The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    I i
fw - - - - - - - -f-
i ' ' ' ' - - - Tmmmm
- - - - - ... .. ,. - - -MIME MM,. ,.,,. .,- i.n u 1111 I "I . -
1 1
-f -- .
: HATS '-
1 -
The New j Soft Hats from
makers who set the pace in
headwearj ' Any style or
color you Iwish. '
Prices $3 to $7
l I :i - i: ' .;'-':::. t-'i
It matters riot whether a mah buys 4 a
suit or ntot-4-he must have an Easter Tie
New Silk Knits 51
G. W. Johnson Co.
" .-4. ;r- '- ).;-:: -i -.1
69 State Street
1 f-
"the Thundering
Herd," by Zane Grey.
Liberty "The Eternal Strug-
feicp niiu otpi ...w.
j Grand "Pola Negri in "For-
bidden Paradise." J
Bligh "Big Oam in Africa"
and 5 acts Vaudeville.
t '
" i , ' i
Attends Poultry Meeting
! Mr. and Mrs. A.Jx Lindbeck,
of the Auburn district, motored to
Oregon City, last night to attend
a meeting of the Ilhode Island
club of Oregon. Mf. Lindbeck is
a poultry raiser and Salem news
paperman. I
Three Splendid Baj v
' In used saxophones, at1 Moore's
Music House, 409-415 Court, all
One Accident Fatal M
' Only one of the jS81 accidents
reported to the state industrial
accident commission" for the week
ending April ,9, resulted in i fa-J
tality. This was Bert Nichols,
logger, Boring. Of the total num
ber reported, 521 Were' subject to
the provisions of the. compensa
tion act, 60 from fjrms and cor-
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
Electronic Diacaeats aad Trestant
Jr. Abrua's aethod)
! Offloa raou t69 or 4 60-J
j 50 V. 8. Baak Bids.
porations that have rejected the
act and none from those not sub
ject to the provisions of the act.
1024 Bnick Roadste
j In wonderful condition. Price
is right. O. J. Wilson, 388 North
Commercial street. ; Phone 220. i
Two Khowg Planned ,
I St. Joseph's auditorium will give
two showings of "The Hoosier
Schoolmaster" and a real live com
edy, on Monday night at 7:00 and
9:00 o'clock. It will be the formal
opening'-of the pictures in the new
Easter IJllies for Sal
Flake's Petland. Phone. 6 5 6. all
Idaho Resident Wrathy
i His I automobile literally cover
ed from bumper to bumper with
oil, an Idaho tourist stopped! in
Salem long enough Friday to wipe
some of the oil from his machine!.
The highway between The Dalles
and Pendleton, he Bald, is literally
deluged with oil and gravel not
yet placed on the surface. The
trip, which was made at 'night,
was hazardous because of tke slip
pery siirface of the highmw&y. Ac
cording to Roy Klein, state highi-
Dancing ! Dancing ! .1
M ;: Xdiaa Txmm ' '
rhoma Bros. J&zs Band Orcheatra,
run ar Ufa aad rap !
' . MJ ... i'! :!:M.ii:.!;;!!:,:ir1-::;:;;-
Skating, Skating, Skating
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
way engineer, if tourists and oth
ers would observe the signs that
the highway department has plac
ed, designating the speed limit,
automobilists would not bespatter
their own and other machines.
For Sale, 1024 4-Door -!
Ford sedan, , practically new.
Reasonable price, run 4000 miles.
1819 S. 13th. , Mrs. II. C. Abey.
!.!- . i ':- : 'all
A Place for S 20,000 ! j
Business building J worth more
for sale Quick. A reason for sell
ing. This will net you well over
7 and appreciate In value. Bond
ed lease available if , buyer cannot
use the building himself. Just
what security would be better,
especially with Salem going ahead.
Investigate this week. Becke &
Hendricks, U. S. Bank BIdg. alOtf
Committee to Meet
The Street ? Improvement com
mittee will meet next Monday eve
ning to' select the bids for sand,
cement, gravel and cement mix
ers, which were accepted at the
last meeting of the 'city council.
It i3 expected that, the business
will .be completed at that time.
1 'Mfli&ti
vrs have ko trsEo cAS
'- ! - F&OBLEM
I . , .
Our-aaed ears ara aall-
1n meet aatiafactoxr.
W faal it la a nal
pleaanra ta ahnr onr
fin Un of aaad can,
the ; opinion of fruit growers in
thisf district. Already the blos
soms have reached a high point
of development and have escaped
the frost, and it is expected they
will not suffer.
