The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    " . i
Partly cloudy
Part One, Pafjea 1 to p
Twenty Pages Todajr
east and south; unsettled; rain northwest; mod
erate temperature; southerly winds; Friday
Max. 54; Min. 38; Hirer 2.6 falling; Rainfall
none; Atmosphere clear; Wind west.
Franklin High School Defeat
ed Last Night By 20 to
12 Score in Basketball
McMinnville Contenders Elim
. inated in Semi-Finals in
i Afternoon Series
Salem . defeated Franklin High
by the score of 20-12 in the final
game of the Oregon State High
School tournament yesterday eve
ning. This game makes the Salem
team the Champions of the state
and gives them ' the privilege - of
playing; in! the Northwest tourna
ment to be held soon. I -
Salem jumped Into the lead at
the first of . the game -when Ellis,
forward, scored a field goaL The
Franklin men; were unable to get
closer than 2 points to the Salem
team during the contest. Both
teams converted ai free throw in
the first period which made the
score at the end 'of the quarter
3-1 in favor of Salem.
In the second period: the scor
ing was even, both teams scoring
two baskets, Heenan and J. Drag
er scoring for Salem and Scallon
scorinr for Franklin. Th half
ended 7-5 in favor of Salem. ! !
- : ' , . Attack . Is Launched jl ';! k
Salem started an attack in the
third Quarter that netted them a
four point lead. I Although' both
teams scored in this period Salem
held their lead and the , quarter
ended 13-.9 in favor of Salem.
In. the : final:- period Salenv-Increased
their - lead a few points
and . then started to stall. Salem
opened up in the last few momenta
of play and rang in a few more
points before the end of the game.
Franklin gathered four points in
this period making the final score
20-12. r.W j. ; - ."
High. Point Men Tied .
Heenan, Salem forward, and
Scallon, Franklin forward, tied for
high point man of the game with
a total of 9 points apiece. Ellis,
Salem forward, came second with
6 points although he was closely
followed by the Salem center, J.
Drager, who gathered a total of
5 POintS. . ,J j. .t,,. ''! J. J-'-
Salem did not make a single
substitution' during ,' the i
game although Franklin
Salem blgh scored an easy win
over McMinnville high to the tune
, (Continued on pass 21 ;
Teapot Dome Lease Suit Will
Be Continued ; Monday;
j 1 interest Higfl
CHEYENNE, Wyo . March 14.
r(By AP)-The battle of Teapot
Dome will reach its" climax In
United States district court here
; : Albert B. Fall, former secretary
of the interior, who is accused by
the government of conspiracy and
fraud in connection with the lease
he gave Harry F Sinclair's Mam
moth Oil company is scheduled to
be in 'court Monday f to await the
will of government counsel for an
explanation of his now : famous
act of April 7, 1922,1 when the
lease was ucikci cu w ciuhoi.
Federal Judge T. Blake Kenne
dy, also will rule Monday on the
Question of admitting into, the ev
idence Gf the government's civil
suit to cancel the Teapot sDome
lease the bank account record of
Fall in El Paso, Texas, and Pu
eblo, Colo By. these . the govern
ment expects to trace a movement
of. Liberty bonds from the now de
funct continental . trading - com
pany of Toronto, alleged intermed
iate agents for Sinclair, to Fall.
, The defense has fought ; ; this
angle ! of the government's case
with all the legal . machinery at
iU command; declaring the bank
records to- be incompetentevi
dence because the government has
not established any connection be
tween Fall and Sinclair financially
and because the government has
not subpoenaed bank clerks who
actually. made the bank ount
$ :,,r !;' -'but r&Uisr ta!; cwr
Interstate Basketball
Tournament Plans Made i
and Champions Invited
. Announcement was -made be
tween halves of the Salem-Franklin
game , that a northwest high
school tournament would be tieid
at: Willamette university starting
March 23. The state champions
of Oregon, Idaho, Washington and
possibly California will be entered.
These are Rupert high of Idaho,
Salem high of. Oregon and Yakima
high of Washington. , : California
has no state championship tourna
ment, but it -is probable that
Piedemont high of Oakland will
be invited, j '. f
The state, ' champions of the
three' northern states were decided
last night. I Salem- won from
Franklin on. the Willamette floor;
Rupert, high won "from Moscow
high by the score of 26-16 at Mos
cow, and Yakima high won from
Clarkston high; at Seattle 19-17...
