The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 14, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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Visits City With Czecho-Sfo-vak
Party; Comes From
One ot the women tn the Czecho
slovak party which visited in Sa
lem yesterday for a lew hours be
fore proceeding to Portland was so
pleased by the Willamette valley
and especially with the condition
near -Salem that ahe has decided to
- come to this state to make - he
home, according to the announce
: ment made yesterday by Dr. E,
Norrta, of Springfield, Maaa.
-. Dr. Norria has been traveling
i with the Chicago party of her
countrymen daring the past three
' weeks. " She -has also been accom
'. pan led on the Crip by her mother,
Mrs. J. Palecek. - -. - f-y ;- L. il.
The party struck the snow line
In the mountains when they wert
; at a height of about 4,000 feet and
' acute '-suffering -tegolted.. There
was a change, however, when they
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came to this part of the state and
it did ; not take Dr." Norris very
Ions to make up'her mind to settle
in the Willamette valley in or
nearby Salem. "
i Editorials of rtrre eopfe
W , 1 -
State fenforcemcht Ilet
Editor. Statesman; '
State enforcement of -prohibition
accomplishes j better results
with more unified and coordinated
precision than county enforcement.
Bootleggers 1n and near Albany
plied their Illegal traffic without
public interference until a state
prohibition officer chanced along
and uncovered the whole affair.
Not only In Albany, but also in
Portland, ;i where 5 men had been
shipping large consignments in
closed in bales of moss. The en
tire ring was placed under arrest,
j. State supervision of prohibition
enforcement is more uniform than
county enforcement. Sympathetic
local officers are sometimes reluc
tant In executing their official
duties in prohibition enforcement.
State officers have the advantage
of having ho such duties to per
form on life-long friends.
m; Since ; state '? officers are fre
quently transferred from one lo
cality to another, they are not so
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TALE1S about it were -as numerous as its dark, broken
windows. Oaks shadowed it thickly ; winds sucked
through its halls. The shutters sagged and were ivy
eaten the windows giving in to an emptiness at once
foreboding, dreadful. . '
'Excitement ran agog when the place was bought.
School children huddled to watch the rooms , renovated.
A sigh swung out: Sto'p here for tea." Lights sprang
up. It became a frequent pleasure to drop in of evenings.
In time, the towns-people loved the place. The inviting
sign, the cleanliness, the light banished fear.
Malny a product you didn't know and might not have
trusted, has become intimate to you through the clearness
of advertising, j Family standbys in your medicine chest,
baking powders, extracts products that might endanger
"if less than pure-you know to be pure because widely
advertised. You are sure of their quality, wherever you
buy. ; You feel safe in using them -in using any product
that invites, through advertising, the test that proves its
Avoi'th. Your one-time fear is now a willing confidence.
Mi. .a m ; .1 f .
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Read the advertisements to rccognize "products
that are Worthy of your confidence
Stock Salesman Fails toPro-
vide $500 After Arrest ;
i at Woodburn ;
i L, B. Simons, stock salesman
representing the 'National Life
Preserver company of New York,
was landed back of the 'ba'rB of
the county jail when he failed to
raise a lail of 500 "which the Jus
tice court of Woodburn had -demanded.
He was brought to Sa
lem by Deputy Sherff f Bert Smith,
i About $200 worth of stock had
been. "Bold In Woodburn, 'according
to evidence, and a larger amount
in Portland, with part of the
money paid it, the balance to be
given when the stocks were de-;
livered. The stock was not
turned over by Salmons, who mere
ly (made representations of where
he could get the necessary papers.
The man did not possess the
'necessary stock salesman's license
and did not have any shares of the
stock upon his person. He was
armed, however, Vith photographs
of the life -preserver which was to
be the means om saving passen
gers when In danger of drowning.