Easier Ullies for Sale '
Flake's Petland. Phone 65 6. al 1
Franklin Tonring, Model 0B
Fpr sale at Certified Public Mo
tor Car Market for J 530. This
car (was recently overhauled and
repainted. To buy it would be to
get the highest class' transporta
tion; coupled with the greatest op
erating economy. U: all
Pioneers to Exhibit Houses ;
Bird j houses i built by .members
of the Salem Pioneer 'clubs , will
be exhibited at the.YMCA during
the latter part of next week, ac
cording to information issued by
Clarence Oliver; Secretary of boys'
work.' Last year several, score, of
bird houses were built and placed
in the Salem district, in! time to
house the . many birds that come
to nest in the district, j
Four Cylinder Sedan-
Just overhauled. A remarkable
buy Q. J. Wilson, 388 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 220. all
younger, ha a strata of Indian
blood, jit il said, and rtaltna ta
have a; husband living in j Califor
nia, whom she married tour years
go. She gives her maiden name
as Jones, and says her father is
a street car operator In Tacoma.
The pair were trying to beat their
vray t6 California when arrested
here by local police.
Blowoni Dance
. bcnindler hall tohigb
Easter' Brrkfats-U "
A special Easter hreakfaar sill
be served at the Colonial Dame
Tea Shoppe Sunday! front 8 until
l o clock. Tables may be reserr
Phone 753.
Elks to Banauet
Nex Thursday at the i regular
meeting of ; tbe Elks club, a ban
quet Will be served to 'members.
At that time the exalted ruler of
the total lodge will serve at his
second; meeting
Spellbinders Meet- . j
Parliamentary procedure-is be
ing studied by the YMCA public
speaking class under the direction
of W. 1 H. Harrington, instructor
from Portland. Members of the
class have been, meeting every
Friday! night during the past
three weeks, although the instruc
tors has not been able to be there
at all times.
Cooked! Food, Sale f
Neighbors of Woodcraft, Sat.;
April 11, 184 N. Liberty, all
Naomi Phelps Vocal Concert
Assisted by Mrs. Carrie Chasa.
reader. Christian .church Tuesday
AprU 14.
- i
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office" Hour front 10 a, m. to 3 p. m.
When I You
m 7i r
io Move r
Lif Jin
Call on us, for we. have padded Vans and Fleece-lined
covers for your furniture and piano. First class piano !
and furniture movers. j ' f ! " . .
We also handle Brooder Stoves, Furnace
Coals and Diamond Briquettes r.
Also have A-Star-A Shingles for $35 per Thousand
Larmer Transfer &
! Storage ICo.
PHcne 930
Pierce to Speak S V
Governor Pierce Is expected to
be the principal speaker at the
quarterly meeting, of the Polk
county Farmers' Union in Dallas
Wednesday. Herbert Egbert, state
president of the union, is expect
ed to be present. An! open session
will b held in the afternoon. Sev
eral important matters are to come
before the business session.
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
At Ellsworth's Hat Shop. Now
located at 347 Va Court 'street up-
stairs.:; - : -i ,: al2
Birilts Reported I
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halsetle re
port the birth of a baby boy who
weighed 10 pounds, and Mr. and
Mrs, H. C. Beard, of 250 -Norjh
Fourteenth report the birth of a
9 I pound baby girl. ; ' .. .
Want 4,0OO loan
On i 32 0-ac re ranch.
341 State. ' v
'.'' .--,
Beautiful Home Oaks
TernjiB like rent. With; drapes,
linoleums, electric' water heater,
electric! range, etc. Price cut to
day to $6650. Immediate posses
sion. New home with everything
and large rooms. Becke! & Hen
dricks-,1 U. S. Bank Bldg. j alOtf
Burgess Ford Memorial
Burgess Ford Memorial Metho
dist Episcopal church, West Salem.
F. It. Cannell, pastor. Sunday
school at 9:45. classes for all ages.
Mrs. H. J. Morriss, superintendent;
Morning worship n o'clock. Ser
mon by the pastor- Subject "Why
Seek Ye the Living Among the
Dead?" Junior league 3 p. m.
Epworth leagtf 6;15. j At 7:30
an Easter program will be ? given
by the children of the Sunday
School. Everybody welcome.
