THE OREGON STATE32IAN, SALTC.I, OREGON 'i. ' i i iii1iui - -11 u..iily(iiiiiiiiUii G0ES0OTRI Gcrdd Chapman, Said to. Be r.'ost rJotonous of H3- HARTFORD, . Conn.. March 23 (Hj The Associated Press) Gerald Chapman, t soft spoken-; , deft-witted "Count of Gra mercy Square," will go on trial for bis life tomorrow. ":":"W- f' '' 1 The most notorious and daring - of the country's-criminals -some of his patient and numerous, po lice pursuers call him" the Twen tieth Century edition., of Jesse James Is to appear- in; Hartford county superior court . to1 answer to an indictment for the murder last pctober of Patrolman James ; J. Skelly of New Britain. .' The city of, Hartford neYer'has had pnch a sense of suppressed excitement' since It, founding, in 1632 : . A ? ' ' Consequently, the trial of the glamourous "super-bandit' Is to be rtry much in the nature of a show; Thousands want to attend but hundreds only may be seated in the court room orer which the trial judge,-Newell Jennings," pre" sides. ; ;. '.. " ' . -' A large Xorqe of -police will' be present to handle the crowds". The police have a- wholesome respect for. 'Chapman's well 5 advertised past He will be brought froni Jail shackled .."with - two conspicu ously armed -guards, t seated on either side of him in e closed car., . Another car bearing as conspiet outlf armed guards will trail the prisoner' motor closely," -No spectators, other than the 150 (talesmen are to be admitted Into .the court room until the jury has J been selected, the -county ' prosecutor, Hugh 11. Alcorn said today. Chapin is to make a vigor ous fight' in this life and death game. He has , retained fire ar torneys.v'No one seems' to know where their compensation, if any, is coming from, . J v t i. . SILVERTOri HOST f-'im nrrrx il Oregon District' of- Women's Missionary Federation in session loaay ' SILVERTON, Ore., March 23 ( Special) A program " of more than usu A. interest will be.giren at Bt Johns church Tuesday eve nlng, Mareh' 24th: The Oregon district of the Woman's Mission ary federation is holding its an nul! meeting at Sllrerton this wetk and it is under the auspices of jkhis that the program' is being given. A great number of visit ing ministers and members of the federation win be at SHvertbn dur ing the week as the Lutheran cir cuit of ministers Is also meeting at SHyerton. Mrs. H. G. GundersQn of Sil- verton Is president of the Oregon district of the f ederatlotf and wiU preside during the meeting Mrs M4 A. Christenson of. '.Portland, wha is president, of tlje Pacific district of the federation- will also' be present and address the- meet in rs. : ' ' The program Tuesday evening will be open to the public and con tains' the " following numbers: in vocation by Rev. I. N. Stubkjear of Glendale,' ; Ore.; address of wel- it X lmrm Pave v-si v uui way -A $lrp!e glass of water 1 witk i Epirkle in it- This Is the way o keep at your best.' To alwaysr be fit . and. be cheerful. t. On f isfag, drink a. glass of water, hot pr cold. That washes the stomach and prepares you fbc Add to that .water a little Jad Salts. That makes it sparkling and , delightful' Jad Salts." are made from the adds of lemoE and grape combined with lithia. J Then.beholdIu one hour comes elimination of, poisons and, waste matter. Of all that depresses and" makes you. unfit! ' ? ; The day changes entirely. You become" " happy, . energetic Y6u feel like a child 'of ten.' . It's a., wonderful. experience; It Is ' saving dull, uphapp'y days to millions. -'-.-"S ' "'':;.' ' ' : No matter .about the .feriotis d'3c?,ses which come from constl-r-tioa. r Lcam Mile: joy 'Which. ccrac3 in oae tour from rE."-f. ! "I'cr. tdaorrow's sake,-ask your dr-'-lzt for Jai C:2ts toisy.