The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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t -
Iaaacd Daily Kxept Monday by "
315 South Commercial t.. Kaiea. Ih-dKos
K. J. Heaarirka..
Fred J. Tool..
.Managing Editor
C. K. Logan
Loalla Smith
.. city Editor
...Telegraph Editor
Andrea1 bunch..
.Society Editor.
- The Aeioriated Preas ia axelnaivaly entitled to the aaa for publication of all sews
dlepatebea credJtel to it r not tnerwi credited ia this paper and alao the local
sows puhliahed borein. , j i -i . ;t ;'! ;j , ;
Thomai F. Clark Co, New York, 141-145 Went 36th 8t,; Chicago. Marquette Build
Inc. W. S. GrotbwahL Mgr. i i t
Portland OffU-e, S30 Worceater Bide, Phono 6637 BRoadway. Albert Byers. Mgr.
33 or 583 Circulation Office
Baalnea . Offlra .
Newt Department
Jon Department
Zatere at the Poetofftce In Salem,
The loyal citizens of Salem who have undertaken to put
over the proposition for the second linen mill in thi3 city are
deserving of all praise ' '. j " . 1 ' ' ' : - ;, j i
' Because they are serving their city in tfie most import
ant constructive way it could possibly be served at the pre
sent time, for their success will well nigh fix Salem as the
fine lirfen center of North America j H ji ; lj j ;i I
And they are doing more. They are serving their state
by hastening the establishment
dustrial development in Oregon
And still more: They
hastening the time of the
States in flax and linen products, keeping $100,000,000 a year
at home, and more and more as the country grows. Nor need
the market be confined to this country We can compete
with the world, on more than equal terms. I j i
There will be no praise too high for these patriotic hust
lers : 'i i " !'!'."!;; ; j in !;! !.;' ;
. And they should be received with open arms.
Every one in any way interested in Salem should whole
heartedly speed to their aid. I h ; j '
'Representative Hawley, of Oregon, ranking Republican
member of the ways and means committee, who! has been in
New, York recently, making a thorough study of the; admin
istrative laws and the way they work out in actual practice
at that great port, will map out a program for consideration
-by the committee when it convenes in September or October
ahead of the next regular session. Chairman Green, of the
committee, who is on his wayito Europe, where he will spend
several weeks, goes primarily to study; the tax question, but
intends to give attention also to European tariff systems and
the way in which they are-administered. It is through an in
tensive study of our own administrative weaknesses however,
that reform and revision inmethods'of admmfetration-in this'
"country must come,- and Representativedreenlias gone about
that systematically and thoroughly. Mr. Hawley favors con
sideration of this subject by congress next winter, and he is
wise enough to see that with prompt and proper reform in
these administrative features, the existing tariff law can be
better enforced, more revenue collected, under valuation (Pre
vented, leaks stopped and the interests of all domestic indus
tries and producers safeguarded' American Economist. ! j t j L
t The above from the American Economist! the official
magazine of the American Protective Tariff League, is good
neWS ; 1 ' ' i ; : ; !: I : :' ! ill
And the proposal will have the favor of every American
without selfish interests who has or has ever had experience
with or intimate knowledge of the administration of the tariff
laws , - ,; ' .. 1 ; : ;.J:;' '. j; ..; m H;
For it is one thing to pais a tariff law, and it is another
thing to administer it; an administration unfriendly to! the
spirit of the law can make the law! fail to do what it was in
tended by its makers to do. 1 - j ' y
There are five foot shelves pf books containing decisions
on appeals as to valuations and' classifications - :
And there are thousands of cases up all the time. " The
definition of a. single word may make a difference of millions
annually to the United States treasury, and it may give free
trade to articles that were intended to be protected. ;' j
Congressman Hawley will
And he will find it a great
complishing the revision of these laws, some of them in effect
almost since the government wasj established, -and therefore
obsolete, do much good to his country. : I f;
i Mr. Hawley is on his way home to Salem due to arrive
here about the 20th. ;
i The reported efforts of the
a basis for greater ,equality in levying taxes than now pre
vails should receive public commendation. One of the glar
ing defects of present taxation
assessments the rates varying
individuals and organizations from ten percent or less to one
hundred percent or mere. ! ! : ;f ; V
I Nothing like uniformity is ; idhered to in assessments,
over the state, of different kinds of property,. Livestock may
be assessed at full value or at any other percent of value de
cided upon by individual assescos and county! courts, while
commercial or manufacturing
any other rates usually the
Why not assess every piece j of ' property j at fullt cash
value? Verily in this method there would be greater justice
and no' nigher taxes than now.
less complaint of the burdens
Appalling is the court record f wild auto rides and wilder
parties staged by youth of both sexes in -this community re
cently. One result is that a bevy of men and young girls is
row in the lime-light, and ; the most disgraceful event, in
which booze was prominent feature, clusters around these
persons."- . -. - ' -, - - - '-" 1 ' ' -" -i '::.:r
; And the xnore's the shame and the pity that among those
rreted ere cirls well within their teens who blush net, it is
rr-- -1 r V-'t cr,7i'ri:ccnd'jct.'; Vhils sons'of 'the mala
W. H. Henderson U..Clrcalatioa Manager
Ralph -M. Kletiiag.LAdVertiaiag Manager
rraait JakvKL.., Manager Job IJept.
