i S THE OltEGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OIIEGON FRIDAY; MORNING- APRIL & 1925 r 0 4 f LB v : ?, 7 TV fRS. T.A. ILIVESLEY ehter- iVI talned charmingly yesterday afternoon at Her home on Lincoln Hill for the members of her bridge luncheon club and four invited guests. In the guests group were: Mrs. Asahel Bush, Jr., Mrs.! Wil liam Boot, Mrs.' John J. Roberts,. ana juiss .Margaret Koagers. ; tu r m pastel shades were attrac tire about the rooms. . ! w -.-v.; . ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cooper have returned to their home af 755 Saginaw street after spending- six pleasant weeks at - their sunimer home, Laffalot. at Newport, j Sirs. S. Thompson and Miss Louise Thompson had .the pleas ure, the first of the week, ol! en tertaining Miss Florence Hein, pri vate secretary to. Pola Negri. Miss Hein makes her; home in Seattle. She left Wednesday morning! for California where she will await Miss Negri's return-from Europe. . . ; '' j The Fonr M club was delight fully entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.John TJ. Plank, 1043 Norway street, at an all-day meet ing on Wednesday, April l.j A bounteous dinner was served at noon to SO. guests. The table jwas picturesquely decorated ; in jiar mony with the approaching Eajster Sl 1? 43' 1 season By Audred Bunch Phone: 106 Harry Martin, Mr.1 and-! Mrs. Dan Miller, Mr. ,and Mrs. John Corn forth, Mr; .and Mrs. John Tecken herg, Mr; and j Mrs.; Will Jones, Mr. and; i Mrs. f Will Farr, Mrs; Florence? Cannon, ' Mrs. E. L. Welch, iMrs. Frank Bath, Mrs" Those present were Mr. -and Mrs. T. S. MacKenzie, . Mr. land Mrs. Jess Martin, Mr. and Jlrs. IT ! sa.m mm. w um mi an a m m m i -i'h DRUcsTomr AFTER BATHING a rub with Rubbing Alcohol will stimulate the whole body and you will feel that splendid glow of health and energy. , . Leading athletes use a,nd recommend it. . . j Pint Bottle 59c Perry Drug Store! SSXT0 11S South Commei'd&l Saleni, Oregon f - John Prince, Mrs. A. . C. Bohrn-- stedt, Mrs. E. Knighton, Mrs. Otto Schellberg, Mrs. Dale Hilborn, Mrs. Charlie Garrett, 1 Mrs. H. O. Taylor, 1 Mary Frances Robinson; Mr. John U. Plank, Mr. Frank Robinson,' and the hostesses, Mrs. John U, ; Plank,:' Mrs.! J. Herbert Plank, and Mrs.; Frank Robinson.' : Forty members of the Women's Home Missionary society of the First Methodist church met Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. L.- Utter for the April meeting. Mrs. Rice, superinten dent of Young People's work gave an Instructive review of her work.: Mrs. SJ H. Bryan was the devotional-leader of the i afternoon. The rooms of the Utter home were attractively decorated .with a vari ety of spring flowers. I i; ;, !:' j.j;; i,:Uf:;;:; ! One of, the most attractive club meetings of the spring season was that' held on Wednesday evening when the i J. S. 1 club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.iC. Cour sey with Mrs. Coursey and Mrs. Ed Keene as joint hostesses. , Elabor ate floral baskets of jonquils, tu lips and primroses were used about the rooms where many hints of Eaater were found, in place cards, favors jand score cards. High scores of the evening went to Mrs. T. W. Davfes and Mr. Louis Bech tel, and low to Mrs. Charles Busey and Dr. O. L. Scott. Special guests included Miss Bcrnice Klrkwood, La Doyt Davies and Will Bechtel. At the next meeting of tbe club, in two weeks. Mrs. Vern Compton and Mrs. T. W. Davies will enter tain at the Compton home. The club group includes Mr. Truck Garden arid j Flower Seeds! f i ..ii ; ; in large or small quantity. Fresh; seed, from picked sources. Youi are assured',, of the highest averages ot results from our seeds. j i D. A. White 1 , ns 261 STATE STREET ! f . - i -. . i r I ROSTEIM GREENBAUM RELIABLE MERCHANDISE EASTER MILLINERY Bigr Showiiig of Dress Hats Loads of Flowers and Foliage. Beautiful and Wonderful. Big variety 'of 'hat. trimmings; Braids arid Shapes. - - t-. , -. j . - . . i ji-: ':. j Very Low Prices. ShoD early. Avoid trie last minute rush. Easter will soon be here. I Let us take care of yj)ur Millinery troubles. Expert Milliners,' ready to advise with you. ( Best Millinery Department in This City Pretty Voiles ! Tiisue Ginghams Gfood Quality j : I ! ' Very Pretty 36-iri. . I 32-in. Dles?ncn Cheviot Shirtings Fast. Colors . , Reducing Price " Fast Colors 75c yard yard 19c Renfrew Devonshire Rcal Linen . Fast Colors llableCIoth Sunfast and Tubfast : . 