Thr.' American Hatter 4 5
uiocks hats Into the new shapes
546 State St., upstairs, r . ; all
Building Permits v p . . t
H. C. Hummel Is to erect a
dwelling at 1765 North Capitol
to cost $3,000, and J. Beecher
is to build a dwelling at 426 Rural
avenue estimated? to cost $2,000,
according to permits issued by
City Recorder Poulsen yesterday.
If It's Late in Sheet Music
We have It. Moore's Music
House. 409-413 . Court. Phnne
Accident BefaUg Man. 1 !
Dr. p. R. Vehrs was called ,to
Woodburn Friday to attend H.
W. Locke, who was seriously in
jured at Albany when a log rolled
againstl him and knocked him to
the : ground. Serious head injur
ies and; body bruises made it
necessary for Locke to be! brought
to Salem, after he had been taken
to 'Woodburn. .- - i' t
Admits Illegal Relationship 1
! A woman giving the name of
Mrs! E, Bragg admitted to Po
lice Matron Myra Shanks s that
she had Illegal .relationship with
E.i.E. Bragg, who was arrested
with her, and that her name is
Silvia jCorales. The woman, ad
mitted j that she had -been living
with the mah in Tacoma at 106
EIno apartments. The woman
gives her age as 22, but appears
Year Is Progressive
"This is the greatest blossomine
year for setting fruit buds I have
seen In the past 10 rears de
clared Paul Wallace, Salem busi
ness man, in commenting unon
the fruit situation. Despite the
aamage received by -early fruits,
the later varieties will" bring up
the average to a great extent. Is
! San Frmaeisvat, om way, f 15JS0
Round Trip, 30.00 -Cos
AngeleM, one vray, tS7JtS
Round Trip, (SO.0O j
Epecial Rates to Parties of : '
, Eight or Mors j
For Information and Reserva
tions phone- 696. or eaU At
Fsl"!, Oregon ).
A Half Pound Box of Hoefler
We are giving away, ab-
. solutely free, a half pound
box of Hoefler Chocolates
with a purchase ot a $1
, box of candy, making 1
1 , pounds of high grade
' Chocolates for 11.00,
Perry Drucr Stcro
X1S 8ot& Oootaaerdal "':
i Salem, Oregon
Cut Flowers for Kater
Upjphn's, 964 South! Liberty.
Phone 1700. ! 1 I i ! all
Birth Is Reported I t !
Mr:and! Mrs. Fred a! Straw
are the parents of Verne Lucile
Straw;! born on Aprij 9. Mr. and
Airs, straw live five miles east
Of Salem. i i i
BIoHsorn Day tlurstti
Special Easter
the Salem Restaurs
Sunday dinner at
it. 73c. al2
Undergoes Doe:
'Mrs' O, W. Delay-
principal of the
underwent a major
a local hospital and
nicely,! according
attendants. ; v
Trnor j Banj.
With Inlaid wood
tne latest models juist
. i - . i
.vioore s -aiuslc House
Court. , Phone 983.
Health ' Improves
Mrs. Sallie Dyer.
seriously ill for
weeksj is Improving
ner nome, 330 Nc
according to reports
service at Wheatland ferry is be
ing asked for in petitions circu
lated in Maflon and Yamhill
counties, with the result that they
are v being , liberally signed. The
contention is that the service
should be furnished free by the
counties, due to the heavy traffic
that meets at the two points, r
Easter Baskets, Cut Flowers
Adams; Florist. 453 Court, all
Lee Chapiu Wins j '
Lee Chapin won the oratorical
try-out at Willamette .university
Friday morning. The try-out was
held to determine the candidate to
represent Willamette in the Pa
cific Coast oratorical contest to be
held soon. Two orations were pre
sented by Lee Chapin, 'The Great
er Justice" and "The International
Mind,", The only other -contestant
was Rawson Chapin, who present
ed ;"Public ODinion," The percent
ages on Lee Chapin's orations tied
and an audience vote was taken to
determine which of the two he
should use. ' "The International
Mind" won by the margin of a sin
gle vote. . i
B1o6koi Day; Guests Attention
Special Easter Sunday dinner at
the Salem Restaurant, 75c al2
Card of Thanks j
We sincerely thank our many
friends for. their kindness and
sympathy shown during our recent
bereavement.. i ,
j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crouser,
I f j and family.
wife of the
operation at
is Improving
jreports of
arrived, at
! all
irho has been
past few
rapidly at
North Summer.
of her nurse.
Ferry Service Koughi ! i
I A simple request for free ferry,
BUCHAS Margaret
has died in a local
10. at the age of
remains are at the
Salem mortuary.
