SUNDAYaiOBNING, APRIL 12, 1025 The Iost 'Ke4teh Season Fernanda " : AcTdeH Smartness inf Street frocks . as the Coat The French " Shop ConUnues ' to be the) Mecca of 'Every Salem Woman Who- Aspires to "Look. Her Best; . Window-Displays Excel . ' i ' By MME. BUFFE MORRISON As the season advances, and the days lengthen and grow warmer, with the discarding, of . the coat, the smarter gown becomes imper ative. Imperative the matter may be, but also a distinct pleasure, when the , sajons of The frencft Shop, ( Masonic Temple; -115 ' K. Hlgb street) are lavihly stocked as this season find3 ;them ; t;Tb window displays, always inviting, always reminding one) of a festive scene from the Spring Opening, keut permanent, are , authentic glimpses of the continuously re stocked salons within which Mi lady ls bound "to find" the frock that Is the exclusive compliment of her personality., J 1 - Perhaps it will' be ofcrepe tre" niaine, georgette, or crepe ensem ble! Perhaps ''Peggy'! will be the ae 'Peggy,'"- which Irene Castle fashioned so exquisitely of georg , The vocal. concert" which' will be given by" Miss Naomi "Phelps, a" f si3tej:$y Carfie M. Chase rekder, and 'Mrs GuyPelpsV r accom panist, promises- to: be; of unique character. 4 Miss Phelps : will sing arias from several operas, secular songs, and her final; number will be a group') of the ol4 fashioned songs In costume. -! : V v ! . Mrs. Chase will ' read several groups, including1 both j tragic! and eomlc selections. Both; the artists have had extensive training' in their line and, hare .pleased kudl ence in Salem and other cities. - .-.- -; - '- f f Miss Naomi Efllps ' . Gif tea sopraao' soloist who vrill appear in concert. Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock at the First Chris- tun chBrch. i : . . ' j.. . .'. I At the First Congregational church, corner, Liberty? and.. Cen ter streets, : a highly J attractive concert of sacred Easter, music will be given on 1 Sunday evening at 7: 30 . o'clock by some of the city's best musical talent. The regular quartet choir of the church composed of .Mrs. -Harry .Harms, "soprano; Mrs. John J Roberts, contralto; Mr. William McGilcfarist Sr.. teno,fhd. Albert H. CiU. bass, wila4 augineiitiifby the four additional, voices;: Mrs. H. AV. Brosstsqprano;,Mrs. John JLau, contraltd;' Charles" R. Mustpn,' ten or, abd H. W. Bross bass,- Mrs. Frank .Zinn. the church organist, will play the accompani nieiTtir" &' & - organ' nunTDers,1 arid will be heard in two' instrumental diets with Dr. John R. Sites, cello. . r . y -The church will be appropriate ly decorated for $he occasion- and vestments will be worn by fhe choir. : ' ; J '.. ; V- The complete program, follbwst Organ prelude, "Grand JChoeufr ; in D" . .i. .1 . fipenee Mrs. FrankJ Zinn. -Hymn. "All Hall the Power of . Jesus Nanie'V ; ; i . . i '. Holden Responsive reading, led by Dr. ; "VV. C. Kantner. r , j Anthem, Ught Out of 'bark,-? ness" . . ;. ; - Geibel - Choir. ' . ' , Duet, rDpuht No ;More"S; .Hughes ) Chas. R. Muston, tenor. ; ; Dr. John tlT Sites, tello. "j " Instrumental duet. "La'mente-; '.....,. , i t . , . Gabriel-Marie Mrs. Frank Zinn, organ. . Dr. John R. SitesV cello. -Anthem, ''Awake Thou That Sleepest J. '.!. .Stainer ; . , .. . 