TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1925. Glasslffidd a lem's' Great M a rke t r : ' THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALE1I, OM.GON 4 ft 4 yj. i t t 1 1 i ; i f :1 rOLXTRT and EGGS 21 CCSTOM HATCHING $30-1000. 97211. ' : -3 21-el-" -4- Salem Chickeries Headquarter for 'Baby Chicks 7 VARIETIES . 184 N. Cottage Salem Phone 400 : lfI4tf KOR SALE BABY CHICKS, 8CW LEO- horn. Hanson strain. L. M. Stout. Tar - nr, Oregon, Route 3. i 81-iti BLACK MINORCA BABY CHICKS Hake's Petland, , 273 State.! 21-m23tl BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING Hate king eggs, pellet, cockerels. Pa azrx.. , . .i i LEES HATCHERY AND FOL'rN - 23 LOST A'IRE-WHEEL NEAR MACLEAY , Kindyr can hare lira ar reward if; he will return wheel. Please ' leave; at 1 Statesman office or phone 22132. " -T 22-sl5 PERSONAL 23 PARTY WAS SEEN TAKING $25 FROM pure at Harry Scott's. Return, asve trouble. i ' j 23-al5 CiKT MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL, paper publiehed. CORRESPONDENT, Toledo. Ohio. i ; 23-m8 LOANS 24. 20 YEAR FARM LOAN 8 On rural credit plan with privilege of paying off any amount at any time; low interact, easy payments, no exeat ination fee, or commission on loan. PERRINE MARSTERS 312 Commercial Bid. 24-e4tf UONEY TO LOAN OS CITY PROP, rty, ajthar building ' and loaa plan or private money. Farm toaaa with in aaranee company money at 54 with commission added. Ralph H. McCurdy, Nos, ft aad ft, Steevea-Moore Bldg, Ba - lent.-1 .4-f14t REAL ESTATE City 23 , Own Youi: Home f PRACTICALLY FOR TJIE LIENS A 5 room bungalow. Mortgagee will J i make ea ' I (montblj make easy terms to any good party thly.l bee wm. riemiag, 341 St. I . J Za-ei-tl ' 'iMK SALE I i S s . i - Snap in business! property, corner. Frlce $t5,0OO. Paying good income. i I W. Ii. UKABUUUHSX tu 275 State St. 25-al5 PAPER MILL MAN HERE'S SMALL home of fire plastered rooms for $1. 730 or will rent for 1-0. - Vacant. Lights, bath and hot water. It's worth it. . 7 blocks to work. i BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bide. j 25el3 POR SALE NEW SIX ROOM BCNGA tow. North Salem, plastered, cement foundation, good lot. If sold thia week 2100 and wo can make terms to an it. Have a small house ; for $10O. Two lots at $150 each. A good rorner lot doe in to trade for ear worth $10O0. Jlonev to loaa. F. L. Wood. 841 State. ,..', ! ; 25-HOtl A KEAL SNAP- i Sevea good building lots if King wood. Price S00 rkh. - ' II. GRABKXUORST & CO. ! 275 State t . Pbooe i:23-al5 JOR SALE TWO VERY FINK VIEW lots. Only $1000 apiece, s You will hare to act o,oiekly. f .. Pine corner lot on North Capitol street. Bear Parrish school. -Only $1, 250. '. 20 acre farm in KateTgree'n district. Excellent aoiL A bargain. Easy terms. 4 4 acre farm near Monmouth, seat of Normal achooL New buildings. Very good soil. Price Is right. i FOR RENT 5 room flat. Will Kate ' for a-year or longer.: f RICH 1 REIMANN , . Realtor Phone 1013 40'J State St. : D'Arey Bldg. 5 23-alltf ' REAL BUYS : M Cory now bungalow and garage,' lo cated at 113 west Wilson street. Price ?J400. Possession at once, i Ni at 5 roona bungalow with base ment aad fireplace, located at 1965 N. 5th street, price $3250, terms. Good 7 room house with - basement located t 140 Broadway.. Price 3, 400. Small casa payment.' good terms on balance. i " 8 room modcriv house near state house and uairersit, good, location. Price $3300, terms. Strictly modern S room bungalow on paend street. Priced for quick sa! at $4300, terms. KRCnOER. Realtor ' '. -147 N. Com'L .Phone 217 ! - . . . . - 23 al4 $30 IMjvtN BUTS HOUSE NEW ! and. pretty modern. Bath, hat water, ! etc. Priced fair at $2800. No way i, te lose, ir YOU TAKE IT IfOW.j AU i balance like rent. "'""'(' BECKE ft HENDRICKS i V. S. Bank Bldg. i 23 al2ti KOOM PLA8TEREO HOUSE, NEW. 'Ire trie lights, $1230 cash $130 and ly monthly payments. : ; 4 room new house with bath, well lo ted, just off paving and street car, X'Kd street, $1850, cash 9350 and $30 a month to include Interest. 6 room modern home in east Salem, f ureses, fireplace, garage, fine trait, ? 3250, terms. ; ,.-!,! - 6 rooms strictl loodern. new, best lueation ia Oaka addition, owner going to leave and will sell for $8000. This lias extra larre lot and double garage. Small confectionery and f groceries, stock, fixtures, aeat new building, large corner lot 65x105 back to creek, paved fctrwt, 4 room rosy house, excellent condition, bath and lights, $3000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 2 1 Oregon Bldg. . , r i 2-alStr UODIRN 7 ROOM HOME NICELY Lo cated, large lot 63x163. Owner 1031 Ouemeketa street. ( 25-a2f I WILL SELL MY 38 ACRES CHEAP and take a little Salem trads ia on It. I have about 20 acres now; in crops nd fine prospects for lots- of fruit, fold lat year f ISO worth pears. I have interests at La!Us. Oregon, which requires my attention, so I ? will give onie one a good, deal on this home places iiood soil.' good improvements and running water. Also a e malt house for ; rent, one or two i mouths rent in work i Call on mr affent a i 25-al4 i . ROBINSON p ;; ! .