- ATI corae by. Mrsy M. O, Gunderson; vocal solo by .Mrs ,11. G. Gunder son i wijh violin obligato by Alfred Jensen and ' piano accompaniment by" Mrs, Olaf Solum. :- The main opie for the evening will then be taken up. ; This is ,"Chf istian' Nur ture and win be given by means of three'papers. 'Mr.-H, Rogn of Monitor will KiT the first paper which" is on "Childhood. ; Thla will be followed , by a song given by a group of little children.; The second paper Is VYuth' given by Mrs. Gordon McCali of Silverton. Following thli is a sextet com posed of Ingeborg Goplernd, Cora SateVn," Esther. Towe. Esther Lar son, Mamie Iolman, Myma father win give a vocal' selection. . The third paper was. prepared, by Iter Rey.' M. A. Christenson of ! Port land, ' and is ' on "Homej Our Ideal.' As Jfley Mr.; Christenson cannot be present - Mrs. George Henriksen, of Silverton , will read ms paper, .airs, M. A. Christenson win give a few remarks, and the program will close with the. bene diction by Rev. H. A, L. Hjerm- stad of Chinook, Wash. FLAX PROSPECT 1 pleases sfir;sorj Canadian r Praises IVajley rroquct and txpiains Manufacturing f Flax, possesses wonderful possi bilities in the Willamette valley providing that manufacturing is placed ba a sound basis and grow ers "are assured of fair returns p6hr tBeif'. prodet,' I.;M. Sanson, president Of Dominion ' Llnehs, Ltd., Toronto, Canada, and leading flax manufacturing expert ' of America, told 'members of the Chamber of. Commerce at the Monday forum. ': I "Oregon flax straw Is as fine as any that I have examined In any of the other countries that are recognized as flax producing coun tries, while the flax fiber is as good as the best average Belgian product," Mr. Sanson said.' ' " While the speaker did not di vulge anything that might tend to show that either he or any of his interests were contemplating Im mediate entrance Into the ' linen manufacturing Industry In Ore gon, he said that there was room for plenty of manufacturing plants and that these would aid the Miles Linen ' company; t which will begin the manufacture of linen twine this summer. Should his interests come to Oregon, Mr. Sanson said, they would not attempt to manu facture the finer grades of linen goods nor those with ' intricate patterns, bat would confine them selves to what is known as "bread and bntterT stuff. He expressed the hope that Mr. Miles and others Interested would see the day when hundreds, .of, contented workmen would be seen coming , from the various flax manufacturing, indus tries; that would probably be lo cated in this district. . j : Mr. Sanson explained, as best he conld.-witb the aid of ajllmUed number of photographs, the vari ous steps in the manufacture of linen products, starting with the rough fiber and ending with the finest grades of linen, telling how each process was handled and bow the patterns are placed in the goods. The best linen products are. bleached afterwards j and not made j,! byv bleached V yards and threads J hfti said. The "grass bleached linen " is more of a pro cess than ah actuality, Mr. Sanson said, for, as he put it, "there is hot sufficient land in all Ireland to bleach the" vast amount of linen that is manufactured. ; Whenever possible the linen' is' -bleached" but of doors but artificial means are generally employeM by the use of chemicals. Great care is given to the washing, drying, stretching, pressing and folding' of . the fin isbed product. J I1EQLCLUBT0 OEEOKDIiEBE Organization- Meeting r fs plated tor I nursaay wgm - Boost Dog Show Dog owners and others-interest ed will'meet at the'Day" Zosel t re , shop, 2 9 4 - North. Commercial, Thursdf y night at $ b'dock toe the purpose of organizing a Salem ITennel club, accerding to Dy. Fre4 Hills.'