'Ch6tr.i-; t Prayer Dr. w; C- Kantner. " I Response, by choir. I Anthem. "XBe Holy'CIty'tt.Adams t" lt. Harry Ilarmsandchoir. Offertory sVSupplication"i .Hosmer Mrs. Frank Zinn. Anthem, "Death's. Conqueror" ; ; Parks t r . Choir. i f : iPftrumental "duefc. "Tof ar WI14 Rose" . . . ... -s , ; A; , McDowell I . Mrs. -Frank 'Zlnn btgatt. ' Dr. John R. Sites, cello. 6o!o, "Hosanna" ,..tGrar;icr ' i -. ,.,;,Chas. R. Muston. ;vj'v . 7" Arthem. "Now Is Christ Ex- la Gradually Discarded ette crepes -with row upon row of dotted i Brussels net and petal piping after the loveliest of pas tel . flowers. : The ?Hp . la. of Cor tlcellie icrepe(.Eldora. m . j. Another, choice "might he 3ir go," ai most adorable -frock In Tremalne which winds itself round ind round In the finest 'of tucks. The smirfestjof "rdurid bll buttons and th gajret of fearing jabots proceed : in riiqfuant manner down L th center front and; ; side.' L Indu vidaal It' is from beginning to end! i And jlhen there is "Kathleen," an- Irene Castle version of a Par isian style in Georgette Tremalne. Venice lace -a dominant note of the Spring mode fashions an ex quisite tunic below the waist, and is seen again in the unique sleeves. Dashing and Urea chic! . i 'But also there, are scores more. These ycui will want to see, as they arrive, from day to day. fori your self." - ' ' - A -Choir. Hymn, ';Oown Him With Many I Crowns" . V i : . .;: . V.". . '. ' Elve Benediction-Dr. W. C, Kantner. Postlude. processional March" I ;; Mrs Frank Zinn,' organ. . " j The , Kensington xlub members were the guestapn Thursday of Mrs.l M,- Dough ton at her home. Yellow iulips and def f odils were used about the' living room, with the color scheme 6f yellow and white predominating In the dainty refreshments. . The hostess was assisted! j by Mrs. " Otto J. Wilson. Special guests for. the afternoon were Mrs. Charles Hudklris and Mrs. Frank Sberwin. .'. At the next meeting of the group Mrs. Charles S. Pratt will entertain. I ' , ' I The Easter inusifi. of St, Paul's Episcopal hurehwill be heard at the 11 o'clock serylie this morn ing under- the direction of j Mrs. RutRcJUddle. ' Miss Myrtle Know land will preside .at' the organ for. the. following program " Processional: ."Come All Ye ) vfPaithtul.'V . . . . VV.VVV ".' Sullivan introit: 1'Christ Onr Passover." r : . . . . . . . .-t- ; . Schilling . ' - .r Stainer t . . ,w .1 Kfrie GIbriaVTIhifid GratfaTibl i '."?;: 'y.Hi . . .'. Stainer Cteco Vi . .'; . Stainer rrhe 'Strife Is OJer,". . vPalestrin Anthemi'AlIelujah totthe King ' '. -iiw''- Clemens Offertory . . . V. 4 Whitney Benedictus, Agnus Del; and . "fc iplorial intExcelsl .' Stainer FoUrfoIdt Amen V . NeOkomn 2func Dotnittis ....... Gregorian Recessjonal: "Christ Is Risen today," ... .. . . .. ... Worgan j The choir i members include: sopranos .'MrsCarttdn; Smith, Mrs. G. h. Ravin, SalHe Lamsing, Mrs,' C D. Adams Mrs V. E. Kunn. Eunice j .Winlock, . I Leone Halt, Blanche1 BiUraeyer. Eileen Beaty, Eileen - CllsonV Eleanor "Luper, Dorothy, f Felker. Edwin. Cross; James Ltiper, Arthur Flsher,"'Mrs. & I W.-, Slmeral. " Myla Chambers. Qaeenie Pe. Lis.le; . althos: Mrs. Arthur Rahn. Mrs C. L Sherman. Miss, Ruth Reed,, Miss Queenie Winjocki Winifred Beech tenors tk L. Williams, Mr. -N.. Blumberg, RobertNeimejer; bassos: F, G. Deckebach. Rhea Luper. - D. I W, KWdle; ! ,,:-,P ' . Pit .Seversi.are: Norman Purbrlck, Winston Williams.: 4 , i ;..iv' .