SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 22, 1025 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON ' " -1 : PHONE let AUDRED BUNCH , TYPES That is your fate, you chance, yon must be ever changing, j v -You climb from a boy to a man, from a man to a god, ; : :'" And the god looks back on the man with a smile, and the man on the f boy with wonder; - s But 1, 1 am woman for ever: I change not at all. ' I CLEMEXCE DANE: Will Shakespeare.. MR. AND MRS. "Gideon Stols ' were honored ' on ; Friday evening with a twenty-one cover dinner at the home of Mrs. Lenta Westacott, marking the occasion of their fifty-seventh wedding an B i versa ry. A beautiful basket of Columbia roses centered the table, frith a profusion of spring flowers in the rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Stolz, who bare made Salem their home or half a century, hare a host of riends here who remembered hem with . flowers, messages of congratulation and gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Stolz were mar ried in Dayton, Ohio, fire years before coming to Oregon. Forty members and guests of be "American Association of Uni versity Women met for an inter esting luncheon meeting at 12:30 o'clock yesterday t the Gray Belle. Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. prown and Miss Thompson were the special guests of the day, with jDr. "Brown the speaker. MMMHWMMi 11 Mrs. Ira K. Hall, dressmaker, hei- minr friends will h nloasof ito know, has returned to .Salem and la at 1293 Fir street. The members of the Capitol Bridge club make up one of the congenial club groups of Salem which met during the past week. On Wednesday Mrs. Milton Meyers was hostess for the group with Mrs. Ed Gillingham and Mrs. Earl Flegel as special g-uests. A feat ure! of the attractively appointed 1 o'clock luncheon was the use of lovely Hawaiian trays which Mrs. Meyers herself brought from the Islands. Jonquils and forsythia gave a pleasing floral note about the rooms. The afternoon's playing prize went to Mrs. Edwin L. Baker, with guest prizes to Mrs. Gillingham and Mrs. Flegel. In the group for the afternoon were Mrs. Gillingham. Mrs. Flegel, Mrs. Edwin L. Baker, Mrs. G. G. Brown, Mrs. Joseph Baumgarjt-ner,-Mrs. W. II, Dancy, Mrs. I. F. Griffith, Mrs. O. C. Locke. Mrs. Frank Meredith, Mrs; II. II. Olin- ger, Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs W. Carlton Smith, and the hos tess, Mrs. Meyers. ' f " !. Mrs. Josephine Stewart of Cor vallis is spending a few days with Salem friends, a guest at the home of Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, r ; : ' " , Dr. Alexander Bennett of Brem erton, Wash., was the house-guest two days - last :week of Mr. and Mrs; G. W. Laflar. On Wednesday Miss Grace Breckenridge and Mrs. E. B reck en ridge were additional guests to dinner. " ,: ' X A u. X' r" Astoria, Or., March 21. A res olution recommending that Sthe United States enter the world court of International f relations met with warm, opposition at the closing session of the 12th annual state convention of the Daughters of the American Revolution here today. After a heated discussion, in which the opposition based its attack on the advice of George Washington that the United States keep free from '-."entangling alli ances" the resolution was with drawn. The delegates voted to continue the work of marking his torical spots in the; state and turned down the suggested amend meat to the national organization constitution which would raise In itiation fees from $5 to S10. The invitation of the Multno mah county chapter to hold the Shoppe, honoring group "of the high school girls who are planning entering college. A special musi cal feature is planned. The hos tesses in charge are Mrs. A. W Stein, Mrs. D. Keeney, Miss Danta