The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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I I) Y J
i j 1 " " "
Smart Ensembles
The. Ensemble Suit is most deservedly popular j
. -for there is no smarter dr more practical costume j
' :',iar day-time wear. There is a wide selection
..tame of kasha or twill with matching or silken
dress, and others entirely of silk --ottoman, crepe
l, satin..' ' . - - j, ..pi? j .
' Do not be :conf used In quality by the price.
The 'same qualities are being Bold in some of the
-larger cities for nearly twice the prices of these
,'garments. -. j - ' - j j "
Ml 34.75 to $64.50
' : O thers as Low a $ 1 6.00
. "See;ihe display in our window"
y' ' ' ' ' M ; " ;
iThe Ready-tbTwear section is of special
:i ntc res t to mothers and daughters
these days. Good! looking dresses,
attractive coats, becoming ihats, all
i reflect the latest style tendencies. t
Women's Coats
V Approved Styles
-rat $19.75
A . graceful correct model of
green polaire attractive in style
and quality, in size 16. f
A rust color polaire coat de
signed for extra I stout. The
style is quite smart, trimming is
found! in rows of embroidery
stitching. You will appreciate
this excellent value, it is a si2e
46. n . YJ. "i :
-at $24.75.
:?A good looking two button coat of all wool Folo,
-in tan edged with brown, there is evidence of
good tailoring throughout the entire garment.
-Size S8.J : . ii .'i- ";, .
' A fine top coat in Prince of Wales model, double
breasted, belted back, sandalwood color,
. . - ; !. :- .-h ! '
..''.' ":. : J - : 11 ' J " :
; Many Other JVfodels to Choose From
Trimmed Easter! RlilHnery
. In Downstairs Store v
Your Choice of Many Color
Combinations in Each Hat
Hundreds to choose from
Splendid Yaluesw . I
52.95 C3.93 54.45 54.95
55.45 55.95;565
to C8.95
Ccsne Ih cn'd irrvestiffate Otrr Goods
7,' -i and Prices : i
'.'A visit to our store will convince you of the big
Vadanta2 ;in iash buying and selling. You'll
X.find our goods of the highest standard, selling
" for less. It will pay you to come in and get
t familiar with the wide scope of oar service.
receive catefui attention!' We pay postage or express
within radius of hundred miles j
- i . - 4 -
The many friends ot Mrs. C. A.
Kells, who have been expressing
sorrow over her seyere illness, will
be rejoiced to know that she la
somewhat better. I j Mrs. Kells Is
under medical care at her home.
920 Leslie street, j
An Interesting story has come to
light concerning the first estab
lishment of the WCTU children's
farm home at Corvallis. Mrs.
Mary Powers Riley of Shedd, Or.,
first thought out the plan, as the
bitter fruit of a struggle of her
own. The Rosebnre News-Review
gives the .following; completing
paragraph:-', ::M f Ji-! '! ; i 'j,'
The plan was conceived by Mrs.
Mary Powers Riley, f now a resi
dent of Shedd. She was the old
est of a large family, left orphans.
and struggled hard to keen the
family together,, owing to her
aversion for the ordinary orphans
home. The smallest child in the
family she took with her j when
sewing out, which proved so in
convenient owing to the I child's
propensity for mischief' that she
was finally forced to allow him to
be adopted. Grown to manhood,
this boy acted , as foreman on a
ranch in Nebraska for three years
for Mrs. Ross Jacobs, now of
Roseburg, and died not Ions. ago
in Salem. A brother of his. Mr,
Progne. is ! ah attorney at Salem.
After Mrsj Riley's early struggles
were over , she planned the farm
home for unfortunate children,
and presented it to the WCTlf,
who later worked it out in its
present form ? at Corvallis, where
it has. preyed eminently success
ful. . J
Mrs. P. J. Kuntz entertained
yesterday afternoon for one of the
year's delightful ! meetings of
Chapter G of the PEO Sisterhood.
Mrs. Frank Churchill : and ! Mrs.
W. W. Moore shared papers for
the afternoon, Mrs- Moore dealing
with Oregon composers and Mrs.
Churchill with music from the in
strumental standpoint. '
At the tea hour Mrs. A. C. Parr
presided at the urn. Mrs. O. E.
Price and Mrs.1 Frank Churchill
assisted the hostess In the serving.