K. A. Kuouo... ;, Editor
w". C Coaaar i Hou.try Editor
Society Editor
Oregon, aa aecondelaaa matter
of the largest permanent in
j j i ;
are serving their
country by
the United
self sufficiency!; of
find this a great study
opportunity. He can by ac
state board of control to find
is1 the haphazard methods of
for different counties and for
plaits are ,subject to these or
latter. ; j
And there should be much
of taxation
species, arrested with them and too low in the moral scale of
human beings to be entitled to the appelation men, maintain
an attitude of like indifference. . 'f '!
1 In. the meantime who is responsible for this social condi
tion is a pertient question. Surely men who thus j contribute
to the delinquency of girls of school age are subjects of scorn
and condemnation.' -Their connection with such cases might
be expected of the mora pervert; their use of booze to make
drunken their companions and their part in the whole affair,
make a term of hard labor on the rock pile an honor to them.
-': The girls are not without blame, in the matter, either.
Old enough to be away from home in the companionship of
men and engaging in such conduct as the case implies,-they
are old enough to have known and to have done better. .
The parents have their responsibility also. What
they doing? What the supposition about the daughter'
sence from the home all night? -If, through indifference;
these girls were allowed such
worthy or unknown to thoSe
their guardianship, then these
contributing to delinquency jand they should be punished also.
In case these parents were junable to exercise proper control,
the girls should have been saved from the lasting shame and
degradation of now being before the courts by authority of
the state. ; , ' ;
And last but not least
burden of society ? Were t
within neighborly distance
unfavorably mention, who
shown itself in various ways? Did they as individuals, or did
the various clubs for social betterment, or any other organi
zation, protest to the parents
danger, perhaps none of them
But will society now put
redeem and to direct the wrongidoers into lives of future well
doing and' to take such , stand
well being as to make , it difficult - for a recurrence, of such
events. There should bend apology for such endeavor. It Is
plain duty, j Meanwhile the law will take its course for the
wages of sin must be paid.
Idelo GarrtnonH New Pdjum of
3oPYrisM by NewiMser Featara
... "This is a pretty pickle!" DiKky
said, still with, the frown which
had ( greeted . Claire - Foster's
nouncement of the telegram
the mantel. But both frown
words were now directed toward
. i
me, and I knew that if possible
he would contrive to saddle! me
with some variety of blame, con
cerning the wire. : ,
He took the yellow envelope
from the mantel, turned it over
in the absurd way people havfe of
handling telegrams or ' letters
which they do not wish to open,
. . ? . . fc. r. .
out waose conienia iney ougnc 10
know, then looked at me wither-
"I suppose it was beneath your
dignity to make any inquiries con
cerning old Bob's address, so It hat
this telegram could be sent on to
him.'f ' -'
Dicky Is Worried.
I looked at him with the iool.
poised, secretly amused gaze which
every; wife know Is n exception
ally eriicient weapon, . j
"Do you know his addressT" I
countered smoothly. ' . I .
"What's that got to do with it?"
he! snapped., 4 ..-.( .
"Nothing, save that if Ton pos
sessed it, and had given it t6 me
when we came here, I would pave
been able to forward the telegram.
As it was, X returned so neai the
time of your own arrival that 1
knew! It would be useless fo4 me
to do anything about it.". , l
"Always there; with -the ready
alibi," Dicky sneered, and thA fa
miliar, pnrase brought memories of
times when I had shed bitter tears
at hearing it from his lips. But
It rebounded from ray menta ar
mor now, leaving no more pear
than a baby's rubber ball rriieht
leave, and I smiled provolcsnelv
at him.- " . . - 4 ' -
" "It's an ever-nresent hiIrt in
time pt trouble, I murmured.
uic if y muttered somethlne un
der his breath, and stared down
at the telegram, evidently worfied.
"When did this come?" he oHier-
led sharply j, Ci ) ," ;-
"I left at ten.? and 1 imakine
from what 'Claire said' that Ifi ar
rived shortly afterward," s I re
"'Seven hours." he . calculated.
