The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY i!ORklK0 "MAIlCil 25,1025
j - I v -, - t
c J
iVJL hostess on Monday -at - the
Colonial Dame Fea."Sboppe at ne
of the -most-, attractive bridge
luncheons ;bf -the epiing? season;
Flowering xurTaht in an old blue
bowl, with Ivory candles', used on
the luncheon table .'where covers
were placed f or 12. Following the
luncheoa the guests met at the
hostess home for bridge at three
y tables; tththerrtIab,4rUe going;
'. . Mo Mrs: will Moore and the guest
1 x prise tlkJrB, 3. RLuper. -
V- Chib aembers ' ad guests for
.che afternoon Included Mrs. W. E.;
Crews, Mrs. William 'Mullen; . Mrs.
Will - Moore, Mrs. P." Pound,
Mrs. 5. E. Stricklia, Mrs! J. Eakln
of Dallas, Mrs. L. Henderson, Mrs.
John L. Rand. Mrs. H, M. Chad-
wick, Mrs. Everett McArthur of
Portland Mrs. - J. R. Liuper. and
the hostess, Mrs. tG.A, Codding.
i Barbara Frietchicr tent. Daugh
ters off Veterans,? wlllr meet at 8
f o'clock l this evening . for the reg
ular meeting in the armory.
-Wi:j-- ----';?.;';- .V .'
The" young people of. the com
munity were the honor guests on
Saturday venjnr;heri the Salem
1 1 eights Woman's Progressive club
gave an ,'ejjjdyable party atthe
clab bouae'wlth St..Fatrick's dec-
fty Audred. Bunch
Phone:, 106
orations tfsed profusely about the
rooms. . - - ... . -
1 The, child , welfare committee Of
the community club, included In
Its personnel Mrs. A.' M. .Chapman!
Mrs. Robert Jlulsey, Mrs. George
Wilson Mrs. John Douglass,' Mrs.
Waldo. Miller, Mrs! Freeman Mrs,
McKInley." Mrs. JDarr Reese,; Mrs
Robinson, and Mrs. WilliB Cald
well, had chare of the affair. ?
! In the guest group were: Miss
Maida Caldwell, "Miss -Dorothy
Wilson Mtss iAudrey WUsob.-Miss
Fay Henderson,; Miss Marine Mor
gan, Miss' Neva Stoltzheise, . Miss
Margaret McKinIey,rl lljss Neta
Oail, .Miss .'Valentine 5 fyusburg ,
Miss Selma Kasburg, Mlas -Caro
line Clemens,; Miss Lois Wagner,
Miss Dorothy , Riley,-, ..Miss -Flor
ence; Wright Miss Helen ;. MUe,
Miss Harriet .Mixe Edward Burn-
side, Kinney. Hulsey, Robert Kas-
V. .. v . .. -V . ..
uurg , nuveri , opeaKer, j&vereii
Battles, Charles Battles, Albert
Freeman, "Kelton Butler Roy
Rothneider, Dale Caldwell, Victor
Ahalt, t Reginald Reese. : Dwain
Latourell. Rodney Hartman, Car
roll Robinson, Leslie Morris, Mad
ison Landacre, Virgil Coungr' Don
ald Foster, Melviu Clemens. ; "
. ,Tn members . of Chapter AB of
the ,PEO. sisterhood met for an en
joyable meetlng. ou Mondal even
The Betty we i
Are Now Here
Spscml 1& S
'., vTese tn 'the slip '
over style which v is .
tremendously popular
all hni the east, knit
, in .. tirppstitch - serpen
tine pattern, bizzarre
color combinations.
.Verysmart looking.
... :: -fCAW AND DO,' '1'
160 State Strtet 883 Alder Street :
1 1
1 -.
.:iii!ll y$7;48t
opIRE&; groups of new
tunics in Grepe de Chine
and t- Fibre knit, dark,.; two
tones and high colors trimmed
with silken embroidery, but
ions or fur. , ; -
tng at the home of Mrs.; H. E.
Barrett, iwlth :Mr. A. M.rReeres
glnving the - paper on "Oregon
History."- Both 1 Miss Grace Elisa
beth Smith ;and Mrs. : Harry M.