Golden blossoms i of ; deronlcum
centered the table, with yellow
candles in crystal holders harmon
izing with the crystal center bowl
of -flowers.-.' i : ' j! M !
Brooks Happenings
' . - l:
Miss Marie Dunlavy, daughter
of Mf.; and Mrs. J. S. Dunlavy, and
a student in the Gervais high,
school, won first place in the typ
ing contest at the Marion County
Teachers institute, which was
held in Woodbum on Saturday,
March 28,,between Newberg, Ger
vais and Woodbum. Mi
.The Marion county IQOF district
convention will be held in Ger
vais April The evening ses
sion at 8 p. m. will be open to
the general public; i The Rebekahs
will serve lunch at noon and din
ner at o'clock. I 'r , . . f
Miss Fern Batchelor was home
from Portland for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. W( t. Fuller and
children were visitors at the
home-of Mrs. ;. Fuller's -parents,
Mr. and ; Mrs. Elliot Savage, on
Salem Prairie over the week-end
Miss Ella A8pinwall was home
from Portland for the week-end. J
A dinner in honor of M. I
Jones of Brooks, on his 76th birth
day was given Sunday by his son.
Ronald E. Jones and family. .
Wtllard Gay and wife of 'Port
land spent Saturday and Sunday
with his sister, Mrs. Willard Ramp
Rev.- Simpson received a call
from i Albany that his father was
low. i He left for Albany Monday
morning.: viV.i --..-U -
The HayesvIIle district held Its
convention Sunday in the Brooks
school. An unusually large num
ber attended, estimated at close to
175 people. The chief speaker of
the morning session was Prof. L.
B. BaTdwin-of Oregon Agricultural
college, whose suMect was "Some
Correctives and Preventatives,
outlining briefly some of the ills
of our modern civilization and
emrrestloTts for correcting them. A'
basket dinner was! served in the
basement of the school. , In the
afternoon song service was led by
B. - J. Kimber, secretary of the
Marion county YMCA, who after
wards addressed the convention.
Mrs. G. M. Johnson, general sec
retary of the Oregon council of
religious education, also spoke.
The Hayesville district represents
13 schools. ' J ' ) ,
The Brooks Community club
met at' the home! of MrsL Bi F.
Ramp on Wednesday afternoon.
A large crowd was present and.
the afternoon was spent i sewing.
Refreshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gibson.
(Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Savage were
visitors at the Dijmlavy home on
Wednesday afternoon.
! Mr. and Mrs. t X. Moisan have
been sick the past week but are
reported better atj this writing.
' Mrs. George Ramp Is reported
on the sick list this week.
i Mr. and Mrs. John Rayj return
ed home from a
son, Stanley Ray,
Glad Tidings.
visit wijth their
and family at
The orchards are in bloom and
the fragrance of the blossoms
floats upon the
trees are greening with foliage
air. The alder
is on the sick
sicknessj several
from school this
Mr. Mcdonald
list, j Owing to
pupils are absent
The Pringle school board have
seen red the services of R J. Mil
ler, and Miss Helen Camthack for
another year. - The patrons of the
school seem -quite well pleased
with the manner In which our
school has been conducted during
the -term, t I !
William Propt went to Portland
Wednesday. i i
Surveyors have been setting'
grade stakes along the! Pringle
road, from the Feeble minded in
stitution as far; as the Pringle
school house, and it is reported
that this road i
the near future
to be paved In
Says Backache Often Means Yon
Have Not Been Drinking
Enongh "Water.
When yon wake up with back
ache and dull misery in the kid
ney region it may mean you have
been eating foods which create
acids, says a well known author
ity. An excess of such acids over
works the kidneys in thtir effort
to filter it from the blood and
they become sort of paralyzed and
loggy. When your kidneys get
sluggish and clog you jmust re
lieve them, like you relieve your
bowels, removing all the body's
urinous waste, else you hjave back
ache, sick headache, dizzy spells;
your stomach pours, tongue '-is
coated and when the Weather is
bad you have rheumatld twinges.
The urine is cloudy, full of sedi
ment, channels often get sore.
water scalds and you are obliged
to seek relief two or three times
during the night.
