THE -OREGON- STATESMAN, SALES! OHEGON WEDNESDAY MORNING MARCH 25192 Ittnes Dally Except Vai by TES 8tATSHAXXrBZJSHnra COXTAVT SIS South. Ooawisl 8t, 81b, Oroa R. J. Hondrlek Job JU. Brady MZXXZS OF THB ASSOCIATES FZSS Tfc AmU4 Pnu is xeJuslTely tttt4 to Uo far pablieoUoa of oil str elfpoteha erditd to it or Ml otaarwiao ordHos U Ui popoir aa Jo tko fee) aows pabUshad aaraia. -: - ' BUSINESS OFFICE: Tktui T. Clark CW Haw York, 141-145 Wtit Stk St, CaSesc, Maraatt BU4- tac W. S. Grothwahl. Mr. 1 Portland Offica. 83ft Worcester Blag.. PkoM 6637 BRotdvtr, Albert Brers, Mgr. BsttasM OtflM , Hew Dapartataat 8SlvS Job Dapartaaaat Xatorad at tka Poatofflea la Sales, Oracoa, as Mcm4-eUM matter BIBXJS THOUGHT AND PRATES. j Prepare ey Bod Jo BIBLE SERVICE Bimi. Cfaariaaatt. OMa. If paraata wiii aava their ealldroa nomoriM the daily Bible aeieetieae. It wiB prOTa prieoloaa ritr th. is iltw ;ta. : Marrh 33, 1025 v. i . T: A SURE DWELLING PLACE: -Trust In the Lord and da good; so shalt thou dwell In. the land, and. verily thon be fed. Psalm PRAYER: 0, we give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever, z ; THE PURE BRED HONEY BEE .: The Statesman of yesterday contained a news article concerning an industry that ought to be encouraged and that will keep a good deal of money at home ! ! The breeding of honey bees and queens, by H. M. Mead, on his Polk county place a few-miles west of Salem, on Rural Route '2. ' I The honey bee is one of the most marvelous of all crea- tures. The philosophers of old studied the habits of the bee and books have been written about the works and govern- ' ment of this wonderful insect; books telling fascinating facts. But .the" pure bred honey bee of the industry , under dis cussion is for the fruit growers of the Salem district a most practical necessity. The fruit growers must have bees to pollenize their fruit blossoms. In no other way will this be "done :-.;j i : : r''-;"'v-':; - ::'h:i:iA:':'i-::r't -And it will not be done thoroughly unless there are great - numbers of worker bees; " virgin daughters of toil;". billions and billions of them : And there will not be great numbers of bees unless the bee industry pays. It will pay only if-we have pure bred bees v; of the golden kind; and we should tolerate no o$her And unless there is provided ample late bee pasture, v So it is a fine thing that we have, a breeder of bees here with knowledge ; one who can supply, the right1 kinds and tell of the right ways to treat them for the greatest profits. . The pure bred honey, bee is as important for the people of this district as the pure bred cow, or the pure bred any thing else. And our, aim should be to weed out the scrubs in every line. s " T i . : " The moving of the offices of the state superintendent of banks from the capitol to rented rooms in Portland should , help to bring about a campaign for an of f ice building on the site north of the supremeT court and state 1raiT-buflinir e purchased and set aside for that purpose a number of years s ago. With! such a structure as ought to occupy that site, there should be no excuse for the state renting many, if any, offices in Portland or elsewhere. If for convenience some state offices ought to be j maintained in Portland, it would be better for the state to own its prn building there. Could - that be done, under the Constitution? I MORE SHEEP, BUT NOT ENOUGH Consider the wool industry, how it grows ; they toil and likewise do they spin, and Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like Americans of the present day. ;Note a decade of development: In 1914 the census bureau counted 799 mills engaged in the manufacture of woolen and worsted goods. These factories employed, to use round numbers, 159,000 hands, who were paid an aggregate in wages of $76,000,000, or an average per capita, part and full time, skilled and un skilled, of $480 a year. The cost of materials was $246,500, 000, the value, of products was $379,500,000,' and the value added by manufacture, $133,000,000. T 1 " j . In 1923, according to a bulletin just issued by the census bureau, there were 851 mills engaged in the industry. They jemployed 194,500 wage earners,- who were paid an aggregate of $223,000,000, or an average per capita of $1150, an increase of nearly 140 per cent over 1914. The cost of materials was 5623,000,000, an advance of 153 per cent in the course