THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OttEJON TUESDAY MORNING; APRIL 14, 1025 .1 I! -':! v- V 1 i, iinniairiii We have the youngj Suits that are distinctive. ' The fabrics are entirely new ancj rather striking in effect. : The young men we will get a lot of joy and wearing our sort of garments. Prices $18.00 G-'Ef. Jotinson & Co 469 State Street AT THE THEATERS TODAY Oregon Lon Chaney in "He Who Gets Slapped.". : -i Liberty4-"The Gold Fish" with Constance Talmadge. Biigh Marionettes and j '..;! "Lawless Men." ! Held for Investigation V I I;; ! E. H. Anson was arrested by Officers James and Davis at the Southern Pacific station Sundajy night because of a disturbance yij I raised upon a train. He was r- leased Monday morning. 10 Inch Dry Slab Wood . ' Prompt delivery, f Spaulding Logging Co. -Phone 1TJ30' aI5 IVesby tery to Me-t- ; ! Representatives of the Presby terlan churches in thie Willamette valley will be held at MllljCItjy Tuesday and Wednesday, Carl If. Smith, chief audi ton of the state highway department. ' will, reprd sent the First Presbyterian church ot Saiem. Betweegt 60 and 75 representatives are Expected at ths ' meeting. Rev. Ward Willis Lcn i and Secretary C. A. Kells of th s Salem YMCA will attend. ' Re. C. Stanley Knott-is pastor; of th WOODRY Buys Furnituro ; Phone 511 T 1 DR. B. II. WHITE i Ottoopatay-8Bxgry BactroBte DlicnftrtJ and Treatment CD. Abns's method) I Office none SSf er 469-J IM 17. 8. Suk Side. LADD & BUSH, Bankero V'V .EsiabliLhcd 1808' li-.'- General Bailking Business - Office Hoirs fromj When You Are Keady f Tn .MnvA . , Call on us, for. we have pddded Vans and Fleece-lined covers for your furniture . J ?i. .' uu iurnnure movers. : We also handle Brooder Stoves, - Furnace , r Coals and Diamond Briquettes ; Also have A-Star-A. Shingles for $3.25 per Thousand Larmer Transfer & ; I L:. ; Storage Goi g- j i' 1 h L, ,L 9 y- - , .. - . - ;.:; V ' L. k. . I men's ideal suits. clothe this spring satisfaction in to $45.00 NEWS' im Mill City (Presbyterian church, where the delegates will meet Auction sale or - j i I Very high class household furni ture, including antiques, rare old dishes, bric-a-brac -and lovely draperies, fugs, etc., Thursday next 459 Oak street, 1:30 p.- vn Mrs. Ruby Flint Hughes, owner. F. N. Woodijy,. auctioneer. al4 Tennis Fan to Meet - I . The Salem Tennis association will meet tonight at the Chamber of Commerce. Plans for the sea son will be discussed. All mem bers of the organization and all others interested are urged to be present. . - Valley Grilt ; Open all night after April 15th. V,:-X: i a-ntf Play I Presented- 1 PnpHs of the 'Keizer school were warmly received when they presented "Deacon Dubbs." . The cast ' had 'Yecelved considerable practice' during, the past weeks and they played their parts well. Following took part in the play: Marion Matthes,rGeorge Settle x&Ier, Glen Savage, Oordon Bow den, Howard r Erans, " Margaret Wells, Vivian Adams, , Lulu Mc- Dancingi Dancing! CHBT8TAX. OAXDEVft Xadlae Free ' ; Thomu Bret. Jmxx Bead: Orcieetre, : Full of life ead Vp( SATUEDAT WIGHT x 'Skating, Skating, Skating ! AT I)REAM1ANI); j;; "i ' Thursday; Friday, Saturday - -i id a. nu to 3 p. m. O'S- and piano. First class piano I , ! .. . . ... . f 'I 4 BRIEF l Clay, Claudia Settlemler and Lu- cile Cummings. ; Mrs. jAlbee Mar tin, ; principal, i assisted by Miss Georgia Albee, Mrs. HElflicker and Miss Cone. K I Dance : r i ; Co'e MeElroy's orchehtra, Thurs day, April 16, Crystal Gardens, al 6 Police Conrt Keport- 3Por driving! on the wrong side of the street H. C. Ortrim paid a Martin fine of S5 to Police Judge Poulsen, iwhile Bernard White paid : a fine of $2 folr smoking C. E. Mil- cigarettes. C. !Hall and ligan