Negotiations for a' northwest
tournament have been carried on
for some time by Coach Rathburn
Of Willamette university,' but If
waa not until late Yesterday that
any definite or official informa
tion was at hand. . ,
Father of i Modern Intercol
legiate Football Dead of
Heart Disease
NEW, YORK, March 14. Wal
ter Camp,, founder of. modern in
tercollegiate ? football, died today
while sleeping in his room in the
Hotel Belmont; ' He was in his
66th year., t
: Coming to NewYork Friday af
ternoon' ur attendHbe conference
of the Intercollegiate football
rules committee .of which he was
secretary, the former. Yale player,
coach, and critic, succumbed to
angina pectoria which . overtook
him in" his bed after he had re
turned . last night . from , the com
mittee's first session at the Hotel
Pennsylvania. !, - u ; .
': The, body was found by , William
W. Roper, Princeton's head grid
iron coach and W. S. Langford ot
Trinity, who were i sent to the
Belmont by f the committee after
Mr. Camp had failed to appear
for this morning's meeting. Get
ting no response .' , to repeated
knocking at' the room' door, they
summoned hotel officials who
forced an entrance. Mr. Camp,
In his pajamas was In bed appar
ently - asleep. - An ' - examination,
however, showed that he was
dead. - ' ! . ; ; , i
The body will be taken tomorrow
to Mr. Camp's home at New Hav
en, Conn.,' the seat of the unvers
ity he served so illustriously for
many years . Walter Camp Jr.
of I New York, the great coacha
only son, and himself once a Yale
halfback, and Mr- Roper, will ac
company it. -i . . r. J
Members of. the rules commit
tee said that Mr. Camp was in, the
best of health and spirits at last
night's session. At midnight the
meeting adjourned until 9:30
o'clock this morning ; and Mr.
Camp went to his hotel.
When the time arrived for to-
(CoaUnacd oa pact t)
Two Not True Bills Returned;
All Offenses Are of Minor
Five men were indicted by the
grand Jury yesterday in a report
submitted -to Judge Percy Kelly.
Two not true bills were returned.
' Emile .Van Dame ;was charged
with non-support and : failure to
provide for a minor child. ' -. )
J. A, Walker,. for larceny of ten
cords of wood from CharJes Chris
tensen.. ; v?f -i .-: T.-"-'::. J
' William U. Smith, for assault
with-a dangerous weapon;'; He 1s
declared . to have attacked , John
Larson, of Silverton, with a club.
Albert A. Kleper, for the unlaw
ful possession of a still. ; ;
Glen -Berg. :,for larceny of 20
pounds of bacon and five chickens
front - William C- Davis.- -.,
The two not true bills were re
turned for, Lee .Ruffe, wha was
charged with breaking ; into : the
Harry V. Doe store, and Donald
Eevwsiivaccused cr-forgery,. .
- t
FI raciEO
The first official information to
be received, was. that the state
boards of the respective state high
school associations had given the
winners of their; respective tour
naments ; permission to meet at
Willamette to decide the f inter
state championship. . . .
Invitations were forwarded to
the respective stiles to the win
ners of the championships and will
probably ; be accepted , some time
today. . ; . 'r
.The Inter-state, tournament will
mean a great deal to Salem as well
as to Willamette university as it
will mean advertising of an Inter
state nature.
LOS ANGELES. March 14 Un
able to reach a verdict after a day
and a half of deliberation, the
Jury in- the. trial of Kid McCoy,
former, prize fights charged with
robbery and. assault with intent
to murder, was locked up for the
night at 10 o'clock tonight. De
liberations will be resumed at 10
o'clock tomorrow. f i. ;
C. M, Miall Appointed By
Judge Kelly to Take Charge
of Salem Fruit Uniorr t
C. M. Miall was appointed re
ceiver of the Salem Fruit union
by an order of Judge Percy Kelly
yesterday,' under motion of The
Phex company. He placed a bond
of 15.000. f
V In., an. answer to the application
for the appointment of a receiver
the Salem . Fruit union admits
that its attitude la ' such that it
cannot reasonably be ' expected to
undertake to collect the 10 cents
per crate penalty from any of the
other defendants In the case. The
answer states that "the reason for
'this attitude is . that . there is no
legal liability against any of the
growers for. the payment of said
penalty, or any other sum, to the
defendants the Salem . Fruit
Union." ; . ,
Admission is made that the
stockholders sof the. union are
handling their products through
other sources, but it is stated that
the reason for this action is that
on account of the pendency ot this
suit the credit of the Fruit Union
has been such, that it could not
handle business of that character
for its stockholders or others.
