The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Bears Capture Last Two
Games of Series in Bril
v liant Display
CORVALLISrf Ore.. March 1
The University of California
"basketball team defeated the Ore
jgott Agricultural; college quintet
U A. f a 1 A 4 .
19 and captured the Pacific coast
intercollegiate basketball title. In
fthe three game series, the Aggies
took the first, but California came
back and won last night's and
tonight's contests. !
The Bruins performed" some of
the most dashingly perfect field
work ever seen on the Aggie floor.
They earned their championship,
for they played like champions
throughout, although the Aggies
ens, iiuoii
Chew a few Pleasant Tablets,
. Stomach Feels Fine!
' So pleasant, so inexpensive, so
quick to settle an upset stomach.
The moment "Pape's Diapepsin"
reaches 'the stomach all pain and
distress from Indigestion or a sour,
gassy stomach vanishes. I I i
Millions know Its magic. AH
druggists recommend this harm
less stomach corrective. Adv. I
Willamette Valley
j Transfer Co. j ;
Past Through Freight to All
Valley Point Daily 1 1
Speed-Efficiency-Service ! j;
Salem-Port Land-Woodburn
Corvallis ;i Eugene - Jefferson
Dallas Albany - Monmouth
Independence - Monroe
They're Here, Gentlemen; the New
Tories W
Scores of shades and designs to select from; English and
I j domestic weaves, checks, stripes and
ii hi ; uncommon mixtures
EASTER, the Dress-up Day, is only
four weeks away
Order Your New Suit Now
sadly missed their dependable cen
ter, Brown. !: jlh ;" I j
In their first game here, which
they lost, the Bruins attempted
to combat the Aggie system by a
zone defense. It was! disastrous.
Last night they - used, part zone
defense, part man to man, and
won. Tonight they seemed com
pletely to have solved the Aggie
system, and they did it by chang
ing over entirely to a straight man
to man defense. I r.
Lineup and summary:
California (33) j OAC (19)
Jorgenson . ... P. . .!. . . Ridings
Watson . . .. . .P ... I ... . Baker
Iliggins ....... C. .1 J. Diwoky
Belasco ...... , .G . . . ... Steele
Carver .. . . . . ..G. . Stoddard
; Substitutes: California Fech
ter for Carver. ! OAC-1 None.
.California scoring: Field goals
Jorgenson 4, Watson j 1, Hig
gins 5, Belasco 1; free throws,
Jorgenson 4, Higgins 5,' Belasco
1, Carver 1. !
OAC scoring: Field j goals
Ridings 2J Baker j DJwoky 1.
Steele 1; free throws, Baker 3,
Diwoky 1, Steele 1, Stoddard 4.
' Referee: R. V. porleske, Whit
man; umpire, VVt P. Hollander,
American Radio Programs
II I ! Thrill German Listeners
STUTTGART, Germany. March
14- American radio stations can
now be, heard by subscribers to
the southern German radio cir
cuit. After ij numerous experi
ments the Stuttgart j station has
succeeded in working . out the
technique by which American ra
dio contributions are made avail
able to German listeners.
On a recent Sunday, at mid
night, a concert at Pittsburgh was
transmitted by the Stuttgart sta
tion on a 443-meter wave to is
subscribers. They; were thrilled
learn that the American station
was at the same time being heard
by radio fans in England, South
Africa and Stuttgart.' ';
ConUnaed from pag l
tinued and Senator Reed, repub
lican, Pennsylvania, attempted to
throw the ; senate Into executive
session so as to shut out the scene
from the crowded galleries, -that
watched In eager expectancy.
.That failed, but order was. fin
ally restored when Senator Borah,
republican, Idaho, told the senate
that It is a very pathetic thing
and a very pitiable thing that we
have reached a point In the senate
of the United States where we can
not discuss public questions with
out Indulging in such personali
ties." l!':r.;'"j; ":.' Tu.-..
to a
Two OAC Men, and One Ore
gon ! 1 Man Placed f on
Mythical Coast Team
PITLLMAX, Wash.. March 14r
Two Oregon Agricultural college
basketball players and one each
from Oregon. California and
Washington are placed on the all
coast intercollegiate basketball
team, selected by J. Fred Bohler,
director of athletics of Washing
ton State college and announced
tonight, j -; ' ; '
; Hesketh, Washington, and Rid
ings, OAC. are named forwards;
iiiimino ! r;ifnmla center, and
- - '
Steele, 6AC, and WesAergren. Or-
ejton. euards. Honorable mention
is given to the following: 1
Forwards: Nevers, Stanford;
Hobson, Oregon; : Frayne. Wash
ington; Nedros. Idaho: Baker, O.
A. C, and Kelso, WSC.
Centers: Okerberg, Oregon; Ill
man, Montana; Brown, OAC, and
Anderson, Washington.
Guards: Hale. Washington;
Nelson, Idaho; Stoddard, OAC;
Belasco, California, and Reese,
In making the selection of the
team j Director Bohler stated he
was guided by the general effect
iveness and value to the team's
particular style of play of a play
er Instead ., of . on a mathematical
basis. Bohler is a member of the
national intercollegiate basketball
rules committee.