forfeited - $10 bail which eachj had placed with thei police officials after speeding. being a rrested for :-4 For Sale Cheap At the i Certified ; Piiblic Motor Car! rMarket. I A superior model Chevrolet Touring, thoroughly re conditioned, including k new paint job. I See this Vt bio bk north of post office. al7 Fined for Act . R. E. Coates and A. toii, Dallas residents. J, Farring who were arrested on charges, of disorderly conduct, were fined f 1 terday by police Judge 0 each yes 'Poulsen. ! Chimney Maze A chimney fire called the fire department to 630 North Com mercial street Monday morning. No damage was reported, j: Beautiful Home 4 17000. Brand new and every thing you, want Including radio and cedar closets. Reason for sell ing1. Fairmount hill. , Becke , & Hendricks. U. S. Bank Bldg. al2tf Building Permit. Issued i i ' - A. J; Jacobg-was issued a bulld Ingf permit esteTday by City Re corder Poulaent. to. erect a dwell ing, at 990 North Church at an estimated cost of $5750, Housn Hansacked - : ,: Dan J.' Fry, Jr. reported Id the police yesterday that ' his house had been 'ransacked during the absence of members of the house holds Officers Investigated the robbery c- and" reported - nothing stolen." T art Tin tt TTniveFaAl-M " Stove show. II. J4 3tlff Furni ture Co. -f al4 Ballot Hearing Today " ; The hearing of the proposed bus measure ballot title, objected to by the county courts of Marion and Linn county, f will be held at-. 11 o'clock, this morning. Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle was in formed Monday. The hearing was scheduled for Friday. . Caeccr Removed " ' ;: Yesterday , by use of medicine. Dr. Ston -removed a large cancer fromUhe fo"t-head of L. M. White of Salem. - 11 a-14- SvdnuninzTAwards Offered " Swimming activities are starting at the YMCA jth an opportunity of : earning' a badge or. emblem showing the degree pt proficiency , c TO INTO EMATIO W ABOUT BAIXJLOjLD TKIT S V(f Phone 727.::J OKEOOH ., i IXECTEIC hedcced suxnrcn tjltes , , . TO CALIFOHXIA BY PICKWICK STAGES San FraBcSavw, one way. f 13.60 Round Trip, $30.00 ' Los Angeles, one way, (27.S3 Hound Trip, 50X0 fascial Rates to Parlies of Eight or More Tet Xsfonnstlon asd Heserra Uozs phess 96, or call at :l CE-rmAi etaci3 gTm?.nr?Aii : U 7 K Here la food, rall&ble, usA cnumtlti family car: ZaU 1919 OtkUnd ' Sedan. God Una aad In good me chanical condition. Only $350 SEE IT TOD AT! car In the art. J Regular classes will be organized, which will give everyone a! chance to earn the credits. Later on. contests be tween the different classes will be started and! other swimming ac tivities will be sponsored. Last Hay of Universal Stove showi H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. ! al4 Two Teams; t4 Compete The Krazy Kats and the Gnmps will tangle for honors in baseball at a future jdate, . according to plans of BobNBoardman at the YMCA. The first team is for boys 1 5 years of age who are large, and the. other teajm is organized; by boys who are small for their age; Naomi Phelps Assisted by Vocal Concert l Mrs. Carrie Chase, reader. Christian church Tuesday April 14. j 1 - . al4 Boys' Chortto Entertained . E. Cooke Patton entertained the Salem Boys chorus at their regu lar meeting lat night with tricks of the hand.! In addition two reels of motion pictures were shown. Previous to the entertainment the bays rehearsed singing. Elderly Man ; Injured J. W. . Rodgers, age ' 50, ! ware houseman, wai " taken to the Sa- lem hospital with a : fractured afternoon when he skull Monday fell froril a (Ford truck while en deavoring to keep some boxes and barrels from rolling off. No se vere external injuries were receiv ed by the man although he suffer ed from concussion of the fall and the head injuries. The probable chances of recovery are good, it is Btated. The Golden Ambulance service made a quick run to the hospital with the injured man. Can Yon Use A large home. Here's 8 rooms plastered and bath, loada of good bearing fruit and large garden; fine place for chickens, garage. Vacant at 1595 North Church;. on large east front corner lot close to car and i school. Any respon sible family can buy like rent right now. Vacant today. Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. al2tf Visits Daring Week-End- . W. A. Long, physical, director and instructor at the Silrerton high -school, was a Salem visitor during the week-end. Besides be ing coach of athletics, Mr. Long Is well known for bis vocal talent. Doctored All Winter, Finds Relief "I doctored! all winter didn't help a bit, but Foley's Hon ey & Tar Compound was just;the thing for my , cough and cold," writes Mr. Henry Daniel, Berrys burg, Penn.! "Foley's Honey V Tar Compound Is one of- the largest Belling; cough I- tiedlcine - In ; the world. ; Contains no opiates -In4 gredients are printed on-each car ton. Good for old and young. Re-, fuse substitutes. . Insist upon Foley's. Adv. I f.. Packs Injured lArm , i i ; f ; . X Wallace Hug, son of George H. Hug, superintendent of ; city schools. Is packing.his arm in a sling since he fell from a bicycle while rounding a"corner recently; Rilverton Vlslto v Deputy State! Forester Conemil ler and Benjamin J. Klmber, Mar lon county YMCA executive, were in ! Silvertonj last night where Mr. Conemiller addressed the Silverton Pioneer clubs on, God's Great Outdoors," an illustrated Itcture. A Rich Piece of Bottom Land 4, For sale, AH miles from Salem on easy terms. Room 205 Oregon bldg. F, N' Derby, owner. 15 Annual Ifpctinjc Called ' . i The s annual V meeting of - the board r of directors f the Salem YWCA will; be held this mornlag at the YWCA. headquarters. The psual business of. the meeting will be considered and routine-matters discussed. Mrs. J, J. Roberts Is president. " - -" Deputy Recovering:. " ' - Roy Bremmer, deputy sherlft has now practically " recovered from a severe attack of influenza which has kept him at home fpf over a week. ' " ' Last Day of TJnlversaJ - ; y Stove show, i H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. '. - ' al . . - 1 - . ?t : .'. , k t ... Nino Licenses Issued . ;. Salem was well represented In the marriage licenses that were issued by-the county clerk Satur day and Monday, with nine local people listed , The licenses were taken out by Walter Holman of Salem and Mildred Norris of Tnrr ner; Paul If. Brown and Naomi Whalen, both of Salem; Clark Johnson of Tillamook and Annetta Earle of Salem: Charles H. Elrey and Louella A. Zozell, both of Smith, botb of Salem; - Clarence I. Cook of Toledo and Ruth Young of Salem. (The last two couples were married by John T. Hunt, county judge. . - . Kidnaping Alleged- Velma Mitchell charges her hus band with -having forcibly taken their child from her and that he intended to! accuse her of infidel ity, in two 'affidavits filed in cir cuit court yesterday. ; She recent ly made an! affidavit for support money; ; which was answered by the statement that ha was unable to get the money. She now states the man has property valued at $5,000. .! She also states the child is not receiving proper treatment, having onijj the company j of her husband an an uncle. , - Furniture Packing . j ; h A specialty. H. L.. Stiff Furni ture Co. - i al4 Relieves! Cough IJke Magic "FOLEY3 HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND; Is the only cough medicine that ever gave me relief. It works on a congh or cold like magic," writes Mr. George Forse, 3766 Bigelow Blvd., Chicago, 111. Contains no