Robbins and Miss Myrtle Pelkr. ,-i -'v ;, . v ; ".y " TheHaysvilIe Community "'club held Its ; regular meeting Friday evening. March 20, with a large attendance, and after a short bus iness session a very fine profrr-2 was, rendered.; The ; play, "Sign Here,! by the school children was very funny and ..well executed. The vocal sola by Mrs. Malcolm Ramp, accompanied by Professor Roberts on the piano, was especi ally fine and. Judging by the ap plause and encores, was highly appreciated. .h. -, i Mr, Bunn next, favored the aud ience 'with three Norwegian dia lect recitations , which wars, fall of humor and rendered in a pro fessional manner. .'; j ; -, Vocal duet by Mrs. C. Z. Ash baugh and Mr. Mad sen. accompan ied by Mrs. Malcolm Ramp, was heartily applauded and encored. Coleen Menace gave, one of her inimitable, hdmorous recitations, and the negro, comedy act by Joe Foley, assisted by Miss Lengren, brought, down the house time af ter time.. The costumes were: fur nished i by courtesy of Director's department store. . Chapter AB of the PEO Sister hood will meet at 7:45 o'clock Monday evening at the home of Mrs. H. E. Barrett. 2117 State street.- - The public will be interested In attending the annual graduation exercises for the 1925 class of the Salem hospital at 8 o'clock Tues day evening at the Woman's club house. Adelaide' F. Post and Claire B. Davis will be the gradu ating members. The main address of the eve ning will be given by Dr. H. J. Clements. The complete program is announced as follows:; Mme Germaine Schnitzer , X . .; x . "... S: . . Famous l"rencn pianist who will appear in Salem on Mon day, March 30, under the aus pices of the Civic Music club. 192 mnvpntlnn i fwtianri w9B Piano solo Cecil Deacon flMfotpH arA xir v. c. Annannn i Invocation -:. . . . Rev. J. K. Buck of McMlnnville was selected state vice-regent in place of Mrs. A. A. Finch, Astoria, resigned. :f : . ' Salem people will be Interested In the radio concert at 5:30 o'clock when the two Willamette University Glee clubs broadcast a joint program from station KGW. ' ; Active and alumnae members of the "Alph XI Delta sorority from both the University of Ore gon and Oregon Agricultural col lege will entertain on Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock with' a tea at the Colonial Dame . Tea Sunday, March 22 $1.00 1 Olympia Oyster or Fruit Cocktail Chicken Gumbo Creole Consomme au Celerl Fresh Crab Salad Mayonnaise ? ; Fruit Salad, Whipped Cream j ' . ''-.(. I Choice r : New York Sirloin Steak Bordelaise Sauce 'Shredded Breast of Chicken a la King . Roast Leg of Lamb Currant Jelly Roast Oregon Turkey, celery dressing Snowflake Prime Ribs of Eastern Steer au jus Buttered Tiny Peas Au gratin Potatoes : Dessert v - Fresh Blackcap Sundae j Gray Belle French Pastry. Pie Cake i Peaches and Cream " Ice Cream Sherbert Tea Coffee . Milk Chocolate , Jello A La Carte Service all Day. Music During Dinner in the ' r : Kvenlng Presentation of class ....... . ; . . ... . ... . . . Dr. C. A. Downs Address .... Dr. H. J, Clements Vocal solo'.,.Mrs. P.; L. Newmyer Charge to class. .Dr. W. B. Morse Presentation of diplomas . , . . . .... . . . !,1 -i August Huckestein Presentation of pins. . . . . Miss Gladys Steele Selection. .McDowell club quartet Mrs. J. R. Chapman returned home Friday evening after spend ing a number of weeks In Port land. The Civic Music club of Port land will present artist pupils of William Wallace Graham, violin; Minnetta Magers, voice, and Ella Connell Jesse, piano, in a triangle concert in the parlor of the Port land Sj-i hotel " Tuesday X evening, Marcti 24. Of special interest to Salem people will be the fact that one of the pupils presented by Mr. 1 SOCIAL CALENDAR w , : i Today I Ladies and Men's Glee clubs of Willamette university in Joint ra dio concert over station KGW, Portland. 