The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 18, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon -"The Snob," .ryith
Norma Shearer and Conrad
Nagle. ;...; yr
1 Ubcirty Mae Marsh
woman's Secret."
i Grand OtW Skinner in "San-
cb Pania."
Bligji -"Straight From Paris"
: aijd "Alburtus" the Miracle
Man. . : ' - '
Willamette Prof. Writes Book
Professor Sherman of Willam
ette university -is working on a
-book of ethics that he expects to
' complete by next week. The pro
fessor I has: been . working on the
book for some time." The name of
the book has not been given out,
and nci definite arrangements hare
been jade; for Its publication. -
Black Minorca, and Oihe
, Chicks at special prices.
land, $73 State.
m!8 Hotel to Operate- I
Desite'.the failure of the city
.council to grant a license to the
; Bellevtew hotel, on North Com
mercial street, the i house. was not
"ifosed yesterday morning. Fol
lowing? the .action of j the police
committee to which the- case was
referred, an application to operate
.was filed by H. H. I Robertson.
i ne ' c-iy couacu uau i reiuseu vu
grant a, license to Mrs; C. M, Ger
man to operate the same hotel.
Donal4 Miles.: appearing for Mr.
-Jtobertson,, . testified and showed
Buys Furniture
: . Phone 511
I Popular Priced i ;
Men's and Young- Men's
Tailored Suits $25 to $45
"1 D. H. MOSILER '
I TAILOR - J"- j",Yj
vr. xx. zi. wmie
-,;,jjL - Ostsssatky-Sitrg siy.'j -.,..;
f fle 950 r 4SS-J
-i - i
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
c Established 1808 , ....
General Banldhg Business
. Office nours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. .
, and all kinds of coal for every use. !
- jj 1 -- , . j : - ' ----- - . . .
I We have padded Vans and first class moving and.
I ''"'.' Piano Hauling. ,
I " I PHONE 930 5 v
D. A. hJmiEIR
iTranbfcf and ' " " '
r:"' SlcraS- .
See Our Windows
-46a State St.
letters indicating the good name
which the. man bore at Eugene,
where he was a former resident.
Lit iaiprobable that a license- will
be granted the man.
SO Per Cent Discount
, All stamped goods and embroid
ery thread, for 10 days at the Pe
tite ShopJ . ml5tf
New York Buyer He
Pete . Aberle, representing the
firm of Aberle, Schwab & Co.,
brokers of New York, who handle
the Drager Fruit company prod
ucts. Is in the city for the purpose
of getting in touch with the fruit
situation here. He is also to get
in connection with the Pacifio can
nery which is going up In West
Salem. j
Comedy Presented
"Down in Maine," a' farce In
four acts, met again with volumes
of applause when It was repeated
at the Grand theater last - night
under the auspices of the Salem
Rebekah lodge. Th action takes
place between Jnne and Decem
ber, with ,12, .characters ,ably car
rying the parts. The play was di
rected by Lloyd Walts, s" senior
at Willamette university. "
i -.- ; :
Don't Fall to Attend Art
: Exhibit; Englewood, March 18,
19, 20. - ml8
Pear Buyer in Town
i Guy W Conner, buyer of, fruits
in the Med ford section, was inves
tigating the pear question in this
district yesterday. It was the in
tention of the buyer to pick np
odds and ends of the pears that he
might secare. This district Is not
a: pear center, but nevertheless,
the condition of the pear market
warrants the handling of all de-
Dancing ! Dancing !
V Indies Free
Thomas'! Bros. Jata Band Or
chestra, full of life and pep
Skating, Skating, Skating
Thursday. Ftiday, Saturday
; Masquerade Skate Saturday, ,
. March 14 .
if a shirt comes from this
store, it will be right.
Our stock is selected with
so much care that we air,
; ways have the best. We
.want to call your attention
- to the special value we -
offer for .''.
i ..... . ., ;.:!'
tails.' Mr. Conner Is also inter
ested In th Rogue River fruit
country where he has Interests
that keep him busy. "-" - -
Open Xew QuarVirs. April 1 H
- Space has been leased from the
Northwest -Fruit Products com
pany by Baker. Kelley &; Mac
Laughlin, Inc., for their barreling
operations this season. The com
pany will open the new quarters
April 1. Marshall and New Ore
gon strawberry contracts are still
being written by the firm for their
Albany, Lebanon, Woodburn and
Salem plants. Contracted crops
will be delivered in the ; Phez
building on Trade' street: near
Commercial street. f ml8
Undergoes Operation
M. J. Brown of the Cherry City
Baking company underwent a ma
jor operation at a local hospital
yesterday. Dewey Morley of
Boise, Idaho, also was operated
upon here, while Fennimore Bag
gott, member of the fire depart
ment, is improving to the extent
that he will be on the street again
within a fortnight.' o
Bonce Tonight !