They-were to crawl inside the
suit. In addition- he hdd a pad
of applications for stock, which
stated the "Company' was capital
ized at $3,000,000. Simons, well
dressed, apologized because, he
could not raise the $300 neeessary
for his "release. . , I
prone to become well known to the
bootlegger. That Is another point
in favor of "state enforcement.,"
i Why not do away with county
enforcement, which !is now con
ceded to "be "a failure, " a'hd sup
plant it with state enforcement,
which has been successful and Uni
form throughout the state?
Corvallis, Ore., March ,12, 1925.
I (Contlnntd from pse 1) "
!.-"""" "": - . ;
second trip proved to be a false
alarm and the job was gone. The
final effort to find work ended
with the same "results as the first
trip. , ' - .
r And regarding basketball, just
ask "any of the players on the As
toria, Hood River, "Pendleton or
Arago teams what they think
about Friday the Thirteenth. Sa
lem, Eugene, Franklin and Mc-
MInnville well, that Is a different
:story. ; ' " '
: Modern fiction corers more sins
than charity.
! Friends and money give out
about the same time.
'Ot two "evils, the best looking
Is uaually chosen.
1 He who loves and runs away at
least escapes alimony.
' Economy is one of the finest
arts except when it Is compul
sory. In prize fighting the object is
not so much to knock your op
ponent out as to keep him from
beaning you. -
Hez'Heck says: "Nobody in this
world "Is "Bo slosely watched as
Hon. T. B. Kay and Supt,
f Crawford Are Scheduled
. ... to Be Present
5 "Flax rally at Aurora, March
14, 8 p. m., IOOF hall!" Thus
screams a headline across the top
of the front page of the Aurora
Observer of Thursday. It goes on
to say the 'following:
; "Hear the truth about flax. How
it is grown, by . a veteran flax
grower. How it is retted and
scutched, by the state superintend
ent of flax. How it will be made
and Its commercial possibilities,
by Thos. B. Kay, our state treas
urer -a successful weaver of wool,
and to be a more successful weaver
of flax. Come to Aurora, March
14, 8 p. m. Lunch served after
the meeting. "Mr. Farmer, get In
a crop where there is no possibil
ity of an over-production or slump)
in prlce. - Aurora Community
' What's the use of talking about
women's 'place being in the
home rocking the cradle when
cradles have gone out ot fashion.
"Women have : taken their places
with men because it is the work
of the world, and they are doing
their share. That's all there is to
It. : - . ;- ".-. "
' fITf IPITt
Delegation of West Salem
Citizens Seeking Method
to Annex to Salem
It appears that West Salem will
truly be a part of Salem, accord
ing to the activities started by a
delegation of residents of West
Salem. They desire that their city
be a part of the capital ' city and
kfe endeavoring to hare favorable
action taken on the matter.
Members of the delegation. F.
fc. Heedham, W. D. Phillips, N. O.
Burns, Dr. Patterson and Arthur
Wonro aifiil nnon f!itv Recorder
Poulsen yesterday in order to gain
Information as to how they should
start about getting into -Salem.
Interviews have been arranged
with Mayor J. B. jGiesy and with
Various members" of the 'l city
council. .
Whether it Is necessary to annex
that portion of Polk county which
West Salem Is located on is not
decided. Carl Pope, city attorney
for West Salem, has not Invest!
gated that point, but if the Salem
residents are favorable to the ap
plication these points will be re
moved. I
AH depends upon the action to
be shown by the city council.
Previdus action bas been taken
by residents to have ' the district
a part of Salem last November,
but action was started too late and
the matter was dropped.
River Man Drops Suit for
Large Insurance Claims
C. F. Schaub, owner of the river
boat Relief, i which went to the
bottom of the Willamette river
during the cold freeze, has chang
ed his mind and is now suing only
for the cost of raising the boat and
putting It back into good shape.
His original claim was for $20,000.
The insurance company raised
the boat from the river and in
tended to put her into condition
for service, but the captain de
manded the entire sum for which
the boat was insured. This gave
rise to a serious controversy be
tween the captain and the insur
ance company. Globe & Rutgers
Fire Insurance company, who bad
insured the vessel under terms
conforming with English law.
