The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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: if MfflJ Oil1 1 Bil
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Color" Scheme: Yellow and Green.
Spinach Soup Egg Yolk Garnish
0 - ' Greec Olives v;
1925 Millf Fed
pi era
Beef to Boil
' - i -Y
Fresh Hamburger
oniGiiiATons OF
351 State Street
rJo 75 tffae : i Combine,
White King
Special !
2 Pkgs. White Kin-
Soap 08c i
3 Mission Bell Toilet
Soap Kree
1 Pk. Vblte King
Soap 40c '
1 3Iissl6n Toilet Soap
: -Free r; ' ,
Roth's Cakes
,when you order a cake
from Roth's you know
you are getting a cake
made of the ' best ma
terials, by women bak
ers who make hun
dreds of cakes a week
and baked" in a mod
ern electric oven, this
assures ' ; uniformity.
The full line for Satur
day: Angel, Sunshine,
Prune, Mocha, Nui,
Cocoanut, Orange Mar
tha Washington, Jelly
Rolls, Fancy Cookies,
Almond Macaroons,
Nut Drops,' Date Cook
ies a new cookie this
week and its delicious.'
Date Squares. . j J
V j 60c Dozen I
Large cans J
3 for C5c
Roast Chicken . ;
Potatoes with Parsley
Creamed Onions iPeas in Tlmbales
Water Lily Salad . Cheese Straws
Plain Yellow Cake
La m b
Beef Roasts
USlo Bib.
Quality First
Groceries! and Meats
Savt TimeOrder your, "meat with
your' groceries, one' order; one deliv
f i cry, one account
. . j ' Uj:1-ii lm :
i . - :;.fU'j X it! j -. ' -., - .:
A Haiti for Easter
Morrell's Hams grown and packed in
the heart of the corn belt. In Morrell's
we can guarantee you an. eastern
corn-fed ham. 1 1 1 1 r ' '
36c per pound
i 10 to 12 pounds each ,
Cascade Hams
titan,'; tender, mild cure;-10 to 12
I pounds each t'
36c pound
Spring: Lamb
1925 Spring Lamb Legs of Lamb,
Shoulder of Lamb, Lamb Chops.
We also have the dry mint or mint
sauce to go with the lamb. .
plenty of jfresh eggs for Easter.
. Every egg guaranteed . .
2 dozen for 55c '
o i la 1 Giceiy C
Phones 1885-6-7 .
' No charge for delivery
' ':.: ith :'- :J ;. !
! I Caramel Icing ,
Pineapple Ice, Colored Creen
Salted Pecans Coffee
! Spinach Soap
3 cups Tported 2 tbp. flour - ,
millt ! j i - S ms spinach pulp
2 cups meat stock 1 Salt and pepper ' .
2 tbp. butter r
Make i a white sauce with the
fat,! milk,' and- meat stock. Add
spinach palp, season to taste, beat
wiia egg oeaier and serve not.
! ! Plain Yellow Cake
cup but'.er
1 cup sugar !
8 eggs, i . 1 !
1 tp. ranilla
2 tp.
3 tbsp,
baking pow
milk .
5 tbsp. water
1 3-4 eups ;flonr
Cream butter, add sugar and
continue! creaming. All well-beat
en egg. i Itx; and sift dry ingre
dients,! and add all at once with
milk. 'Combine quickly and bake
in a moderate oren.
1 i Pickled Eggs j ::j
6 hard-rooksd cjg tsp. peppier '
t cnpi vinegar . tsp. jrouud mas
24 cloves i ii. ,; 'in- j,r4 ,
V tsp. isalt ' j 5
Stick 4 cloves into each egg.
Heat the vinegar and when boiling
add the seasonines mixed (With a
little cold vingear. Put eggs into
a glass fruit jar and pour boiling
vinegar oyer them. Cover and let
stand ,10 days before using. A
nice accompaniment for broiled
steak, i J; - j f ' 1 I
i i ! Ii Coconut Candy Eggs i
.2 eups sugar H cup corn srrup
M cup water . i j 1 cup coconut
Red fruit coloring 1 tsp. vaniLla
Boil sugar, syrup and the wa
ter to the soft ball stage and stir'
until creamy, adding enough fruit
coloring to make a nice pink; then
stir in coconut and shape like
Easter eggs. '.Lay on waxed paper
to harden. ;'': I i 7 ;
1 " Scalloped Eggs J
3 bard-boiled eggs ! 3-4 cup ; buttered
1 cup ; evaporated bread crumbs 1
. milk i ' ! :i ., ,i -. i :: ; - : Y
I cup water i 3 tbsp, flour j
3-4 cup icold chick-- : ;
en. veal, bam'orl tbsp. butter
" fiwh (ham is the i
bent)' M - :' - " ' i
Make white sauce of milk, wa
ter, flour and Butter. Chop eggs
finely, : Place a thin layer of but-i j
tered crumbs in bottom of baking
dish, cover with a layer of one-j
half of eggs, then with a layer of ,
one-half the meat and then white
sauce; repeat. Cover with re
maining crumbs.- Place in a mod
erate oven until crumbs are brown
Glorified periled Eggs
Cut "hard-boiled" ; eggs L in
halves lengthwise. Remove yolks
Hoef ler's
A 65c package free
with each SI. 00 box.
