SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1925 INTERSTATE BASEBALL LEAGUE " WILL BE OR IZED TODAY THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON PLAYTDGETHER Four From Oregon and two rem Washington Plan ned; Reorganize Monday night. , ! ' Interest In baseball is running high this year and the Salem Sen ators expect to get a strong team together. They have some good timber in prospect and will, be ready to practice goon. ' j ; Aspirants and others interested in baseball will hare a limbering up at Oxford park this afternoon. Organization of an ; inter-state baseball league will be perfected at ai meeting of a board of direct or fit the Chamber of Commerce at lp o'clock this'morning. Teams X to be included In the league are Salem Senators, Hilisboro, Oregon City, the Lukenbeck ship com ptny team of Portland, Camas and Vancouver, Wash. The season is scheduled for April 12 to July 19. Members of the board of directors are j Roscoe Shelton, Clifford W. Brown, .Joseph .-Adolph, fcuyler Van Patten. August Huckestein, George Riches and Carl D. Ga brUilson, v- -V I:, Tit Is planned to run the Sen ators on a business-like basis and forthat reason the directors were appointed. They in turn will elect a manager who is to be in charge of the activities. The "directors, however, will arrange -the sched ule! arrange games and to aid in the! management as much as pos sible. - - iCIS one ot the first sWjps Ihe board has taken is the appointment of a Relegation for the purpose of attending the meeting of the in terstate committee in Portland S ; i ; , Hills Catarrh Germ In Thrca Minutes Chronta catarrh, no matter how bad. (M cum of bronchial asthma now , yield Instantly to tha amasinc discovery of I a French scientist. This druglesa method called Laves: kills the germ in thro mi n a tea. yet la positively harm to th most delicate tiasuea Your head and lung are cleared like manic Sufferers are relieved In a single night. To prove it and to Introduce La vex to "a million sufferers In one month. I offer te send a treatment free and postpaid, to any one who will writ- tor It. I No obligation No cost. If it cures yotii you can repa the favor by telling: your friends if not. the toss Is mine. lie matter what you have tried. Just aad me your name and address for tMa reneroua free treatment and prove that you can be rid of catarrh. IW. B. SMITH. 1845 LT Bldg, r - .Kansas City. Mo. HUH : TO SPEAK MOW D. M. Sanson, of Canada to Talk on Linens at Cham ber of Commerce ! The Chamber of Commerce will be - privileged to hear oner of the outstanding men in the linen man ufacturing field, D. M. Sanson at their meeting Monday noo. Mr. Sanson is of Toronto, Can., and is recognized as one ot the leading linen men. He has brought a number of : samples ; of linens with him to be displayed at the luncheon. All of these 'samples have been manufactured in the United States. Of course, his sub ject will be on "The Manufacture of Pure Linen Goods in America." He will draw from years of ex perience in the business field, as his present connections will tes tify: "V " t , i , ' : President of Dominion -Linens, Ltd., operating two linen mills in Canada; President of Flax Spin ners. Ltd.. with a mill at Guelph. Ontario, Canada; vice president of i Donegal Linen Mills of Lockport, ! N. Yo? Tice ' president off William j Neilson company, Toronto,, the largest manufacturers of ' choco lates and ice cream in the British Empire; vice president ot Ross Can company of Brownsville, On tario; vice president, of Graham. Sanson & Co., bankers of Toronto.- -. - : iii wi ,yre.::.Yv.ji.s r.-, sjiiiiiinii i : : """" , .-- .... ..-. v " y i - .: ... ,. ' .. :. , V I - - I , , v ' ? ' , ? '$ ; - ' " . - 4 i si. " " " " - ' t -' i t . - " - ' - ' . COPENHAGEN, March' 14. This is the mildest winter Den mark has known in three cen turies. Not once has the tem perature fallen below the freezing point in the daytime, j and the nights when this has been the case have been exceedingly rare,. Cnan Butter From the first of the two snappy .preliminaries until the final tap of the gong Wednesday night there will be entertainment of a high class offered Salem fight fans at the armory, according to the card Matchmaker Harry Plant has ar ranged. Charlie Dawson, of Eug ene, will meet Johnny Goggins. of San Francisco; in ten 3-minute rounds unless one of the lads con nects at an earlier time. In the semi-finals, Bill Hunt, the husky Salem fireman, is scheduled to go sis 3-minute rounds with Chan Butler, a clever fighter from Portland. Hunt has It on his op? ponent by about 0 pounds. As