8tyle sang Miss Smith choosing
"Out Where the West Begin" and
Mrs. Styles, "There Is No Place
Like Oregon." Daffodils were used
about the rooms, with a delightful
luncheon served at late hour.'1
f In the groupwere: Mrs. Harry
Styles,, Mrs. W; k.- Kirk, Mrs
Alice Thompson, Mrs; T. . Mc
Croskey, Miss Angle McCulloagh,
Miss Grace Elizabeth" Smith Miss
Grace Osborn. Miss Mae Rauch,
and the hostess. Mrs. H. E. Bar
rett.- . : ; ' ; '
, On April 13 Mrs. W- E- Kirk
will be the hostess for the chapter.
J At-the f Open Form meeting
this afternoon of the Salem branch
of (he National League of. Worn ah
Voters, Cl,au4e E. ngalls, editor
ot the corrailis GazeUerTimes
will be the speaker, taking as his
subject, "The Need, Lot s Political
Parties ih a Democratic Country.'
? Br. tid Mri, ft, E. Lee Stefner
accompanied by their houee
guests, Mr. and Mrs." A; C; Flegel,
were guests oyer the week-end sit
Neskowln. . -v. . , w '
- The Sweet Briar club will meet
this afternoon with Mrs. 'E. O.
A party of those who will at
tend the Lions club, banquet at
Corrailis ,on Wednesday night are
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watkins... Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Dustia,. Miss. May-
belle Propp,:. Gene Barber and Mr,
and Mrs. J. Willet. . ; -
The Yomaroo club of the First
Methodist church - will ' meet on
Friday afternoon at the- home of
Mrs.. Carle - Atframs','- 1465. Cheme-
' '? v-f-i-- " t ;-
. The members of the Lucy Anna
Lee. circle wilKbe hostess this! af
ternoon fpr.themeting of the Gen
eral Aid society of the First Meth
odist: church 1st the church. ; ! --;
. : 5 f ; ,l i
At the last meting of the Lone
Star club; for ;the month, Mr. and
rM-. ?R0Pert; .Magee entertained
with n. evening delightfully spent
With five hundred. Mrs. William
Yarnell won the prize of tbe even
ing rwith vthe v consolation f award
g6ing to .Mrs. Ray Wood 01. A
radio '.concert- added .pleasure to
the refreshment hour." On '.April 3,
Mr and .Mrs. J.;W. Biwer.will en
tertain for the members. t ".
In the group at the Magee home
were: , Mr. and Mrs. R. Wodill,
Mr. and Mrs. William. Yarnell,
Mrs. R. O'Leary, Mr. ,and- Mrs;
JvJvV Biwer, Mr. and Mrs.? F. N.
Woodry Mr. and Mrs. J. Bones of
Turner, Mr. and Mrs. R. Goodman,
Mr. and Mrs,, A- B. Seeley and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. R, Magee.
Active and "Alumnae , members
of; the Alpha, Xi : Delta sorority
will be hostesses.' this afteraeon
at 4:15 o'clock at the Colonial
Dame ! Tea Shoppe, honoring : a
group of high school girls.
: .. . i
The Young Artists Contest for
the state of Oregon- will be held
in the t Portland ; Woman's club,
Saturday evening, March 28. Ap
plications should : be filed with
Mrs. Walter E. Bliss, 725 Multno
mah Street, Portland, not later
than March 24. i ?
. Contestants must be citizens of
the, United States and must have
received all their training In the
United States. The ages for voice
contestants , is , from 20 . to 30;
violin is 18 to 30. d : . ...
" The winner of this contest la
eligible 'to compete in the Pacific
District contest, comprising '. Ore
gon, California, Arizona . - and
Washington. 5
Winners In the district contest
compete in - the . national contest
which .vWili, toe.. held, la Portland
during the national convention of
the( N. F. .M. Q, in Juke. t Th na
tional; winners receive , 500' in
cash or 1 year, scholarship In .a
nationally; known conservatory. -
;The ajate conteBt.Isopen Jto. the
public with a small. charge of ad
mission. '' ;; ..' .
ponald . Allison - of Eugene re
turned to; bis Ijome Monday , after
spending the week-end In Salem.
