:8 - WEDNESDAY - - , - mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . , ...... ...... . , ELBE OHIO IE IE0ED DOl'ii! 1 ; ' Supreme : Court Sustains iiHarney County Tax Levy and Holds Roll Legal "J Eleven opinions were handed down by the supreme court Tues day morning. These .were as fol lows: " - ' . vJuanita C Booth vs. J. P. Block et- al. appellants; " appeal . from Multnomah county; -motion to dis- Don't Be Sick . It isn't necessary if you take a cold in time and break ' it before it has had , time to weaken yqur system. :L , ..1- ' il I.1 .. .1 i . ' ;, Schaefer's Herbal Cough Remedy ' It is the best and most economical cough rem edy made. i " i t ; i-. ,. : : i ! 1 1 V-p.!.' QCHAEFER'QJ J DRUG 8TQRE ' "Th Yellow Trout" '' Tho' Pettslar . Store - 13a North Commercial . Phone 197 miss appeal and BfflrnTjudsment granted4hy the court ' . . Outcalt Advertising . comsanr. appellant T8 Guy D. Jones, motion to dismiss appeal overruled in an opinion by Chief Justice Mc Bride. Elele M. Hershey Ts. Homer'H.' Hershey,:tappellaati , appeal from Benton county; application for ali mony denied in opinion by Chief Justice, Mc Bride. J s , t A. W. Walker Auto comnanv ts. Firemea'g. Fund - Insurance com pany, appellan t ; appeal from Jack son , county; action I to recover on two insurance '' DoTicfas. Ooinlon by; Chief 'Justice McBrlde. Judge P. M. Calkins reversed. . Chauncey 'Florey, coun trader k of Jackson county and as ex officio clerk of county board of superris prs, plaintiff, ts. ' J. B. Coleman, county assessor, defendant. Orig Jnal proceedings la mandamus to secure reduction in assessment on livestock ana real property. Opin ion by Justice Brown. i Writ de nied. ' ! 'Sam Mothersbead, appellant, ts. Clarence N. Young; appeal from Harney county; suit to hare tax roll i declared Told. Opinion -by Justice Burnett, j Judge . Dalton" Biggs affirmed. ' J .. ' C. Gartrell, ! appellant, vs. Bend , Carage ' company; appeal from Deschutes county; suit for damages. v Opinion by Justice Bur netts Judge T. E. J. Duffy af firmed. ' i . i ; ; " '... -Anna Martha t Hildebrandt ts. Fannie Montgomery et al, appel lant; appeal from Josephine coun ty; .suit to ' enjoin diversion" of water. Opinion, ' by , Justice Belt. Judge F. M.- Calkins affirmed. 1 Comstock Manufacturing com pany vs.'" Solon' Schlffmann et al, appellants; appeal-from Tillamook county; -suit to', compel .specific performance of contract. Opinion by Justice Brown, i Judge George R. Bagley affirmed. George ;WV Finch et al, ;appel lants, vs. -; Pacific, Reduction & Chemical Manufacturing company, appeal . from Josephine - county. Suit to collect money. Opinion by Justice Brown. Appeal dismissed.' State ex rel J. E. Johnson plain- Youmful Voices Sincms in Unison' ? .. V Brings Forth Much-Praise (Lczt Night High School Mttsicola. L'jatler . Direction r.Uiiw -Tartar and Assisted . . ,,By.PjThtra,peli By AUDRED BUXCII There U something Jubilant and irrepressible about youthful vejee singing in unison, something that will draw a crowd unfailingly, as did the. high school musicale last night in the high school auditor ium under Misa;Lena Belle Tar tar's satisfying directorship. . ; : 5 The high school orchestra open ed the program "I with "Falling Leaves'! and 'P6et and Peasant," receiving a -hearty .-- ovation. A number . unusually . delightful In ts modulation wa "Morning Invitation,"- by the beginners' chorus with Miss Josephine Albert; taking the Incidental solo .with youthful lyrical power and assurance.' The audienee - gave - particular responce to the Instrumental trio, Love and Flowers" ' ( Aldrich ) , by Margaret Kastor, Peter Foekl, and Robert Alexander, the young mus icians favoring with an encore. -The second chorus of advanced students . In the . department gave distinctive rendition to Hoffman's Barcarolle" Oh, Night of'Love) 'Sylvia" by Speaks and a Negro spiritual, "Goin Home," each in four part arrangement, showed