-;-.PP ,&r and Mrs, I, P. Wright are entertaining as Aheir guests over Easter . Sunday Mr and Mrs. F. Jlayei of, Portland, r 1 r .- . ;."".", v The .Salem Art League will sponsor 1 0n Tuesday "evening at the. Woman's club house the final, general meeting of the season, lis the announcement made by Mfrp. J. M. Clifford.; art "director. Th program jon TuesdaywTIl be in the form of a musicale under the direction of tie music section with "Miss Ruth Bedford - the leader. Following the program; which w)ll Derm at b , o doclt. a social boar with refreshments, will" be enjoye4. iNot -ouiy j Art's league jmembersi hilt amvnra In Bo1an wkn I. HJ terested. Is invited, Mrs.' John! R. Sites will have charge of the table decorations and Mrs. W. F. Fargb of the refreshments. Mrs. Gustay Beautiful home dyeing' and tinting Is guaranteed with Dlamo n d Dyes. Just dip in cold water to tint soft, delicate shades, or boil .dye rich, permanent! colors. Each lS-cent pack age contains direc tions so simple any weman can dye or tint .lingerie," silks, rifibona skirts .waists. coats, stockings, sweatere. draper ies,, .coverings,; hangings, every thing new.l r-. Buy l'Diamosi JDyes" no othr "tlnd and;tcll your drursist wh -t'lf VL& r .irial you wish to cel.: r 1 V.00I cr silk, or whether, it is r cotton, or r-'t" i z" I COLOR IT NBV VITH I ; "DIAMOND. DYES" j! . dresses, MISS JOSEPHINE BARR , -''! - : h ' j !'-f': $ - KAMIAKI.V, ! the '. head-hunter, an . Indian ; romance, will be given by the pupils of the Sacred Heart Academy.' Salem. , The story is replete with Indian life and lore. Miss Josephine-Barr. carries the title- . role of 1 1 Kuniakinr iMiss Marian: Boyle is Wallulah, the orlncess. They are supported by a strong, cast -Lenore Jtfickel, as Tnika the .Weaver; Eva Albrich asy -Chego. I the 1 Medicine Man; Gladys . LaFbrestJ as Yaklus, the, Avenger. Miss, jrfancy ; Thielsen will - render Indian .Vocal sslec tlona and solo dances.- .-':" -- Ebsen. and "Mfs-f E. ' I.Doan will presided at . the. urns. ' .. The complete program will be as follow ;-j ; ' ' 1 j Vocal eblo; ! ! (a) "Maid of the Morning," (Norton)... (b) "Asure Wings,", Mrs'. Monroe i Gilbert; violin solo." "Mazurka de Concert' (Musin), Claudipe 2 Gerth; , vocal solp, "Summer,'ff : 5 (Chaminade.) Mrs.- Martin Fereshetian; vocai; sala. "Ninon." (Tostl.) Dr. 'John R;; Sites'; violin-, , solo, "Adagio' from G minor Sonata. -(Tartini,) Helen SeliV ' vocaT solo: "The Sword of Ferrari." (Dullard.) Fl. S: Barton; vocal solo.! "When the Dew is Falling." - (Schneider.) Mrs John jLau, viola' obligaio.' Mr:; John. Lau; piano solo: (a) "The Eagle Hbj f'To" a Water Lily," ) c) "Etude," I ( McDowell.) Frances Virglnie : Melton; vocal sold, "Lo, Tis the Hour," from "In A Brahmin Garden." (Logan.! Mrs. Julia Harms; cello solo, "La mento," (Gabriel-Marie.) Dr. John R. Sites; vocal solo, (a) "For You Alone' (Geehl.) (b) "Friend O' Mine,'! (Sanderson.) ' Earl Ken nell, violin obligato. Katherine Kirkrj,:h:-(l fll'lf Vth::- -j. , Notable among the muslcales of the day will be the Easter; Vesper service at 4; 30 o'clock this afte noon at the First Baptist; church when the choir, under the direc tion of Miss Minnetta Magers, will present- A. -R. Ganl's much-loved oratorio, "The Holy. City." prt one, "Expressins the Desire for I a Higher ;Life,"; will. Include the ' following , numters: ' i Iristrupejatal Introduction J- 1 : j "HJontempiation," vionn, piano, p Ph : r: m : :i o organ. 