-.. -if: -ii ": " jThe object of this club will be to promote the annual bench show iu connection with' the Btate.faif Tii Is show ' has . been conducted under Portland men In ; the past but it U believed that a Salem club will be able to obtain better re sults, -n r J & v V C I ' ' . There are In Salam & number' of lovers of fine dogs as well as men who are interested in the breedia- and raising of pedigreed animals or various'types.' Th, meeting Thursday is for the ; purpose- 6f getting all of thcsy together . to help booHt the annual dog; show. one of the big drawirs. cards at the fair.' It Is hop:l ttaC a. pr- t:zncnt bussing jahl bobtainc j fcr 'the eiow; as many dos .owner are uuwiiuss to . cxhiri. treir t3ded'&nlisli incite teit,.t:ut L-3 t::a rr-ivlici 'dar.&g- tha last l.tUiJLlUti;..ILd mmm Corrimitteemen Appointed Under Resolutions Adopt ed By Legislature A i Senator Gus Moser, president ot the' senate,1 has completed r and filed with the secretary of sUte the .various appointments to leg islative investigating committees called for by " resolutions of "the late legislative 'session.' ; VT One setj called '' for-, by senate Joint esolution 17, by senator Johnson, "providing " for: the ap pointment of a committee to make investigation in relation to - meth ods of; assessment and. taxation,; consist, of Senator H., L. Corbett and former . Repr.esentatiye A. A. Smith of; Baker; The , resolution provided for the appointment of one senator, , one representative and two citizens, selected by the president of the, senate and one by - thel speaker of the house. Speaker Bufdick's appointees.: on the committee are Representative John Carkln of Jackson county, and Carl Shoemaker of Portland. ' Under the house joint, resolu tion 20, bj Representatives Carkln and. Reynolds of aMrion prjbvid Ing, for a. committee-to investigate the subject of reforestation," Pres ident Moser has appointed Senator Bruce Dennis of La Grande and Russell Hawkins of Garibaldi. Speaker Burdlck's appointees weer K. H. ChapIerI forester of the Western 'JForeetry- -Conservation association Representative Bates of Clatsop - and J. H. - thrlscolI of Klamath' Fafls. ; : House concurrent resolution 14, by, the house committee on reso lutions, provides for the appoint ment ot a committee " to Investi gate the workmen's compensation act" and make ' recommendations as to the necessity' for amend ments. ; '"Zj-y- This Is supposed to have" been one of; the "loaded; acts of the session, being the' companion 'mea sure of senate1 bill l$p, Introduced by Senator Dennis at tbes request of Russell Ifawknar, anJ proVi41ng for.a series of amendments' (b- the compensation' act which would have. In alt practical effect if In actuality tut" the'in4ustrial ia? cident commissiott'oui of business This' trti" which 'ied with" the bank act IS length, was killed by indefinite postponement 'and ''it was explained? ' by certain 'ot its sponsors thai it Vas 'nap , intro duced in any expectation .. of its passage but in order ' to get it printed at state expense .".for edu cational purposes. - , ' t House concurrent resolution 1 4, drafted, or at least" introduced by the "hardboiled" house committee on resolutions, . provided, in brief, fori the appointment of a joint and three from the house with the committee of two from the senate president of thV senate ' and ' the speaker of the hopse serving as ex offlcioi members.' This committee is to study .the compensation act and the whole - general subject of industrial insurance and report its findings, together with suggested amendments,, to 'the existing law, to the session, of' 19'27.' ' The senate segment of the com mittee will be Fresldent Moser and his two appointees. Senators Banks of Multnomah and Hall of Coos county. The house wing of the' committee will ' consist ; of Speaker; Denton Burdick and -his appointees. Representatives Cdffey of : Multnomah,' Reynolds5 of "Mar ion and Fuller of Polk. '. ' ; SLATED APRIL B Non-Leaguer of High School Wiil:Meet Wiiramette. -: , University Sophs The non-league-debate team of Salem high will .meet a. team com posed of two - Willamette rnlver slty Sophomores in the Salem' high auditorium on April 6. The ques- Dry, scaly, itching i i T3onf let" it destroy' your com fort or 'your look;; Don't .let pim ples, blotches or eczema, worry y o'u. od e m w-ci en ce ha s if qtp ia Quick rCorrective7 It relieves at onfe. It heals so soon, you 'will laugh at; such troubles. -. . - Sulphur. ; of . course, is a chief factor. Xo pne can: hope to find a better war to fight Tparasites In tlje'sliln. But decades of study have revealed ways to bring rnul lltltel effects. "t , : 1 1.: ; 'Ilentho-Sulphnr combines all that . la; peededail the Test men knovtoday. It hag brought to countless' people skins' clear and smooth an-l. flne. A. few, cents will command it, a moment- will show relief, and, three days will of len're s tore- normal conditions. Just ask your druggist for a Jar of R o w I e 9 ..?!cntho-Sulphur. Learo 'how how easily such trou I"- - Frrs Sarnies- Afr?i r.r!',i;:nArJL.;riiAr:jiACAL:.CQ.,. . "'."lac tion will be Resolved,: That the power of the Supreme Court to de clare Federal' Legislation nncon sUtutional should be llmitea,M The Salem high men will' uphold the affirmative, ; A debate with an OAC team ts also scheduled to take place on the following: Saturday;, at CorralliB. . The Salem high non-league team is composed of a number A - a " A. or aeoaiers wno are not on , me regular squad and. , includes a member of the State championship team of last I year, Edgar Tibits, who is ineligible this year because of the state debate league age limits. CHURCHES SEEK P i, Committee Wiil Take Matter j Up With Members - of :; Auto Park" Board . :. : . In order to confer with, the park board relative to the erection Qf a special bulletin board - in. the city, auto park, upon which .will be placed all church announcements in the city, the Salem Ministerial association appointed a committee to go into the matter at the regu lar, meeting Monday.. Under pres ent Plans : the announcements would, ha of uniform aize and dis plaxed in a place designated, by the park board, t C .- . ., ' A committee. Qf. thre. CPnslstr ing of Rev. John II. Evans, Rey. Ward WilUa Long and, Rey. E. H. Shanks was named to arrange, for the use of one of the theaters dur ing the - noon hour' i for - Passion week. '. v - - V PERSONALS 1 ' Sam A. Kozer. secretary of state, 1? a business visitor to Medford. ' Roy A. Klein, state highway en gineer. Is expected back at his office r Wednesday; after a" trip through ' eastern Oregon in con nection with' the work of big de partment. ' ; William C. Schifferer of Turner as in the city "yesterday. ' ' :Miss Elva Runkle of : Gervals underwent a major operation here Monday. .' , ' Mrs. Mary L. Fnlkerson, county school superintendent", was " back at her office Monday after being confined! to her home for a week on account of illness;' - . . ..-. Mrs." H. T. Weibe of Dallas was a Salem- visitor Monday ntaraimtV -H; R. Jones of the Drager Fruit company, and Pete; Aberle; of Aberle, Schwab & Co., New' York, hava' returned from a business" trip to Puget 'Sound cities. . - Mrs, Von ; Eschen, an instructor In the Salem high school, resumed her classwork Monday morning a(ter t short Illness. r vf, ; .1 E. W. Haha'of Jefferson was- a Salem business visitor Mondayl ... -Rev. and Mrs. Edward Yoder ahd daughter. Lois,' and son Ed ward, ojt Hubbard were in the -city Monday morning. ; Once, when a man was In love, his barber got rich. "Nowwhen a man' in loye, his filling station gets rich. 'j i Opium- parley failed. . - Nothing much done.. A drug on the mar ket will hot be a drug on the mar- w . 1 PORTID,''Maxch 2?. P6rt: land Dairy Exchange Butter, ex xi . 46c: standards,; 46c; prime first '44ct firsts 4t.V ; " ( " Eggs Extra: 3 2cL firsts "3ic ; pullets " 29c; ' current . 