the pleasing range available - in a group of Intelligently , 'trained high school voices. : " J For a . second group by. the be ginners' chorus the songsters took their places on the stage with an enthusiasm . that, made one think of a theater lobby t during the in- termiaalon. Each number sung was gratifyingly well -done. . : ' The Troubadour. Quartet, whoso numbers never- lack the plaudits of the hour,-sang "O Sole Mio" and "In a Little Old Garden." with a sprightly school song for an en- Core. ,:...' -- '" ,. ' I -A mixed chorus of sixteen sel ected voices from the advanced group sang Friml's "Allah's Holi day" and, the ever-loved "Bells of St. Mary'a"rwith beautiful tonal powers. ,Tbe incidental, solo by Esther Davis in the later number was one of the gems of the evening.- - .- t .The wise arrangement - of the program in. its alternation of clas sic and popular numbers made the musicale enjoyable to all who . heard. tiff vs. circuit. court for Deschutes county; v original proceeding - in mandamus . upon petition for re bearing. Petition denied in opin ion by Justice Burnett. ; BOARD RE-ELECTS- l SCHOOL PRINCIPALS . , (Cftnttnaed-'frem yas 1) upon the recommendation of Supt. George W. Hug: - ; ; LaMoine-R. Clark,: principal of McKinley;. '.Margaret ' J. Jasper, principal of Garfield ; W.; A. Dav enport, . principal of . Lincoln ; U. S. Dotson, principal of Park; H. F. Durham, principal of Parrlsh. Professor Durham was also given a $200' raise, making his salary $2200 per year, Anna Fischert principal. of Rich mond; E.-A. Miller, principal, of Grant; Lyle Murry, principal of Englewood; Mabel Murray, princi pal of Highland j In the senior high school both J. C: Nelson principal, and R. : Moore, assistant principal, were re-elected. ' Professor Nelson was given a raise of $100 -per year. making his total salary $2500. .The heads of departments of the Senior high school to be re-" elected vwere as follows: Merrit Davis, commercial department; Eula ; Creech, home ' economics; Carlotta Crowley, elementary su pervisor; Laura Hale. Latin; Beryl Holt;, mathematics; Frances Lord, history and civics; Gretchen Kreamer, music;. June Philpott, science; Mae Rauch, English; Ma bel-Robertson, history; Ada Ross. English; :. Grace Snook, physical education. . ' BAIL QUESTIONS HUI Ttl tNUtU . (ConUnued from past li Stewart . had confined his discus sion to the maximum limit. . . - In rebuttal of defense - - argu ment that murder bad not been proved and that the state's evi dence 'was circumstantial, Mr. Marshall declared that the same arguments had been' unsuccessful ly J urged ' before the . Illinois su preme court In; 1906 when It af firmed the , famous conviction of Johann Hoch, the notorious "'blue beard," who was hanged for wife murder.- '. ; - Ethel and Edith Knight; age 10. -Verl and Pearl McKInney, age 5. The Evergreen school '' Is . pre paring a program! for Friday eve ning,' March 27. .. Mr. and Mrs. OlelOverund of Erergreen district have ' five daughters attending school in the principal room. Some -record, isn't a? : ' (.The above is' sent; from Dis trict 10. Evergreen school, Sil verton, . Oregon, March 23.-Ed.) SCHOOLS TO. OPEN , BEFORE BIG FOUR (Conttnsed fro P J) are skilled In that line of work and tbat tacks, or. other markers, be - placed npon it showing the number of students to the bloek in all parts of the city.: ft is expected that in this man ner the board can .better deter mine what moves should te made to remedy, the crowded conditions in a number of the schools.. '.