'No Shadows Yonder," Chbrus M ii':M . and F. E.'Broer t'At Eveatiae iCShaH Be Light'', 1 Airs.' Shanks, Hilda: Am'sler, jj ! Ruth Swart. I . -r j :-" . "'Eye Hath Not Seen."; ' r ! j .!. !.:U. J". .i . .Mrs. E. H. ''Shank. ''For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country" 'Thine. Is. the Kingdom' .Chorus I j Part two. which .in the oratorio IsV'Reallzatlon of the Desires and Promises," will open with ;the in- . r 1 1 , The harmonized Indian Flute Calls, as jrecorded on the reserva tions of the Apache, Red .Willow Pueblo, Cheyenne. Mokl and Zuni tribes - will . be interpreted by" the choral class. .The Academy or chestra will feature the original tribal melodies of the Omaha and Sioux Indians, j The 'numbers are of .exceptional pathos and beauty., The jlay .will be, given . two nights, Wednesday, April 15 and Friday, April 1?,: in St. Joseph's new auditorium. " v . i - ' - ' - - ' " & - - termezso,jl"Adoration'-by ' Tiollh; piano. and, organ, followed' with: "A New Heaven and- A New - : i Earth "Let the R. D. Barton F Heavens Rejoice . i' Quartet and chorus. "To the Lord Our God," ... ; j : ' j - k . T J It B "Come Ye Blessed- Delia Anisler. "The Firing'Poi Is For Silver, The Furnace for Gold', Chorus "These Are. They" . . Jean pearcy "They Shall Hunger No .More ; Gladra. Stevenson and .Hilda V. .!. . .I. . P'.p : : vAlnsIer "List the Cherubic Host," ?., i :' . . P ; p 'Ladies' -Chorus "And I Heard' "the Voiced of . ;"; Harpers' , l-p , . UlDr Barton: "Great.and. MarTejojis .Are Tliy -j Works,) Lord God .. .Chorus . " Instrumental parts and accom paniments will be taken , by; Mary Talmadge! , Headrick and Miss Helen Selig. Beatrice Shelton will preside at the organ,' arid! Mrs. W. F. Foster at ; the piano.' The. personnel of the choir, in cludes :- iSopranos, Jean -Pearcy, Mrs. E. H. Shanks, Gladys' Steven son, Hilda Amsler, and Ruth Bed ford r contraltos; Delia Amsler, Mina Gile, Ruth Swart, . Grace Fawk; tenors, W.: T. Jenks and F. E.;Broer; and baritones, R. D Barton, A, B. Hansen, Max Sausay. Mrs, Mark i McCallister: is enter taining as her house-guest . - Miss Emma Canthorn of St. Louis,-.Missouri, Miss jCauthorn 'arrived in Salem from Portland. She has been a guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert Canthorn.' . - ; ! ! Installation ceremonies of Wil lamette Shrine NO. 2, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem," will be held on Tuesday .evening . at 8:15 o'clock In the Masonic Tem ple. ''-' Those j who are formally members of the Eastern Star are invited to be guests at this" time. f - v ' . -:- ' Mrs. Chas. A. Park'i Bible lass has been discontinued and will not meet again until the autumn -season. 'P'': -i -''t--'rJ ' -:::-' (..3'nay CnnnotCpIqc&SojThings -If fire should destroy your Valuable ropers, heirlooms and j ewelry; could insurance money. . replace them ? Sonie of 4hera l it could not, especially- the! trinkets of great sentimental value which have been in our family for years. . , - T 4 '! It costs so tittle"-to .protect1 ymir; valuables. fro mboth fire and. theft by keeping them in a. United -States Nar tiohal Safety Deposit Box that no one should hcstitate to secure one.; But, do it now while you have. thing? to' protect. , dtie United StatO ;NatipnQlEapI: : Salcxfi. Oregon The choir of the' First Methodist church is. t9 present an outstand ing program.: of eacred'r their -concert ton : Easter Sunday evening at tSJ:90 ) O'clock.