The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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I I-:
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t?Vr . A S
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t ' -
mart Spiring Hail:
is one of our newest spring shapes in a
Spring Hat
; There is no uncertainty about
our hats, either in quality or
correctness of style.
Be careful that you do not
spoil your appearance by wear
ing a wrong hat.
Prices $3 to $7
G.W. Johnson & Co.
469 State Street
--r; ' - -
" Oregon -'The Great Divide."
Alice Terry-Conway Tearle
Liberty -Anna Q. Nilsson in
, "Halt a Dollar Bill." - .
' . Bligb 5 Acta Vaudeville and
.. Pictures. i
r Grand Priscilla Dean in :
"The Siren -of Seville."
Small Boya Hike ( -
Undes the direction of Ross An
derson and Otho Love, two Wlllam
Vette university students, the small
boys of the YMCA went for a hike
Saturday afternoon. Painter's
I woods was their objective. Play
- ing of games and a general good
time was the result! of the trip, i .
. Corsets Made to Ordet
At the Petite Shop,
had been taken to the station. How
ever, this tune will change. S Yes
terday warrants were issued for
the arrest of several of the boys
who have been causing trouble.
The attention of the parents of the
boys will be directed . upon the
youngsters in an attempt to bring
them to task;
Just Received
Studebaker Standard Brougham.
Price $1730, Salem.' Marion Auto
mobile Co., phone 362. m22
Bring. Your Old
Upholstered ' furniture in : for
repair. ! Hamilton. m22
20 per cent
Brown Make Addrcso
Dr. Walter H. Brown, director
of. the Marion county health dem
onstration, addressed a noon meet
ing of the University Women's as
sociation Saturday and described
the work to be undertaken by his
20 Per Cent Discount
; All stamped goods and embroid
ery thread. Xor lft days atW-Pe-,.tite
Shop. , mlfitf
: Boys Are Delighted . ..
"This beats walking all to h 1"
declared a' small urchin who had
been caught out after curfew hours
to Officer Edwards, who was de
tailed to transport tour boys who
Buys Furniture
t Phone 511
. Popular Priced
. Blen's and Young Men's
.Tailored Suits $25 to $45 .
Dr. B. II. White
1 Pitaopaihr-Sarfary
Electron ! XHarsosI and TrtmU
(Dr. Abram'a Bet hod).
Offle na 859 or 4S9-J
M XT. a. Baak &14g. '
Disease Takes Boy i
Diphtheria took another victim
when the 12 year. old scin of Peter
Eder of. the Horsesbmu district,
near St J Paul, died from the dis
ease, according to th 3 information
furnished by County Qommissioner
Smith. ;As a resulttQounty Health
Officer Cashatt will1 inspect the
schools of that district in an at
tempt to check the germ carriers
in the two schools.
Eat Turkey Dinner
f At the Gray Belle ' today. See
menu on society page. Music 6
to 8,1.
JnSt 'i. 11 " ..9 r,, . -!".
A good , place to eat. Salem
Restaurants Special Sunday din
ner 75c Daily Merchants' lunch
45c. i m22
Offer to Underwrite '
Providing the debates. are post
poned for two seasons, a Balem cit
izen has promised to underwrite
the inter-state debate next year,
to. the extent of $1000, according
to J. C Nelson, principal of the
high school. One reaso a for the
postponement is , the pi eparation
needed forr the national meet,
which vould interfere (with the
! Dancing: ! Dancing !
-- f -, Ladles Free-J J. -. v-
Thomas Bros. Jazz ' Bjand Of
. chestra, full of life axd pep
Skating, Skating.; Skating
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
I ! .
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
. Established 1BOS f;
General Banking Business . r
Office Honrs from 10 t, m. to S p. m.
- -ft
. ..... . w f .
i J - ' , r . . :.-- .
,1. - and all kinds of coal for every use. -'
', AVe have padded Vans and first class moving and .
If J .
Trancfcr and
Oregon championship for this year.
It is estimated that $2000 will be
required, oae-half of which is to
be furnished by the local team.
The inter-state debates, Lin this
event, would not be held until
1926. '- ' . r i '
Small Cottage f 1800 ; f
Another 2550, another $2650.
All are plastered' and have bath
and hot water. One on paving and
car. Immediate possession on
two. Terms on all. Becke &
Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. mlStf
Largest Stock ; J
Of used ' furniture outside of
Portland. Used Goods Store. H. L.
