i 1 10 INDUSTRIAL OREGON PRODUCES ; QUALIFY PRODUCTS The advertisers on this page are OREGON FIRMS. ; Each takes pride in putting "ORE GON QUALITY" into its products. When you buy their goods you are assisting in a mutual ly beneficial co-operation to bring bigger payrolls, more capital, more people into Oregon. You help build bigger towns and cities.; You increase and stabilize the markets for Oregon farm products. ; ! ; - t T Your success is inseparably interwoven with theirs. Every dollar you spend for their pro ducts will influence the future of Oregon to your mutual benefit. Ask your home dealer to supply you with r ' : -This cut is used by courtesy of the i This cat Is used by courtesy of the ! Associated Industries, of Oregon. ; j Associated Industries, of Oregon. "OREffiON ...... tr ... . . r- . ?. : j T. A. Livesley & Co. l Largest Growers, Shippers and Exporters of PACIFIC COAST HOPS Offices: Salem. Oregon and San Francisco. California i HOME WET WASH i LAUNDRY . Can take , the Wash.-" out of your home' tall 171 . Price 75c and up 1356 B Street Wfcea tired of your clothing .ell or exchange it at the CAPITAL EXCHANGE We will pleaae and aatisty you ': 342 N. Commercial St. Klinger Hotel Strictly Modern Rooms ft PEli DAY AND UP 459 STATK STREET ' EAGLE DAMP WASH Try Our ROUGH DRY All Flat Work ' :. Ironed at 5c per lb. , and lc each. K Balance returned dry at - - 4Vc per lb. R. R WOLTER, Prop. Cor. 16th and C St. Phone 1802 OREGON PACKING COMPANY The industrial center of the United States is rapidly gravitating to Oregon because of the marvelously favorable conditions and prodigality of resources. World markets are opening before us like the first pink of an opening rosebud. Every dollar spent for "OREGON QUALITY" products stimulates it into full and refulgent bloom. r u W J t VALLEY PACKING COMPANY mS? ha - Butter-Nut Bread The Richer, Finer Loaf cherry city bakery' MAlfJ SHOPS OF THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPHT 1 LOCATED So Are Those of Marion County, and They Call for a Steady and Increasing Force and Volume of Business That Will Persist and Be as Permanent as the Use of Our Highways The equipment department of the Oregon Btate highway com ' mission has its headquarters and . mala plant in Salem, on fire acres . of state property , opposite the penitentiary on the south side of tbe extension of State street. Here are four main buildings for Bhop ind storage purposes, tiro storks sheds In parts of Slogan Ads ire Business! Getters Gilbert Studio and Craft Shop Imported Spanish Italian CxechoaloTs lc ia Pottery Upstairs 147 Xorth Commercial Cigars .' j. Confectionery Soft Drinks In SALEM PUBUC MARKET But personally owned and privately conducted G. F. BRAZIER TODD ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Specialize on : re-winding, repairing and installing electric motors. Basement Masonic Building PHOXE 2113 ! - DR. A: F. GOFFRIER t 'hlropractor-Xa t uropat h Disease cannot generate in a clean body Hrs. 10-12, 2-6 and by appt. 226 Oregon Rldg. Phono 551 BABY CHIX CUSTOM i HATCHING! Our Smith Incubator lias 47.00O Egg Capacity Prices will be reduced 20 after May 1 From Trapnested and Pedi greed White Leghorns Fir Lane Poultry Farm Mr. and Mrs. jW. H. Thompson R.P.D. Canby , Ore. Phone 48 1 0 Square Deal Welding Works Ox-aret) leira and Electric i- i . We specialize' on cylinder blocks and aluminum cases, heavy cast, iron, steel tanks, boiler and flue welding, springs, frames and fenders. j If it's made of metal - wo can weld it Pbone 84 340 Ferry fit... ' Salem. Ore. I r-1 ,: which are located, repair shops, a general serriee building, and an office building. , iji , t - A Ixt of Equipment ..' I P. Campbell, assistant en gineer. Is In charge of this depart ment. E. Av llinz Is chief clerk in charge of the office. 3. B. Gillette Is'purchaiTng'igent, and (Connaat on pa 11) ROAD BUILDING A LEADING INSTINCT . . (Continued from page 9) of her sister states. Her two most outstanding roads are the Columbia highway and the Pacific highway. ; These two found In any other equal mileage roads present more miles of scenic grandeur and beauty than can b in the west. ? ' ; The important thing, however, in considering ; Oregon highways and other means of transportation is the recognition of the relation of all these roads to the single idea of centering Oregon industry and commerce at' Portland, where the port facilities are such as to bring the markets of the world to the door of every home and every business house in the vast Colum bian basin. it " Oregon is destined to become the beneficiary of a world trade embracing the continent. ; Added to her transportation facilities is her vast store house of natural resources. Her Inex haustible soil, her enormous power possibilities, her great forests, her stimulating climatic conditions