-v The choir is composed of 50 voices un dervthe ! direction ; of Prof, K.' W. Hobson jand is accompanied .by Prof. T.iS. Roberts. The program is as follows: - ' ; . . - - . Prelude, selected; Prof. T. 8. Robertsi .-:.iV '"p$':: i: ' J Prologue irorit "The Calling of the Apostlea; (Eigar ) choir. . Hark.j t Ten Tliousand -Voices (Shelley) Miss Aide ne Smith and Mr Lloyd Thompson.' , , As It Begari To Dawn (Speaks) Miss Gladys Mtflntyre." . An Easter Alleluia (Gains) Miss: Josephine J Bross and Mis) Trista? Tenger. ! : ; ?- ; Lux Benigna (Jenkens) Mr. R'. D. Barton and choir. . Scripture reading arid offertory. Angels .Roll the Rocks Away (Scott) Miss Aldeoe Smith. . The' Strife is jO'er.J Shelley) choir. Easter Triumphal (Taylor) Prof. T. S. Roberts." Christ Triumphant IPletro Yon) choir. . - ?,- . .The. American Association of University Women will entertain me senior gins 01 Willamette Uni versity next i Saturday f afternoon. April 1 8, at k tea in the Woman's club hquse.! - Professor Fergus Rpddie,' head of . the, drama de partment of the47niYersity of Ore gon, will eoqtributq the program. ';. p pjir;.;. t .. . -,- .r For no musie.ln te world will crowds so gather as for. the music of the Easter season; and. on no season before, has the range been sq.cqmplete.! One of the. inspira tional vesper service of the day will be held at 5. o'clock- at the First Presbyterian ; church, witb the public cordially invited. ' Miss Minnie Sllllef, at the organ; Mis3 Katherine7 Bate at; the Piano; apd Leonard ChadWjidk, violin, wjll as sist a splendidly, augmented chorus directed : by R.,.H. Robertson, . in the following gems of Easter mu sic: j! . ';-- . . , Organ!' prelude, "Resurrection.," (Johnson).' t- :' .'..p Scripture and orayer. . . Hymn "Crown ;illn Vith Matiy Crowns," chorus and con gregation. " v' 'i - . ": '- Chorus "Awake Thou That Sleepest (Stainer); Bass solo---"But the Ixfd isr Met' ciful of His Own' (Mendelssohn) Mr. Barton, j ' ": . - Ladies horris "Hail to the Risen' Lord. ; Offertory ''Heart of Saint Ce celia," (Weigand) organ4 and "pi ano.: '(-. f .. -Chorus "Sanctus," (Gounod). Incidental solos "by Ronald Craven. Vie! in.; , "MediUtion from Thais), Massanet, Leonard , ChacS wick. !......;.. L: ' -'- - Soprano solo- "Open the Gates of the Temple; JosephlheBrois. Men's r - ''Christ V Has RiseA, MinshaU-NevlnC. r i Chorus r"Lo j the Tomb Is Empty' Broome. L: II - i . " - - Organ ppstiddie-elccted!;: ! " '. The following torn pose the per sonneljofj the chorus:: Sopranos.- Mary. Jane Albert. Mrs. Grant s - . , - Bonell, : Mrs. W. J. Lin foot. Miss Marie Marshall,: -Mrs. Lester, New man, Miss . Gussle -Niles. ; Mrs. R. H. "Bobertsori, Mrs. Ralph Scott, and Mrs. Carl Webbv Altos: Mrs, Fred Alklre. Miss Maxme Buren, Miss' Evaf Ferree, Mrs." Thomas GaIlowky,jMrs.Guy Rathbun, Mrs: Merle" Rosecrans and. Mrs. Ottp Wilson. Tenors? : Tl. A" Ahjlln, Ronald Cfaten, Leon Jennison, E, Hi LeacH.I RI H.' Robertson, Ralph Scott - and' Donald . Young Bass; Dr. L. E.I Barriek. F. S. Barton. J. P. BatesV Mr,. Gwynn, AI B. Hansen, jr; : W Orr and C T. Wit ter Organ: Miss Minnie Miller, Piano:' Miss 1 Katberin- Bates.' Violin: Leonard 'Chadwlck. Di rector of Chorus,' R. Robertson. ,:,:,;'. H ';. v ';-, '-; Word has been received In Sa lem of the marriage on" March 14, in New ? York City, of" Mr. Leon Elbert Warfbrd to Mis Helen Lonlse Ferryman'." Mr. Warford. -. ! . - j , ' . -'-.!,' ' v , ' r ' " ) - f , , 1 .