I- Cole McElroy's orchestra,1 Crys
tal Gardens, Wed., March 18. ml8
. hi - v.- -
Visiting Members Present f
Kiwanlans of the Corvallis club
visited in Salem yesterday as the
guests of the Salem organization.
They were L. M. Traver, presi
dent; Sam Dolan, vice president;
Walter Klein, Paul Walters, Orin
Nelson and C P. Yundt. Mr. Do
lan Is a noted football authority
on the Pacific coast, u
Dr. Gerald S. Rackstnuul, M.D.
t Announces the opening of office
In 414 Bk. of Commerce Bids.:
with Drs. Thompson and Downs.
Practice limited to diseases of in
fants and children. Office hours
9 to 11:30 a. m. ; ml8
Last Detail Completed-
: Until the arrival of the new pas
tor to the First -Congregational
church, Rer. Charles E. Ward,
present 'pastor of the First -Congregational
church at Ashtabula,
Ohio, the present pastor. Rev. Mr.
Kantner, will occupy the pulpit,
according to the report' of Frank
Neer, chairman of the committee
on pulpit supply. j
' ' " . . , . i
Is Tfew Member 1 ) . j
' Master James Dunn has en
rolled as a member in the boys'
department of the Salem TMCA.
His membership was taken out
TueBdayaf ternoon.
Basket Social Planned I -
Professional entertainers have
been secured for the basket social
to be held at the Oak Grqve
grange hall, according to posters
displayed in that community. The
entertainers are E. Cooke Patton,
magician, and E. McCroskey, who
San FranclsvM, one wmy, glSO,
v Round Trip, 13OJ0O :
Los Angeles, one way, 275
Round Trip, $50.00 "
Special Rates to Parties of
Eight or More
For Information andReserva-
'tlona phone 696. or call at
- Salens, Oi'egosi - ' -
Garden Tools ;.
Farm Implements
and :
TIlo House or a SUIUon and
. One EargaiEa
3m mu -
j, H lu Jiiat talus la a
sport O&klksd tarin(
. with (teas : uMinn
vita avary mceeic-y aa
. aatoaMoil eooid possib
ly nMd. Ti ear haa
nly fcea oat fw
weks and roa can't tall
tt from mw. Ea is bl
, to maka y a prie task
Is saota tksA rlrat.
"ui jjenurw on a musical nauaj
. . ". .
saw. The Oak Grove people have
erected a new hall and are hold
ing the basket social in order to
raise funds to help pay for it.
There Is a Real Opportunity
To save, money in buying a
used - car at the Certified ' Public
Motor Car Market. For instance
here is a Chevrolet touring, good
as new, and $300 less than the
new price. m21
Club to Meet :
The Unity club of the Unitarian
church will meet at 4 o'clock this
afternoon in the Emmerson room
of the chcrch. The club is organ
ized for social purposes and are
to study the various sports and re
creational activities. The first
sport to be studied is tennis. The
club is under the direction of Mrs.
McKey. ; " t -
Buildinir Permit Imued
. .The city recorder Issued a per
mit to Mrs. H. W. Myers to repair
a building at 640 State street,
which is to cost $1000. v ,
Hot Water Bottles
$2.00 values for ".76c only it
Schaefer's Drug Store, 135 North
Commercial St. ; m21
Birth' Is Reported
Mary Louise Is the name given
to the baby daughter born to Mr.
. and Mrs. W. A.- Reeves of Salem.
. . a . a a a m a.
accorains io ine oinn ceriuicaie
filed with the city health officer
yesterday. ; .
Rexall One Cent - i
Sale Thursday. Friday and Sat
urday, March 19-20-21. Perry's
Drugstore. ml 9
To Operate Radio r
Meredith Landaker will sail 00
the Admiral Sebree from Seattle,
after receiving a call from the
Radio Corporation of America, He
will make a trip to the south and
later will' go to Alaska and other
parts. Landaker has been a stu
dent at the Salem- high school. f i
t i " r
. - . - " -
Gave Program j , i
. After, giving a program at Vanj
couver, .Wash., last night, the jvVilr
lamette university glee club r
turned to Salem. . -;
Cut 'Flowers - ;'
' Floral .pieces,
453 Court.'
Adams Florist,
Will Attend Funeral f-1
Governor. Pierce, Sam Kozer,
secretary of state; T. B. Kay, Btate
treasurer, and other state officials
plan to attend the funeral services
In Corvallis this afternoon for M.
