THE X5IIK(?Pn;sTATE;S!1 Att, S ALtrl, OREGON . . . TUESDAY ilORNING APRIL' 11, 193 A' 7 ! . - . .. ! ;'!: - ? . ' .... ' .-, .... . fry "XE OP TUB loveliest of lister day's social events ias the 9 o'clock breakfast of the Alpha CM Omega alumnae ; association at which Miss Grace Holt and Misg Maun Victor were the hostesses. entertaining at the Colonial Dame . Tea Shoppe. The I pastel tins of c -,-priDRtime flowers; predominated the attractive j appointments. ;-ML"s Virginia Holt greeted j the xVguests and presented each with ah ' ITaafor fimiin Inn fnrm nf a cors age of pastel-shaded blossoms. Mrs. Monroe Gilbert ;! and Mrs. Martin Fereshetian L pleased 1 the guests with their groups of musi cal numbers. Three members of the association, Mrs. Lewis Grif fith. Mrs. J. P. Smart and Miss Iouise Williamson were unable to be present. .. ." J It was at the brealcfast hour that the guests received the news of the arrival of a little "sorority niece," Lorah Kate Griffith; Covers at the prettily appointed table were placed 1 for Mrs- Neva Anderson of Albany, Miss G,er- vfe'i 11 m- u . - f In every drug store transaci- tion your Rexall Druggist can be trusted-- ... ... , j The confidence of customers' has played a large part "lit making this 'business a vsucf cess. Back, of the Rexall Store is the great; co-operative Rexall organization of ten thousand leading druggists, each con tributing his share la service -to the public and producing the best in merchandise. , kit.. ! .,- ft. - SV 4 ' The Rexall Store ucar you L Perry Drug Storo 11S South ComaaercUl Salem, Oregon : 4 j7Pfnr,",,i ) There is a broad scope ancing here at Hawkins -a. ,; - J .HI .A.'. No L'6ahTo6Large We are prepared to handle from the ..very smallest loans 6n residences up to tho'se on business property requiring tens of thous--andi of dollars- The low interesti cosfci here also allows a ritos liberal plan of repayment. No rnatler what size loan you require, it will pay you to taut it over with us. Mortoacc Loa NS Bonos AN O Inv CSTMCNTS . u m lir Andred Bunch -. i 1'hoWc: 106 trude Walling bf Portland, Mtss Mildred Crout pi Portland, Miss Catherine Hartley, Miss iiueillo Moore, Miss Margaret Piercer, Mrs. Frank: ftosebraugh, Mrs. M a i Chambers. Jfrsj Martin - Fercshe tkrji, Mrs. Claude Steustoff. Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, Ut. CartlT. Pope; Mrs. A. B. Bates Miss Amelia Bab cock, Miss Dorothea Steustoff, and the hostesses. Miss Maimi Victor and Miss Grace Holt, - Mr. and Mrs! William J.I Ball o Portland motored to ; Salem to spend Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Thielsten. I -i -.;L. MM. Thirty Salem Girl Reserves met together - Sunday - morning - for 7:30 o'clock Easter breakfast at the YWCA. I ' Mrs. Ercel Kay and Mrs,; Hugh McCamrnon wore hostesses yester day afternoon at the Kay home for the members of their bridge club - Th Trl-fi eliss'nf the TTtrat Presbyterian church will meet for tbe monthly dinner 'and business meeting at 6 o'clock this evening at the church. i j Wit It the Easter 'days now over plans for the vacation time are al ready taking1 form. Professor and Mrs.!, Horace Williston and little son, Horace,' Jr. will spend two months at Missoula, Montana, where Professor I Williston will be connected with the English de partment of . the University of Montana. The WJllistoria, who will leave soon after the close of school,1 are . planning - as part- of their , summer's vacation a tria through Yellowstone national parkj j. : , ; - ; !':-i!-t u : ' J Dr. and Mrs. Mark Skiff had as their guests lover Easter Sunday their; ! eon and -I daughter-in-law; Mr. and Mrs., Mark Skiff, Jr4-of Portland.; .