JO ' ' '," '"ArtT '--i , - 1 11 1 " ' ' I' " . r This cat Is used by courtesy of the Associated Industries, of Oregon. K. T. A. Livesley & Col Largest Growers, Shippers and Exporters of PACIFIC COAST HOPS j Offices: Salem, Oregon and San Francisco. California 1 ' HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY Can take the Wash . Day ont of jour home Call 171 Price 75c and up ' 1356 B Street When tired of your clothing tell r exchsoge it at th CAPITAL EXCHANGE "& ' W will plcas and -aUaf yott i ,' 342 H. CommereUl St. ; ;' Klinger Hotel Strictly Slodern Rooms $1 PER DAY AXD L'l 45 STATK STJUSBT EAGLE DAT.IP WASH Try Our ROUGH DRY All Flat Work ' Ironed at 5c per lb. and lc each. , Balance returned dry at , 4Vc per lb. R. E WOLTER, Prop. Cor. 16th and C St. Phone 1K92 OREGON pagk!ing COMPANY The industrial center of the United States is rapidly gravitating to Oregon because of the marvelously favorable conditions and prodigality of resources.: World markeU are opening be us like the first pink of an opening rosebud. Every dollar spent for "OREGON QUALITY" products stimulates it into full and refulgent bloom, 1 ; - t n VALLEY. PACKING COMPANY cascade brand hams, Butter - Nut Bread "The Richer, Finer Loaf CHERRY CITY . BAKERY VICK CL.IMS THE RECORD RIO IXJG ' C. C. 15. Vick. of White Wing Poultry! farm, Aurora, Ore., says out4 boasted record Leghorn egg looks like a bantam egg to him. He cays: . "The Dther day one of my 8-months-bld White Leghorn pullets produced an "egg that weighed six ounces and for size, Ob. boy I it was 7' by 8 Inches. I punched the ends and blew out tho contents consisting of the yolk and white and found another hard shelled, standard sized egg inside." Mr. Vick says he is kept pretty busy trapping 1100 White Leg horns and looking after the Incu bators, lie says he is considering sccdins us his record "One in One TZzZ-" ' Ho tnust have some gecso cr ostriches hanging around his L-r!iorn' laylns' houses.- North r .-it rrultry Jcurcul. THKOBEGON STATESMAN. SALEJI. OREGON ID VJff Slogan Ads . .... ,(-,.. .... Are Business Getters Gilbert Studio and Craft Shop , Imported 1 sPnik Pottery Upstairs 147 North Commercial Cigars ; Confectionery Soft Drinks SALEM PUBLIC MARKET But personally owned and privately conducted G. F. BRAZIER TODD ELECTRIC MOTOR ' ' ! ' " SHOP: Specialize on re-winding, repairing and installing . . electric mot6rsi;H : : " : Pi....,. Ruement Masonic Building I PHOXK 2112 h DR. A. F. qOFFRIER ChlroprartorXaturopath . Disease cannot generate In ''j,.;,; a clean body Hrs. 10-12, 2-6 and by appt., Oregon Bids. Phone Sol BABY CH1X CUSTOM HATCHING Our Smith Incubator Has 47,000 Egg Capacity Prices will be reduced 20 1 after Mayjl From Trapnested and Pedi greed White Leghorns- Fir Lane Poultry Fann Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Thompson K.)F.1. Caobj, Ore, Phone 48 10 Square Deal Welding Works ; Ox-acetylene aad Electric We specialize on cylinder hlocks and aluminum cases, heary cast iron, steel tanks, boiler and flue welding, springs, t frames and fenders. If It's made of metal t we canwcld It i4.. ' ' Phone 804 810 Ferry St. . '-I Salem, Ore. I PRIMGLE PRINGLE. Ore' March 23. The patrons of the Pringle school district wilt be pleased to learn that the school board has secured the services of RJ. Miller and Miss Helen Cammack as teachers In our school for another year. Among the pupils who have been absent recently because of sick ness are Slabel Chastaine, Alma McDonald, Pearl Trc'acu and Lor ene Propst. - - - : -; The Nunn boys bare a pair of white rabbits to care for, so they are quite busy and happy.' ; ' f Miss Irma Meeks, of Willamette university. Is spending the week at home. - j. u. . Coburns entertained a number of visitors Saturday: and INDUSTRIAL OREGON 1 PRODUCES The advertisers on this page are OREGON FIRMS. Each takes pride in putting "ORE GON QUALITY 'into its products. When you buy their goods you are assisting in a mutual-, ly beneficial co-operation to bring bigger payrolls, more capital, more people into Oregon. You help build bigger towns and cities. You increase and stabilize the markets for Oregon farm products. 