The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    V i
Billy Gardeau Challenges
Winner for Last Card of I
Season April 24th 1
Frank ie LewU of Eugene ham
mered Charlie Dawson of Eugene
for II) heartrending rounds last
Tomorrow Is
Easter Sunday
You will want to take a trip
out among: the beautiful
Blossom covered hills.
Be Careful
There will be lots of traf
fic on the ! roads. Don't
let an accident mar the
pleasure of the day for
Good Brakes j
' Are your best insurance
against accidents. Let
, us inspecti your brakes
today. That's our busi-
Oraho apcclallst
' 7 " . "
3t75 So. Commercial St.
ju 1
s "See MikePanek and 1
Avoid a ranlc' j
-7- ' I J !
I ' r- . -if ; v
Insist on a Universal Range
it-is your assurance of years of
faithful and satisfactory service
Choice of
! Plate
Cup and
Tracjs in
Your Old
i Stove on
a irevr One
S: i f ' R
a 7 - 5
fySar -- j j j
night and won a decision over his
opponent in the -second to the last
card -to be offered at the Armory
this season. Both mm announc
ed their weights at 1.37 pounds.
In the semi-windup Billy, Rob
bins of Portland knocked oat Kid
McCormick of Oregon City in the
fifth round, i Thej two lads fought
at 105 pounds each. ;
Billy Gardeau jwas on deck to
challenge the winner of the main
event and . will meet Lewis ton
April 2, this card to close the
season, according to an announce
ment made by. Matchmaker Harry
Plant. .- j i ; ; yrJC,'
; .When Lewis' j objected, to the
amount of tape jDawson ; had on
his hands before the fight started,
Dawson left the ring and. returned
with his hands bare.
Dawson took the first and his
only ' round, landingi more blows
than the Indian jThe Indian, with
some mighty wallops, proceeded
to wade into Daiwson for the re
mainder of the ight. trying his
best for a sleep-producing punch.
Dawson was floored in the fifth
ya we eignin. wnen
. TBB"T' onensive.y
"ulu ""es " IOOK advantage 01
the count.
I Lewis was
the Aggressor
throughout the 10 rounds, coming
in fast on top of Dawson. The
Eugene boxer ( missed several
swings and faileA to take advant
age of several opportunities and
did .not follow op.
Billy Bobbins had the reach on
Kid McCormick in the six-round
semi-finals, and had the Kid
hanging on the ropes several
times. AlcCormlck was floored
four times in the fourth and fifth
rounds, and, in the fifth, after be
ing the canvass, his sec
onds tossed in a towel and picked
the Kid off -the floor., ;
J One round was I sufficient for
Pee-wee Bond 6f ! Eugene when
he met Eddie ' Sanderson of Che
fiawa. Bond walked into one of
Eddie's fast; one? with the result
that he was up-jended shortly af
iter the f first tap of the gong.
'Eddie weighed l 18 pounds and
r-ee-wee iiu pounds.
I TP A At Tl. . l . - , .
fuuiu raiir ;6"i uuoea m nis
appearance tn .4 the ring with
Shadow Gretz. )rte got tapped on
the chin, started to get up, then
Changed his mind and sat down
until after I counted out. Eddie
weighed 150 pounds and Gretz six
pounds lighter, j ; -j?.
Two eggs, both soft-boiled, gave
a 'love-bird duet" and an excel
lent ' imitation of what a fighter
aint." Before
the ' tight was
many seconds old it was stopped,
by Referee (Tom
1ieY. who had warned them seve
ral times to mix things a little
bit. This brilliant pair was Jack
Roberts. 140 pounds, of Albany,
and an , apple-knocker named
Come in today and let us show you the
advantage bfi cooking with a Universal.
Every woman should 'see this stove wher
ther she plans on buying or not.