( ' Appomattox day, the armistice of the; Civil war, was celebrated, at what was probably, the first time in Salem, on Wednesday of last week: by. the Daughters of Veterans when they entertained as their guests th Sons of Veterans and their wijres land the Sons of Veterans ! auxiliary. , Over .eighty members and guests .Iverp preseat for the evening, i with tulips and other spring blossoms attractively arranged about the ball.! The ad dress of the evening was given y Judge Joan Lt. Rand. The eve ning's prograni, arranged by Mrs! Bertha Bergman, patriotic in structor for the tent, opened with a piano solo by j Miss . Genevieve Findley. j Delia , Amsler gave sev- of "mor & Roberts. 2nJ Floor. One con Dloo OALEM, c ..... m . mm i.' . t i I l"". ' :r"-'-" , " ! i'j'-t , -".I TT".- V'':. -4--4I J , .iff - liraee loan fin ' . Lrvj : ' O n co on T gOCTATjCATTmPmr W:-i.; . ' Today 1 . Business and Professional Wom en's club dance. Crystal Gardens, 9 e'clock. i ' ' Miss Naomi Phelps, assisted by Mrs. : . Carrie, . Chase, La concert First Christian church. $ o'clock. General , meeting Salcni Arts' lcigue. Woman's cl6b" house. 8 o'clock. . i ' , ' . WlUameUe Shrine No. 2, 'Or der or the White Shrine of Jeru salem. Masonic . Temple, : 15 o'clock. Installation. -Thursday "bridge club members Smests of, Friday ; bridge, clab. Gray Belle, 1 o'clock luncheon. . Woman's Union program. First Baptist church.? 7: 30 o'clock. Gen eral congregation Invited. .Etokta club. " Mrs. E. E. Fisher, 315 Market street. ; ! j Saleni Arts"! league business meeting. 7:20 o'clock. . Woman's club building. f ' ' Junior Guild. St." Paul's church. Mrs. Homer Smith, 675 N. Sum mer street. 2:30 o'clock. - Sons of Veterans' auxiliary. 8 O'clock. (;. . - '' j i Wedaesday . Kamlakin, the Headhunter. St. Joseph's auditorium, 8:15 o'clock. Leisure Hour club. : Mrs. John H. Scott and Mrs. John H. Albert, hostesses, 1089 Court street. Cooked food sale. Salem War Mothers. Neimeyer's drug "store, 1715 N. . Commercial street. ' v Young Married . People's- club. First Presbyterian 'church. Daughters of theNile. Mrs. William MeGilchrist, Jr., 695 N. Summer street, hostess, v----t ' Thorsday ' OAC club. Mr. and MYsPercj Cupper, 805 Union street, hosts. , Thursday club". Mrs; r E. C. Cross. 1185 Chemeketa street, hostess. ; - ' 'i ; French section. - American As sociation of University Women. Mrs. F. H. Thompsoni 351 N. Sum mer street. 7:15 o'clock. 4 . U. of O. Art Extension course. Public library. T o'clock. Friday ; Woman's auxiliary St.; Paul's Episcopal church. Mrs. U. G. Shipley, 975 E street. : -Saturday . . American Association' of-Univer sity Wdmen.'Woman's Club house. Tea complimenting senior girls of Willamette university. Professor Fergus Reddle, ; speaker- 2:30 o'clock, r ; T Cooked Food sale. ,SP -ticket office, 184 . N. Liberty streeiv La dies of the Scandinavian church Co-Ed carhival. Waller hall, Willamette uaiversity. 8 o'clock. Dance .at- St;. - Paul's; parish house. L. J. class in charge.: eral vocal solos, . and ' Miss Inex Wood a trumpet solo, Additional musical numbers ; were given by the .Sons of. Veterans' quartet. which Includes in its personnel. H. R. McWhorter. E. J. Raymond. Harold Fessenden and Walter Dig gerstamm. In the daughters I Veterans, auin'tet which -also sane are .-Mrs. Laura Arpke, Mrs. Lit heth Waters, Mrs Truma Huston, Mrs. Mabel Lock wood and Mrs Grace Green.' ' Mrs. Frank ' Snedecor," Mrs. - - Breymair Boise, i and Miss Con stance King ot Portland returned nome - baiuraay evening . irom . a month's motor trip in California. The party spent most of , the time at Los Angeles and .Long Beach, with numerous short side-trips. . - - .. ; -.