5 1 v " ; 'j4: Your success is inseparably interwoven with theirs. Every dollar you spend for,their,pro-, ducts will influence the future of Oregon to your mutual benefit. Ask your home dealer to supply you with CERTIFIGATIDWOF POTATOES PAIG Potato growers in the northwest are obtaining better yields by us ing certified seed. , The merit ol (certification 'fs slowly becoming understood ' by the, general class of farmers. A large number of inquiries; have been received this year from farm ers, by the OAC experiment sta tion at Corrallis. While planting certified seed will not always re sult in a crop that will pass 'cer tification requirements, it " usu ally means a considerably- better yield of potatoes. ' The potatoes will be more uniform and hare less calls tbaa where the common potatoes are used for seed. .; , Certified potatoes must be of uniform shape and size, showing the varietal characteristics, and comparatively free from disease. But do not think that because they ' are free from disease you will get disease-free potatoes tha.t season.' Potatoes may "become in fected from diseased soil or con tainers before planting. ! Always treat the potato seed before plant ing. It serves as a disinfectant for the seed and kills the disease organisms that may have reached the surface of the seed from the containers. Use corrosive subli mate for treating them before the seed is cut for planting. . .... GOOD PACKS InVEtt FREIGHT The surest way to get a lower freight rate In Oregon on the per ishable commodities of the north west Is to grow, grade, pack and ship them so there will be fewer claims to be met by the railways, according to C. J. Hurd, market specialist of the OAC ; extension service. ; ; The cost of ', claims is passed back to the grower in the high rates to cover the amount of the claims. ; DEL.ICIOC8 AS KKKPEKS ' The keeping qualities of the Golden Delicious apple In western Oregon are being studied at the Oregon Agricultural college ex periment station. In eastern Ore gon this variety has proved - one of the best. There it develops a good waxy cuticle, which has been found to add to the keeping qual ity of most varieties. In the west ern part of the state, though, it bears well, the fruit does nojt keep like the- eastern product. . How ever, the trees are still young, and the station hopes that as they be come older the fruit will develop this waxing covering. MAURINE BEALE LEE ART STUDIO isriSS' LOAN' 3 t M4 Oa Good City Property Lowtrate, p.jrmBt plaa ; all paid - br end 9t yr r Farm loans. lr(e or small tracts. Prirat. aaoncr. 8e. n first; 70a ... will rt no f nrthfr a. w. lafjjAU 4tO Orreon BldjE. Anto Electrle Work . I K. V.. BARTON . 171 8. Commercial 6U J DAIRY Perfectly rz.tcLTiicd 'Then a 723 . QUALITY ' 1 - - - - - r!Tr""!rT""rT''' Courtesy Oeahers. Now Open For Business ' New Fireproof Building. ; i f New Modern Machinery Suit Cleaned and Pressed - S1.50 ! Suit Pressed 50c 785 Highland Ave. Phone 2188 YES ; We Buy Everything Will pay the highest rash prices, for Tools, Sacks, Hides, Rags, Paper and Machinery.' ' We Buy Old Cars to Wreck' CHERRY CITY JUNK & AUTO WRECKING CO. I . " OOO X. Cotn'l. Phone 2157 696 U. Si National Bank Bldg Phone 85 Res. Phone 4C9J DR. B. H. WHITE Osteopathic ' Physician and Surgeon r Electronic JOiagnosIs and t ; Treatment (Dr. Abram's Method) Tost System For Feet Salem. Oregon If Von Want AHomc Built to Your Notion la rettrlctvd resiJenc diitrict Consult , JOHN WflHAMSON LONE STAB SERVICE STATION N. Capitol St. i'bone 520 We solicit 'your business with - c -r , . , n . - . . t Personal Service ! it . - - . . -.