The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    ilARCH 24, 1025
4 .
i J . : : r 7- : ,
I jf Constfpated. 3
i : -- ' :
tsVe" ica n
iDS Of
men,! women,
and children take this harmless
laxative-cathartic. It doesn't sick
en. Ton like' pills. oils, calomel and
- aBle mc6 aet wonder-
and r stipulate
j . ' a tin i nir or
r 4uv . ivtf auu, owe Guxea -any
; ;; Triumphant Return of A ; i ,
J. ine -Uest Light Opera
; Singing
1 . -' ,
Mail Orders Now
Joseph C. Lincoln's
: Story -"'
fm. EOT-:
4 :'
') Starring &..
Percy Marmont.-;
Doris Kenyon v '
And innocence will ' 6t
. i'
X ? f
l ine lsccxcrs ui -
" " $265 i -
i You'll be delighted with the
. comfort-gfviag construttion ,
of these well constructed "
chairs which' have resilient,
springs throughout! ."""
j y
-. - i V
mishway of i Holiness Topic
elected By Rev,. Charles
- gCS. P()Iirig$ast Night L
Xong hajrfd and Iwildxed
f anaticiam ha -lief uddled a . creat
many ood peorla. ia our chutcBe
as eyitthaie ;jsough a deet'
spiritual experjf nee,; '-, declared.
first 'Presbyterian ' church -last
night. "The Highway of Holi
ness" was Mr. Poling' topic taken
from the' 35thr chapter of Isaiah.
He designated his eVenng sermon
specially for professing Christians
!t don't wonder that a : great
many people feel very suspicious
that' ' man Is Xanatlcar when he
attemptsto- talk: "about HoHows.
Organization in ' America
i'" ;' !
' -ft
; March
1 8:30 p. m.
pay! ' va
u u
Larc- Roorhy Comfortable
, 535.C0 Valuer Reduced to seliat...52Q.75
rO.CO VrlucsReduccdiocellat.:. C33.95
; 131X0 Vuluia Rcdiicca to cell aC.102G.85
v32.50 Values, Reduced to tell at.l.$27.G0
C32.C3.YaR-uccd to cell at.C27.20
v :naov$
It s posjibletd hare heard thous-,
ands of sermons' on holiness by'sO-'
called Holiness preachers conti
nued the Rer. Mr. Poling.
"When a man becomes a Chris
tian . Ood called him , to Holiness.
Ife imparts a degree of Holiness
to erery man or woman ; who re
ceires Jesus Christ as his Savious.
2(. he should die that -minute of
course, ho .would; go . straight to
heaven. Holiness means heart and
life purity, God can't' -use and
bless" any man whose life Is pollut
ed wlh sin. Holiness: and sancti
ficatioh are not the same thing.
The latter Implies the former and
3ogipally.;foUow9 "-ft. : : iZ-?l::
: v'JtThatbTtfr Boliness: cnyosV
eTer,'iniay3jfa.Ve, he must'receiT It
front Oo , Himsolf : ,Tour -degree
of Holiness of heart depends upon
your intimate. yalkink'wlth God.
You caa't: play fast and loose with
the 'Almighty nor will you when
you get i on God's Highway j of
Holiness. For oa; that "highway
you will find a religious certainty,
a sore knowledge tha! all Is well.
Whaterer happens, you may know '
that yoor relationship with God is
alright. ' !.
"The only thing ; In , the world
that you need to be afraid of is
sin," ' further declared- Rer. Pol
ing. JBut 'no raTenous beastt we
are told; shall go up there' on no
temptation,' no slarlsh sinful hab
it, no sin of any kind can come
intb your life and hurt you If you
keep straight on la God's Highway
of .Holiness. ' : ?'' ' ' .' :'
"You are a mighty poor Chris
tian If-you are not- a 'happy one.
God's ? joy In 'your soul"-brings
music and power, . on . this High
way of Holiness sorrow5 and
sighing shall flee away. Tears will
come, but ' there Is' a' joy that is
stronger' than tears. r ' !