Stiff furniture Co. Opposite court
house. .1 1 .. : . . . m24
Gray Improvement Slioppe j
Marcelling, - shampooing,; scalp
treatments.. 413 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 187.; . f f m22
Petition is Filetl
Petition was filed in the probate
court yesterday for the appoint
ment of a new administrator of the
estate of H. H. Keunzli, to replace
Fred S warts, his brother In law,
Who met death by an accident re
cently. . The final account: shows
about "$1688.63 In cash on hand
belonging to the. estate, all of the
assets .flTtSe" slate" hating beeffi
converted into casbv s.v . f
. r -.-7'
Boxing Salem Armory
Charles Dawgon vs. I . Johnny
Goggens, ten 3-minute rounds. Bill
Hunt vs. Chan Butler, six 3-minute
rounds. Special event. Kid
McCormick , vs. " Billy Robbins.
Wed. March 25. , xn25
Sfarlnello Beauty Parlors
Expert marcelling, 245 N. High.
: -mZl
Best Sunday Dinner i f ''
In Salem, 75c. Colonial Dame
Tea Shoppe. Open'll to 11. m22
Extortion Charges Filed
. . The King's Food products Co
comes Into the limelight again by
the citations that have been issued
by the prosecuting attorney in
Oakland, Calif, for H,L. Purdy,
former district manager of the
National - Securities company of
San Jose; A". F. March, Mountain
View, Calif., and Sherwood Grorer
of Oakland to show why they
should not have extortion warrants
Cut This Out It la Worth Money'
Send this ad and ten cents to
Foley & Co.. 2885 Sheffield Are..
Chicago, 111., -writing your : name
ana aaaress clearly. tYou will re
ceive a sample bottle of Foley's
Hpney and Tar Compound for
coughs, colds and hoarseness, also
sample packages or Foley Pills, a
diuretic stimulant for the kidneys,
and - Foley Cathartic Tablets for
constipation and biliousness.
These dependable remedies ' - are
free from opiates and hare helped
millions .of people. Try, them?
AdV. ' ' ":" :'.irj- "l'.'1:' ' '
We have few Royal ' Anne
cherry trees left at reduced
prices to clean up our stock for
this season. Also some Max-
zard seedlings that' are priced
right. Our Coats' t and Italian
prune trees are 8 cents,
Of flee opposite O. E. Depot
Just'ott State St. , , Phone 10F4
by piciayjcit STAGES
San Franctsvw, oxap way f 1JUJO
- Round Trip, C30.00
Los Angelea, one way C273
'Ronjid Trip, C30.00
Special Rates to ParUs of
Eight or More
Por Information and Reserva
tions phone 696, or call at
Ealcm, Crc-on
Here are three good ones! .
3 Bulcks, good paint, lots of
extras;" good mechanical
f condition
Priced to Sell Quick
Many others to choose from
terday for a YMCA tour of Ore
gon and Washington. : They will
meet five OAC students In Port
land and then start north. Inspect
ing the YMCA organizations along
the way. : ' -
Yon Heard Dadmnn In Concert -
Hear him whenever you want
to on' Victor records at Moore's
Music House, 409-415 Court.
Phone 983. ' m22
issued against them. This action
is taken since the reorganization
of the company by the Ladd & Til
ton bank of Portland.'- Forty
stockholders are taking the same
action. .yRev. and Mrs. H..j D.
Chambers have filed suit to recover
money from the company for stora
purchased In fraudulent practices.
We Have r.:,.: -. . : ,
' An expert upholsterer ready to
make your old furniture look like
new. Hamilton. xn22
Just -
: A good place to eat. . Salem
Restaurant. , Special Sunday din
ner 75c. Daily Merchants', lunch
45c. m22
Pantomime "The Ten Virgins"
At the First Christian church
Sunday evening. - Large crowds
are enjoying the special features
of our Sunday programs. : . The in
terest is due to the value and good
derived. Come to the church Sun
day. . . - zn22
Traffic Rules of Lire Are Rigid
There is no turning back; It's
a one-way street. Take care of
what health you have, for there
Is no returning. ; Dr. Scofield, P.S.
C. chiropractor, Oregon Bldg. Tel.
2194. : m22
A. W. Prescott Returns
A. W. Prescott, former well
known newspaperman of Salem,
and long the Oregonian correspon
dent in this city, but who has been
in Washington, D.C., for a number
of years, most of the time with the
Republican Publicity ' association,
returned to Salem last night. He
expects to live in the west In the
future. He owns a developed or
chard across the river In Polk
county. : He is a brother of E. T.
Prescott of this city. J
Sen rs ; '
Your used furniture. H. L. Stiff
Furniture Co., Used Goods De
partment, opposite court house.
- m24
Phone Us .
For estimate on . ref Inishing- or
upholstering your old furniture.