Either consult a gooc , reliable
physician at once or jet from
your pharmacist about four ounces
of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon ful
In a glass of water before break
fast for a few days and your kid
neys may then jjict fine. This fam
ous salts is made from tie acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined
with lithia, . and has been used
for years to help clean t.nd stimu
late sluggish I kidneys, also to
neutralize acids in the nystem, so
they no longer lirritate, thus often
relieving bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, can not
injure and makes a delightful ef
fervescent lithia-watejr drink.
Drink loU of soft water. By all
means have your physitjian exam
ine your kidneys at least (twice a
year. Adv. I . I
I -
; s
ill, - ; :
i -"i s - ,. : .: !
1 i
The catlendar announces Spring, tut
Nature smiles reveal it
To get right out and enjoy it most,
A Nash or Hupp will do it.
Saturday... apd Supday
will be the
Formal OpeMmg
in their new show and sales rooms
etail in comfort, reliability and transportation
known only to the advanced ' automobile world is
now represented by the display of Nash and Hupp
cars on said floors.
Music Saturday 'Afternoon and Evening
The public is cordially; invited in j
Commercial at Chenieketa Street
More Bonds Are Sold
To Meet W
heat Loans
Read the Classified Ads.
A total of
amounting' to
been received by the state hoard
of control from eastern Oregon
wheat-jfarmers for re-seeding- pur
Of the total numjber received,
480 applications have
ed and ! $343,558.71
been apjprqv
allowed i in
loans. In addition to the $300,-5
war' veterans
000 worth of World
bonds already sold,
the , board
control yesterday spld $100,000
in order ;to
more of the bonds
meet the loans.
. Liess than one-third of the $1,-
500,000 : loan authorized by the
1923 legislature ha been neces
sary to meet the demands so far.
, -1 s - j j .
Ilez Heck says: fKeepin nine
o the commandments at a time
is jist about all that should jbe
expected 'p anybody.
i ':''." ' '
One! Dozen Samples Friday; and Saturday, April 3 and 4
With ! each purchase of $1.00 or over you will receive a sack of samples, a
dozen or more, to contain liberal samples of Soap, Cold Cream, Tooth Paste, Kotex,
Face Powder, Shaving Cream, Perfume,' Patent ! Medicine, Harriet Ayers week-end
package. -iDip it Dye.
1 lb. Theatrical Cold Cream , . 69c
DeWitt's Shampoo - . ... - 39c
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 39c
Large ... 89c
Purola Honey and Almond Cream ....39c
Lemon Lotion, 2 for '. 50c
Lemon Vanishing Cream, 2 for .1. 50c
Lemon Cold Cream, 2 for . 50c
Pomona Cream Depilatory .79c
I lb. Absorbent Cotton ; l .69c
Regular $1.25 Turkish Bath Towels, j
made in England, special 89c
Japanese Vases -.i ....
Tommy Tucker Toasters, Electric $1.89
Oxford Tooth Brush ..L ......19c
Pebeco Tooth Paste 39c
Pepsodent ...L...39c ;
Palmolive Soap, 2 for L 15c
Hand Soap, special, 4 for '. 25c
Mon Amour Face Powder, 2 for 50c
Toilet Paper, "Owl Brand, 4 for J...25ct
High School Stationery, S. H. S. ....89c
Fanchionette Fancy Colored
Stationery,. . 79c
Peter Rabbit Talc for Babies ..; 19c
J Ma U l
Don't fail to visit our store on eacK or at. least one of
these days and see and taste the wonderful cakes, bread,
biscuits, etc, that are baked on the BRIDGIL-BEACH.
rif riJ II !?frilJ
niT ! CKJ5" if
Bridge-Beach Ranges
Sold on Easy Terms and
No Interest
The Bridge-Beach factory will give a choice
of any one of the following with every Bridge
Beach Range or Circular sold during the demon
stration. ! I '
Set English
26-Piece Set .
Rogers Silverware
- 1 - t-.
; 'Or ' :i- :'
7-Piece Set
i " . ' !
S - ' i
f ". ! ' !
' - ' ' i ' 1 I
i h ' i
e 'Bm
Ko ; ;
1 jS7 TO, 3 77 COURT ST .
"CAf A5."I DO' - - -
"Turn your old tove in first F3yrc:,,
410 STATU cr:::r:T
.is f..reet " ' ' A! Icr Street