- . .: , Professor and .Mrs. Horace Wil liston entertained during the past week, Mr.-,nd Mrs. rank Wil- Iston of Enunclaw.-Wash. j Many delightful picnic t affairs "eri en joyed at Painters' Wcpd3,Spongs Landln'g,;'and other: retreats -dnr- ing in visit oi professor wuiis- on's brother. TZ i.r A Saturday evening the . Williston home was the. si-Che of an ,iloy- aoie oianer .at.wnicn, a-.grt p at members Jrora the Phi Ka Pi fraternity were guests. White li lacs la a yellow boM and yHpw caudles in brass holders were used in the decorative motif. ' ---Covers were placed for:, Messrs. Lawton, Nevltt, - Lance, Thomas, Itching skin, broken, plmpfy br taf lamed skin you will n&ver sof ter troubles like that whetff on know.-.', '; ?'-.:'U-'r Modem science, by decades of study, has learned how to deal with Buch. troubles. , How to re lieve instantly, how to starhea ing at once. And bow, to-bring complete results so quickly they amaze. , .;. The hasis, of course, Is sulphur. We can never hope to find a fac tor which so quickly, destroys skip, parasites. - But men have found new ways to give it multlplied( ef fects. ; - , i .The new-day method Is called Mentho-Sulphur. It combines the best all science has developed. To cbiintless people It has shown the way. tq avoid alt. skin afflictions. . "'Ask your druggist for h Jarbf Kowles '.; Mentho-Sulphur. j - Then you are doing the utmost, and that utmost will ataazo yon. 'We be lieve that never again will. you let a skin trouble annoy you for a .1 r. li. . i C't ivT. For Free Sample Addres3 .VVlIlfcuALL PHAHMACAL CO. -' il. 1 (Ine. ' ' 598 Madison Ave. -' " 'f JS'ew Yerk, JV Y. Sf FOiBIJSS ....... i. ii 4 by Shirley Sharon i - :-. , --t.v r Dark-Uue cashmere ivZUhg wiih t!U frock land Uteng of fiai cripe i a .. . qwIt-KJti check of fed cmd navy ore used, for a yk ensemble eosUme. -V vW HowTvzi.far. tbejafteno(o.fiock and evehuig dzesa may .go in the matter of circular Jkwnces, hem 'fiares and the like, the ensemble coat and. its oWapartkuiar frock. keep" strictly within U booodatf aairov sheath lines. : In many cases both the coat and frock; have straight lower edges so that they can be matlc from tbe new wide tardered uk er wodleos. The coat, if you, are a slim gid of. what movie folk cafl ' Cttle lady" can be made with out an underarm seam. firowa is smart eveic a Jrock f deep cream . bordered in brown and lined with the same bordered Alfred, and the; hosts, professor and Mrs. Williston. ,The Etokta clnb: will Jneet this atternoon at. the i home of Mrs. E E. Fisher, 515 Market street. The group will continue with the study of "Know; Your Tdwn" as outlin ed' by the National fLeague of Wo men Voters. , J - . ,V The music section ofitbe Salem Arts' League, of which . Miss Ruth Bedford is the leader will have charge of what, 'according to the announcement made'. by the art director, Mrs., John M. Clifford will be, the last geoeV&l meeting, of the seasoon. The program, "u'n usualvariety andf: interest, Jwlri open at 8 o clock at the Woman's club bouse..' All Safem people in terested, whether members of! tie lea g ue or' - hot, : are guests. , :.- - Ji' iavited to be , --" .... . i Mrs. W. Al Johes; entertained aa her guests over Easter week-end. Mr., and Mrs. Lawrence Caviness of Portland-' Miss Dorothy Felker entertained delightfully on Easter afternoon for a group of friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FT Ray Felker. v An Easter egg hunt was- the feature of : the occasion, with dainty refreshments I follow ing at the tea-bouivj x h , f Invited , for a happy afternoon were: Miss Zoe Daniels, Miss Mina Ott, Miss Betty EoneUL Mtes Cleo RItner, Miss Kathryn Eaton. Miss Kutn Eorr, and the hostess, Miss uorptny Felker. Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph ' Albert. Miss Mary Jane Albert, and Mr. and Mrs-: J. c. : Griffith, motored to Portland i on Sunday to spend Easter- at ' the hoiae of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sigel. 1 Sirs. Lola Bellinger entertained delightfully tor ai group of the girU who assist her lh the high school library, with! a line party at the Liberty theater, followed with a slumber party at her home. The guests of Mrs. j Bellinger included:- Miss Lou vera Horn, Miss oaynelle Beckett; Miss Ethel Jones, Miss Letha Pelley. Miss Lu cilo Burton, Miss Orpha Harvey, nad Miss Virginia BtickelU , : - - j " .AVillamelte Shrinei No. 2. order of th White Sfirine of Jerusalei, ill hold The ceremonies of instal lation this evening afc 8: 15 o'clock in the Masonic temple: Those who Are. members ot the?Ea6terafitar are mvltcd to be giests - ,:v;.;..,..-.t;i...: At the Fl rst fca pt 1st -ch a rch on Tuesday evening at f:30, the fol lowing program has ! been-arranged by , the WomensV Society ind th .World Wide guild f:. ; a DeroUonal ..Mrs. O. n. Kentun Talk : . . - i jPnstn Songr j t .. . ... . . -VMen'a Chorui Reading ..... i.Mra Geo. King Violin Solo. , ,.Mis3- Betty Siddall Dramas ... .Garments of Glory Alter the progrimjr efresljmenis will be sei-vtrd by the BGO class iesfess for '' It'fle ' eveaittg. The congregation la cordis liv in vited to attend. ' " , 1 The members of f the Junior guild ot St; PaaVs .chtirch will tuect at 2;0 o'clock this i after noon at h& kbnie of Mrs, Uoiiaer Y r - -.r 4 v. .;. ti .. A full attendance is especially de sired, j v iScms of;Veterns' auxiliary wfll lipid their ; regalar m'eetlng la the Armory, this evening at 8 o'clock. All are requested to be present for drill work. ! - . ; J,( -; lV t . jj , A little daughter' was welcomed into each ol two; pVomrnent Salem homes - on Easter Sunday, with both- little Easier lily. ladies re ceiving tbo -names their grand mothers have borne. At the home lot Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Lorah Kate, Weighing nine pounds,' arrived at 7:25 o'clock la the morning. The cfocasion, as welt as hcing Easter Sunday, wai also the birthday of Mr. Griffith. Mrs. Griffith, before her marriage, was .Ha Spaulding. j: At 11:50'' telock, also Easter morning, a ?mtle ; daughter ; was born at the Bungalow, maternity hoiao-to Itcv. and Airs. Ward Wil lis .T.Ofl"' 1 .lr1 I'hxk Pmii)rthri - " - T CT - -; 1.11 J IVI aiA, manse. LTttfe Kmelysse Wardine. as she will be - jknown, weighed 7H pounds. ;Thip first name, km elysse, is a modification of the names of the two grandmothers;, the maternal grandmother : being Emily, and . Mr. Long's mother, Eliza, while the! second name is a derivation ! honoring the little lady's father.. It was an Interest Ing coincidence that Emelysse Wardine was born at the very hour her father was baptizing 10 small youngsters at the morn tag East r service. Emelysse Wardine has to . help welcome little sister, Lois her a charming Evangeline. Covers 'were : placed for 'ten - at the Grax club Easter luncheon 6n Sunday afternoon at the Y. W( C. A. An Easter devotional hour preceded tire luncheon,' with Miss Jenelle J-Vandevort giving a talk appropriate to the occasion. Spring blossoms centered the table where refreshments ot salad.1 tea. and sandwiches .were served."'.. -' In the group were Miss Imo- gene Gardner, Miss Jenelle Vande yort. Miss Myrtle Smithi Miss Ber- nice .Mulveyv Miss r- Bernico Rob erts. Miss Mary! Erickson,: Miss Loretta - Vafley;1 Mtss -Lillias Howe; Miss Erma Meeks and Miss Ruth Stover. - ' i -j -;' '". " One of the charming club far4 ties of the past Week was. that on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele Tulips,: with a dominant motif of the American ' Beauty shade, - and primroses, wer. nsed attractively about ithe MmsL .Iva Gplding Cha r,etp, Mr." . and Mrs. 