Hamiton. m22
For Sale, Cheap
A fine lot of doors and windows
and about 2 0,000 feet of second
band lumber. For information
call on W. T. Rigdon. m22
Cut Flowers, Floral Pieces
Adams, florist, 453 Court. m22
Labor . Speaker Coming
Of interest to all members of
organized labor and others is .the
announcement that a prominent
labor than. wJU speak at the Cen
tral ; Trades and Labor council
meeting Tuesday night. : This will
be an open meeting and a special
invitation is extended to . merch
ants of the city in order that they
may, inform themselves - more
about . the labor movement. An
election of officers will be a feat
ure of the regular business ses
sion Tuesday night.
5 Acre Tract
Excellent buildings -on paving.
$6000 quick. Bearing fruit and
berries. Becke Sc. Hendricks, U. S
Bank Bldg. m22tf
Move Into Fine Home
owner leaving Salem bas strict
ly modern 5 extra large . rooms.
Double construction, hardwood
floors, etc. Large pipe furnace.
fireplace, entirely built-in, inlaid
linoleums, electric range and wat
er heater. Located 980 N. Summer
in center of oaks. See now. Im
mediate possession. New home
some terms. Becke & Hendricks,
U. S. Bank Bldg: m22tf
Jnst Received s ,. .
Studebaker Standard Brougham.
Price $1730, Salem. MaxloSUAutOr
mobile Co., phone 362. " fa22
Labor Report v
A total of 131 workers made ap
plication for employment at; the
government employment office
during the week ending March 21,
according to the report of Sim
Phillips. - A total of 64 workers
were put to work. Of this number
22 were agricultural workers, two
In .domestic service, t five . skilled
woodworkers, and one clerk. .'81
employers asked for'laborers. - J
In' Fine Homes m ,
$6,000 to $10,000 we have two
exceptional buys.: Both new homes
below cost. Becke & Hendricks,
U. S. Bank Bldg. ? v 1 ;, xn22tf
Madame X Reducing ttirdle
For stout .figures. Miss Swarfs
Specialty Shop, "453 Court. m22
Always She Latest
; In sheet music and records at
Moore's - Music House, 409-415
Court. sPhone 983. ? ' m22
Burkhardt Sees Rabblta ' "
Deputy Sheriff Burkhardt is of
the opinion, that; the jack-rabbits
of eastern sOregon -reb.oldIng
their own, the report
he made after1 a. trip, to Bend for
Joe' Policy, - who is wanted here
on a charge of violating' the prd-
hibition lawsJ" . .. ! - . . j?
Radio Set, WI Trade 1'
For old car; 645 Ferry st. m22
YMCA Students Touring v ?
Ten Willamette university stud
ents left in three automobiles yes-
Poling Kiwani Speaker
Rev. Charles S. Poling, who !s
speaking at special services at the
First Presbyterian church, will be
the speaker for the Kiwanis club
luncheon Tuesday noon. . He is a
native Oregonian but now a resi
dent of Ridgeway, Penn. Dick
Barton will be the soloist of the
day, accompanied. by the Kiwanis
octette and Prof. T. S. Roberts.
The Ultimate- In Rad
Is the combination phonograph
and, .radio -j. See our offerings in
the best products on the market.
Moore's Music -House, 409-415
Court. Phone 983; I " m22
Prize Is ; Offered-!- . . . , ... vr
Through, the. interest, taken . by
a local citizen a first aid kit is o
be awa'rded to the Boy Scout who
baa the .moat merit badges to be
displayed at the Court of Honor
to be held Friday at the supremo
Court building." The kit Is contain
ed a metal case, which has a can
vas.; cover with a belt, a cover
fasterner,, and designed to be
worn at the belt of the Boy Scout
who. wins the prize, .- . J
Kafc Turkey Dinner - - ... -.
- At the Gray Belle today. See
menu on society page. Music 6
to'8pml : ,r , . m25
Nine Aggie Studenta " . - .
. Marion county has nine students
taking agriculture in college at
Corvallis. They are completing
their second term's work of this
school year. They are Theodore
R. ' Hobart, senior, and ' Lewis
Brandt, sophomore,' Silverton, both
dairy husbandry students; Lewis
Cram, Salem, senior In animal
husbandry; Fred Klaus, senior,
dairy - husbandry, Salem; Homer
Settlemfer, Woodburn, sophomore
LARSON Charles Larson died at
a local hospital March 22, 1925,
at the age. of 24 years. He Is
survived by his wife .Hilda, of
Cochran, Ore. Funeral services
' will be held at the Webb Funer--v
al parlors, Monday at "2 p. m.
' Rev, .Weeks will have' charge of
services. Interment in the City
-'S. View cemetery.
3f ,-!"'
' Established 1801 -
New Mortuary .
Cbemeketa Street !at Cottage '
- G-
in horticulture; Rilford Trott, Sa
lem, sophomore;' Homer Bray, Sa
lem, freshman; James ' Linn, Sil
verton, v freshman;-., Charles Nus
baum,. Salem, freshman.