so unusually favorable to development along all lines in the same scale of magnitude as the stores of resources and the opportunities for world-wide com merce. This seems to me to be the most significant feature of the road building situation in Oregon. The roads have not been located and built by mere chance. They have followed a definite design which had for its great objective the development of the state to meet the vast opportunities existing here for empire building. . "The Mediterranean era" died with the discovery of America; the Atlantic period j has reached the height of its development; the Pacific era, destined to be the greatest of all, is just at the dawn." Roosevelt, j. Oregon , faces this dawn with her loins girded for the,, contest. She has her house in order and is Inviting the personal inspection of every one seeking, to become interested in this wonderful; op portunity presented; men and money seeking a country facing theorising instead of the setting sun of prosperity and world commerce. Slogan Advertisers Are Entitled to Your Patronage MAURINE BEALE LEE ART STUDIO LOANS Made On Good City Property Low rate, easy payment plan; all paid: by end of year. Farm loans, large or small tract. Private money. See me firat; you will so no farther f it. W. LAF1AII 4lO Oregon Bldg. 1 ; Anto Electric Work R. D. BARTON 171 8. Commercial fit. Perfectly Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 725L 1 QUALITY. Watch This Space 9 YES We Buy Everything Will pay jfhe highest cash price for . Tools, , Sack, nidi's. Rugs, Paper and Machinery. : j We Buy Old Cars to Wreck CHERRY CITY JUNK & AUTO WRECKING CO. OOO X. Com'l. . Phone 2157 506 U. S. National Bank Bldg Phone 859 Res. Phone 469J DR. B. H. WHITE 1 Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon " Electronic Diagnosis and Treatment (Dr. Abram's Method) Post System For Peet Salem, Oregon v If You Want . ". AHome Built to Your Notion la a restricted residence district -Consult. JOHN WILUAMSON. LONE STAB SERVICE STATION . N. Capitol tit. i'hoae 520 s . ' We solicit your business '" ; with Personal Service (live as a chance you be the Judge All work guaranteed Open 7 a, m to 9 p. m. TEXAS GARAGE c - By an (Oregon Man) Storage )M per month 1099 X. Capitol St. : Phone 520 KKNXKI.I.-KI.LI3 - ... Specialists in Portrait Photography t . Studio: 420 Oregon Building Onr Ideal: Our Kethod: "The Beat Oaly" Cooperation Capital Chy Co-operative Creamery A OB-profit orraalaatioa owaad rntirely by tha dairyaaem. Oi-rm aa. trial. Ifaaafartnrers ef Bntterrap Batter "At your Groeer' Pnene 399, 137 8. Com't St Hotel Marion SALEM, OREGON The Largest and Host Complete Hostelry" in Oregon Out at Portland Highway Garage Motor Specialists Gas. Oil, Tires, Accessories Prompt Service Reasonable Prices Guy N. Hickman, Prop. 1000 Sooth Commercial Phone 1987 Cylinder Grinding . By Expert Workmen With High-clam Tools . : DONERITE SHOP ; 349 Ferry Street, Salem, Ore. WINTER ENCLOSURES Stationary Tops, Auto Top . Itepaiiing Our prices will please you O. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop ? 219 STATE STREET New Hotel Salem Where Hospitality Awaits You Under direction of FRANK D. BLIOH Hotel Bligh "A home away from home" $1.00 per Day and Up W. Wi Rosebraugh Steel TanksSmoke Stacks Fruit Drying Stoves T PHOXE 886 Individual Instruction . Pacific Expert School 4'27-4'M Oregon Bldg. THREE MOXTHS' COURSE Keep Your Money : in Or-(joB- B Monuments .Mad at halm, Oregon CAPITAL MONUMENTAL WORK.. J. C. Jones Co., Proprietors All Kinds of fonumn?.aI Work factory and tfiee: 2210 8. Com'l., Opposite I. O. O F. Cemetery, Box 21 Phone 689 8AX.EM. OT' OS Pbone ID2 164 Booth Commerci - -irt--i THEO. M. BAKH r Plumbing . , HEATIXO AXD,TINLNU . Balem, Oregon i bacqniandjlato 25-30 Breyman ' Boilding 180 North Commercial r Kat a Plate a Day WEATHERLY ICECREAM Sold. Ererywhere Buttercup Ice Cream Co. P. M. GREGOItY. Mgr. ' C40 South Commercial St, ' SALEM I Bslem 10.000 by lost ItlCII L. CIEiMANN Heal . Estate Bad Insvancsj i 107-108 Oregon Bid r. ' Phone 1011 f PROD OREGON OFFERS WEALTH OF PROFIT (Continued from pace 9) the Cascades across the state? If so you hare your choice of Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Washing ton, the Three Sisters, or drop down into Crater Lake National park and revel in the wonders- of nature which record the tortures endured when the mountains were born. Turning to forests. If you have never seen big trees, behold them now. Mounting up, up, 100 feet. 200 feet, straight as an arrow; 6 to 8 feet in diameter. Enough lumber in a single tree to build a smart sized village. Can you behold these vast creations of nature and not gather inspiration from the scene? Do you wonder that Oregon people are so enamor ed of their state that they "just wouldn't live any place else?" It