The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1925, Page 20, Image 20

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DIfS '
ci pusiisi
;Vick Brothers Pleased With
wuiys-Miigm ana uver-
) j George Vfci After returning
'from the Overland dealers meet
ingj at Portland this week, Is more
.than enthusiastic regarding the
Willys-Knight jand Overland line.
kThe factory1 sales manager, Mr.
iTeed, was there and gave them
;an (interesting! talk on -what they
were doing back at the factory.
jMrj Peed said that they never had
such a flood ; of business in the
- history of the company. With the
greatest production for this month
that the factory has ever put out.
the, unfilled orders will mount
jhigfr into the thousands. Mr. Vick
'states that the new Overland Six
H$s a. great car and the shipments
ire coming through now on this
jraodel. Production of the Knight
our will be doubled this year. The
Overland four is enjoying the best
jpales it has ever' had,, and will al
. ways be the largest seller. Mr.
teed states that rumors are
afloat from competitive dealers
. hat the Overland four , would be
. discontinued, .but he says the op
posite is quite true that the pro
duction will be larger than ever,
and that we have the lowest priced
ar with sliding gear transmission,
In the world. Vick also states
that the Knight Six will soon be
hers,-and have some surprises that
will soon be announced.
: I
English Unlock Treasures
For Visiting Professors
SHEFFIELD, Eng., Mar. 12. A
group -of manufacturers is trying
the Coue system on the populace
by placarding the town with pos
ters urging "Talk improvement,"
TaIk revival," in connection with
trade.; Eren on the telephone ex
changes there are posters urging
people to "Talk prosperity." j
.i The manufacturers claim that
experience shows this policy , is
jecom'mended by force of the In
creased confidence . it begets and
q its , adhesion Is attributed the
act 'that conditions in the steel
id allied trades hare progressed
faring the past four years. -
b ' . I,,, 1. 1 i -
Inventors Encouraged
:i To Submit Good Ideas
',- LONDON, March 14. The sim
p e expedient of offering prizes of
150 has resulted in the discovery
that there are 152 amateur in
ventors in England whose inve
tfons 'have a commercial value.
The Institute of Patentees offered
A New Gar?
lev cm
' Vi n im ii. ii mt f m y
Win Ik t1tli&.
Ifff if
"w. n: jr. h.
General Top and Upholstery Work
543 xorcrn churcii
A wonderful performer, easy riding and a beautiful car
in every sense of the word. Never before have the
OVERLAND and WILLYS KNIGHT cars represented
so complete a line with such outstanding values. SEE
THEM and RIDE in them and you will understand why
they claim the MOST CAR FOR THE MONEY, : "
: HigK and Trade Streets 'J
" 7 Salem, Oregon .
Why 6
a Telephone Girl
Six of New York Prettiest
Girls Tell "The Funniest
Thing I Wasn't Supposed
To Hear"
In -April SMAKT SET, appears
this delightful group of revelations
by "Central". i
1 OPERATED a switch-beard
where, every morning at ten
o'clock, a certain broker called
A . married woman. Be always
waited until he was sure the
dame's husband was out. One
morning he called and was just in
the midst of telling- her that she
was the cat's eyebrows when a
male voice listened in.
: "What do you mean by talking
to another man's wife," the voice
thundered. !
The broker, scared out of a
year's growth, hung up in a hurry.
As soon as he was sure the
broker had left the telephone, the
stranger said: t
Say, cutie, I am not your hus
band but you certainly look good
to me, What about lunch at the
Plaza today? I will meet you at
the Fifth Avenue entrance. Now
do not pass me by even if I am
wearing a gardenia in my button
bole." And I hope to die if she didn't
take nim up on it. j
I :
' Before I came to New York I
used to work in a small town in
Illinois where you can call every
body by his first name. There
was an awfully pretty girl, who
went to college in the East. I was
pretty, sweet on her brother Ned,
so everytime that telephone rang
yon can bet I got an earful. One
slay she called up from down town,
and I guess I was so fussed I
gave her the wrongs number. This
conversation followed: i
' "Hello, hello, I want to speak to
Mother." I
Torn mother? Is she here?"
"Now, Ned, I am In a hurry.
Put Mother on ; right away and
atop your kidding." , ?J
"I am not Ned; I wish I were.
Who is Ned? Are you sure your
mother is here?" I
"Well, she was half an hour ago.
Uow please let me speak to her."