a special event Match mn tor Plant is offering Kid McCormick a clever and snappy fighter from Oregon City and Billy Robbins of Portland. The fight Is under the sanction or the Salem boxing commission J ..MI uu "in oegin promptly at 8:30 o'clock. Tickets are on sale at amun s Cigar store. staged, the Willamette gymnasium must be .made to hold a larger crowd." The way the Interest is growing in the game means that some method . of caring for the crowds must be worked oa. One method offered is the building of a gallery around the inside of the Willamette gymnasium,' which could be completed at a nominal sum. lit is ; predicted that some attempt would be made to build the addition. pulled .back the lid of the tin. The others ducked, and shielded their faces with their arms. Then they looked at each other again; nothing had happened. ? The in side of the can appeared to t -filled with brown paper. Dis playing a certain bravery, cons'd ering the gravity of the occasion. Bert Macy reached in and slowly pnl.ed the paper "out. A pair of raise 'teeth dropped out of the tin onto the tabie .with a clatter. , The mystery turned out to be a whizzer. A few Weeks ago Mr. Macy was the attorney in a di vorce case. The woman left her husband and she also left her false teeth in a cupboard. She wanted them, and Mr. Macy wrote for them. The man sent them in a tobacco tin. I ' Willamette Girls Start Tour Today ' ' ; (Coatlnaed freat pace 1) next stop where the club will sing in the evening. f i The following Sunday will be spent' at Yakima where a morn ing service! will be given at , the Methodist church. A special con cert will; be given the following evening.:!.; .. ;. , Telton. Wash., rwi:i be visited March 31. ' Two high schools will be visited in the first two days of April. Whapito high the first and Gold etidale high the second. -. The club-will arrive home on the evening of April 3, after giv ing a concert at Newberg. A home concert April 11 will close the season. The club will travel by bus to all points visited. Ruth Heinick, manager, reports that good guar antees have been secured at niost points so that the financial out come of the trip is secure. Call Is Issued For All ENGINE; PROVES Willamette Snort Man i TO BE INNOCENT A11 Willamette university men (Continued from page i ,; interested In spring ' sports that . JhaS: nnl left Saloni llnrlni, enrin wr ! vacation will report at the Wil- f iamette gym at 2 o'clock Monday Tornado Path Is Cleared By Heroic Efforts (Continned from pace 1) ed. , De Soto with 71 dead, Gor ham with 64 killed, and Parrlsh with a loss of 43 lives were almost annihilated. " ; - Griffin was the heaviest loser in Indiana aud in fact in the whole storm, for only a builuing or two were left standing and of its meag er population 58 were crushed to death and 200 were ihjuied. Yet even this town will rebuild, the few survivors said today. And Griffin is still in the throes of death for it reported four dead topight to add to its previous to tal of 34. Wednesday, March 25; ;8 :30 p.m. CHARLEY DAWSON vs. JOHNNY GOGGINS j' . "Ten Thrw Minute Hounds ' ' A I BILL HUNT vs. CHAN BUTLER I - Six Three Minute IlountL ! kid Mccormick vs. billy robins SU' Two Minute Rounds Tickets at Smith's Cigar Store Coast Tournev Planned For Salem Next Year Is Idea An attempt will be made next year to stage the Pacific coast in- erhcnojastic basketball contest in Salem next year., according to the Ptatemont of Guy L. Rathbun. mentor or Willamette university Arrangements will be made so thart the state tournaments-will not. interfere with the intra-state contests. , , : Even 4f the tournaments are .$8O0f H. S. Howard lla.ver This player piano can hardly be told from new; has bench and over 25 'rolls of music. . : Terms $10 a month Geo. C. Will, 432 State i i v ;-i ..:,: ... . ". .-( -, ONLY PACKARD CAN BUILD A PACKARD. s ' -j '' - 7 J 1 rplay on the address on 'the pa per. Written in most ordinary handwriting, with a pencil: 'Ah, the "postmark! It was totally obliterated. Identification was impossible. N'o return address ap peared on the paper. To the most casual observer, dirty work at the cross-roads seemed to be indi cated.; I 1 And the lid of ihe tin appeared to have been jimmied up. After a cautious trial, something rattled ominously inside. Bert Macy reached for the telephone. No, the poxtoffice did not keep a re cord of insured packages; only of registered mail. Indeed? Was it an ordinary tin? Could Mr. Macy bring it to the postoffice at once? He could. A conference was held behind one of the wicker windows. Ffour pair of "eyes