SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1925 w Ml m -JO' - - , . - , , . i i j ll ' II ; .... . . II I I ' ' I 1 It 1 II !- 1 ' II II nil , IV X '11 J ' Aw rA t .... . .. . RADIO BICYCLE MOTORCYCLE AUTOMOBILE VALUES BETTER THAN EVER This is the season ef the great automobile exhibition. . This is. the opportunity to use some money, a lew hundred dlJar. or if yon .can afford it, several thousand dollars, and make the best possible investment. ,! ' Aotoinobiles, in Quality and price, nerer offered such values as they do this year. i Constantly tne genins of ; American manufacturers . has . worked to produce in the automobile a longer life and a shorter price. ' i ' You can bay for less than it would hare cost years ago to get a decent horse and buggyy, an automobile that will tarry you two hundred thousand miles. And the cost of storage, the cost of .the gasoline used, and the .oil, which i properly used, keeps good machine from wearing out, are small. Repairs, on the modern car in the hands of an intelligent owner are negligible. 'A horse doing ten miles a day, six days a week, would hare -to live about seventy years to carry you two hundred thousand .miles. And the horse would eat all the time. A ear eats gasoline only while you are using it. - Dollars invested in an automobile, of modest cost or of high - cost, represent as good an investment as the intelligent Ameri can family can make. If conditions make it important for you to consider economy, then the automobile represents the high ' est development in economy. ; j V-i It saves time, increases efficiency, adds to the working - hours by cutting out the waste of slow transportation. Far greater than the cost of all the automobiles in the United States, millions upon millions of cars is the wealth added : to the nation because of time that the automobile has saved. Where the farmer lost a whole day in going to the town or Tillage over muddy roads ha goes now in half an hoar. The well paid mechanic can take jobs near or far, his auto mobile carries him. i And above all, the automobile is important because of its contribution to human happiness and health. i Things more important than mere economy most be credited to the automobile. The small cost of an automobile enables the entire family to have pleasure with the family united, : A man can take his wife and children, the baby and the grandparents where he will, to the seashore or the mountains, or for that matter all tho way across the American continent. Automobile travel,' which was once the luxury of the .very rich, is now the cheapest family transportation in the United States. , Yo know it when- you see men with so-called "jitney -antomo biles xarryingc passengers at five cents and.:dstrojrfng ,the business of street car corporations. - i , . . A father can. take his family,' with a camping outfit to the ; mountains or the-, shore, at a cost one-quarter what it would ; have been before the automobile came, allowing for the original 1 cost of the automobile. ' i i Every year has seen constant-progress, improvement in quality, production and cost. -And in no year has there been "greater progress, greater offering of real value,! than this year. There are, unfortunately, families that, cannot as yet afford "an automobile. There. are also tans of thousands that think p they cannot afford an automobile, when the fact is they really cannot afford to be without an automobile. - . i- a the home garage without garage charges. Automobiles that rj ;iavs aireaay taaea xnuuons lo tne country are oeaiinea 10 uiae - more millions. .-f ' i And everywhere the automobile has been a Messing to this. . Mtion. That desire to possess an automobile baa caused many men, young and old, to work as they have not worked before. It has Inspired millions with the desire and the ability to save. Only the foolish talk of the aatomobile as a "pleasure car." 'That which means economy, greater efficiency, health, happiness : . and families united Js-a blessing and a necessity. "It does give pleasure, but it is primarily b usefal car, the . moat useful invention ot the human race thus far.' J . If you haven't a. car, go get one. ; . If you have several cars, go and see the latest. ..Entirely .new Ideas have: been developed. Important improvements have been added, not oaly without increasing price but often with . reduction in-price. . : - .. '. ,:,; The genius of the American manufacturer: has overcome the high cost of labor and materials in America. ; Yeu can buy here for your dollar twice the automobile value that yeu can bay anywhere else In the world. I v America leads tha world 11" automobiles, leads so far ahead that there is no second. -GET AN AUTOMOBILE. , i Ready io Practice; Oregon Team Strong UNIVERSITY OF " OREGON, Eugene, If arch 21 Spring prac- A'ce it the University of Oregon will be resumed March 30 , the 'jt of the opening of the spring terms after the vacation period. Oregon already:, has had six weeks of practiee, and Coach Smith thinks an additional amount of time will be required to drill the players la fundamentals,, passing, klskinjr. blocking and punting. Football candidates will be divided Into four squads, each pquad .will have about -15 "men. Twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday, the squads will be put through, scrimmage practice. Play erg making tha best showing will be placed on the varsity squad at the start ot fail