-iff. ,s- , ,,; 1 . Give ns chance ( : you be the judge, All work guaranteed ..... Open 7 . m. to O . in. r r TEXAS GARAGE -, (By an Oregoa Man) 1009 X. Capitol St. Phone 320 : KEXMiLL-ELLlS Specialists in ! Portrait Photography Studio: ' 429 , Oregon . Building r Ideal ; , v Onr Meth4: "Tha baat Osly" Cooparatiaa Capital City -Co-cperatireCreanery ' A aoB-profit rrsBliatiB owa4 tUr-j by Uia dairraiaB. tl aa trial.' ' ' Maaafsctarers of Bnttoreav Battac , "At roar tiroecr", . Pses 999 1S7 ft. Coat'l 8i Hotel Maricii BAizzh onncori T. ' '-rjest find I-Icct .3 Ilcsttlry in .,0ut ct Pcrtkri PRODUCTS Highway Garage . Motor Specialists Gas, Oil, Tires, Accessories , Prompt Service Reasonable Prices ' J- Guy N. Hickman, Prop. 1000 South Commercial - - Phone 1087. it. v I Cylinder, Grinding ? - By Expert Workmen With ' High-class Tools PONERITE SHOP 349 Perry Street, , Salem, Ore. WINTER ENCLOSURES Ktalionary Tops, Auto Top Repairing Our prices will please you O. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop 210 STATE STKEET . New Hotel Salem Where Hospitality Awaits You Under direction of FRANK D. BLIGH Hotel Bligh "A home away from borne" ! $1.00 per Day and Up; . J W. W. Rosebraugh Steel Tanks Smoke Stacks Fruit Drying Stoves PHOXK 8S0 Individual Instruction Pacific Expert School ; 427-428 Oregon Bldg. THREE MONTHS' COUHSE I Kt-rt Vuur Money in Oron Bu i Monument Made at Salem. Oregoa " CAPITAXi MONUMENTAL ' WORKS J. C. Jones U Co., Proprietors . All Kinds of fouutnn,.al Worl Factorj and Offtce: 2210 8. Com'U Opposite I. O . . " . , - Cemetery, Bos 21 Plione SSO SAT.EM UO. Phone 102 164 South Commerci THEO. M. BAkR Plumbing - HKATIXG AND TINNING ; Salem, Oregoa bacon ANDt lard Eat a Plate a Paj WEATHERIY ICECREAM Soli Everywhere Buttercup , Ice Cream Co. P. L GREOOmr.1 lr.J B40 Heath OomDM-iil Ht. 8 all: i v Calea IM09 by lfSt f men l. niEMANir ' ' r.?tl. testate an3 l2smrsi 107-32 Crtrsa c:rj. - ... - Phesa -101X. it ; ' THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 26, 1925 ' , - t ::EIVEI G. F. Brazier-Builds His ; Business onQuality and " Service 4- There ig" perhaps no Jin.1 of business where the quality of mer chandise handled and the personal service rendered In its delivery Is ot more vital imp6rtaricet or "Is more highly appreciated 'by ; the public, ' th Jhat of food -? and drink'. ' "v r"- S The person whose appetite-for food and " drink has been served In such a manner as to .leave pleasant , memories of. the quality of the merchandise and service such as creates a desire to return for further service, is not apt to soon forget the experience, or the location, and personnel of the place. - It is on this basis of quality and service that Mr. G- F. Brazier is laying the foundation of one of the most successful business In Salem at the left hand side of the Commercial street entrance to to -the Public market,- where he is engaged In the sale of confec tionery, tobacco, cigars,. ice cream, bottled drinks, popcorn and a milk shake proposition that hits the spot and makes a man forget his dinner or luncheon appoint ments. : Mr. Brazier - handles " Janke's "Oregon 5Iade" chocolates, the best on the market; Imperial can 'Me?; VVeatherly ice cream, a real rood product; bottled- carbonated water from the Star and the Slol r-tnr-e,t jn galem. a These are all standard products and .areserved .n a manner which pleases every customer., v, ;.-.i,iV,,i. . .-:.