peered at the tobacco : tin; fronii every angle. Nothing happened. Cautiously. ahd'aVarm length oneT of the clerks slowlf ,afternoon. It is expected that the question of what sports the uni versity will engage in for the sea son will be settled at that time. Willamette has a number of veterans back from last year's track, tennis and baseball squads and it is expected that a success ful season will follow. Daniel Boones Defeat Leaders by 11-10 Score The Daniel Hoone Pioneer club beat the Leaders at the YMCA on Saturday by the score of 11 to 10. Hobson and Houton. forwards, tied for high point man with 4 points each. ' The game was the snappiest of the season and the defense of the Daniel Boones the best seen at the YMCA for same time. ' '? Afady""Byrd was high point man for 'the losing team. '- 1 ,,- - : , Two ! Champions of World Meet i When Nurmi and BeHrihg Greet GRANGE BACKS COOPERATl 1 Resolutions Are Passed ai Monthly Meeting Satur day; Delegates Named At the monthly meeting of Sa lem grange So. 7. held Saturday afternoon, resolutions were ; pre sented favoring cooperation among farmers, j The resolution will be ofiicially i acted on at the , next meeting of. Salem grange to be held April 18. The committee of fering the resolution 'included J. McDonald, F. A. Myers, -W. D. Mohney and Milton Brown. An other . resolution on proportional representation was offered at the request of the state grange. This will also be acted on at the next meeting. Delegates to the state grange meeting to be held in June at Dal las, were appointed. These were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Taylor of Turner. Alternate, Dr. A. Slaugh ter. ytJ: -v . Announcement was made that invitations had been received from the Woodburn grange to attend the April meeting and also one from Stay ton, when the Salem grange will be asked to confer the first and second degrees, on five candidates.') - ? . -.- v n At the meeting held yesterday Mr. and Mrs. -Edward Dencer of The Packard Six fiv' passenger aedan, $2585 at Detroit The Packard of Today Scion of a Distinguished Family- Many a Packard owner remembers, as a child, standing wistfully, watching a Packard roll by and hoping that some day he, too, might own such a car. Perhaps a "24V a "30" or an ,"18. What memories the names recall! And later, the 38V and "48V and ; then the mighty Twin Six, which reigned for eight years truly a distinguished family. And now, today, the finest and greatest Packard's of them all the Packard Six and the Packard Eight ; alike in beauty, in quality and in distinction i A liberal monthly payment plan male U possible for i . , . . immediately enjoy Packard distinction, quality : 4 . ond beauty purchasing out of income Instead ofcapUaL FRED M. POWELL ' Motor Cars " . Corner Cottage and Ferry Phone 2126 19 w...rror;-....-.r-:.Tr..."...r ?:-.. . Jv. Lrr-w!.-7?wr---:..:,i;.:" ww-vr. w-rww-sy ,v-.rvv..':., VA...., A ' j. V .V s s s s x - " f a v ' ,s, wv y-yy . I ii-ii hi - -s- it A. - . ' , S ' s , it' 1 -. , . . - ' . , f . I - r - " . ' - ( v' ' lev- i " j( y . 7- .";vv z STH E R f; B E M R4 N O and PAAVQ NURMI A thrill that comes once In m. life tim," Is the way Esther Beh ring, ; catpUJn of th Prudential Insurance A. A. relay team and American champion woman shot putter and banket ball thrower, de scribed her experience of being photographed with Taavo Nurmi, j of JFtnland. . the world's champion runner. v . - . .: .: '. " " ; . The photocraph Was made dur ing an athletic meet In Newark, J. J where ' Miss Behring Is em ployed ia tbe home offices of the ZrudenUaL vv- . "Soma, girls,' ,Misa Behring said, wsuld have been more -enthralled by going to luncheon - with; Rud olpr .Valentino or-being- aeea with Xtoug J-'atrbanks or Jack Dempsey, trat I 'don't hope ever -to be more axclte.than I was when 1 was in vited to pose for a picture wit h Nurmi before six thousand cvi tracK rollowers. It was a Im surprise to me when 1 was toM j that I was to. be introduced to! Nurmi and to be the first and only American girl photographed with him since he arrived in this coun try. ;- ;- " The sclection'of -Miss Bc-hrlns to pose with Nurmi was not iaie without due regard for bT right to be in inch a picture. Fhe is a record breaker herself and an ath. lete of national prominence. At the national A. A. U, outdoor cham pionships, in PitUburgh last year, h won the title la the ahot put for .women and aha has thrown a, basket baU further, tndoorr than any. member of her aex in all time. the Liberty district were Initiated. Also Mrs. Elsie De - Vine, who transferred her membership