The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    the outgo:; statesman, sal:
1 T
' (Continued from page 3) u
Arery Thompson, J Robert jltaras
den, Robert Kitchen',' i'arl Walker,
Norman Buck, Leib Rlgga.- Wil
liam Ralston Irving Duffy, Chester
Kurtz, Albert Rose, Stewart OHng. j
er, Ellis Von Eschen, Gerald Merb. !
John George, Herbert Soeolofsky,;
William Verbick, John Drager,
Kenneth Allen, Charles Coffee,
Cecil Edwards, Loren : Slmpklns,
Dow LoTeir Byrd ,Tuf ker. Col man
Rodgers, Wayne Harris, Jerome
Hansen, Wesley Ellis, j Chandler
Brown, Robert Ashby, Joe Staats,
Oroville Bray, Cart Noake. Ray
mond Bonesteele, Robert Drager,
Jack Spong, Glen Drager, John
Schet, Don Kelley. j '
.. .i r-
Mrs. C P. Bishop entertained
t 'a delightfully appointed six
cover dinner on Saturday erenlng
at C: 30 o'clock.' Narcissi and daf
fodils in a silver basket centered
the table, with a profusion ; of
spring" flowers arranged about the
reception" room and in the living
and dining rooms.
Covers wdre placed for: Miss
Angle McCulIough. ' Miss Edna
Purdy. Miss Mlrpah Elalr, Mtss
Gillian : Applegate, Mrs. Bertha
Junk Darhy, and the hostess, Mrs.
' C. Pk BJshop. : 4 ; ; .. -: ' :.
: Miss : Lois Afneta Prultt,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
.Pruitt, 925 E street were united
fri marriage "on Saturday, March
2j, to Mr. Maynard FVCodrrane.
The ceremony took place in Van
couver. . Mr, Maynard, , who: has
Just returned from three years in
China, .and. his bridf,, ;WilV:nake
their home at Zena. '
...-' .. . . ' ' '
Mrs. A. M.'Knapp was he in
spiration for a delightful surprise
partjri at her new home, 204
South Commercial street, when a
group of friends gathered: on the
occasion of he birthday. , The, aft
fair was also in the nature of a
house-warming. ; Kir hundred
was' the diversion of the erening,
with Mrs. Hunt winning the prize.
A birthday luncheon was served at
a late hour. ' f ; ".'
In ! the group were: Mr. and
Mrs. j Hagedorn, Mr.' and " Mrs.
Oliver J. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs.
George'; Arrett, Mr. and, Mrs. ; M.
Hagedorn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl TJn
run, Mr., and Mrs. L. Koratsky, Mr.
and Mrs. Hunt, and Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. "Knapp. ' " , '
'', 1 vv ' ,'
The South, Section of the First
Congregational church Woman's
society will meet at 2 o'clock to
morrow, afternoon at the home of
Mrs. H. W. Bross, 892 South 12th
street,- "'. - - ;-, j-- ; . ; -7
' j .-
MILL, CITT." Ore.- One of the
most delightful affairs of the sea
son waa given by Mr. and Mrs,
A. L. Baker, when they entertain
ed the members of Mrs. Baker's
bridge club, their husbands and a
few close friends. j ? "
' Perns, Oregon Grape and rose-
buds, were ,' artisticallp arranged
abou t the spacious living room.
' Assisting about the room were:
Mrs. Carl Kelly and Mrs. Glen
Smith. "- I '; ' 5; :
l. The diversions f the erenlng
were cards and dancing.
High scores were won by Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Holthouse and
nr.1 s
Vi sVaVa
MOTHER Fletcher's
Castoria is ' especially pre
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind
jColic and Diarrhea; allaying
Feverishriess arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach
and Bowels, aids' the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the stature of ,
Abolatcly HarmtgNo Opiatfs. Physicians 'tverywhere recommend it
We Are Prepared to Handle
V Your Loan
-Straight Loans. '
Monthly Payment Loans
Bldg & Loan Assoc Money
The very lowest rat?s are to be obtained here.
" . Let us figure with you on the financing of, that
new home.
Hawldno & IoertG. jlnc
2nd Floor Ore. Bids:.
Salem, Ore.