'teceipts vt PO ftTLAKD, March 23 .Ha f : Buying prices; : valley itimo thy $ 2 0 22; do eastern , Oregon 22 2 4; ' alfalfa . 1919.50; clover 1 16; oat hay nominal;, cheat 916 16.50; oat and vetch 18.50 19; straw $8.50; selling prices 2 a ton more. " . PORTLANP, March 23. Grain f utures: . Wheat : H,.Wir, BS Baart March $l.f0. Soft white March 11.69. ! Western white , March 1.67. Hard'winter March $1.67. Northern ' spring s March- $1.66. Western red March $1.64. BBB hard white March $2.00. .... ' Oats : No. 2, 3 6-pound . white fee 4 March $38.50. Do 38-pound fray March $37.50. - " ::, Corn: Eastern yellow "No. 2, March $42. 4 Mlllrun: Standard March $30. r 3 ALEf.1 L1ARKETS Prlee quoted r wholil a ad ra prices receiT4 by fsrmtra. Jf retail prices art rni ' s. OEAItf AKX STAT J No. ,1 iwft white wheat .. tl 5 STo. H soft Ted Wheat. $1.60 Osta Ciiast , - ' , . 0t har - - - , - 1 CkTr kay. baled 65c .$14 .$15 $15 Oil nt retch fcny .:. . ats ' rocs. irsrToa ass xjizx Hn, io-800 ewt. , T f 1 ? 20O-2iO twt . 1? ?5 Boi 250-300 twt-. -, .,, .. tlt.09 LiKb 1...:.L . , , , tn ftH Drwsaed veal .. . ... r, ' .. 5C Cnr . , , , a 14 eh h'r Dreved pork -ISISHc hllKM Siriaj Iambi.....: Inl3e DULLETIiJ BOARD Cr-t, -i.ry bMtrr.....; .t -4tf3 SOe -trfat, . -' ' ;. .- - - . Ht J . r - r r t. J - t.ifti.tia ? ' 4-4e xo. 37" it Trr "t5ri "" ' "T - rl 'Vf T " ZT" : j-WT mmmmm ZJ" . iTTTTT TT fTT TT ". jo"J t , 6i iffi' - "" '. , r?' r ' . . ', ... , : " r : '"' W ' : ' " ' : '1 ' . " ' - ..... mml CfT TT Jr7 JT" . i7 ; f , . . 4Z. ToT " v for ' '. " w T- T TT T " W . " (Answer; ACROSS -1 Epitome , - - - ; 7 Solitary . 13 i A. tree . 11 Nest of - the . eagle. " 16 Exclamatlu, o sorrow.- T VI, K Uy : .i. 18 Cripple i0 "A small horse 2. . Upon- . 22 Measure or weight 23; Put f .2 5 Note of the scale ' i . 3 .' 2ft Good' (Fr.) . . . 27. A bone 7" ' Li ' ' 29 A color , ; -..- ; 31 Dry . . : 33 Augtfrs f ,f , 35 A, lady " . :f"l " 377 Edge ' 3 Of the (Fr. pi.) 39 An erer green plant 41 Wrong prefix - 42 Hate. - . ' 43 To.'Bemand persistently . 44 Amman's nickname.' 45- A.' conj unction - . :. 46 JN3p - x 47 Prayi(Lat.) r 49 Mountains in Kussia -51 Fprni of vegetable - 53. Again 54 Blockhead 56 A married woman -(ab.),1 5T Reply (ab.) . 68 Pfepoaltion . . - , ' 60 Point of a pen 2. Brooklyn Rapid Transit (ab.) 63 Jnt of the compass -64V Insurance ... ... 66 A'. small window abore a' door 69 Southern 'state " 70 A plant - 72 Zeal. ; , , ' . 73 A rude fellow .. . 74 A -powerful explosion 7 5DIs joined - c ... :; DQWX . ., I Somewhat egg-shaped 2-On ; ' ' ' ' " .' ' ' . ' 3 lor wiping feet 4 Manuscript (ah.) ;.5:!idwer'-ik " ' ; ' " 6 'Affirmative 7 Part of the body v 8 Fishes ' 9 A southern state ' 10 Ultimo (ab.) . ' 11 Navigate 12 Tracts of land . 15 'Fait , '"' 1,1 18 ' To 'put on 19 . Ever (poet.)" " 22 A bush - i . , 24' Man's nickname ; : 26 Havinr two feet 27nApfatform for public speaking 28 .In good season' v' "' ' " " - 30 Small purple plums . f 'r 2 ' 3v2 Horseman' " ' ( , , $3 .TO' stupefy ' - 34 Spanish title of respect.'- 36 Head dress ot a bishop 23 Lair'- i" "' ; v '" : ;';'v ;v'. Start at nigHt - Most colds start in the chest at night: " Every hour you let them run adds Ho the difficulties. - Cold means "congestion. In the old 'days' our - grandmothers' ap plied liniments or mustard ' The modern way is red pepper. , It so excels the old way that you will never use' anything else' when you know it. ' Nothing else creates such con centrated, such penetrating' heat. And. heat that doesn't hurt. Ting-ling-heat comes-instantly. In three minutes' It ieems to- penetrate to the depths. - Soreness, departs; circulation is started, congestion is relieved. Ypu know at once that tht cola is be- iag effectively combated. : f - . ' A cold la the chest calls f or Red Pepper Rub, The' sooner you : ap ply v it the n nicker, tho.r trouble ends;- The relief will : seem. like niaglc.but it comee from .the mod-, era, scientific way to deal with; chest congestions- l-- i ; --'7-.. , Yon' do yourself -Injustice.. If you do not have' Bed Pepper Rub ever at you r hand r..