Your Old Furniture
Can be made to look like new at
Hamilton's. m22
Just Received ' -
Studebaker Standard Brougham.
Price $1730, Salem. Marion Auto
mobile Co., phone 362. . ir22
Returns to Home
: After being in a local hospital
for a number of days, Mrs. Nor
man Armstrong of 395 North Lib
erty returned to her home with
her baby son, born 'March 5.
4 Acres Just Outstrip
Salem. Good buildings. $4250.
Terms, move in. Becke & Hend
ricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. m22tf
Summer Camp Is Announced
Summer camphor , the Salem
Boy Scouts will be held at Casca
dia, i nthe Cascade mountains, ac
cording to the announcement of
Harold Ware, Scout executive.
Thie is the place where the camp
was held last summer. Two camp
periods have been announced. One
is from July 12 until July 26, and
the other from July 26 to August
9. : Official folders of the camp
will be ready for distribution soon.
Highest Prices t
Paid for used stoves, tools, fur
niture. Used Goods Department.
11. L. Stiff Furniture Co. j Opposite
courthouse. m24
No Job Too Large
Or too small. for our repair de
partment. Hamilton. m22
Follce Nab Drunken Drive;
"Drunk, dressed up and in a
hurry", was the way Chief Minto
n ft, f t - . -
Mothers everywhere demand a
reliable cough remedy free from
injurious narcotics. Supplying this
demand for fifty years made FOL
POUND one of the Largest Selling
Cough Medicines in the World.
Children like it, "Mjr little boy
had a very bad cough, and after he
COMPOUND he got relief at once."
writes Mrs. Van Belle, Penroy,
Mont. Refuse substitutes. Adv.
Alice Terry
Conway Tearle -4-
Wallace Beery-
. DIVIDE" ..
' ; New-Today i
Anna Q. Nilsson
Raymond Hatton-
.. . BILL'. . .. ..
Last Times Today
Priscilla Dean
Active Baby.: Clilcl:
Oregon's Most Modern
Custom Hatching Our speciaUy. Several srped dates
still open. Ve set any number of egg's.
Baby Chicks Hatched right, in best incubators
Jamesvay Coal Brooders 7 See them work before you
Lloyd A. Lee
Hatchery and Poultry
Route 6.
Phone 32F21
Visitors Welcome Except Sunday
described H. C. Byers, iwho was
arrested Saturday. afternoon by Of
ficer Hickman and charged with
toxlcated, possession of liquor, and
driving an automobile -while 1 ia
drunkenness. Byers had rented
an Oldsmobile in Portland pro
cured the booze and started out on
his-rampage. His action along the
Pacific highway caused people to
stop and stare and wonder at the
narrow escapes he had from hit
ting automobiles in the heavy
Have Your Upholstered
Furniture made like new at
Hamilton's. m22
Sent to Hospital
Earl iBbmeal. who lost a leg in
a railroad accident at Turner a
few weeks ago, has recovered suf
ficiently to be sent to the Southern
Pacific hospital at San Francisco.
Just Received
StudebakerStandard Brougham.
Price $1730. Salem. Marlon Auto
mobile Co., pbone 362. m22
People Arc At Work . f
Despite the sunny days . of
spring, the people of the country
aide are not flocking down-town.
Instead they are taking advantage
(Continued on page 7)
Eyeglasses are coming:
to be considered a
badge of ambition.
It is a recognized fact
that many people have
defective vision and
the! individual w h o
wears glasses practi
cally proclaims to the
world that he will not
be so handicapped :
that he wants the full
measure of the power
andg pleasure perfect
vision affords.
Nature has its way of
warning of trouble in
the eyes and an exami
nation will disclose the
exact nature of : that
Morris Optical Co.
30 1-4 Oregon IVdg.
- Salem, Oregon
L. j 1
A new car eei eveiry
' This is the season of the
year,' when thousands of
shahby and old-looking auto
mobiles 'go into the paint
shops to come out a few
days later all spick-and-span
and new looking as, a result
of the use of Acme Quality
Motor Car
Finish. Once
they have
used Acme Quality, pro fes
sional painters say "that there
is nothing ele quite so satis
factory when best results are
desired. Many owners find
that by using Acme Qual
ity they can refinish their
cars themselves. We sell this
brand because
we believe it
wuiuk tAK rimart js the best.
120 N. Commercial Street, Salem, Ore.
... .
Always Promptly Answered!
UR telephone never rings un
heeded, for we are on duty
twenty-four hours of the day.
There is never 'a 'moment that
one can call and find us unavail
able. , . : -
- Day and night service is, we
feel, an important thing; a serv
ice that every modern funeral
director should offer to the pub
lic he desires to serve. '
"Superior. iJuneml Service"
205 Sa Church Street
Phone 170
if m