- 'A : "
-r-r, ," rr -rr- r 1
aw. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly. . -
In the congenial playing groups
were Mr. ajid' Mrs. Dr. Allen; Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Courtmarch', Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Hill, ' Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Holthouse, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Hasenian. Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Kelly,, Mr. and Mrs. '
Fred Moore,, Mr- and Mrs. P. R.
Olin, Mr. and ' Mrs. Glen Smith,
Mr. and MrsT Wlllard Singleton,
Mrs. Curtis Cllne, Mrs. Ed. Bert
rapa. Miss Data y Hendu3on and
Mr. Prank D. Harris.
A tea will be held at 4:15 this
afternoon at The Colonial riame
Tea Shoppe by' the active and
alumnae members of the Alpha
XI Delta -sorority honoring a
group of high school girls.
Mrs. M. Gehlar entertained the
members of the Book and Thimble
club at her home"' fn Kingwood
Orchard last week, Lambs tongues
and shamrocks were used attract
ively In the decorating.'; During
the study period some of the most
popular authors were reviewed, af
ter which Mrs. E.-Manning gave a
short life" sketch of James Whit
oomb Riley, following H with one
of her readinge," "Hoosiera' Ro
mance." 1 Later Mrs. Bentley con
ducted an arithmetic contest ( In
decimals which proved; very in
structive. Mrs. George Trott was
announced as the winner. -During
the social hour Mts.: F Bentley
had charge of a . Hebrew puzzle,
which caused much fun and which
gave honors to Mrs.-Eyre and Mrs.
Charles Schwartz, who tied.' Mrs.
Pattison assisted - the hoatesa for
a special St. Patrick's day.feature.
The next meeting . will be with
Mrs. George' Trott when she and
Mrs. Brown' will have charge of
the program.,1 '",.''
'.Among those present were Mrs.
Mary Bearer, Mrs. E. Manning,
Mrs. George Trott, Mrs. E. Patti
son, Mrs. L. F. Brown'Mrs. Chas.
Adams. . Mrs. Charles Schwartz,
Mrs. F. H. Bentley, and the hos
tess, Mrs. Ill Gehlar Special
guests were Mrs." Eyre, Mrs. Rims
ley, Mrs. Rita Bentley, and Mark
Gehlar. 1 - . - ; :
-.. K ... - - ; : ;
A business meeting of all mem
bers of the Salem Arts league
will be held at 7:30 o'clock this
evening In the city library. '
Mrs. Sadie Or'r-Dunbar, presi
dent of the Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs, who returned last
week from, an extended . trip
through the state, will go to Sa
lem Friday' to attend, the Marion
county public health meeting. She
wilj . attend a similar . meeting in
Hood River Anril 3. and later in
, the month .will ' visit a number of
different women's) clubs. After
conference with Marshfield club
women Mrs,' Dunbar last week an
nounced June 1-4 as the dates for
the state convention of the Feder
ation of Women's clubs. : Election
of officers .will be the . principal
event of this convention. Oregon
ian. : . - , .1 .
Five artists, members of the
University of Oregon school ; of
music faculty, will present a musi
cal program at 8 : 3 0 ', b'clock this
evening which will - be broadcast
by radio station KGV. Portland.
The . program will include piano
and vocal numbers, and violin se
lections. Madame Rose McGrew,
soprano; Jane Thacher, pianist,
and Louis Artau, pianist are
scheduled to appear. '.
- Madame McGrew,- professor of
voice in the school of mu sir, has
studied under Haenisch and Von
Kotzbue of Dresden; and. Zimmer- L
man of Berlin. She has appeared
in tthe Court theater, Macklen-burg-Schwerin,
and the Royal
theater, Hanover, and created the
role of Octavian In Strauss' "Ro
senkavalier. Louis Artau. who will . accom
pany Madame McGrew. joined the
faculty last fall. - He has traveled
extensively cs a concert pianist
and accompanist.
Rex Underwood, professor of
violin, who will appear with Mrs.
Underwood (Aarora, Potter Under
wood) in a selection for piano and
violin, and also in a series of vio
lin solos, has studied at the Peip
sig Conservatory, and at the Roy
al Bavarian school of music. ,
v Mrs. Thacher, professor of pi
anoforte ' since 1916, has' been a
pupil of Karl Pfleger and Theador.
LeschUzky. - i.
An unusually varied and exten
sive program has beeen arrangd.
... j" - 1 J - r.