S. Woodcock, Benton county pio
neer, regent of OAC and president
of the First National bank of that
city. Mr. Woodcock died Monday
morning following a stroke of
paralysis. The services will be In
charge of the Masonic lodge in all
of whose branches he was a mem
ber. -
Dance Tonight!
. - Cole McElroy's orchestra. Crys
tal Gardens, Wed., March 18. mlS
- t i- ' : i --' -. - --v
New Club Started - r
, At the First Christian church a
new Comrade club has been form
ed by Loyal A: Warner, boys' sec
retary of the YMCA. Ten mem
bers have been secured " for the
new unit, with L. R. Robinson as
leader. The club meets on Tues
day nights In the Loyal Sons room
of the church. Four boys were
awarded their silver pins. They
are , Warren Dorres;1 Maurice
Woods, Charles Claggett and John
Drew. , .
The Sensation of Driving
A Studebaker Special! It's won
derful. Try one out at the Cer
tified Public Motor Car Market,
where they are conditioned so well
and priced so cheap.. , . m21
War Vets to Meet : V .
Veterans ot Foreign Wars of. the
United States, Marion Post -No.
661, will hold their next regular
business meeting at the Armory
this evening at 8 o'clock. The
veterans are staging a membership
campaign at this time, with the
post enrolled Into divisions, which
Portland's newest Studio School
is preparing to film ,
All ages needed, also an op-,
portnnity for camera men. For
tuition and class hours phone
Aladdin Studio I
MART S509, or Call at Btu&a
600 lladison EW off .Vista Ave.
Council Crest Car T
are competing against each other.
A . time limit of eight weeks has
been pat on the campaign and it
will ' be; brought to a close on
April 1, with the losing team ban
queting jLhe victora and . the new
rnemW tecured. . Competition
has been ' running , keen. ' Col.
Carle "Abrams is post commander.
.'Ui.'i; -
Radio Set
' Ask I for a .ticket Additional
tickeu . given with- each dollar of
cash purchases. Salem Electric
Co., Masonic Temple. Phone 1200.
.'"-'-.. m20
And. Still They Come
The Statesman reporter received
a postcard Tuesday telling of still
another set of twins that have been
overlooked. These are Emmaline
Loretta aad Evaline - Lorene,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Nafziger. - They will be six years
old May 16 and will start school
at Central Howell in the fall. The
two little girls resemble each other
very closely and can scarcely be
told apart by anyone outside the
family. There is but two pounds
difference - in their weights and
one inch In height. .
Ask for a Radio Set Ticket
No expense and you might win
the set. Salem Electric Co., Ma
sonic Temple. Phone 1200. m20
Lect ure Is Heard
Rev. J. C. TIbbits and Rev. E.
ft. Shanks motored to Portland
last night to .hear a lecture on
Europe, by Rev. J. H. Rushbrook,
of London, England.3 Rev. Rush-
brook is . Baptist commissioner to
Europe, representing the northern
Baptist convention, the southern
Baptist convention and the Eng
lish Baptists in continental Eur
ope. - He is making a short tour of
the United States. The address
was given in the East Side Baptist
church..:: r: ; .
Beat This Lot Bargain
5 large lots. Each 56 by 105.
All for $750. Terms. Good dis
trict south.' Bids, restrictions. In
vestigate now. Others $250 a lot.
High and dry. Becke & Hen
dricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. m-18tf
Hearing Waived .
Charles Stuckrath. charged with
larceny from the Wills' store in
Aurora, was arraigned in justice
court yeBterday, , waived prelimi
nary hearing and was bound over
for action. by the grand Jury. -He
is now in the county jail, unable
to furnish the $500 bond required.
Ordinance Needed
The drunken driver law does not
apply to the. city of Salem so far
as the police are concerned. How
ever " It. is a very easy matter for
the city to pass an ordinance in
harmony with the state law and
thms' help enforce' the law in Sa
lem. This Is one of the best laws
ever passed by any legislature and
it should at least divide the ser
ious accidents in half. ' ;t
Royal Dadmun, Baritone
arand. i inursaay. aiarco i.
Seats on
sale,' Grand, Thursday,
to a. m.: 75c. $1. $1.50..
Radio Set
Ask for a ticket. Additional
tickets ' given' with each dollar of
cash " purchases. . Salem " Electric
Co.," Masonic Temple. Phone 1200.
.. ; ' " '' . ' . m20
A -New Papery '. . T, ;
1 Parrish Perescope Is-the name
of a paper just Issuea by the J. L.