"Well, if you will tell me your
name and what cell she occupies I
will get her. This is the county
JaiL" ---- - - ; i - :
All of us telephone girl3 meet
smart-Alecs who think because we
'work for a living that we will fall
for their firaff. We ? had two
smarties Staying' at our hotel who
never failed to say something cute
when they telephoned. Their
suite happened to Ibe on the cotrrt,
and one night they telephoned and
asked me if I had any opera
glasses for rent. I asked them to
wait a minute. Then I called up
two show-girls -ho had a room
across the court and told them to
pull their shades down. That done,
I called up the busy little jollier
and said: l
prizes for the best inventions in
several classes, and about 500 in
ventions were , submitted from
which four major prize winners
- t - ; "
. Announcing :
."' - - -- ' ) f - " ' ' ''
- - - - . - i - , -.
the arrival of the new six cylinder
0. ?k
v.:::::. a? "V.-" .:-t, . ' i.:
"Why, certainly we have opera
glasses. Do you want a pair?"
He slammed I down the receiver
and replied: I -.
"I won't need them now."
I am the head operator of an
exchange in wall Street, and as
my calls are very often from agi
tated speculators, who telephone
their brokers ! for information, I
sometimes wait to hear if they
get the V proper connections. One
morning a voice with a Jewish ac
cent said: t
"Give me Broad 9045."
He did not get it within the first
two seconds, so he became impa
tient, juggling the receiver up and
down to attract my attention. Fi
nally I heard! him say:
"Hrie, Hrfe, Hue, say, I telephon
ed to teu you 1 am as honest as
you are any day."
Ike making no reply, the voice
said again: I
"I tell you, Ike, I am as honest
as you are any day, you d
thief. I
I am an operator in the colored
district at 135th Street, and if I
were to publish all the funny
things I hear, say, I'd make Octa
vos Cohen look like cheap imita
One dame I know, who is lady's
maid and who keeps them all
guessing, has a heavy lover who
earns his meal ticket by ridinsr on
the Pullman trains as porter. Well,
this is the conversation I heard be
tween him and his girl:
"Hello, this yon. Lavender?"
"Yah, that's me."
"Say, I lis won eighty-five bucks
in a crap game. Will you may
mei" i
"Sho will. Say, who is dis
I m m
I never was one of those nuts
that go crazy over the movies, but
I have a lot of girl friends who
would rather see Valentino than
to eat. I also know a lot of swell
society people that get the same
kick out of the sheik that my girl
friends do.
I heard one of these girls, whose
papa makes money in Wall Street.
and 'who never had to earn a dime
in her life, say to another girl
friend over the telephone:
"O, Mabel I am so excited I can
hardly talk. Guess who I saw-
Hichard Barthelmess, and lie spoke
to me, too."
"Oh, you don't say. Imogene-
He really spoke to you? what
did he say?"
"He said. Pardori me, may I
were selected. The 152 inventions
will be submitted to various man
The major prizes were awarded
to the Inventors of a kettle with a
lid that will not fall off; a port
able fire; a rotoscope based on the
theory 6t relativity for gauging
the speed of machinery, and a
machine, for bending rods and
tubes. I.
Sir William Grey-Wilson head
of the institute, is an inventor of
renown 1 and his house is full of
his handicraft. One of the most
ingenious Is in the chicken house
A few grains of corn are placed
in a tin beneath the perches. When
the chikens wake and peck at the
corn, a spring is released which
opens the door of the house .
Hez ffeclr sara "A ir .an.
box should never be looked in the
liqeior nurir:Eiis
1 ii k
Mysterious Notations and
Torn Money Are Evidence
Against Booze Men
Eihty-three onedollar bills, torn
In halves and bearing penned no
tations such as "ten cases assorted
champagne," "fifteen cases gin,'
were introduced in evidence today
in the government's c&s&agalnst
59, indicted owners, officers and
men of the Canadian ship Quadra,
seized last October by the coast
guard cutter Shawnee off the Gol
den Gate.) The seizure, according
to government witnesses, was
made well within the 12-mile limit
set i forth with the treaty with
Great Britain May 11, 1924.
The torn currency, the govern
ment aliases, was used or intended
to be used by the rum runner sus
pects on trial in making delivery
of their illicit cargo to the fleet
of power boats operating out of
Ban Francisco harbor. The Quad
ra's commander, according to the.
government's theory, retained one
half of each torn bill and made
delivery only on representation by
power boat operators of the other
hair of the bills.