- Oregon Bldg. I " V : ; LOOK I J 6 room plastered hoosa, bern and rhirken house,') 3 . lante lots with all kinds of fruit fori $2100 with $250 rash, 'halaacw like rent. j THOMASON 3313 State St. . ll , . -..; 23-al6 WE DON'T MEAN PERHAPS IX THK new TlriMot llm addition- three blocks east of Lincoln school we have twelve pretty lots1 with view and trees and good building restriction. Before signs could be i painted wo sold "etm; ; That's sevea modern homes and makes every lot worth more, i I'iva Uft t m priw of-IMO each. $6x103 id any reasonable terms. ' See them Sutb Winter street between Cress - and livriH street . i Then ae us, t4 XKK k HEXDRICKS Cl 8. Bank Rktai i 2S al2tf FOR SALE Complete ssoilera six reens horn line earner 100x100. Tkis placs REAI ESTATE City 23 t LINEN WEEK RESIDENCE SPECIALS 6 room bn tig a low with 1.1 acre land . i $4,000.00 5 room Yew ! Park . ,...$2,250.00 7 r room south1 Salem ...$4,250.00 room Dutch Colonial.. $6,000.00 room Yew iPark .. .. $3,000.00 Splendid residence lot near , Parrish rlol $1,500.00 j A, C. B0HRX9TEDT ! Realtor, Loans and Insurance 147 No. Com"! St., Salvas. Oregon. j 25-al2tf - i SPECIAL! 4 room house, garage, large lot with fruit, close irsi on S. Liberty, $300 will handle. Good home N. Salem to trade for improved: avrcace close in. Fine home and .8 1 lota, trade tor farm .. of Salem not over $0500. Good 7 room house, wood shed and barn, good buy for $1375. ; 5 room bouse and 4 lots bargain for $ 1 100. ; j THOMA80N-i-331 State St. ! - M v . 23-alltf ' ! LOTS-j-tOTS! LOTS! . : $1100, beautiful comer lot, both streets paved, walks in and pid. Ideal loca tion. A real: snap. Fine high lots on paved street.! Price $550: $675: $. 100; $2000. terms. See Chi Ids ft Bech tcL 540 State SU 25-al4tf SERVICE STATION : Located j intersection of Fair i grounds road and North Summer street. iPrice $2000; $500 down L and balance ressonabla terms, j W. II. GRABE.VHORST ft CO, . . 275 State St. 25 a!5 ! SPRING IS HERE "The best time to aee and buy your farm or city home is now. If you hava something to trade sea us. 325 and 338 80 seres good land. 6 room house, bars, chicken house, run ning water all year. " A very good buy . at $0500 or will trade for city prop erty. : ' j 334 24 sres all in cultivation and crop. Price $2400 or trade for city property. ,' ' 33415 acres near Salem, well im proved, fruit,! grain, berries, ete. Price $60OO or will trade -for city property. 32777 acres, well; improved, well kept up. Plenty of fruit. Very good soil, good location. A bargain at $7725. j ' - A new 5 room bungalow, good loca tion, . close ia. Modern in every re spect. Price $3350. Very easy terms. 332 -A splendid, new, fully modern B room bungalow, very good location. A bargain at $5000. Let us" show yon this one. ; 3. F. ULRICH E. E. ROBERTS 122 X. Commercial Phone 1354 : J , - I --; r ..; . . 25-alOtf 111 I 1 - ' t HOME REALTY SPECIALS 1 ' ... No. 482 Good 8 room plastered bouse, i double construction, basement. fireplace.- Garage. Nice loca tion. ! Price $2650, $600 cash. i 1 rest like rent. No. 508 A acre garden tract 1 1-4 miles ; from city limits, on good ma- cadam mad. 1-4 mile from pave- i mcnt. Price $1COO; $600 cash, rest to suit at 6 per cent. No. 851 Fine grain and stock farm 147 ! acres, all .. in cultivation, big I . dairy barn. 6. room house, Sep- l arator house, hog houses, and j other! bldg. Price $10,300, t good terms. - No. C85 Nice j 5 acres suburban home. I - new 5 room honse and bam, j .fine well.' 3 miles from Salem, 14 mile from pavement. Ob j .goed road. Price $4000: $10i0 j rah. ' rest terms at A per eent. 1 HOME REALTY CO. . - tna s iiis-h St. 05. .is 1 i Sfl7 SUMMER RESORT 34 acres adjoining site of Santi am lfatchcry. Wonderful site for csn.p ing ground with small hotel. Includes large bars and land under plew. fine fishing. On stage rente to Mill City, Lyons, Breiteinbush Hot Springs, Hatch ery and Detf-oit. Already one of the most popular summer:' drives. .Very scenic, line opening tor report atvery low cost. Can be handled for $50O. The northwest is the great summer re sort of America where this type of en terprise flourishes add is rapidly in creasing, j Tj(fMll COZY GARAGE HOCSE-AXD niee ; lot ia Parrish Grove ad- dition: fully furnished including fine electric range, shower bath: -toilet; - sleeping poreh. Choicest residence ad- dition in the city. ' i $2300 FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW furnished, full basement; furnace; hot and cold water; fine grad ed lot; cement walks: fares sunrise: house all renewed inside: five blocks from Parrish; school: growing district. ' Exceptional opportunity. nViE ROOM COTTAGE AND large! lot: cottsge is plastered ad newly shingled. Cnpara'lleled bar gain. ! I advertise values which I know to be not merely good but exceptionally good. I have never mislead or disap pointed a single bnyer. j - ! --IIARRI8 Masonic Temple Phones 795. 