Parrish Junior high school. It is
an unusually high class publica
tion, full of. interesting matter to
all pupils and friends of " this
school and one that will be put
ting the best foot forward In the
way of publicity. The pupils of
the editorial staff are to be con
gratulated on the result of their
first efforts.
Coraetm Made to Order
At the Petite Shop. 20 per cent
discount. , mlStf
Will. Develop Resort '
Articles of incorporation were
filed-Tuesday by the Breltenbush
Mineral Springs company, capital
ized at'$50.000. The articles were
signed by M. P.5 Bruckman, F. A.
Bruckman and E. R. Hood.
Cleaver Visits Salem
' George L. Cleaver, former state
prohibition commissioner, was a
visitor at the state' house Tuesday
from Portland. . -
Ask- for a Radio Set Ticket .
- No expense and you might win
the set. Salem Electric Co.. Ma
sonic Temple. Phone 1200. m20
Lease for Barreling .Operations
, Baker, - Kelly McLaughlin,
tnchave leased from the North
west Fruit Products company,
space .In the Phez building on
Trade ' street near, Commercial
street for their barreling opera
tions the coming season. The firm
is still in the market for all the
Marshall and New Oregon straw
berries available at their Lebanon.
Albany, Salem and Woodburn
plants. ml 8
Apple Association Optimistic
r Optimism' for future operations
was , expressed at the annual pri
mary meeting of the Hood River
apple growers' association held in
Hood River, and satisfaction with
the past year's operations, a total
bf $3,000,000 having been dis
tributed to the growers. A. Fl S.
Steels, .general manager, declared
Last Time Today
."The Silent Watcher"
1 Today Tomorrow '
- in
A Big Picture
years like 1922 and 1923. A new
cold storage plant at Odell to cost
$100,000 was recommended by
unanimous vote. . A new purchas
ing fund of $175,000 was also vot
ed by a levy of 2 cents a box. This
fund is used In the purchase of
supplies for members. C. King
Benton, secretary of the associa
tion and member of the northwest
apple commission appointed to
study an inter-district, cooperative
sales plan, estimated that it would
require three years and the ex
penditure of about $50,000 to
bring such an organization into
Dance Tonight! ' . . i . : .
"Cole McElroy's orchestra. Crys
tal Gardens, Wed., March 1 8. m 1 3
Small Cottage 1800 '
: Another $2550, another $2C50.
All are plastered and ' have bath
and hot water. One on paving and
car. Immediate ' possession on
two. Terms on all. " Becke &
Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bidg..ml8tf
Pioneer Lumberman Dead .
Funeral services were held on
Tuesday for John Allen - Veness,
76, prominent pioneer Polk county
lumberman and former member
of the legislature. He died on
March 14 at the family residence
in Portland. Final services were
held In Winlock, Wash., where
his son resides-. - - ;
For Rent or Lease
6 room home with gas, fireplace
paving and car' $30. Vacant to
day. Also large 5 room flat right
down town; gas stoves . and water
neaters ' in both. . Four other
homes all vacant. $20 to $45.
Becke & Hendricks. U. S. Bank
Bldg. ; ml8tf
Taxes Cause Faint
An unidentified gentleman was
overcome yesterday afternoon at
the tax collector's window after
he had asked for a statement of
his taxes for the past year. After
PATTERSO.V k Jackoline Marie
Patterson d!ed at Suver, Or.,
' March 16, at the age of nine
months. . Survived by her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pat
terson, .two brothers, Eugene
. and . Donald. Funeral services
i will be held at the Webb fune-
ral parlors today, at 1 p. m..