Have this - deal for'
your Easter confec
tion. .
Oregon Asparagus,
green - and tender, 2
one-pound bunches 45c
Fine Spinach, Green
Peas, New Potatoes,'
-Cauliflower, Head Let
tuce, Rhubarb, Celery,
Solid Cabbage, Toma
toes,. Green Peppers,
Sweet Potatoes, Green
Onions, Radishes, Car
rots, Beets, Turnips.
Florida Grape Fruit,
heavy with juice, 10c,
2 for 25c
Oranges California
Navels; 30c 40c, 60c,
and 75c dozen
Apples Yellow New
towns and Winesaps,
' 35c dozen
Prince Little
An extra small fine
flavored pea will go
fine with your
Spring Lamb. Spe
cial, Three 80c tins 80
Easter! ! i
and put whites aside in pairs.
Mash yolks and add an equal
quantity of finely chopped cold
chicken. Moisten with mayon
naise, i Season to taste with salt,
pepper, lemon juice, mustard ' and
cayenne. Shape and refill whites.
; , ; - i Eggs a la York . Y,.' f
Oil muffin; pans or tlmbale
moulds; sprinkle! with finely chop
ped , parsley, j cooked beets : and
mushrooms (mushrooms may be
omitted, but since they are quite
easily procured at this season, and
are so delicious and nourishing
they are worth) trying), Break
eggs, and slip one into each mould.
Sprinkle with" salt and "pepper, set
la hot water,! and cook until egg
is, firm. Remove from moulds on
to nicely trimmed slices of toast.
and pour around, tomato sauce.
. Planked Eggs -, -r
To two-thirds of a cup of finely
chopped tongue orj corned beef,
add an equal quantity of bread
crumbs and moisten with undilut
ed evaporated pjllk and season
with salt and pepper. Spread mix
ture on plank j (if - you have no
plank, use a iyrex or granite pie
plate) and make ne3ts of mashed
potatoes to which have been ad
ded oe whole egg beaten, using a
rosf pastry tube., (Pastry tubes
can be bought in the! tin depart
ment of our department stores for
10 cents and your own pastry bag
can, be" made cone-shaped from
"Indian Head" just like a jelly bag
and with such a Ismail outlay what
magic you can work in the attrac
tiveness of so many dishes!) Put
a poached egg in each nest and
place in oven to brown the potato.
Garnish with buttered beets or
broiled tomatoes and narslpv.
Place the plank
or pan on a plat
to obscure edge
ter and garnish
of pan. ' !
la Eastor
5 esst . ! j V. tn .u
1-1 CUP evaDorated 1-8 tan.' nmnr,
milk, d i 1 utt e d 1 tbsp butter
with 1-4 cup f war Chicken livers
Beat eggs; slightly; add salt.
pepper and milk. Heat pan, put
in butter, and when melted turn
in- the ' mixture Cook until T bt
Creamy consistency, stirring and
scraping1 from bottom of ipan.
Pour over six round slices of toast
ed bread. Put ione tablesnoon Af
tomato puree on eacft piece,' and
in the center ot tomato 14 table
spoon chickens
livers sauted In
bacon fat.
Churchill Named I l
Normal President
from page 1)
fice are the promotion of-stan
dardization of j rural schools and
the organization of boys' and
girls" Industrial clubs throughout
the state. He was also successful
is standardizing the high 'school
courses of the state.,.' , "
During the session of the 191 S
legislature Mr. Churchill -was able
to obtain some legislation that
more than doubled the attendance
in the high school in less than one
year by obtaining the passage of
the high' school tuition, fund en
abling students to attend' high
schpols without cost to themselves
through the payment of tuition.Y
':The plan ( of giving credits to
high school student for music
work done outside of regular
school hours was inaugurated by
Mr. Churchill, who also promoted
the plan for moral instruction in
the schools ! arid through his ef
forts Oregon was the' first state in
the United States to provide credit
for week-day religious school and
direct a course of study. 'Voca
tional education in the state'under
the Smith-Hughes act is also the'
work of- MrJ Churchill.; r
' Mr. Churchill originated the
Tlan .for Bible study and tie 1 ob
taining of credits for this in-1915.-
Through hi efforts the first re
creation manual was adopted and
since originated, thousands of
pieces of playground aparatus and
gymnasium; supplies' havebeen
provided throughout, the state.