. "The Salem Fruit .Union ad
mits,"; the answer states, "that
the United States government had
made a claim against it for an in
come tax, and admits that said
claim has been partially paid, but
alleges that it did investigate and
protest .the, payment of the claim,
but that in the opinion of the
Salem Fruit union there is no
means of defeating - or , lessening
the claim except by showing that
the earnings on which said claim
is based were not in fact earnings
of the defendant, but were un
distributed portions of fruit and
berry pools which : actually be
longed to the growers Interested
in such pools, upon whom, it has
been the attitude of the defend
ants, rests the duty of taking1 the
Initiative la having the ownership
J-of said apparent earnings determ
ined." .
Offering From ; Antwerp
Commemorates 80th :
. . Anniversary .
Flowers, sent more than 10.000
miles from his old home - in Bel
gium, were presented to Sol Levy,
father of Harry Levy, Saturday by
Mayor J. B. Giesy, the occasion
being Mr. Levy's 80th birthday,
which occurs today, j The flowers
were sent from Antwerp Belgium,
by Herman Can Straiten.
The bouquet was made up of a
variety of flowers grown in Ant
werp and included a number of
tulips. 'In spite of their long trip
the flowers arrived in excellent
condition.. ?
(Harry Levy, his son. is proprie
tor of. the t:Ujet rffcet.
Preitdenti, Uayri Proffer Rc
csi; Appointment as , At
torney General if Senate
Nomination Fails ,
V0TET0 BE TAKEfi Of!:.- -
MOMDAy,-rjovy!fi doubt
Demort(ii. Senate,,, Leaders
Declare Issue Must Be.
Met Fearlessrj
President Coolldge will offer
Charles B Warren a recess, ap
pointment as attorney general in
the event that his nomination is
rejected a second, time by the sen
ate, it was announced officially, to
day at the White House. The sen
ate deferred a vote on the nomina
tion until 2:30 p. m. Monday af
ter, democratic" . leaders had de
clared the senate must meet fear
lessly and decisively the challenge
to its - constitutional authority
which they said the executive had
thrown down.
The ; White House pronounce
ment, made on the president's be
half by Secretary Sanders, came
as a complete surprise to leaders
on both sides in the senate who
had received ' word earlier in the
day that the executive, was con
sidering the selection of another
for the post. - ' ,;" - .
Reports to this effect were cir
culated generally in the chamber
after Senator Curtis, Kansas, the
republican floor leader, had re
turned from a conference with Mr.
Coolldge at the White House and
had consulted with " a "number tf
his colleagues' In an effort to ob
tain an agreement to- defer action
on the nomination until Monday. ;
Senator Warsh, democrat, Mon
tana, a leader in the opposition to
the appointment, refused, to con
sent to that arrangement and de
bate was opened.
Senator Robinson of Arkansas,
the democratic leader, declared
the president thus had challenged
the power and right of the senate
to do its duty under the constitu
tion, that of advising and consent
ing to nominations for high, of
fice. ',, ... . -. ;
"The executive must be taught
to recognize," he added, "that no
assumption must be indulged In
that this body,' in performing its
constitutional duty is transcending
its authority and violating the
rights of the executive." -
Expressing the opinion that not
in all the annals of history had
there been such a defiance of sen
ate, Senator Walsh said that body
was confronted, with the question
of whether it shall be disregarded
by the president in the future in
the matter of selection of men for
high office-.
Lee Chapin, of Willamette
4 University, Is Second in
State Contest
Lee Chapin, representing Wil
lamette university secured ' second
place in the state oratorical con
test held k Monmouth Friday
night. The Eugene Bible college
received firstplace..:
f Represntatives from most of the
leading colleges of Oregon were fn
the contest Each class of Willam
ette university sent two delegates
to the contest, and a number of
other students were present.
, Mr. Chapin has been the leading
orator of Willamette university
for a number of years, taking first
place in the old line contest held
last year in which, all- of the lead
ing colleges of the state participat
ed. .
The Willamette delgates report
that the contest was. one of the
best that has been given in the
state this year and that the deci
sion betwen Willamette and the
Eugene Bible college was close.
CHICAGO March 14. ' One
hundred and forty-eight cases of
influenza and pneumonia were re
ported in the 24 hours ending at
9: o'clock this morning, together
with IS deaths from the disease,
it was -announced by the health
department, tonight,
FosterFather ot Millionaire
Youth Chooses toRemaini
With State Attorney Than
Be Indicted
Crowe arid Corps of . Assistants
: Gritlileir. to McCUittock
' Estate ,
CHICAGO, March. 14. (By the
Associated Press.) -William D.
Shepherd r today chose to remain
in custody of the state's attorney
rather than face an immediate
charge of murder in connection
with the death from typhoid fever
of his young ward, "William N. Mc
Clintock, who willed him an es
tate of approximately $1,000,000.
' Shepherd's counsel agreed with
Robert. E. Crowe, state's attorney,
on postponement. on a writ of ha
beas corpus hearing . until next
Wednesday, Shepher meanwhile to
be detained in a downtown hotel
and permitted to see his wife and
counsel at reasonable intervals.
From his seizure on a forth
with subpoena at his Kenllworth
suburban home before 1 o'clock
this morning until his appearance
before Judge Jacob Hopkins this
afternoon. Shepherd had been Held
incommunicado and persistently
questioned by Crowe and his as
sistants.. ! . .
Shepherd said that he had made
no admissions' and that being fie
taiqed a vjlttle,hile longer could
no jnake ny difference aa, Je
had nothing to do with the death
of young McClintock. .
' He denied the statements of Dr.
C. C. Fairman, ; proprietor of a
school of bacteriology, that he had
Studied there, had taken back for
$50 a letter he had written re
garding a course, or that he had
taken three test tubes filled with
typhoid baccilll.
.In opposing Shepherd's release
on a writ of habeas corpus, Mr.
Crowe added to the court that
Shepherd was being held 'without
(Continued on pag 8)
Naval Maneuvers Declared
to Favor Neither Partic
ipant in Action
SAN DIEGO, Cal., March 14.
(By the Associated Press). Naval
maneuvers off the coast of lower
California during the two weeks
did not reach a stage where vic
tory or defeat could be assigned
to either fleet was
revealed at North Island naval air
station : today in a confer vice of
14 admirals and 400 officers.
That a battleship of the Maryland
class was theoretically sunk in the
invading black fleet by a blue de
fending submarine, and that the
submarine in turn was theoretical
ly destroyed by the division flag
ship West Virginia was indicated
by the analysis ' of action developed.".-':;'-;
. --: ;t
i Airplanes and submarines con
tacted on the scouting linear a' blue
submarine spotting a black, air
plane, while black airplanes like
wise reported having sighted blue
submarines. There Were ho en
gagements, between the undersea
and the aircraft.
, The 'scout cruisers missed the
- : f eatiaae a ysg 8) -
AlUState Highschool
Hoop jeam Hamea
The selection of an all-state
high school basketball- team
was entered into last night with
the following results: Scallon
of Franklin and Ellis ot Salem,
forwards; , J. . Drager. Salem,
center; Milllgan,' Eugene.? and
Anderson, Astoria, guards.'
- Another selection made ear
lier in the evening, but not au
thentic was as followai- Scal
lon, Franklin, and Heenan, Sa
lem, forwards; Ji Drager, Sa
lem, centers White? Medford,
and Milllgan, Eugene, guards.
Constructive Move of
Great Importance Made
by League of Nations
GENEVA, ( March 14. (By the
AP.) Closing the most important
meeting in Its history with what
is generally admitted to be a con
structive move of great signifi
cance for future harmony in Eu
rope, the league of nations council
adjourned tonight after express
ing a sincere wish to see Germany
associated in its labors by Joining
the league and thus play in' the
organization of peace a part cor
responding lor Germany's position
in the world.
If the -council . was : unable, to
approve Germany's request for an
exceptional ' place in connection
with the ' obligations, imposed, by
the covenant it did, by voicing the
above sentiment, pay lifer a great
and " unprecedented honor, for ho
country has ever been bid to take
a seat in the league and a place
around the council table. Everybody-
agrees : that Germany can
bate a permanent seat in the coun
cil. '
Today's action is deemed sig
nificant because it represents the
Charges Hurled Across the
Chamber Over Internal
Revenue Investgation -
.WASHINGTON, March . 14.