opiates. Good for old atid youhK. FOLEY'S HONEY & TAR COMPOUND is one of the largest selling congh medicines in the world. -Jin demand over fifty years. , Insist upon FOLEY'S. Refuse substitutes. -Adv. Thompson Photographed Clarence W. Thompson, ex-teller of the. state treasurer's officf who 'was sentenced to nine years in the statej prison for misappro priating state funds, was photo graphed Monday and had his ber- tillon measuremets taken. He will be assigned to work - in the yard today. Warden A. ,M. Dairy m pie said, probably the flax mill!. Later Thompson may be given a place in the prison office. I Item of Interest . Exactly 100 years after George Washington j married the Widow Curtis, the richest woman In all the 13 colonies, the state of Orffn gon was j admitted to the; union, according to thei bulletin ' of the Chamber of Commerce. t I Membership Committee : Col. Carle Abra'ms, George F. Arbuckle and George Vick were appointed on the membership committee of! the Chamber of Com? merce for this week, according to announcements made yesterday, i MflKter .Plumbers i IneludI . - The. Salem . Chamber of Com merce can now boast of member ship of the master plumbers of the city, according to announce ment made yesterday, by '. T. ' M. Barr. j : Due to the efforts ' or Mr. Barr, four new" members were se cured for the organization - during the past week. The master plumb ers are T. Mj Barr, J. A. Bernard!, D. F. Dohertr. A. t Godfrey, Gra ber Brothers J. B. Nathman, Nel son Brothers, and Pratt & Ras trussen. They say the story of how the plumber went to work and then bad to go back for mora tools is now declared old stuff. Anniversary Remeniberrd .A. unique jservice , fp; commem orate the 400th anniversary of the New Testament Into English by Dr. Tyndall will be held at Kim ball School of Theology chapel this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Drs. McCormlck and Riddle - will give addresses, Ai pleasing feature will be the unvefling of a beautiful oil painting of "The Man of Sorrows" which has been 'presented j to the school by thjsrtfstMrs Fransetta, Drake of Portland. The publie will ' be cordially welcomed to these exercises.' ,,; - A".-' -; . -V n. Ilirbmnn i Return Dr. Eugene HiBkmsnt; presi dent of - Kimball college, and his father; Rev. 0. William Hickman, returned yesterday from Portland wherfthey? have engaged In an evangelistic Cfnsad n the Cen tral' Methodist chureh fer the past two! weeks.-v a8 afresult of their efforts 3 S. candidates were bap tized, on ; Easter Sunday : and 60 membership in the church, - with Id man to b Fft ceived next Sunday. , The efficient Just received a new ship- v nient of genuine ! Bottles j ,.r. ( j in pint size j Regular Price $1.50 For one week only at 89c See our .window for display .Only at ; QCHAEFER'ft V U DRtO STORE ; Tb.e VeHow Fronf?; . V l 0 .The' "Penslar : Store " ; 123 Ncrth Ccnraerciil ll V I-cne 107 ; Thernios pastor of Central church Is Dr. J, , C. Spencer, former pastor of Leslie church of this city. Dr. Hickman and his father conducted a crusade In the Methodist church ot Seaside prior. to the crusade in Portland which resulted in .-40 baptisms on Easter Sunday and more than two score accessions to the membership of the church. Rev. G. William Hickman, a re tired member of the Minnesota Annual conference, has recently purchased a home on South Six teenth street audi will make bis future homer In, Salem. Visit Our t'sfdlFuraitui Department on High street, op posite court house. Furniture Co. H. L. Stiff al4 District Governor Visit " Frank E. Neer, i district gover nor of the International Lions; Merrill D, Ohling. Rev. Martin Fereshetian. Rufe White, C. F. Giese and Stanley Lainson visited the Independence Lions den Mon day noon. E. Cooke Patton was also a guest and furnished enter-' tainment with his legerdemain. . Birth Certificates Filed j Elgin Eugene Baidinger is the name given to the baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Baidinger of 1156 South Thirteenth on April 12; May Susie Du Rette was born to Mr.