s THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 15. 1925 NEW DERESNADYNE CIRCUIT! DECLARED BROADCASTINQ EXPERIMENTS WITHIN VESUVIUS CRATER PROVES NO RECEPTION IN ERUPTIVE ZONE OF VOLCANO TO EMBODY HIGHEST EFFICIENCY r DT IUMSALI. HOUTOH 5v f I 4Jt C MCW CISXSIMPYNC. CtRCUlT -j I j L , The Paddlewheel Inductances The efficiency of the circuit as a whole depends to a very great extent upon the efficency of the coupling coils used in the stages of tuned radio frequency amplifi cation. Low loss condenser argu ments are often absurd when the efficiency of inductance units are considered Mrs. Andrews Paddle- i" The RADIO PHAN Talk By R. I. BARTON Just supposing! If Vice-president Dawes' Inside opinion of his "late lamented" senatorial inac tion could be broadcast well, perhaps its just as well after all! Helen Maria might sound tame after that. f Only 150 more applications for broadcasting licenses' on file but consider the situation when each booster club throughout the coun try clamors for a Class B voice. Already B. C. 18 are becoming hardened to conflicting claims that fill the air . Now why should San Francisco wish to call the world's attention to the fact that Tt o Ctlebrafe Success . By . iPAUL.WHITrMArV ewM(ltoe,wcU tfM.wvU iooi 1a&teot'KUiMti?a& buffi af. vx'aui wrjiteman win Entertain AH New York's Yotmger Set : New York City-Panl White man, best known orchestra leader in the" world, will celebrate the &ueM8 of the transcontinental concert tour he is making this ' year with a party for all the chil iren of New York City. c ! Paul Jr. ' . The genial conductor hopes to make the children's party an an nual feature, and this year, Paul "Wliiteman, Jr., ten months old, will assist his daddy in handing cat candy to the younjr guests. Music especially suited to the childish listeners will be played hf Mr. Whiteman'r own orchestra, r.nd the leader nimself. in fancy dress costume, will conduct Doo t7ack Doo " the childrens fa vorite Twpular number, over and pver, undoubtedly to tfce &;cpn- ! f L 3 . - wheel inductance is fa radically new type of k"ea low-loss induct ance unit. In measuring coil ef ficiency, the highest possible ratio of inductance t(j resistance is es- sential. In a coll oC this type the f i insulating ma terial supporting the s so placed that ab- coil winding sorption losses are almost elimin- a ted. The high! inductance value she is sitting on the s?a? Possibly It is "city by thfe sea.t' these fine difficult for a distinctions calloused ar are Pale nhs-- pi "..ipped. This 13 not a nfcw; dialect, it. is merly a sectional vieto of a well known song jas fit arrived in our town last weels from Hastings, Nebraska, punctured by that vil- i 1 Han, Code." The many friends of Vera Brady Shipman wilj bh especially inter ested in her jseifies of articles for The Country Gentleman that be gan in the February; 28th issue. This writer lot j breesy, intimate radio scketcqes has a faculty of bringing distant places and people vividly before aurjeyes. Her ar ticles in the Radio Digest and oth er publications &re, followed with interest by thousands ;of readers, i Not contejtej with! getting the east coast. Mr. peorge Riches has reached out With 5 , his Kadlola Childrems Party paniment of outbursts of applause, tor tne youngsters or ruew xorit love the jovial onductor.: " Concert Success ' ,;: Mr. Whiterlan's remarkable success in the concert field recalls . the fact that he has been first in all recent American musical en terprises. He was first to ar- ; range modern pr jazz music for an orchestra. I He was ( first to visit Europe, where he played a command . performance for the king and queenl of Great Britain, and was first giTe a concert of ; modern Ameriean music in . this country. J: .-f ; "'-'t" . ;: " Others ate now following In his footsteps and I native composers are enjoying a prestige they have never had before. v j- Mr. Whiteinan played atjthe Metropolitan pperft Christmas week before ht W probably the season's most fWn audience.5 Hiatour ip m toking him to the South and West April he will sail tot Europe. - is proven bj the fact that ,0002a mfd. variably condensers are used for tuning over the entire wave length rang.j j Figure 2 shows the Andrew Paddlewheel induct ance! as used; in the Deresadyne circuit shown in figure 1. While the fan is encouraged to build his own eet if fee desires, patent ap plications prevent the manufac ture of it. .; r; ; Super VIII Hawaiian and brought in the islands. Mr. Riches does not use any outside aerial. ; We will soon be getting base ball scores via radio The portable type of set for use in camp ; will be more popular than ever thds summer. Get yours ready! PUZZLE H IS boutnern ttiroDe rails in Line With Rest of World; ' Words. Fail ROME, larch 14. The cross word puzzle craze has reached It aly in its triumphal march from the United Stales. The engaging pastime which has made dictionaries best sellers, first took (ireat Britain by storm and then icrossed : into France where it overcame the predjudices of thousands of citizens of that nation which,1 more than any other in Europe, had been famous for its philological insularity and for its passionate insistence upon the purity of its verbal expessiveness. I Now, the fad,' disguised as "L Indovinello delle Parole Incroci ate" has crossed the Alps Into Italy and its .proponents predict confidently that nothing can stop its advance! into the heart of cen tral Europe and even into the ge ographical crazy quilt of the Bal kans where: languages and dialects abound, j 1 Foreigners In Italy had for some time interested and disturbed the natives by their peculiar antics and , jjesticAilations in front of black and white squares in foreign newspapers but it remained for a weekly nevflpaper to explain the mystery and incidentally to intro duce the cuSt. .i. That the! "parole incrociate' Is but a distapt relative of our cross word puzzlf is immediately appar ent after a literal translation of some of the ; explanatory defini tions. Here are several furnished with the second puzzle: In water I &m etroiig and gay; smiles at everyone biut rarely at him who touches it; It is pure; tolls when death appears; an immense adjec tive; always sacred; beyond the octave; reaowned for works of genius; found in Italian politics; perceptible! more luminous am I and more impalpable. In this puzzle there are eight right and left words and 13 up and down, j No word has less than four letterf and eight have eight letters each. The newspapers an nounces it-will publish a puzzle each weekand' offers 32,000 lire in prizes for accurate solutions during thefyear. : One large jltoman daily has al ready announced its intention! to publish the puzzles,, and other newspapers are said to be prepar ing to follow suit. A woman's ankle is an all-year-round target; in summer, mosqui toes; in whiter, frost. There's many a slip twixt the hip and the lip. HUNT QLjNN0BlLt t iNjGLZ Gil Rj.jD pES 5 JC R , &r3BjO jO S TQCO A R CpRjA T H M10 M nioIr aTjD Jc op p doo w a c k a d 010 av 01 nC a Jp E NS M EiNTiA S PT" SEE eIdtja c t e d ITtTr 5C1U S H ETR E dTTS ""lAlSlS ElRlTI oHL1 Here la the answer to th cross word pozzls vhicbsppard on tb BIlo sags of last Sand 17 'a Statesman. This pazzia was orifinatod by Panl Wliiteman, Amerir ca's iaxs kins. . 5 vjnldL L itCytr 3 1 i The above photograph made within the crater of Mt, Vesuvius, bows a radio reiving set equip ped with loop ? "al. rwhlng broadcitsttaKa wu a nearby Oregon Is Average i Irr Automobile Growth Motor vehicle registrations in the United States reached a total of 17,591,981 at the end of 1924, according to the bureau of pub'ie roads of the United States GeDart ment of agriculture. Mother tsnip ton's prophecy, made in 1641, that "Carriages without horses shall go " has indeed been ful filled to all the people, for at the present time there -is one -motor vehicle for every 6.4 'persons, one passenger car for every 7.3 per sons and one motor, truck for every 69.0 persons. i The reports received from the 4 8 states show a net gain in regis tration of 2.S01.045 for the year or 16.6 percent. Passenger cars increased 14.7 per cent in number while motor trucks increased at more than double this rate or 32.9 per cent, indicating rapid devel opment of commercial use of the highways, i Truck registrations increased 54. 4 per cent in Kansas and 42.4 per cent in North Dakota. j. The greatest increase in total registration is shown in the South Atlantic group of states where the increase was 21.5 per cent while the minimum is shown in the West North Central group amount ing to 10 per cenC" ' The total gross receipts from license fees amounted to $225, 492,000. Of this amount $184, 393.000 or 82 per cent is appli cable to highway work under the supervision of the state highway departments. j The registration . figures by states are as follows: Percent Total Increase : State Registration 1924 Alabama Arizona Arkansas 157,262 57,8 2 S 141,983 24.2 17.6 25.3 His Brain Rivals Encyclopaedia ' ; ; In Storing of Facts and Figttrec; f Student of All Human Sciences ' - For facts and figures. In their re lation to the progress of the human race from early times to the pres ent, physicians and sociologists, anthropologists and others engaged In scientific research find no more trustworthy source of information than Frederick I Hoffman, LL.D., consulting. statistician of the Prud ential Insurance Company of America. , . , For more than thirty years Dr. Hoffman has collected an immense amount of statistical and other In formation bearing upon every prob lem of human progress In all dir ections. He has participated In practically every health promoting effort, while always presenting new data as the result of his indefatig able research into the phenomena of human existence. Those who know Dr.' Hoffman Intimately believe that there isvno more