1!M2 J 1 j t t 23-slt LOOK- ; bix gooa lots 30x1 30 reet earn. 10-- csted on N. CommereisI St. Price , $S50. Will sell on any reasonable I ' terms. ' ! jW. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ! i 273 State St. 25-al5 )- ...I.. ! THESE ARE GOOD 1 j Nice 15 acre auburban borne. , 1 miles from Marline, all new buildinjgs, 8 acres prunes, cherries and berriea. Exchange for residence property. Snap. $6000. . , t - ! . i i acre suburban, near Salem, All i la bearing prunes and cherries, new bun galow, prune dryer, $4000, take good bungalow. j - 1 Good 15 acre farm, 9 acres bearing prunes, cherries and berries. 6 room nouse, barn, henhouse, outbuilding, good well, fine location, paved road, sear school. Store and church. Sacrifice for quick Mic or exchange for residence Jroperty. or, real buy or exchanges see as. ,1 PERRINE ft MARSTKRS 1 312 Commercial Club Bldg, 25 s(Hf TUB BEST LOCATKl SUBURBAN i !M Ml HOME SITES! - Call , or i phone for appoiatment to ee the best located hoiueitv ia hslt-in vicinity. You ran enjoy all city con veniences, leva the hijh taxes. ; i. These sites are en the paved high way south. Yen can't help liking them. -. 1 . i - I 1 j ' ' ; , i - SOrvLOKSKY. 341 State St. 2312tf INUTE MOVIES FINAL EPISODE - of ; , . ;, ED VMHECLAN'sS CVCLONlC StRAL WAV OUT 3OA0ES.CA'-S LiTUC ORPHAN PAL. S TWt - WELL ,8viSTtR OLt) scout iAT-r KlRItiT To 6REET MlM ON His . TO'Tt)Vll s REAL, ESTATE City 25 6 ROOM HOUSE AND THREE LOTS. House plastered, bath, toilet, electric lights, near school. Lota ef bearing cherry trees. $3000. easy payments and good buy. A modern 5 room home, . basement, furnace, laundry trays, stuc co finished, on paved street. Every thing up to date, nice location. Near school, car, store and church. $4500; $1000 first payment. - Fast front building lot paved street, sidewalks in, $400. Easy terms. J. A. MILLS 331 Slate St. 23-al4 PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY Y" wording "For Sale, Enquire At." Price 10 cents i each. Statesman Bust seca Office. Ground floor. i BUSINESS OPIORTUNITIES 2 HOMK REALTY. CO. ! ; ; NOTICE Call er send for Mr free ; literature,! giving description of small aad large farma; also suburban homes and city property, and vacant lota. Over $' OOO.OOO worth of listings of sales aad exchanges. You can- match your description. Sent free to every body. THE HOME REALTY CO. , 160 South. High St. 26 al7 HUNDREDS OF POULTRY MEN HAVE made fortunes with purebred chickens, bred to lay from 20O to 300 eggs a year. 30 pens and trios of purebred chickens (some with world champion records) and valued at over $1,200 will be given sway to ambitious men, wom en, boys, and girla for full informa tion cut out thia advertisement and send your name and address to North west Poultry Journal, Salem, Oregon. 2e;.ra7tf REAL ESTATE Farms 28 1 VIEW SITE .: 2 acres with some good fruit, close to car, $2000. A bargain. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St, 28-al2tf LINEN WEEK FLAX FARM SPECIALS TURNER-AUM8VILLE DISTRICT 141 acres. Good buildings. 190 acres under cultivation .. $14,100.00 175 acres, 100 aeres under eultiva- tion ......i ,$14,000.00 305 acres. Fair buildings. Ifto acres tinder cultivation . $18,300.00 40 on pa red market road. New cot tage. Running water. 33 aeres under cultivation - $4,350.00 25.08 acres ..,...$2,125.00 24 acres . .........$2,150.00 Easy terms of payment with 6 on all these properties. A.- C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor, Loans and lasurance 147 No. Cora l Su, Salem, Oregon ..'.-:-:,.!;..;..-:... i -s 28 al2tf ' $2400t BUNGALOW Iandy modern 4 room, lights, bath, basement, only $50O down, balance $25 month. A real buy. See Chi Ids ft Bern tel. or Mrs. Ellice, 540 State St. : 2.3-al4tf NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY,; that small acreage tract. 8 acres, mostly in bearing fruit, no buildings, $1200, terms, or 3-4 .of an acre with 4K bungalow, $12o0,'or 2 8-4 A paved rd, a swell place for $2000. Five acres, best of seil, fair buildings, spme fruit, too lit, chickens. ' If taken in next 10 days, 1 price $3200. terms. ; See Childs ft BechteL 540 State St. 8 ': i i 2H-al ttf VIEW PROPERTY- 14 acres just outside of the 'city limits.: beautiful view. Price $12, O0O. $1000 down to handle. ; W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 1 275 State St ' 28 al5 A RTOCK RANCH Must be disposed of. 265 acres near the coast. Will take a Portland or Sa lem house. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. I ' 28-al2tf NEAR SALEM. BLOOMING, BEAUTI ful. We have 23 aeres of prunes and cherries and walnuts and loganhrrie with about an acre of fine old fir, and its improved, but the improvement show many grey hairs and stiff joint aud are in need of new grafting, but the place shows more voskibilit.es ami would renpond more inickly In a Kttl labor and a few well directed dollar than anything we've e.n. It's a pie turesque I. 'ace with a w-onderful vivr You can see the m-uaicins ant Itu . valley and everything ibat nybod: ought to set;. The price is $12,o0' and be wants a place iu town Park a min ute and read this again. MeGilcbrist - PcnningtonL 209 U. S. Dank DH( Phone 1404 28al2t: On Edge off Lake 66 acres of fertile North Howell prairie land, tine set of buildings, well and living water. 50 acres in culti vation, 18 acres pasture and timber. Price $830, . with $2500, balance at 6 per cent. The best IS acres , for the money , nesr Salem $3000, half cash. Ask about 1 this. - 1 ? s Commercial street busiue property. ' Salem homes and view lots. i OREGON INCORPORATED Real Estate and Insurance Phone 1013 -Victor Schneider, See'y. , 4-5-6 D'Arcy Bldg. . ! 1 28-a7tf ; - SPECIAL BARGAINS 9.32 acres, 2 acres bearing prune. Vt acre losans, family orchard, bal ance good clover land, all fenced, poul try parks, ,3 poultry houses, 375 bens, 300 chicks 8 weeks old, eW. horse, implements, vehicles, rreatn ; separator. room house, barn, 4 mile from town on pavement, for quirk' sale reduced from $4209 to $3000, terms. - 6 room modern bungalow, basement, garage, $2100. terma. ; 1 4 room modern bungalow, pew, $1, 850. $300 cash, balance $25 and in terest monthly. 7 room modern, new. aemi-bangalow type, garage. Oaks addition, $5300, easy terms. 6 room strictly modern new,' double garage. North Summer street., at less titan cost of construction, owner " leav ing city, $10,500; $t5O0 cash. : 6 room modern bungalow, garage, $3730: will take lot as part pay. Want loan of $4000 on 320 acre ranch. . .. . Want $1250 loan. 4 room modern furuisued bungalow in north j Salem. SOCOLOPSK Y 34 1 State , I' ' . ". 1 28-alltf A P.AItGAlX AND TERMS ; ' A 5 room house and half acre good I, land near ear, for $70O. Terms. A ' very good buy for a poor man . with , family, can have free outrange tor cow ) ete. See Wm. Fleming, 341 Stale to- t morrow. ?4-at2tf (All When tms - HERE'S THE OlM - i TThaT .SHR-lFr1 POSSE. Afc- HAS PETE WOLF U&t . AND BEAT EN Tb A woo-Ay- UWESIFF .SIM BADGE LET S BCSS Go vjitw A HEP rnMAMt AM .TVC.VVE O'OT P2TE5 WOLF IN PLACE- AjQw ' f f-u.stou rEcTAN.y - IttftAlf Real Estate To Exchange 20 WISH TO EXCHANGE PRACTICALLY new bungalow in Itillsboro, worth $4.- I 000 for modern home ia Salem. 3. Woodward. M.ilem. Gen. Del. 2-al8 REAL ESTATE Suburban 30 JUST OUTSIDE CITY, LIMITS, ONEJ acre, s-rvun muurru uouse, sarage auu barn, water! piped to irrigate whole tract. Price $5,000 clear, want city residence property, will consider larg er deal. I . Wanted Large stock ranch for Salem property wilt assume, 10 acrea well im proved, close to Salem, want Salem residence. For bargains and exchanges see Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 30aJtf USED CARS FOR SALE 31 1921 Dodge touring $475 1923 Dodge roadster 600 1920 Dodge ' touring 375 118 Dodge touring 25w 19i4 Dodse roadster 850 1921 Ford sedan ...r J 30O 1924 Chevrolet touring . v. . 450 1922 Dodge roadster fc.... 500 19JI Ford touring ...J. 123 1917 Buic-k tuuriug .1 225 ! ) ' ; BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. . ; - ii- . VISIT OUR USED CAR LOT BETWEEN COMMERCIAL AND LIBERTY t ON CENTER ST. I 31al3 Eiker's Ford roadster!.. $160 Ford touring .i.. 53 Ford coupe '20 model 260 Ford coupe .'22 mode! . 335 t : Ford sedan v - 25 (Cash or Terms) 1925 license on all cars Eiker uto Co . Our usual guarantee behind all cart Liberty Street at Ferry Phone - 121 , ! 31a4tf t GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR iesav Why pay morel Money back guratw Scheelar Auto Wrecking C. Look for the orsrga front. Day phone 819. Night phone 503. 1085 N, Commercial St. "Built to aave money." Sl-113tf ...... -., ' BARGAINS 1923 Maxwell 4 Pass. Coupe......-.$885 1924 Maxwell Touring. like Bew.... 730 1923 Gardner Touriog 120O miles .... C35 i 1924 Ford Touring 1 323 Above cars guaranteed for 90 days against defective: parts same as a new car. I ; .,: Certified Public Motor Car Market . ' 1 ' ;: ' 31al4 We Are Headquarters ! FOR Used Ford Cars Satisfaction Onranteed ;We have 32 cars for yon lo choose from cars under $100. Will gladly demonstrate. i Theeo cars are all good buys. - For -example: 1919 Touring, $90 ! Valley Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealer Phone 1993 , ,' 31-aIltf (SPRING IS HERE) In order to give you a better oppor tunity to examine our used cars ' we have again opened up our lot at the back of our present location 219 N. Commercial St. ; We have forty cart on displsy and we invite you to com pare them in price and quality with any thing on the market. Fords -.4.$ 50.00 to f 400.00 t Chevroleta . 