'Clifford Townsend. and John Watts were spiral .gnest ffor ..the-, evening. The playing prize went to Mrand' Mrk .W. L PhUlipsV , j .,j In the club group present were Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Phillips, Mr. and, MfA-l ,Earle ! Dane, : Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohllng, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rosecrans, j andthe hosts, Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace Bonesteele. . .r-' ".-V - I The ladies of the Scandinavian church are planhfng a cooked food sale . for Saturday , at the S., P. office on North Liberty street, Mrs. Arthur. J, Rahn : and Mrs. Donald W. Riddle; motored to Al bany for the Easter vesper service at -the First Presoylerlan church. Later in the evening they attended the ' sacred cantata, "The Last Seven Words of Christ," (Theo dore Dubois) at the First Presby terian church in Corvallis. - One of, the outstanding of the early . post-Lentenl affairs will be the ' : Business ' and Professional Women's club dance this evening in the CrystaJ Oar4ens, with three prizes announced for the - most distinctive costumes. While a cos tume da ace, the : guests are not asked to 'wear special, costumes unless desired.' i f ' ' " '" The committee fa 'charge In It self1 suggests that the affair will be a distinct "success. ! Mr. and Vrs. Chester A. Mee, 320 North Front street, announce the engagement of their daughter, , John Aloysius Pearl Alene, to Mrj Ilorgan: The announcement " of the wedding date will be made later. : -L- -; - ' .-' t- sMr. " and - Mrs. "Wallace " Bone steele entertaiaed as their house guests over Easter! week-end Iva Golding Charette. John Watts and Virginia" Charette of Portlandr The firsts post-Lfenten musicale and one that j will I be of especial delight will be ;!that at 8:15 o'clock this .eveninig at the First Christian church when Miss Naomi. Phelps, Eoprano,' assisted hy Carrie M.'Chase,i.,reader, and Mrs. Guy. Fitch Phelpa. ' accompanist, will appear la concert.'! Of particular Interest will be the! ojd fashioned gtoup which Miss Phelps Will sing in winsome costume. The program Is announced for the evening as follows 3 Del Mio Care . . .Ilayda Miserere . . . .'.Verdi HcUned, Delicate Skin v j Secured by ; Absorption . No Complexion can be -nsiderpd txatj tlful it thm kkm U 'ramnt in textar. TKis trouol"- can be eren-floie. ky tlioroughJy cleanilng the pores, rt'inoTini; tl'p dirt aad impnHties whict made tTte Via musk, f'w U'u purpow heres "nothing lttrr lhah rirrrwlvted wax. r The wax oomplete lr absorlm tke rouih. tnadlr op discolored outrr kkin and untfoirsl the porss. -T6o (rph, yoanj skill ndtrnfth. ',(( in e-idM;e, is , eoiNj'tly . d-Uc,t. rrfinad and beautiful. 14 it is Wnt o. as tbn pore now ifcAr txrt eftVte tuaitcr and. drink in tha lirtfjriny oxyjrn. Mrrcoliie4 wh, bvrautw of Itc wo dr(ul ahsorption pocl". Is tatt anpur fdinj" otiirr trtort for ars. piap-. iTf elJw. trerlvlp-t nr qloti-lij- skin. It U .applied at nisbt Wke tol4 rrearn and wanhad ff urxt tarniajr. Harmless, of course, and tn be kad at mar &rug store (a eimce wjil d. Air. CaYe Selire Wtlandel ; . j Naomi, Phelps.1 J iv-, The Pign of the Cross. .Barret Keeping a Seat at a Benefit ........ Fiske -Carrie M. Cliase. k L . Would God. I Were the Tender , Apple Bfossbni, .'. . r ... Iii'tVksoh The Little Irish Girl. . . : . . Lohie Mipnetonka t by roqucsti .. . . .'. . j. . .. . . . . ... - . Lciuraucc -; r, Nadnii Phelpa. f" prcamin" s'.r. .". . -v , (. .Phelpn Revenge . . ,'. . , .'