The mutilated currency fell into
hands of the government agents
after it had been presented to a
San Francisco bank for redemp
tion, witnesses testified, j
Efforts were made to Identify
Vicente Quartarraro, one of. the
defendants, as the man who turn
ed the bills over to the bank. Bank
attaches testified to receiving the
torn bill but were unable to iden
tify Quartarraro as the man who
left the currency at the bank on
November 8, 1924.
Salvitore Crivello, confessed
rum runner and a government
witness, I told of getting liquor
from the Malahat, Norburn and
Quadra between April und Septem
ber of last year. ! He operated the
power boats California and Skid
dad le, Crivello ; said, while his
brother, Mariano, operated the
Marconi, which they owned. Criv
ello mentioned also the Ocean
Queen and Florence as belonging
to the smaller rum rnnning fleet.
"I took eight loads of liquor
off the Malahat, three of the Nor
burn and one from the Malahat
and Quadra together," Crivello
testified. "I land ten boatloads
at Oakland and one at Pacific
City. Vincente Quartarraro was
present at each landing and super
vised ! landing the liquor into
trucks. All landings were made
at night."
Neither C. E. Ballfn, manager ot
the Grand Union hotel, nor James
Miller, clerk, were able to certify
that J. A. McLehnon, who forfeit
ed 25,000 bond for non-appearance
at the trial, registered at the
hotel on October. 13, 1924, as a
member of the Quadra crew, al
though McLennon's name appear
ed on the sheet from the hotel re
gister with other names of the
crewj The exhibit was admitted
over objections by the defense.
fill WIS
YMCA Classes at Willamette
I University to Be Taken
on Tour of YMCAS '
The fourth annual Intercity trip
of the YMCA classes conducted at
Willamette university will be held
during the spring vacation next
week and will enable 20 young
men Interested in TMCA work to
visit several cities of the Pacific
coast. ;' .
The trip is conducted each year
in the interests of the YMCA class
es conducted at Willamette uni
versity by C. A. Kells. secretary of
the Salem YMCA. The trip will
be to Portland, Seattle, Everett.
Bremerton, Tacoma, Olympia, Cen-
tralia and Longview. .
Fifteen students from Willam
ette university are registered for
the tour, while the newly elected
officers of the Oregon Agricultural
college will be taken along. The
trip is to be made by motor.
The tour is designed to cover the
different field of work carried on
by the Young Men's Christian as
sociation. The nine different
classes of work can be observed -on
this tour.
Various phases of community
work, - large city type of-YMCA
the small city type, the industrial
organizations, the service men's
type, and the students' work are to
be exhibited.
At different centers executive
executive heads will devote an
hour to the group of students on
the tour, which will be used In ex
plaining various phases of the
work carried on by the depart
ment. It gtves the student an in
troduction to YMCA work which
will be ot assistance to them in
their class work.
Last year the trip was made pos
sible .by " the cars furnished by E.
T. Barnes and I. X. Laws. They
are unable to make the trip this
year and the officials of the class
"slrj Jo gej In JpucS fadi-
viduals who could furnish them
cars for the occasion. ;
George Oliver, a "Willamette uni
versity Tgraduate, now student sec
retary" at the University of Idaho,
speaks very highly of the tour and
urges his friends at Willamette to
make the trip if the opportunity
is theirs: ;
The trip will be made between
March 21 and 26.
Neutral Soap and Water Are
Essentials for Cleanli
ness and Health
The care of the skin is simple
if the facts are realised and at
tention is paid to cleanliness and
general health. Neutral soap and
water are the essentials that
make for cleanliness. ; Tbe general
health rules are those of common
sense. Avoid constipation through
a proper diet. Beware of too
much tea, coffee, alcohol, rich,
fatty and sweet foods as they are
bad for the complexion.
Pimples, known as acne, is a
curable condition but the cure
rests with skillful treatment and
is rarely cured by patent medi
cines or salves. If you have a
skin disease, seek competent med
ical advice.
Moles should not ; be irritated.
Irritating them often leads to can
cer. If a mole grows in size,
or if a brown one grows darker,
it should be removed. There are
several ways of doing this; only
a physician will know the right
one. Don't use caustics, styptics
and irritating ointments o r
squeeze or scratch a mole. You
may lose your life If you do.
More persons die fron cancer
in the State of Oregon than from
tuberculosis. It is the third great
est cause of death In this state.