Smouldering bitterness in the sen
ate over the internal revenue bu
reau investigation broke into
flame today with senators hurling
charges against .each other across
a crowded chamber and one fin
ally asking the privilege of calling
another 'a "wilful,, malicious - and
wicked liari': ; ;f ;-v ; :.
. .The-request,; made by Senator
Ernst, republican, Kentucky, Came
as a climax to a sizxling debate
in which that senator, who, Is a
member of the committee; Chair
man Couzens, and Senator Glass,
democrat, Virginia, a former sec
retary of the treasury, were the
The senate was thrown into an
uproar which lasted- for several
minutes during which there was
doubt as to the identity of, the
senator at whom Mr. Ernst desired
to hurl his epithet. . Thinking that
reference was to him, since he had
just concluded his speech. Senator
Glass advanced across the cham
ber toward the Kentucky senator
with a demand that he name his
man. . " .. - .
Senator : Robinson. - Arkansas.
the democratic leader, drowned
out both senators with a demand
to present a point ot order ; and
meantime taking a position be
tween the Kentucky and Virginia
senators. -'
Senator Ernst finally was taken
off his feet, but the hubbub con-
(Contlnad on pC 2)
Whistle May : Blow at 10
o'Clock Year Around; Up
to City Council
-Of Interest to the younger gen
eration of Salem will be the pro
posed change of the curfew law,
which will be presented to the
city council Monday night. An
ordinance providing for a much
needed change is already in the
hands of the city attorney and is
ready for presentation.
.; At present the city curfew or
dinance requires that young peo
ple under the : age of 1 8 years
mult be off the streets of the city
by 9 o'clock in the evening be
tween September 1 and April" 30,
and after 10 o'clock from May 1
until August 31.
The proposed, changes provided
in the new ordinance Will change
the curfew hour to 10 o'clock, the
whole year round. ' i f
I This change U made by the con
flict that has arisen because of
the meetings held by schools and
Churches. Most of the meetings
are closed a few minutes before
and after-9 o'clock and many of
the young people are unable to
make their, way home before the
curfew whistle. sounded. . The
new change will give all an op
portunity to reach, home, before
IS? ?Ut?3 t7tifr ' f. "
first word addressed to Germany
by the allies on a basis of perfect
equality. .
Germans here, following the
council, proceedings, are openly
pleased at the phraseology of the
letter which the council has sent
to the Berlin government.. Though
the document fails to share Ber
lin's, views that, because of her
enfeebled- military condition she
is exempt from the sanctions duly
fixed by the covenant, the hope
was expressed tonight that the
conciliatory tone of the note will
enable Germany to find, a road
leading to the league which does
not involve sacrifice either of her
national pride or what she con
ceives to be her national inter-H
The next act in the internation
al play, the desired climax .-hich
is the discovery of a solution Jo
thr great problem of security will
be presented at Paris, for thither
many statesmen are bound to
morrow to confer with Premier
Herriot on the problem of a pact
and guarantees.
Motor Bus. Associations At
tack Heavy Fee Placed
Upon Carriers
Preliminary steps on the refer
endum of house bill 413, the buss
measure as it is known,, were
taken Saturday when representa
tives of the Oregon Motor Stage
association asM the Auto Freight
Transportation association filed
petition forms with the secretary
of state.
Upon approval of these by the
attorney general, the next step
will be to Circulate these, the
names being required by May 27.
. The petition will have the effect
of Btopping the enforcement of
the law until the next general elec
tion after the people of the state
have had an opportunity to regis
ter their-views.
. In the meanwhile, it la under
stood, the bill will be attacked on
the ground that it is unconstitu
tional. - ' . . -. - ; ; , :
In brief, the measure in ques
tion places a heavy fee upon motor
busses and freight trucks operat
ing between fixed terminals and
also places these under the juris
diction Of the public service com
mission as are other utilities of a
similar nature. Because ot the
high fees, motor bus men declare
that the rates are almost confis
catory. The bill was bitterly op-,
posed during the legislature but
backed by the railroads, who held
that ' unless the carriers on the
highways were forced to pay their
share of maintenance as the rail
roads are the railroads would be
forced out of business.
