The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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11 y.
km h w
ttiiJ G00D FRIDAY maslcale will '
be glren at 8 o clock this
fw-ening at the First Presbyterian
Irhurch by a chorus of 28 yoices
hinder th$ direction or K. II. Rob-,
rtson. An offering will be re
ceived for the defraying of some
tight expenses. : , J -
Following is the program;
trrar prelude
'The Cross of Christ".-, i
1- ' i Congregation.
"V-All Yo Cpon the Highway"
, . , . t . . .-pr-Dubois
Marie Marshall.
"A Ballad of Trees and 'the
t Master' . Matthews
! , Chorus. : ' : ;".
"God My Father". ....". Dubois
Leon Jennison.
"And As Moses Lifted Up the
' Mr. Barton.
'Cod SO LOTed the World" ....
. Stainer
"Beneath the Cross"
Offertory ' (organ) . . -.'.
'p For & Closer Walk With God
Incidental solo ......
ill Mrs, Robertson. :
Organs postlude ..... .
'..;. j:-j!rjrH . - 1 -"Announcement
of the engage
ment of two prominent Roseburg
jr young people. Lois Merian Geddes
i!nnd!Harrv iVvthe Booth, will be
cl interest! to friends fn ,Salem.
Ibe announcement was made last
f Vxrda?.j evening at the Hotel
, i Tua, 'with the wedding an
. w 'ed itor an event of the
J fall: The dinner party, ope
, ... k-e smartest social events of
I the season," was served in the In
i Idian room of the hotel. Miss
it Geddes is a former student of
II Willamette university while- Mr.
11 Booth attended the University of
f Oregon where he was a member of
of Mr.
he Beta Theta Phi fraternity
White lilacs and cherry blossoms
made a delightful background on
Wednesday evening for an evening
bf 500; when the members of the
BE club met at the home of Mr.
fthd Mrs. TV W. Davies.
The i high honors were won by
Mrs. D. D. Olmstead and Mr. Ed
Keene. Consolation awards were
received by Mrs. William Busey
fend Miss Mildred Spong. Special
guests playing at the tables were
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jetson, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Busey, Miss Bernice
Klrkwood, Miss La , Velle Keene
Miss Mildred Spong, Paul Davies
and La ' Doyt Davies. ' V
In the club group are Mr. and
Mrs. John Spong, Mr. and Mrs.
tOn 'Olmstead; Mr. and Mrs. Ed
K I, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Klght-
r, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Turner,
and Mrs. Cv L. Scott, Mr. and
TZxti, lEdward Fandrich, Mr. and
Mrs;! Charles, jShaw. Mr. and Mrs.
Claude j To wnsend, and the hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies. ..
:'ru ji ! j l - : ' : .
The-many Salem friends of Miss
Florence Jones are welcoming her
home from California where she
Ihas been spending the winter.
Miss Jones, for the past three
and at La Jolla. She has been a
By Audred Bunch
Phone: 106
i )!.'.:
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
W. Jones, for inany years con
nected with 'the Oregon state
school for the blind. I
j Mrs. T. A. Livesley has as her
house guest Mrs. G. W. "Beck of
Vancouver, B: C. Mrs. De Beck
plans1 to remain in Salem for a
number of weeks.
I The Adelante Literary, society
annual banquet, an outstanding
event on the Willamette university
campus calendar, ' will . have as
their guests this year the mem
bers i of the' Websterlan society,
the event taking the form of a
formal "joint date." v The date
for 'the banquet has, been set tor
Friday, April 24. at the Gray
Belle. ! All alumni Adelante and
Websterian members iare urged to
make reserrations for the evening.
j : i " ' j ; .- j ..
The Woman's Missionary soci
ety of the j First ; Presbyterian
church will meet at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon in the church par
lors. Mrs. H. C. Wyatt, chairman
of the ; committee, has planned a
very excellent program on "Dark
Spots Made Light." k having to do
with the church s work among tne
"Negroes. i
)...' ( .
' Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brady are
leaving this morning, for a week's
ivisit in Pocatello, Idaho, wfcere
jthey will be guests of S. E. and
J. R. Brady, nephews
Brady. . j
I The members of : the Interior
decoration section .of the Salem
: m. . n . a
;Arts league win . jneei i .ov
b'clock this evenlngi at the Gilbert
istudlo and Craft shop after which
they will go to the home of Miss
Sarah Lansing for a special Btuay
of Georgian period and Colonial
furniture. 4- r""
Mrs. F. G. Brock and Mrs. H,
Hartman have been entertaining
as their house-guest during the
past week, Mrs. Ed Whitney of
Pittsburg, Penn. Mrs. Whitney
left on Wednesday for her home.
Mrs. George Hug and Miss Car
lotta Crowley are : attending the
conference of the Inland "Empire
Educational association this week
in Spokane.! The sessions are be
ing held at the Davenport hotel.
Mrs. Alice Thompson, president of
the Salem association, was unable
to make the trip on account of
Illness. J
: : ; j .
Th Red Hill birthday club met
for the April meeting this week at
the Roy V. (Bates' home. Nearly
all the members were present for
the occasion.' The guests 'of hon
or were Mrs. W. Dyer, Mrs. R-
Brownlee, and Mr. Walter McDon
aid, whose birthdays fall in April.
An evening of merriment was
spent in games and music. Three
beautiful birthday cakes were fea
tures at the refreshment hour,
The club, regretting the loss of
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson from the
circle are glad to welcome Mr.
and Mrs. Armstrong.
j -Those present for - the April
Sood Friday Sacred Muslcale.
First Presbyterian , church. : 9
o'clock. i .
., First Presbyterian Church Wom
an's Missionary society, church
parlors. 2:3(1 o'clock.
Interior Decoration s e c ti o n. !
Members meet at the Gilbert Stu
dio and Craft shop at 7:30 o'clock.
Ladles of the GAR. Armory.
Salem Woman's club.- -Club
house, 2:30 o'clock. Business
Easter vesper muslcale, ! First
Baptist church, 4:30 o'clock.
Easter cantata. First Methodist
church. 7:30 o'clock.
Alpha Chi Omega Easter break
fast. Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe,.
9 o clock. ;
Easter muslcale. First Presby
terian church, 5 6'clock.
Tuesday i
Business and Professional Wom
en's club dance. Crystal Gardens,
Miss Naomi Phelps, assisted by
Mrs. Carrie Chase, in concert.
First Christian church. 8 o'clock.
Kamiakin, the Headhunted St.
Joseph's auditorium, 8:15 o'clock.
OAC club. Mr. and Mrs. Percy I
Cupper, S05 Union street; hosts.
Thursday club. Mrs. E. C
Cross, 1185 Chemeketa street,
house guest at the home of her, meeting were: Mr. and Mrs. R.
Miller si Basement - Stcra
Bargain Square,
special i
Special j
Tea," she cried, "and, also, ? junk'
Makes a perfect rhyme 1 with
bunk'." '
Rosetta Duncan. ;
II. v
oily, at her morning meal.
elt her youthful blood congeal.
"Ma,! she said, "donrO call me
And just one thing don't forget:
f you call me 'Pollyana' ; .
I'll. crown yon with this. ripe ba
-Prances Moritz,
in. . -olly's
Pa, I grieve to state,
Came home very, very late.
Down the narrow hall he crept.
Hoping everybody slept.
Polly hailed him! Ma awoke!
That," said Polly, "was the joke."
H. O. Davidson.
Brownlee, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Cole,
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Con-
noy, Mr. and Mrs. Trick, Mr. and
Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Bogie,
Mr. and Mrs. Heckast, Mr. and
Mrs. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Barnett,
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Mr.
and Mrs. R. Bates. I
Mrs. -Olive Joy Wright of Cleve
land, p.. national vice president,
has accepted an invitation to at
tend the state convention, to be
held in Salem in June, and she
will be the speaker on Saturday,
June 13. Mrs. Wright will be in
Seattle June 11 and attend the
B. & P. W. club's state federation,
and. from Portland she will go on
to Idaho. Portland Telegram.
Mrs. W. A. Reid of Corvallls
was a guest in Salem early this
week for a meeting of the execu
tive board of the state Missionary
society of the Christian ' church.
Plane were made for the state con
vention this summer in Turner.
Three prominent musicians, as
sociated with the : Willamette Un-
versity school of music, .will pre
sent what promises to be an out
standing program a week from
Wednesday under the auspices of
the American Association of Uni
versity Women. The concert will
be given in Waller hall and alj
Salem will" be given an opportun
ity to hear artists, the students of
whom are often heard, but whose
own splendid talent is not often
displayed. . ' !
