, TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1925 5 1 For Easter Months aero we selected our fabrics and contracted with the jaest shirt makers totnake our lines of spring chirra Come Here for Better Shirts I v; w spring s;iurung5 A variety of new patterns that are Very handsome See Our Windows G. W. Johnson & Co. ilWilM!: ! rr- 7 : ll69 State St. ,-. U:-.;- ; ! ' CITY NEWS IN BRIEF 11 ' ; : ! I" '. AT THE THEATERS TODAY Oregon "T h e Thundering ! Jlerd," by Zane Grey. Liberty "The Eternal Strug- -A- i glet" with star cast, i Grand $610,000 Linen Mill Mass Meeting at V p. m. Everybody welcome. K- BUgh "Big Game in Afriqa; ! and five acts vaudeville. 'yimr H i -.J-:-. Special Service Tonight A Lutheran church service will be held tonight at 7:30 jo'clock at the YV(A parlors, on North Lib erty s'l between' State and Court The service -will be conducted by Jtev. Julius Lbrimer of (Portland field i secretary of Oregon. Spe-j clal ! mnsie : will be rendered. Al are welcome, especially Luther Harris of Eugene, and Dr. f! J Smith of Portland. . The 1925 leg islature, through the adoption of senate concurrent resolution No. 10, authorized the appointment of a textbook commission to investi gate the courses of itudy and text books in the public) schools. See Usi for Awnings II. Stiff Furniture Co. alO Boxing, Salem Armory, Tonight .-Dawson vs Lewis.j 10 rds. alO ''.! - I T ; ; State Engineer Back Rhea Luper, state engineer, has returned from Bend.1 where he was called to look after matters per taining to the Tumulo irrigation project, and the necessary plan of procedure! ',,,. Progress is being made in land settlement. r Xcw Knfght Six I See thj new Knight, six just in at Vick Lros. i aio Textbook Board Kamedi 1 Upon recommendation of Sena tor B. I Eddy of Roseburg, Gov crnor Pierce yesterdayj appointed three members of the state textf book commission. Thesje are Dean Georg H. Alden , of Willamette university; i Judge Lawrence Ti university WOODRY Buys Furniture Phone 511 Plan Sunday Irogrnm The Sunday school of the Rural Congregational chiirch will give a program consisting, of music, recitations and ; a I story by the pastor Sunday j morning o'clock. at 11 i Better Home Week The Marion-Polk County Real tors are fostering la plan where by a "Better Ilpmef'-week may h sponsored in Salem. Already plans DR: B. II. WHITE ! i Osteopathy-Surgery Electronic XHacnosti and Treatment , , (Dr. Abram'a metfcod) Orfica Phona 850 or 469-1 ! 606 U. S. Bank Bids. Dancing! Dancing! CHBTSTAI. GARDENS : X.adiea Free Thomas Bros. Jazz Band Orchestra, PoU of lift and Pop SATURDAY NIGHT Skating, Skating, Skating AT DREAMLAND ' Thursday, Friday, Saturday LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 .1 l I ' General Banking Business Office Hours from 19 a. m. to 3 p. m. Li ill -;i c0C0tf ; I I ' j : CARLOAD OF J I.- ! . 1 I timing n ' : a !'. ;h' . n:: i rj which we are going to sell for ... Q uBS Delivered in Salem for the , Next Few Days Only 0 73 fn) 0 hare been laid by which the min isters of the city will devote one Sunday to the plan, and it is ex pected: other civic organizations of the city, will heed tke .national Detter home , week to" -hb i held throughout' the -nation " on the week of May 10 to IT. Mrs. Win nie Pettyjohn, is manager of. tb local campaign. J?M : . ' iiit' :r Easter Concert ; At Hall's Ferry church. Sunday 10:30. Everyone invited. alO iTdftl OFT - COMB IN TODAT AND LOOK THESE OVER 1924 Ford touring -nowly painted 1924 Ford roaditer , like now 1924 Overland tonrinf . with many acceseovies, jnat nicely broken In.., .$325 .