Extra Special This Week Only
White Porcelain and Nickel Trimmed
I Universal Range
i I Coiled,' connected and Set up with
i I 1 i n i: m heavy pipe i .f .!
fi -- - - .IE i , j' 1 ' i ; :: - '.,
7. U 7-, A'- 'j-7 77
7. ,.... -1 . . i :: ; ! 7 ?
i ; I ' i 1
7 I - 1 '
BEAVERS: 11 T0 10
j I' ii i i' 'I ' V i, , , j 4
Portland Scores Nine Runs in
First Inning; Angels Stage
; r Big Rally ' '
LOS ANGELES, April 1 0 Port
land scored nine runs in the first
inning of f j Los Angeles pitchers
here today but ? were unable to
hold the lead and the Angels won;
11 to 10. The Angels, after their
disastrous start, slowly crept! up
on the Beavers and went Into the
lead with a five-run rally in the
eighth. Each clubN used four
-''Score : '- R. H. E.
Portland ...... 10 10 0
Los Angeles 11 13 5
Yarrison, Burns, Keefe, Rachac
and Rowland; , Myers, Ramsey,
Phillips. Milstead and Spencer.
Vernon 15; Salt Lake 5
SALT LAKE CITY, April 10.--
Jimmy christian pitched masterly
ball for Vernon today and the
Tigers gained their first victory of
the season, defeating the Bees 15
to 5. After the Tigers had made
four runs off O'Neill In the fifth
inning. Manager Vitt sent in llul
vey and McMurtry for inspection
and the visitors scoredL practically
at will. The series stands three
games to one In favor of the Bees.
Score I , R. H. E.
Vernon ..!.-. ...... yl 5 22 7 2
Salt Lake . i . . 5 14 3
Christian and Murphy; O'Xeill,
McMurtry," Thompson and Hulvey.
Peters. - II rj' ' 4 ; ' j
I ;- h., .7i-7-7
Oakland 4; Sacramento O.
SACRAMENTO. April 10. The
Acorns romped off with a 4 to0
victory over the Senators today
in a seven-inning game, cut short
by; Jupe Pluvius. Delaney worked
for the Acorns and had plenty of
speed, coupled with control which
spelled defeat for the locals.
Hughes blew up i with a bang in
the fourth and the Oaks walked
in for their I first win of the sea
son. . if. :.;.;' 'r j ; h (7: :
Score l R. IT. E.
Oakland I 4 f 0
Sacramento ... . ...... t) ;5 1
Delaney and! Baker; Hughes.
Canfield and Koehler. (Seven in
nings.) : f ; ij' f -::' ' ; 7 f I j J' !'! , :
Game PoMtponel
Seattle-San Francisco 1 game post-
Tommy, Evans of Hood Rivef. He
weighed 13S pounds. Neither re
ceived even sandwich money.,'
A large crowd turned out for
the program last night. i r r
Finances Are Provided for
Season by Executive
Committee Friday
Track prospects at Willamette
university are again revived fter
the almost fatal 4low dealt them
a short while ago by the athletic
council. The matter was taken
np by the executive committee
and It was voted to) turn over a
sum of 200 of the school athletic
fund for the financing of track.
Of this fund at least )50 must be
spent for improvements and re
pairs on the track.! The other
$150 will, in all; Pfobabnity. be
spent for financing (a number of
meets. .' :. ; , - : ; 5 j
' The setrback given track by the
action of the. athletic council will
prevent the men from doing any
heavy squad work! before next
week, but as a meejr 1s scheduled
for May 9, Coach Sparks will, try
io wnip me squad
rapidly as possible.
into form
A number of men! reported Fri
day afternoon, including Joel Ber
reman, member of the men's de
bate team. Berreman will.- be
used In the distances, along with
Crawford. Hammond and Kutch.
' There is a large number, of
weight men on the field this year,
including the veterans Stolzheise
and Adams. Wyman and Mudray
are among the new men who are
. f
17. I
I i
7 7 : ' ' '
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; ., ' "Ml-'i." - - 1 : l7l:.' ' r :; . 7 ' :;! ' Jtiirl ,.yir:--' :
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showing up well In this activit:
Henry i Hartley,! basketball cejo
ter, isreportlng 4nd will be uspd
in thft jurapsi and; hurdles. j
Keith Rhodes a'nd Ieroy Walk- t
er are showing hp well in the J
sprints and will boon jbe in con--1
dition. About 25; men; will be re
porting on the fitjld by next Mon
day afternoon.