- ''.- 1 : .t ' ;:
An .erroneous statement - made
in the'Astoria Budget, and the er
ror, junknow'ingly. repeated ln the
Sunday .Stataesman,! brought out
the. following paragraph in the na
ture of an apology .. . - . ;
The .state DAR declared, its
willingness ; to ; act at any imk
I ; "DIAMOriP DYE"; IT : I
v Perfect home
dyeing and : tint
ing is guaranteed
w it h- Diamond
Dyes. Just dip in
told water to tint
10ft, dellc a.te
"fchades, or boil t6
J lye rich, perman
I snt colors, f Each
15-cent ; package
:ontalns d I r e c
Uons so. simple
any woman; can ; dye or tint lin
gerie, silks, rib bonsr skirts, waists,
dresses, coats,- stockings, sweaters,
draperies, , coverings, . hansicss.
everythic? new; ; , .
Euy-:DUcond Dyes" no ctcer
sd tell your, drtr" 2t wee-
tier tL3 r--terial yea , to
c:' rr'lj weel cr t'"x, cr - " :r
- Ac
4 V
1 i
4. ?
' An artist-pianist who will appear on Monday, March 30,
at theN Grand theatre and comes "billed as one of the really
greats artists-of .the day . . I her recital . . . epoch-making."
T Today, , : ,
Mrs;vT. A. LIvesley, hostess for
bridge f clb.. . . Lfncoln" Hill. . . :
.Alpha, 5fl '.Delta Vtea.", 1 Colonial
DameTea Shoppe. 4: 15. tfclock.
j Salem , branch of :Z National
League, of .Women t Voters. . City
library. , f -;
, . General Aid. society. . First
Methodist church. Lucy Anna Lee,
hostess circle.'7 .1.
Ado'lynjk c.lub. Mrs. - James
Tweed, hostess. ,i( ;
i Sweet, Briar club. "Mrs. E. O.
Moll hostess .. r V
j Ifenslngton club.w 'Mrs. F, -S-Anunsen,
1110 N.- Capitol street,
hostess.. .v j.j - iu-s-ii. L
Barbara Frietchle tent. Daugh
ters of Veterans. Armory; 8
. fYiday J
. Mother's Class of " the ''FirS
Methodist chuxch, Mrs. M.S. Oaks
932 N. 16th street, hostess.-2:30
o'clock, i m .u , ,;, 4, !: ' ; .. .. ' -
Yomarco club. Mrs. Carl Ab
rams.;:. 1465 :, Chemeketa - street,
hostess. r ;
i.':.. ,- -Sataraay.f: - : .v...
Salem -i: Woman's club.. Club
house...2:30 . o'clock,. ..
. Cooked food sale. American Le
gion auxiliary. S. P. office.,
Silverton Legion Seeks . ' ! ; .
Funds for tombstones
SILVERTON.'lOre March 24.
r-t- ( Special J. W.i .Hyett, Otto
Legard and Seth Beebe. working
as a j committee from, the Delber t
Reeves post of the American Le
gion are taking up .with the gov
ernment the matter of furnishing
the families of the deceased sol
diers ot ' the late war. .with head-
intones. . The government supplies
he. .markers and the American
Legion committee is getting those
necessary . for this community.
that, state .officials, .should 'seel, fit
to have the great seal set in the
floor of the state capitol rotunda
at Salem- protected by a- railing."
r The sentiment earlier mention
ed was so much against the real
purpose, of the; Daughters of the
American.. 'Re volution that the
above apology, in the form, of
correct statement. will consider
ably, rectify matters.. In the. re
port of the closing session f .the
Oregon conference, the i Astoria
Budget makes . particular - mention
Of the wise .guidance , of the state
regent, Ifrs. Seymour Jones, at all
sessions.''- '-'tx ". : ' '
-- " . -' ' '
; In honor of her birthday on
Sunday, Miss Maybelle Propp has
Invited , guests to an .eight-cover
dinner at the Colonial Dame Tea
Shoppe. In the evening the party
will attend the Oregon theater to
see the popular play "Sally,'.' ,,,
,The Kensington club will meet
tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. F.