of the decade; the value of products was $1,063,000,000, and the value added by manufacture was $440,000,000. ' . The woolen industry today is protected by tariff rates So is the wool which the farmer produces. In 1911, under the protective policy, we had 53,000,000 sheep in the United States. The Democrats removed the protective duties in 1913, and in 1920 the number of sheep in this country, had fallen to 35,000,000 : i But protection to wool being restored in 1922, there fol lowed an upward movement, and last year the census count showed 38,000,000 sheep, and the growth continues j,. It can scarcely be too fast, because even yet we are importing from foreign countries, principally ! from Australia, over half the wool we are using i i And we will not be living up to our opportunities till .we produce all the wool we use ; and" until we become as nearly as . possible a self contained nation, raising and making in this country all the articles we need, as fast as the natural conditions will warrant- . - ; Everything that may be produced in the temperate zone. We are coming up getting more sheep, but we are not getting more of them fast enough. 1- Meanwhile, the price of wool clothing,' while it has advanced appreciably, compared with 1914, has not begun to record such an increase a3 ! have .wages and the cost of materials. - 5 . ' I AEOUT 5IUS1I . Our good friendt Claude Ingalls who ships at 'everything touching tunaa" eyrnzitty for fear it Is rrcsrc::ivof criticizes The SUtcs raan for f iylz that Europe suf f;recl frc: i i "z or l?v T v waf -ar ' . ;v . . Xmiw . . Editor lfsaagvr Jk DpC TEI.rH0JKS: 14 or 883 , Cirenlatiaa Offtee . SM 10 Soeiety Editor sss tlncuished CorvalHs editor , tle- clarea this Is mush. ' t Now, mush ha been a staple article of diet since time was.' In the days when the Corvallis editor was a barefoot baby liU parents fed hid os mush, and It gave him tLat' good " start H'wntca enabled t!n ;,to'-etretclr- ertr . the :z.x foot limit. -In those early days every family was ; almost T literally broaght apfon mash. The larger families made it'by the bucket ful. The children bad It for sup per, together with milk, and the next morning it was fried oh! such a delicious dish it made. I In all races mush has served as a stimulant as well as a growing portion of tjie human diet. It has never had a substitute. The breakfast foods have not touched it, and the next generation will have mush the same as the pre vious one. We venture the state ment that there are more ; great men - fed on mush than on any other article of food in the world. It Is a better muscle ' maker , than meat; it makes children groir," It satisfies the appetite of the mid dle aged and the old, and the strong men partake of it for sap per diluted with milk, and have It in the morning fried as only a mother can fry it. Mush has never been properly recognized, gome people think it is a plebian dish, but it Is not; it is simply great and it makes people grow. It has held Itaplace through all the years and it will continue to bold Its place because there Is no substitute for it, nothing that can take its place. It is always there when needed, always cheap, al ways filling, and always satisfy ing. If love can do for Europe what mush bag done for. the human race, there will never be another war. . .. , HELPING THE IAIR YMEX American Consul Dow at "Rot terdam has sent to : the United States department of commerce a table published by the Dutch gov ernment showing the quantity of raw materials used in the Dutch margarine Industry of 1923. Dur ing that year the industry con sumed 45,124 metric tons of ani mal fats, 66,103 tons of vegetable fats, 298 tons mixture af animal and vegetable fats and ,253 tons of batter. Please note the last amount. . There are . 5.7 factories and the output was 66.669,206 florins: Of thas amount only 3,- 000,000 florins went for butter. milk, yolk of eggs, salt and other ingredients. f ..." iDo, you wonder that .the dairy men are becoming alarmed and that the issue of pure butter is a live one in Oregon and the north west? r So far the producers of dairy' substitutes have defeated the dairymen. They defeated them; in y direct vote in Jxoth Ore gbn and Washington" and in. the legislature Of Idaho.. The situa tion is one that calls for, serious thought because It is a menace to our butter industry; SALOON IS BACK - British - Columbia has shilly shallied on liquor legislation. It tried prohibition and. the howl went up that the bootleggers were doing the (business. Then they tried government dispensaries but the bootlegging was worse than ever. The liquor traffic is always resentful of ; any I restraint, and when a dispensary refused to sell to Inebriates or minors the boot legging flourished more under the dispensary system than It did un der prohibition." ' v .'"