(Continued from page 1)
of 39-12 and Franklin high nosed
out Eugene by the score of 24-19
in the semi-final games of the ser
ies played yesterday afternoon.
In the second game Franklin
saved themselves from defeat by
a strong offensive in the final
period. The score at the end of
the first period stood 6-2 in favor
of Eugene. Scallon scoring a sin
gle field goal early in the period.
Eugene scored two baskets in
the j second period and Franklin
one, leaving the score at the end
of the half at 10-4.
Franklin started a desperate at
tack in the third period that gave
them a lead of one basket near
the end of the period. Bally, Eu
gene guard, converted two field
goals in quick succession, how
ever, that left the score at the end
of the period at 16-14.
Bloomington, IILr Has Adopted Unique Method .
- - 1 - - m . - - m " mm 'mm m 1
of Displaying National r lag on Agal Holiday
i Ten-foot poles are set at inter
vals along the edge of the side
walk In the business district and
portions of the residence districts.
When a legal holiday or other fest
al occasior ir rives, flags of the
same size are attached to the poles
l s i Offensive Started 1
I In the final period Franklin
gained possession of the ball and
started their winning offensive.
Scallon scored the basket that tied
the score from well past the cen
ter of the floor. Epps was sent
from the game on personal fouls.
The Franklin attack netted them
four more baskets. Eugene made
a desperate effort to tie the score.
but were unable to run up more
than three points in me period,
leaving the final score at 24-19.
In the first of the afternoon's
games Salem scored an easy win
over AicMinnville. In the first per
iod the McMinnville men ran up
a small lead only to be met by a
Salem attack that left them on the
short end of a 9-8 score at the
end of the period.
McM'nnville was unable to score
in the third period while the Sa
iem team piled up basket after
basket. The period ended 23-10
in favor of Salem. Salem scored
16 points to McMinnvllle's two in
the final period that left the score
at 39-12.
Lineups were as follows:
Eugene (19) Franklin (24)
Emmons (8) . . .F. . Scallon (10)
Roleman (3) ...F Epps (2)
Schrader (4)- . ;.C. Lawrence (8)
Bally - (4) . G. .Kretzmeier 3
! ('": y S Cotter (1)
Referee, Coleman.
Salem (39) McMinnville (12)
Ellis (8) ... . ..F. . . . Green (1)
Heenixn (8) . . ..F Miller (7)
J. Drager (15) . .C, Wakeman 3)
R. Drager .... ..G. ... . Laugh lin
Ashby (2) .....G Trawin ( 1 )
Nash ( 2 ) .. . . ..S. . Warren
UufTey (4) S . . . . ..
Referee; Coleman.
Salm (20)
Franklin (12)
Ellis 6 , . . .
Keenan9 .
Scallon, 9
. . Epps, 1
. . Douglas
. Potter, 2
. . . . Pope
F. .. .
G . . . .
G . . .
G. . . .
S . . . .
J. Drager, 5
R. Drager .
Ashby ....
Referee Coleman.
Employment Situation Is
1 Better in Salem District
An equal balance has been se
cured in the labor supply and de
mand in the Salem office of the
United States employment service
for the first time since last Aug
ust, when 74 men and one woman
were placed at jobs, according to
the labor report. for the week end
ing March 14. A total of 136
men and 11 women made anolica-
t ion for Jobs., 'Of those receivine
places to work 28 were agricultur
al, workers, five building and con
struction laborers, 29 common la
borers and ! three - transportation
workers.. - : One : miscellaneous
worker was employed. On wom
an was given employment as house
Keeper.;-; . .-;
Driver Smashes Into Curb;
Car Lands in Willson Park
1 II. Savenko. declared to be
intoxicated, drove a Ford car at
a high rate of speed at South Win
ter near State, but failed to turn
at the Intersection. As a result
the car ploughed -70 feet from the
curb Into Willson park before it
stopped.' ; When police arrived on
the scene the occupants of the car
were gone, but after waiting for a
short time, an elderly man named
Marklne arrived with a Companion
to take some of the effects of the
car away. Markine was! arrested
and booked at the station on a
charge of drunkenness. Officers
traced Savenko to a residence on
Trade street. He was booked a:
the city Jail. r 1
Chester Myers was in an ugly
I disposition when be was brought
to the police station last night by
Officer Hickman and booked on a
Charge of . drunkenness, it re
quired the services of three offic
ers to subdue him without undue
violence. A totai of six men were
booked on the charge of being in
toxicated, two of them . because
they were-'driving - car while
- - -
-. . iM,iM)(Wt,,twwi siaAA ifci x-" i
which are set In the sockets an!
the effect when several thousand
float in a. breeze is very striking-.
This method of : displaying the
nation's banner h been widely
drunk. Ofricers Hickman and Ed
wards were responsible for the
arrests. i
Democracy: The theory that el
evation to office makes a fourth
rate man a first-rate man.