-Noth lug . else a your command does what this 'can' do. Aad such situations demand the utmost help. . ' pr1-! eft- 1 1 I .. L.s u ... . . . Gmm sr? omorrow)- 40-"A snake . ' - . 4 4 ! Pertaining to marriage 4$; Ungraceful - - ' '' 50 Longitude. ab.) . . 5 2 1 Trade ' mark Vi' 's -' 7. - -. 53 A' small Insect ' . ' 5'PTiTOeBt';;;;";.;;; 57- Equip' A . -7 : . 59 Sole f -:'7: v'- 'V;v:"f .'i' 61 .'A tiresome child' ; V' 62' To f pierce"; V vj : l' 'r- :-: 3 An . astringent fruit " r 65 .Turf v;'; -: ' . 67 Verb 4 ..."l. ' . " 6 $ f A distress - signal ' ' - : 1 6 9 AoristT( ab; ) -" ':'':'7 V ' ; 71 Man's nickname " " -73;Verb-.'"' V;- v; t t3aau? n Peb F4it : shrd hrldls ' ' Answer to Sunday's nazle (Answer to yesterday V pnzile) """ T -T,;"t! T'. . 4. '' ! g f "1 j "lJ o ja rlaf 'i I v a CBCAHl SaALH Heads. In. Colds or Catarrh , -S . . The way to - clear the head quickly is' with Ely's Cream Balm: Apply it in the nostrils and breathe It "The fumes "are 'antiseptic: They combat the germ attack. The head is clearedT the" inflam mation Is" subdued, the .' whole trouble is checked' at once. ' :' ; Internal treatments- deal- only with results.'" They rh slow Com bat -the germs where they attaete. End the' misery, stop "the cold, s Ask your druggist for a bottle Of ElyV Cream' BaTm .Get Its rhick relief: That is the f right way with iv head cold' or catarrh, PTJBI4C NO.TICE3 r!,vioriTar "i" p op?'p t . . Cleared NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM- PROVE NEBRASKA AVENUE ; FROM CAPITOL STREET TO FIFTEENTH STREET.' H ; ; Notice is hereby girea that the Common Council, ot - the City ; ot Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and ; intention, to- Im prove Nebraska. A?enuef rom the east line of Capitol Street to the east' line of Fifteenth'- Street, at: the expense of ' the abutting and f adjacent property, except lag the street and alley intersec tion, the expense of - which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by -bringing said portion of said avenue . to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said avenue with a six inch, cement concrete' ravement'24 ,fee4 wide in! accordance wlth thet plans, specifications and estimate! there for, " which were adopted Tby. the Common Council March 16, 1925; now." on file in" the" of flee' of the pity Kecorder and 4lch said plans, specifications and estimates ard bereby referred to and made a" part of this notice. ' V- - . " 1 Written remonstrance may, be filed with the City 'Recorder of said" City against the above pro posed , improvement 'within ten dayp from the' final5 publication hereof.. - v ' : The. : Common , Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above- described im proyement by 'and - through' the Strectr Improvement . Department of the City, cf sale:..,' . By. f -Icr otthe c; ni C""-1- tii March u,:.i:z. ' ' -; ;H! JI.-PCrLSTZN,-; !i '-'City. I' -:-r J-r'',: of-fir?t pu liCa:.!:a fc-. - J il Ilarcli 10,' 252--. --' ' - :M..", ; "I' --n:i-r: a ta t tB.ti:. v.j ...w ml,.iiiMmt Hen Local Rates For Classified Advcrtisin Daily r Sunday On time-.. 3 centa perwot Three times... 