-and Mrs. F. R. Du Rette of Gervais1 on March 25; Donald Ed ward Frey is the name given to a! son born to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Frey at the Willamette sani tarium' on March 30, while Har riet Hawkins is the name given to the. baby girl, born to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hawkins at the Sa lem hospital April 5. Cody Wins Race j Cody Evans, Salem motorcycle rider and racer of the Harry Scott agency, riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle won in the big meet at - Vancouver. , Wash., Sunday, taking the two-mile event in 4 minutes, 9 1-5 second; Attend Portland! Banquet The annual Jefferson day ban quet in Portland last night attract ed a number of prominent local democrats. Among those making the trip from" Salem were Govern or Pierce, W. A. Delzell,' private manri a rw r thtk .nvernnr .r G r ' w . i Levens, suite proniDiiion commis sioner; A. M.. Dalrymple warden of the penitentiary; W. ErCrews, state corporation commissioner; Will Moore, state Insurance com missioner; E. E.-Bragg, state in dustrial accident commissioner, and George A. Codding, of the corporation department. A Good Thing DON-T MISS IT Bead rour- nm and ddreaa plain)? written, together1 with 5 eanU (and thia Iip) to Chamberlain Itedicina Co.. Moinea, Iow, and Tctre in rttvra trial paekara oonuioine CHAMBERLAIN'S OOCGH REMEDY for eovglia. eolda. ereap, broncbial "flu" and whooping eoaa-h, and tiekUng thrott; CHAMBER LAIN'S TABI.KT8 tor atomacb troublea. indlgeatkia, gMf pina tbt crowd tb heart. biIionaa and CQQitipatioa; also CHAMBERLAIN'S SALVE, seeded In ev ery family for . burns, scalds, wounds, piles and . skia affections; these valued family medicines for only S lenta. Dgn'l DIED NELSON' In this city April 13. Jonathan Nelson,, age 82. He was a member of Sedgwick post , GAR, and of the IOQF of Iowa. Remains are at the RIgdon mortuary. Funeral announce ments later. MQSER In this city April 13, N. D. Moser, a resident of Tenlno. Wash. Besides his widow, Mrs. Llla Swafford Moser (a former Salem resident, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' E. J. Swafford) Mr. Moser leaves four children. Marjorie, David, patty and Dlx. Remains will be sent from the ' Rigdon 'mortuary to Tenlno on Tuesday April 14, where fune ral services will be held Wd nesday, April 15, 3 p. m. - The New Staple Optical Co. Store - Salem, Ore. brings - to this community the reliable known in Portland. 1 s WE Our system is modern in all respects and we are prepared to supply correctly fitted glasses at moderate prices. WE STAND BACK OF OUR WORIC Masonic BId. . Corner State and High t.g -fr Water Rates InrreAsed -I The Salem Water; Light & Pow er company has filed with the pub lic, service commission . a new schedule for water rates for con nections, that are. not In use. for more than nine, consecutive months.;. A sur-chargel of 20, per cent 'will be charged to the regu lar, rates. Connections in ' .this class will be classed, as temporary connections. . The cost of install ing and making the necessary tem porary connections must be paid by the customer. . : b is. Receives Injuries ; ' ' : " j Mrs. c; Smith of Topa, Cal., $uN fered Injuries to her nose Sunday, when the automobile In which she was riding was turned over on the Pacific highway near the tu lip; farm. The accident occurred when two cars were 'crowded "to gether by an alleged "roadhog," who