Those who will contribute to
the program are: Miss F r a n c e s
Vlrginie Melton, pianist; Profess
or E. W. Hobson -vocalist; and
Professor William Wallace Gra
ham, violinist.
Silverton, Or., April 9.- Venr
pretty was tne April snower party
at which Mrs. Andrew Hall was
hostess Friday afternoon in honor
of her little daughter, : Lucile's
fourth birthday. Sixteen little
children and their, mothers were
invited to spend the afternoon at
m m m w r m w- m - t m a m m m m m x .b- , .
Easter Dresses Coats - Hats
, Neckwear Jewelry
New and Novel; In Every Instance Fashion Correct
Silk Dresses
m ... $24.75
The writer sees before
him a dress in Castlljan
Red Canton which has
three tier accordion pleat
ed tunics. The front and
shoulders are trimmed
with ecru lace and but
tons. It's a clever little
model. j
at $19.50 j
All Silk Canton dress j in
the new blonde " shade,
very modish box pleat
flounce; trimmed with
deep ecru lace front pan
el; finished at side with
ball buttons and loops. '
- ,. - ( -
Many other dresses at
$16.00 $17.50
$22.50 $27.50
$32.50 to $05.00
All Mail Orders
given careful attentioij.; We
pay postage or expresf with
in a radius of a "hundred
. miles.
Silk Hose
Value Extraordinary
Latest Charming Col
ors. .Humming Bird
Kayser Puresilk
A Pair '
- J I . ' : i "
The fit with that closely
clinging trlmness that is
so admired, in full fa
shioned hosiery. They're
knit of wonderful fine
Quality thread silk. The
shade you want is here. ;
- ,tCA3( AND DO" , .
460 State Street 3S3 Alder Street
When over head the clouds are
gray, ; '.'
Don't let your spirits be that way.
A bit of laughter or a song '
Will J brighten things! the whole
day long. ,1 I
- The Future Will Tell f
Fresh Young Matt (entering
barber shop With air of import
ance) : "How long will I have to
wait for a shave?" M
Barber: "From the looks of
your face, about" two years."
Dehorned !
By R. E. 'Alexander
BAD, I am don't git
I I'm Hydrophoby when I bite!
was "ME plied th Rockies up -
I'll mebbe take
t'night! .
'em down
the Shannon farm,, where Mr. and
Mrs. Hall live. A yellow and, white
table ' was the biggest attraction
of the afternoon.' Aj yellow um
brella formed the centerpiece nad
from this streamers were brought
to each place card, j Each little
guest was instructed to pull the
streamer at her orr his plate.
Amusing little favors .were attach
ed to the streamers and hidden in
the umbrella. I - '
Guests were Evalyh Hall, Don
ald Steffen,' Reta Steffen, Anna-
bell Jensen, Lester Hagen, Paul
Hagen, Weldbn Hatteberg, Jordan
Moe, Juanita Moe, jLouise Dyb-
setter, Paul Dybsetter, Joyce Sim
mons, Gilbert Titusi Betty Tor-
vend, Kenneth Boliej Faye Bolie
Girown guests were! Mrs. Louis
Hall, Mrs. D. Stef faf. Mrs. Hans
Jensen, Mrs. Hagen, Mrs. Martin
Hatteberg, Mrs. Dan Dybsetter,
Mrs. Arthur Simmoni, Mrs. Henry
Torvend, Mrs. O. Bolie, Mrs. Os
car Satern. I i '
Y iee th notches in that gun-'-
Ev'ry week another one!
"Ain't there no RAW meat in th
This steak is COOKED f-take it
Bring somethin' on
I Hell's Bells;
eat it Bloody! Hip! Hooray
Coffee f'r ME! ' Gimme that cari
O igasollne! Me I'm a MAN!
"Jus' watch me grab th Panhandle
N swing ol' Texas! Yip Yipee
Grizzly crossed with Rattlesnake,
N more'n half Mustang that's
;': ME! ' ' 'i
ride a Twister f'r
th boot
Ligjhtnin' tickles meH-Yee-bws
y' Now!
"I'm WILD Ouch ! Mother, don
do that! ! j
Aw. Mother, can't y' take a
; f i
Joke? k ' a- ..