The The Salem" branch of Wo
men Voters will meet tomorrow
afternoon In the city library for
the second general meeting since
their organization.
The Thursday .bridge luncheon
club was charmingly' entertained
late last week when Mrs. Cal F.
Patton entertained with a spring
time luncheon. Covers were
placed for 12, including Mrs. El
mer Daue, a special guest. Mrs.
L. P. Aldrlch, Mrs. O. L. Fisher,
Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mrs. A. E.
Huckesteln. . Mrs. Claire ' Inman,
Mrs. 1 Clyde Johnson, -Mrs. E. L,
Kapphahn, Mrs. Charles Know-
land, Mrs. John R. Sites, Mrs. W.
I. Xeedham, and the hostess, Mrs,
Cal F. Ratton. . r
Mrs. Charles Knowland won the
afternoon's high score.
Members of Chadwtck chapter.
Order of. the .Eastern Star, wilt
meet for a "social afternoon today
In McCornack hall. The ladies are"
asked to bring their sewing.
The commltteefor the day In
eludes Mrs. H. Clay Taylor, chair
man,' Mrs. H. S. Bo3shard, Mrs-
Walter Buckner Mrs."; George
Dunsford, Mrs. Charles Elgin, Mrs.
Elizabeth Lamb, Mrs. Charles
Miller and Mrs. Ernest Harrison.
F&ydclans with acahiM Bejlectiag
couch and cold and tell ef U seiioni
lung compucauoni inac mxy nsaw.
Ins DhTticikns now D rase rib BAL8AMEA
for U kronchial af f vctlons. BAISAMHA
pnr vegetl praparatloa mad
from a aowly diacovared plant. Sr. EeuJ.
F. Crabtre. Andron, Mo, writes: "1
ssa it axclnalvelT for my practice and my
Umliy. - It is alek, aar and, aafa ia
JU action Ilk nouung else." .
Toward th end of the influenza n
iemio a fforerament pbyik-ian noticed tbaf
a tribe of Indiana in Nevada, by the ne
r oil from a naure plant wer immune
from the rsvase of Influenza. Ha aaed
the oils among his whit patienta and
then in a hospital . overflowing with
"death" cases. News of tha retulu swept
tha world and for some time it waa sot
possible to supply the demand.
BALSAMEA has now been standardised
mi vivaa nniformlv miraculous results in
four ways ; 1. It soothes the inflamed
membrane and relieves irritation. 2.
It incruici secretion of mucous and Per
mits easy expectoration. S. It stimulates
pores of tha skin in throwing off body
poiftuns and 4. It strikes at tha cause,
checking germ action immediately.
Co not confuse is with ordinary balsam
Mnih ittddi that are only aoothtnc sy
rups end do not go to tha baae of th
trouble. unna emer eougn nmeam
BALSAMEA is free from coal tar and
other harmful aarcotica. Pleasant to take
and abaolutalv ssfe to rive to children..
sura yon get BA1SA-ME-A with th
pictura I tna inaian an us pacKage.
Guaranteed to relieve any cough, no mat
ter from what cause, or yonr money back.
. Chronic
Coughs ,
Perry's Drug
, Store ,
Twqrp0the M Which Rave
Just Arrived at the French Shop
-V,. V,
. Li Ski taS . '
Irene C-'3tie
The Pcatry of Dress
V' ; by Irene Castle - ? .
I America's Best Dressed Woman
My Lovn in her attire doth show her wit,
1 i ' U floth so well become her: " 1
1 For every ncason she hath dressings, fit, .'
! i For Winter, Spring, and Summer.',.;
-M.- -j' ' i: I ;"! 1 1 -.;:' -::':--. -jtJ '.:.-:' -
'$o tung an English poet as far back, a the J8Ui Century.
And I think he innat have been inspired to write the pretty verse
la av lovely Springtinte when, even as today, a 1 the smart world
was discarding Its "winter garments of reperitanee" Its peltries
and heavy woo'en stuff- -to don" the more alluring, more ethereal,
wardrobe of the sunshiny Ternal season; N
.t 1 - L - ! ; : : ' ;i i ' -I ' I '-'"' "" " V j : - '- '-: i "
"Can FroclC really be witty fYes, Indeed. ! But the designer
that can instill the quality of wit Yu lressi must b himself witty
and of an exploring: mino not contented with the "merely pretty
and the picturesque that are. so much easier to achieve.'"!