S. Anunsen, 1110 N. Capitol St.
. Barry Cerf, head of the depart-;
men of English literature at-Reed
college, who will be in town for;
the March social 'meeting ' of . the
Salem Woman's, club will address
the women on a topic that Is
bound to prove both stimulating
and interesting. , 4
The committee for the tea hour!
Includes ..Mrs,; George Gw . Brown,
Mxs.?f H. . JL OHngerMMrs.; John
Caughill, Mrs. F. W, Durbln, Mrs.
Leigh Mclntire, Miss Margaret
Cosper, Mrs D; X. Beecfaler, Mrs.
S. ; M Endicott, Mrs. Paul Hauser,'
Mrs.t John Evans, Mrs. -John Scott
and Mrs. .S. p. Kimball. V '
k-. ia " a. " ;.'.;.?i-;i-i i
, Mr. and c Mrs. ; Frank - Durbln
were guests over the week-end at
Kesko win beach. '
ield Man Killed
By Train in Washington
! LObviEW, Wash., March 2i.
-Two men believed to be George
Wiley, ? i5 address unknown, c and
E E. Eastman, Springfield, Ore.,
were instantly killed today when
they'stepped from behind a freight
train; v directly in the 'path- of. a
speeding north bound passenger
train, on Jtha., Northern Pacific
tracts a mile . south of Vader in
uqwuts county.,. Affreight-' re
ceipt was foundiir Wllsy's 'pocket
and a caTd .with the name ot E. E.
Eastman, with a request to: notify
Mrs. - Eastman, Springfield, Ore.;
was found in the' other , pocket.
Wiley was about 60 years old and
Eastman -about 35. They had less
than S2 . between them.
. Hez Heck says: wTnV feller, wfiH
educated, bowelsi to- the long
will beat te j feller with , educated
brains.- UltlV-M: t -;
Jeswle-- Evans; In v RoMn ITdod,
-Coming .to the Grand .Theater
pflot tas
Adele Garrison's New fhMe . -of
Copyright by, Newspaper Feature
Service ,
; "I "don't like the looks of ihat
fellow." Dicky, with his hands
thrust in his pockets, stared after
the Ingratiating chauffeur- as he
rapidly made his .way downstairs.
v f Did yon see. him give us all the
once-pverTJ'he went on. '"Looked
as, if he suspected something was
wrong. What's phony about our
looks, do you think?.
s Claire Foster's lace crimsoned
quickly and her lips parted "as If
to speak. I knew she meant to
reveal the Indiscreet comment she
had just . made to the effect that
we were, not. anxious to have our
napes , on the . letter-box : down
stairs in, the hall, and I hastened
to forestall her, , Dicky had, not
heard it, and it would do no good
for him to learn it now.
"Nothing at all," I returned
blithely, "lie was "simply so touch
pleased at his tip that he gave us
all .the, 'once-over, -as you ay,
so that he. would be sure to spot
us another,; time.- Dicky's especial
weakness is tipping, jtaxl drivers.'.'
I went on gliblyturning to Claire.
"If one of the gentry has ever seen
him before, he makes bis, taxi turn
summersaults whenever he spies
Claire laughed nervously but I
Dicky still looked serious.
"Haven't . I Heard-"
;' "That's all right for', nonsense,"
he said, "but the, fact remains, I
don't like that fellow's looks or
his actions." ; " ' r
: "Do you think he's seen us be
fore?" I asked with a vivid recol
lection of '.Harry Underwood's
warning. 4 . , , - -.,
. r'No-o," he said . slowly, "but
he's .got; us Jotted down in his
mental card index, now, all right.