50.00 to 350.00 Overlands 75.00 to 400.00 . Oldsmobiles - 150.00 to 1000.00 Gardners .400.00 to 850.00 , We also have Studebakers Buicks Dodges Elgin Jordan Velie and in fact almost any thing that yon could desire at the price that you want to pay. A small deposit will hold any car that von ttisv aelect. "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVE" Iistribntors for , OLDSMOBILES AND RICKENB ACKERS F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 X. Commercial SU , 'i .- - ! .j ; - . 81a2tf Read This Out Loud . Exceptional Opportunity ia Good Used Cars ! LATE MODELS - 1924 iHxIgej coupe, like new. . 1924 Chevrolet, new paint. 1924 Ford-roape. like new. 1921 Packard sedan. .' 1924 Essex jcoach. new paint. . : 1924 Buick snort, like new. - 1924 Ford truck , 1923 Packard touring. ' -1923 Hudson Speedster. - These ears mutt be seen to be ap preciated. Come in and look them over. Reason-thin terms. FRED M. POWELL Motor Cars Corner Cottage and Ferry Sis, 31a9tf RIUDGE MAX KILLED PORTLAND, j Or., April 11. Charles D. Dunn, 45, towerman for the tiouthern Pacific company was struck by an automobile driv en by Frank lierry here tonight and died an hour later from in juries. Berry jwaa jailed" by the police on a charge of manslaught er. 1 rUnts protected tij The Qeorxe Matthew .ktUms BervJc Trade Mark MAN MWRE AFTER . IS . UHATS lEPT NICE VJUORK, DANTE UOMT LOCeiVDU UP. BESS. fcUT VtAJL WAVE To GIVE CLASSIFIED Of Sellable Business AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES fioa and 83-R. fMy r nirht service. f-14tf AUCTIOMEERS F. N. WOODRY Expert Lirestork. furniture, real estate AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Bummer Phene SIX for sales datea. ; O. SATTERLEB Auctioneering Booms 25 16. Breymaa Block Phono 430 or) 1211 J. ' ine 13tf BATTERY AND SXXCTRICIAKS R. D. BARTON i EXIDK BATTERIES tarter aad generator work; 171 South . Commercial. j 'Cm, Phone 19$ C0TJXT ST. JOB WILLIAMS BICYCLES AJTD BEFAIRIKO LLOYD S. RAMSDEN DAYTOS BICY- eies ana repairing. 887 Court BSAXZ KELXNXNG XAYBESTOS BRAKE STATION 275 -woma Commercial St.' Phone 102. 18tf canrB remedy L. L. DICK L. M. HUM - -Chinese Medicine Company ' vHelp any known diaeaaa. 420-428. State. - S-31ITI 47HI&OPBA.CTOK i OR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC CHIROPRACTOR. :, Kevrocatometer service. 416-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. Res. 828 R. 11. B. 6COFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC v tor, 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone S194. ,m5tf PMSSMAKIHtt CORSETS MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. , Dressmaking, j Mrs. Carrie Fisher. Me Cornack building. : . : j-lltf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY wording, "Dresamaking" ; price 10 I centa each. Statesman Business Office, ' Ground floor. KXJBCTRJCZAlfS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. H A S O S I 0 i building. Phono 1300. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934. 223 N. Liberty. FLEENER EL EOT RIO CO. House wiring by. hour or contract. Es i timatee furnished. Phone 960471 i Court St. t - " s . ' . EYE EAR MOSS THROAT I Dr. Harold M. Brown EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. 820 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 218t. j-14tf FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE: BEST farm paper, send lc to the Pacific . Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three mon'ha" trial subscription. Mention , this .nd. ; POCLTRYMEN " 5END EIGHT TWO eent stump, for special three months' trial for the beat and oldest journal in the west. 1 The articles and advertise tnents are! of special interest to th - poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest ; Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercijitreet Halem. Oregon. FXNANCIAI, : SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Will set 6 to 30 t BECKE ft HENDRICKS i . : U. S. Nafl Bank r ' .-; !, jt-tf ; FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET it : loan on good farm security. 1 . CITY LrOASS We are loaning Pre ifdeaual Insurance Company money 01 ' eity residences and business property 1 at SVb plus n eommission. Hawkins Roberts, Ine, 306 Oregon Building i 1 ; d-14ti r ARM LOANS LESS INTEREST . longer tune, no commission. Protect gainst adveitity. City loans, : lowest rates, monthly installments, pre-pay an eat privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room : 2. over Ladd ft Bush bank. LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP rty at a low rate on the easy payment plan, so at end of year yon are al . paid up. Farm loans on large or smsl : tract private money. See first and yon will go no farther. O. W. Lnflar 410 Oregon Bldg. Farm Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT , 408 Orepon Building f IX0KIST8 CUT FLOWERS; WEDDING BOUQUETS : funeral wres t h s, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt. florist, 123 N. Liberty. Ph FRtHT BUYER 1 WARD K. RICltARDSON, Salem. Oregon 2385 X. Front St. Phone 2184. m2 WARD K. RICHARDSON, Salem, Oregon. . 