Well, there's nn other wav Unit
I've got to open It. It may be
something that ought" to have an
answer right away, and I can't get
Bob on the wire for hours. They're
raues irom a railroad, and while
I know the address from whijch a
message can be eent to thetn. I
couldn't get a reply before morn-
! ! ss" nere goes. i guess l
know old Bob well enough to
Mo curt but helps to re
dace paroxysms of coagL'n?.
V -AA tJOi .U n
s ab-
freedom in companionship un
whose chief concern! should be
guardians are alsq guilty of
- -i
what share of the blame is the
lere those,-good men and .women,
of the homes thus brought into
saw! the danger as it must have
or the girls themselves their
knew? r - .-
forth every possible effort to
on law enforcement and social
open a telegram for him.
lie tore open tne envelope, un
folded Its enclosure, and read the
contents, the while I watched him
with subconscious eagerness. Was
terrible 'news for our iabseot host
inn the telegram? . :A' ?..:
fit needed but a second's scrut
iny of Dicky's features, always ex
pressive, to relieve my anxiety on
that score." -He was too warm
hearted, I knew, too fond of hie
friends, to read unmoved any tid
ings bad for them. And on his
face when. he had finished, reading
i5 --1
1 vi 1 1 . 4
Mnmmt "1 r 'sCT I
and 3 Coupons
I "1 tion of the
- -s- - 1 ' in ii i iii i .in i i iii -'I. e m -
r- , ,' it Ti i i ii
mm ! m .. . .
' there. , was Intense j-surp?ise.; and
genuine, pleasure; emotions evi
dently 'so strong that they' banish
ed ail recollection of the bad tem
per he had Jut exhibited toward.
me. And he tossed: the telegram
over to .me with the patent ex
pectationvtbat. I, too, should read
it and rejoice. . , . -L,-" '
"Jest look at that!M he said.
Jtibllantly. "OWr Bob's certainly
struck 12 this tlirte-. j And I never
knew exact ly.iwhat: he , was up to.
I've always known J he had am
bitions to get. on the writer's end
instead of the editorjs. but I didn't
know . he'd accomplished this
much." " :,' ; f j
My pique" prompted me to hand
the telegram back wikh the remark
that I was not interested in it,
but my curiosity triumphed over
my rancor, and I took up the tele
gram! and read its brief contents
with interest: " ' " ,"-
" Beach er pronounces '' your
.novel one tangerine," it be-'
gan. "Predicts hit of year.;
But firm insists
tion to. which you
first negotiations.
on stipuia-
objected In
Will make
it up to you
are obdurate.
financially, but
private ad-;
- vice to you is to accept .their
terms. It meahs your whole
; future Please wire me im-,
" mediately- your deeision. so
that I may pass it Ion to them.
. Personal congratulations, old
man. (Signed)
"pretty, nifty, eb
Dicky quer-
led when I had finished reading
it. "But old- Bob Reserves every
bit of it. But now, what the
deviPs- to be done Woodward,
whoever he is, ought- to be noti
fied of this telegrank's delay.'and
f haven't the slightept idea where
int-ti riim : faii'f fvnn : f hinlr' of
(To be continued)
SiDientist's Ship is Said
i v To Be Safe; Report Heard
1 . - H
i WASHINGTON, April 11. The
steamship Arcturus
of scientists aboard
Galapagos Islands,
with a party
Is safe near
off the coast
of Ecuador in th Pacific, the na.v-
al commandant at Balboa, Canal
Zone, reported tonig it to. the navy
department. . The message, which
was relayed through, headquarters
6f te third naval district, said all
on board were welli
11 I II II I If I
:;r... illukahuns m FULL COLOR AND BLACIZ, : . , ; , SOurce of reliable information. All words."
; are; clearly . defined and their proper' use explained.!, k veritajr'referpnee; library and treasury of facts. 1
" ' This .paper offers you an opportunity, of securing Uuj$ valuable : jbook for the mere cost of handling. Clip the
coupons and bring or mail to our office today. . . ' '
A- K :S: 0"BI Sr:: IHl!KO-M
r t
t f V t f I J
Of all ithej wondrous things that
man ,: r'
Has showered on him, 1 in God's
plan, ; . . .
The greatest blessing on this earth
Is honest, clean and -wholesome
To Make Sure .
; First Burglar: 'l guess w
have got everything. Ve haven't
overlooked; , anything, ; have we,
Mike?": r a ;M- .- -,
I Second Burglar; "I don't think
fo, but we'll get a' newspaper in
the morning and see."
I Old Tom
Old Tom, the Mason, scattered a
!'-! crowd ! ,.;
O cluekipg chickens, with lord
ly tread, .