-T- ' , The third proposition that wa submitted to the people was the plebiscite, or. as we would say in this country the referendum, and prohibition was sustained, but in some unaccountable way the gov ernment construed this as author izing the ; selling of beer. ; B. ; C. now has saloons. , TIMBER FAR3IERS The Statesman published a let ter the other day from a man who has been engaged in timber farm ing. It attracted our special at tention because it Is : along . the lines that must be : followed : in Oregon. .We must replant our for ests, we must find some way of replacing cut timber. By care ful timber farming it is possible to keep forests going forever,, bat we can not depend upon the gov ernment's reforestation. That is on a glfirantlc scale, of ourse. but the real test will be how well the Individual farmer replaces his cut timber: Thia opens an avenue of great possibilities for the Oregon people and one that we must fol low. ' - : I'KItSHIXG A most excellent ' position has been found for General Pershing. lie is to be the official represen tative of -the American 'govern ment wherever expositions are held, ot wherever we want to go and join In. a parade. General Pershln j is upstanding.' has a splendid figure, marches well. Is 100 per cent American, lie has got precisely the position he ought to have and he will be a credit to America everywhere he goes. ? The Divine Plan Includes count less fools, but It has not yet been revealed what "we arc supposed to do with them. ' ' ' . Ill . w J '?rtrirsn ( rfonsS) JIJajzzgjv IhsnsA&b Judezjl A SPRING FLURRY By AVallace 3L Baylss ' Spring smiled. I'll swear she smil ed at me. So ravlshingly sweet she smiled , My sense and judgment were be guiled; . , " - I fared. Alas, such treachery! Spring frowned, and clouds be- dimmed the sky. Apon she eke began to cry; Aye, what is worse, she cried on . ine She wept. She bawled. She leaked, by gee! At home at length, soaked to the ..- skin I cried: "Assistance! Help me, Mln! ' ' Bring out the camphor and sage tea! - ' : And telephone some wise M. D. I'll get pneumonia, I fear; ' Stay not, but hasten . thee, my . ; ' : dear, . . Or else a widow you may be." The doctor came. He charged a V. "Drink lemonade that's good and hot; Tomorrow youH Ibe well, I wot." That's what he told me for the fee! Though still I live, my prized beautv Is marred by sores upon lip And puffy nose, because a Snip Called Spring the hussy, smiled at me! : A Squalling Brat Alvin: "Radio ls"stUl in its In fancy." Roland: "Yes. I notice It keeps people up at night." . . . I Tlieory And Practice -Mildred : ' Warren says lov Is a disease that attacks us In the spring." v .:-,':r..,v-.y ;.- Margaret: " He's awfiily absent- minded, dear. He tried to make love to me all winter." 1 -S: A. Kates. Spring is here! ' -Now watch the' country go to the (hot) dogs! : . . , Betty Praise While seated at supper Betty's older brother, with his mouth full of cake, remarked appreciatively, "That's fine cake, mother; you're a good baker." " . , , Not to be outdone In the Darin ir of compliments, Betty looked up from her dish of fruit and said pleasantly:: . V ''" t-'l '-:ir ; f ; "These arenice plumbs, mo'ther; ' you're a lovely plumber." . , ; ; Rev. John ; S. Lowe. , Love Letters Of Famous Men Fairest Queen: -''-.',' I feel sad and neglected this evening, dear one. I am' all alone In the. palace tonight with only a couple of hundred wives to keep me company. The rest are having a Mah Jongg party somewhere and nave left me In solitude. It's fun ny, isn't it. that such a wise man as I am can have such foolish wives T Some of them are even working cross word nuzzles. I wouldn't mind it at all but they have a habit of using my diction ary! I may be the wisest man in the world, but this "Jerusalem In four letters" stuff gives me a pain. ; Fair one, when you told me that yon hated cross word puzzles I learned to love yon. If you con Sent, dear, I'll make you wife fin. 1027, and I'll send a royal Justice of the Peace over tomorrow to record your finger prints. Answel by messenger. v' King Solomon The3Iodem Okie Kessler: " So Trovatore Is your lavorue opera?" LENTEN TALKS by Rer. ERNEST H. SHANKS, Pastor of the First Baptist Church - MARCH .25, J925 - - ' , - " John 12: 1-19. "The Triumphal Entry." Th Anointiac I.S.