2385 N. Front St. Phone 2144. Straw berries, blackcaps, currants, cherries, rnoseberrie. etc. - m'2 , FUXERAX, DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREO ters. 2 10 Center. Phne tfi.Sg. FURNITURE STORES UIESE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y 1 furniture .or j less money. 873 Court. 1 Phone 484. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW - and second hand rural t .re; $71 N. Commercial, f HEMSTXTCHIVO HEMSTITCHING. 6 AND 8c 153 8. High i wi-jS.3 (wEANUlHlLEt i CH1ET PiMN- ! W-THE-NEOJ REVIVE-? , , FROM I I HIM CONFESS HE PffM-eX ' yO0 r-- y-1 lir-.C UPf. eLOUJ ANO OP FRit-ND ; Ii oh .da toy, X MARRY TIT ' NlGMTV - r TOO.CMIEF : HE S iMc etCAL. CATTLE I r3AVt . taPL T V BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged La Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference HEMSTITCHING HEM8TITCHIVO. STAMPING, PLEAT ing. The Petite Shov. Room 6, ever Buaiclu. - n29tf SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone $79. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile .4 310 C. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone $07 Insure; Tow homo or ear new Phone 161 8TCKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. LADIES TAILPRINO D. H. M0SHER TAILOR FOB MEM . and women.' 474 Court St, LAUlf DRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165, Set vice with a smile. . Quality work. 1264 Broadway. j-14tf TRY THE HOME WET WASH -LA UN dry. Phone 171. 1856 B street. j-17ti SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 816 8. Liberty street. Phone 35. oldest; larg est and bjL ' Established 1889. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED B! THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for an delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. f!9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM C0CGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. 1 MTJSIO STORES SHERMAN CLAY ft CO, PIANOS Steinways, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Musie House, 415 Court street. GEO. C WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet musie, and piano atudies. Repairing phono- , graphs and sewing machines. 432 State street, Saleu. ! TRADE YOUR OLD PIANOFOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. .L. 43tiff Furni- NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER A 4.U T E AND chronic diseasea. 415 Oregon Building. Phone 110. NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pesrcy Bros., 237 State. PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping. call Stiff's Furniture Store, Phone H4t. '- ' PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING ' PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ete. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI aao tuner. Leave ordera Will's Musie Btore. PLUMB TNQ PLt'MBfNG AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 141 Liberty Phone SSO. f-JOH RADIO SPLITD0RF RADIO, SALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at nay price. nin e.a High ft Trade f!3tt RADIO DOCTORS 8ALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. & BARTON. Prop. Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purse r-?WT-b ah Bianaara aisee f Radio Tabes HALIK EOFF LETRI0 SHOP 83T Court St. Phone 4W8 REPAIRIJfO ALTIN B, STEWART 847 Court 8t. Umbrellas, Cutlery aad Keys Lawnmowers. rssor-blades, scissors, IkniveemlooshB-gerie SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all k-nds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned ' and dead animals - re moved. I'nones: vttice ai or viv, nea. 2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoe. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange, $43 North Commercial. Phone 1808-w. STOVES AND STOVE BEPAXXIVO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National lenee, sixes so to an tn. niga. j-ainia, oils aad varnishes, etc- loganberry and bop books. Salem Fenee and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124 STORAGE WE STORE YOUR HOUSEHOLD Goods r anything yon have, by the week month or yesr. P. A. Eiker, corner Liberty and Ferry. Phone 121. d 14tf MRS. O. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil lev's alore. Phofi. 1IT Reclstered U. 8. Fsteztt Office) V SEE . TUP rTT F ' COULPAir UiAS UP SOME L 1 WAS BOBBEP ! VUHf SA" ILL. AR REST VUM - j i If VS sT rs TRANSFER AND HATTLUfO CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 826 State 8t. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Got ur rates. WE MOVE. STORE AND 8HIP HOUSE hold goods. . Our specialty ia piano aad furniture moving, we also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on vs for prlees. ; We give good measure, good quality end good service. Larmsr Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. TRANSPORTATION 1 PARKER'S STAG a, LINES J. . W. Parker, General Manager. Central Stage Terminal SALEM. OREGON Principle Oae-Way and Round Trip wroa on r J One 1 Sound Way! Trip ,$1.00 81.70 . .T6 , J0 .90 . 1.00 1.80 . .T 1.SS . .65 1.00 . .H 1.40 . 4.60 -T.40 . 8.55 5.70 15 8:00 . 1.60 S.SO . 1.8 t.00 . 1.80 - S.40 Station MeMinnvtlw Monmouth Dallas Falls City SUvorton Iadependsnee Amity Tillamook Hebe WilUminn Sheridan Dayton Hewberg Parker Stare linen makes Wm redne- tioa in Expreeai Rates, from 80 to 60 cents en the hundred pounds. Reason able rate on O.OJD. collating. Send your expresa by Stage sad set quicker service. ' Oall 696 for Infen m atlon WATER SJjJC-C WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. Offieo, 801 8outh Commsrclal St, Tea per eent discount on domestic flat ratee paid in advance. No deduction for absence or any cans, nnloaa water is shut off your premises. Auditorium Packed Sunday , To Hear Choral Society SILVERTON (Special to The Or., A)ril 14. Statesman!) The Eugene Field auditorium was packed Sunday night when the Silverton Choral society gave its Easter progra good program form of solos, numbers. As a special min Edwards m. An unusuauy was offered in the duets, and chorus treat Prof. Benja of the University Bible school at Eugene,) gave a vocal solo and a piano solo. Prof. Edwards was forced to respond to a number of encores. Tom Kaar hus of Eugene jwasydirector of the Choral society, 'and? Mrs. Olaie So lum! was accoinpanj.t. i ! 'i- - ;-:'- ' . 1 ' i Ajself-made man i3 a good sport, anyway. It is fine of hira to take the ! blame. f'.vfioiisis of the Annui' Staletmnt of The Commonwealth Insurance I Co. of New York of New York, in the Stale of New York, on the 31st day of December. 1024. made to the Insurance j Commissioner of the Stateiof Oregon, pnrtn.tnt to lsw: t Capital Amount of Caji:al Stuck paid np .- J $ 1 Inco-ne Net premiums receivel during the year I $ Interest, dividenJe and 500.00O.00 3,082.036.33 rents received during the year .. .. .....1 $ 211,549.55 Incomic from other 1 son re- 1 cs reet'ived durinc the year ..' i J $ ill.23G.44 Total income $ 3,301,842.52 ZMsbit.-sements Net losses p.iii! during the year including adjust ment e.penses Dividends paid on rapitsl 'Stock dnring the year . $ Commissions and salaries patid daring the yesr . $ Taxes, licenses and fees psid during the ear ..$ 1.481,772.48 " 50,000.00 " 808, J 40.80 88,055.72 486,734.78 Amount of all other ex peoditures ; ... $ Toital expenditures :.....$ 2,914,713.78 ; r . Assets. - - ... Value of real estate own-. ed (market value) None Value ef storks and bonds . owned (market value) $ 4,710,160.00 Loans on mortgages and roUateral, etc 4 $ 117,400.00 Cash in banks and on band i..,.J. 332,579.66 Pre lioms in : con r re of -oli!e-tion written since ' September 30. 1J34 $ 593.192.61 Reinsurance ; recoverable : on paid losses .,..,.. ' . . l.5?!.30 Int-rtst and reutt due and accrued $ CO.743.03 : Total admitted sssets....$ LtabUitiet Gross claims for i losses unpsid i 1 $ Amount of uaesrned pre ; miums on all outstand ing risks i Due for commission tuA Irekerage i All ether Labilities - 5,$15,615.5 840,103.00 2.903,1 CG. 41 15 45T.S 123,395.55 ' Tal liabiHties. I escln- -! sive of capital stock of : $500,000.00 i ' 3.379,591.30 Business In Oreren 'or Uio Year Kcti ipremiums received during the year J -. - 30,253.99 Losses paid during the year ,i i 21,898.17 Lks incurred 'during the year i.. . .. ... 23.387.17 THE COMMONWEALTH INS. . CO.. Of ; NEW YORK Cecil F. ShiiHcrn. President : . Robert Newboalt, -Secretary. Stafutorv ' resident attrney for service: C. E. Smith, Portland. - By ED WHEEL AN SHERl Fr. THAT5 . WHV T PROVE AN AUDI 'CAVSfc I V!ERE eeiNGW THE- CH!fff 3R0E "TUE NtHT THC PO- -P -v Wouldn't it be awful if the senate-should disapprove the Whito House chef?- Hogs are worth more on the bcof, "but ever less and less be hind the steering wheel. 1 1 1 Synopsis' f tbe Annual Ptstemcnt of tbs Central vlanufacturers J.Iu tual Insurance Company of A Wert, -in the Stat, of Oj io. on the i 1st day" ot December. 19.21, made to the InsuraVice lorannsMner ot the State of Oregon, vorsuant to lawi Capil Amount of ctpital tik psid up Incoote Net premiums receive : during the year ...:..7Jl - 2,071.93j.-7 Ir.terevt, divitleiwls ami j rents receivett nurip? 1 the year lut oiue lroni other sour cs received Curias Af ' 95,804.42 s57.3 year Total income Disbursements Net losses paid durinc the year mcludir-j ad justment expenses $ lAvidends paid to policy holders during the year Commissions and salaries paid during the year .. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during- the year Amount of all other ex penditures 2.1C8,aCf o 779.796:X1 495.926.35 4.11,141.03 2!,fiOC.tt 119,760.5 Total expenditures $ l.b56,23D.27 Asaets Value of real estate ' owned (market value ..