How can you get on this High
way? What, does it mean to hare
a clean heart? 1 Simply this. Lt
Jesus ' Christ come ' into your
heart, life at all times to' suit
himself. He will gire you a clean
heart, put hearenly music in your
soul and start you heavenward on
Gpd's Highway of! H6Uness.V; V
.Tonights subject will " be, "A
Question and ,rhe Answer.':. The
Rer. Mr. Poling will speak, each
night tfcis. week, except Saturday,
7:30 o'clock at ;the First Presby
terians, church. The t afternoon
meetings at 3 o'clock will be held
at the First Evangllical church, at
Center and Liberty no services
on Saturday: y ' .'I
That Many ,in. FortyFive
Hives of Polk County's i
Honey Bee. King" :
The bee king of. Polk county is
Hj M. Meadj'who lives and has his
principal bee keeping operations
on. route 2, Salem; his place being
tne second one on the right hand
side.? of the ' Independence rbad
after you leave Brnnlr'a nornenuL.
Andr the operations' , there4 are
fet Bs Yca-
hMtbig mam
Just . give us yor name and
address and we- will hare- otn
salesman call and go dree your
heating problem with, you with
out any obligation on yoor part
T $ 79.60 n.4 en,
' Installed Gpcislete .
(rrmalr Silrmoa Blow ilp Oo.)
Silverton, Ofegoa f
' T'"") Our nr Depart-
L. racnt:- shows .
-: Smelt fishing In the Sandy rivelr
attracted Arthur : Edwards, and
Russel Smalley. pressmen, ad Wal
ter 'Martin, mailer; and James
Sovereign, linotype operator, all
em ployed , at the Statesman,.- for
a Sunday trip.- The men returned
with, nearly 1500 pounds' ot the
Bnaill ' fish. ; V-i v,-, t; Js" 'J
' : Edwards has the reputation of
being Unite a fisherman, S but
Sovereign is chucking over an oc
entrance during the trip. ? It ap
pears that an enterprising native-
had placed a plank: from the shore
to a large rock and charged -50
cents for the opportunity to dip .a
net into' the rlrer. Edwards; paid
hli four bits while "Soverirn mov
ed J further down 'stream, ' tdtrnd"
goea rocs au by nimseii, ana pro
ceeded to rake in more fish than
did Edwards - from his supposedly
choice location.
'The nets were filled so full that
ot jwas necessary to dump some of
the fish back Into the river before
landing the remainder.' ;
very interesting at . the nreseat
time: Indeed .at an v tlma &
There are ? probably a millio
and a quarter worker, bees bring
ing ia their stores from field and
garden and forest at the present
time, operating from the 45 hives
ofj the Mead apiary. In the mid
dle ot the day, they literally fill
this air in the vicinity, of - their
hives, as they . go and come on
their ; Industrious errands . :
,: A New Industry Here ' ,
V Bee keeping as Mr.: Mead is car
rying it' on Js a new industry in
thje Salem district.
He is more a ' breeder - of bees
and of. queens than a- keeper of
bees, for their work of bringing in
hqney. The-reporter said there
arie 45' hives, or colonies, there.
Thati is the number that will be
found there this morning. There
were only 38 colonies on -Sunday.
i One of the colonies had in Its
2 frames at least 125,000 worker
bees. '
1 They Do Not Swarm
j Mr. Mead does not allow - his
bees to swarm. ' He divides' them
into colonies and gives each col
ony a young 'and Vigorous queenl
VVheh bees swarm they take with
them their bid queen.
- ) Mr.' Mead sells bees . by the
pound and.' by the colony with
their queens and broods. He aims
to put In about 15,000 worker
bees in a colony, with their queen,
and about 15.000 - more ' In the
larva stage. ' The worker bees are,
Ofcourse, female bees. They ae
the ."virgin daughters of toil," as
Maeterlinck : called them in his
wonderful book, "The Honey Bee.1
, ) Mr.- Mead sells colonies ot bees,
completely equipped., at $6.50 to
$11. The $11. colonies are Italian
bees with a tested Italian queen
mated with an Italian drone. The
lower priced colonies have Italian
queens, . but the mating may be
with a ' scrub drone from a bee
tree or a neighboring hive. There
is no way of knowing, till the
worker bees begin to appear. The
queen , in. laying drone eggs pro
duces her' own pure blood.' " If she
is Italian, -her drones will be Ital
lap; VBut in laying worker eggs
she. produces bees of her own and
her mating" blood; -and if she is
Italian" her workers may . be either
Italian or. half breeds.
i , A Fine' Industry' '
The new colony with. 16,000
worker .bees and 15,000 more In
the ? larva stage, with . a . vigorous
young queen, will roon build up to
60,000 or more; ur to' 100,000 or
more. For the queen lays about
2000 eggs, a day; though the
worker . bees Work themselves to
death in six weeks, In the height
of the. season.. . .--,:'.
