The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    'mi: OiiixioN STA'i;,iAN; sALi:;,i. o:u:gon
" ' ' ' ' : r. - - . . , . -. ' . ; "- -
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TEffll SEEIOi'G '
Farm Suitable for Diversified
Farming or Wheat Rais-
-ins Sought ,
' Claude Virge, a Texan who
made a cleanup in safe Invest
ments while in the Southland has
arrived in Salem to look tor a
place, to buy. It la ; stated that
Mr. Virge took a. plunge In oil and
was successful.' ---i
Mr. Virge is looking for a loca
tion' in the Willamette . valley
where he may buy a farm suitable
for diversified farming, or one
salted to wheat raising. At first
bp plans to work 6n some Willam
ette valley farm, in order to gain
a knowledge of the situation and
conditions here. It is needless to
t. y that he Is impressed by the
Willamette taller. ' ; ' v
Mr. Virge stated that lie wanted
tp get about 80 acres of wheat
lind which could - be pat under
cultivation ; fn .the spring, .and
4hich would allow hint to take in
the harvest of southern California
after it has taken place here. -
Annual Meeting Scheduled
For County Health Group
Election of officers and the. an
nual, meeting of the Marlon Coun
ty Health association will be held
Friday noon," March 27 at the
Cray Belle. Representatives from
the six health ceuters-:of jhe coun
ty and including Salem are to'be
present. In addition many, Salem
residents are' to be in attendance.
Several- speakers have been . ar
ranged for the meeting.;
This organ was organized four
years ago for the purpose of pro.
moting child health in this local
ity. . However, the Commonwealth
fund of New York has sent in the
child health demonstration for
five years. . Following this period
of time, the work will be resumed.
Dr.. Walter H. Brown, who is di
recting the jSisrJon County Child
health demonstration will address
the meeting, -
Clubs of London Decide
To Offer Bed arid Board
p r;. .r ,;. .
I LONDON March 18.-! Most of
the London clubs have decided to
add bedrooms 4o their quarters
for the convenience jot their
guests. This innovation has come
about . gradually during the last
year or so, chiefly on account of
the fact that1' the - London : hotels
have been ' so crowded.
The United Universities, t be
United Service, Carlton, .Reform
and Devonshire clubs, among oth
ers, have found nt necessary to
add sleeping quarters to their
premises, and the ' Union club in
Carlton House terrace will have its
own bedrooms when It re-opens
next summer.- The old-fashioned
Athenaeum also is on the list.
IJnless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
hot getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin "proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
, Headache
Neuralgia Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions,
"llandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet!
Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggistf.
Ajpitta la tfca trad mark of Bayer Mun&tcur at UoaoaceUesciilrstcr cyllciei
... ..
-1 ' I t l! I ! I
The best medium priced suit cases oh the
American Market- today are SAMPSONS
They are better built, made of superior mater
ial, special hardware, selected leather trim
mings and well designed ! ,1 ?
To Put Over This Special
In a big way 1 am making great reductions
from my already reasonable prices on j every
' piece of luggage in the house-
Avail ycurself now of the cut prices and be assured of
the good merchandise by calling at once; f ? ,rK
: : 'MB
b urniture, wallpaper, ramt ,
Linoleum Rugs ,
179 N. Commercial" Street Salem, Oregon
Chamber of Commerce to
Welcome New Member
ships soon
Fifty-four new : membersbips
were secured by workers in the
interest of the Chamber of Com
merce this last week. Nearly every
type of business and activity in the
city is represented. All member
ships have not" yet been received.
I New J members- received are as
follows: 1 ;' " ; i
, Dr. Walter . H. Brown, director
Marion County Child Health Dem
onstration, 578 State St.
H. E.
Barritt, Oregon bniidlng. real es
tate and : insurance; Dr. A : R.
Bruce, bacteriologist, in the Bank
of Commerce building; W. II.
Burghardt, insurance, 371 State
street; Buzz Shop; E. T. Busselle,
photo service and supplies, - 548
State street. . I ;-'.-.- .v
Dr. C. E. Cashatt, physician,
Bank of Commerce building;
Waiter H. Cooke, Columbia Bond
& Mortgage company. New Salem
hotel; .Cooley & Pearson, grocers,
211 N. Commercial. .? - i
. A. M. Dalrymple, warden Ore
gon State penitentiary; Simon M.
Director, Director Bros., jmerch
ants. Commercial & Court streets i
F.;W, Doirhin, Sr.. farmer, 1417
Court street, also bops, Purbin
Hugbes building. ; j
Junior Eckley. 9C0 N. 20th
street, real estate; V. A. Elker,
Riker Auto Co., Liberty and Ferry
streets; M. A. Kites, Custom tail
or, 384 State street ; s Dr. " C. 1.
George, dentist," Masonic temple.
Dr. L. E. Hamrnar, dentist.
Gray building; Jas. G. Heltzel,
Bush bank building, lawyer; J. F.
Hughes, farmer and capitalist, 567
south High street;' Hunt & Chal-
ler. meat market. 263 north Com
mercial street. I
Chris J, Kowitz, attorney, Sa
lem Bank of. Commerce. building;
August. Knutson, photographer.
352 Chemeketa; J. B. Kennedy,
paint" contractor, 2C1; Court;. Lee
& Karst, farm, produce, 433 Fer
ry street; W. A. Listori. real es
tate and fire insurance,-484 Court
street. : - -. ; .'-.
C. B. McCullough; civil engineer
651 south Charch street; O. L.
Mclntire, superintendent State
School for the i Deaf; Victor Mac-
Kenzie. with Marshall-Wells com
pany, 2000 south IIigh street;
Dick Miller, sales manager Tramm
Motor company, 349 North : Com
mercial street; Drs." Miller &
Brnnk, dentists, . United States
National Bank building; Mutual
Savings & Loan association, 275
State street; H. J. Ostlind, garage
and auto, repairing, 348 Chem
eketa street. --.: I
J. W Parker, Parker stage lines
Terminal building; John R. Pat
terson, Terminal Cigar Store, Ter
minal building; Dr. J. Ray Pem
befton, physician,1 Bank of Cqm-
merce building; C. J. Pugh & Co..'
-manufacturer! ; of canning mach
inery, 550 soutk 21st street; Mrs.
Catherine Pugh, 583 north win-
Eat and
Set T'iijri
If yoa ar overft and averse to phyti
l exertion, if yoa re fond of eating and
till want to reduce yonr exee fleh. o
to your Jru2it and jret box of Msr
moU Vrenpription Tablets. These tablets,
compounded- in aeeerdaare with the fam
ous Hannola Prescription, coatAin tbe
exact ingredient neeecsarjr to produce
normal, healthy reduction of excess
weight. Take one tablet aiter oacb ml
asd. at bed time and yon will hegin to
j,ur iai steaaiij ana easily. Con
tinue the treatment nntil your weieht is
what you. desire until your figure is slen-
Awm .1 ... . : ' . ' 1 . .
auu aimciiTg I(HIS. Jl HOB need
to tTjr atarration diets or weakening ex
ercises. o on eating what you like.
exercisinr to the athletes. . Just
take your , little tablet faithfully, and
without a doubt yonr . flabby, flesh will
quickly disappear. Your figure will be
come slender and shapely just o you have
always awnted it to be. Thousands of
men and women each yesr resain healthy,
Eleiraer furores ' this way. (Why .don't
yout . Hanaola Prescription 'Tablets are
so pleasant and easy to take that anyone
who is suffering- the embarrassment and
diavoaafort of overweight owes it to him
self to try them. - All drug? stores the
world over sell Martnola Prescription Tab
lets for one dollar a box. Or send the
money direct lo the Marmola, Company,
General Motors Building, Detroit, Mich.,
ana box will be sent to you postpaid.
; . . t AdT.
Willamette Valley:
Fast Through Freight to All
Valley Points Dally A f
CorrallU Eugene - Jefferaon
Dallas - Albany Monmouth '
" independence Btonroe -.'Springfield
rm irv i r
Made from Bishop's Virgin Wool Fabrics"
All. the new smart spring styles embraced in this showing. These suits wear longer, lpojc nicer
and give better satisfaction per dollar than any to be found. Get yours now
" " S i . - N
We set the style pace parade which is later taken up by others. You will always find here
the newest Fifth Avenue creations. See this showing. ' H
ter street, (oldest member.)
Dr. J. O. Turner,' roentgenolo
gist Bank of Commerce building;
G. E. Terwilliger, undertaker, 770
Chemeketa street; Raybeslos
Brake station. IJke Panek and
Carl Panek; 275 south Commer
cial street. :'l . - r . .
Salem Sand it GrareX company,
foot of Court street; F. S. An-
unsen. manager; - galem Deacon
ess Hospital, F. B. Wedal, 685
south Winter Btreet; Salem Res
taurant, II. E. and C. E. Feller,
proprietors, 159 so nth High street,
Dr.t Hr B. Scofield,' Chiropractor,
Oregon building; F. J. Saunders,
O. i K: barber " shop, 337 State
street; L. . A. Scheelar, Scheelar
Auto Wrecking . company, 1085
north Commercial street; J. E.
Smith, county, commissioner, St.
Paul ; Mrs. E. V. Spencer, Pacific
Expert school. Oregon building;
Gladys W. Steele, superintendent
of Salem Hospital; F. E. Shafer,
leather goods. 17,0 south Commer
cial street. .
Harold' D. Ware, Scout execu
tive,' " Oregon ' building; White
House restaurant, 362 State street,
W P. George, proprietor; Wech
ter &. Smith, machjne . shop,- 345
Ferry; H. U, White, adrertising,
275 State street; .Wood's Auto
Top Shop, auto tops and painting.
255 north Commercial.
Eer. ERNEST IL SHANKS, Pastor of the
4 First Baptist Church
MARCH 22,J 1025
John 11:1-44. "The Bethany Home."
News, of Lazarus sickness. 1-16.
Jesus comes to the grief-stricken borne.
Lazarus Is. raised from the grave. 36.4 4.
Key: "I am the resurrection."
Memory verses: 3, 14, 1(T, 21, 25, 26.
ORD, be whom thou lovest!" What a fine thine to have said
r QUEBEC, March 21. An earth
quake of such intensity, as to set
buildings trembling and frighten-'
ing the populace, visited the reg
ion where tbe more severe quake
of three" weeks 'ago fs' believed to
have had origin..' - It occurred - be
tween 10:24 and 10:25 a. m., and
lasted only a few seconds. ' - -
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
Sulphite, and tlarala VrarteJ. Jso Eutcitera Wra
piis, k Addl-s Paps?. CrCirccf Glsiae,
to save it at tremendous cost. But there Is something different here.
His love' for the saints, for his redeemed ones, is different. How shall
we describe its difference? More intense?; More fervent? More
demonstrative? 1 .Having greater measure of love? It would- be
difficult to, describe it-: But one can truly feel it the moment' be
surrenders to that love and confesses his faith. Jesus delayed his
answer to their appeal. Why does He delay answer to prayer? Per
haps that He may bring a greater blessing, or that we may be the
better prepared to receive it- This Is the lesson we should learn
for" the raising of Laxarus. We can always appeal to Him in time
of trouble,, and the greater, the need the more urgent the appeal.
"He is touched with the feeling of our Infirmities." And "so He is
our Saviour."
Ills sisters sent unto him (Jesus) saying, "Lord he whom Thou
lovest is sick."
e. . I.. .
Jesus said unto them, "Lazarus Is dead." i
? :-- U ;'16. i
! Then said Thomas, "Let us go, that we may die with him."
: : 21.-
Then said Martha, "Lord, If Thou hadst been here, my brother
had not died." .
;'25.- ; . ..r ; .. ' . N
Jesus said unto her, "I am the resurrecton, and the life: he that
belleveth on roe," though he were dead, yet shall he live.
9R .:
"Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. . Believest
thon this? ; .- . , i '
- I'm but a stranger here,' , . - v
' Heaven Is my home; - , '
Earth is a desert drear, ,
: Heaven is my home;
Dangers' and sorrows stand ' -
" Round me on every hand,
Heaven is my Fatber-land, '
' Heaven is my home.
' ': - ' f"- - - ' . . .i- . , N-.-.:; ...... -. .. . . .... .
"' s "' ' " ' - " '. " . ;'' . ' " " J- ' ". .. ..." -
What though the iempest rage, .1 .-
Heaven is my home;
' Short is the pilgrimage, - . .
Heaven is my home; '
; Time's cold and wintry blast ; !
Soon will be overpast;- " ' -
I shall reach home at last
Heaven, is my. home. . - . . ,
There at i my Saviour's side-
Heaven is my home; . :
I shall be glorified
Heaven is my home; ,:; 1!
There are the good and blest, - ;
Those I loved most and best, ,
And' there, I too, shall rest, w f
Heaven i3 zny home. . . . . ,
Alaska Company Proposes
To Operate Air Limousine
JUNEAU, Alaska, March l
Incorporation papers for Alaska's
first aerial company, filed at the
territorial eapitol here in February
revealed that Fairbanks (Jo.. In
tends to purchase a JS0.O0O; air
limousine to "carry eight passen
gers comfortably to points in th?
interior' "'" - X " ." '-
The company was capitiOized fori
350,000. The, incorporators .were
R. C. Wood, president of the Firet
National Bank. J. Fred Strutheraf,
and James A. Rodebangb, pioneer
airplaae owner "of the north, all of
Fairbanks. The company success
fully operated three planes fa min
ing camps last summer from
Fairbanks. One of the planes was
offered to Ray S. Darling, former
navy aviator, and Ralph P. Mackle,
of Alaska, an employe of the
Alaska Railroad, to make a pro
posed fligbt to Nome, $20 mile
from Fairbanks, vith 'a, consign
ment of diphtheria antitoxin, but
was. not used because dogs Were
well on the way to Nome before
the w'eaiher pe'rrnhfed aviation.
Hickman at SeatUc
D Presidio t U. CJJickmaji of the
Kimball School of .Theology, will
Vemain 'in SeatUe . an ' additional
week to continue a revival service
that has been started there. The
service hare been under way for
seven days.
$625 Fischer Piano $285
This piano Is like new and fully
guaranteed; $8 a month
Geo. C. Will, 432 State
Salem Fuel And Transfer
752 Trade Street; Phone 529
Cheaper Fuel Sold From Shed
Now open for fuel contracts at summef prices, on fir. oak. maple,
slabs and coal. Will take care of customer through
r : r : ' r , : next winter.'
Consult us for Quality and Price
mm car ik pifiii
... ' : : -I ": J- You Know it! - . - ' - ;
The Piibirc Knows It ! ;
Get one of our
1 on your car
They combine aUutherreanirements of a high grade auto finish.
Hard, dust-proof surface, ' , V i ;
Extreme durability, and finally :
They are quick on.
rom 3 to 5 days that's all
,,ryAN W10 PAINTinG CO.
JJL1 210 6TATS ST.
TV. '