5 centa per word Six time -: : 8 cenU per wort One Month, daily and - Sunday 20 eenta per word Im otder to earn 'the more than one time rate, advertisement Btuit run in eonaeeutiT isanee. - - No ad taken for leas than S3 centa. Ada run Sunday only charged at one-time rate. .... - Adrertiiementa (excep 4Peron; ala"' and 'Situation Wanted") will be taken Ter the telephone if the adrertiaer Is" . aubacribers to phone. The Statesman will-receire adTer tisement nt any .time ot the day or night. To insure proper eiatsmca tions ads should lit la before 7 p. m TEZXFBOHB 83 or '83 Hcney ta Loan . ., On Seal Estato ' T; yOBO-J" " (Ortr ldd Bnsh Bank) bxtoks to? IjEatb' tott. izcaa ... OS Oln J.X - Insured PiiJCri-jr ; PV..." iVl TUxlra A Se&dzieka. ' 8. Bank Bid., y-V w - -' The Luttierarx Settle-- .'v ' ment Bixreaa V J f j HOITESEESTEB AND BOMESELLTa Oregon Incorporated SMftors A Insurance. Phone 10 IS Victor Sckaeider, 8cy. J Eooas 4-5 S : ..... -D'Arcy Bid." . . i - -8 AUTOMOBILES Storage : ? r rirs proof nUiler. ir and a'sM rriee, , per montS. 1998 H. Cp !: . Texan rnrac.- " '- - -1-iStt narri ItoU bohzjellAb auto, wbeokoso oo. "win buy yoer old ar. Eighest essh price poll. - 10U. M. OomiBorclal By l ilM HOTICE ' 8ALKV ATJTO WltZCKINO - O, stow open- for buslnosa, ' 3e our prices tJora. sellins; or bmytne. 402 . St Charch 8U Phono a 159. Boa. Phono IMS-H - I-jSltf auto HEPAiKiira a CALiU : AT THE SHAMROCK GARAGE and get estimates on your auto repair i work.- Wi will save yoo. totmeyi- Ail work rnoranteed. Klgh ond day wr Tiee. 833 iliUer . uommerciai, rnooe 1J43-M. ' - - -aia ATJTO TO"tjS . 8 FOB "WINT'EIl' : 'raCMS0RSS--Orrtia Work, oto, eo UaiV ill State. 'i a- ........ . ,i f.f?,0tf POR RENT PKnrrro carm, bizb 1" bt t4 wordinr To Beet." crio 10 eeats BOT78S AW-APATMXSrT-PHOITB ' FOR RENTrP.enta 5 APARTMENTS : KENT . BEASONABLf ' 05 Hortk.Hick.' ' - . v 5-m85 prrKXiSHED APARTMENTS ADULT 3. 755 Perry St. S-m26 rOK BENT APABTMJENTS 91 V. . commercial. ; PltftNlSHEQ APABTEXT 1335 -SUto APARTMENTS JOS N. COTTAGE. 6a tf NICELY FIJBNISHKD APABTMENT . lor j-ent. 8 rooms, . heat., pi-irate bath. aown stairs, 1133 court St. 't-misti A TWO-BOOM FEPJilBHED FLAT FOB - ndnita. ' lirt;e- front room, large kiteh- , on, - nodors and finished in .whato. Bath 142ii, Church SU; Street car comer. ! ' - - . "i," 5-m27 TP TOTJ- WANT BXTTEBf PUBNJSHEI. nicer' nxrnnod. ond clanev - apart. -1 ntnta, aee the Paton AporTsents, down town district. Csli,' lattoa' book Htore. - . o-mitr wLl KURNISHEQ HRATEI , ROOMS . with rpt'rbmii34-iilBmtuarri 5. ROOMS PART FCltXISHElrMOlJESy clean a"d location, April 1st $35.00 month. Fone 659-J, 'em35 MODERN ; OFPICB ROOMS GROUND floor. Home, Realty Co,, 169 S. High. ' ' - . -a4 - .-FOR RENT Uousea 'V V FIVE ROOM HOUSE 348 N. SUMMER Phono 1480-nu- . ... . .7-m25 COZf THREE - ROOM r COTTAGE 9 Cottage. - . T-m25 FUENI8HEJ OR CNEURNI8HEO, KEW loar-room. nouse. t-none nan. i-m'ii FIVE. ROOM HOUSE "MODERX EX' . cept furnace, 846 .North Front.' t Appfy - laiS Jefferson or phono 727.. " ,7ai29 rUKNJSKED 7 ROOM MODERN House, rrre, rsrden, 1659 Courh , I nature Mrs. Robert . CrawfordV 1629. Court: 1206.T. - 7-m26 FOR iniscellaneoai 8' WELL, ROTTED FERTILIZER FOB sale; Phone 2030-M. 8m26 HONETBEE8 AND QUEENS . WORK. casn or snares.. i'iune 815. . 8-a21 FOR SAlXXHEAP-MAJTIOaAXr.BHia. wirk:. Original price f 320. Phone 17&0W4.- -n28 POR SALE CHEAP,? A FINE LOT OP doors and. windows, arhl about 20.000 feet of second hand lumber. For In formation coll W. T. Rigdon. 8m24tf CASH.REGIST-rOARAGB TYPE ad T iiiM. ne. . merit ice, ' ti A. Kb- Jiutt, Marion Apartments. ' 8-m25 SELL-US TOUR USED FURNITURE J. u. sstiu ruraitur Co. Used lioodi Dent, onpnsit ennrt hoas.''- S-m'Z2it "Where aretiie'raaicaW of ve- teryear?" asks a magazine writer. They are itandlng pat: but thev are called reactfoiiarles now .The most hnman vav n t-nl murderers wodld be In- three days. Tbf KhorV vr.iiri - ' nvFU.U dO If. . : "' .V- ' ..'V ; , r r i ' . - cf tAJcr threat U f v .' -tr.C:4 ty tUvtrf i r-; shipment. Prieoo Ptt ofT ;'.