Mr. Mead has been feeding his
bees, in order to have the greatest
possible number of vigorous, work
ers ' when . the maple blossoms
come,' which," will' be soon, and
when this district has a wonderful
honey flow; "one of. the greatest in
the world. The bees' of Mr. Mead
will 'I pay'' tor "their sugar with
honeyj with a .Very high, profit to
boot.' ' - ' '- "
. Wlri Mead can furaish about
400 queens this year; more, If he
has orders in time. He is begin
ning to ship them long distances.
He sells tested queens at $2 and
untested ones at $1 each.
. ' He fs' establishing a connection
with a bee keeper on Mission Bot
tom in, Marion county, and will
thus extend his operations.
It is a very fine thing for the
Salem district that such an ex
perienced and careful and' pains
taking man' as Mr. Mead Is going
Into bee; keeping and breeding on
such a scale as this, lor it will help
the bee boom, which we must have
in order to make certain the pol
lination of pur fruits. ,
And then this is- the j best; bee
country on. earth, provided we
have the best bees, and furnish
ample , bee pasture., which we can
and should do. . We should get rid
of alt scrub bees, absolutely. They
are vicious, hard to handle, sub
ject to diseases, and not anything
like as good workers as the 'pure
bred 4 golden breed; ' the . Italian
bees. , :-";,''.:. - : .':. "
" Another thing, the write? knows
Mr. Mead to be absolutely' depend
able and on the square. And'thu
li 'no paid advertisement. " It ; ia
merely-the--1 ruth v-iiirtij? -a's
Item of an Industry that ought to
1! FES'
t the Salein high.: school, under
the direction of Mbs -Lena elie
Tartar, will present' aa Jntefestlftg
nroeram at T: 30 o'clock this even
ing In5 thfe' high'wehoolaudltortumM
wnrcn'a iarge patronaffo ot rrienaa
wtll'v doubtless want;, to :hearl " A
small charge! will be madef at - the
door, whatever proceeds' are real
ited'to go toward supplies for the
music department.' ; ;
, X" varied "program, full ' of de
lightful, numbers, is anhouncecl as
follows:, 4 "e '.t 'r.;t-:, .
Falling Leaves i . . . . -?. . Seredy
Poet and Peasant .: Von Suppe
' ' Orchestra '.' '
Morning , Invitation . ... . r Veaxie
: Incidental solo,' Josephine "A1-
- bert. - .
Follow , the - Road . . . . . . Wilson
There's a Bit of Heaven in Your
. Smile David
. : Chorus I' ; ' '
Trio, Love and. Flowers. .' Aldrich
Margaret Kaster, Peter - Voelkl,
violins, Robert Alexander, pl-
Barcarolle (.Tales ot- Hoffman)
', ...... . ... ... 1 . . . Offenbach
Sylvia ... "v. - Speaks
Goln' Home l (from.-New World
Symphony) .',, .'. Dvorak
Solo, Harlequin . . . Sanderson
Echo De Sart., .
Morning . . . . .V. . . .'. . . Grieg
Sunrise and You . . . . .. . . Penn
i '"1 : ; i V ' Chorus ' I 't " .
My Sunshine (O Sole Mio) . ...
. . de Capua
In a Little. Old Garden ; . . Hewitt
Troubadour, quartet:
Gypsy .Love . Song . . : . Herbert
; Kaiter, ; Foelkl, violins; -Pou--
. jade, flute,'. Anderson, piano .
. Girls, from .Chorus tI
To a AVlld Rose. . . . , MacDowell
World .' is Waiting for Sunrise
"ti" . j fSdts
.. Selected voices from -Chorus II
Allah's Holiday . ... . . . . . . Frimi
Bells of St. Mary's . , Adams
Solo Thelma Davis; duet Esther
Burch, Ronald Craven;, quartet,
Burch.Davis, Craven, Anderson.
; ' ' . Chorus II . : -" -i
Sparkling Eyes ... . . v. . . . Berto
Cup Winner March ... , Tocaben
Orchestra .
America ......
In honor of the close ' ot the
seventeenth year of service on the
part of President W. J: Kerr ot
the Oregon Agricultural college, a
banquet , will, be v held at 6:30
o'clock this evening, at the First
Congregational church by v. the
members of the local OAC club
who are inviting as their guests
all ex-students, graduates, and
students home for their spring
vacation B, F. Irvine of Portland
member of , the board of regents.
and Captain Allsworth, state chair
man of the Memorial Union drive
will both be present as, speakers
during-the banquet hour.