convincing platform speaker, for his mind is a storehouse of classified and verified data, added to an extraordinary memory and sv practical viewpoint, rendering as sistance In the furtherance of ef forts to promote human life. . Reporters seeking "Information for stories, possibly on the pro portions of the human body or the difference in cranial capacity, turn to him with as much assurance as the anthropologist who wants new Information based on critical obser vations and actual research. His anthropometric investigations cov er northern Central and Sooth American Indians. Negroes, Orient als and Caucasians. He knows as well the conditions of life on our Indian reservations ' aS in the jungles of Central America, 'Peru and Bolivia. :-Y Sociologists and criminologists in need of the latest data concerning the number of. homicides and sui cides and fatal accidents in any city, state or country appeal to him for the results of bis most recent tabulations, obtained through the co-operation of health agencies and other sources everywhere. Medical men concerned with the Intrinsic intimacies or the causes or trend of disease, know that there is no one more thoroughly informed than Dr. Hoffman, particularly concern ing cancer, tuberculosis, leprosy, diabetes and many other of the numerous afflictions which curtail the longevity of the human race. If people uneasy about suggest ive symptoms of disease would only eeek ear treattneat, paxUcuUrj station. The expedition was ar ranged by Professor KocottI of Wilano who sought to determine If it were iossible to record good reception within the crater. California 1.3i9.394 19.9 Colorado 213,247 12.9 Connecticut 217.227 19.5 Delaware 35.136 17.2 District of Col. 88,762 18.6 Florida ; 195.128 (- 28T4 Georgia ! 207.688 19.4 Idaho . 69.227 11.0 Illinois 1,119.236 15.5 Indiana 651,705 11.7 Iowa 616.128 7.9 Kansas 410,891 9.4 Kentucky 229,804 15.8 Louisiana fa) 178,000 30.3 Maine " 1 127,178 17.1 Maryland i 198,298 17.2 Massachusetts ; 570,578 18.9 Michigan 867,545 18.7 Minnesota 503,437 12.3 Mississippi 134,680 29.1 Missouri ! 540,500 13.4 Montana ? 79.695 7.9 Nebraska 308.715 7.9 Kevada ; 18,118 15.4 New Hampshrre 70,932 19.0 New Jersey 504,217 17.0 New! Mexico 4 41,680 30.1 New York 1.412,879 17.3 North Carolina C02.232 22.5 North Dakota 1 117,346 7.4 Ohio 1.241,600 16.1 Oklahoma 1 369,903 20.5 Oregon j 192,615 16.1 Pennsylvania 1,228,587 17.7 Rhode Island r 95,482 25.1 South Carolina 161,753 26.9 South Dakota; 142.396 8.1 i Tennessee 204,680 1S.1 Texas 801,712 16.5 Utah L 68,316 14.8 Vermont (b) 61,179 15.9 Virginia 261.943 19.7 Washington 295,443 West Virginia 190,734 1; Wisconsin 525,2 21 14.8 Wyoming 43,639 9.6 Totals 17,591,981 1 G.; (a) Approximate. (b) Includes non-resident istrutiofis. It is a misfortune to any n: to get everything he wants. T - DR! Frederick UHoFFMAr in the ease of cancer." he said re cently, "possibly one half the 100, 000 who now die each year could probably have their lives consider ably prolonged. To escape this scourge of cancer we aro advised to adopt "modera tion in eating, smoking and tlii .i; ing, sufficient rest and recrcr.Ucn, loose clothing and- absence of worry. In one of his more recent plat form addresses. Dr. Hoffman i u..l a high, tribute to the fine character of the American Indian, whilo hiv ing a good word to say regarding native Indian dances, and. he cvt-n said that the Indian Medicine 2J-i la a personage of considerable t rC al influence which should be turned to advantage. He is strongly op posed to the - intolerant attempts to forbid TnH irn tribal dances, while he is of the opinion that the liquor Question no longer presents a very serious problem among our Indian wards. . ' . . Explaining his facility as a plat form speaker and a producer of numerous . pamphlets and mono graphs ; on .various, subjects. Dr. Hoffman once said: , It is all due to a thoroughly organised mind, coordinated to a large and 'well equipped library aided by a trained memory, ' based on actual exper ience rather than a mausoleum of geag Toocfcs &s4 dead, tieorlis," ' i I It bers of the expedition were com pelled to wear masks over thein faces to protect themselves frou the poisonous fuxues. Ford Weekly Purchase Plan Proves Success Families of moderate or limit- ed means, .who heretofore t hesit ated about purchasing cars, are coming into the automobile buy ing field in greater numbers than ever before." if records of the Ford Motor Company's Week ly Purchase plan may be taken as an indication. The plan', launched not quite two years ago, was started chief ly to give such people an oppor tunity to enjoy the benefits and pleasures of motor car transpor tation and those taking advan tage of it are growing in num bers every day. It is simple, the prospective purchaser making weekly payments of an amount best suited to his individual means, these payments becoming part of a bank account until such time as the purchaser