The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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i -.v. '.-j.:..;,.'. i . rmDAV mqrsiso. aprii. 10, log-, - .-
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Fire Department Sponsors
Dance at Silverton Soon
i SILVERTON, April 9.4-(Specia
to. The Statesman.) The Silver
ton fire department boys are spon
soring a dance Saturday evening
which is said- to be one of the
best of the season, if plans work
out. The Fred Lizard orchestra.
.- ! v
it 4
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f' I
1' hv -::
k Hosiery
For All
- j! ! : GmmvbsSI "j
1 1 I' : : -1
Per pair
- ! ! .1
: : -
it ; ! !
Kthejauarr in) ,
JKavel stop
: ; E' . is!
j ; ; ' (Pure silk
tyhree seanied bach
i - ;l I, ,: J: I " .
Spring needle knittin$
Vight fitting ankle
shadows here
r. JPlatek hteh
1 V " 1
t! spliced heel ana
t double soles
r . ' f mm'
l-J X V
Good Friday Hot Cross
!lhn'!.:,;': I Buns
: i I- hi; ! - j , k
!U"if mh
A:. S
l;Sc Bread!
I t
i i
Rye, Raisin, Whole Wheat
and White
Angle Food Cakes
::. ::!':; :i20c:f:.; :V
'. ... , j :tl : : . p ; . : ; r t ;. ;.; 1 .- H?
Everyone likes a nice Angel Cake
Large, white, and fluffy
, i i j One that will please '
Easter Wreaths 25c
j Easter Butterflies
Butter Horns 5c
Easter Calces
15c, 20c, 25c, 35c
land 50c
Easter Pastries
10c each
3 for 25c ; r
Butter Claws 15c
Many Other Delicious Patries
i to Choose From -
formerly of the .Oriental cafe of
Portland,' haa been .secured to
furnish the mu-slc. Special decor
ations, in keeping with the season,
will be used. And as an added
feature each dancer will be Klven
a hard-boiled egg which fa num
bered. Those drawing lucky
numbers will be presented; with
a dozen eggs. ! '
; The proceeds of the dance will
be used to purchase additional
fire-fighting equipment. ' :t
Various Activities are Listed;
Many Boys nd Girls!
Are Charted
Adete GArrlMii Vem PhM of
Copyright by Newspaper returt
The report of th4 Marion county
YMCA considers hikes, education
al trips, conferences, socials, fath
er and son banquets, athletic con-.
tests, physical examinations, lec
tures, picture Bible study groups,
singing, chartings and sermons for
kthe month -of March. , v ;
During the past month s one
Friendly Indian club was formed,
one Scout troop, r six Hi-Y and
eight Pioneer clubs, which con
sisted of 312 members and in
cluded 58 meetings, were organ
ized. Two fathers clubs were or
ganized, 10 high schools and one
grammar school assisted, 24 ad
dresses made by six speakers,
while 77 volunteers assisted In
club work. ; :
One conference was held which
was attended by 25 leaders and
officers of the (county organiza
tions, in addition to -the business
conference. ?! 1
A- total of 1 OSboys and , girls
were charted on 40 questions,
while four song services, eight re
ligious meetings, 56 Bible study
classes. One father and son ban
quet, eight Bocials by the clubs,
550 religious pamphlets sent-out,
150 camp and hike books .. given"
to Pioneers and Scouts, two , mo
tion picture lectures on "God's
Out ofJDoors," 14 object talks on
camping, hiking and fire preven
tion, 100 pamphlets os thrift were
issued' and sponsored. I i I
The lecture work object talks
and picture work of Deputy For
ester Cronmiller weio outstanding
for the month.
Benjamin J. Klmber Is secre
tary of the Marion county, YMCA.
Fine Weather Promised
With a maximum of 78 degrees
yesterday, and fair weather pre
dicted for today, Easter and Blos
som day will be welcomed with
real showing of spring. ' North
winds are predicted :; for today,
with no change In temperature,
CHAPTER! 429' .
-f' ,' -, ii' : ' ' " -
Little Mrs. Durkee's evident ter
ror was Infectious, j I felt myself
trembling, at the sight of the hand
drawing down the ! shade of the
limousine i next our$ la the tem
porary traffic jam), although I
tried to tell myself that she prob
ably! was ! imagining things be
cause of her encounter with the
yashmak-veiled woman in the de
partment store grill-room.
! I slipped my ami around Mrs
Durkee's shaking little figure and
tried to make my Voice and grip
steady as I questioned her.
"What; is it? What did you
see? : ! - - jj . . ' . '
f For a second or , two she did
not answer me, patently incapable
of speech.1 Then her hand clutch
ed my arm. f : ' t
"It's the same woman, Madge,
m certain. She had on that same
kind of vefl. And there was a tall
man with her with his hat drawn
down over his forehead, and his
chin sunk In. Is coati collar."
I forced a lightj j laugh to my
lips." -. i
"You're 'seeing things in the
daytime instead of inight." I said.
There are probably a hundred
directly to the left o us." I iald-
'Leave them no Idea, of where
we've -gone. Do it ias quickly as
yU can." j ".; S " '-'-;- "; j ' j;
"I get you." he said with an
efficient air that cheered me and.
fdr the next few minutes thetwq
chauffeurs played a! game wjhich,
ifj it had not held so vital an In
terest lor me, would have beign as
gbod'as a vaudevilld performance.
.. But It bad taken jonly the first
maneuvers to conviince mejithat
lfttle Mrs. Durkee's Intuition bad
bjeen right, and that the occupants
ojf the gray limousine were indeed
trailing us. And tjhe knowledge
bringing to me as it did. the old
haunting menace of' Grace brap-
er' hatred toward me. madd my
forehead wet. Andj my lipsj rere
almost bitten through by the Mme
0ur driver- after Innumerable
turnings finally , emerged on
Madison avenue ana headed north
Again. He half-turned
and talked as he drove.
"We've slipped fern now,
eaid triumphantly. "That ! other
driver is in a Jam with the cop.
He tried to beat It across after
me. He'slsafe for a while. )Vhere
do you -ladies -want to gq?
i i . it
I had a swift, ludicrous notion
that he had changed the wotd to
i , j.j.
'ladies " from dames with i an
effort.--1- , I
"Are' you ready
Cherry, Prune and Tulip- to
be Seen by Hundreds of
! Visitors i
I asked Mrs. Durkee.
to go home?"
yashmak veils on
day. If not more.
aren't 'uncommon."
the avenue to-
and tali men
ee's Intuition,
"You can't fool me!" ghe spoke
with excited, nervous certainty.
"It's Grace Draper, and she's trail
ing you. j And you may depend on
It she means mischief. Why don't
you eall that policeman on the
sidewalk and have! her arrested?
"Because he probably would
think J suddenly had gone mad,"
I returned. "But If you're ner
vous, I think we can manage to
get away from the! vicinity of that
other car." 1 j -
I don't believe it," she replied
bluntly. "That j chauffeur has
been told to follow us. 1- know
it. . ... .;-.- ; - "'!
;.- "'And this one i will be told to!
keep him from doing so," I replt
ed lightly. I felt her give a vio-l
lent shiver and spoke more iecid
edly. ;
"Where Do You Want to Go?"
; . . j: 1 :
"Look here," III said banally.
"This taxi is a much lighter and;
less cumbersome j; car "than that!
limousine, and our driver is a 'wiz-j
ard. I've been watching him.'.
: -1. tapped on the glass, and the
driver -with one leye on the traf
fic officer slipped the window
and bent his head toward me.
:I want you to get completely
away from that . gray limousine
,Oh yes. she
couldn't do another bit of
ping if my life depended on it
i 'Then drive us to the Long Is
and side of the Penn station," 1
jfecided 'i "Go upj to Columbus
Circle, and then work yoiirj way
down Eighth avenue." j . ; ;
"I get you," he said again, and
without further (adventure! j we
reached the stairs leading to i the
Long Island waiting room, and dis
missed our driver with fa j tip
which I think satisfied, even his
taxi-hardened soul! But when we
had reached the waiting j room,
Mrs. Durfcee clutched at me fran
tically, j- f'.j.
''How do you know, i Madge
she demanded hysterically, "that
he won't go straight back and sell
you out to that ojther driver?'"1
(To be continued)
"Blossom Route" has been se
lected for Blosnom day by C. -S
Hamilton, O. L. Fisher and K. B.
Kugel, Cherrian committee who
placed the cards. Preparations are
made for the visitors to visit the
Oak Grove district."
A. B. Southwick, who lives near
the Oak Grove country, Is enthu
siastic about, the view to be i had
from his farm and he has. opened
gates in order , that visitors may
pass through and swing around to
Glen creek and thenTeturn by the
Wallace road."
The placards -will show f the
route of travel on the Wallace
road at the west end of the Mar
ion-Polk county" bridge and the
various turning points leading to
the Polk county views.
Directions will be shown by the
placards In tnesouth part of the
city on the Pacific highway to the
Liberty and Rosedale districts.
In addition to the cherry and
prune blossoms . efforts will be
made . to direct sightseers . to . the
tulip farm of .W. C, Franklin on
the Wallace road, a half mile
north of the bridge, and to "the
tulip beds on the Fairgrounds road
and to the grounds of the Oregon
state hospital. " s j
Oregon Theater Passion Wee!:
: Each Day 1 1 :45 to 1 2 :45
r Noonday services, conducted by pastors of
Salem Churches ;
Half hour of sacred music.
Wonderful Theater Organ,
Air. MacDonald, organist
vocal numbers each day.
All Meetings Free
Everyone Invited
pated time and It 1: considered
fortunate, as the turbine is held
ready for emergency use.
It Is planned to rebuild this
machine in order to secure certain
Improvements that are 'possii:.
provemerit has held back the M,
The excessive cost of the new ic
but with the coming months it is
expected the change will be maK
Further Action by Street
Commissioner Lowe! De
pends Upon Committee
mo iwo"
The decision of the street Im
provement committee in regard to
the bids submitted for sandj grav
el and cement, as; well as the bids
on the concrete mixers , will de
termine the actions of Walter S.
Lowe, street cpmmissiorier.iWheth-
er to add to the j number of , men
working, or to hold the force the
same, is to be determined by the
committee actlon.j ' i
Rough grading Is going' on,
however, In preparation for the
finer work to be given the grades.
Due to the excessive moisture, the
finishing touches cannot be put on
the grading. . j f . j; . -Lefelle
street is being!! worked
on at the present time and will
be completed within a week or so,
depending to a. large extent! upon
weather conditions. As the weath
er settles the 'grading can be car-r
rled on to completeness. j
About 70 meni are employed on
the. South Salem sewer, which Is
designed to serve a large portion
of the eoutheast section of the
city. v
Electrical Machine of Power
Company Damaged by
Lightning Bolt
' ' ! I'- '
Within 1 10 days or a fortnight
the large i turbine ' of , the Salem
station of the Portland Electric
Power company will be completed
and ready for any emergency that
might arise, according -to the an
nouncement of Wm. Hamilton, lo
cal manager of the company. ,
Recently the turbine was struck
by a bolt of lightning and the
coils of i the turbine burnt out.
Work of repairing the damage was
started immediately and at the
present time a truck load of the
coils have been rewired. A detail
is to be sent to Portiana 1 today
and by the time the new coils are
installed the remaining number
will be ready.