Honest, I never! done a thlng--Pll;pay
f'r anything I broke.
Ow! That's my ear y got!
I'xni gtin RIGHT AWAYJ L
GO!" 1
He Knew
Dennis:- "How was; the vacuum-
cleaner invented?'
Lawrence: "By
flapper ? suck a Boda through a
straw." :
Bound to Show
Wright: "Ah, dear, your eyes
reflect the iridescent rays of the
resplendent sun! Your ' ?
lAUce (hastily): "5top, please.
You've been doing those cross
word, puzzles again!"
H. N. Beckwith.
Souls Of Steel .
Reel 1
A busy street corner In a great
ty. Tom Fletcher, face allittje
drawn, is searching his pockets
-itb the hopeless expression of
one who already knowg the worst.
He apqlogetically approaches John
MorganfeUer, fur-coated In his
Reel 2
t Fletcher: "Beg pardon, Sir but
could you -
I MorganfeUer: "All my charity
must go through the regular chan
nels. Apply to mv chief dlsburs-
er. Room 116, National Bank
Building, and it. your case is
worthy not I another word,
please." ' i : . '
i Reel 3
A pawnshop. With trembling
hands Fletcher purchases a re
volver. , ' ' j
Reel 4 . j
I Comes night, with its flickering
shadows. J. P. Astorbllt finds him
self looking into the wavering
muzzle of Fletcher's .44.
; Fletcher: "Stick 'em up!" ;
i Astorbilt: "They're up. I have
very little money on me. I"
I Fletcher: "SHUT UP!, All day
I've tried to ask a little favor pf
you heartless cliff dwellers, but
not one so far has even heard me
4ut. Now you've got to come
across. Gimme a match, darn
you!" A. H. Hughes!
A Class-y Answer!
The teacher was having dim
culty in getting her class to dis
tinguish between the word "Miss"
and the abreviatlon "Mrs."
After1 exnlainine the construe
tion of the words carefully, she
as tea: "Now, Jimmy, what is the
difference between Miss and
"Mr" replied Jimmy.
: Mary J. Dorsey.
All Done Up About It, Tool
prey: "So your goose is chok
ed, eh?"
Taylor: "YeYs, ain't it tough?"
Provoking Polly !
' I.: It !
Polly to a lecture went
Where a paler poetid gent
Said, "How nice it is that "love?
Ehymes so faultlessly with 'dove'.'
t t ... ,
' 1
. i : ?.
!. it
port Coat
1 , ,
IinTH new Spring ;Coat3
sellin at such jnode
rate' prices there keema
to 1 be no reason
every woman shou
d not
step out Easter Morn in
a clever sports or dress
coat. ; i
i - '-. 'I
i - i
We have arranged two
groups for Easter selling
and surely one will find
just tne coat to suit one s
Others at $16 to $54.75
In Terms Ot Dollars
Clifford: VI wonder why such
trips as these are called outings?"
Holt: "Because that's what you
are." L ; . H. Y. R.
Featured in tihie Spring Sale
Tfour new Spring draperies need not be expensive.
This Sale presents an opportunity to choose from the
newest and most desirable curtain materials at substan
tial savings... Take note of the items below.
I K ' !. . vJl. : : :
Curtain Nets 49c
i-Novelly figured designs suitable for long or short cur
tains. Also plain Madras and Rayons in latest effects. 35
inches wide. Regular 75c to 90c values. Specially OQ
priced, yard.J. .. . .. ..... :.. C
Ruffled Marquisette
Two and one-fourth yds. long with tie backs. f!P
Special priced, pair .......:.....J1.... ti C
A Large Selection of Patterns in 36-inch Cretonne
Come in or call us by phone and have our
interior decorator help you in your selec
tions for your new hangings. ; No extra
charge for his advice. ,
7 4YnI.Jk-
rii)p Attfro
npHE MAGIC word of Spring calls .
i forth youthful fantasies in Ap
parel and Accessories. All are the
acme of smartness and correctness,
and each wears an individual novelty b
of great charm. ,
One must surely take stock now for
it is just about Easter and one must
not forget the accessories which play
such a large part in completing one's
Belts, , 'Kerchiefs, Blouses, Lingerie
Gloves, Neckwear, Hose, Purses
if :; A
u n. u. t x--r-