$ 4 8.000.00 Value of stocks ' and bonds owned ImsrkeJ. value) '1.672.090.011 Loans on mortrsg-es and coliaterslv etc -. 472.450.OU Cash in banks snd on hand 142.126.8i Premiums in euurse of collection written since September 30, 1924 .. 376,030.51 Interest and tents due . and accrued-. - ?3.or,o.si: Total admitted assets ..$ .73l,j7. ) Liabilities Gross claims for losses unpaid - '111.041.03 Amount- of unearned pre miums on att outstand ing riska - 1.147.8332 Due ior romuiihsion aud brokerage 61. 40.1. All other liabilities 2fl.8l5. Total liabilities, exelu- -sive of capital stock vlve-of capitsl stock 8 1.850. f 02.1 3 Business in Oregon for the Year - Net premiums received during the year $ 7.6ti!.0t Lose paid , during the year 10,611.4) Losses incur'cd durinj the jenr ...r,... 10.599.21 1 ilK CKXTR 1 1 MANI'FACTCKKKM' IfLTL'AI. 1NSCRANCK CliMPASV II. V. Olncy, President. C. A. I. Purmert, 8c-retary. Statutory resident attorney for service; Iiiir?ice 'ommivirtncr. Sal-in. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Or SAZJB OP GOVERNMENT TIMBER General Land Office Washington. V. C. March 17, 1925. Notice is hereby given that subject I the conditions and limitations of the art of June 9. 1918 (39 HtsU, 21 8). and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat.. i58), and depart mental regulations of April 14, 1924 (50 l,.I.. 37). the timber on the following lands will he sold May 5. 1925, at 10 a. m., at public auction at tbo United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less Itiso the ap praised value as shown by this aotine, ssle o be subject to the approval ri th Secretary of -toe Interior. ITie j-urvliS price, with an additional iron of (ine-fifik Of one per cent thereof being eojinissioni allowed. muKt be deposited at tini ot sale, money to he rrtnnnxl If sate is i" approved, otherwise patent will isxue f the timber whi'h mnst li- removed withit ten years. Bi'ls will be received fron citixens of the United States, association! of such citisens. and eorporatioas crsarv ized under the laws ef the United States, or anv State, territory, or district-there) of. only. - Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any Ie;al sub division will be offered separately Won being included in any offer of a larrei unit. T. 6 8.. R. 2 K., pec. 5. Si-"i NE. fir 920 NE SR. fir 3 M.Sec. 7. 8WV4 NEVi. fir 60O M frl NW4 SWH, ar 9O0 M., T. 3 N R. W.,-Sec 21. SW4. fir 4 75 M., T. 8 8..VB. 5 K., Sec. 19, 8WV4 SEVi, fit 980 M., cedar 235 If., hemlock 400 it, none of the timber on these sections tn he sold for less than $ .50 per M fi the fir and $0.50- per M. for the cedar and hemlock. T. 1 S, R. 5 E., Sec 11, XW NEW. fir 1460 M.. hemlock 60ti M., cedar 60 M.. NK4 NW14. fir 2440 M.. hemlock 560 M., cedar 80 II.. SWi, NWVi. fir 21-10 M.. hemlock 830 non of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $2.50 per U. for th fir nd $1.50 per M. for the hemlck ni l cedar. T. 8 ., R. 8 W Sec. 17, SKH NVY14, fir 140 M, NWVl NWi, fir 78 M , none of the timber on these tracts tt bo sold for leas than $2.00 per M. T, 7 8.. R. 1 E., Sec. 27. SW4 XKVi stan-1-ing fir 765 M., down fir 60 M., hemlo k 20 M., seised logs on this tract net in cluded herein and no sale to be made fur lees than $2.00 per M. for 1ke tt.mdin; fir end $1.00 per M. tor tbo cwn fir and hemlock. 1 WILttAM SPRY. . Com-s uiaioner. 1 . .Kek -8-'ty 1 Iao. Xodce of IntPntlon ; to' ? Improve Xorth Seventeentli Street From Chemeket- Street to Center Street. - Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove North Seventeenth 6trect Jrom the north line of Chemel tta street to the south line of Center street, at the expense of the abut Ing and adjacent property, ex cepting the street and alley inttr tections, the expense of which :111 be assumed by the City oT ?alem. by bringing Eaid portion f said street to the established ?rade, constructing cement con :rete curbs, and paving said ror "ion of said etrcet with a plx-inc'i emcnt concrete pavement t'airty iqi qjiM eantpjooau. uj api.a : :; rlan3. specifications and ilm:Ur 3 'herefor, which were adopt"! lv Ihe Common Council .April V. 1925, now on file in the office of he City Recorder and which sal i ilans, specifications and eitinmtps tre hereby referred to and ciado 1 part of this noti-o. The Common Council Lrc'cy declares its purpose and inten tion to mafce the above demerit : 1 Improvement by and tlironrh t! q tfect Improvement Dciartii tt 3t the City of Ealem. Written remonstrances nay I 1 filed with theClty lienor !-r tl safd city against the al-ovo ; -posed Inirroveraent t ' 1 t days from date cf fl::il : tion hereof. JJy order tf. tU C-.-: . cii Arm g. i::3. V 9 T- "- f A . k. w - ... " TJats c f fir' L ' vZ ' to us Bprsciatea. f.n.. t18 000- Kiy teitlsM "W. U. 0RABENH0RJJT A, CO. 24 fctate fat, 25 13 : ': " f , ! 1 H i - i 'is April c- I