: If a woman
has a jealous hus-
band she Is
and If he isn
humiliated, f
much embarrassed.
t jealous she feels
Pricsa qnte4 are srkolasalo or
prices raeeivad bjr farasora. - So retail
pneos aro firn , .
No. 1 oft white wheat.., -.-..'...ft 32
No. 1 soft rtd whMt --. it a
Oats U i . 1
Cheat hay j , ;
Oat hay 1 , , , '
Clover hay, baled
Oat sod vetch, hay - - .
Itors.' 100-200 cwt . $13.50
MOSS, -t.,
Hogs, "J00-3o( cwt..
Ii(bt sows j , , ;
-11 H
. ...lSe
Dressed veal X
Cows - .
Dressed pork
Ianiba ; U..
bprinj lambs ;-.
fTjuV liana " . . ),..c4
Light fcess .1....- : I7Atlie
Creamery hnttrr , , 4eaTc
Bntterfst, riatiwfail , -t?n
Milk, per cwt. - ,, , , ,-a.0
r.ggt, standsrdt r-. titg??t
tstloH-rs,,,,-, ,i ,u - , - , . ?0
Hints From a Mouse- f
i .1-1 1 1
v .Early rhubar!. which dietitians
consider so healthful, is now to bo
seen at mosL green grocers' j and
should be served once or twice! &
week while In season. It can be
stewed "plain'
with sugar and! a
little water and:
eaten for break -
fast or as a sidei dish at dinner; or
In pies or otheit desserts.
The housewife
whose family
not care for It plain may be
to Include a little of It In the fam
ily s diet by combining it with other
fruit and tapioca, thus toning down
the sharp taste of the rhubarb
which some people find objection
able. ! 1 . j Y It);
Place one cupOf prune Julc J one
half cup .hot water and two cups
rhubarb cut fine into an enarjnetjed
ware double boiler, which has I a
vltreoua surface) and will not be
affected by the j fruit acids. . Cook
slowly, add one cup sugar, j the
juice of . an orange and one half
cup of the kind of tapioca (hat
does not need soaking.. Stir fre
quently for twenty minutes or; un
til the tapioca Is soft and then add
twenty stewed prunes from which
the stones have been removed
coot ana serve wttn : cream.
Most families like occasional rur
prise dishes andj the housewife) who
'delights In trying out new recipes
will readily see the possibilities of
this" wholesome one-dish dinner,
' .Remove the seeds ' from j one
sweet, pepper, chop and parboil for
a . few . minutes . Chop one Bmall
onion fin and iadd to the 'pepper,
which should be thoroughly drain
ed.. Then add three cups of foiled
rice and mix 'well. Put a layer of
this mixture into a well buttered
covered enameled : ware baking
dish. ; Add a layer of tiny sausages
(about one pound) which have
been, partially cooked, and -coyer
with the remainder of the! rice.
Pour one cup of mik over It all
and dot with putter. : Cover and
bake for a half' hour In a hotf oven.
Then remove the cover and bake
for another half. honr. ; . j
In order to keep this dish some-
Every commodity
tells a story, i At
i 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 ; 1 i.i m,
Spring (Dishes j ; frd
Miscellaneous j
Crownj Flour, 49 lis. I..... $3.43
Gold Medal Flour,! 49, lbs. ............L..$2.43
Cherro Flour, 49 lbs. ' .JL J$2J35
Best Creamery Bqtter, lb. L;..... ..46c
Kremrhels Bread, large double loaves 15c
Fresh jEggs, per dozen 1 i ..23c
l . . " . I i . Y
M. J. B. Coffee, 1 b. 1..: :....;...57c
Hill's feoffee, 1 lbj .J. 1...:....,.'. 57c
Schilling's Coffee! 1 IbJ
Folger's Coffee, 1 lb. L.
White Wonder Soap deal -l- 25 White
. Wonder, 3 Refined; Borax y..-....:.:...:.S1.oo
:- I : - ' X : ) : .i f : ' . Y -'.;' -
Crystal White Soap, 6 bars ...:....25c
Log Cabin Syrup,! large .....1 ..............$1.08
Medium ..i.....J...57c; Small ..... ...29c
Phone 14
what of a mystery until the first
portion is served. Jo not transfer
it lo a platter. or other serving dish.
Enameled ware baking- dishes are
0 china-like In appearance that
there need be no hesitancy in
bringing Them to the table, !