7 liancL
Tltis rVock'a rew. .q.Vr. neck- . ii lIW U Jiiiwati iV ii laVa -i
lina ami the ntre searf that cleVcrir
transforms itself . into sort of
front-flounce are tyoivsl Irene
Castle innovations for hprinr. ifsde
of Cortirelli Oepe K.nseiable, th
-arf inlaid with loee in contrast
xv., sombre tones. , . t -
Mme. Buffe Morrison ;
- r i. -
Hasonic Temple 1 ' - - 115 lli-h Street
CbjicEiu Fashions
A lovely little atraigbt-line Frock '
f Crepe Tremaine with discreet
touches of richly metallised era
hroidery. 'B very careful," says
Irene Castle, "to tie th Cherait
eravat very primly, very demurely,
very evenly and -in a .word
just eol" ,
f nai war
Service at Jason Lee Church
Supplied Without Outside
people of Jason Lee church gath
ered force and began in a more
definite way last Sunday evening.
The campaign is being launched
without the assistance of anTout
side' "evangelist. The singiug is
being led by Rev. Mr. Miles.' with
the help - of the choir. - Music is
being supplied by the church or
chestra. The evangelistic zeal of
the pastor is raeeling with hearty
cooperation from tbe entire mem
bership. The church was well
rilled Sunday evening when the
pastor delivered a . searching mes
sage to Christian folks, mention
ing some of tbe things which must
be removed from the life of one
who would hear the Living Mes-J
sage.- ..';--- ,-
Monday night was very encour
aging, with a spirit-filled meeting
attended by almost 80 people. The
burden' of: the message was to
Christians, touching upon the op
posing forces of good and evil in
the "life of every Individual, con
cluding by a warm evangelistic
appeal. " " "
This week is set apart for a re
vival among 4he church member
ship, with the slogan every mem
ber a worker. . . For .those unJer
16 years of age a hearty Invita
tion is extended to attend- the
Junior church- services every af
ternoon at 411. V o'clock.
23 (By The Associated Press)
Searching parties that have been
scouring the storm's path since
early .morning turned 'toward
home tonight with the feeling that
all victims of Wednesday's torna
do' have been accounted for.
The Value oir Busick's Service
aed Wlia: lit Meams to
Busick Service is convenient to your home a service of courtesy and prompt
ness a service that brings the world's markets to you over our counters a
service that connects you direct with the grower, the canner. the packer, the
miller, the man who produces and by its very directness gives you the best
of both quality and freshness.
Preferred Stock
Delicious Sliced
Large Can
3 cans 91c
; Preferred Stock
1 large can 32c
' ' I '
Preferred Stock
!. . - ( .
Telephone Peas
6 cans $1.12
!'-; v.- ' : I
, t .'.'.. .' - : ' ' '.
Preferred Stock
.. . -
Telephone Peas
1 can 20c
' Preferred Stock
Tiny Kernel ?
i ,
1 can 20c
6 cans $1.16
Preferred Stock
- ! 1- .
- Solid Pack
per can 19c
2 cans 36c
Del Monte Crosby.
6 cans $1.14
Pure Cane
100 Lb. Sk.
Small Size
49-Lb. Sk.
Fisher's Blend
49-Lb. Sk.
49-Lb. Sk.
Gold Medal
49-Lb. Sk.
Liberty Bell Cane
'"" and Maple
. 1 Gal. Tins
2 Doz. Fresh
3 Lbs. 'Gem Nut
10 Cans
Dari Gold Milk
Large Pkg. Pillaberry's
Pancake Floiir
2 Lbs. California
Market Day
4 lb pk. 39c
Creamery , '
Choice of Marion Creamery -or
Capital City Creamery
lb. 49c
Creme Oil
3 for 21c
Palm Olive
Baking Powder
10 Lb. Cans Calumet r
Baldng Powder
par lb. 18c
Shop any day in the week by phone or call at the store the pric-s are the
8ae every day. Any size order deliye red for 10c; all orders over C5.C0 except
sugar delivered without extra charge. " : ; r
a a-, W- Za-' J ....-
It Is Your ;Guaranteo of Service Plus Quality
SzS-Sr yK -sk
" :
7:- ,
4 '