has a suf ficient sum to take delivery of his car. Details of the operation of the plan, as just given out by the company, show from a compara tively few daily enrollments dur ing the first month, the number has steadily risen until now more than seven hundred people are enrolling every day throughout the country, a rather remarkable public endorsement of the plan. The records also, show that there are at present more than 110.000 - persons on the weekly purchase plan roll and that more iian 165,000 already Jiave re ceived their cars under-tthe plan. These figures seem to bear out -Mm irg2Miizni The new good Maxwell has won such hearty approval here and everywhere, its . popularity is a matter of comment. There can be no question that the car offers advantages never before found in a four. There are logical reasons for this advance over conventional results. First, the determination of Max well-Chrysler engineers to develop the four-cylinder principle to its fullest extent. Next, the marked and recognized advantage in experience and re sources of one of the largest and strongest quality manufacturing organizations in the industry. Towring Car Club Covpc - CIubSdan ' . Uc arm ImuJ 1 rr i si THE GENTLE The actual proceeding to be fol lowed in tuning a Neutrodyne re ceiver after the antenna ground, and all bttery connections have been properly made, is as follows: I. Insert five bard" amplifier tubes (type UV-201-A's or C-301-A's), or, in cases where dry-cell tubes are used, type UV-199 or C 299. in the five-tube sockets. . Turn the two rheostats halfway up to the right And then turn the amplifier control switch from the "off posi tion to the "medium" position. . 2. Let us assume it is desired to receive station WEAF, New York, M. Y., which transmits on a wave length of 492 meters. On examin ing the dial calibrated in station call 'etters as shown in the drawing above, it is seen that this station cor responds to a dial setting of 67 de jrces. Accordingly, set dials 2 and i of your Neutrodyne receiver at his setting and rotate dial 1 very slowly from zero to 100. Signals jvill be heard with dial 1 at a setting 'ientical with dials 2 and 3 or at a ew degrees lower. Under this con ation, rotate dials 2 and 3 indepen dently very slowly until the maxi predictions made when plan was inaugurated, that it would! exert a wide influence toward lessen ing extravagant buying with Its consequent embarrassments, and MEN WOMEN KEEP A-GOING! By Riding: a Bicycle Bicycle Riding Gives Health and ... ,c. Pleasure to the IUder Wagons Scooters Velocipedes for the Children Repairing Accessories 'i LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 COURT STREET PHONE 1687 I - I m W Q Q Furthermore, the new good Max well is truly a "manufactured'' car. The entire car, almost to the smallest detail, is built in the great Maxwell plants. " " Naturally, with all these advan tages the new good Maxwell offers higher quality and finer motor ing at a surprisingly low cost. The car's popularity means that the public has discovered this fact. To put the matter briefly, you have only to observe the growing number of new good Maxwells on the road to understand the widespread appreciation of Max well's higher quality and greater values. We are eager to prove , it ui uemonjcraaon. 4 895 Standard Ftrur-Dom SaA s j oo c $ 995 Special Four-Door Sedan . 1245 1045 All price f.o.b. Detroit, tax MJ L i x . r HW .v..v..Kn.K vi umc.jJUTmmil. flH about MaxuieU attractive plan, Maxvell dealert and superior Maxwell serv ice everywhere s v OSCAR B. GINGRICH TIRE & MOTOR CO. Salem, Oregon r. r j . N. N ... I V" Of TUNING mum signal is obtained. In any particular Neutrodyne receiver, dials 2 and 3 may read identical, but in no case should they differ by more than 1 or 2 degrees. The first or left hand dial may read identical with or lower than" dial 2. A record should now be made of the settings of this station On the log charts as follows: WEAFi 492 meters 63 66 67. After adjusting the dials for maxi mum signal strength, each of the two rheostats may be turned back ward and forwards until the maxi mum signal with clarity is heard. In general it may be said that a lower filament current is required for local or strong stations and a high fila ment current and very careful ad justment for the more distant ones. In all cases when tuning a Neutro dyne receiver, it is best to keep dials 2 and 3 always within one or two degrees of each other and they must be moved slowly, at a rate of about 2 or 3 degrees a second. Very often,, a weak signal is passed over by mov ing the dials fast One can tell if the receiver is "tuned-in" when the broadcasting station cannot be heard, by listening to the intensity; of the noises that are present. instead afford a practical means for' car -ownership in which all J,,,- members of the family can par-' ticipate. j CHILDREN Tks SuMuUrW Fwr-Oeor dn S109S . . fc. Dmtrmi , . ! rivVf 1 1 1 j