2 Yds Wide i i ' Nice Assortment of ' - Pretty Patterns - Patterns . , . ' l A Keal Bargain yard 34c j . i. yard Q2S0 . - CollairTabs , v v "Pr' : . . New and Pretty , . . .Hcdt'ToiVcW. y . Special . 18x33 Special . J 5 Today'', i West. Side circle of the . Jason Lee aid, society. Mrs. Bertha Love land, 2010 North Fifth street, hos tess. 2:30 o'clock. , First , Cphgrecatlonal . ! church Missionary society." ; Mrs.", William McGilchrist Sr, South Commercial and McGilchrist streets, hostess, 2:30 o'clock. " ; ; Unitarian Alliance. ; Mrs. C. H. Huston, hostess. . . Hal Hibbard Auxiliary; Armory. Business meeting.. 2 o'clock. ; '';; Saturday ; Marion County Parent-Teacher association convention. Sllvertoh, 10 o'clock. 1 . ; '' Chemeketa 'chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution. Mrs. Homer Gouley, host ess.,1 1 o'clock lancheon. A i . . . Jason Lee King's Heralds, Ja son Lee Methodist church. Church parlors. 2 o'clock. , , -'' ! '.. Sunday : : Palm Sunday special music by St. Paul's rested choir. Second anniversary of the completion of Episcopal church. t .' . -" j; . '.Monday. ;. ' ,; ... Salem branch of the Oregon State Teachers' association. Miss Margaret Fisher, 790 North Church street, hostess. 8 o'clock; and Mrs. 'Charles Kinzer, Mr. and Mrs. vern Compton, Mr. and Mrs. John Spong. Mrs. C. E. Barbour. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bechtel, Mr. and Airs. Ed Keene, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Coursey, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Busey, and Mr. and Mrs. ; T. W. Davies. , Hal Hibbard auxiliary will hold a business meeting at 2 o'clock thi3 afternoon at the Armory. Miss Lyle Murrav. nrincioal of the Enslewood school, in encour aging the 10:30 o'clock lunch, is parrying out a project In the first ffrade that is Its own" hearty re commendation. Since the children nave been having sandwiches or Apples at the recess hour a dis tinct gain has been had toward normal 1 weight throughout the class. i Two-thirds of the entire 50 Individuals enrolled in the first grade are now normal in weight, a, percentage practically twice that sent out last year. It is gener ally understood that a child's weight is as good an index to gen eral health as any other one fac tor. The parents have cooperated in a gratifying manner toward this ' simple manner of breaking a long stretch between a light, or hasty breakfast and the noontime meal. The Missionary society of the Frst Congregational church! will meet at i 2:30 o'clock this after noon at the home of Mrs. William McGilchrist, Sr., South Commerc ial and McGilchrist streets. 1 Oregon Agricultural - College, Abril 2, Miss Gladys Weather- spooh of Halfway announced her engagement to Earl . Mason, in structor in forestry, yesterday. Miss Weathers poon is a senior in home economics and , an honor student on the campus. She is a Coming to Salem SPECIALIST tn Internal Medicine for the 1 , past twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at Marion Hotel, Thurs day, April 1 9. Office hours: 1 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. One day only. No Charge for Consultation :.:... , ! : . : Dr. Mellenthin Is a regular gradilate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or ade noids, i j . ; He has to his