...'Clciacnls j-, :.-. Carrie M. Chase. V, t)ltl Fashioned' Groyp '(Ba -n- 1 tumc) ...... : y. . rJ,.Sel'cct';'? .v - " " j: ; Naomi ' PlieliVs '., ' -f- , A Voicei from a Far Country . . J . . . . . . . . . , . , . ,S9k-rt'd garlic M. Chase, Naoril l'holp"? I ' ' ' - Professional 'ami Business Women P!an Ccstume Dance Several firms of the city have purchased blocks of tickets to the costume' benefit idahce of the 1to fessional ; and Business Womens' club, which is to be staged tonight at the Crystal Gardehs. I ' The dance "is held for the pur pose of securing funds towards the erection of a building for the organization. The club has been divided 'into nine different com mittees, and each one Is endeavor ing 1 to secure 4a "portion of the needed fund. The committee of Miss Sylvia Woods is sponsoring the dance. They have secured the Oregen Ag gravators, one "of the best known dance, orchestras on the Aggie campus.!-4; " ' 1 I Bits For Breakfast . This, is the week r . ., . Lineaj week iu.Salem . ; ; -. -.4..V-. M : . The most important week thus far In the history, of Salem. . Speed :to the. help of .the, loyal hustlers oa the committees. It is as much your work as theirs. 'v. It would be a glorious thing if the stock could be over rubse'ribed. That, would be an encouraging sign Tor the third mill. ( i: ; !,. v-- .'"V ;! And hurrah for Silverton and Albany and the '.rest f the valley towns that arefgping to help. They are good neighbors to Salem. - i " i -Why is Batle creek Battle creek? iWhy is it called Battle preek? Was a battle fought there? This questioon is asked j of The Statesman. Who can answer itt Referring to the Battle creek a few miles south of Salem. It is a little ci-eek (most of the year,) wiin a Dig name.; Tubman asking the question says he has heard that the; name was given oh ac count of an Indian battieTon that creek In the pioneer 'days. Who can tell about this? i . . New Today .iSr TULLY : . t r M 'M. - M t Sckfomdoes the iscrcen echo the hoart-bcat or hurhanily its ir j? h( its laughter, as does HIE WHO GETS SLAITED.'" Wc adVi.-.u ka to j.ius surring pnotopiay.. v ADDTHIS TO YOUR LIST of memorable moving There's '.Inifcep" v v Ifrlgley gives the penny a birr ; value In delightful, long-lasting f beneficial Hefreihinent. Coming home on the train .or in tl2 car t It's, so cool and sweet fcfeer smoking. And then vheri you f,et hens ' how eager the little folks are for their Wrigleys f How good it is for then! 'aften eV.e The plant of the Turner Flax Fiber company will likely be In creased in capacity. It can now handle annually about 250 t6n3 of flax; .getting out the seed and turning the straw Into fiber, 'jit la, proposed, to increase the capa city to 600" fco 1000, tons. D. F. Eastburn and wife and Led ahd Arthur DeMytt are .ther-stockhold-ters of the company ,';now. : They havg $10,000 capital. - It is their Idea that with 125.000 capital they eould make the necessary ex - r. ... if ' Supported by I , NOR M A SH EARER MARSHALL FOiiD JOHN GILBERT; f( ' 0 9 tiiaaV'xM, if . ; Em ' rn pansion.' A.lot-of such threshing, retting and scutching plants wijl have to be established and en larged, and these people aij ex perienced ahd practical and hard working. They have the elements ot success. ! ' . .'Crlme urge" is a very common complaint among crooks; yet no one ever' before heard oT It brine offered as a mitigation of punish ment for murder. I . STERLING Special , . - Attraction ' HELEN JONES ' Sfl;K. " " Aftn-iiwrn J4raln in ! i i ' iWiiwm. 4 ' M ' ' - - - r i .., Ill, -. i ''Motormad" -A .MHiJ Gr&rrU" Co'ietly ' y-s- in BIcDonald rathe rtvs pictures: