIT, April 16. Chicago defeated Detroit 4 to 2 in the third game of the series today. Red Faber an f'Rip" Collins indulged in a mid-season pitching duel for 8 innings. J i Score R. Hi E. Chicago .....J 4 7 2 Detroit . . . 1 .....12 6 1 Kaber And Schalk; Collins and Woodalljt '. j. i . r t . . Profit by the experience of those who know. Use McCLAREN CORD 1 Ii4-V 41wl fM- l . hi m A Gripping 'Ircad 1! Design "Jim" niir Smith & Watkins I SXAPPY SERVICE PHONE 44 National League Results ; Hit nrinnati 7: St. liouis 3 ! ? CINCINNATI. April ; 16. (Na tional.) Cincinnati assumed i the undisputed leadership of the Na tional .league toaay by winning their third straight game from St. Louis, 7 to 3. Dickerman was hit iiard and was wild, walking three nen in succession in the third in ning, when the. Reds : scored six IU11S1 . ,.' ; " - i ' ! Score f R. H. E. St. Loui . . . . 3 6 1 Cincinnati ..... . . 7- 11 3 Dickerman, ; Sherdel, Hallahan and Gonzales; Rixeyj and Ilar grave. . ! ! New York 8; Boston 1 i BOSTON, April 16. New York defeated Boston 8 to 1 today. Jack Scott holding the Braves to four hits.1 The champions made j two runs off Cooney in the fifth j and added six more off McNamara in the ninth. ! Score i R. H. E. New York . i . . 8 11 0 ALLY will be in ALEM next ATURDAY r ho more pleasing journey than this i Restful contentment in your comfortable, i ' roomy PuJlman section, compartment or draw, ing room. -j - j ' I The carefully selected personnel of modern well-manned trains providing intelligent, cour- j teous personal service. 1 Delicious food in the Southern Pacific dining car fresh fruits and vegetables always a deli , cious feature : ' All the way, the ever-fascinating scenery of the j superb Shasta route. ! Four fine trains daily. For complete inform, i .cion ask j S0)iiiittIhifeinm IPccnlfiicD O. L. Darling. Agent, Salem or A. A. IMickel, D. F. & P. A 184 Liberty Street. RosTEiN & GRmmmi RELIABLE MERCHANDISE 72-inch Best Linen Finish Table Cloth Washable. The linen finish will not come .off yard $1.15 Real Linen! Table Cloth 2 Yds Wide Pretty Patterns A Real Bargain yard $2.50 Mercerized Table Cloth at 85c and 69r a yard 36-in. Dress Linen Fast Colors' Reducing Price 75c yard 32-in. Cheviot Shirtings Fast Colors . yard 19c Table Oilcloth, yard 34c Renfrew Devonshire Fast Colors Sunfast and Tubfast Nice Assortment of ' Patterns i yard 34c; Renfrew Suitings Fast colors, Sunfast and Tubfast, Soft Finish Fancies j Plain Colors 65c and 59c Colored Silk Umbrellas, to clean up, $7.00 ones for $5.00. $5.00 ones for $3.85 i Pretty Voiles Tissue Gingham Good Quality Real Pretty Special Low Price Low Priced yard 49c yard 49c Pretty Lace Turk Towels Collar Tabs - 18x36 10c i 25c ! Millinery Department in Rear Room Big Showing of Dress Hats Loads of Flowers arid Foliage. Beautiful and Wohderful. j Big variety of hat trimmings, Braids and Shapes. The best of merchandise. The lowest prices. Bring Your i "Millinery Troubles to Us. 240 and 246 North Commercial Street DO YOU KNOW WHY-- - Pesp!3 Always Find an Excuss For Ho-ring? IT FISHEI I ILL IW ft tE.SOM OH IT ! VOftt r IF t Pn emiM act 1 ll wtt.t. I'M I f.STR(N4Ut MOLD I II DON T I I . . ' -v ON THIS THIMA-ft- II T.'T I iMTtOCft " 1 'I V Ac.r, T. ZsT: J "'ill tY'PXK- 'I tOST iTO I NSVt.t.FmOlj' TM.S E.T.Xj i 1 1 ! t Ruhc 14. rc 1 I, - ii 111! M . I .... . H jc ii ii ti - T TO (.C T VI UfW WT iw, 4 M0TM J Jf (V AW r I araro pecia 1 Eyery Saturday we offer an extra special, and for next Saturday we will sell - ALU11U1 DOUBLE BO LESS S) These double rice boilers are of high quality aluminum and sell regularly at the low price of 32.00; cost is entirely forgotten when we make the prices on these Saturday Specials. i . r I t cowoeof, I hotki - evcam . (THE tAtlOl.ORD'lf JPTOfcS y .t (ft-HtsR.) i tts ntstS wsmjh S Ck INTHiS I IS TOO f rs ct uks. x tj) Fiat fci msl. uon4td AND SO- - !. . " FOUVOWTO 6N- 1 s. it .. .