credit' wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver,' bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wet ting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheu matism; sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. J Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon:' ' . : Hedwick rWilson. Gold Beach, Ore., varicose ulcers. ' Frank Kdehler, The Dalles, Ore.', stomach trouble. Mrs.: E. I C. Hammock, Myrtle Point, Ore.i goitre. ,Mrs. John McCue, , Lakeside, Ore., appendicitis. Henry Westfall, Ontario, Ore., ulcer of stomach. - Mrs. E. C, Bates, Baker,' Ore. j eczema. I OV M. Richey, Boring, Ore., heart trouble. Louis E.jSteiber, 326 E. Buch anan, Portland, Ore., adenoids and tonsils. - . Remember above date, that con sultation oh this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. s Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. , THE GOSPEL ACCORDING j TO ST JOHN - Rev. ERNEST n, SHANKS, Pastor of the j First Baptist Church I ! APRIL 3, 1925 John 16:1-5M. ''Good Cheer." Jeens Telia Them H Is Going Away. 1-6. Thei Holy Spirit WU1 Come to Stay. 7-16. Instruction and I Assurance. 17-24. Key: "Advent. Memory verses: j 7,8,0,10, 24. ' . member of Omicron Xu, national honorary home economics fratern ity. Mr. Mason is a member of Theta Nu Phi, social fraternity, and XJ -Sigma Pi, national honor ary forestry fraternity. . The Chemawa Indian school on Wednesday afternoon was the scene of two of the week's most charming social affairs with one group of guests assembling at the home of Mi?s Olive Skipton for 1 o'clock luncheon : and a second group at the home of Mrs, Har wood Hall for tea and a complete tour- of - the echool. Later In the afternoon both groups joined their number and tea Was served in the "Wigwam" to the entire 60. The guests of Mrs. Hall includ ed 40 members of the McMinn ville chapter of the Daughters ot the American , Revolution who were accorded ' the privilege of viewing the! school at the suggest- o. Pure Silk Liek osiery H GUARANTEED For All Occasions 25 - JL V ( . ! i ). Jlavsllsibp ? 'vflhbstsdzz spliced keel and wr harrowed foot ' ' r ju- OTT TCJTr'Tu'ra) i Per Pair ; if r ih I Li EI t i To)nr7m THIS is the chapter of "good cheer." This may seem a bit strange at first. But when the whole chapter is understood, the closing words will be found to be well conceived. Jesus is going away, and persecutions will ; come. , Not a very cheerful prospect. But in His place the Spirit wfll make His advent ind abide with the saints of God. His workj of reproving the world of sin, righteousness and judgment will be with all truth, accompanied by the glorification of Jesus. Jesus tries to make the disciples understand that He is going away and that that is best for them. Until He goes away the Spirit will not come. It is perfectly natural that they should cling to Jesus. As yet they did not know' the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. There is really nd excuse for a long face. The religion of Jesus is a joyous one. - In the midst of tears and trials there is the deep-satisfaction that God lives, and loves, and-! understands, and blesses His own. "AQ things work . together for good to them that love God." (Rom. 8:28). Some one has said: J "Accidents do not happen to the chil dren of God." Can that possibly be true? Think It over. 'r. ' -- " t I : I 1. . A - : It is expedients for you that I go away : for if I go not away, the Comforter .will not come unto you;, hut if I depart I will send Him unto, you.' I ' j And wien He (is come He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: , - ' -. i: ' i I 9. ' ':; -: .-. ... Of sin, becaua! they believe not on Me; j j: : i- ( , j -' 10. - v - ' :' ',' -.v ' : -. ' r Of righteousness, because I go to My Father; 3; - ! . . I ! j ' 11.' .. J . 