-t, :, ; .Mr. Brarier purchased this es tablishment last October., coming here from Silverton, where he had x " engaged in the cafe and res taurant business for several years.' is toe owner of the famous dog "Bobbie," who earned a." world vide fame by returning to his home In Silverton after being lost from' his master in Indiana on an auto trip east. Bobbie now occupies a mansion erected espe cially for him in the yard of the ramily home on Xorth Commercial street where he is a national at traction. - Slogan Advertisers "Are -Entailed 'to Your - WHEN.Y0U BUY DRAIN TILE Consider the extra strength of concrete drain tile, made uni formly good to pay you a profit on drainage for a lifetime. . Ask us for free booklet telling how to plan drainage for profit. ,1- ... . . ,; . . - v ; Oregon Gravel Company ; Uood at Front St. . Salem "' - ;opv won Bi i'ccrrrrjns tixs C. A. ROBERTS Khrrt Bletal Work auij Fnrnacca- rsrt.irtte U s fotTsavar.Trdttf tea larrtst cjqw of S9f fa,i 5l .'??.a a Us taarsct. f XatjteUca avtul - ,1011 CoatVCosrj'erciil : R. rona 1248 W Bos n0oa 1175 THOSE WHO SERVE WARD a . . v' i'AJMl---'-B This cut is used by Associated Industries. xi uregon Biaesing Granite Company Roy Bohannon, Mgr. City View Cenielryl Oregon "OREGON QUALITY" Is pat into every bottle of oar ; carbonated drinks STAR BOTTLING WORKS CI7 Market Pbone 1426 - ..' ; I. B. DUNSMOOB . Salem Wicker Furnlturo . 3Ianufactorine . Co. . .. We Sell Direct " Genuine Rattan Bead Quality : Furniture Repairing, BeflnUbiuc Upholstering . 185S State St, Salem, Oregon P. W. BLISS AUTO TOP SHOP Removed from 311 N. Coml. to -i S29 W. STATE. FOR SALE AH Kinds of Wood . Price Reasonable PHOXK 653 ' Salem Chickeries 202 N. Cottage Phone 400 100SERVJCE--100 Auto and Tractor Repairing . We- Know- How - Welcome to our fierrice Station T t jOld Time Oaa Once More , , OESKRAU OAS, OIKS AND ACCESSORIES' SERVICE A ataple line of Groceries, Conlection rT' Meal and Lnnchra anytime. The Chet KNOWS HOW. North Com,l Garage ' and Grocery AHDE&S0N-, ADAMS SEPTKA 1610-1618 N. Commercial St. -. Phone 1677 DIXIE HEALTH CHEAD Ask Your Grocer . .; . V.-. .vj : - ...... .. Wa Arc Oat After Two lHIlas W . at payiji ,oar , tkraa qaarlai-s of nillton dollar a year to the dairyaea of lata aectioa far milk. ' -..- - "Llarica Butter Is .th fieit Batter Ucra Cowi and Better Cows , ia the cryioj cceS . ... u rnoDUCr"; C-Jcn;1 Ci e.' ""'Tl,' 9 ' IP courtesy of the Gtiicnc ai ' tortrc The science of the, , chiropractor i not; v -- such an involved: one v. that it needs special setting- to be applied. After all it is a skillful knowledge of the hu- t ; mhn body that creates our results. For appointments see, Dr.O. L. Scott, D. C. 416 U. S. NatL Bank Bldg. Phone 87 The Electro Thermophore is especially designed to apply electric treatment to Prostate and Bladder ailments. It is the only system producing satisfac tory results. x ; DR. F. S. SCHUTZ : Consultation Free 325 Oregon Bldg. Phone CO I PACIFIC FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. Distributor Fruit and vegetable handled oa Consignment. 531 Trade St. Phone 1928 Robinson's Service Station Tires and Aoressories South Commercial St. juad Jefferson Way , , . C M. Robinson, Proprietor Phone J787J5 WARREN NURSERY All kinds of Fruit and Nut Trees reduced. Small fruit of. all kinds.: Buy here now and' save money. Rear 655 Ferry street. Phone 104F24. - LEO H. JOHNSON Electrical Contractor ; Fixtures Wiring and , ; Supplies . ; 1011 South Commercial Phone 1375 fcrb If v-l DEPENDABLE RUG CLEANERS We have a reputation for thorough workmanship. No matter how biff or little your job, we solicit it, and guarantee low price and worthy workmanship. Phone 934 and pur ear will call ; ' Cherry City CI eaners ' - 23i xoimi man Overland v Willys ICrJ-ht y Oakland . Si!cs and Ssrrica ; " High Street t Traia GIDEOH STCLZ CO. . : llannfictiirtri cj : , ; VtztztzZ 1 9 r.zz Z UzzC iz? C:l: ... i Tas IraoJ yn .-j t i:t " -Trlcei r-ca rr; -' i yMpry t'r c ,