Special musical numbers will be
given by the Delta Zeta quartet
which includes in its personnel:
Faith Burke, Nina McCord. . Lois
Fendail and Doris; PhUlips. Mem-
pers oi me L.ion'8-ciuo will re
member three of ' the, 'group, sing
ing here several months ago. .
Arrangements are being made
for one hundred guests. Reserva
tions may be' made by calling the
president, Mrs." ULl C. McCalllster
at'619-J.5 : : -, . ; .-. .:
t-vrrr: - ;
; Th 90th birthday of Mrs. Ann
E. , McCorkte - was celebrated, on
Sunday, March 22, at the home of
Mr. and MrsA.- D". Hale, '1960
South Commercial street. 'Mrs.
McCorkle, who has come to Salem
recently from Idaho, is the mother
Day :
i ... . T .... , . .
n' . . . tr
r "a rv - ef
V ' ' V. t fc. aJ Li 1 tJ
The First and Original ,
Cold and Grip Tablet
Proved Safe for more
a i Qxiarter of a Century as
ah effective .'remedy for
ENZA foid E3 a Preventive.
vi . .The box bears this eisnatcro M
' Price ZZx , .
By Audred Bunch
Phone: 106
of Mrs. A. D. Hale, and was re
membered In a happy way. Other
-guests at the dinner, all of whom
wjshed Mrs. McCorkle added an
niversaries of Joy were Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Watklns and family
ofJefferson and Mr. and Mrs.
D: H. Clark ot Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy O. Smith and
sons, Lawrence and Robert, mo
tored Sunday to Sandy where they
were among the many witnessing
th season's ran ot smelt." ' '
The Junior Music club, of which
Miss Lena Dotson Is adviser," met
on Friday evening" at the home of
Miss Olive Shurtz. An evening
of interesting games and . stunts
was enjoyed, followed by a de
lightfully served luncheon. An
attractive basket: of red carna
tions centered the table, with can
dles ' to harmoniie.
Covers were marked for Miss
Pauline Orey, Miss Mabel Harri
son; Miss Helen Ralph, Miss Marie
Hunsaker.' Miss. Vivian Marrs,
Miss Jane Kuhnjke. Miss Vada
Wlntermute, Miss) Helen Johnson,
Miss Olive Shurte, Mrs. Winter
mute, and the adviser, Miss Dot
son. ' ' ..
- .
Mrs. Jamesx,Teed will entertain
tomorrow- afternoon for members
of the Adolynk' club.
The many friends of Mrs. Claire
Vibbert will be glad to know that
she , is improving from , a week's
severe illness. ' ' -
Among a number of delightful
affairs opening the spring season
Was the American Legion auxiliary
tea yesterday afternoon from 3 to
5 o'clock in McCornack hall when
a large number, eligible to become
members, were present for a dis
tinctly successfuL affair.
Mrs. Hubert Burnett, with Mrs,
Frank. Zinn as her accompanist,
added in a happy manner -to the
pleasure of the afternoon with her
songs, "Coming Home," (WI1-
loughby); "The Top Of the Morn
ing,"; (Mana-Zucca); and "Sweet
Miss Mary," (Meigler). Miss
Dorothy Felker delighted the
grpup -with her Spanish - dance,
Mrs. Zinn also accompaning for
this feature.
The tea table was attractive
with a centerpiece of daffodils in
the auxiliary's silver basket with
its bows of yellow and blue tulle.
Tall baskets of plum ' bloom and
flowering currant were used about
the rooms. DuTing the first hoar
Mrs. John A. Carson and Mrs. R.
J. Hendricks presided at the urns,
alternating, at ' the second Lour
with Mrs. Allan Cleveland and
Mrs. C. K. Logan. : '
The committee for the after
noon included Mrs. H. R. White.
Mrs. Edgar Rowland. Mrs. Paul
Burris, Mrs. Irwin Lewis and Mrs
LC Demerest.
(Mr. and Mrs.' Jesse George en
tertained on Saturday, evening in
an informal:, manner for 'their
house guests over the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Kellogg.
Brjdge Was the chosen diversion of
the evening.: v , M s .
Two nurses at the Salem hos
nltal. noon the. completion of
three years of formal undergradu
ate training, will receive diplomas
In' distinction of this fact at 8
o'clock this evening In the Wo
man Club house. . The. public is
cordially invited to attend. Miss
Claire B. TJavis -and Miss Adelaide
F. Post are the two announced to
receive diploma this erenlng.
' Special musical numbers will be
given by Cecil Deacon, Mrs P. L.