At about forty, skin cancer may
develop. It often starts as a slight
scaling spot that looks like noth
ing in particular. The same pre
cautions should be used, and the
same rules followed as for moles.
If they are treated properly and
promptly, cancers of tbe skin can
- - w . ' , . :
, ? i.vj - is a m J "n i Y'
Members of the Izaak Walton
league of America organized teams
In a campaign to exterminate crows
which had not only menaced farm
ers la . tle illddla. West but had
be kept quite harmless in most
cases. -
If people would use as much
judgment in taking care of their
health, including their skin and
skin disease, as they would in
selecting their clothes, their food
or their amusements, they would
be far better off in the long run
and even save a great deal of
money. It can be done by seek
lug the advice of those who know
what they are talking about, and
following it when it has been
found. Let common sense be your
guide. -
"The Improvement being made
in highways in saving motorists
and stage companies thousands of
dollars each year on their tire
bills," says Jim Smith of Smith &
Watkins, McClaren tire distribu
tors here.
"A certain road in the Mohave
Desert was formerly a nightmare
The new Hupmoblle Eight possesses
all the sound qualities of endurance
and reliability which have made
Hupmobile famous the world over.
It possesses all the super-abilities of
the eight-cylinder principle, and
adds to them superiori ties of its own
which unquestionably single it out
as a new leader among American
reach of the average American fam
ily, for the first time, every eight
cylinder quality and advantage for
which buyers in the past willingly
paid hundreds of dollars more.
Only Hupmobile itself could build
such an eight, at a price which for
the first time brings eight-cylinder
motoring to thousands who hereto
fore have enjoyed less than the su
perlative in motor car performance.
For Hupmobile now incorporates
in its Eight a degreejof economy and
performing stability never before
associated with the eight as a type.
n i i
. ;.'?:.v- rj&t&zzx? 3
.... . y fa OkuMk. . v.fT as 'T "
been kHllne small game, including
quails and rabbits. These teams
attacked the birds in their roosts
at night. The team pictured above.
to motorists and buss lines. Over
it McClaren autocrat cord tires,
which average better than 25,000
miles of service, delivered 10,000
miles. , Ordinary tires only last
400 miles. The road was finally
paved and now motorists and
stages using McClaren tires report
We guarantee, all other cars nearly double their present: mileage,,
with great increase in power. We fit any car, truck, tractor, boat
or stationary engine. See mileage guarantee below:
Ford ....34 ml. Chevrolet ...32 mi. Oakland 6 .24. ml.
Maxwell 30 mi. Overland ......32 mi. Dodge .......... 2$ ml.
You can drive any-car In heaviest traffic without shifting gears.
Starts off in high gear In any weather, no priming or heating, no
jerking or choking. No foul spark plugs or carbon in cylinders.
Ocr outfit makes a DRY GAS so no gasoline sets on your Cylinder
walls, or down in. your crank case. Your motor lasts three times as
long. Saving In repair bills alone pay for our ontflt tlrree timee
year, besides saving; cost of half the gas you now buy. SENT ON
SO DAYS' TRIAL. Fully guaranteed to fulfill every claim. Write
today; give name and year of your car. Remember gasoline is la-,
creasmg m price. Air Friction Carburetor Co.
AGENTS WANTED. No. 3 Raymond Building, Dayton, ObJUfti
The Hupmobile Eight
outdistances all other
eights and all superior
; Inproduction of power
per cubic inch of piston
In smoothness so com
plete that not even a
murmur of "rough
ness" can be detected
in the engine's entire
power aridspeed range;
In compactness for handling and
parking combined with roominess
for riding comfort;
In a fine and better balanced com
bination of speed, lugging power and
rapid acceleration;
In gasoline economy;
In beauty of design, finish and
In braking control. - - -
The advent of the Hupmobile Eight
is a major event in-motor car his
tory. A ride in this car a drive
behind the wheel an understand
ing of the way it is engineered and
built will quickly convince you of
ATV 77T Nt K ?
wr TiT 1 - IS
representing' the Chlckasha, OklaJ
homa. Chapter of the league, was
the winner bagging 1.075 crows i
three Jiours' shooting.
consistent mileages of over 25.000
miles, with many hitting above the
4 Q, 00 0-mile mark.
Human nature abhors a reform
as much as Nature abhors: a vac
uum. -
Meter Co;
- " " : -