from Colorado. Memorial services were held for Miss Ella Smith and Jas. II. Gibson. : , The address of the afternoon was delivered by Clarence W. No ble, owner of the famous Skyline walnut orchards. Mr. Noble has just returned from a six months visit in Japan and China. He told many ; interesting . facts re garding agriculture and indus tries in those two countries. An invitation to attend a meet ing of Pomona grange, which will be held April Id at Turner, was accepted. RICKEY ; : . Rickey is among the first of the schools. Ten have an exam ination conducted by the Marion county child health demonstration, All' parents are asked to bring their children to the schoolhouse Thursday or. Friday between 9:30 and 3:30, where they will be ex amined by Dr. Elnora Thomson, a child specialist. No child will be examined without the consent of the parents and no child under 6 years unless a parent is present. A special request is made thai the babies be brought. Mrs. T.. Wallace has returned from a visit with relatives at Eu gene. '.V- . i -- .- j- Miss Hazel IIarrl3 and Allen Van Cleave of " Portland ' were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harris. , ..- i:Atl Mr. , and Mrs. A.y W.f Binegar spent part ot the week iia Port land. - . .... ' ; : Mary Mae Parson . who quite HI is much improved. was DOCTOR HKI J SAXE DENVER.HColo., March 21. Dr. Harold E. Blazer, 6 1-year-old physician. , accused of killing JjIs . 32-year-old "child woman" daugh ter. Hazel, today was declared by alienists to be sane at the pres ent time and on February-24, the day of the alleged slaying. . - Lift Off-No Pain! Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a. little "Freezone' oh an - aching jorn," Instantly - that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lilt it right off with fingers. . . Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "F'reezone for a few cents, suf- " tlcieat to remove every hard corn." " soft corn, or corn between the toes, -and the foot calluses, without-, soreness or Irritation. AdT. , -A. CAR. . W OjgH Y OF ITS NAME " . i j ,VANCOUVE AWN -VANCOUVj0i.'-v llll, fjj EUGCrUV f LtrpH0 f,f& I (II V WtSNO mm aes!? IBr?IIiGim 1,550 Miles, la 40 Hours, 47 RUsutca Elapsed Time! And now, Rickenbacker Six vrith Cannon Ball Baker at the wheel, lowers the . longest North- . ooum roaa recora. . This is the famous "Three Flags", run from the C n aril n RrsrAw r TSm a ; r 1 ... v "Oi mciitu Dnmn : Columbia; Washington Oregon; California; 5 , Mexico. . -v Same carf ' same driver, which made the great Coast 4 to Coast drive 3106.5 miles in 71 hours 33 min- -4 utes, actual driving time did it. ' - 1558 miles, in 40 hours, 47 minutes eopW t imel Consider that, since 1911 when the first "path finder" took weeks to make the drive, one car" after another has gone after this much coveted ' Three Flags" record. V; ' As roads improved and cars improved still mors each in turn clipped a few minutes nff. TUU record has been lowered and lowered, until finally the time came to be computed in hours. Seemed as if no car no driver could lower the record as it has stood for some time now 52 hours 41 minutes. Remember, this route crosses three mountain ranges Cascades, Siskiyous and the Tehachapi. And the road zig-zags back and forth as it climbs switches back and forth hundreds of times as it descends with steep inclines on the other side. It's a gigantic game of "crack the whip." Only r car that is a phenomenon in stamina easy steer ing and positive in control could stand the strain. 4-wheel Brakes made this record,? says Baker. . Only a car that could take the steepest up-grades at 45 miles per hour and 50 on down grades; brakes that could decelerate so quickly as to take the hair-pin turns, in safety, then get away again. If brakes failed the precipice was the only alterna tive. Rickenbacker mechanical brakes never fail. But this great car wasn't content to shave seconds or clip minutes off the former record. It chopped hours off 11 hours and 54 minutest Let what car can, lower that! It will have to be some automobile. Does not this test prove that this car possesses all . the qualities you desire in your next car? PrTf,r",ncd Pwer? Speed sustained speed; hill-climbing; wonderful acceleration and de celeration. Perfect brakes. Lprive this Rickenbacker Lix yourself it will be a revelation to you. Phaeton - Roadster . - -' A Cooeh'Brougham - Coupe " ' - - - m Smdmn - - - An strim ar .'. S. Detroit . pi m WIS' 1595 ISfS ttts 199$ F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. lnAjuMU 219 N. Commercial Phcns 12 CD r i i s