Rev. Mr. Pemberton in charge
; of services. Interment In City
View cemetery. . -
The funerafdt Elmer G. White,
who died March 16, will be held
at the Webb funeral parlors today
at 10 a. m. Rev. Mr. Kantner will
have charge of services and will
be assisted by the IOOF and WOW
lodges. Interment In City View
cemetery ' . ' "
Some Considation : m
r must always be given to cost, and , fl
W ' in many cases, cost must be given KS lCt?j -
K a great deal of consideration, re-- hA
gardless of -what one-would like -
"km We realize these things, and we 1$ tri
. ... V have designed our service accord- ''r""
Si ingly. The element of cost, we V:' :V' -
leave entirely to those in charge of IX$ Ti'
k? the arrangements. Our business is K$ - M H. : t-
Webb's - m Ly
- . -. j "Superior Vuneral Service :-VAV ssM AiA '
V 205 SaGiiaxh Street yHrs -
Thursday, iarch"19th, 1:30 P. M 3C0 Leslie Street,
Near S. Commercial StM 5 Blocks South of
- Ladd & Bush Bank
" Consisting of: good 6-hole range; overstuffed tapestry daven
port; ' mahogany cabinet phonograph and records; mahogany
electric floor lamp; massive waxed oak library table; 3 waxed
oak leather seated and back, rockers; waxed oak plank top
extension table; 4 oak diners; 4 oak buffet; oak bedroom suite
including bed, spring and mattress, vanity dresser and large
oak dresser; Vernis Martin bed, spring and mattress: lovely
birdseye maple chiffonier; oak vanity dresser; fir dresser;
Zenith drop head sewing machine; electric heater; Axminster
rug 9x12; body Brussels rug 9x12; 4 small rugs; family size
fefrlgerator, extra good; hand vacuum sweeper; oak hall tree;
aberette; window drapes; pictures; books; electric library
table lamp; odd chairs; looking glass; oil mops; wringer; wash
board; clothes basket; 60-ft. garden hose; axe; good lawn mow
er; garden tools; fruit jars; crocks; hand scythe; electric light
globes; window curtains, and many other articles.
Terms cash. Goods open for inspection on day of sale only.
Owner, 360 Leslie St. Auctioneer, Phone 511
"Woodry buys Furniture for Cash or will sell for you
on Commission." .
Suburban Home and Furniture
FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1 :30
On Garden Road and Park Street, yA Blile East of the
Capital City Bedding Con consisting of
High class improved 4 acre farm'wlth good S room honso .
- with electric light, bath and toilet, electric water system; '
barn,, chicken house, 2, acres In prunes, and other fruit;
one acre gooseberries and. currants. Deep, rich, black loam
.soil. In high state of cultivation r lovely-shade trees, snd Is '
! ideal country home sold on terms made known at time of
At same time and place 5 rooms of good furniture
Range, Heater,' etc., as follows.
De Lux C-hole polished top nickel base range, like new;,
good heater, boated and pipe; 3 good rugs 9x12 and 6x9;
some small rugs; waxed oak library table; 3 sectional book
case and a lot of books; 4 William and Mary walnut chairs
with leather seats; all leather lounge; planked top oak
extension table and 7 diners and waxed oak buffet to
match; drop head Singer sewing machine,- like new;.
3 waxed oak leather seated rockers; eight-day mantle
clock; Pathe cabinet phonograph and 134 records; oak
smoker's stand; large plate glass mirror; 2-burner oil
stove; oak bedroom suite including bed complete, chiffonier '
. and vanity dresser and 2 chairs; Ivory bed complete; fir
chiffonier; oak vanity dresser; hat rack with plate mirror;'
2 rockers; 6 diners;" fir library table; pedestal and jar
diniere; large heater and pipe; oak buffet; clock; exten
sion table; Reed rocker; Monarch 6-hole range; 2 iron beds:
. 2 rugs; ice box; 2 dressers; pedestal and Jardiniere; 2
taberettes; dishes; kitchen utensils; glassware; crockery; -
breakfast table; ironing board; high chair; card table;
kitchen chairs; house plants; electric light globes; carpet
sweeper; oil mops; bath tub seat, and bath brush spray; oil
heater; camp 'cots; curtain rods; sheets; pillow cases; bed
spreads; comforts; window curtains; home canned fruit;
jelly; pickles; screened .cupboard; porch swing; boiler;
tubs; , pictures; 5 0-ft. garden hose; garden tools; lawn
mower; 10x12 tent; 5 gallon cream can and a wheel barrow
for a transfer. -Terms on personal property, cash.
This Is a Real Sale
C. G. Nichols, Owner. F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer
the clerk in charge had answered
the request and while the man
was pondering upon the statement
he fell to the floor In a faint.
Excitement prevailed for awhile
before the man was revived, and
after he hud taken the tax state
ment in hand he gingerly made
h!3 way to the street.
Rooms Much Used - ' - -'
- The- Chamber of Commerce TasT
evening was a busy place. In the
auditorium, the fialem.Tta sin ess-
Men's league held Itf monthly
meeting. In the reading-room.
Rotariahs who will .retireseat the'
Rotary club" rrextMoifday evening
at the Portland auditorium, were
holding a song rehearsal. In one
sbs Esa 1 SSI
of the committee rooms the Illi
hee Country club held a meeting,
while in the office there was a
(Continued on ptg 6)
BaMes Loire He
o ..
Foral 6txnach and intostJnai
troubles and disturbances dua .
to teething, there is nothing.
better than a safe Infants' end
f Children's Laxative.
there should be no more lean
t mJt- S,-W .fK.