is the "spell" which these vast treasure houses of Oregon resources cast over its people that inspires them to plan their indus trial life along the same gigantic lines, the same substantial basis. They are bulding a state which must measure tip to the gigantic plans outlined by nature. In the language of the negro preacher, their efforts must be "synoni mouj with the surroundings." So you will observe the substan tial and extensive road building Oregon has done. A magnificent paved highway across the state from California to Washington. Numerous paved detours lead you to nearly every important town in western Oregon. Hard surfaced and market roads spread in a net work over the state. The Colum bia highway leading east . from Portland is one of the scenic won ders of the world. It is well naved through the Cascades, the rest of It is well graveled hard ?"rfared road, with stretches of .ived roads near the towns along t. This is the world-famous "Old Oregon Trail." It is replete with Motoric locations and scenes. The great lumber mills, the mf.ssive docks and port facilities, the great engineering feats as Presented in the highways, -u1sps, power plants -and build 'r. is are all on such a scale as to rrmmand your attention and ad r intion which finally results In a determination on your part to ome to Oregon and become a part of this virile, active develop ment of an empife of untold pos rib lities. . Everything done here is done with a view to permanence and -tfbility. The foundations are being laid for a future commeasur ate with the opportunities nature Con'uwed on page 11) WHEN YOU BUY DRAIN TILE Consider the extra strength of concrete drain tile, made uni formly good to pay you a profit on drainage for a lifetime. Ask us for free booklet telling how to plan drainage for profit. ' Oregon Gravel Company Hood at Front St. Salem C. A. ROBERTS Sheet Metal Work and Furnaces My furnace la a fnel-aarer. Prodvewa tbe larrest trolame of heat per f nel nit of My furnace ea the market. Xasptctiua ranted 1011 South Commercial Bee. Phone 1S48-W Be Phone 1375 pip TUSE I I'corxrarc tixbJ UCTS" Blaesing Granite Company Roy Bohannon, Mgr. City View Cemetry Salerp, Oregon "OREGON QUALITY" is put into every bottle of our carbonated drinks STAR BOTTLING WORKS 047 Market Phone 1426 I. B. StTNSMOOB Salem Wicker Furniture Manufacturing Co. We Sell Direct Genuine Saltan Beed Quality Furniture Bepaiilnjf, Befiniahinc, Upholstering 1853 State St, Salem, Oregon P. W. BLISS AUTO TOP SHOP Removed front 311 N. Com'l. to 229 W. STATE. FOR SALE All Kinds of Wood Price Reasonable PHOXE 652 Salem Chickeries 262 N. Cottage Phone 40O 100--SERVJCE--100 Auto and Tractor Repairing -We Know How , Welcome to oar Service Station Ye Old Time Gas Once More GENERAL OAS, OILS AND ACCESSORIES SERVICE A staple line -of Oroceries, Confection ery. Meals and launches anytime. Tha Chef KNOWS HOW. North Com'l Garage and Grocery ANDEBSON, ADAMS SEPTXA - 1610-1616 K. Commercial St. Phone 1677 DIXIE HEALTH BREAD . Ask Your Grocer We Are Out After Two HUlleu We ere ew payier ever three ejnartara ef a saillioa dollara a year te the dairyaea ef taia aectioa lor silk. "Marion Butter" la the Beat Butter llore Cows and Better Cows Is the crying-need MARIOn CREAMERX PRODUCE CO. Salem, Ore. Phone S1S3 (SOAPS !V AFFECTION! Maijoe caused. " NERVES Your vision depends en tirely upon optic nerves. If these nerves are even slightly impaired your sight becomes defective. Chiropractic adjustments relieve this condition. Phone 87 ; 0. L. Scott Chiropractor 416 U. S. .NatI. Bank Bldg. The Is especially designed to apply electric treatment to Prostate and Bladder ailments. It Is the only system producing satisfac tory results. DR. F.S.SCHUTZ Consultation Free 32.V Oregon Rldjr. Phone 664 PACIFIC FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. Dlstrtbotors rrolt and vegetable handled en Consignment 531 Trade St. Phone 1928 Robinson's Service Station ' Tires and Accessories South Commercial St, and Jefferson Way -C. M. Robinson, Proprietor Phone 1787J3 WARREX XURSERY All kinds of Fruit and Nut Trees reduced. Small frjiit of all kinds. Buy here now and save money. Rear 655 Ferry street. Phone 104F2 4. LEO H. JOHNSON Electrical Contractor Fixtures, 'Wiring' and " Supplies--" . 1011 South Commercial - Phone 1375 DEPENDABLE RUG CLEANERS We have a reputation for thorough workmanship; No matter how big or little your job, we solicit it, and guarantee low; price and worthy workmanship. Phone 934 and our car will call Cherry City Cleaners 231 XOBT1I HIGH Overland Willys Knight Oakland Sales and Servica Vick Bros. High Street at TnuZe GIDEON STOLZ CO. Manufacturers of Dependable EranJ lime-Sulphur Solution The hraad yon eaa aepeaS ea for parity and teat. Price upon application 'etiy near corner ef Sainroer and iua Et. Salens, Oregoa. V