$350 $475 Theae cars all have new Uceni . and art very food bay a. mer Salem resident who returned to the city after an absence of several months; Formerly the business operated under the direc tion of the Co-op Advertising com pany, and the Henryi Lee system of advertising. Mr. Hunt assum ed : management yesterday and plans to build up and expand the present business tc ' much larger extest. Easter Lillies for Salt Flake's Petland. Phone 63 6. all A Place for $20,000 Business building worth more for sale quick. A; reason for sell ing. This will net you well over 7 and appreciate in value.. Bond ed lease available if buyer cannot use the building himself. Just what security would be better, especially with Salem going ahead. Investigate this week. Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. alOtf Franklin Touring, Model OB For sale at Certified Public Mo tor Car Market for $330. This car was recently overhauled ; and repainted. To buy it would be to get the highest class transportation-coupled with the greatest op erating economy. 'all Good Friday Service; ; Good Friday services will be held in St. Paul's church today from 12 noon until 3 p. m. This service will be of interest to all Christians and all are urged to attend. Come any time during the three hours and'retire during the singing of the hymns.! ' Easter Breakfast Planned The, Live Wire class of the Les lie Methodist church is planning an Easter morning breakfast and class reunion at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. A. C. ,Bohrnstedt, 1775 Fairmount avenue, M 7:30 o'clock and all members both new and old are invited to be present. Salem Art and Beauty Shoppe Marcelling, paper curl, scalp treatment, dressmaking, h e m- -Se; Deacon Dnbbs i Keizer school. Friday evening April 10. alO Plan Trip to (Jcrmahj Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hyden of Sa lem are to sail shortly for Ham burs, Germany for a pleasure trip of several weeks. They plan to sail from New York within a few days. The round ticket to Ger many was purchased in Salem. Boxing. Salem Armory Friday, April 10. Dawson vs Frank ie Lewis, 10 'three-minute rounds; Kid McCormick vs Rob bins. Ringside seats $1.65; Bal cony $1.10. Tickets on sale at Smith's Cigar Store. Ladies free with gentlemen. alO Get Building Permits ' Dan W. Evans is to erect a store building at , 2373 i Trade street to cost $300; L. G. Bulgin, a dwelling at 430 University, to cost $3500, and a residence at 440 University to cost $3500; J. M. England is to alter and repair a store building at 2210 State at a cost of $1230, and William A. Bond is "to erect a dwelling at 1060 North Twenty-first which will cost $2200) according to the building permits issued yesterday by City Recorder Poulsen. ' Blossom Dance ! Schindler Hall Sat. Night. alO 1 OUt Buick Roadster In wonderful condition. Price is right. O. J. Wilson. 388 North Commercial street, i rhone 2,2p. -I I .. . .. a22 Ciren as 1245 north tanitot afreet according to the information filed . h . . .... L wun tne city neaitn oiricer yester day. ,.i ..- J , -.-I: I---. Box Ins, Salem Armory, Tonight- Da wson vs Lewis,; 10 rds. ' alO AbmlHAtinn fnln ' " ': t J Thomas Childs. Wesley Ellis, Ir- Tjng Duff ey and Francis Lutz will ompete for the vacancy ; In the student body council next Wed nesday, when members of the As sociated student body will cast their vote. Switches Made, 245 N. High Marinello Beauty Parlors.! alO 5 which is expected In Salem on that date. Scouts are to be plac ed at the intersections of the city streets and at arterial . points of the highway ; to show the visitors the right road to take, in order to get to the several .scenic spots near Salem. Harold Ware, scout executive of the Cascade -council is to be in charge of the scout forces of Salem. ! i In It Pays to Have An Auction ! Phone Woodry 511. alO Xaoml PhcTp Vocal jConcert Assisted by Mrs. Carrie Chase, reader. Christian church Tuesday Ajril 14. al4 Mermaids Appear Ifere Pauline Manarch, Margaret Tucker, Luclie Anderson find Fay Walz claim the first honors of the; ear, for swimming. when; theyj plunged into the icy waters all Spong's landing. Recently a quin tet of : boys took the plunge but this is the first announcement of, the feat being performed by the! fair. sex. ' ' I : 1 I Marriage Performed Bevlin Burt of Forest Grove and Josie McMains of Salem were mar ried in the justice court yesterday afternoon by Brazier C. Small, jus tice of the peace. Hats Cleaned and Blocked At Ellsworth's Hat Shop. "Now located at 347 Court street'up- stairs. 