The rewiring of. the generator is
being finished ahead of the antict
mofope Yotm Deny '
Never. Before has our Used Car Department
covered such a large number of models. . Nor
never have their values been so striking to the ' '
Buyer. . , ! , ':,
14 ilsed Buicks -
Ranging; in price from 100 to 2000 dollars. If
it's a Used Buick you are looking for -We have,
it at the right price. ; ;
?27 Other Gfianddrd
From $75 to $800
You will be surprised at the price and values ; .,
Buick Distributor n
SS3 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon
men are busy on
Is pro-
Two gangs of
the work and everything
gressing nicely.
Practically, the whole of the
sewage problem; of the city will
be solved this year. The big main
which is being laid In South Sa
lem, will be completed by the end
of this year, and the sewer depart
ment will be able to care for the
other demands I that i arise i from
time to time. As a result, more
attention can be paid the minor
ewer ciajms mat are beginning to
come to the city council.
Cracked Toes !
Sore,Tender Feet
irritating . acid
perspiration from
the foot; pores
produce and ag
gravatea cracked
toes, itching be'
tween toes, raw
ness and tender
aching, swollen
The moment you apply '.'Phil
lips Milk of Magnesia," all this
soreness, itching and tiredness dis
appear. Just pat it on, it dries
instantly. Nothing else stops foot
odors, relieves foot soreness and
foot weariness so promptly as this
harmless antacid.
Insist upon . genuine "Phillips
Milk of Magnesia." All drug
stores sell 25-cent bottles. adv.;
i '
f -
Coast to Coast Trip
Made m Record Time
Leaving New York city i at- 3
o'clock Saturday, afternoon, arriv
ing at Vancouver, Wash.1 at 6
o'clock Wednesday eveningj and
making stage connections to ar
rive in Salem at 1 o'clock Thurs
day morning, constitutes some
thing of a record.; i i
This wag done by Carl L. Bird
wen, saiem( boy, .1 who after two
years in the aerial' service, has re
celved his discharge, and Will
make his home here with his par
entg, Mr. and Mr.a Walter SJ Bird-
well, at: Hoyt and South Com
merclaL ' .' ! i i r
Carl Birdwell has been station
ed at Fort Jay, New Yorkj near
Governor Island, and at Port
Totten, near ?few York. He en
teredthe seryice at liVancbuTer,
Wash., and was then transferred
to the east. ; ! i j .vf- i '. -;,
A letter to his sister, Miss Zola
Birdwell, stenographer In the Jus
tice court, was mailed in Chicago
Mr. Birawell arrived here more
than eight hours before the letter,
Oar necessities never equal our
r( course you've noticed how popular "painted furniture" is be-v-J
coming. Bedroom sets, sun porch furniture and In fact,
thin 8 for every room in the house are displayed by the best shops
In ,painted beauty.
uh v Aan't von make over some of your old things fa this new way?
This Is a marvelous finish this Celoid a really hih grada
medium-gloss enamel that gives the effect of . a costly !fcand ,
rubbed" finish. ! ' .
It may be washed repeatedly without leaving streaks cr stains la
fact, it improves with washing.
In addition to tinting furniture use Celoid on any woodwork on
walls of metal, wood, plaster or fibreboard, or anywhere about tb
home. . : -
Eight delicately-toned tint in addition to Pure White. We guar
antee absolute satisfaction or "money back-for the empty can.'
Use This Coupon for 70c Value for 2So
Here's our trial combination offer:
1 full H-Pint can KYANIZE Celoid Finish (White or Tints)
regular price i ... . . . . . . . .
1 good IH-hach brush (bristles-ln-rubber), reg. price
Value of this coupon for this offer only
Sign HereJ. . 1.1......
236 N. "Coml St.
Imposed Japaimese- Clhininici
A Lucky Purchase of Pure White Japanese China Cups
and Saucers, decorated with tiny gold; band, makes it
possible for us to offer for' ; j" r !
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and Saucers
One Set to a Customer
Tel 00 ) VT A
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1 wants JFranklla. , s
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