practice. Sep tember 15. ; 1 1 - V Coach Smith and Virgil Earl, athletic director, will coach the four squads.: Baa Williams, new coach, will not join the team un til fall practice begins; : If all the regulars return in the fall there will not be a siagts weak place in: the line. Oregon will have Mauts and Smith at end, Kerns and-probably Bliss at tackle; ' Bailey and Shields at Guard; and Johnson at center., It Is generally,, rumored that Fat WllsoS will not be back at center. There are several promising play ers from last year's freshman team who. may beat some of the regulars. , -t--A In the back field will be Aader ' . " . ,.; - ;.7';: V VJr- ' IT f Maiiilwei 3USX - NEV TOP, i . ! rcr o.V by ' ; ' ,rjcALVi:r General Top and Urholtery Work . ,.,.:i3. i.cmn. cnurxii Picture Producer Wins Heart of Fighter E. F. War-Dog; Now Movie Actor L ... f.i mi... ASr ft " urn . i-- i -i -' , s 'fw , . " ' 'NS' " m - " :k v UAii in I - ' : - " ' l MAD& ITolt the 'famous war dog of the A. E. F. to play the name part in "Baree, Son of Kazan, directed by David Smith. THE MEETIKG .OF DAVID SMITH and- WOLP- son, quarter; Jones, full; and Vitus and Terjesoa, ; half. . Mim naugh, substitute halfback, . and several freshmen backs - should make it interesting for the reg ulars. ; ;,: - ;", .. : THE HIGHWAYS IJELOXO 1 TO EVKRYOXH It has been said that the pedes- trian possessed the righ-of-way by reason of longer tenure of the highway, but this is a fallacy. We are living in an age of progress in which the old customs are rap idly being discarded for the newer and more practical. Motorist and pedestrian, alike, have equal rights and equal 'responsibilities. The pedestrian then, should be educated as well as the driver. and the logical place- to begin is with the child; for the child pedes trian of today is the driver of to morrow; his habits of carefulness cannot be too well grounded. I THE SAFETY VALVE . Ilquid tanglefoot makes many a driver- step, on the gas instead of the brakes at the. critical, mo ment., :.- ;. .: -. , . YOU TOO .. CAN OWN THIS FINE -r i ...... t f . - " 1 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle 5 A down starts you on the road to secure tne fjreatest HP epert in the world MOTORCYCLING. Why not use transportation you can afford only two ; cents per mile is. all it takes to run a Harley ; Davidson gas, oil, tires and all. i . Ccine in and Iooh tlicrn over now : ;, ; "The Cycle Llin!' . ; " "Scnifcr Catalogue and complete list of cscd machines. rHHIb mm aiii-ii. AninrreiTinti uHtV.yUlLilllUlii Local Dealer Is Highly En thused Over Convention Held Last Week P x G. L. Newton, local Chevrolet dealer, attended the Chevrolet dealers and salesman convention in j Portland last ' week and reports a ; most enthusiastic - meeting where the spirit of optimism prevailed. The convention was held last Monday afternoon in the Baker ; theater followed by a banquet at the Multnomah hotel in the eve ning. There were about 1200 dealers and salesmen In attendance and according : to Mr. ' Newton it was a very successful convention. The company outlined a change in policy at this convention in which they : will cooperate . and work to the mutual advantage of the dealers and. salesmen. .They also outlined a solution to the used car problem which is confronting the dealers at the present time. Mr. Newton, reports that at the present time the 14 assembly plants of the Chevrolet Motor com pany are operating three eight hour shifts per day and that they are turning out 40,000 cars a month. "This, just gives a little idea ot the, demand for the new Model K Chevrolet with the disc clutch and the long underslung springs and Duco finish. Up to the present time we have not been able to get cars enough to fill our orders', added. Mr.-Newton. - BAIXOOX TIRES NOW OPTIONAL . EQUIPMENT Due to the increasing poplarity in X 1 , n I I f L-ill-Ui'i' " T iirmn" r"- num- "ttn "vi ixti .... ...., WALTEn P. CHRYSLER President end Chairman of the Board f -Qfrsetarv cl C3 IlaxveH and Chrysler Motor Corporations ' " " .' i .i "i ' i i of balloon, type tires, this styleof 29 by 4.40 inches, straight side; equipment is now optional on ail with "suira61e";oba wheels and X ui u cars. iue bite mruiaucu uuu. i )f THIS V c Z- - ' "" " -1 GREATEST (TTfT Ci f v You Cannot Get Equal Style Performance ! arid ReliaMity Within Hundreds of Dollars of Its Price Essex is a totally different type. Its advantages are exclusive because patented. It gives results never be fore attained in any car: ; Low price, without disappointment iln looks or I reliability. , .;: -i ;- , c . . - ; . ; ; ; - ; Economy without eacriUce of performance.. ' Stability and highest rcadabHlry without unneces sary weight. " , ! , 'The riding ease of larjje, costly cars. The hrmcJUn .; ease of a bicycle. AJtter simplicity in design- The lowest maintenance ccsVFe bcllcrs, cf cn7 car in the world. A Car Yen Will Be Proud to Czv:i These qualities make it the most wanted and Jarcest sellins car of its class in the world. . . . It-a the nnest.Esscx ever bulk. It is the smoothest, most reliable .Essex ever built. It is the best looking, most comfortably riilrj Essex ever hx And the pricey because of ro'snc, u , the lowest at which Essex ever tc'.i. Surely you caanoe be szihClzd with lets . -than -Essex c.Tcrs vstea ks cost is tut little more than csrscf t!ie lowest price. Hudson-Essex, Largest Selling 5-GyIhiC 4 rr- Closed Gars - itrthaTcrld