-THIEF ' IS'-' GOMING rara Lake Labish Will Have to Come Again if They Carry ' Off the Honors; Sure Editor Statesman Lake Labish will have to come again if they carry off the honors, for' our district boasts of five pairs "of twins. Two of these are found t ia one home, and ' of one family. They are as follows: ' V Aldine and Alfred Von Flue, age 4 years, j , - f Lucile and. Louis Von Flue, age 1 year. All children of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Von Flue. ' " '- Edna and Edgar Dick, age 16. CHICHESTER SKILLS blAMONn HttAH PILLS, far SS inn kMWM Bct. SaM, AKni Rati 5CLD BTSL'GOISIS LtlSXmiJ .Ti i! t : n 1 if'jCr.hr i i nr i . Your Friend as Well as Your Banker : Handling your finances here at the United States National is not a routine with us. It is our aim to co-operate actively in yourbusiness plans, in the increase of your farm acreage and the bet terment of your dairy herd, and in your general finan cial success. In other words, we are your friend as well as banker and are always ready, and pleased to lend both moral and financial encouragemen when ever the occasion merits it. United States National Bank Salem. Oregon 1 f ! ;iM.F -. fftici:' shoe : sale ;i J; Our Wednesday y2 Price Rubber Heel Day has become so well estaiblished as a bargain day that we are going to inaugurate another money saving event that we assure will meet with the same favor and bring customers from all over : the; city. f -,y Three days at the end of every. month we are going to offer our broken lines at exactly half the price they sell for: All 10 broken lines, will go on sale at 35; all 58 pumps .will sell at ?4. Come in and get any pair of these high grade slices of which there will be at least 500 pairs on sale at exactly one half the marked price. We realize that we -must take a loss pn these shoes, but to maintain the high standard of style that we are offering our customers we must have an outlet for our short alines and we ; think these month end sales will talce care of the situation and at the same iime give our patrons an opportunity to pick up some wonderful values. , ; : V 50 Pairs Hanan Pumps, $12.50 grades Yz price :l ..: I... 40 Pairs Satin Pumps, 9 grades, ' : lz price ...i ...L.'..j...: 38 Pairs Patent Pumps, 59 grades, fc Vz price L 45 Pairs Tan Pumps, 310 grades, Yz price : ;Mcp's Tan Shoes,: 36 grades, Yz price Men'sBlack Bluchers, 30 grades, ; Yz Price ...1 . $6.25 $4.50 .$4.50 ......$5.00 .$3 .00 3 .00 Men's Black Kangaroo Bluchers, 7 grades, ft. O -T? A pHce -:.L-..:.:Jp J . 3 jl 'Men's Brown Calf Bluchers, $6 grades, Yz price ..j..;.: Boys' Sport : Shoes, high grade, .5 Yz price Broken Lines Florsheim $10 Oxfords, Yz price Broken Lines Florsheim $10 Shoes, J4 price '..C....:.z..i.L......:.L...... New Brown Oxfords, 39 grades, 2 price ................ Boys' Black Blucher Dress Shoes, 55 grades Yz price. .........1.. ...... .........................L....... :$3.00 $5.00 $5,00 $4.50 :$2.50 Boys' Black or Brown, new last, 55 grades, 67) all sizes go at Yz price.... -tj) Children's Pumps, regular $5 grades, ( "Vz Price i... ( Children's Shoes, ?5 grades, Yz price ....... Children's Shoes. 54 grades, (7 Yz Price i .. ) 20 Pairs Silver Pumps to close put; get a pair , at : 7. 210 We are going to make. -this sale areal success and there will be two or to sale over with a bang; so do not miss it as you will get some rear bargains. We will not say anything about the quiality of our shoes as they speak for -themselves. t-EIbbei?. I Meel -SSay-. -Eveirsr 'Wecfaeoolay . All Mem But pi u ' i Repair Department Our shop is equipped with all new machinery. We use nothing but the very beat grade of leather that money will buy. ' Mr, Jacobscn, in charge of thi3 department, is an expert in his line has. spent years In factories and' repair shop3 and .will do nothing: but-high grade . work. .- . . ,.. - ; . - . - - MbiMMnM hn i i uMiMMMiMiV' n nni mB 9 mmmmmimf X X V (San Jxj fox Pcr 225 ZlZtCLVlKliiz rTrJi Do Your Feet Hurt? . X'orns and callouses removed without pain or.sore ness. Ingrown nails removed and treated. Pains in . feet, .weak-foot, ..flat foot, . foot .. straihiand fallen arches adjusted. Do not suffer. I will give you the best that science can produce in scientific chiropody. Consult. " .' DR. WILLIAMS About Your tfeel. .Hours 9 to 5:20. rhone 16 VsJ 41 in