1 Of Judgment, because; the prince of this world Is judged. ' -i -: -i' I : 24. . , -i Hitherto ye' have aslced nothing In My name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. v ' ' -; 1 i ! ion of Mrs. Virginia Br on son of Salem, N. J., who,, after visiting at Chemawa is' a house guest now in McMinnville. Assembling With the honor guests of the afternoon at the Hall home were MrBi Sey mour Jones, slate regent of; the Daughters of the American Revo lution; Mrs. B. J, Milesj Mrs W. iif. Hughes, Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Miss Flora Illff. ! Miss' Gertrude Eakin, and. Mrs. Virjtinlai Bronson, all of whom assisted with the success ot the afternoon. The rooms were lovely with jonquils, ferns and potted plants. During- the after noon, punch was served,) .The of ficial guides of the afternoon were the Boy Scouts of the school, who escorted the groups from building to building.; .1 j- If , At the luncheon hour the guests of Miss Skipton included the offi cers of Cbadwicki chapter of j the Eastern Star, with places at! the beautifully i appointed springtime table placed for !Mrs. Rose Bab cock, Mrs. Leila1 Johnson, . Mrs. Ida Babcock, Mrs Katnerine Ber nards - Mrs. Mabel Minto, Miss' Gussie Niles, MfS. Mrs. Pearl Pratt, Mrs. Betty Smith, W. C.IKantner, Mrs. Crawford, MargaretMont- gomery, Stella Henry, Zella New myer; Bernice jBlodgett, Mrs. Green, Ola Miller,! and the hostess. Miss Olive gklpton. j When Mrs. Hall's guests and Miss Skipton's guests assembled at the "Wigwam" the senior; do mestic science girls tea room, they found themselves in a veri table spring garden. The excla mations were even more, lavish when it was learned that the boys of the school built the tea room themselves, a commendable pro ject, and that the artistic inter ior decorating was done by the girls. The guests were all seated at the-emall tables, finished in a dark woodwork. In a program of informal toasts Mrs. Hall intro duced Mrs. Seymour Jones to the group who In turn introduced Mrs. Apperson, newly elected state vice regent. Mrs. Hall also had the pleasure pf introducing Mrs. Lin field, benefactess of Linfield col lege, and j Mrs. Rose Babcock, worthy , matron of the Eastern Star. Aside from these special guests the group also had the op portunity of meeting the heads of the different departments ' of the school. After the introductions a pleasing program of readings and musical numbers was given In the "Wigwam," under the direction of Mrs. Ruthyn Turney. Both the girls octet and the boys quartet were heard, the girls appearing in white and wearing red sport jackets. 7 When the guests ' assembled again at the home of Mrs.. Hall they" were delighted with a short program by the Chemawa band, which was played In front of the house. ? M' - -. j ' r s , . - r i'i PECIALS FOR SATURDAY 1 AH iSc :b Rye, Raisin, Whole Wheat and White s AH 20c Cookie 2 doz; for 25c A large variety to choose from M arslraiallow Devil Cakes 20c CSC'l Orange, Raisin, Cherry and Ntit Loaf Cake s Your choice eacii is. Lest You Forget Hot Cross Biiiij j on Good Friday, April 10 Please place your order early j WE SERVE LUNCHES I ;from 7 a, m. to 7 p. m. . j Mrs. Hall, also invited as . her guests the education committee of the iSalem Woman's cluh, the group regretfully declining on ac count of thej illness of one of the niembers. 1; ' . ' The West Side circle of the Ji son ,Le Aid society will meet at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at t i home of Mrs. Bertha Lotelai J, 2010 fforth Fifth street. Con turned on pg 12) 1 1' ii T f ' ! This 1 ( best buy ; hn Town. MtoLorvv: the yaltie of these SIANIU QTZ COMPANY -A RED CROWN GASOLINE ,i . . . i t - -, j Price Per ini Gallon laVsC i S j . Oregon j State Tax j OC toi'al 22Vc . ! ! . i I- j . J.4.t..iKi(i. if II i 1 n mm 3uy it anywhere you see the red, vhite and blue pump or the"Rcd Crown" signat Standard Oil Ss& ' vice Stations and at dealers.