12 Boxing, Salem Armory, Tonight- Da wson va Lewis, 10 rds. alO Sell Us Your X'sed Furnit H. L. Stiff's used j furniture de bartment. opposite cburt house ou High street. f alO , ; h- i ! : Held for Action I Perry Schrum', Charged with poisoning a dog .belonging, to a neighbor, was arraigned in justice court yesterday and bound over io the grand jury, j Bail in the turn of $100 was furnished Raster IJUies for Sale- Fiake's Petland. Phone 656. and large rooms, j Becke dricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. all Hike Is Planned . Under the direction of the boys' department of the Salem YMCA, a hike will be staged Saturday for members under 12 years of age, according to the announce ment of Clarence Oliver, secretary. Ian Mclvais, student at Willam ette university, will be in charge; The partly will leave the "Y" at 1 o'clock and will return between 5 and 6 o'clock in the 'evening. Each boy is requested to bring a lunch. l Unreserved 19 Roomed Apartment House and Furnishings TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 10 A. M. 626 South Capitol Street; near Oak SU 1 ! Real Property consisting of 19-Roonied Apartment House with double garage, 2 baths and toilet, electric lights and gas; with very large lot, to be sold without reserve to highest bidder, on following terms: Purchaser to assume mortgage of $3,000 at 7 interest payable in 2 Vs years, balance of purchase price cash. The real property will be sold at t o'clock sharp. Personal Proierty. 10 a. m. tresses; 6 dressers: o! heaters. 2 coiled;! 5 gas ranges; 3 beds with springs and mat- 9 large rugs and 7 small rugs; hall runner and stair carpet; a quantity of good linoleum; 6 hole Monarch Malleable range: 7 oak rock ers; 16 dining chairs; large Hoosier kitchen cabinet in oak; medium sized Hoosierj kitchen cabinet in oak; 2 othef kitchen cabinets;- large china cabinet: 8-day mantel clock: antique walnut hall tree, marble top; 2 antique marble top stand tables; antique walnut sideboard; reed" rocker; (cherry rocker; set and irons; wardrobe; 3 fall. leaf tables; round oak extension table; 15 large jardinieres and house plants;! 3 oak library tables; dishes; kitchen utensils, rake, shovel, hoe, axe. fruit jars, hand saw, electric? light globes, table covers, wash tubs, ironins boards, boiler, sad irons, clothes basket, pictures, books, stand table, taberettes, garden hose, three 4-gal. Chinese jugs. 2 terra cotta tile, ladder with hooks, and many other articles which space will not permit! to advertise". I Terms on Personal j Property, Cash. J SALE STARTS AT IO A. M. SHARP i - MRS. WM. SHORT Owner I F. X. WOODRY Auctioneer. Phone 51 1 'Woodry Buys Furniture ' for Cash or Sells i - on Commission" Beautiful Home Oaks- Terms like rent. linoleums, electric electric range, etc. day to $6650. , Immediate posses; kion. I New home With everything With drapes, water heater. Price cut tcf Heri-alOtf Violation Charged j- j Robert F. Maguire of Portland was arrested by state uiiicer n. p. Reinhart yesterday for permit- jting. his minor son automobile, ifor hearing. No date has been set to operate his Four' Cylinder Sedan j Ju.n overhauled. A remarkable buy. ; O. J. Wilson mercial street. ' Phone 220 I'air Arraigned , James L. and R. arraigned in Justice court jyester day afternoon for Composition Broadcastel A composition of Miss Bruce rumam, a young aaiem musician was broadcast from the Oregonian tower Thursday noonj by the Rose City trio. "Boating Song." is the name of the composition. hearing on a chargfe of larfleny ly ijailee? The final hearing will 1 Tnby were adm 388 N. Corn-all G. Davis wcje a preliminary held April 14. ted to bail of furnished. .