But Tom would have never felt
so proud
Had he understood what those
1 chickens said.
"There goes old ? Tom, said a
bright-eyed hen, "' '
: With his1 old bent beak, and his
old bent legs! I
I have to laugh when I think of
: men . . '
Like him lay bricks. while we lay
Frieda McLoughlin.
! fi TIe Black Sheen
I am black, I know I am; ,
' Whoopee! What care I?
I'm a gay, rambunctious Ram, 11
Peppery, and spry.
With a black sheep, it Is true,
f-.Misdeeds are connected,
Therefore, anything I. do
Is to be expected!
t Silas Brockhorn.
: Yducatetl - .
Prof. Fugue: ."When will it be
convenient: for your daughter to
take her music lessons?"
. Talmer; "Any time when I'm
not home." Mrs. B. F. Kelcey. I
tion of the
it t I I ri 1 ZZ
J f - I I ' I J
Some time when you're feeling
." blue, :
Sort of tired, lonely, too.
Here's a scheme to raise your
spirits v
Thdt I reeojnmend to you.
Start the phonograph and play
One of Sousa's marches. Say!
E'er he's half way through the
. music . : j . i .
Vou'H be feeling bright arid gay.
To a march there is a swing
That makes drooping spirits sing;
As its melodv enthralls von . I
All your troubles lose. their sting.
Next time you're in trouble's zone,
March out, with yout bead high-
no wn!
But don't j march to Wredding
They're good things to leave
alone! ; '
j ' Rosetta Duncan.
I V . " ' -
I Somewhat '
Mrs. Cooper : "As soon as I be
gin to play the piano my husband
puts on his hat and goes out."
Mrs. Craig:, "Do you think, my
dear, that's the reason why he
gave you the piano." :
J. II. Shapiro. r
.-: : s ' . ' ' -Different, j . .!
! Mrs. Dennis: "You surely don
object to, our daughter going .to
Europe, for the sake of her mu
sic. It's Just the finishing touch.!
; Dennis: "Tilt, tut, woman. What
I object to is getting the finishing
touch myself," G. Ft Reunther
It was to . Dr. George A. Bald-
pate that Marion Ross naturally
turned for advice regarding the
purchase of a new. camera.
"There is only one real camera
in the world," he said, "That is
the one which you see there on
the mantel. It can almost talk,
that camera. : .f
"Take the films, for instance.
BY SPECIAL arrangement witH the publishers we ;
have secured the exclusive right for the distribu
'- t. , j toupom
Radio, Wireless Aviation and Automo
bile Terms up-to-date.
ur iiuviiiiucu siuuciita
A Remarkable Bargain
in eeneral use arid is an inexhaustible
The spools designed for long trips
carries films for 100 exposures'
It is then reversed, automatically
and an entirely different bh it
pictures taken on tbe other nkl
It will take either colored or mrn!
ochrome pictures and, by thcTail"
Justment of that button on it,,.
Hide, becomes a moving piotui,,
camera. The flashlight pan is ui
ways ready for discharge in ras(.
of sudden darkness.
'One of Jts great advantage ;s
that it not only takes the picture
but also develops, prints, and
mounts it, up to a half-dozfn, thus
doing away with any cumb-rsotn
portable dark-room. By conihinl
ing the latest developments of
science with It I have fitted it
with a radio transmitter, making
it possible. ..."
"Hold on a minute," we burst
In. "Let's have a look at that
The Doctor lifted it don from
the mantel but, as he turned toK
ward us, his hands sliDDe.l
camera fell with a crash'
picked it up, shook it and php,!
at us solemnly.
''Ruined," he said, "ruined...
and It took me 12 years to perfect
it. Heigh-ho. Buch is life. linix-
about a slight lip-soother?,"
Here Come the Indies!
'Tis said that the (l) Charles
Liked Easter time here the plot
- ; tz)
His (3) was clear, -
That's the (4) of the year
We get a brand new (5) of )
1." One who writes for a livlns.
anything except checks. 2; What
flour does to soup. 3. What vou
lose when you fall ... In love. 4.
What men do who are sent to the
pen. 5. What makes or ' breaks
a farmer. Esther Price,
will be in
the rcadcrs of thc
Oregon Statesman
This dictionary is an abridg- j
ment from the Standard work on ;
the English language by America's
greatest lexicographer Noah Web- 4 ,
ster, LLD., revised .and" brought v,
up to date so as to include practi-
cally all of the terms in the English 1
vocabulary which-are in ordinary
Uit eld ; WC11 ld Iliail Utciliuai
terms which would be required )
only bv the engineer, architect
D A 7