Saleni Business Men ' ! -
Winj in Volley Ball
Salem businesi men came iff
victors In the. voiley ball contest
staged in Corvallis at the OAC
gymnasium between four teams
Teams competing' were the OAC
faculty, Corvallisi business mfen,
Salem, YMCA and the Eugene
YMCA. ' j : ;
In the first round Salem j de
feated the Aggie 1'aculty by a score
of 3 to 0, while :he Eugene tekm
defeated the Corvallis team, and
in turn the Salem business men
trounced' the Eugene players by
one point, thus winning the dis
trict championship in volley ball.
The Salem teaim was composed
of Dr. Barrick,
born., 'Si Eakin,
capUin; 'N. Hil-
Fred Aumennen,
P. H. Acton, W
Race, Byron
Wright j and R
R. Boardman,
manager. A fesed was served
terward to the visitors
BEND. Or., April 10. H
Neel of Fort Rock is in a Bend
hospital the victim of a sage tick,
a carrier of thie greatly : feared
spotted 1 fever,
by the tick more
His fever today
Neel was 'bitten,
than a week ago.
reached 103j i
qA recen' survey shdws that "Gcrfo of all the mileage rolled
tp on 6 .:tothohilei each year, is for business purposes.''
In cdnstantly pwingj numbers 1 doc
tors, and those who view dependable
motor transportation as a
, !
. I 7 '. 1 ! . 1 .
or business necessity, ; are using Asso
ciated sustained quality Gasoline exclu
sively. They find it gives them the
needed j easy-start, responsive power
and t?more iiiiles to the gallon." The
regularj use ofj Associated Gasoline
will bring the skhie results to you.
-j .... i -' (. ' w24A,aca
. ..; - H v;
, : '' -7; $iU!W"
Baseball: Season Opens Of
ficially Against Pacific'
College luesday
The Willamette University base
ball team has been working out
regularly 'during the past week
With special emphasis on' batting
and; bunting practice. The pitch
ing staif jis aparently strong this
year a3 the veterans, Ellis, Rob
ertson and Poling, are back In
school. The staff has been
strengthened . by the addition of
Charles Reading,' member of the
debate squad and an experienced
hurler from Ft. Dodge high school.
f Poling is a versatile man'and
may be shitted from the mound to
second base if conditions warrant.
Fasnacht has been removed from
third base to short and Isham will
probably be used on third. Her
man.has the edge on the first base
at present. Other Infield, men who
have sbowh up well are Round
tree. Walsh, and McAllister.
Nakano, Johnson, and Hanson
are showing up well in the out
field. I -. .
j t The spring sport schedule Is by
no means" complete although sev
eral events,' have been scheduled.
A practice game with the state
prison team will be played today
hnd the season, will open with Pa
cific College Tuesday. LInf ield
will be played here April 25 and
i II ': : : : i y I
a return game will be piayed there
May 2. i The squad will meet Pa
cific University here May 8 and
the return game will te played
there May 15. On May 19 the
squad will meet the College of
Puget Sound here. Other games
will be played with Monmouth, Al
bany College, and a two-game se
ries will be played with OAC. .
The track squad will meet Lin
field and Pacific University, with
a probable additional meet her
for May Day. 1
The tennis squad will meet Lin-
The following Used Cars for sale at real
Bargain Prices and on the most reason
able terms to clean out stock.
: i "; ; '77' .' ' . . ; 1 - - j
Come in and look them over!
and try them out
:ysKnigilt Touringf
Dodge Sedan Essex Sedan
Hupmobile Touring I
Franklin Roadster
I R. N. kacDonald
j I Marmon Dealer
Phone 793 M 256 State St.
It Mfl v
Sustained Quality" as
plied to Associated Gasoline
and Cycol Motor Oil means
that these two products con
stantly and successfully meet
the most rigid operative tests.
Deal 'with the dealer who
serves you 'well- the
: ''7 '7'.7 : 7 , : ,
field on the same days as the base
ball games are played. ! Additional
meets will probably be arranged
with tfie. College 'of Puget Sound.
Pacific University, and, the Oregon
Aggies. J
Mill City took a victory from
the second team of the Salem bus
iness men' by a 2 to 1 score last
night on the YMCA floor. The
local boys did not get warmed up
soon enough and the. visitors were
able to smother them1 up, before
they got Into aetion.j
a il.r