According to rumor, tlje counter
suit against the river man was
brought to force, him Into terms,
the , insurance company never
thinking they - could prove he
showed criminal neglect in allow
ing the Relief to go to the bottom
of the river. 'The case is to come
up for trial in the federal court in
Portland, after being postponed
from March 2 until a later date.
Silverton 0AC CUib ttas
Meeting; Beets Officers
; SILVERTON, (March 13. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) The Sil
verton OAC club met for its an
nual election of officers Wednes
day night. Theodore Hobart Was
elected president; Harold Larson,
vice president; Miss Louise Fisch
er, secretary treasurer . 'j
Salem Public Library
The Way of All Flesh, Samuel
Butler; The Lantern on the Plow,
G. A. Chamberlain; The Black
Dog, A- E. Coppard; These Charm
ing People, Kuyjian (Michael Ar
len) ; The Peasants Autumn and
Winter, W. S. Reymontr Plupy
and Old J. Albert. H. A. Shute;
The Real Diary of a Real Boy, H.
A. Shute; The Rose Dawn, S. E.
White; Stammering: It's Cause
and CurerB. N. Bogue; Dynamos
and Dynamo Design, International
Correspondence Schools; Forest
Mensuration, H. S. Graves;1 For
est Regulation, Filibert Roth; SIH
viculture, Sir William Schlich;
Forest Management, Sir William
Schlich; Stereotomy, French &
Ives; Modern Plumbing Illustra
ted, R. M. Starbuck; Let's Play,
Edna Geister; Games for Every-
Ghocolate Butter
Light and Dark Coated,
Regular Price 75c Lb. t
Special for Saturday
and Sunday only
36c lb.-, 2 lbs. for 70c
Limit 2 lbs. to Customer
No Phone or IelJvery
-The Yellow FrOnt"
The Penslar Store
135 North Commercial
Phone 137
'M . ' x -
' n n 1 1
body, lil. C. Hofmann; Compoi-tionnn-Rhetoric,
Brook3 & Hub
liard ; The Best Short Stories of
1D24, O'Brien; Taking the Liter
ary Pulse. Joseph Collins; Journal
of First Voyage to America, Chris
topher Columbus.. '
For the Children
The Last of the Mohicans, J.
'F. Cooper; Boys of St. Timothys,
A. S. pier; Tales ot the Red Chil
dren, Brown & Bell; Boys Games
Among the North American In
Sold (for a limited time) "for one dollar down and easy 'payments 'on -the
balance without interest. Just select the range best suited for. your nccdsj
pay one dollar and we will deliver and set it up for you. Yes and we'll take
the old range as part payment. . '
STOP IN, THE STORE Select Your Range, pay one dollar, leare your
key and when you get home a nice new Range will have taken the ulacc
of the old range. ; ' t ?
Your '
that assure
economical operation
your motor
Associated scrip, sold at a discount, is
accepted in: payment for Associated Gasoline
by all Associated Service Stations and
dealers selling Associated Gasoline
Associated Oil Company
dians, Edith Stow; Two Arrows;
V. C Stoddard.
(Continued from pg 1)
the ; penitentiary . November , 27,
1915, to serve from one to 10
years. Paroled October 6, 1923.
Cecil Ledgett Convicted in
Morrow county for "burglary and
received at -the penitentiary De
Delivers Thm
i i ll -
t ' ' 1 - i
Any of Our Standard
i . ' . ,
". iv 77 court
Trade in Your Range or
cember 16, 1923, to serve one
year. Paroled May 10, 1924.
Clarence McDade Convicted in
Jackson county for assault -while
armed with a dangerous weapon
and received ' at the penitentiary
November 19, 1920, to serve 11
yearsParoled December 13, 1922.
- Pete Chauez Convicted in Har
ney county for larceny, of horses
and received at the penitentiary
October 5, 1923, to serve one year.
Paroled March 10, 1924.
We Charge
No - .
' n
sr IV
s. t