Rum Runners to Have , Little
Privacy on High Seas,
. .Department Says
: SEATTLE, March 14. Purport
ed rum running ships leaving Brit
ish Columbia waters are no longer
allowed privacy on the high seas,
due to- United States coast, guard
cutters unofficially acting as con
voys southward along the Ameri
can coast, Capt. F. G. Dodge, coast
guard , commander of the, pacifie
northwest district, declared here
today on the return of the cutter
Snohomish, from Vancouver, B.C
Th Snohomish was asked to
watch the steamer "Stadacona--after
she loaded 11,000 cases of
liquor at Vancouver, according to
Capuin Dodge. When the Stada
cona sailed with clearance 'for a
Mexican- port, the Snohomish he
companied her- la a friendly man
ner. "The commander of the cut
ter reported that the Stadacona
employed every ruse to elude the
convoy and ' only succeeded by
steaming - 30 miles seaward and
continuing southward. The Sno
homiah turned the watch over to
another coast guard vessel below
the mouth of the Columbia river
and returned to Seattle, the com-
Ganr tail,
of rhi
Fred Swartz,. 40, Is Killed
By Premature Explosion
While Blowing Stumps
Saturday Horning
Death. Arouses Suspicions of
Investigating Officers; to
Be Held tlxmday
. Fred Swartz, 4 8, a farmer liv
ing about 12 miles south of Sa
lem, was killed, by a dynamite ex
plosAjn. early, Saturday-morning
while engaged , in blowing out
stumps... The blast struct, him in
the abdomen, killing; him instant
ly and. badly mangling his .body.
An Inquest will beheld Monday to
learn, if possible, the cause of the
Several officers who viewed the
remains expressed the opinion that
it might have been suicide,, while
other events of the - past, fsw
months are regarded as suspicious
and the foul play theory, is advanc
ed. The premature explosion t
a charge he was placing is accept
ed at present as the cause ot his
death.- ... , i
Swartz -is survived by his wife
and two children.. Miriam, 22.. and.
a son, 13 years old. The body
was taken in charge by Coroner
Lloyd T. Rigdon.
- According to the story told by
Mrs. Swartz to Coroner RIgdon,
District Attorney, John . Carson,.
Sheriff. Oscar Bower and Deputy
Sheriff. Bert Smith, Mr. Swart
prepared special . fuses for hlj
blasting, operations Fridays nighf
In order t get the work trot of the
way hefore heavy traffic: thronged
the' highway- Saturday morning.
The blasting-was done close to- the
highway and along a fence. - In
order to Insure a quick shot after
ascertaining if the highway was
clear, Swartz had placed the fuses ,
on sticks about four feet long, pre
pared with a cap and five-inch
fuses. After boring a hole be
neath the stump the fuse was then
lighted and the stick thrust down
the hole, giving him About 20 sec
onds to get away.
If a defective fuse was used, or'
one of this nature substituted, the
time elapsing between the lighting
ofnhe fuse, and the blast would
not be sufficient to enable him to
get away.
- As a result of the death of
Swartz, criminal proceedings insti
gated by Swartz against Oeorge
Slaughter, a neighbor. Will be
quashed. r Swartz charged undue
intimacy. ' Since the alleged sep
aration, Swarts and bis wife had
been living together.
' About a year ago Hugh Kuen
zil, a brother-in-law, was found
dead In his barn; a bullet hole in
his head, the wound being in such
position as to make suicide prac
tically impossible. . Neighbors
blamed Swartz for the affair at
the time in a special letter to the
governor, but. a coroner's rerdict
was that of suicide. An effort was
made by means of a petition di
rected at the Marion county grand
Jury to have- the Investigation re
opened, but this fell by the way
side later?, ; i - .
Swartz was known as an expert
powderman and had been accus
tomed to using the short fuses In
his work. -The inquest-will bring
out anything that tends to show
that-these, had been tampered with
in any form. Funeral arrange
ments have not been completed.
Wilder S. Mctcalf of Kansas:
was nominated to be commission
er of pensions.
' Hoffman Philip of New York,
minister, of Uruguay, was nomia-
aiea to oe minister to rersia.
The senate put Off until Mon
day a vote on the nomination cZ
Charles B. Warren to be attorney
The senate experienced storm;"
scenes in a debate over the con
troversy between Secretary "Mellon'
and Senator Couzens cf Liichisas.
President Coolld??, it wa5 na!
known at, the :Vhit8 lie. , v i.
offer Charles B. Warren a re.,
appointment if the senate fa!' 3 t
mPsn fci-1 o n& t: Zi ' . ,