- , . Many Believe. 9-11. The Triumphal Procession. 12-19. , . Key: Hosanua., .' ' Memory verses: ,"3,: 7, 15, 19." . " f i PALM SUNDAY marks the beginning of what Is sometimes called "Holy Week," or "Passion Week," The triumphal entry was on the first day of that week. It would be well for us to read the story of this event as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew. Mark and Luke along with the account given here in John. There was that beautiful anointing in Bethany, when Mary took the small flask of pure nard, very precious, and anointed the feet of Jesus. : 2Cben He turns toward Jerusalem. His Jerusalem. As He reached the crest of the hill where He may look down upon the city. He halted, and wept over the city that had rejected Him. ; It Is now to be left desolate. The day of its grace is past. In a few days that city will demand His crucifixion. As the' multitude came out to meet Him with shouting and great demonstration, it must have tilled His heart with mingled joy and sadness. . How easily the multitudes are swayed. One day acclaiming and the next day condemning t Poor Jerusalem! No wonder Jesus wept-over It I - ?- .--...-.;..:-:..,: : . V-' s::'J '' ' A-J 3. : : - V.'.; ' . : Mary took a pound of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair: and the bousd was filled with the odor of the ointment.' ;.; : ' 7. ' - Then said Jesus, "Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath sho kept this.' 4 ' . . 1 r is. . ' - - . , - They took branches of palm. trees, and went) forth to meet Him. and cried: "Hosana: Blessed Is the. King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord." : " ,' . . . ; - i - t?' 15. ':,v U'':'y" " v-'' . "'. ' '.Tear not, daughter of Zion:; Behold thy King cometh." " The' Pharisees said, ; "Perceive -ye how ye preTs!l nothing? Behold, the word is gone "alter illu." '. ' r" ' v" ' 1 Milgrim: "You've said it. But why didn't Verdi make a jazz out of. the Anvil chorus? Look at the chance he had with those ham mers." r I. II. D. ROGUISH ROLLO f The Local Ground-Rule Back of Deacon Jones' house Is where we play baseball. It makes a dainty diamond. Except it's rather small,'. And so we have a ground-rule That's fair to everyone; Each time we break a window We all get a home-run. A. C. Mollart. . II The Real Rollo When Ma takes me to the Movies, There I sit as good as gold. Never talk or twitch or wiggle, f Always do as I am told. I'm glad Ma can't see inside me. Where I'm really awful wild! She'd say: "Who's this dreadful 1 ' . boy, here? Surely, not my angel child!" ' Kathleen Church. . :S' First Aid Clarinda: ; "Mrs." Washington tells me Florian is helpin' her wid de wsshlnV Mandy: "Yeah! He pushes de button on de 'lectric washer." ,r Erwic MUler. - Too Many Drills "When the school house caught fire," the Superintendent told the Principal, "the firemen came up here and found part of the kids doing calisthenics .part of them filling their' mouths with soap--and only a few of them had es caped from the burning building. What about your fire drill?" "Well." explained the Princi pal, "we have the 'fire drill, deep breathing drill, toothbrush drill, dally dozen drill, and others. When the fire came, the kids got the drills mixed, and that's why some of them were bruslng their teeth when the firemen came in and, carried them through the flames." j L. Edson. i in nit .. In Earnest o; Mrs. Byron; "Remember how green we both were when we were fngaged?". ,V '? ':-;C- ''. -P i. Byron: "Yes. I believed "every- thlag I told you." . ..