5 o'clock. i Winona R. Jewell, speaker at Union Young People's meeting. 6:30 o'clock. First Presbyterian church, and at United Brethren church,' 17th and Nebraska streets at 11 a. m. A-- . y j . "The Ten Virgins," Pantomime. First Christian church. ' " " ' Miss Joy Turner hostess for pu pils at musicale tea. 2:30 o'clock. Monday V: ! AmerIcan Legion auxiliary tea. 2 to 5 o'clock. McCornack hall. ' Chapter AB of the PEO Sisterhoods- Mrs. ,H. E. Barrett. 2117 State street, hostess, 7:45 o'clock. j-",; A Tuesday i Musical program. Salem high school. 8 o'clock Salem hospital graduation exer cises. Woman's club house. Salem Arts' League. Business meeting. 7:30 o'clock. Public library. Welnelay , Mrs. T, A. Li vesley, hostess for bridge club. Lincoln Hill.. , Alpha XI Delta tea. Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe. 4: IS o'clock. Salem branch I of National League of Women Voters. City library. - ' 1 ? Saturday Salem Woman's - club. Club house. 2:30 o'clock." - , "DIAMOND DYES" COLOR THINGS NEW Beautiful home dyeing' and tint ing is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes. Just dip in cold water to tint soft, delicate shades, or boil to dye rich, perma nent colors. Each 15-cent package contains directions bo simple any woman, can dye or tint lingerie, silks, r ribbons, skirts. - waists, dresses, coats, stockings, sweaters, draperies, coverings, , hangings, everything new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind and tell your druggist Whe ther the material you wish to color is wool or silk,' or whether It is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Adv. Gilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Linn Smith, Mrs. Kenneth Graham, Mrs. Max Page. Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. H. V. Compton, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Fredrick Hill : Thompson Mrs. L. A. Geer, Mrs. Everett Hob son, Mrs. Tom Galloway, Mrs. Herbert Stiff, Mrs. Carl Webb, Mrfc IV G. Shilpley, Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs.- on Byrd of Portland, Mrs. 1 Bliss Dar&y. Mrs. - H. R. - Worth Mrs. Leo Page, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. W. J. Bnsick.' Mrs. Wilson Darby, Mrs. Walter Page. Mrs. F. G. Bowersox, Mrs. E. T. Busselle, Mrs. Walter ' Looney, Mrs. K.., V. Kugel, Mrs. S. E. Davis. Mrs. R. J. Valiton. Mrs. B. F. Pound. Mrs. Elmo S. White. , Mrs. Walter Spaulding. Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mrs. D. R. Ross. Mrs. J. E. Law, and Miss Zoe Stockton. ;, .,. 4f ; ' A, -, ..J. Miss Joy Turner will be hostess! at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at j her home at a delightful musical i tea planned for the pleasure of her Salem students. Last Sunday Miss Turner enter tained for a group of eighteen from Independence and Monmouth at the home of Mrs. J. B. Violette, Delight Heath and, George Stoner were assisting violinists from Sa lem. William E. Moses assisted as 'cellist of the afternoon. Pleas ing vocal numbers were given by Oro Violette and Barbara Barnell. " ".- J; G. 2jiai dr.vRi frion uH(FS shr Mrs. Herbert , Hale and Mrs. Ralph Howard were hostesses to the . Entra Nous club Wednesday night making it a St. Patrick's party. The club house was beau tifully, decorated with streamers of green and shramrock. . While the long banquet : table was - at tractive by the use of shramrock strung on black threads to form a canopy, . A Blarney castle built of small potatoes made an effective center piece with tali green candles down the length of the table. Mr. Har ry Smart finding the -Blarney stone hidden in the castle. The first part of the evening was given over to a pantomine play followed by a St. Patrick's supper and dancing. The members of the club at tending were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry smart. Miss Dorothy Smart. Mr. ana Mrs. B. E. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. George Wendroth, Mr. and Mrs .Orville Ogelsby, Mr. and Mrs Herman Hummel, Mis Anabelle Lawrence. Miss Joy Turner. Mr. William Moses, Mr. George John son. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hale, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hill, Mr. and Mrs Carl .Amsberry. Dr. Backstrand, Bvelyn Hale and Hugh McCain. Graham in violin-ls Miss Mildred Roberts of Salenv. and also Mar guerite Flower dinger; blind so prano, and a graduate of the blind school here, will be on the pro gram! She will be presented by Mh? Magers in voice. Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Stein- of Portland have arrived in Salem and will make their home at the Roberts apartments. Mr. Stein. formerly with the Sherman Clay music house of Portland, will be with the H. L. Moore music house. r . Mrs. Frank Snedecor. Mrs. Brey man Boise and son, Eugene, and Miss Constance King of Portland left 5 Thursday for southern - Cali fornia, They' expect to be- gone a month or six weeks : A chaming afternoon affair ot the week - was- the : eight-table bridge party on Thursday at which Miller's Basement 'Sim For Monday and Tuesday 4 We Offer in BARGAIN SQUARE Women's Crepe Bloomers in pink, blue, lavender and peach. Limit, four pairs to a customer. ( TS All 30 Doz. Pairs! U .in Tl-I-TM T I P ... --, - - -- -. - - . - I I when Chapter G of the PEO sister hood entertained members of Chapter AB at an old fashioned party, with many, among the host esses, coming gowned in costumes of half a century ago.' Beautiful among these was the red, flowered charmeuse gown with train., and trimmed with In sertion of lace, worn by Mrs. B, J. Miles. t , Mrs. William McGilchrist. Sr., never looked lovelier than she did in a gown of white taffeta, with pink flowers, covered with . rare old lace and worn with hat to match. i Mrs. Harwood' Hall wore a gor geous gown of silk and lace with voluminous yards of material, and with hat and mitts to match. ; Mrs. P. J. Kuntz wore her own white silk wedding gown made with a tight basque, and her wed ding hat, and carried a feather fan. -;-. . . x: Mrs. William- Hughes wore a flowered silk frock with a long polonaise and with a looped bus. tie. With her hair primly dressed she made a quaint picture. Mrs. Frank Churchill and Mrs. A. E. Wollpert wore long, reding ote costumes with hats of the same period ot fashion. . Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist, In her Immense Merry Widow hat, long black taffeta skirt worn with red sash, and 7 a tight-sleeved, high necked waist made one of the pic tures of the evening. It would -be Impossible to de scribe all the dresses that were unique and distinctive, though Mrs, F. W. Selee in he white silk en wedding gown, long and flow ing, must not be forgotten. , The whole evening provided . an . im mense amount of ' pleasure and amusement. : .' ' . . The program opened with a pi ano solo by Mrs. Frank Churchill followed with vocal solos by Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist. ; One of the cleverest of skits, "Mechanical Jane," was enacted with, skillful talent by Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mrs. W. M. Hughes and Mrs. F. W. Selee. The PEO colors of yellow and white were used In a motif devel oped with lovely spring, flowers. A two course luncheon as served late in the evening with Mrs. B. J. .Miles,"" Mrs. ;-P. J. Kuntz, Mrs. W. M. Smith, Mrs. D. X. Beechler. and Mrs. A, C. Parr assisting the hostess. . . ; - Mrs.W. J. Towers of Detroit, Michigan, and Mrs Harold Hughes Fine Piano $125 We have one' good used piano for only $125, on very - Easy Terms Geo. C. Will 432 State Mrs. Claude Steusloff entertain ed on Friday for members of the Alpha Chi Omega alumnae associ ation. Spring flowers were used attractively- about the rooms. The evening was spent , socially, wit. refreshments at a' late bour. ,In the group were: Mrs. Cai Pope, Mlss Dorothea Steusloff, May cnambers, Mrs, Louis Creeii, Mrs. Frank . Rosebraugh, Misn Grace Holt, Miss Maim i Victor. Mis. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Mai. . Fereshetian, Mrs Monroe Gilbt and., the hostess, Mrs. Claut.. Steusloff. . v . ; The Leisure Hour club wil omit the March; meeting and no" meet until April 15. ;5 :v ' - v- :;: '" Members of thef American I gion Auxiliary are anticipating ,h interesting tea from 2 to 5 o k tomorrow afternoon In X . hall. All eligible for me . ..,,, whether they, have joint , or nut. . . ... . . , r 1 . . Buai aits, jouu v;, cvans sou airs. v r. j Auxiliary Bates were nostesses at tne bran s home. The lovelier of the spring blossoms - were : used profusely about the rooms. Mrs. Carl Webb and ' Mrs. Karl Kugel received the prizes. ' - Those invited for the afternoon of cards were: - Mrs. H. . A.; Cor noyer, Mrs. Phil , Newmyer, Mrs. Prince Byrd, Mrs. William Mo- Two of the Many Styles of Irene Castle Gowns Which Rave Just Arrived at the Friench Shop The Poetry of Dress . ; ' .--- by Irene Castle " America's Best Dressed Woman - . , . . . ; V "My Love In her attire doth show her wit, It dot b so well become her: , I'or every season she hath dressings fit. For Winter, Spring, and Summer. "So sang aa Knglish poet as far back as the 18th Century. 'And I think he must have been lnspirel to write the pretty verse, in lovely Springtime when, even as today, all tbejsmart vcorhl was discarding Its "winter garments of repentance"- Its peHricw and heavy woolen stuffs 4o don the more alluring, more ethereal, wardrobe of 'the eunshbay vernal season. . ., .i " J Can IVock really be witty? Yc, Indeed. But the designer that can instill the quality of wit into- Drossr must be himself witty and tf an exploring mind not coiHwiUmI with the 'merely pretty and the iicturcquc that are so much easier to achieve. 7 liana' Irene Castle GdJICELU iSHIONS TWi IVoclt'i bw, (quart net lis nd the loos tcarf that cleverif traa&forma italf into lort ' of front-flounce era typical Irene Cattle innsTalioBB far &prinjr. Made 1 Corticelli tepe Knsemble. tlie crf inlaid with lace in contrat , jug, aotubre tones. , . . 'TEie FRENCH -SKOP i r Mme. Buffe MorTison s i , . : Jlasonic Temple 115 Hish Street - " Irene Castle g)ticelu ehions A lorelj little tra$cht -Una rerk ml Crepe Treniaine with aliacreet touchca of richly metnie4 em broidery. "D very careful." aajrs Irene Catle. "to tic taa Cfceruit cravat very primiy, very eWnurrly, nrjr evenly and- in. a ward just wrr,; '!. r:': t'i All members of the Salem Arts League are asked to meet at 7:30 O'clock Taseday for a business meeting at the city library. The home ot Mh nC rs. G. W. Laflar was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Thursday, evening Madame X REDUCER M - MS OUR PRE-EASTER FEATURE ALL THIS WEEK SHOWING the max imum buying power of $25.00 in ready-to-wear apparel, this pre - Easter feature will this week be an outstanding event in which new styles di rect from New York' will play a prominent role. NEW COATS: fash 'ibned of exquisite fa . brics in tone dowi col. ors such as rosewood Sandelwood, rose beige etc. . if! Step in and Clasp Front Rubber Reducers for every type of figure. ' Reduce and Crow Thin SPECIALTY SHOP (Miss) TOensk L. Swart 453 CX)CKT ST. - Pi --"'Ly' . ' fi.LEMS LE.UIXG ' DHPARTMEXT BTOITS NEW FROCKS: of lovely silken weaves, new lengths, new pleats, new sleeves, neck lines etc. All are here represented in this feature price. , V