-.: :: . .; r v s 1 ..-. - v- . - i . . P, ! ' $ : - ' ' P - ' - 1 or "Bert as he was known to many- friends In the Willamette valley, after being associated with the Natlo'oar Antotoobile society, wat connected with the automo bile division of the- department of commerce under .Herbert Hoover. He is well known in Salem and his many friends will doubtless be interested In the news of his mar-, rfage; Mr. and Mrs. Warford will make, their home, pn Lexington avenue in New York City. ..Dr. and Mrs, F G. Franklin. Mrs Vf. Fk Fsirgo. Mrs. F, S. Barr ton, and. Miss JEdna Garfield were those from Salem . maling up a party for the ineeting., on- Friday evening of the Ifort h vest ppetry society in Portland at the home of Mrs. Alice Welster, who; has been prominently .associated .with the art department at the state fair. After a talk by Col. Alfred E. Clark on 'MbdernT Art Interests." and responses by various members and officers of the society, Mrs. Viola Price Franklin was given the floor. , t - . L , . L Mrs. Franklin , presented Mrs, Barton, Mrs. Fargo, and Miss' Gar field as prominent... members, of the Salem group, .each of whom responded with original poems. Appropriate to the season, Mrs. Franklin closed; the meeting with her Easter sonnet. I BOOK REVIEW 1 r : u j Davey, Norman: Good Hunting. j French, d.,- Great detec tive stories' frora Voltaire to Poe. r French J. L., .ed.V Great detec tive stories' from Dickens to Ga boriau. ' .- i : . ; Gordon, 4T. W.:. The Sky Pilot. McSpaddenAj. VT. ed:t Famous detective stories. w- v White, S. E.: Gold Robinson,; E. E.; The evolution of American political parties. ; Phelps, E. M.: comp.: .Debaters' manual, 5th and! revised edition, i Garfias, -V. R.: Petroleum re sources of the world. Groves &. Groves: . Wholesome childhood. 1 ' Holt, L. E.: The happy baby. ' Glnsbach, J. A.: print shop arithmetic. ... . ', Hall, A. J.: Dyes and tjhelr ap plication to textile fabrics. , Younr, C. L.: Practical palntln and paper hanging. ; iv Staley, 'S. C: Games,", contest's and relays. .; . . Mayer. Charles: Jungle beasts I have captured.- ' . . .. 'Tfc Had-Jorff Parlpr The salesman has profound confidence in the sheer merit of this artistitr "Girand; He knows that if. tonal resources, uhusaally skillful craftsrrir.nsh.ip nd-beauty ;6t design andfinish are sought, that thq, Haddorff Parlor Grand will make a lasting impression. ' . ' . - - ". . . . ' ' ..' - . ' - -.' . .. k -' - - - ' 1 - .... ... . It tfould perhaps surprise you. to know how often these JLaddorffc Gmnds are selected because of the purchaser being convinced, througrr -enrcful' comparison," thit the. Haddorff. Parlor Grand is the superior' among fine Grands, 3 " - , . v- ; In the Haddorff small Grand; you are offered an instrument five ?fect' fear' inches in size that incorporates the same high standard of excellence in piano building that Characterizes the'Haddroff Parlor Grand. '- ' . . ' '.' P r'r'" ' " ' Such' a produjet invites your thoughtful consideration, v - , .. - . CJ on .very ' easy paymcnij Mrs. Carrie Chase - , Reader of talent who will assist on Tuesday evening at the contort of Miss Naomi Phelps. O'Brien"; J. O., . ed.: The best short stories of 192 4. Matthews & and . Lieder r The chief British dramatists excluding Shakespeare.; , . 