Pennie Buc-
h03pltal -April
years. The
chapel of the
Phone 1656.
;- FUNERAL 1 1
The funeral of Maryi Ml Persey
Will be held at the Stl John's Luth-
Aan n W m t. I i 1 . .
. nuuicu, ouirenia ana A
streets,, Monday at 2 pi. m. Rev.
Gross ill have charge pr services.
interment will be in icitr View
cemetery, Webb funeral parlors
in charge of arrangements.
Charter No. 67 - - j Reserve District No, 12
Report of Condition 4)t Xh4 !
At Salem, in the state of Oregon at close of business April 6, 1925
1. Loans and Discounts nrltiitinr .roA
in Items 29 and 30, if any . ; . . 4 .......... .
2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured . J v.. .
3. U. S. government securities owned, including those
shown in items 30 and 35, if any;
4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including
foreign government, state, municipal, corpora
tion, etc., including those shown In items 30
and 3S. if anv :
Banking house. furniture and fixtures. . ......
(9ab) Cash on hand In vault and due from banks,
bankers and trust companies ! designated and
approved reserve agents of this bank... ..
Exchanges for clearing house and items on other
banks in the same city or town as reporting
bank i
Total cash and due from banksitems 8 V.'lO
and 11 .1.080,326i72
Customers' liability under letters of credit ......
Other assets, if any: Documentary Stamps ......
S u
I 111 Idl t
&tMMf IS7S
NopIti lrvg-rilnt prUitJ
on lh wtppw.
Oi1irnlikait. Lnttw!Hn(
,.iih mH-f'"- in tha world.
- Speaking of stage robbers, they
do say that some of these choru3
girls have a convincing touch.
Those who gossip easily lull In
to argument, i
At . "
Shipley 's
T.t AnTT.ITtI',S .
16. Capital stock paid in .
17. Surplns fund .............. 2 .1 . i
18. (a) Undivided profits-. L... .. j.L .."i" $69,93787
(b) Less current expenses, : interest
- and taxes paid ... i ... . .4. i, . i . . 30,701.99
21. Net amounts due to other banks, bankers and
trust companies .. . ..'. ; . , j
23. Individual deposits subject to check,! including de
posits due the State of Oregon, county, cities
uiuer pumic iunas ........ i . .- : . .
Demand certificates ef deposit outstanding.."."".
Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable
$ 500,000.00
j 100.000.00
j 39.235.88
j 273,045.79
on demand
Certified checks outstanding . .h . j, A . . . . .. . .. '.
Total of demand deposits, other than bank de-'
posits, subject to reserve, items 23. 24, 25, 26.
'- " . .... j . . . $2,831,352.25
Time certificates-'of deposit outstanding
Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ......
Total of time and savings deposits payable on
demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28.
i . $1,935,555.23
Letters of credit outstanding . j. i . ; ........... .
! 47,926.79
STATE OF OREGON. County of Marion ss. j
I. L. P. Aldrich, cashier: of the above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.. s j
1 L. P. ALDRICH. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to herore me this 10th day of April. 1925
(SEAL) ; GEORGE H. RICHES. Notary Public.
My commission exnires February 19. 192 7.
CORRECT Attest: ' ! ; 1
S. BUSH. !
L. P. ALDRICH j Directors.
1; - ,1 '
Hand Dipped
: : 1
. in light and dark
t- i
coating:. Regular .
, Price 60c lb. ,
Saturday and Sunday Only
36c lb.
Two lbs. for 70c "
Limit Two Lbs. to a Customer
only at
"The Yellow Front'
The Penslar Store :
Wa Ara Open Sunday. ,
135 North Commercial
Phone 197
1 - in, 3
Made from Bishops Virgin Wool Materials in all the Desired Shades and
Styles. The .New Gothic Browns; London Lavenders.
There is an Easy Feel to these Suits Styled in Sprightly English Models
With that Swing of Grace and EaseJ Conservative Models with Dressy
.. Lines. , . -r - .. -
i Dress Up For Easter At Bishop's
! f 4 . . 4 M :
I: -.- ' il .
11 .... . j
III.. : , - 1 t - i .-. - .:.' V
I II I i a
2 Pr. Panto
; Through the Enormity of our Mill Alliances we are able to give Unusual
Values. . Our Steady Growth has:been the Result of Years of Careful
Merchandising. Take Advantage of this Offer. !
; For Easter as Well as any Other Day Ilave Your Appearance Work For
You Not Against You. i .
i - -!f.llM-5
.... m . . i V J