Man and Wife Electrocuted
By High Tension Wire;
Children Witnesses
SANTA ROSA, Cai., March 14.
A tragedy which took two lives
and which was marked by the un
availing and desperate attempt of
a wife to save her husband from
electrocution, was enacted late to
day on a ranch at Glen Ellen, 20
miles east of here. It was wit
nessed by two children who saw
two men shocked into insensibility
In their futile efforts to rescue the
aged parents. )
; The victims were Peter Oehler,
54, and his wife, aged 50.
Oehler had been boring a well
on his ranch. In removing a sec
tion of pipe from the well d. ;
became bent and came into o
tact with a high voltage wire.
Oehler dropped lifeless with bis
body pinned under the pipe. The
screams of the son and daughtr
aged respectively, 20 and 17 yc . .
who had witnessed their , fatt r's
fate, summoned Mrs. Oehler. . .
H. Murray, district fire ward i.
and T. Meglan, a rancher.
Murray and Meglan attempt
to remove the charged pipe frc
Oehler's body and were hurlt;
several feet, unconscious. ;
Then Mrs. Othler, disvegm .;
the pleas of her children. - j.ii
the pipe in both hands s: -.
led beside the body o ;ur h ?
band. She died a short iru ivm
at the Sonoma state b . 'vh.o
she was removed after M ......, an
Meglan, upon regaining conscious
ness, had succeeded in breaking
the contact between, the fateful
section of pipe ; and the charged
wires. . ... j ' ...:T -
From a Cold
or Cough When
Schaefer's Herbal
Cough Remedy
Will Relieve You
It Is the best and most
economical cough remcfly
made. ; ,
"The Tellow Front" '
The Penslar Store
135 North Commercial
Fhone 17
lit MiMmssmssj
mm I i
Antennae Construction
Battery Installation
Given Personal
5 Tube
Sets- Comlet with Tubes.
AVillard Battery and Speaker
There are , now 320 cities in the
United States which have demark
ed the area within their boun
daries into nones, setting territory
apart for exclusive use as business
residence, industrial or transpor
tation property, the department
of commerce reported today In a
summary of conditions affecting
the proposal.
The -most marked progress was
made in this form of city planning
during 1924, when 62 municipali
ties adopted the system, fitting
the zones to the particular re
quirements of their localities.
"In adopting zoning ordinan
ces. the department's statement
said, "these cities, towns and vil
lage have sought to protect-home
owners, and other land owners,
in the , reasonable use of their
property. Zoning seeks so to
regulate the use to which build
ings may be put, the area of the
!o. which they may cover? and
"he'r height in different sections
of the city, that the land in each
Mstrict may be used for the pur-
J -?o--es to which it is best suited.
"New Jersey still leads in' the
; number of zoned municipalities,
j Miiving 72; New York has 56;
i o'ifo'nia, 38; Illinois. 36; Mas-
i fhusetts. 24; Ohio. 21; Wiscon
! n. 14;" Michigan, 9; Indiana, 5;
j K.r-as, Missouri, Perinyivania.
; ; 'io e .Island and Virginia, 4
i e ch; Florida, Minnesota. Okla
! hima and Washington, 2 each;
- nl Alabama. Arkansas, Colorado,
j Connecticut, Delaware, District of
SO 66
Electric and. Foot Power
. In AlLStyles of Cases
Buy the FREE It costs no more in thee beginning: and pays better in the end
At every vital point The FREE sewing machine has
that make it far superior to all other machines :
The FREE Dews faster.
The FRKK runs lighter.
The Fit EE lasts longer. -The
FREE is more beautiful.
Every machine specially priced for. this week's sale. See our Window. Conte in and
ask for a demonstration. : - .. .
Trade irt Your Old Machine '
for a New Machine ' " "r ' x
175 SoutK High Street
Wild & Sedalia
Hre, Tbera and'
Always Good
Most Times
With the Armand Sisters, Sargent & Wright, Howard
Ilussell and Honor de Iioute'.ier
"Comedy Jaatler'
Columbia, Georgia, Iowa, : Mary
land, Nebraska, Nevada, , North
Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon,
South Carolina,- -Tennessee and
Utah, one each.
'An increased interest is being
shown by the people of the United
States In the enactment of zoning
legislation to , control the use,
height and area of buildings in
various districts in their communi
Sewing Machine in Your Home
The FREE has less vibration. - 5
The FREE Is easier to operate. - -The
FREE makes an absolutely, perfect
ryj innrnnnirsrhzrn
FiveTIoors of Good Furniture
1 j .'b''t; 1.1
Sullivan & Mack
' "Optra and Jm"
Ada Weber
Aristocrat of
ties, and in consequence zoning
laws have been enacted or are
being considered by nearly every
state intthe Uniom ' -"
"The legislatures of 34 .states
meet during 1925. Most of them
are now in . session and zoning
legislation Is'receiving more than
passing attention due to the wide
spread interest In the ' subject
shown Tjy the public at large."
Easy Terms
Places the
valuable improvements
- " " -
r j
- m
A ...