Something or other, I'd. like to
know, what, gave him an Idea that
we didn't exactly court " observa
tion,' and he has that little fact
filed away. If he ever hears any
body inquiring for us "
i He broke off abruptly and bus
ied himself witb getting, the bags
out of the. narrow hallway,
' J "Bhook my" head at Claire Fos
ter In a" warning that she should
not betray her responsibility for
the chauffeur's suspicion, and she
turned abruptly,' walked to ' the
window and stood looking out of
it so that her flushed face was
hidden from us. -
I Dicky came into the living room
and strode up and down its brief
length . with 5 every - line of him
spelling perturbation. I wondered
if he, , top, v were thinking of the
words Harry Underwood .had. ut
tered. For. ; fear his attention
might be attracted to Claire, ' I
said the first thing which came
into my head. ,
"Haven't I heard you say that
a taxi driver's ; litany was 'See
nothing; hear nothing, speak
nothing?" '
Claire Surprises Dicky. '
t' i tf, i iii?.t,rr -r ? ' '
i ; "It should Be," he replied, "and
the . old flight-hawk, horse cab
drivers it. Many of
the . taxi men do also,. but some of
them are "either 'actual or poten
tial blackmailers, and it's said a
?wise few are affiliated with the
criminal gangs which infest the
city. . Well, I'm glad he hasn't
anything real on us. Let's forget
him. I'm about ; starved. What
about some dinner? Shall -we go
out to a : restaurant, . ,ojr shall , I
dance down the stairs and have a
Meal-: sent ln" i t '
- ; Claire - Foster turned from ,the
window, her face alight with en
thusiasm.. , , ,.
I "Oh, let's' have one sent In!"
she cried. "I think that will be
Triumphant Return of
The Best Xight Opera Organization in America
. Singing
c Thursday,
, . . .PrIJay . .
: -- .. . . i - ;
. Satprday
8:30 p. m.
Ticket Sale Today From. lk td 3 tthd 8 t8 m.
s - PRICES : , 1 f 1 ,C3, tJLlO, J5ei ,lncla.Clsz T ;
IC2 j
4t- 4.-rw
n -vVi :-lm-rJ .t '-.v''
... . , J- .Jir'
1 1 dlinr?iIie'yoBn2fiw ' -
Jhs It yssistusiisr er:znrAcrv;z2
1. 16 h.eestUtHs Ijrc&szsr
1 ,
uV; iw.-i t'ia , : ?o :''i.
V.3 T3 J 'L 'l3
Sealed Tigit-ICepi Ritt
After Every Meal
the ptAvbn
the coyote's howl.- It there's any
thing more appetite-inspiring than
a waiter oming in with trays and
steaming dishes I don't know, what
it is, do you?" .... V"
She threw me the question per
functorily, , and chattered on as If
1 told myself a bit resentfully
she were the only one to be con
sidered. ' " '
;; "Be sure you remember my. fav
brfte dishes," she admonished
Dicky with a lifted forefinger. "I
warn you, I . am very particular
as to the ibroiling of a chicken,
and loo much pepper in my soup
makes toe cross for days."
; Her, tone was. the, type I: have
heard . used . by pampered, tyranr
nical women to their men . folks
who have spoiled them. It is one
which Dicky has never heard from
me or any -of his feminine rela
tives,, and J ,cast, a, slyi glance - at
him to see how he liked it.
To all outward' appearances he
was pleasantly, amused at ; her
audacity.! He was grinning wide
ly at her.; hig -eyes .registering the
flattering ' attention which girls
like Claire demand from men. Cut
I, who knewveryjlne of his face,
had ; caught? the, slightly - nplifted
eyebrows at her first speech which
betrayed that he was as surprised
I at the girl's rudeness. ,
, (To be continued)
No wonder Philadelphia is
known as a sleepy town. People
staying - tin... late at night look
sleepy next day
Price of - haircuts is up In Chicago-Just
wheal it's, spring and
all the folks needing them.
A LXTZTJSIOUg X Mills productien f
WfJlae Irwin's famoaa nsvcli fccfwa'
pUy Auii ftccprea,j atkor !
"Til Ten CoaamsaCttents.' i.Wltk BOD
does K0sixnr, xoxxa tats.
Titr. -.fiu.
SAT, ; - ;
mm :
i f- ' ..
. . r..-rv 'Un.'. NYU - -
', ; Entitled TDLB TOXGUnS
1 -