1 Davies, W. W., How to read his tory. j - - :- . Carpenter, F. G.: Canada and .Newfoundland. .. Abbott. L. F.: The letters of Archie-Butt. ' . Johnson"; Clifton: HudsohMaxr im': Reminiscences "arid comments. ' Norris, Kathleen: Noon: an au tobiographical sketch.. For the Children - Hunt, Clara1 W.: Peggy's play houses."! - . - Colum," Padraic: The Island of the Mighty. : . ;'. -.. Morris.' Cora: Stories- from mythology :. North American. , . i ' . ' St. Paul's Guests to Enjoy Skiing and Skating in June ST. PAUL. April .11. Kiwan ians will flip back the leaves of the calendars six months this sum mer, in staging' a wlliter carnival Vttthi ice races," fancy skating, ski ing arid hockey at the Internation al , Convention of the Klwanis Clubs of the United States and Canada here June 22 to 25. Included in the mid-summer ice carnival will be dog team exhibi tloos, a fur review, a hockey game between Duluth and St, Paul.' an Yoa.rLrj.Ij "; JTstic Dettior . . for 4 1 Years . 432 State Street - - The . springtime 6? - c f t . a Progressive club on.T . . , e 2 nlng was one of the r. I i .st! . 3 affairs of the Lealea 5 ; . a vL i 55 couples met in XiiL7 l.'.l is the guests of Mr. and lira. II. L. White. Cherry blossoms a: 1 showers of. butterflies . r - i ll i hall Into a bower of love.: -: 3. A beautifully i staged feature c?.r.c?, "To Spring," was sta.5j ty Mrs. White,.., Fay Wassam, LaciIJi Pettyjohn, Mar3ret Tucirr, TaU IneMarnack.. Cynthia Delano aid Maxine Meyers. ' Partners were -found for the evening by means of bonqnets ct roses and violets. Mrs. WillUti Prunk gave as a feature solo wi:!i ' orchestra accompaniment, "lly Hero." Guest couples for the eveniti , Included Mr. and Mrs. George A. : Holmes, Mr. " and Mrs. Geor3 Hubbs of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. C J, Green. Mr. and Airs. Otta Rubin, and Mr.' and Mrs. Ralpli Glover. . ; exhibition drill on sklis by tl. a Third regiment of Fort Snellir and a historic pageant of tL3 northwest. From the" refreshing "pine trca atmosphere" of the. St. Paul aud itorium, to; be created by the plac ing of hundreds of . pines in tta building, the guests will be whisk ed to a scene of ice and snow, tba Minneapolis arena, where the ica carnival will' ba held on a v&al sheet of artificial ice. . Every detail of a genuine Min-, nesota winter carnival will be ccp led ill the middle of the Gunner. Snow, wijj ; be mmufactured fcr the. occasion and soir.e of tl 1 northland'a most famous riders will compete on the huge s'.;lt to be constructed in the arena. - ,- - " " 1" -" ; MA YOlt GIVES DINNEP. LONDON, April ill, The far typists.. bath -attendants, the'towA clerk-and tlhe garbage men, acl 400 ''other, employes jpf the Cc PoraHion of Richmond, a suburb of London, wefe" entertained at ft dinner Teceritly at wrhlch the & dermen acted as - waiters. Tt J dinner was given by Mayor Arthcf Howitt to. encourage good feellsi among employes of the differest departineats,. the . mayor himsel! acting as head waiter. - An Infant prodigy, these days.!! the child that. Is seen and cdl heard.' ' -"1 "C;.. I :.n Qi-cTlzA VP "xul li" ... e-- T--' r... ... I . : t