continued on his way, arter the ditch. seeing the car go' intbi Lions - Visit. Independence ; Salem- Lions motored to Inde pendence yesterday to j meet with the' Lion Dn there for; their reg ular, meeting. . Rev. Martin Fere shetian, local attorney knd pastor of, the Unitarian church presented ari address on the 'Industrial Fu ture of the Willamette Valley." About 10 Lions were in the party. Justice Rand to Speak - ' Justice John L. Rand, of the Oregon supreme court, will deliver the main address at the! Unitarian church, Sunday, April 19, which has been designated as ( "Patriots' Day" by decree of, Governor Walt er M. Pierce. It will commemo rate the 150th anniversary since the battle of Lexington, when the shot of freedom was heard 'round thei world. I 1 1 .SgS. 1 sTTTth tXiMMhiiiviAi, Unreserved 19 Rrjomed w It) t Furnishings mm TODAY, APRIL 14, 10 A.M. 626 South Capitol Street, near Oak St. ,?lea,1 Pr0Derty consisting-of 19-Roomed Apartment Tlonso with double garage, 2 baths and toilet, electric lights and ras; with very large lot. toi be sold without reserve to highest bidder, on following terms: I Purr hnaor in a . MA M. " ! 81 1 'terest Payable in 2 4 , " . rc" ""icriy win De soia ai z o dock sharp. J rersonal PropertyrllO a. m. 9 beds with springs and mat tresses; 6 dressers; S heaters, 2 colled; 5 gas ranges; 9 larse rugs and 7 small rugs; hail runner and stair carpet; a quantity of good linoleum: 6 hole Monarch" Malleable range; 7 oak rock ers; 16 dining chairs; large Hoosier kitchen cabinet In oak; medium sized Hoosier kitchen cabinet In oak; 2 other kitchen cabinets; . large china cabinet; 8-day mantel clock; antique wa.nut hall tree, marble top; 2 antique marble top stand tables; antique walnut Ridfhn rd - rnxirar vr irons; wardrobe; S fall leaf tables', round oak extension table; jaise jarumieres ana nouse plants; 3 oak library tables; dishes; kitchen utensils, rake, shovel, hoe, axe, fruit Jars, hand saw, electric light globes, table covers, wash tubs, ironing boards, boiler, sad irons, clothes basket, pictures, books, stand table, taberettes, garden hose, three 4-gal. Chinese juga. 2 terra cotta tile, ladder with-hooka, and many other articles which space will not permit to advertise. - j Terms oa Personal! Property Cash. -u SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. SHARP ' 1 MRS. WM. RHORT ! f Owner ' Woodry Buys Furniture for FIT YOUR EYES J Staples ;Op-c::caI Carl's Golden Guernsey Milk Direct from Carl's GoU-- Guernsey farm, Hubbard -; Oregon. ", Milk is produced under ni1 , BiiuiLary conauions. t : imv : i are . curried, udders wnshfl j and milk is Jmrnediattly ,; cooled bottled in clean thoroughly sterilized botiles. SUPPLY LIMITED ; As our supply U entirely from our dwn herd av '.an only supply a limited' inu,i ber of customors lor we do not buy milk from various herds. HIGH IN FLAVOR AND QUALITY r Our Guernsey milk ha -flirt very best flavor and is bigh . in quality witb a very huh test. PRICE Pint, per month, ??.rtft. Quart, per month, $a.C0. CARL'S GOLDEN GUERNSEY FARM HUBRARI), ORE. ' SALEM PHOXK 1321 Co-eds Plan Carnival The Co-ed Carnival will bt hM at Willamette university Saturday, April 18. The, carnival Is un an nual affair given by. the pirls o" the school and to Wch thf boy are cot invited. The' stunts thi t year will vary a Kreat deal nnI will include everything from twm to faries. $1.50 Alarm Clock: at $1.19 " ' Thia Week Only Guaranteed One Year , TYLER'SDRUG STORE PHOXK :t5 Apartment House and n UU ss VfcafcC XfL w,UVW years, balance of purchase price p. x. ivoonnv Auctioneer. I'lione CI1 Cash or Sells on Commission" 1 service so well Cc. ' " 1 BPiIsS Wk1t$ IksiSI Smtlinlttrf l in li im3 nm t... ,r m Sslen;' John Fr'ZaSr-sscrae1