Newmyer. and. the MacDowell
club quartet. ' Reverend. J. R.
Buck will ask the invocation and
Dr. W. B. Morse issue the charge
to the class. August Huckesteln
will make the presentation of di
plomas and Miss Gladys Steele the
presentation of pins. Dr. C. A
Downs v will Present the class,
while the address - of the evening
will be given by Dr. IL J. Clem
ents. . . . ' '
'Nearly one hundred 'members
of the younger set met on Satur
day evening , for - a' charmingly
planned formal dance which intro
duced 'the -spring season in Derby
Hall. One ot the pleasing features
of the evening was the solo dance
by Miss Marine: Meyers.
Acting as patrons and patrones
ses for the affair: were: ;Mr. and
Mrs. J. C Nelson, Mr. and Mrs.
Hollis Huntington, Mr.and, Mrs,
Ralph Glover w Miss. Mabel Robert
son,;Miss Leila Johnson- and the
adviser of the club, Mlsst Anne
Towef ' ' ' . : r
I The members and guests for the
festive hours werei- ' '- '"
- Miss; Mildred Ackerman Miss
Lucile Anderson, Miss Genevieve
Campbell,-; Miss; Maxine Glover,
Miss Helen Gojsline, r Miss " LolS
Gorsllne,., -Miss - Trances San 5 Is,
Miss Alpha HoiCQmb. Miss Marie
Turner, Mbs; Virginia Neef, : I !sa
Margucrita .-liniard.-.'.M! JIar
Hitchcock.' Miss' Maude ..Gwynne.
Miss Echo DcSirt; Miss Rose Has
ten, Jilss Hrcta' jaS2 and lllzs Vcl-
' " ' v: Today ; " "
Musical program. Salem high
school. 8 o'clock.
Salem hospital graduation exer
cises. Woman's club 'liouse. .
Salem Arts' League. Business
meeting. 7:30 o'clock. ; Public li
brary. :. ;;-' "7; -! - .-':
Social Afternoon cluo. Chad-
wick chapter of the Eastern Star.
McCornack hall. .
OAC dinner, 6:30 o'clock. First
Congregational church. ,
Mrs. T. A. Livesley, hostess for
bridge club. Lincoln Hill.
Alpha . XI Delta tea. Colonial
Dame Tea Shoppe. 4:15 o'clock.
Salem branch : of National
League of Women Voters." City
library. ,
General Aid society. First
Methodist church. Lucy Anna Lee,
hostess circle.,
Mother's Class . ot the First
Mthodist church. Mrs. M. S. Oaks,
932 N. 16th street, hostess. 2:30
; Adolynk club. Mrs.' James Teed
hostess. 4 -
' Salem Woman's club. Club
house. 2:30 o'clock.
Cooked food sale. American Le
gion auxiliary. S. P. office.
ma Slmpklns. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Armstrong; ' Miss Jane ' Hillpot,
Miss Virginia Dorcas, Miss Rovena
Eyre, iliss Sylvia Woods, Miss Fay
Wassam, Miss Florence Garner,
Miss Ada Rose, Miss Neva Millard,
Miss Hope Camithers. Miss Flor
ence Power Miss1 Doris Hensley,
Miss Mildred .Pugh, Miss porothy
Bell, Murphy, Miss - Wanda Jean
Heberlie, Miss Helen Campbell,
Miss Mary Louise Aiken, Miss Car-,
olyn- Lambrlth, Miss Jennie May
Hoppes, Miss Opal Hill. Miss Pearl
Hill, Miss Marguerite Bailey, Miss
Helen Marcus, Miss Gladys Kibbe.
Garlen Simpson,' James Campbell,
Ross Harris, Harold Bailey, Miss
Lois Moorehead, Miss Jean Shipp,
Miss Mildred Gilbert.Miss Martha
Humphrey, Miss Gwendolyn Har
ris, Miss Geneva Sundin, Miss Ha
zel George, Miss Anne Towe, Miss
Hazel Paden, Miss Virginia Mc
Entee, Miss Pauline Marnach, Miss
Rosalie Jones, Miss Leone Halt,
Miss- Doris Nye, Miss Leon a Geer,
Mist Florence Buch, Miss Alma
Farmer 1 - and Miss ' J osephine
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advertisements, are 'cori-
tained in our 1925 Year.
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V Howard Post, Carl Newton, Ray
Lucas, Alden Adolph, Conrad De
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Mero, . Ezra: ;Webb, Glea. Nash,
Robert Newberg, Buster . Crown,
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" " ; ," :: -