$250, whti-h Tents, Tarpaulins and Camp Furniture, on display at reason able prices at the Army & Outing store on Commercial St. next to Busick's grocery store. alO $1.50 Alarm Clocks atfl.lil This week. Guaranteed one year. Tyler's drug store, 137 S. Commercial. alO New Cars at Vlck Bros. : Two carloads of new i models just in including Willys-Knight six. Overland six sedan De Luxe, Overland Standard sedan. Over land 9,1 all steel body sedan. They are beauties. i alO Willamette Is Ioser f j. ! Willamette university was de feated by Lawrence college by a 2 to 1 decision in : the final : de bate of the season held in Wallet Hall chapel Wednesday night. The first reports that Willamette ; had won were due to a mistake regard ing sides of the question. Boxing, Salem Armory, Tonight Dawson vs Lewis, 10 rds. : alO Cut Flowers for Faster Upjohn's, Phone 1700. 9C4 South Liberty. I all i L Licenses Are Issued ..Three, marriage licenses were issued In the county clerk's Office yesterday, by R. P. They Hansen were and Staats, both of Salem; Bevlin Burt of Forest Grove Mains of Salem, School to be Closed All the public schools of Salem will be1 closed today and Monday by order-of the schol board at a recent meeting.' 'School work will be continued Tuesday. . ' Have a Ride . j In the new Knight six at Vick Bros. Birth Certificate FUeI y William Jack Kienas is the name given to the baby son born t Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kienas at the Salem hospital Monday The address of the mother was Everything in Camp Suppli II. U Stiff Furniture Co alO Chimney Blazes : ' S The Salem fire department made a run to 191 South Church Thurs day morning to extinguish a chim ney blaze. No damage was re ported. I Boxing, Salem Armory. Tonight Dawson vs Lewis, 10 rds. alO " , , ' ) Hunt Takes Charge j i Announcement was made yes terday of the transfer of owner ship of the billboard department of the Gray & vhite Publishing company to Warren Hunt,, a , for- REDUCKD 8UOfEn RATES TO CALIFORNIA t j BY PICKWICK STAGES j Saa Fraacw. oao way, f 15.50 Roaad Trip, f 30,00 i Ltx AhscIm, one wt7i Round Trip, $30.00 Spaclal Ratci to Parties of ....: ..j-VOjit OT,Uot J .k For laformttlon aal lUierra tions phona 691. or call at CNTTlAIi STAGT3 TJZTHZElAli Kalerm, Ore-row - Easter Calv : 1 ,; FREE A Half Pound Box of Hocfler Cliocolatcs l "1 We are giving away, ab solutely free.' a half pound box of Hoefler Chocolates v with a purchase of a $1 box of candy, making 1 pounds of high grade Chocolates for $1.Q0 Perry Drus Storo 111 Comth OoauaercUl Balea, Oregon and Grace Walbere of Salem Carl W. Emmons, taken out Lettie M. and Josie Mc and D. Morgan M. I). Has opened offices In the Bank building. Specialty obstet rics and i obstetrical -anaesthesia. : alO Scouts to Assist i " All Boy Scouts who are fstpii in riirectinz Ithe many Ivisit- ors to Salem Blossom day! are jre- quested; to report to Harold Ware, scout executive between now and tSunday-at the Oregon building. Scouts of the city jare to assemble in uniform Sunday afternoon! to take part-in directing the traffic, Dr8SUDiJ0ifiy.Eiter. BISHOP'S The Finest Assortment of Men's and Young; Men's Suits to be found in Salem Here is Style Here is Quality plus Economy -Models for men of every build; colorings and individual patterns for each individual taste Dress Well and Succeed Easter; HOSIERY . At I Shipley o ft . " 1 ."! in ! II : uJ S. II ' inter-1 ii 1 I nl MAffilLOKS' STETSON - MALLORY EMERY SHIRTS Just! Wright -- Nettleton SHOES A Mew Stor '& in Salem Places the NEWEST and BEST OPTICAL SERVICE at. your Command Open for Business Today Ulasonie Building Corner State and IUzh STAPLES OPTICAL CO. ' , - ' .: : " ! . SALEM, OREGON i i