-.j. Robert E. Newman. , .. . Barnyard chickens use their feet-to scratch for a living, but city chickens use their head to dig for gold.: . I lilts for UreaJtTast ' Near spring weather ; Several fair Imitations of spring days. , a, a. Have ' you seen the beautiful peach blooms in the near by or chards? ' a Everybody wants to know more about ' the flax Industry. Hon T. B. Kay talked to the Corvallis Chamber of Commerce at the noon hour yesterday on flax. a V "People with idle tongues sbould visit the play at the Oregon theater." That Is the way a note reads that was handed to the Bits for Breakfast man by a Salem lady yesterday. a ' . A Polk county man thinks ac cessories carnal and says man THE GOSPEL-ACCORDING TO ST JOHN should be satisfied' with the Ford the way God made it, t . , There are more motor cars In Oregon , each succeeding : month. Our autos are" not only keeping up with the population, but running a lot of It down. How fresh the spring landscape looks with new paint on the bill boards. Still yon cant expect the same people to enjoy Freud and wind shield stickers. - Most people could reduce by liv ing on what their services to the world are worth. The new dollar bill seems all right until, you try to buy a dol lar's worth with it. a S Praise is deserved, anyway. It takes a clever father to think up those bright sayings of his child's. When a lot of folks cast bread on the waters they expect it back the same day with blackberry jam on it. .- . Los Angeles doctor finds we all are half lazy. We find he hasn't told the half of It. A Point of Ethics THE modern funeral director is . not primarily a merchant, as was his predecessor,' the under taker. The funeral director of to-day is a professional man first and foremost, with a most - strict code of ethics. One of the points of our code of ethics upon which we lay great stress is that all who call upon us, .regardless oi siauuii, onau -i served with equal care and con sideration. . .: . FUNERAL ff v.. or. Where ECiipwleclge Every official, every stenographer arid every desk should , acciirate, quick reference dictionary Increase WERST1!71!?'S 1250 pages m'TTaJT r T STURDILY BOUND New Modern English CLEARLY PRINTED DICTIONARY . ; : illustrated - SIZE " j fl)ft.( HIKO' MKY-r , si ''"'' - ' - , - , -Mf j. '' - i '.... ! - - ! . i . - ' f , .... ! . : 1! SAP & SALT By Bert lose O When you want one thing and get another that's experience. If the doctor guesses right, he wins; If he guesses wrong, you lose. . . O ; Where the husband goes out nights. It givee the wife a chance to go out too. . : - o. . - . All thlnglf have' two sides ex cept divorce, which usually has three and quite often four. ,: ' r o :.;.; . ; - Some men have the reputation of being honesty when really' they are not clever enough to cheat. Noah, at the age of 600, made a more" lasting reputation in the ship-building, line thin ' anybody has ever, made since. : I -. t Hez'Heck says; .''The main dif ference between, a )eg and a tooth is that the tooth can be pulled only once . ' Women' are ' good - looking but peculiar.- They want their clothes air just alike only different. PARLORS o . u rVJ- -Oi- jfiffinHf f Distributed Exclusively to the Readers of 1 -. r r - "TtlLJ COMING I PERSOfiALS I it, . w G us Abraham, Xlcillnnville Ki wanlan, was a guest at the Salsm club luncheon Tuesday noon. Mr. Abraham . formerly lived in Al bany.;. 't , '? . Sprague Carter, of Pendleton, was a Salem business v1sitor Tues "day. He was a guests at the Ki wanis club luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Marls, of Corvallis, were . Salem visitors Tuesday' morning. . Mr. Maris was a. guest at , the Kiwanis - club luncheon. In New Tork, a woman kicked in a shop window. May have seen a hat there just like hers. rri- V V" 1 .f I I I I A. a. It. t 111 B wmi a r , a Ig Po w3r i be equipped with a comprete, your effici ency with a , ' onlv 98t and 3 coupon Oregon Statesman ACCURATE COMPLETF CONVENIENT i Tabic of Caatcats s ' PMWury of hm rmllh Ttwe. Th Origin ,j bnalaMu( Vttm EnflUk ! : Pftnript. oi Qnmmu. 1 . ,OrtiKgrollI ; : - - : ron.utli Merki ind T1r Wftnlnf. . Jrifttim t ortni and Bale. Krw t A nmlii in. hy in Prmtivit vm. , Th Iir bmitt Jlomnnt la th Tnlll Slsttti Tiw hot Sroul. In Fnrrisa Cauaiciw. VmtArukm ami r-r1. - Hrnmyma and Anut,nii. C.nnf af ArUilo Terwa. :ioary ef AmnmnMla Tarma. . C.i.n-jr f Ridm Tmv . ' Ntrti-Nam ef ih- 8'iM ami tha Baatant. , acta Ahaut tNa F..rih. . ef Laadlnf XaMnna. ' Jtwne t" of n.nhn an4 M-airw ' if ror.lira Coma In t Monr af UnlfM Rtaua. Kamn- Orltiq and U.anlnf of Staa tni fl-HorM Vnta. HniH.Ti. WH-llrf Annlrafiajrlaa. ' Tim . 3 Pr.dita of lh. Vni-4 mata. JJiifie f Gaukc JUtatt Lnllad Statra Cinac $00 WEBSTER'S owr NEW mopf.rn AO ENGLISH Jin 3 DICXio:u A Fountcin of Reliable Information '"- mm ' m- W u, m9 ana .- , -. c ill t