-.s.. - Richard .Kymnn.: i.U -.. . Incton. " m FRU1X TREES Bar Special priees on all lines thia woosv, Perry. - " m29' ". s BIXCK LOTZ-tAR- '" Hood Brothers. Chstnber of . (mercdC-. Portlnnd, Pro, o nS ; - PBWTED CARDa 81ZB 14" BT H'a - -eSrelu fetatoomna men Ground iioor, -- ------ OeirtlO ir7V15 r book or two fcookn for 25, cents, t .4 man office, S5 oU , Oww; ; f ''fialein. . : . - o-'-'1" Xrespeis' Noticca - - For s!3 -' -;!'; ' ropoi Kotloon, auov 14 Hches t inet.a, printed on rod 10 oub eahraaa bearing tho worio, "J.otieo - Hereby Gie-ea That Trepoiif , H - "trietly Forbidden On Theeo Pre- "set . Under Penalty Of Proooenticni." X riot -16o each or two for J5e, tuUst pnbliahin Company, . fialem, ., Citron, VETCH AXD GRAIJI JVSD CS5AT HAY routo 8, -box 67. 8-mlatf FOB SALE OLD NEW PAT "3. II i oonts a bundle. CireaU; an dk?ruii4 . Orcgoa Btoteamn -. - .t - "And oieVoi "other Oreeon" ot- to , 4otaM wit a Cno oo'Ioca ot n iilot""' tooga. ucfod oonrs and many old tio . . fAtoriton,; t-5'i -t.. ',-.n.f -l -- :'r ::'Ci'ii-atTTioci oi-,.: . XhPoil ved ltt "o.unt!re ksl - -'- JbapeoinJly -odaptnhlo foroohoo smnity or homo singing. ; -poa. for , Western icntoii u' U it third odltioa ' ORiaON TEACHERS KONT341 -lift 0 fWwnaeiU lww.- tl NrmsERir exocii ; CUTHBBRT RED RASPBERRiT"- Plants. Phone- 8FoV ;; ..- .. t v - ..... 6a-ag 1 . " ""'7 v.'-'i--' ", . . - Prune Trcc -'v- - ' Coata ImproTed French.-: 8 to 4 ft. 8e; 4 to 6 iU, IOct to a ft;, 15e. - ltaliana same price. .Fruit and-walnut trees. Phone 114QM, High and Ferry. FruitUnd guraery..-' - 8-l35ti Willamette Ycllsy Nursery-: v.;. ' 7m n fa)otynrd nt 861 Court itr at Kennedy a paint ohop. oppooito 1 .. : aiek.'o. atore. All kinds ol fnit and u sieea.-- Dr. Beeo'a ! Ixeneh- prno nJ - - pecinlty.- Offieo phono 1815. v- -. ; . , 105F5. Jelf Math is, prop. - t-dl4tl INSPECTED" SEED v POTATOES 'TO -early planting. Netted Gems for table. . use.' Mnat -bo satisfactory or -money . i wiil b refunded. Tew-Peirlr Groeery;r ; Market, 70S & 12th St. Phono 0. - i VBTXBIHABIAJtj-w. BB. PATTERS 3 . Phono 80E8-W. , . . a-d30st. IBED U W. IiANOBr BTESrABIAK- "-Vffieo 430 8. Oonunorotal, Fhonn liri Res. Phone - ,4 i, WOOp FOR 71 FOBT-JJBT " WOOD : CALL - 77F2. ILalJ 16 : XSCH.- PARTLY - DRT OLD"" FIR Also dry oolc. second growtli. Huoi fleofe Bros. Phono-652.. ll-27 DRT SLAB" WOO D"AWD SECOifD rrowtt - for oaloc Phono iI-A3i. WOODSAWTNO KENT-- BROS, UO .- ssors to Jvdd chmidt . Phono 142. o i- v " " , ' ll-mtl ' 16-INCH OLT yiB-.SSCOSI'GOVrTa " oakr and ash. Phono 19F3. M. J. May. i Jield. " "J ' " -,ll-fl8d - i-f ; JilLLMAH FUELt-COw- BEST GBAD3 OP.WOOrH-..;:. '! - . 4 t and. 16 inch, ..." . Dry U wood. , . -;.7.':. '", Green .bjUI wood.. , ...C'.. '. - lry second growth, fir. "" 'jttWaj , Dry and ld fir. . Prompt, dalivory and roaoonnblo ffieo. 280 South Church. Phono 1548 llinStV BIST SECOND GEOWTH XT3 tK Call -41 Cf. ' - : . 1 WAJfTET--. Craploj-ment 13 DRESSMAKIXG LADIES' AND Chll ereu's clothes.. Also-men'a fancy shirts 1483 Fir. . - ' '. 13-m2 FOR GARDEN' PLOWING AJD ' TF. Kit fAKTrn Jtttiicnllaneons 7x3 " WANTED SECOND HAND Tele'-ne. Meyers, Rout 3. Box 118. ' 13 -t 24 HI9HEST PRICESf PAID FOT. Uf i!D Stoeee- tooln: furnitnre v tJ ' r. v Dept., opposite court house. - 13-iu. it WANTED PRIVATE VLOSZ.T 173 fern loans. Wo Wto Terst . - t'9i-a ,hof- l ,- , A x a. Inc.. SOS Oregon ,wuig. .. - la v - CASH PAID TO it "PALaa t- dental 'i, pjatinum - ond - t; Ooh Otsego, Miehigsn. I3aij WOG32RY TUSiACCriCi: " 3 TVPI8TS TO TTPS ACTHO nenpto, oparo t'-oe, ox-erient ( ry.- Ty-ist fc-rrics - ai-. lu, "n Ft.. Ncwt.v , y. -, , 1 7 help 7AXtzd:: -S-.3 VOiinCL'TT! iJWi i(..2tJ Cf - whae fir. - fall 2 9i"4. WANTKD -MErENCEX " Blalo and Fenalo WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO V, II EN 3 WANTED--PlIO:E 6a. - 21 -, RiiODE I&LAND r- , -r v.ii cs- AND FC3 BAI ECHAT-IIIVT r 1 3 rr -if IS. L-iD8 eri-rr "toy crocks. 13 . ... -N. 16th str J rta.. ri-. f .1 two years. 53 S Ilzl.'cca Ave. New York, N.Y.