Lovers of . cauliflower will . like
this way of preparing It, which la
quite different from the few fam
iliar methods.
llemove the outside leaves and
soak .the cauliflower head down in
cold salted, water for fifteen min
utes. Drain and boil head up In
an enameled ware saucepan- with
enough water to cover; . When ten
der, drain and place right side up
In a buttered enameled ware bak
ing dish. Melt three tablespoons
butter, add three tablespoons flour
and one of salt. Stir until ,well
mixed and then add one and 'one
half cups milk. Bring to a boil
ing point, stirring constantly. Pour
over the cauliflower and sprinkle
with a little cayenne pepper. Melt
two tablespoons butter, add two
thirds Of a cup of chopped walnuts
and -one-third cup bread crumbs.
Spread over the top of the cauli-
flower and bake In a hot oven till
delicately browned. , . i
' Serve from the dish in which It
Is baked. ' . .. j
Quickly prepared dishes for
luncheon are special favorites udth
the housewife and she will like this
delicious rarebit which does not re
quire many ingredients and Is eas
ily made. . i
: Cut one hair pound of soft
Cheese Into small piece- and place
In an enameled ware double boiler.
Add a dash of pepper and paprika
and a half teaspoon salt. When
the cheese has melted, add enough
canned tomato soup (three quarters
to one cupful) to thin the mixture.
The surface of enameled ware does
not Interact with fruit and Veget
able acids, so the tomatoes will not
affect or be affected by the add of
this mixture. When all the i In
gredients are thoroughly blended.
your over hot I toast.
in full view, everv item
Piggly Wiggly you may
Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables for your Easter Dinner
Fruits and
Bunch Carrots
Head Lettuce
I Celery
.1 Onions
7 Beefs
Fresh Peas
Granges K
- Bananas
Grape Fruit
: ! Apples T '
.. 48c
Special attention given to telephone orders.
Portland Produce -'
Butter extras, 42c; standards,
41 c; prime firsts, 41c; firsts,
41c. Eggs extras, 23c; firsts, 28c,
pullets, 27c;;current receipts,- 5c.
' jtHajr and Feed' -,:'"
'Buying prices: Valley timothy,
170 N. Commercial
Our Regular Prices
NYY; ;Y Of . .. - .;.
i.Breaa iy-iD. ioai ide; z ior...... 23c
i Bread 1 lb. loaf 9c; 3 for A .......25c
; Cookies, 2 doz. for ........ ..u...25c
! Butter Horns, Apple Turnovers, 6 for 25c
Cakes all variety .. ....15c up to 50c
jDoughnuts, Cinnamon Rolls, Tea Sticks and
j Buns, Dozen ..............L.....:...... :...i20e
i Pies :. ...'..'10c and 23c -
Hot Cross Buns, Dozen .....i -.;.......20c
1 Milk Bread, French and Rye, 3 loaves ........23c
We Serve Coffee and Lunches.
Try Our Krauses Candies
You folks! that like the BETTER GRADES OF MEAT
can make a real saving by buying your meats here.
' I
i . T
Freshly ground HAMBURG
Pure pork SAUSAGE
PORK to roast
PURE LARD in bulk ....
Our very best BACON 35c
This same grade of bacon is selling in most of
j : Salem's stores lor 45c. to S5c per lb.
McDowell Market
. '.71 Where a Dollar Does its Duty
rilOXEj 1421 ; ... . , , 173 SOUTH COtiRCIAL
branrld wll Ia, U
obtain a nice assortment of fresh, clean.
Miscellaneous '
Graham Crackers, 4 lb. box 89c
Fancy Burbank Potatoes, per cwts ....$2.03
Swift's Premium Kams, lb 34c
Armour's Star Hams, lb 34 c
Gold Medal Mayonaise, Qts. 85c;; Pts. 49c,
'; :y Pts. .y. ...soc
Premium Salad Dressing, large . 40c
Small 18c
Sniders Catsup, pint bottle .i.i -21c
Del Monte Medium Peas, No. 2 can .......19c
Del Monte Small Peas, No. 2 can 2 1c
Lily of .the "Valley Golden Bantam Corn
No. 2 can -. .....2 1c
Del Monti Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 can 32c
Libby's Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 can 32c
Otter Shrimp, 3 cans ..53c
Five Pelivcrica Daily j
' ; 456 State Street
$202l!;do ea,t-ra OrpgOI1(
$24; alfalfa, l9.30fl2u; c'Iovr
$16; oat hay, cPat J1G
'-u. o.ij; straw, $s.:,0
per ton
ng rriecsY$2 a tou n
1H! El! IF"
15 c
roast -r.